Agenda - BoardDocs, a Diligent Brand...Pomona Unified School District . Education Center Board Room...

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Transcript of Agenda - BoardDocs, a Diligent Brand...Pomona Unified School District . Education Center Board Room...


Regular Meeting of the Board of Education Pomona Unified School District

Education Center Board Room 800 South Garey Avenue, Pomona, CA 91766

Via teleconference at Dechert, LLP, 1900 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20006-1110

December 11, 2019

Public records related to the public session agenda that are distributed to the Governing Board less than 72 hours before a regular meeting, may be inspected by the public at the Education Center, 800 South Garey Avenue, Pomona, California. Call to Order 5:00 p.m. Roll Call

Frank Guzman President Adrienne Konigar-Macklin Vice President

Roberta A. Perlman Member Jason A. Rothman Member

Andrew S. Wong Member

Closed Session 5:35 p.m. A. Announcement of Closed Session Items

1. Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Retirement Pursuant to California Government Code section 54957(b)(1) (4 Cases: 19-020-011; 19-020-012; 19-020-013; 19-020-014)

2. Conference with Labor Negotiator Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54957.6 – Name of Agency Negotiator: Deputy Superintendent of Human Resources – Name of Employee Organization: Associated Pomona Teachers, California School Employees Association, Chapter 14, and Pomona Administrators, Classified Management and Confidential Employees Association

3. Public Employee Performance Evaluation Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 Title of Position: Superintendent

B. Public Comment on Closed Session Items C. Adjourn to Closed Session

Agenda – Board of Education Page 2 December 11, 2019

Closed session may be held in either the Board Room or the Superintendent’s Conference Room

1. Opening Business 6:00 p.m. 1.01 Reconvene to Regular Session

1.02 Pledge of Allegiance 1.03 Date and Time for Annual Organizational Meeting for Election/Designation of Board of Education Officers and District Representation 1.04 Announcement of Action Taken in Closed Session 1.05 Board Oral Communications and Opening Comments 1.06 Superintendent’s Comments - Corrections or Additions to the Agenda

1.07 Associated Pomona Teachers’ Representative Comments 1.08 California School Employees’ Association Representative Comments

1.09 Audience Comments 2. Information Items/Presentations

2.01 Superintendent Oral Communications on Agenda Items 2.02 Recognition of Student Representative to the Board of Education 2.03 Approval of Minutes for the Regular Board Meetings of October 16, 2019, and November 13, 2019

3. Consent Calendar (Consent Calendar includes items 3-8 listed below. All of these

items will be considered and voted on together unless specifically removed for individual consideration.)

3.01 Oral Communications on Consent Calendar Items Only 3.02 Consent Calendar

4. Educational Services

4.01 Adult & Career Education Career Technical Education Program Names and Required Hours

4.02 Approval of School Plans – School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) 2020

4.03 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignments 4.04 Classified Personnel – Special Assignments 4.05 Professional Meeting Attendance 4.06 Other Personnel – Consultant Services 4.07 Amendments

5. Human Resources Certificated Personnel

5a.01 Resignations 5a.02 Leaves of Absence and Intermittent Leaves of Absence (with or without pay) 5a.03 Catastrophic Donation of Illness Days 5a.04 Changes of Assignment, Salary or Status 5a.05 Elections 5a.06 Election – Substitute Teachers 5a.07 Salary Reclassifications 5a.08 Coaches 5a.09 CIF Coaching

Agenda – Board of Education Page 3 December 11, 2019

Certificated Personnel (Continued) 5a.10 Master Teachers 5a.11 Special Assignment – Elementary Combination Class 5a.12 Special Assignment – Sixth Period 5a.13 Special Assignment – Special Education 5a.14 Special Assignment – Special Education – Home & Hospital Program 5a.15 Special Assignment – Unit Leaders 5a.16 Release of Substitute Teacher 5a.17 Rescissions 5a.18 Amendments Classified Personnel 5b.01 Death of Employee 5b.02 Resignations 5b.03 Leaves of Absence and Intermittent Leave of Absence (with or without pay) 5b.04 Catastrophic Leave and Donation of Illness/Vacation Hours 5b.05 Changes of Assignment, Salary or Status 5b.06 Elections 5b.07 Temporary Assignments 5b.08 Bilingual Stipends 5b.09 Education Stipends 5b.10 Health Care Stipends 5b.11 Special Education – Special Assignment 5b.12 Amendments Non-Classified Personnel 5c.01 Elections 5c.02 Release of Substitutes and Non-Classified Employees 5c.03 Amendment

6. Position Control

6.01 Certificated – Establishment of Fund for Position: Assistant Principal, Alternative Education

6.02 Certificated – Establishment of Fund for Position: Resource Teacher 6.03 Certificated – Establishment of Fund for Position: Teacher, Early Head Start

- Temporary 6.04 Certificated – Establishment of Fund for Position: Teacher on Assignment 6.05 Classified – Establishment of Fund for Position: Elementary Campus

Supervisor 6.06 Classified – Establishment of Fund for Position: Custodian-Certified 6.07 Classified – Establishment of Fund for Position: Student Support Specialist

7. Business Services

7.01 Fiscal Operations: Report of Warrants and Purchase Orders 7.02 Fiscal Operations: Budget Transfers 7.03 Fiscal Operations: Budget Adjustment No. 3 7.04 Fiscal Operations: Approval of Change Orders 7.05 Fiscal Operations: First Interim Report – 2019-20 Certification of Financial


Agenda – Board of Education Page 4 December 11, 2019

Business Services (Continued) 7.06 Acceptance of Gifts and Donations 7.07 Approval of State of California State & Federal Surplus Property Program –

Resolution No. 15 7.08 Authorization to Use Multi-Year Bids – 2019-20 Fiscal Year (Master

Agreements) Hamel Interiors, Inc.) 7.09 Business Services: Amendments 7.10 Memorandum of Understanding: Child Care Resource Center 7.11 Fiscal Agreement Amendment: Advancement Through Opportunity and

Knowledge, Incorporated dba Children Youth and Family Collaborative 7.12 Fiscal Agreement: Amendment: Pear Deck, Inc. 7.13 Fiscal Agreement: Amendment: SeeSaw Learning, Inc. 7.14 Fiscal Agreement: California Highway Patrol: Every 15 Minutes Program

(Pomona) 7.15 Fiscal Agreement: CORE Districts Data Use Agreement 7.16 Fiscal Agreement: Don Johnston, Incorporated 7.17 Fiscal Agreement: Norm Hull dba Norm Hull & Associates

8. General

8.01 Proposed Revisions to Administrative Regulations: AR 4221/4321 Non- Classified Substitutes (First Reading)

9. Special Action Items

9.01 Oral Communications on Special Action Items Only 9.02 Public Hearing on and Adoption of California School Employees Association’s Initial Proposal for Reopener Negotiations to Pomona 9.03 Public Hearing on and Adoption of Pomona Unified School District’s

Negotiations Reopener Proposal to the California School Employees Association and Appointment of District’s Negotiations Collective Bargaining Representatives

10. Open Oral Communications 10.01 Audience Comments

10.02 Board and Superintendent Oral Communications and Concluding Comments 11. Continued Closed Session (If necessary)

11.01 Re-adjourn to Continue Closed Session 11.02 Reconvene to Open Session 11.03 Announcement of Action Taken in Closed Session

Next Board Meeting: Regular Board Meeting – Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. 12. Adjournment

12.01 Adjournment 12.02 Note to Members of the Audience

Agenda – Board of Education Page 5 December 11, 2019

Note to Members of the Audience

Addressing the Board To address the Board of Education, please do the following:

1. Complete a "yellow" form, available on the hallway table outside the Board Room, and present it to the either the Assistant Superintendent or the secretary before the meeting begins.

2. When called by the Board President, approach the lectern, state your name and address if you wish, and direct your remarks to the Board.

You do not have to provide your name, address, school, or organization in order to address the Board. If you choose not to provide this information, the Assistant Superintendent or secretary will assign you a number that will be called when it is your turn to speak. You will be allowed three minutes to address the Board. A maximum of twenty 20 minutes may be allowed for public presentations on any one subject. Distributing Materials If you have materials for Board members, please give those materials to the secretary who will present the materials to Board members. Resolving Complaints For efficient handling of complaints, please obtain a complaint form from the secretary, fill it out, and either return it to the secretary or mail it to the Superintendent’s Office, Pomona Unified School District, 800 South Garey Avenue, Pomona, CA 91766. Maintaining Orderly Meetings Government Code Section 54957.9 authorizes the Board to maintain order at its meetings. No boisterous, disorderly, or disruptive conduct will be permitted. The Board may order that individuals be removed or that the entire room be cleared if necessary to maintain order. Individuals not participating in the disturbance may be allowed to remain or return at the discretion of the Board. Members of the media not participating in the disturbance will be permitted to remain. Announcing School Board Meetings Board Agendas are available for review at least 72 hours before each meeting (Gov. Code § 54954.2(a)) at the following locations:

• Education Center, 800 South Garey Avenue, Pomona • Pomona Public Library, 625 South Garey Avenue, Pomona • Diamond Bar Public Library, 21800 Copley Dr., Diamond Bar • Adult and Career Education Office, 1515 West Mission Boulevard, Pomona Board Agendas are also available outside the Board Room on the evening of each meeting. Upon request, this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with disabilities, as required by Section 202 of the American Disabilities Act of 1990. Any individual needing special accommodations should directly contact the Office of the Superintendent at least 72 hours before the meeting.

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10/16/19 1

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education Pomona Unified School District

Education Center Board Room 800 South Garey Avenue, Pomona

Via teleconference at Hilton Toronto, 145 Richmond St., W, Toronto, ON M5H 2L2, Canada

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 4:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Frank Guzman, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:10 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Frank Guzman, President; Adrienne Konigar-Macklin, Vice President; Roberta A. Perlman, Andrew S. Wong. Jason Rothman joined the meeting via teleconference at 5:19 p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Richard Martinez, Superintendent Darren Knowles, Deputy Superintendent, Human Resources Lilia Fuentes, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services Sandra Garcia, Assistant Superintendent and Chief Business Officer, Business Services Fernando Meza, Assistant Superintendent, Pupil & Community Services Oliver Unaka, Public Information Officer Stacey Wilkins, Administrative Director, Innovation and Improvement Officer OTHERS PRESENT Jim C. Moore, Attorney, Mundell, Odlum & Haws, LLP CLOSED SESSION ITEMS

1. Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Retirement Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54957 (b)(1) (4 Cases: 19-020-008; 19-020-004; 19-020-009; 19-020-010)

2. Conference with Labor Negotiator Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54957.6 – Name of Agency Negotiator: Deputy Superintendent of Human Resources – Name of Employee Organization: Associated Pomona Teachers, California School Employees Association, Chapter 14, and Pomona Administrators, Classified Management and Confidential Employees Association

3. Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.8 – (1) APN 8322-023-901 (Tower), (2) 8358-035-908 to 915, 918, 925, 928 to 929, 935 to 936, 939, and portions of 917, 922 to 923, 926, 937 to 938, and 940 to 941 (Dudley), and (3) 8344-033-901 through 905 with a portion of 902 (Rio Rancho): Agency Negotiator(s): Superintendent; Assistant Superintendent/Chief Business Officer negotiations

4. Public Employee Performance Evaluation Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 Title of Position: Superintendent

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PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS: None ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION: 5:15 p.m. 1 OPENING BUSINESS 6:00 p.m. Information: 1.01 Reconvene to Regular Session: 6:43 p.m. Information: 1.02 Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Cadet/Sergeant First Class Sandra Ibarra, Cadet/Sergeant First Class Tania Luna and Cadet/Staff Sergeant Michelle Rodriguez from Ganesha High School. Information: 1.03 Action Taken in Closed Session: Mr. Moore said under Agenda Item 1 employee discipline case #19-020-009. By a vote of 4-0 the Board made a decision in favor of suspension and dismissal. Final Resolution: Motion Carries Yea: Frank Guzman, Adrienne Konigar-Macklin, Roberta Perlman, and Andrew Wong Absent: Jason Rothman Regarding employee case #19-020-008 and #19-020-010, the Board voted in favor with separate votes of 4-0. Final Resolution: Motion Carries Yea: Frank Guzman, Adrienne Konigar-Macklin, Roberta Perlman, and Andrew Wong Absent: Jason Rothman Information: 1.04 Board Oral Communications and Opening Comments: The Board of Education members gave their opening comments and announcements. Information: 1.05 Superintendent's Comments - Corrections or Additions to the Agenda The following items were pulled from the Agenda: Agenda Item # 5a.02- Certificated Personnel – Abandonment of Position, pulled. Agenda Item # 5a.16 – Certificated Personnel – Special Assignment – Unit Leaders, pulled Section B, #2 only. Agenda Item # 6.03 – Certificated – Establishment of Fund for Position: School Site Specialist, pulled. Agenda Item # 6.13 – Classified – Establishment of Fund for Position: School Community Liaison, pulled. Agenda Item # 7.10 – Facilities Agreement: American Engineering Laboratories, Inc. (Lexington ES), pulled. Agenda Item # 7.12 – Facilities Agreement: Carey Klingfus dba California Construction Services (Lexington ES), pulled. Agenda Item # 8.04- 2019-2020 Organizational Chart for Pomona Unified School District, pulled.

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Information: 1.05 Staff Report: Mrs. Silvia San Martin, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, PreK-Elementary gave a presentation regarding the California Dashboard and the local indicators. The Dashboard is released in December and the district is required to report at a Board meeting prior to posting. All the metrics have one of three categories for performance levels which are met, not met or not met for two or more years. Mrs. San Martin said she is happy to report that all five indicators have been met. Dr. Perlman inquired about the results release date. Mrs. San Martin said they start releasing the data in early December and into January 2020. Information: 1.05 Staff Report: Mr. Martinez introduced Barry Dragon and Colleen Patterson from Eric Hall and Associates who gave an update on the Budget Advisory Committee. Mr. Dragon thanked the committee and community members for their dedication in assisting the district in this difficult effort, to optimize the facilities utilization due to declining enrollment. He said the two committees comprised of staff, community members, students and parents are assisting to determine how to make recommendations to Superintendent Martinez on housing and budget. Information: 1.06 Associated Pomona Teachers’ Representative Comments: Dorothy Kim-Perez, President, Associated Pomona Teachers spoke regarding the ongoing negotiation issues and the need to come to an agreement soon. Information: 1.07 California School Employees’ Association Representative Comments: None Information: 1.08 Audience Comments: Montclair Unified School District Teacher, Mary Kay Scheid; Community member, Claudia Bedolla; APT President at Chino Unified, Brenda Walker; APT President at Rowland Unified, Shay Lohman; APT President at Hacienda/La Puente Unified, Billie Joe Wright; and State Senator Connie Leyva Representative, Maria Arias spoke in support of APT negotiations. Community member, Larry Ortega spoke in support of APT negotiations. He also shared information regarding connecting students to high speed internet and for the Board to consider Participatory Budget. Community member, Frank Carrillo invited the Board of Education and community members to the upcoming Latino College Expo event as some of his sculptures will be on display. Rosaura Jimenez-Mireles, teacher spoke regarding several issues related to student needs. Community member, Richard Barrios spoke regarding the teacher salaries information on Transparent California.

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2 INFORMATION ITEMS/PRESENTATIONS Information: 2.01 Superintendent Oral Communications on Agenda Items: None Information: 2.02 Student Representative Comments: None Action: 2.03 Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Board Meeting of July 10, 2019, and August 14, 2019. Motion made by: Roberta Perlman Seconded by: Frank Guzman Final Resolution: Motion Carries Unanimously Yea: Frank Guzman, Adrienne Konigar-Macklin, Roberta Perlman, Andrew Wong and Jason Rothman 3 CONSENT CALENDAR Information: 3.01 Oral Communications on Consent Calendar Items Only: None Separate action was taken on the following agenda item(s): Action: 7.40 – Fiscal Agreement: FORCE Asset Management Motion to table this item made by: Roberta Perlman Seconded by: Andrew Wong Final Resolution: Motion Approved Yea: Roberta Perlman, Andrew Wong, Jason Rothman No: Frank Guzman, Adrienne Konigar-Macklin Action: (Consent): 3.02 Consent Calendar Consent Calendar (Agenda Items 3-8) Motion made by: Adrienne Konigar-Macklin Seconded by: Roberta Perlman Final Resolution: Motion Carries Unanimously Yea: Frank Guzman, Adrienne Konigar-Macklin, Roberta Perlman, Andrew Wong and Jason Rothman 9 SPECIAL ACTION ITEMS Information: 9.01 Oral Communications on Special Action Items Only: None Action: 9.02 Parent Representation to the SELPA Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Rosario Balinghasay gave a report on this item. Motion made by: Roberta Perlman Seconded by: Frank Guzman Final Resolution: Motion Carries Unanimously Yea: Frank Guzman, Adrienne Konigar-Macklin, Roberta Perlman, Andrew Wong and Jason Rothman

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Action: 9.03 Resolution No. 12 (2019-20) – Clear Administrative Services Credential Induction Program Kathrine Morillo-Shone gave a report on this item. Motion made by: Roberta Perlman Seconded by: Adrienne Konigar-Macklin Final Resolution: Motion Unanimously Yea: Frank Guzman, Adrienne Konigar-Macklin, Roberta Perlman, Andrew Wong and Jason Rothman Action: 9.04 Amendment to Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Dudley/Murchison Property to MLC Holdings, Inc. Motion made by: Adrienne Konigar-Macklin Seconded by: Frank Guzman Final Resolution: Motion Carries Unanimously Yea: Frank Guzman, Adrienne Konigar-Macklin, Roberta Perlman, Andrew Wong and Jason Rothman Action: 9.05 Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Tower building to California Opportunity Zone Fund LP Motion made by: Roberta Perlman Seconded by: Adrienne Konigar-Macklin Final Resolution: Motion Carries Unanimously Yea: Frank Guzman, Adrienne Konigar-Macklin, Roberta Perlman, Andrew Wong and Jason Rothman 10 OPEN ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Information: 10.01 Audience Comments: None Information: 10.02 Board and Superintendent Oral Communications and Concluding Comments: The Superintendent and Board of Education members gave their concluding comments and announcements.

10/16/19 6

NEXT BOARD MEETING: Regular Board Meeting November 13, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. 12 ADJOURNMENT 12.01 Adjournment: 8:26 p.m. Secretary, Board of Education Attested and Approved: President, Board of Education

11/13/19 1

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education

Pomona Unified School District Education Center Board Room

800 South Garey Avenue, Pomona Via teleconference at Dechert, LLP, US Bank Tower

633 West 5th Street, Suite 4900, Los Angeles, CA 90071 Wednesday, November 13, 2019 5:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Frank Guzman, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Frank Guzman, President; Adrienne Konigar-Macklin, Vice President; Roberta A. Perlman, and Jason A. Rothman. Andrew S. Wong joined the meeting via teleconference at 6:17 p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Richard Martinez, Superintendent Darren Knowles, Deputy Superintendent, Human Resources Lilia Fuentes, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services Sandra Garcia, Assistant Superintendent and Chief Business Officer, Business Services Fernando Meza, Assistant Superintendent, Pupil & Community Services Oliver Unaka, Public Information Officer Stacey Wilkins, Administrative Director, Innovation and Improvement Officer OTHERS PRESENT Jim C. Moore, Attorney, Mundell, Odlum & Haws, LLP CLOSED SESSION ITEMS

1. Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.8 – (1) APN 8322-023-901 (Tower), (2) 8358-035-908 to 915, 918, 925, 928 to 929, 935 to 936, 939, and portions of 917, 922 to 923, 926, 937 to 938, and 940 to 941 (Dudley), and (3) 8344-033-901 through 905 with a portion of 902 (Rio Ranch): Agency Negotiator(s): Superintendent; Assistant Superintendent/chief business Officer negotiations

2. Public Employee Performance Evaluation Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 Title of Position: Superintendent

PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS: None ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION: 5:16 p.m. 1 OPENING BUSINESS 6:00 p.m. Information: 1.01 Reconvene to Regular Session: 6:17 p.m.

11/13/19 2

Information: 1.02 Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Cadet Captain Luis Diaz, Cadet First Lieutenant Dan Lebron, Cadet Sargent Major Brian Soto, and Cadet Private Ulyses Alcazar from Pomona High School. Mr. Guzman acknowledged Veterans Day and thanked all servicemen and women for their service. Information: 1.03 Action Taken in Closed Session: None Information: 1.04 Board Oral Communications and Opening Comments: None Information: 1.05 Superintendent's Comments - Corrections or Additions to the Agenda The following items were pulled from the Agenda: Agenda Item 4.02 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignments, pulled AA and BB only. Agenda Item 4.06 Other Personnel – Consultant Services, pulled #3 only. Agenda Item 6.04 Classified – Establishment of Fund for Position: Custodian-Certified, pulled. Agenda Item 5a.01 Certificated – Administrative Assignments, pulled B #2 only. Mr. Martinez introduced the Garey High School Band led by Anthony Bonner, Director who performed and extended an invitation to the Board of Education to their Annual Musical Celebration Performance, scheduled for December 21, 2019. Information: 1.05 Staff Report: Dr. Krystana Walks-Harper, Director of Pupil and Community Services introduced Ms. Patricia Azevedo, Program Administrator, Pupil and Community Services to report on Homeless Awareness in PUSD. Ms. Azevedo said in July 2007, the Congress established November as National Homeless Youth Awareness Month. Los Angeles County Office of Education, also adopted a Resolution in November 2019, which empowers homeless students and their families through advocacy, education and support. As of June 2019, close to 70,000 homeless students were identified in Los Angeles County and over 3,000 of those students have been identified in PUSD. Homelessness interferes with students’ ability to stay in school, and to achieve their educational aspirations. We need to strengthen the educational support in our youth homeless system to ensure students thrive and meet their full potential both personally and academically. Mr. Martinez thanked Ms. Azevedo for leading the Mental Health Services and Family Support Department. He said they will be meeting with representatives from Supervisor Solis’ office to consider and expand the support services for students who are experiencing homelessness in PUSD.

11/13/19 3

Dr. Walks-Harper thanked Mrs. Lilia Fuentes, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services for working on the Local Control and Accountability Plan budget to provide additional staffing for student and family support services. Information: 1.05 Staff Report: Dr. Krystana Walks-Harper introduced Mrs. Monique Cardenas, Teacher Specialist and Dr. Enrique Medina, Director, Career Readiness Program who gave a brief report about Cortez Mathematics and Science Magnet School being selected as one of the Distinguished National Best Practice Showcase Site School in the nation for their 21st Career Exploration Lab Implementation and Practices. Dr. Medina introduced Mr. Bud Johnson, Vice President, and Mr. Judd Wood, Regional Manager from Paxton Patterson who presented a banner to Dr. Franco-Madrigal, Principal and Ms. Christie Melanson, Secondary Teacher at Cortez Magnet School. Dr. Madrigal, thanked the Board of Education for their continuous support. She said they will display the banner at the school for all parents to see. Information: 1.06 Associated Pomona Teachers’ Representative Comments: Dorothy Kim-Perez, President, Associated Pomona Teachers spoke regarding the ongoing negotiation issues. She said the District’s priority is to maintain consistency and collaboration to ensure the best interest of both the students and employees at Pomona Unified School District. We know that we are stronger together. Information: 1.07 California School Employees’ Association Comments: Marian Orozco, President, California School Employees Association (CSEA), Chapter 14, announced it is National Awareness Veterans Week. CSEA expressed their gratitude towards the military veterans who have served the Nation with pride and honor. She spoke about the recent interview mock training that was offered to all CSEA employees to assist them in writing resumes and completing applications on Edjoin. Mrs. Orozco invited the Board of Education to the upcoming CSEA Open House to emphasize the collaboration between the union and the district regarding school safety. She also requested support from the Board of Education regarding the status on last years’ reclassifications and compensation process. Information: 1.08 Audience Comments Rhonda Miles-Brown, President of Pomona Alliance of Black School Educators (PABSE) shared highlights of their collaborate work with the District and other stakeholders. PABSE’s goal is to celebrate the successes and academic achievements of all students with particular focus on African American students. PABSE’s leadership has been focusing on student success, parents and community engagement. Mrs. Marlo Aubert, Vice-President thanked the Latino/a Educational Association of Pomona (LEAP) for their partnership and continuous support. She announced upcoming PABSE events and thanked the Board of Education for allowing PABSE the opportunity to promote excellence and equitable access for all students.

11/13/19 4

Patricia Arizmendi, Zulyma Reyes, Yosadara Carbajal, Mireya Escobar parents from Golden Springs Elementary School expressed concerns regarding the 6th Grade events and School Site Council committees. Mia Miron, Francisco Rodriguez, and Alexandra Rosas students from Golden Springs Elementary School expressed concerns regarding the 6th Grade events. Erika Garcia and Kiishi Evans parents from Golden Springs Elementary School spoke in reference to the opportunities given by the Principal to include all parents to participate on the 6th Grade events and school committees. Mr. Martinez said Dr. Walks-Harper will work with parents and staff for the betterment of our students. He said he will provide an update to the Board of Education regarding this matter. Helen Estrada-Merritt and Damiana Aldana, PUSD teacher retirees spoke regarding the exclusion of the APT’s off schedule increase for 2018-19 for retired teachers. Larry Ortega, community member spoke regarding a Community Technology Report and available resources online. Rosaura Jimenez-Mireles, teacher thanked the Pomona Rotary Club in partnership with Big 5 Sporting Goods who provided the Good for the Sole Shoe Giveaway last Saturday for Harrison Elementary School students. 2 INFORMATION ITEMS/PRESENTATIONS Information: 2.01 Superintendent Oral Communications on Agenda Items: None Information: 2.02 Student Representative Comments: Destiny Rivera-Gomez provided a brief report on high school activities. Action: 2.03 Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Board Meeting of September 11 2019, and Special Board Meeting of September 18, 2019 Motion made by: Adrienne Konigar-Macklin Seconded by: Roberta Perlman Final Resolution: Motion Carries Unanimously Yea: Frank Guzman, Adrienne Konigar-Macklin, Roberta Perlman, Andrew Wong and Jason Rothman 3 CONSENT CALENDAR Information: 3.01 Oral Communications on Consent Calendar Items Only: None Action: (Consent): 3.02 Consent Calendar Consent Calendar (Agenda Items 3-8) Motion made by: Jason Rothman

11/13/19 5

Seconded by: Roberta Perlman Final Resolution: Motion Carries Unanimously Yea: Frank Guzman, Adrienne Konigar-Macklin, Roberta Perlman, Andrew Wong and Jason Rothman Separate action was taken on the following agenda item(s): Action: 7.16 Fiscal Agreement: FORCE Asset Management Motion made by: Frank Guzman Seconded by: Roberta Perlman Final Resolution: Motion Carries Yea: Frank Guzman, Roberta Perlman, Adrienne Konigar-Macklin, Andrew Wong No: Jason Rothman Information: 10.01 Audience Comments: None Information: 10.02 Board and Superintendent Oral Communications and Concluding Comments: The Superintendent and Board of Education members gave their concluding comments and announcements.

11/13/19 6

NEXT BOARD MEETING: Regular Board Meeting December 11, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. 12 ADJOURNMENT 12.01 Adjournment: 8:11 p.m. Secretary, Board of Education Attested and Approved: President, Board of Education

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4.02 Approval of School Plans – School Plan for Student Achievement - 2020 Board Agenda Date: 12/11/19

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Title I LCFF/LCAP English Learners

LCFF/LCAP Supplemental/Concentration

Alcott* X X X Allison* X X X Armstrong X X Arroyo* X X X Barfield* X X X Cortez* X X X Decker X X X Diamond Point X X X Golden Springs X X X Harrison* X X X Kellogg* X X X Kingsley* X X X Lexington* X X X Lincoln* X X X Lopez* X X X Madison* X X X Montvue* X X X Pantera X X Philadelphia* X X X Ranch Hills X X Roosevelt* X X X San Antonio* X X X San Jose* X X X Vejar* X X X Washington* X X X Westmont* X X X MIDDLE Emerson* X X X Lorbeer X X X Marshall* X X X Simons* X X X HIGH Diamond Ranch X X Fremont* X X X Ganesha* X X X Garey* X X X Palomares* X X X Park West* X X X Pomona Alternative X X X Pomona* X X X Village Academy* X X X

* School-wide Program (SWP)

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Re: 4.03 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignments Board Agenda Date: 12/11/19

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A. To provide extended learning opportunities in English Language Development to

identified English Learners; Alcott Elementary School; December 12, 2019, through May 15, 2020. Funding: LCFF – English Learner 011-07091-0-1110-1000-1130-104-0000 – Not to exceed 20 hours per person.

1. Alejandro, Norma I. 9. Liera, Laura C. 2. Caganap, Kimberly A. 10. Mancinas, Islene 3. Chavez, Ingrid I. 11. Mayorga-Alfaro, Ruby 4. Coe, Jacquelyn D. 12. Olescyski, Rosalinda 5. Corey, Angela T. 13. Pulliam, Cesaria E. 6. Godoy, Silvia L. 14. Ramirez, Maria E. 7. Gracia, Cecilia D. 15. Rodarte Mendoza, Alma 8. Kanchanaviboolsuk, Pimolrat 16. Rodriguez, Tina L.

B. To provide extended learning opportunities to struggling students needing intervention

in language arts; Kellogg Elementary School; December 12, 2019, through May 15, 2020. Funding: LCFF – English Learner 011-07091-0-1110-1000-1130-131-0000 – Not to exceed 40 hours per person.

1. Cradoc, Nicole L. C. To develop, learn, and apply research-based language and literacy acquisition

strategies to provide English Learners the opportunities to become fluent in the use of academic English within the domains of listening, speaking, and writing. Teachers will also analyze teaching practices for English Learners and student work; Kingsley Elementary School; December 12, 2019, through May 15, 2020.

Funding: LCFF – English Learner 011-07091-0-1110-2490-1930-134-0000 – Not to exceed 5 hours per person.

1. Battieste, Lemetric M. 12. Kogat, Lisa E. 2. Brady Rey, Gina M. 13. Lazcano, Delia A 3. Casillas, Claudia E. 14. Okonkwo Jr., Godfrey 4. Donaire-Martinez, Maria E. 15. Quintana, Shakila R. 5. Fischer, Jacquelyn M. 16. Rivas, Paul 6. Franco, Silvia M. 17. Romero, Christina P. 7. Fulbright, Rocio E. 18. Silva, Cynthia C. 8. Garcia, Lilia V. 19. Thong, Nhi A. 9. Gruen, Patrick 20. Torres, Rosa I.

10. Jimenez, Misael F. 21. Vance, Karen K. 11. Jurado, Yvonne T. 22. Villagran, Vanessa

Re: 4.03 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignments Board Agenda Date: 12/11/19

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D. To develop, learn, and apply research-based language and literacy acquisition strategies to provide English Learners the opportunities to become fluent in the use of academic English within the domains of listening, speaking, and writing. Teachers will also analyze teaching practices for English Learners and student work; San Antonio Elementary School; December 12, 2019, through May 15, 2020. Funding: Title I 010-30100-0-1110-2490-1930-164-0000 – Not to exceed 5 hours per person.

1. Brookhart, Tanya 9. Martinez, Michelle M. 2. Casillas, Patricia 10. Ortiz, Martha 3. Corona-Flores, Cynthia 11. Rodriguez, Laurdes 4. Davis, Emily K. 12. Rosales, Carmen M. 5. Denova, Melissa D. 13. Scott, Deborah A. 6. Haines, Jeanine C. 14. Tellechea, Luis A. 7. Knapp-Croy, Dawn K. 15. Wagner, Katerina L. 8. Malagon, Silvia B. 16. Weis, Tyra

E. To provide professional development, write curriculum, and in-class support for

teachers who are providing extended learning extended opportunities for English Learners that reflect research based literacy and language acquisition strategies; and analyze teaching practice and student work; Vejar School; January 16, 2020, through May 15, 2020. Funding: LCFF – English Learners 011-07091-0-0000-2140-1930-170-0000 – Not to exceed 60 hours person.

1. Moreno, Araceli

F. To provide professional development and in-class support for teachers who are

providing extended learning opportunities for underperforming students that reflect research based math and language acquisition strategies; and analyze teaching practices and student work; Vejar School; January 16, 2020, through May 15, 2020. Funding: Title I 010-30100-0-0000-2140-1930-170-0000 – Not to exceed 60 hours person.

1. Perez, Judith N.

Re: 4.03 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignments Board Agenda Date: 12/11/19

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G. To collaborate around common assessments, data analysis, student progress and identify next steps in the area of literacy and writing; Vejar School; January 6, 2020, through May 15, 2020. Funding: Title I 010-30100-0-1110-2130-1930-170-0000 – Not to exceed 15 hours per person.

1. Gangaway, Sherry B. 3. Magana, Caroline 2. Garrett, Diane M. 4. Ruiz, Juan

H. To provide extended learning opportunities in language arts and mathematics to

underperforming students; Vejar School; January 6, 2020, through May 15, 2020. Funding: Title I 010-30100-0-1110-1000-1130-170-0000 – Not to exceed 30 hours per person.

1. Bradford, Jill 6. Lopez, Maria G. 2. Contreras, Sofia 7. Nguyen, Timothy T. 3. Cordova-Mares, Marely 8. Olson, Jannie L. 4. Espin, Erica M. 9. Smith, Lisa M. 5. Galvez, Blanca J.

I. To provide before and after school extended learning opportunities in reading and

writing to identified students; Marshall Middle School; December 12, 2019, through May 15, 2020. Funding: LCFF – Supplemental/Concentration 011-00000-0-1110-1000-1130-240-0000 – Not to exceed 20 hours per person.

1. Arellano, Jasmine

J. To analyze English Learner sub group data and monitor student progress for at risk

students; to use district protocol for student placement including English Learners to identify targeted students for timely intervention; Fremont Academy; December 12, 2019, through May 15, 2020. Funding: LCFF – English Learner 011-07091-0-1110-2490-1930-220-0000 – Not to exceed 60 hours per person.

1. Rodriguez, Lorena

Re: 4.03 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignments Board Agenda Date: 12/11/19

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K. To identify instructional strategies and assessments to be used during first semester to close the achievement gap and increase graduation rates for struggling students; Garey High School; December 12, 2019, through December 19, 2019. Funding: LCFF – Supplemental/Concentration 011-00000-0-1110-2490-1930-330-0000 – Not to exceed 10 hours per person.

1. Gallup, Bridgette A.

L. To identify instructional strategies and assessments to be used during second semester to close the achievement gap and increase graduation rates for struggling students; Garey High School; January 6, 2020, through May 15, 2020. Funding: LCFF – Supplemental/Concentration 011-00000-0-1110-2490-1930-330-0000 – Not to exceed 20 hours per person.

1. Chaoui, Nayla 6. Lojero, Octavio R. 2. Duran, Rafael 7. Lovins, Diane L. 3. Gallup, Bridgette A. 8. Puschila, Ion 4. Gamboa, Antonio 9. Tran, Anthony Q. 5. Hochberger, Marissa L. 10. Suroweic, Danielle R.

M. To collaborate, analyze data, and submit supportive interventions to be implemented for

rigorous classroom instruction; Palomares Academy; December 12, 2019, through May 15, 2020. Funding: LCFF – English Learner 011-07091-0-1110-2490-1930-250-0000 – Not to exceed 40 hours per person.

1. Carreon, Cindi M. 2. Guerrero, Luis J.

N. To provide after school mentorship to at risk students; Park West High School;

December 12, 2019, through May 15, 2020. Funding: Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) 010-31820-0-1110-1000-1130-430-0000 – Not to exceed 20 hours per person.

1. Alexis, Chelly C. 8. Molina, Ricardo 2. Alvarez, Joe C. 9. Munguia, Aaron A. 3. Borgogno, Anthony S. 10. Perez, Douglas R. 4. Guillory, Brittany M. 11. Rios, Daniel 5. Linden, Dalia S. 12. Robles, Jorge 6. Lopez, Robert D. 13. Rodriguez, Paul A. 7. Lopez, Stefany 14. Rogers, Takiyah

Re: 4.03 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignments Board Agenda Date: 12/11/19

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O. To analyze English Learner sub group data and monitor student progress for at risk students; to use district protocol for student placement including English Learners to identify targeted students for timely intervention; Village Academy High School; December 12, 2019, through May 15, 2020. Funding: LCFF – English Learners 011-07091-0-1110-2490-1930-350-0000 – Not to exceed 60 hours per person.

1. Flores, Jonathan

P. Teacher leaders will prepare, plan, and deliver various professional learning and student intervention and enrichment opportunities on Saturdays throughout the school year. Teacher leaders will prepare and plan for California State Standards focused Structured Teacher Planning Times (STPT) and Professional Learning Communities (PLC), Math Camp, and other educational community events; Educational Services; December 12, 2019, through June 30, 2020. Funding: Title II 010-40350-0-1110-2140-1930-700-0000 – Not to exceed 48 hours per person.

1. Aguirre Jr., Carlos 6. Hedrick, Ashley A. 2. Donaldson-Lovette, Danielle D. 7. Montgomery, Jennifer E. 3. El-Mahmoud, Dana A. 8. Pon, Sharon P. 4. Gardea, Bridget C 9. Stabler, Rebecca A. 5. Greenleaf, Grace

Q. To develop, plan, and provide training for The Learning Connection (TLC) college intern

tutors on social emotional learning (SEL) and Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) lesson development, engagement strategies, preparing effective lessons plans, and classroom management to better support our program and students in the after school program; The Learning Connection; December 12, 2019, through May 29, 2020.

Funding: ASES 010-60100-0-1110-2140-1930-xxx-6010 – Not to exceed 24 hours per person.

Name Site Site Number 1. Amancio, Denise Allison 107 2. Garcia, Marybelle Montvue 149

R. To provide coding lessons and support for the after school program that reflects our

main principles, learning that is active, collaborative, meaningful, supports mastery and expands horizons; The Learning Connection; December 12, 2019, through May 29, 2020. Funding: ASES 010-60110-0-1110-1000-1130-TBD-6010 – Not to exceed 90 hours per person.

1. Cerda, Sandra 2. Horita, Christine K.

Re: 4.03 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignments Board Agenda Date: 12/11/19

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S. To monitor, support, and provide assistance with the high school Online Learning Program for credit recovery and original learning; January 6, 2020, through June 30, 2020. Funding: LCFF – Supplemental/Concentration 011-00000-0-1110-1000-1130-xxx-8704 – Not to exceed hours listed.

Name Site Site Number Hours

1. Abdou, Albert E. Garey 330 80 2. Alexis, Chelly C. Park West 430 80 3. Brown, Charlotte A. Pomona 340 80 4. Carrillo, Emily E. Diamond Ranch 310 16 5. Castaneda, Roberto R. Palomares 250 16 6. Cayer, Donald E. Ganesha 320 80 7. Chaoui, Nayla Garey 330 80 8. Duenas, Alicia M. Fremont 220 80 9. Gariador, Anne M. Garey 330 80

10. Hochberger, Marissa L. Garey 330 80 11. Lawlor, Eric J. Fremont 220 80 12. Odey, Godfrey O. Pomona 340 80 13. Pullen, Ron L. Ganesha 320 80 14. Rodriguez, Emily Village Academy 350 80 15. Rosales, Hector R. Pomona 340 16 16. Shin, Daniel H. Diamond Ranch 310 80

T. To update curriculum to meet California State Model Standards; Regional Occupational

Programs/Career Technical Education; January 30, 2020. Funding: Perkins 010-35500-0-3820-2130-1930-700-0000 – Not to exceed 6 hours per person.

1. Andrade, Sheila M. 14. Martinez, Bruno 2. Barba, Rosalind 15. Martinez, Jose 3. Boatman, William E. 16. Mauricio, Yolanda 4. Carranza, Heidi C. 17. Mendez Jr., Jesus H. 5. Castro, Celia E. 18. Mendoza, Veronica 6. Cruz, Anna M. 19. Morici, Jennifer T. 7. Dawson, William B. 20. Moulton, Nellie A. 8. Garcia, Hilda 21. Murphy, Amanda N. 9. Guerra, David A. 22. Reyes Jr., Miguel A.

10. Gutierrez, Stephen R. 23. Robertson, Kevin C. 11. Hinostroza, Carlos R. 24. Ulloa, Jonathan 12. Ibarra, Maria T. 25. Vega, Suyapa L. 13. Landgrave Jr., Rogelio 26. Young, Lidia

Re: 4.03 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignments Board Agenda Date: 12/11/19

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U. To coordinate, oversee, and provide content area academic instruction and enrichment opportunities through the District’s Academic Attendance Recovery Coordinated (AARC) program; September 14, 2019, through May 23, 2020. Classroom Teacher Funding: AARC 010-98712-0-1110-1000-1130-xxx-0000 – Not to exceed 85 hours per person.

Name Site Site Number 1. Canales, Lorraine Village Academy 350

Lead Teacher Funding: AARC 010-98712-0-1110-1000-1130-xxx-0000 – Not to exceed 145 hours per person.

Name Site Site Number 1. Antillon, Rosemary Village Academy 350

Appendix X, Section IV - .001 of the factor step of the member’s class on the base salary schedule. Rate: $39.985 - $48.788 per hour. Appendix IV Administrative Regulation 4153. Rate $34.349-$48.448 per hour-ROP Salary Schedule. Administrative Regulation 4121. Rate $34.349 per hour.

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Re: 4.04 Classified Personnel – Special Assignments Board Agenda Date: 12/11/19

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A. To assist in the preparation of non-mandated parent involvement materials, such as home/school communication information including special meeting agendas, minutes, letters and phone calls; Fremont Academy; January 6, 2020, through May 15, 2020. Funding: LCFF – English Learner 011-07091-0-0000-2700-2440-220-0000 – Not to exceed 60 hours per person.

1. Nunez Morales, Miriam S.

B. To assist with providing after school mentorship to at risk students; Park West

High School; December 12, 2019, through May 15, 2020. Funding: Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) 010-31820-0-1110-1090-2940-430-0000 – Not to exceed 30 hours per person

1. Carmichael, Raylon J. 2. Ortega, John A. Funding: Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) 010-31820-0-1110-1090-2930-430-0000 – Not to exceed 30 hours per person.

3. Johnson, Laura L.

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Re: 4.05 Professional Meeting Attendance Board Agenda Date: 12/11/19

1Costs may vary based on substitute costs, lodging, meals, dates of attendance, mileage requested or organization membership. 2Early approval is needed to ensure that best available rates are secured.

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1. Annual Mt. SAC (San Antonio College) Educators’ Workshop December 13, 2019 Walnut, CA Funding: NA NA $0 McFarlin, Leila D. Ranch NA $0 Rosales, Patricia “ “ NA $0 Brotherton, Candice Garey NA $0 Fasting, Liliana “ “ NA $0 Garcia, Marie “ “ NA $0 Ruiz, Rebeca “ “ NA $0 Sanchez, Gabriella “ “ NA $0 Yarbrough, Audrey “ “ Staff attending will learn about new Mt. SAC campus efforts and state legislation that positively impacts students.

2. Non-Violent Crisis Prevention Intervention (NCPI) Instructor Certification Training December 16-19, 2019 Los Angeles, CA Funding: Special Ed 010-65000-0-5060-2108-5220-902-4924 $3,503 Estrada, Shea Special Ed. 010-65120-0-5750-1110-5220-902-4924 $1,471 Williams, Irishia “ “ 010-65000-0-5750-1110-5220-902-4924 $2,032 This training will allow staff to serve as certified instructors of the NCPI program that is considered the worldwide standard for crisis prevention and intervention and is the only emergency procedures approved by our SELPA for use in behavior emergency situations.

3. Cognitive Coaching Advanced Seminar December 17-19, 2019; and February 12-14, 2020 San Jose, CA Funding: School Improvement Grant 010-31800-0-0000-2110-5220-250-0000 $5,382 Guerrero, Luis Palomares Staff attending will learn advanced coaching strategies to support teachers in implementing PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports), Project Based Lessons, and lessons that improve rigor and student relevance.

Re: 4.05 Professional Meeting Attendance Board Agenda Date: 12/11/19

1Costs may vary based on substitute costs, lodging, meals, dates of attendance, mileage requested or organization membership. 2Early approval is needed to ensure that best available rates are secured.

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4. Growing Educators 2020: 1st Annual Teaching of Math Using a Workshop Approach January 6, 2020 Los Angeles, CA Funding: LCFF Supplemental Concentration (La Verne) 091-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-915-0110 $188 Bistline, Natalie La Verne 091-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-915-0000 $160 091-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-915-0110 $188 Perez, Yesenia “ “ 091-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-915-0000 $160 Provide educators with firsthand math task experiences and plenty of support with how to plan, prep and launch a math workshop that nurtures children’s thinking and develops reasoning skills.

5. Best Out of School Time (BOOST) Leadership Team Meeting

January 8-11, 2020 Palm Springs, CA Funding: ASES 010-60100-0-1110-2110-5220-700-6010 $1,274 Mosher, Darlene Ed. Services As a member of the leadership team, staff is required to attend monthly conference planning meetings and will assist in the planning of Best Out of School Time conferences held annually in the spring to provide quality professional development opportunities.

6. Growing Educators 2020: Winter Informational Writing Workshop

January 9-10, 2020 Los Angeles, CA Funding: LCFF Supplemental Concentration (La Verne) 091-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-915-0110 $214 Bryson, Joy La Verne 091-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-915-0000 $320 091-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-915-0110 $214 Gomez, Shannon “ “ 091-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-915-0000 $320 091-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-915-0110 $214 Ray, Jamie “ “ 091-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-915-0000 $320 Staff attending will study an effective protocol for implementing small group writing lessons, and how to prep for the research, compliment, and classic writing conferences.

7. School Law: Handling Mental Health Issues January 13, 2020 Pasadena, CA Funding: ARRC 010-98713-0-0000-2700-5220-170-0000 $522 Espinoza, Jesus Vejar The participant will learn to help every student get the best possible education with strategies through professional development to increase the effect size of social emotional, student engagement, discipline data including attendance, behavior and academics.

Re: 4.05 Professional Meeting Attendance Board Agenda Date: 12/11/19

1Costs may vary based on substitute costs, lodging, meals, dates of attendance, mileage requested or organization membership. 2Early approval is needed to ensure that best available rates are secured.

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8. Association of California School Administrators (ACSA): Building a Successful Attendance Plan: A Practitioner's Approach January 14, 2020 Ontario, CA Funding: Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) 010-31820-0-0000-2700-5220-430-0000 $176 Rodriguez, Luis Park West This workshop will provide day-to-day practical strategies and best practices in which school personnel can build a successful attendance improvement plan through multi-tiered systems of support.

9. Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) Problem Solving

January 16, 2020 Los Angeles, CA Funding: LCFF Supplemental Concentration (La Verne) 091-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-915-0110 $227 Bistline, Natalie La Verne 091-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-915-0000 $160 091-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-915-0110 $227 Guzman, Stephanie “ “ 091-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-915-0000 $160 091-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-915-0110 $227 Joaquin, Steven “ “ 091-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-915-0000 $160 091-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-915-0110 $227 Karraker, Laura “ “ 091-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-915-0000 $160 091-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-915-0110 $233 Pantney, Claudette “ “ 091-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-915-0110 $227 Perez, Yesenia “ “ 091-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-915-0000 $160 Staff attending will learn the ways to begin or extend problem solving in their own classrooms; see and discuss ways to support and extend student understanding; and learn to support children in approaching problem solving in ways that make sense to the children.

10. Get Your Teach On January 20-21, 2020 Los Angeles, CA Funding: La Verne Charter 091-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-915-0000 $160 Perez, Yesenia La Verne Staff will participate in research-based workshops that will guide teachers in creating rigorous and engaging lessons.

Re: 4.05 Professional Meeting Attendance Board Agenda Date: 12/11/19

1Costs may vary based on substitute costs, lodging, meals, dates of attendance, mileage requested or organization membership. 2Early approval is needed to ensure that best available rates are secured.

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11. Research Based Strategies to Enhance Learning for All Students January 22, 2020 Irvine, CA Funding: LCFF Supplemental Concentration 011-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-107-0000 $282 Lam, Susan Allison 011-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-107-0000 $304 Attendees will learn strategies to facilitate collaboration, help students collect and analyze data, and strengthen students’ listening, speaking, reading, writing, and critical thinking skills through action research.

12. ASB Works User Conference January 22-24, 2020 Anaheim, CA Funding: Business Services 010-00000-0-0000-7200-5220-710-8600 $460 Miranda-Layton, Edna Ganesha Staff attending will be provided with valuable training for individuals responsible for maintaining an effective Associated Student Body (ASB) program.

13. Literacy Lifts Conference: Harnessing the Magic of Student Stories

January 23, 2020 Alhambra, CA Funding: Title I Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) 010-30100-0-1110-1000-5602-113-0000 $64 Faxon, Veronica Arroyo 010-30100-0-1110-1000-1160-113-0000 $150 010-30100-0-1110-1000-5602-113-0000 $64 Nguyen, Annie “ “ 010-30100-0-1110-1000-1160-113-0000 $150 010-30100-0-1110-1000-5602-113-0000 $64 White, Sharon “ “ 010-30100-0-1110-1000-1160-113-0000 $150 010-31820-0-3200-1000-5220-430-0000 $78 Linden, Dalia Park West 010-31820-0-3200-1000-1160-430-0000 $120 Staff attending will explore how to motivate students to tell their own stories and to use them to achieve a greater sense of agency, independence, and achievement.

14. Foothill Association of School Psychologists: Emotional Intelligence - An Introduction to Theory and Application for School Personnel and Helping Professionals January 30, 2020 Diamond Bar, CA Funding: Medi-Cal Billing Option 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Akintunde, Adenike Special Ed. 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Ambrosio, John “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Bamford, Mariam “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Contreras, Hugo “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Curry, Doyle “ “

Re: 4.05 Professional Meeting Attendance Board Agenda Date: 12/11/19

1Costs may vary based on substitute costs, lodging, meals, dates of attendance, mileage requested or organization membership. 2Early approval is needed to ensure that best available rates are secured.

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14. Foothill Association of School Psychologists: Emotional Intelligence - An Introduction to Theory and Application for School Personnel and Helping Professionals (continued) 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Esparza-Noyola, Martha Special Ed. 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Flores, Hilda “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Garrett, Steven “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Gaspar, Karla “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Girgis, Sarah “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Glenney, Laura “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Herrera, Selina “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Kislingbury, Chris “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Loh, Wei-Tsu “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Lubin, Lora “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Miramontez, Evelyn “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Monroe, Marisa “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Monroe, Maura “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Moran, Amy “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Muranaka, Julie “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Perez-Pineda, Francisco “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Pocasangre, Monique “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Rodriguez, Adriana “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Stark, Elizabeth “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 Wurschum, Zarjii “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 York, Ronni “ “ 010-56400-0-0000-3120-5220-700-5640 $75 York, Terry “ “

Staff attending will learn to enhance the quality of working relationships, successfully achieve goals and teach students how to use Emotional Intelligence skills to help improve student behaviors for more positive outcomes.

15. Association of California School Administrators (ACSA): Every Child Counts Symposium February 4-7, 2020 Desert Springs, CA Funding: LCFF Supplemental Concentration 011-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-310-0000 $1,465 Brockett, Yesenia D. Ranch 011-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-310-0000 $450 011-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-310-0000 $1,465 Koutsoutis, Alyssa “ “ 011-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-310-0000 $450 011-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-310-0000 $1,465 Maizel, Matthew “ “ 011-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-310-0000 $450 011-00000-0-0000-2700-5220-310-0000 $1,465 Tye, Patricia “ “ Staff attending will focus on the latest in the field of student services to learn about the current best practices, current case law and research-based strategies that are integral to the academic performance for students with disabilities.

Re: 4.05 Professional Meeting Attendance Board Agenda Date: 12/11/19

1Costs may vary based on substitute costs, lodging, meals, dates of attendance, mileage requested or organization membership. 2Early approval is needed to ensure that best available rates are secured.

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16. Research Based Strategies to Enhance Learning for All Students February 26, 2020 Irvine, CA Funding: LCFF Supplemental Concentration 011-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-107-0000 $282 Perez, Ernesto Allison 011-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-107-0000 $304 Attendees will learn strategies to facilitate collaboration, help students collect and analyze data, and strengthen students’ listening, speaking, reading, writing, and critical thinking skills through action research.

17. Educating for Careers Conference1

February 27-29, 2020 Long Beach, CA Funding: Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act 010-31820-0-3200-1000-5220-430-0000 $755 Castro, Celia Park West 010-31820-0-3200-1000-1160-430-0000 $120 010-31820-0-3200-1000-5220-430-0000 $755 Perez, Douglas “ “ 010-31820-0-3200-1000-1160-430-0000 $120 010-31820-0-0000-2700-5220-430-0000 $755 Rodriguez, Luis “ “ 010-31820-0-0000-2110-5220-430-0000 $755 Rogers, Takiyah “ “ 010-31820-0-3200-2110-1160-430-0000 $120 010-35500-0-3820-2110-5220-700-0000 $749 Brisley, Karen Pomona 010-35500-0-3820-1000-5220-700-0000 $749 Brown, Charlotte “ “ 010-35500-0-3820-1000-5220-700-0000 $749 Carranza, Heidi ROP 010-35500-0-3820-1000-1160-700-0000 $440 010-35500-0-3820-1000-5220-700-0000 $749 Martinez, Jose “ “ 010-35500-0-3820-1000-1160-700-0000 $440 010-35500-0-3820-1000-5220-700-0000 $749 Young, Lidia “ “ 010-35500-0-3820-1000-1160-700-0000 $440 Staff attending will learn new strategies, curriculum standards, and current industry sector information to improve classroom instruction and student achievement in the areas of Career and Technical Education.

18. Computer Using Educators (CUE) Conference1

March 18-21, 2020 Palm Springs, CA Funding: LCFF Supplemental Concentration 011-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-310-5602 $1,221 Carrillo, Emily D. Ranch 011-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-310-0000 $250 011-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-310-5602 $1,221 Castiglione, Thomas “ “ 011-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-310-0000 $250 011-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-310-5602 $1,735 Gomez, Mark “ “ 011-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-310-5602 $1,221 Hypolite, Jonathan “ “ 011-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-310-0000 $250

Re: 4.05 Professional Meeting Attendance Board Agenda Date: 12/11/19

1Costs may vary based on substitute costs, lodging, meals, dates of attendance, mileage requested or organization membership. 2Early approval is needed to ensure that best available rates are secured.

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18. Computer Using Educators (CUE) Conference (continued)1

011-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-310-5602 $1,221 Johnson, Cristina D. Ranch 011-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-310-0000 $250 011-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-310-0000 $1,221 Johnson, Mary “ “ 011-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-310-0000 $250 011-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-310-5602 $1,735 Moatakef, Daniele “ “ 011-00000-0-1110-1000-5220-310-0000 $1,221 Power, Michael “ “ 011-00000-0-1110-1000-1160-310-0000 $250 The conference will allow staff to gain new knowledge in effective program strategies for expanded learning programs in the area of technology.

19. Computer Using Educators (CUE) Conference1 March 19-21, 2020 Palm Springs, CA Funding: ASES 010-60100-0-1110-1000-5220-700-6010 $1,413 Collins, Allison Ed. Services 010-60100-0-1110-1000-1160-700-6010 $250 010-60100-0-1110-1000-5220-700-6010 $1,413 Mendez, Judith “ “ 010-60100-0-1110-1000-1160-700-6010 $250 010-60100-0-1110-1000-5220-700-6010 $1,413 Molina, Maximiliano “ “ 010-60100-0-1110-1000-1160-700-6010 $250 010-60100-0-1110-2110-5220-700-6010 $1,413 Mosher, Darlene “ “ The conference will allow staff to gain new knowledge in effective program strategies for expanded learning programs in the area of technology.

20. Western New York Consortium of Higher Education: Counselor Tour Program April 26-30, 2020 Buffalo, NY Funding: NA NA $0 Vasquez-Brooks, Elia Pomona Staff attending will tour the campus and receive valuable information regarding the admissions, enrollment management, campus specific admissions practices, financial aid, and student services to better assist students in choosing the appropriate college choices after high school graduation. There is no cost to the District.

Re: 4.05 Professional Meeting Attendance Board Agenda Date: 12/11/19

1Costs may vary based on substitute costs, lodging, meals, dates of attendance, mileage requested or organization membership. 2Early approval is needed to ensure that best available rates are secured.

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21. Annual Mt. SAC Educators’ Workshop December 13, 2019 Walnut, CA Funding: NA NA $0 Andrews, Paula Palomares NA $0 Johnson, Natalie D. Ranch Staff attending will learn about new Mt. SAC campus efforts and state legislation that positively impacts students.

22. Pacific Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Winter 2020 Learning Institute January 14-16, 2020 Long Beach, CA Funding: California Learning Communities for School Success Program 010-70850-0-0000-3130-5220-700-0000 $211 Ayala, Melissa Pupil & Comm. 010-70850-0-0000-3130-5220-700-0000 $211 Cortez, Julia “ “ 010-70850-0-0000-2700-5220-700-0000 $211 Lopez, Crystal “ “ 010-70850-0-0000-2700-5220-700-0000 $211 Pulphus, Davina “ “ Staff will be provided with an intensive learning sessions for the school-based mental health workforce.

23. ASB Works User Conference

January 22-24, 2020 Anaheim, CA Funding: Business Services 010-00000-0-0000-7200-5220-710-8600 $460 Teel, Linda Ganesha 010-00000-0-0000-7200-5220-710-8600 $460 Jacobe, Eric Adult Ed. 010-00000-0-0000-7200-5220-710-8600 $460 Mejia, Xiomara “ “ 010-00000-0-0000-7200-5220-710-8600 $460 Lira, Gloria Fiscal Serv. 010-00000-0-0000-7200-5220-710-8600 $460 Madrid, Emily “ “ Staff attending will be provided with valuable training for individuals responsible for maintaining an effective Associated Student Body (ASB) program.

24. California Association for Bilingual Education

January 30, 2020 Anaheim, CA Funding: LCFF Supplemental Concentration 011-00000-0-0000-2495-5220-700-8751 $341 Aguilar, Norma Pupil & Comm. 011-00000-0-0000-2495-5220-700-8751 $341 Perez, Mary “ “ This conference will provide staff with quality bilingual professional learning and leadership skills.

Re: 4.05 Professional Meeting Attendance Board Agenda Date: 12/11/19

1Costs may vary based on substitute costs, lodging, meals, dates of attendance, mileage requested or organization membership. 2Early approval is needed to ensure that best available rates are secured.

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25. Educating for Careers Conference February 27-29, 2020 Long Beach, CA Funding: Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) 010-31820-0-0000-3110-5220-430-0000 $755 Roman, Andrew Park West Staff attending will have the opportunity to learn from field experts on dual enrollment, Career Pathways, and curriculum and instruction strategies.

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Certificated Personnel – December 11, 2019

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5a.01 Certificated Personnel – Resignation It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the following certificated resignation.




Effective Close of Business

1. Flores, Sydney Prob. Tchr. – SDC Teaching Elsewhere 11-22-19 5a.02 Certificated Personnel – Leaves of Absence and Intermittent Leave of Absence (with or without pay) A. It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the following certificated leaves of

absence with or without pay.

Name Assignment Reason Effective 1. Candelas Cisneros,

Karen Perm. Tchr. Elem. – Washington

Infant Care3 10-28-19 through 1-6-20

2. Pereda, Manfred J. Perm. Tchr. Sec. – Diamond Ranch

Infant Care1,2,3 9-25-19 through 11-1-19

3. Ramsaran, Nadia S. Prob. Counselor Pupil Support Services

Personal 12-9-19 through 12-19-19

4. Rodriguez, Christine M. Perm. Tchr. Sec. – Diamond Ranch

Infant Care1,2,3 10-17-19 through 12-20-19

5. Santana, Jamie Erina Perm. Tchr. Elem. – Armstrong

Infant Care1,2,3 10-29-19 through 11-29-19

B. It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the following certificated intermittent leave of absence with or without pay.

Name Assignment Reason Effective

1. Christenson, Kenneth Perm. Tchr. Sec. – Garey

Personal1 9-30-19 through 11-25-19

1Family Care and Medical Leave 2California Family Rights Act 3AB 2393 Parental Leave 5a.03 Certificated Personnel – Catastrophic Donation of Illness Days It is recommended that the Board of Education approve a donation of 15 days to the APT Catastrophic Leave Bank pursuant to Article 14, Section 24 of the collective bargaining agreement between the Pomona Unified School District Board of Education and Associated Pomona Teachers.

Name Assignment Location Days Donated 1. Ambrosio, John Rocco School Psychologist

Special Education 10

2. Hernandez, Wanda Yvonne Tchr. Specialist, Academic Coach

Educational Services


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5a.04 Certificated Personnel – Changes of Assignment, Salary or Status It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the changes of assignment, salary or status for the following certificated personnel. A. 12 month position/220 working days – Effective 12-1-19 through 6-30-20

Name From To 1. Suchite, Cesia Perm. Tchr.

Elem. – Alcott IV-6 10 month position 188 working days

Tchr. Specialist – Ed. Media Educational Services II-B(1)1

B. 12 month position/220 working days – Effective 12-2-19 through 6-30-20

Name From To 1. Williams, Irishia Reed Perm. Tchr. – SDC

Sec. – Diamond Ranch III-112

10 month position 188 working days

Tchr. Specialist – Sp. Ed. Special Ed. II-A(1)1

C. 12 month position/220 working days – Effective 12-12-19 through 6-30-20

Name From To 1. De La Torre, Ana P. Tchr. Early Head Start

Montvue II-E(7)3,4,5

Resource Tchr. Child Dev. II-E(7)3,4,6

1Special Projects Salary Schedule 2Special Education Factor Step 3Child Development Salary Schedule 4Longevity 5Unit Leader Stipend 6Resource Teacher Stipend 5a.05 Certificated Personnel – Elections It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the election of the following certificated employees for the 2019-20 school year. A. 10 month position/188 working days – Effective 11-14-19 through 6-1-20

Name Site Status Salary Data 1. Haus, Hannah

Kathleen Kingsley Emergency Tchr. A-11

B. 10 month position/188 working days – Effective 12-2-19 through 6-1-20

Name Site Status Salary Data 1. Wong, Carmen Alcott Temp. TK Tchr. IV-1

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5a.05 Certificated Personnel – Elections (continued)

C. 10 month position/188 working days – Effective 12-2-19

Name Site Status Salary Data 1. Lu, Lu Pantera Prob. Tchr. (Intern) II-1 2. Patel, Sheila Special Ed. Prob. Teacher-

Spch/Lngg Spclst. II-9

D. 10 month position/188 working days – Effective 12-2-19 through 6-1-20

Name Site Status Salary Data 1. White, Rayna Nicole Decker Temp. Intervention

Tchr. I-A(1)2

1Provisional Internship Permit 2Special Projects Salary Schedule 5a.06 Certificated Personnel – Election – Substitute Teachers A. It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the election of the following certificated

personnel to serve as a substitute teacher from time to time as needed. Payment will be made in as accordance with Administrative Regulation 4121.

Name Name

1. Alvarillo-Tommasi, Melody 7. Gallegos, Guadalupe J. 2. Ayala, April Ozelle 8. Hogg, Rosalind Renee 3. Campbell, Andre A. 9. Kelley, Sabrina 4. Diaz, Brandon 10. Rodriguez, Maria Angelica 5. Diaz, Maria S. 11. Sierra, Karina 6. Estrada, Jessica 12. Waggoner, Savannah J.

B. It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the following personnel to serve as a

substitute teacher as needed for the Regional Occupational Program (ROP) on an hourly basis. Payment will be made in accordance with Administrative Regulation 4153.

Name 1. Guerra, David Anthony

5a.07 Certificated Personnel – Salary Reclassifications

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve or ratify the following certificated salary reclassifications.

These employees have met the District requirements for advancement on the salary schedule.

Name From To Effective 1. Bustos, Francisco II-11 III-11 12-1-19 2. Caballero, Antonio III-13 IV-13 1-1-20 3. Ebat, Ellen V-5 V-6 1-1-20 4. Franklin, Angela Maria II-1 III-1 9-11-19 5. Ngo, Huyen Minh IV-9 V-9 12-1-19 6. Suh, Andrew III-1 IV-1 12-1-19 7. Stahn, Mackenzie Anne I-A(1) I-C(1) 12-1-19 8. Tran, Annie Thuy-An II-1 V-1 9-26-19 9. Williams, Brian L. IV-1 IV-4 9-27-19

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5a.08 Certificated Personnel – Coaches A. It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the election of the following personnel for

an extra assignment for the 2019-20 school year.

Payment will be made at the end of the particular activity in accordance with Administrative regulation 4153(a)(b) and the Agreement between the Pomona Unified School District Board of Education and the Associated Pomona Teachers.

High School

I. Diamond Ranch Funding: High School Sports Program 010-00000-0-1501-1000-1170-310-1401 Certificated 010-00000-0-1501-1000-2170-310-1401 Classified 010-00000-0-1110-1000-1170-310-2300

Name Sport Factor

1. Cabral, Israel1,2 Junior Varsity Soccer – Boys 0.100 (50%) 2. Johnson, Kenyatta T.1,2 Assistant Football 0.100 (50%) 3. Lopez, Shylah M.1,2 Rally Advisor 0.100 4. Martinez, Eric P. Head Varsity Football 0.125 5. Meza, Jr., Mario A. Head Volleyball – Girls 0.125 6. Monroe, Marisa Jolene Rally Advisor 0.100 7. Nguyen, Michael Quang Head Varsity Wrestling – Boys 0.125 8. Renteria, Erick N.1,2 Drill Team 0.100 (75%) 9. Richardson, Keith1,2 Assistant Junior Varsity Football 0.100 (50%)

10. Ryan, John P. Assistant Basketball – Boys 0.100 (75%) 11. Staricka, Damian1,2 Assistant Football 0.100 (50%) 12. Tolentino, Jeffrey A.1,2 Freshman Volleyball – Girls 0.100

II. Fremont Academy

Funding: Secondary School Sports Program 010-00000-0-1110-1000-1170-220-2300 Certificated

Name Sport Factor

1. Chang, Amanda Marie Yearbook Advisor 0.100

III. Ganesha Funding: High School Sports Program 010-00000-0-1501-1000-1170-320-1401 Certificated 010-00000-0-1501-1000-2170-320-1401 Classified

Name Sport Factor

1. Barker, Matthew K. Junior Varsity Cross Country – Girls 0.100 2. Cook, Aron Kiere1,2 Assistant Junior Varsity Football 0.100 (50%) 3. Mozqueda, Louis Assistant Junior Varsity Football 0.100 4. Mozqueda, Louis Head Varsity Wrestling – Girls 0.125 5. Spirlin, Brian L.1,2 Assistant Varsity Basketball – Girls 0.100 6. Torres Rosas, Mauricio1,2 Freshman Soccer – Boys 0.100 (75%) 7. Wilborn, Jacques E.1,2 Junior Varsity Assistant Football 0.100 (75%)

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5a.08 Certificated Personnel – Coaches (continued)

IV. Garey Funding: High School Sports Program 010-00000-0-1501-1000-1170-330-1401 Certificated 010-00000-0-1501-1000-2170-330-1401 Classified 010-00000-0-1110-1000-1170-330-2300

Name Sport Factor

1. Calagna, Victor J. Yearbook Advisor 0.100 2. Calagna, Victor J. Newspaper 0.100 3. Escorcia-Ruiz, Sabrina1,2 Assistant Varsity Soccer – Girls 0.100 4. Garcia, Fernando1,2 Junior Varsity Soccer – Boys 0.100 5. Morrison, Jimmy1,2 Assistant Varsity Basketball – Boys 0.100 6. Nguyen, Thach Quang1,2 Head Varsity Basketball – Boys 0.125 7. Torres, Crystal Junior Varsity Volleyball – Girls 0.100 8. Tran, Anthony Q. Junior Varsity Track – Girls 0.100

V. Pomona Funding: High School Sports Program 010-00000-0-1501-1000-2170-340-1401 Classified

Name Sport Factor 1. Brown, Johnny R.1,2 Assistant Varsity Football 0.100 2. Lidle, Christopher T. 1,2 Freshman Volleyball – Girls 0.100 3. Zaragoza, Natalie M.1,2 Freshman Soccer – Girls 0.100

VI. Village Academy Funding: High School Sports Program 010-00000-0-1110-1000-1170-350-2300

Name Sport Factor 1. Hernandez, II, Anthony1,2 Rally Advisor 0.100

1These non-credentialed personnel have met requirements under Title V of the California Administrative Code, Section 5532. 2Assembly Bill (AB) 346 expands AB 1025 and requires all non-certificated employees and volunteers that supervise, direct or coach a student activity, to obtain an Activity Supervisor Clearance Certificate (ASCC) or to clear dual fingerprints with both the DOJ and FBI. Appendix X, Section II – Payment for the above high school athletics coaching and activity assignments shall be made in the amount of the factor indicated times Class I of the factor step of the Teachers’ Salary Schedule. Payment shall be made at the end of the sports season. $5,998.00 (0.150 Factor) $4,998.00 (0.125 Factor) $3,999.00 (0.100 Factor) $2,999.00 (0.075 Factor) Trainers $4,500 for Fall, $4,000 for Winter and Spring seasons.

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5a.08 Certificated Personnel – Coaches (continued) B. It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the election of the following personnel for

an extra assignment for the 2019-20 school year.

Payment will be made at the end of the particular activity in accordance with Administrative Regulation 4153(a)(b) and the Agreement between the Pomona Unified School District Board of Education and the Associated Pomona Teachers.

Middle School I. Marshall

Funding: Middle School Sports Program 011-00000-0-1505-4201-2170-240-9130 Classified

Name Sport Factor

1. Dashiell, Donnell R.1,2 Basketball – Boys 0.033

II. Lorbeer

Funding: Middle School Sports Program 011-00000-0-1505-4201-1170-230-9130 Certificated

Name Sport Factor

2. Scarbrough, Susan E. Athletic Coordinator 0.065

III. Palomares Academy

Funding: Middle School Sports Program 011-00000-0-1505-4201-2170-250-9130 Classified

Name Sport Factor

1. Scott, Kele1,2 Football 0.333

1These non-credentialed personnel have met requirements under Title V of the California Administrative Code, Section 5532. 2Assembly Bill (AB) 346 expands AB 1025 and requires all non-certificated employees and volunteers that supervise, direct or coach a student activity, to obtain an Activity Supervisor Clearance Certificate (ASCC) or to clear dual fingerprints with both the DOJ and FBI.

Appendix X, Section II - $1,320.00 per year (0.033 of factor step of Class I on the base salary schedule). Payment for the above middle school athletics coaching and activity assignments will be made in the amount of the factor indicated times Class I of the factor step of the Teachers’ Salary Schedule. Payment shall be made at the end of the sports season.

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5a.09 Certificated Personnel – CIF Coaching It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the post season (CIF) compensation for the 2019-20 sports season. Garey Funding: High School Sports Program 010-00000-0-1501-1000-1170-330-1401 Certificated

Name Sport Percentage Week(s) Amount 1. Nguyen, Cong M. Freshman Volleyball – Girls 100 1 $ 100 2. Torres, Crystal Junior Varsity Volleyball – Girls 100 1 100

Funding: High School Sports Program 010-00000-0-1501-1000-2170-330-1401 Classified

Name Sport Percentage Week(s) Amount 1. Aldama, Mayra A. Assistant Volleyball – Girls 50 1 $ 50 2. Cabrera-Lepe, Damian Assistant Junior Varsity Cross

Country – Boys 75 1 75

3. Muneton, Juan Head Varsity Cross Country – Boys 100 1 250 4. Padilla, Cristian F. Head Varsity Volleyball – Girls 100 1 250

Appendix X, Section II – Payment for the above high school athletics coaching and activity assignments will be made and prorated based on the percentage of the stipend. Payment will be made at the end of the sports season. Coaching Position Team Sport Individual Sport Head Coach $250 $150 Assistant Coach 100 75 5a.10 Certificated Personnel – Master Teachers It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify payment of an honorarium to certificated personnel for their participation through various universities as a Master Teacher. 2019-20

Name Site University Amount 1. Baker, Jeffery Lincoln Cal Poly Pomona $ 350 2. Barker, Matthew Fremont Academy “ “ 350 3. Coe, Jacquelyn Alcott “ “ 350 4. Deschenes, James Fremont Academy “ “ 87.50 5. Fastiggi, Kathrin Ganesha “ “ 350 6. Jurado, Yvonne Kingsley “ “ 350 7. Perez, Janet Ganesha “ “ 350 8. Ponce, Laura Garey “ “ 350 9. Bulsombut, Rebecca Decker University of La Verne 300

10. Rivera, Donna Simons “ “ 200

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5a.11 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignment – Elementary Combination Class

It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the special assignment for the following certificated personnel.

Payment will be made in accordance with the Agreement between the Pomona Unified School District Board of Education and the Associated Pomona Teachers. Funding: General Fund 010-00000-0-1110-1000-1170-100-2200 Name Site Effective 1. Monroe, Melissa A. Golden Springs 8-12-19 through 6-1-20 2. Park, Phyllis Solhee Allison 8-19-19 through 6-1-20 3. Reaza, Yvonne Allison 8-19-19 through 6-1-20 4. Tellechea, Luis A. San Antonio 8-6-19 through 6-1-20

5a.12 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignment – Sixth Period It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the special assignment of certificated personnel. In accordance with the Agreement between the Pomona Unified School District Board of Education and the Associated Pomona Teachers, the assignment, which is dependent on continued enrollment, has been initiated by the District and agreed to by the employee. Funding: Garey 010-00000-0-1110-1000-1130-330-2300

Name Subject Effective 1. Wiseman, Mark AVID 8-27-19 through 12-31-19

5a.13 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignment – Special Education A. It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the special assignment for the following

certificated personnel who attended New Teacher Orientation for Special Education July 29 and July 30, 2019. Payment will be made in accordance with Administrative Regulation 4153. Not to exceed 12 hours per person.

Funding: Special Education 010-65000-0-5750-1130-1130-700-4929

Name Name 1. Contreras, Hugo 8. Reneaux, Yvette 2. Garcia, Crystal 9. Rumbin, Benjamin 3. Harriman, Marisa 10. Rottenbacher, Jane 4. Herrera, Selina 11. Singletary, Alaric 5. Meerkreebs, Karsen 12. Taylor-Roof, Bridget 6. Miramontes, Evelyn 13. Valadez, Laura 7. Padilla, Diana

Appendix X, Section II - $1599.00 per year (0.040 of factor step of Class I on the base salary schedule).

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5a.13 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignment – Special Education (continued) B. It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the following certificated staff to

complete Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) for students with special needs, in order to adhere to compliance with Federal and State mandates for the 2019-20 school year. Payment will be made in accordance with Administrative Regulation 4153. Not to exceed 80 hours per person.

Funding: Special Education 010-65000-0-5770-1120-1110-700-4904

Name 1. Hochberger, Marissa 2. Palomino, Rosemarie 3. Ramirez, Yadira

C. It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the following certificated personnel to

translate Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) for special education students in accordance with Federal and State mandates as needed for the second semester of the 2019-20 school year. Payment is to be made in accordance with Administrative Regulation 4153. Not to exceed 80 hours per person.

Funding: Special Education 010-65000-0-5001-2109-1130-700-4902

Name 1. Tapia, Veronica E. 2. Torres, Cesar 3. Villa, Maria De Los Angeles

Appendix X, Section IV - .001 of the factor step of the member’s class on the Base salary schedule. Rate: $39.985 - $48.788 per hour. 5a.14 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignment – Special Education – Home & Hospital Program

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the following certificated personnel to provide academic instruction to students enrolled in the Home & Hospital Program, effective January 6, through May 29, 2020. Payment will be made in accordance with Administrative Regulation 4153. Not to exceed 90 hours per person.

Funding: Special Education 010-65000-0-5770-1120-1110-700-4904 Name Name 1. Abeysekera, Lalith 28. Maizel, Matthew P. 2. Almqvist, Janet H. 29. Malagon, Rocio 3. Baker, Brianne 30. Mann, Nicole A. 4. Barrientos, Claudia M. 31. Marin, Yolanda R. 5. Battle, Angela 32. Morales, Mary A. 6. Bhatia, Daljeet K. 33. Murangi, Candace R. 7. Borgogno, Anthony S. 34. Murphy, Christine A. 8. Bout, Alon 35. Nwagbo, Fran U. 9. Brockett, Yesenia M. 36. Otten, Kimberly A.

10. Brewer, Kristiana L. 37. Owens, Andrea L.

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5a.14 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignment – Special Education – Home & Hospital Program (continued) Name Name 11. Bushong, Bridgette R. 38. Patel, Teresa 12. Carpenter, David 39. Paz, Catherine M. 13. Case, Obdulia 40. Perez, Nancy 14. Chacon, Vivian 41. Perla, Jose H. 15. Donaire Martinez, Marie 42. Porras, Eliza M. 16. Fegert, Michael 43. Pugno, Brandon 17. Flexser, Crystal M. 44. Ramirez, Yadira 18. Hnatiw, Maria V. 45. Raygoza, Lauren A. 19. Hochberger, Marissa P. 46. Reinhardt, Michelle R. 20. Hockwalt, Megan 47. Rodriguez, Emily 21. Howell, Jami R. 48. Rodriguez, Rosario 22. Gonzalez-Gatherer, Diana 49. Romero, Neomi 23. Jack, Sarah 50. Shelby, Aja E. 24. Kniesley-Watnik, Debra N. 51. Shields, Kameron 25. Lange, Brittney 52. Stevenson, III, Lynward W. 26. Lujan, Mark C. 53. Van-Hyfte, Eugene 27. MacFarlane, Brian 54. Wilson, Jessica

Appendix X, Section IV - .001 of the factor step of the member’s class on the Base salary schedule. Rate: $39.985 per hour. 5a.15 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignment – Unit Leaders It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the special assignment for the following certificated personnel for the 2019-20 school year. Payment will be made in accordance with the Agreement between the Pomona Unified School District Board of Education and the Associated Pomona Teachers. Unit Leaders - $500/Year A. Golden Springs

Funding: LCFF – Supplemental Concentration – Grade Level Lead 011-00000-0-1110-2110-1970-125-0000

Name 1. Gardner-Horn, Yolanda Yvette

B. Lincoln

Funding: Title I – Grade Level Lead


Name 1. Baker, Jeffery D. 2. Franco-Moore, Zachary A. 3. Galvan, Melissa A. 4. Hill, Michelle Tina Castillo 5. Lo, Naomi Sin Yan 6. Raygoza, Lauren Angelica

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5a.15 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignment – Unit Leaders (continued) C. Simons

Funding: LCFF – Supplemental Concentration – TTL


Name 1. Minero, Theresa La Vaughn

5a.16 Certificated Personnel – Release of Substitute Teacher It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the release of the following substitute teacher pursuant to Education Code 44953. Name Effective 1. Seo, Marvin Kang-Hee 11-13-19

5a.17 Certificated Personnel – Rescissions A. It is recommended that the Board of Education rescind the action taken at the September 11,

2019 Board meeting approving the Special Assignment – Unit Leaders for the following personnel for the 2019-20 school year.

AA. Vejar

I. Funding: Title I – Grade Level Lead 010-30100-0-1110-2110-1970-170-0000


2. Cordova-Mares, Marely B. It is recommended that the Board of Education rescind the action taken at the October 16, 2019

Board meeting approving the Coaching Assignment for the following personnel for the 2019-20 school year. II. Garey

Funding: High School Sports Program – Certificated 010-00000-0-1501-1000-1170-330-1401

Name Sport Factor

12. Nguyen, Cong JV Girls Basketball 0.100

Appendix X, Section III - $500/year Rate - $50.00/per month, tenthly Appendix X, Section III - $250/year Rate - $25.00/per month, tenthly

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5a.18 Certificated Personnel – Amendments It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the amendments to action taken at previous Board meetings. 1. Board Agenda Date: 5-8-19 Agenda Item – 5a.17 – Page 18 of 22 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignment – Unit Leaders – Child Dev. Change to correct effective date. Item F. #1 De La Torre, Ana P. From: 7-1-19 through 6-30-20 To: 7-1-19 through 12-11-19

2. Board Agenda Date: 9-11-19 Agenda Item – 5a.17 – Page 17 and 18 of 30 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignment – Sixth Period Change to correct funding. Item H. Robles, Jorge From: 010-90750-0-1110-1000-1130-700-5515 To: 010-92200-0-3200-1000-1130-430-0000


Change to correct end date. Item I. Barron, Nidia Ivette From: 5-29-20 To: 9-9-19

3. Board Agenda Date: 9-11-19 Agenda Item – 5a.19 – Page 19 of 30 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignment – Support Providers Change to correct payment amount for second installment only due to decrease in

participating teachers assigned to this employee for second semester. Item A. # 8.

#17. King, Jason A. Torres, Rita

From: $2156 To: $1294 (second installment only)

4. Board Agenda Date: 9-11-19 Agenda Item – 5a. 20 – Page 26 of 30 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignment – Unit Leaders Change to correct ending date. Item W. #1.

#2. Corona-Flores, Cynthia Tellechea, Luis A.

From: 19-20 School Year To: 11-22-19

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5a.18 Certificated Personnel – Amendments (continued) 5. Board Agenda Date: 10-16-19 Agenda Item – 5a. 09 – Page 9 of 21 Certificated Personnel – High School Coaches Change to correct factor percentage. Item #3. Cook, Jr., Aron From: 0.100 (75%) To: 0.100 (100%)

6. Board Agenda Date: 10-16-19 Agenda Item – 5a. 05 – Page 5 of 21 Certificated Personnel – Change of Assignment, Salary or Status Change to correct salary data. Item C. #1. Piccirillo, Teresa From: III-3 To: IV-3

7. Board Agenda Date: 11-13-19 Agenda Item – 5a.05 – Page 3 of 22 Certificated Personnel – Catastrophic Leave and Donation of Illness Days Change to correct number of allocated hours, current catastrophic days and effective

date. From: Forty (40) illness/vacation hours. 145.63 days.

through 12-4-19

To: Sixty (60) illness/vacation hours. 125.63 days through 1-16-20

8. Board Agenda Date: 11-13-19 Agenda Item – 5a.06 – Page 5 of 22 Certificated Personnel – Changes of Assignment, Salary or Status Change to correct site in the To column. Item F. #1. Carrillo, Noelia From: Lincoln

To: Arroyo 9. Board Agenda Date: 11-13-19 Agenda Item – 5a.07 – Page 6 of 22 Certificated Personnel – Elections Change to correct working days and salary step. Item I. #1. Flores, Jonathan From: 11 month position/188 working days


To: 11 month position/203 working days V-2

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5a.18 Certificated Personnel – Amendments (continued) 10. Board Agenda Date: 11-13-19 Agenda Item – 5a.11 – Page 11 of 22 Certificated Personnel – Coaches Change to correct school site and funding account. Item #1. Dukes, Brandi Rene From: 011-00000-0-1505-4201-1170-240-9103 - Marshall To: 011-00000-0-1505-4201-1170-250-9103 - Palomares Academy Item #2. Hemmans, Tiawian Omar1,2 From: 011-00000-0-1505-4201-2170-240-9103 - Marshall To: 011-00000-0-1505-4201-2170-250-9103 - Palomares Academy Item #3. Mc Corkell, Christopher Keoni From: 011-00000-0-1505-4201-1170-240-9103 - Marshall To: 011-00000-0-1505-4201-1170-210-9103 - Emerson

11. Board Agenda Date: 11-13-19

Agenda Item – 5a.13 – Page 12 of 22 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignment – Administrative Coaches Change to correct annual stipend amount. From: $2500/Year To: $3500/Year

12. Board Agenda Date: 11-13-19 Agenda Item – 5a. 21 – Page 18 of 22 Certificated Personnel – Special Assignment – Unit Leaders – San Antonio Change to correct funding title. Item G. #1-4

Davis, Emily K. Malagon, Silvia B. Ortiz, Martha C. Rosales, Carmen Maria

From: Funding: LCFF – Supplemental Concentration – TTL To: Funding: LCFF – Supplemental Concentration – Grade Level Lead

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Classified Personnel – December 11, 2019

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5b.01 Classified Personnel – Death of Employee

Marcus D. Terry, Custodian-Certified at San Antonio, passed away November 21, 2019. He had been employed with the District for over 5 years. 5b.02 Classified Personnel – Resignations

It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the resignation of the following classified employees.




Effective Close of Business

1. Agustin Gramajo, Angelica L.

Food Services Worker I Food & Nutrition Services (Washington)

Other 12-6-19

2. Chilcoat, Laura Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH Special Education (Adult Transition)

Health 11-21-19

3. Gallegos, Janette Paraeducator, Special Ed. Kellogg

Professional Advancement


4. Godinez, Maria E. Paraeducator, Special Ed. Palomares Academy

Other 11-19-19

5. Merancio, Blanca R. Food Services Staff Assistant Food & Nutrition Services

Retirement1 12-28-19

6. Moreno, Tina M. Elementary Campus Supervisor Vejar

Change of Occupation


7. Ornelas, Josie R. Food Services Worker I Lincoln



8. Piazzola, Anton J. Paraeducator, Special Ed. Kingsley

Change of Occupation


9. Rowlette, Karen L. Typist Clerk II Health Services

Retirement1 11-15-19

10. Sanders, Diane J. Media Technician Lorbeer

Retirement1 12-30-19

1Eligible for retiree health benefits

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5b.03 Classified Personnel – Leaves of Absence and Intermittent Leave of absence (with or without pay) A. It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the following leaves of absence with or

without pay.

Name Assignment Reason Effective 1. Medina, Marlene Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH


Other 11-25-19 through 1-30-20

B. It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the following intermittent leaves of absence with or without pay.

Name Assignment Reason Effective 1. Garcia, Martha Typist Clerk I


Health1 11-13-19 through 6-1-20

2. Nunez, Maritza Caseload Technician II – Bil. Child Development

Health – Parent 11-12-19 through 2-28-20

1Family Medical Leave Act 5b.04 Classified Personnel – Catastrophic Leave and Donation of Illness/Vacation Hours

A. It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the following request for Catastrophic Leave pursuant to the collective bargaining agreement between the Pomona Unified School District Board of Education and California School Employees Association, Chapter 14, Article 11, Section 19.

Effective 12-9-19 through 1-20-20

Name Assignment Reason Location 1. Navarro, Jonette M. Data Entry Clerk

Illness Child


B. It is recommended that the Board of Education approve a donation of (314) illness/vacation hours to be used by Jonette Navarro.

Name Assignment


Vacation Hours

Illness Hours

1. Casian, Sandra P. Family Services Specialist I - Bil.

Child Development 8

2. Daye, Bridgette Family Services Specialist I Child Development 8 3. Diaz-Pliego, Tania E. Family Services Specialist I -

Bil. Child Development 16

4. Escobar, Josue Family Services Specialist I - Bil.

Child Development 40

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5b.04 Classified Personnel – Catastrophic Leave and Donation of Illness/Vacation Hours (continued)




Vacation Hours

Illness Hours

5. Flores, Blanca E. Family Services Specialist I - Bil.

Child Development 8

6. Frias, Judy O. Registrar Garey 40 7. Giblin, Kim Health Technician Child Development 8 8. Gomez, Aracely Family Services Specialist I -

Bil. Child Development 4

9. Guillen, Lisa M. Secretary II Child Development 8 10. Huynh, Jane Fiscal Services Clerk Accounting 24 11. Jara, Monique J. Data Entry Clerk Child Development 40 12. Lemmons, Regina Data Entry Clerk Child Development 8 13. Leos, Michelle C. Data Entry Clerk Child Development 16 14. Ly, Duyen H. Fiscal Services Analyst Accounting 8 15. Mapoy, Michele Q. Health Technician Child Development 8 16. Mocias, Matthew S. Nutrition Technician Child Development 4 17. Quezada, Karla Family Services Specialist I –

Bil. Child Development 2

18. Ramos, Elizabeth Family Services Specialist I – Bil.

Child Development 8

19. Rodriguez, Maria A. Typist Clerk I Arroyo 16 20. Thompson, Harley Computer Service Technician I Garey 16 21. Vasquez,Erika Secretary Data Processing Child Development 24

5b.05 Classified Personnel – Changes of Assignment, Salary or Status

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the following changes of assignment, salary or status. The salary data indicates the step and column applicable to the employee on the current salary schedule. Name From To Effective 1. Acosta De Onate,

Tayzet Food Services Worker I 13E 3 hours/day 9 month position Food & Nutrition Services (Fremont Academy)

Manager I, Food Services 25D 4 hours/day 9 month position Food & Nutrition Services


2. Aguilar, Dina L. Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.5 hours/day 9 month position Harrison

Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.75 hours/day 9 month position Harrison


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5b.05 Classified Personnel – Changes of Assignment, Salary or Status (continued) REVISED Name From To Effective 3. Aguilar, Norma

PULLED School Community Liaison 18B1 3 hours/day 9 month position Pupil & Community Services

School Community Liaison 18B1 5 hours/day 9 month position Pupil & Community Services


4. Arias, Eric P. School Community Liaison 18B 3 hours/day 9 month position Pupil & Community Services

School Community Liaison 18B 5 hours/day 9 month position Pupil & Community Services


5. Ballina, Alphonso G. Computer Service Technician II 35F2

8 hours/day 12 month position Ganesha

Technology Specialist 48E2 8 hours/day 12 month position Educational Services


6. Barajas Gomez, Nora J.

Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.5 hours/day 9 month position San Jose

Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.75 hours/day 9 month position San Jose


7. Duarte, Irene Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 2 hours/day 9 month position Cortez

Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.75 hours/day 9 month position Cortez


8. Gomez, Sylvia Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.5 hours/day 9 month position Lexington

Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.75 hours/day 9 month position Lexington


9. Guillen, Lisa M. Secretary II 24F1

8 hours/day 11 month position Child Development

Community Services Clerk/Secretary 39E 8 hours/day 12 month position Pupil Support Services


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5b.05 Classified Personnel – Changes of Assignment, Salary or Status (continued)

Name From To Effective 10. Henderson, Arletha Elementary Campus

Supervisor 7C 3.5 hours/day 9 month position Harrison

Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.75 hours/day 9 month position Harrison


11. Huerta, Lucia E. Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.5 hours/day 9 month position San Jose

Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.75 hours/day 9 month position San Jose


12. Lara, Jr., Frank Health Services Assistant 20F2 8 hours/day 9 month position Health Services (Montvue)

Custodian – Certified 23F2,3

8 hours/day 12 month position Diamond Ranch


13. Maron, Jose L. Construction Trades Technician I 38D 8 hours/day 12 month position Maintenance & Operations

Construction Trades Technician II 40D 8 hours/day 12 month position Maintenance & Operations


14. Martinez, Cynthia A. Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.5 hours/day 9 month position San Jose

Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.75 hours/day 9 month position San Jose


15. Mc Cullough, Daren L.

Construction Trades Lead 43F2

8 hours/day 12 month position Maintenance & Operations

Maintenance & Operations Supervisor 52E2

8 hours/day 12 month position Maintenance & Operations


16. Melena, Estela Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.5 hours/day 9 month position Lexington

Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.75 hours/day 9 month position Lexington


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5b.05 Classified Personnel – Changes of Assignment, Salary or Status (continued) REVISED

Name From To Effective 17. Navarro, Diane Elementary Campus

Supervisor 7C 3 hours/day 9 month position Roosevelt

Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.5 hours/day 9 month position Roosevelt


18. Ozaeta-Uriarte, Sonia Instructional Aide, Child Dev. 16F

8 hours/day 12 month position Pomona

Paraeducator, Special Ed. 17F

7 hours/day 9 month position La Verne Charter


19. Perez, Mary Lou PULLED

School Community Liaison 18B1 3 hours/day 9 month position Pupil & Community Services

School Community Liaison 18B1 5 hours/day 9 month position Pupil & Community Services


20. Puentes, Diana M. Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3 hours/day 9 month position Roosevelt

Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.5 hours/day 9 month position Roosevelt


21. Ramirez, Connie Manager I, Food Services 25F2 6.5 hours/day 9 month position Food & Nutrition Services (Alcott)

Manager II, Food Services 29E2 7 hours/day 9 month position Food & Nutrition Services (Marshall)


22. Robles Alatorre, Eustorgia G.

Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3 hours/day 9 month position Roosevelt

Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.5 hours/day 9 month position Roosevelt


23. Rocha, Eva Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH 18C 6 hours/day 9 month position Decker

Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH 18C 7 hours/day 9 month position Special Education


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5b.05 Classified Personnel – Changes of Assignment, Salary or Status (continued) REVISED

Name From To Effective 24. Rodriguez De

Quintanila, Vilma K. Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 2 hours/day 9 month position Lexington

Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH 18B 7 hours/day 9 month position Lexington


25. Rosas Cruz, Ruth Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3 hours/day 9 month position Roosevelt

Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.5 hours/day 9 month position Roosevelt


26. Sanchez, Cynthia Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3 hours/day 9 month position Roosevelt

Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.5 hours/day 9 month position Roosevelt


27. Zumer, Viola Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.5 hours/day 9 month position San Jose

Elementary Campus Supervisor 7C 3.75 hours/day 9 month position San Jose


1Bilingual stipend 2Longevity stipend 3Night duty stipend 5b.06 Classified Personnel – Elections

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve or ratify the following classified personnel who will fill a vacant position. The salary data indicates the step and column applicable to the particular employee on the current salary schedule.

Name Assignment Salary Effective 1. Arteaga, Donna Paraeducator, Special Ed.

Lorbeer 17C 5 hours/day 9 month position


2. Barzanouni, Masoumeh PULLED

Food Services Worker I Food & Nutrition Services (Washington)

13A 3 hours/day 9 month position


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5b.06 Classified Personnel – Elections (continued) Name Assignment Salary Effective 3. Contreras, Martha Typist Clerk I


17A 8 hours/day 10 month position


4. Del Rosario, Tiffany Paraeducator, Special Ed. Garey

17A 5 hours/day 9 month position


5. Fernandez, Ana Elementary School Library Clerk Washington

19A 6 hours/day 10 month position


6. Garcia, Joana Typist Clerk I San Jose

17A 8 hours/day 10 month position


7. Kolodge, Abby Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH Kellogg

18A 6 hours/day 9 month position


8. Mack, Joel S. Instructional Aide, P.E. Fremont Academy

14A 7 hours/day 9 month position


9. Martinez, Victoria Reza

Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH Special Education

18A 7 hours/day 9 month position


10. McDowell, Meredith M.

Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH Special Education

18B 7 hours/day 9 month position


11. Santos, Edward Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH Special Education

18B 7 hours/day 9 month position


12. Molina Islas, Mireya Paraeducator, Special Ed. Alcott

17B 5 hours/day 9 month position


13. Ramirez, Jose Vehicle Mechanic II Maintenance & Operations

36A 8 hours/day 12 month position


14. Shellenbergar, Max Paraeducator, Special Ed. Village Academy

17A 5 hours/day 9 month position


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5b.06 Classified Personnel – Elections (continued) Name Assignment Salary Effective

15. Toruno, Cristina A. Paraeducator, Special Ed. Decker

17A 5 hours/day 9 month position


16. Walker, Drake M. Instructional Aide, P.E. Palomares Academy

14A 7 hours/day 9 month position


5b.07 Classified Personnel – Temporary Assignments

It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the following classified temporary assignments. The salary data indicates the step and column applicable to the particular employee on the current salary schedule.

Name From To Effective 1. Aguirre, Suzanna Secretary, Data Processing

27E 8 hours/day 12 month position Instructional Services-Curriculum

Administrative Secretary II 45A 8 hours/day 12 month position Educational Services

6-3-19 through 6-25-19

2. Gonzalez, Casandra D.

Food Services Worker I 13B

3 hours/day 9 month position Food & Nutrition Services

Food Services Worker I 13B

5 hours/day 9 month position Food & Nutrition Services (Montvue)

11-1-19 through 12-31-19

3. Guzman, Lorraine Food Services Worker II 17F1

6.5 hours/day 9 month position Food & Nutrition Services (Palomares Academy)

Food Services Worker II 17F1,2

7.5 hours/day 9 month position Food & Nutrition Services (Palomares Academy)

11-12-19 through 12-11-19

4. Plummer, Toya M. Food Services Worker III 22F1

8 hours/day 9 month position Pomona

Food Services Manager III 37A1

8 hours/day 9 month position Pomona

11-14-19 through 11-22-19

5. Raygoza, Gloria Food Services Worker III 22F1

7.5 hours/day 9 month position Palomares Academy

Manager II, Food Services 29D1

7 hours/day 9 month position Marshall

11-12-19 through 12-11-19

1Longevity Stipend 24% Additional Duties Stipend

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5b.08 Classified Personnel – Bilingual Stipends

It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the payment of a bilingual stipend to the following classified employees who used a language other than English effective for the 2019-20 school year.

Level II – Intermediate A. Funding: Head Start 120-52100-0-7110-2495-2410-710-6301

Name Classification/Site 1. Gonzalez, Jacqueline CD ERSEA Compliance Monitor

Child Development B. Funding: Head Start


Name Classification/Site 1. Mesa, Edison M. CD ERSEA Compliance Monitor

Child Development C. Funding: English Learners


Name Classification/Site 1. Morales, Diana Health Services Assistant

Health Services (Washington) D. Funding: English Learners


Name Classification/Site 1. Quintanar, Zulema Attendance Technician

Park West E. Funding: Head Start


Name Classification/Site 1. Tafur, Glenda S. CD ERSEA Compliance Monitor

Child Development

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5b.09 Classified Personnel – Education Stipends

It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the payment of a stipend for the following classified employees that have been identified as "highly qualified" for the 2019-20 school year. These stipends are in compliance with Article 18:6 as agreed on between the Board of Education and the California School Employees Association, Chapter 14. Payment for these stipends will come from the appropriate funding source.

Name Classification/Site Stipend 1. Aguilar, Giovanna Instructional Aide, Child Dev.



2. Cardenas, Elva Lillian Instructional Aide, Child Dev. Emerson


3. Clark, Famaiya B. Instructional Aide, P.E. Lorbeer


4. Serrato, Stephanie Instructional Aide, Child Dev. San Antonio


5b.10 Classified Personnel – Health Care Stipends

It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the payment of a health care stipend to the following classified employees. Payment will be made in accordance with the Agreement between the Pomona Unified School District Board of Education and the California School Employees Association, Chapter 14. Payment will be made in the amount of $750 for the first semester of the 2019-20 school year.

A. Funding: Special Education


Name Classification Site 1. Brewster, Shanderah Paraeducator,

Special Ed./SH

San Jose

2. Canas Martinez, Stephanie Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH


3. Chinchilla, Marcela A. Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH

La Verne Charter

4. Jena, Sanjukta Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH

Diamond Ranch

5. Ochoa, Isabel M. Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH

La Verne Charter

6. Valenzuela, Leticia Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH

San Jose

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5b.10 Classified Personnel – Health Care Stipends (continued) B. Funding: Special Education

010-65000-0-5751-1110-2110-901-4907 Name Classification Site

1. Barrios, Flerida R. Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH

Diamond Ranch

2. Hernandez, Ruth M. Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH

Diamond Ranch

C. Funding: Special Education

010-33100-0-5770-1110-2110-700-4917 Name Classification Site

1. Escarcega, Lilia Paraeducator, Special Ed.


2. Martinez, Rachel Paraeducator, Special Ed.


D. Funding: Special Education

010-65000-0-5750-1194-2110-901-4930 Name Classification Site

1. Alvarez, Celia S. Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH

Special Education

2. Alvarez, Monique Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH

Special Education

3. Garcia, David Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH

Special Education

4. Landazuri, Bernardine B. Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH

Special Education

5. Robinson, Darshina Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH

Special Education

6. Sauceda, Anita Paraeducator, Special Ed./SH

Special Education

E. Funding: Special Education


Name Classification Site 1. Hiriart, Ana Cecilia Paraeducator,

Special Ed./SH Armstrong

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5b.10 Classified Personnel – Health Care Stipends (continued)

F. Funding: Special Education 010-65000-0-5750-1100-2110-901-4906

Name Classification Site 1. Acero, Omar Paraeducator,

Special Ed./SH Armstrong

5b.11 Classified Personnel – Special Education – Special Assignment

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the following classified personnel to translate Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) for special education students in accordance with Federal and State mandates as needed for the second semester of the 2019-20 school year. Not to exceed 80 hours per person.

Funding: Special Education 010-65000-0-5001-2109-2430-700-4902 Name Name

22. Agudo, Estela 10. Martinez-Cardona, Rosa L. 23. Barrios, Blanca E. 11. Nunez-Morales, Miriam S. 24. Casillas, Rosalva 12. Padilla, Maria O. 25. Gomez, Aracely 13. Rodriguez, Leticia M. 26. Guerrero, Lillian 14. Saavedra, Ana C. 27. Hernandez, Dinhora A. 15. Santana, Patricia 28. Huehl, Hortensia 16. Vargas, Nereida G. 29. Lopez, Alma 17. Villalobos, Diana P. 30. Marquez, Jose E.

5b.12 Classified Personnel – Amendments

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the amendments to action taken at previous Board meetings. 1. Board Agenda Date: 11-13-19 Agenda Item – 5b.03 – Page 2 of 10 Classified Personnel – Leaves of Absence and Intermittent Leave of Absence (with or

without pay) Change to correct ending date. Item #2. Nunez, Maritza From: 10-25-19 through 11-22-19 To: 10-25-19 through 11-8-19

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5b.12 Classified Personnel – Amendments (continued) 2. Board Agenda Date: 11-13-19 Agenda Item – 5b.04 – Page 5 of 10 Classified Personnel – Changes of Assignment, Salary or Status Change to correct effective date. Item #14. Weber, Dawn M. From: 11-1-19 To: 11-4-19

3. Board Agenda Date: 11-13-19 Agenda Item – 5b.05 – Page 7 of 10 Classified Personnel – Elections Change to include work location. Item #12. Marquez, Eduardo Location Harrison

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Non-Classified Personnel - December 11, 2019

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5c.01 Non-Classified Personnel – Elections It is recommended that the Board of Education approve or ratify the election of the following non-classified personnel to serve from time to time, as needed. A. College Intern/Tutor – $12.00/hr.

Funding: Educational Services/TLC 010-60100-0-1110-1000-2130-700-6010

Name 1. Donoza, Ciclaly 2. Gallegos, Jessica 3. Huerta, Angel F. 4. Lemus, Rolando 5. Marshall, Oceano J. K.

B. College Intern/Tutor – $12.00/hr.

Funding: Dual Immersion 011-00000-0-1110-1000-2130-150-8705

Name Site 1. Shek, Evangeline H. Pantera

C. College Intern/Tutor – $12.00/hr.

Funding: LCFF – Supplemental/Concentration 011-00000-0-1110-1000-2130-110-2200

Name Site 1. Chen, Irene Armstrong

D. College Intern/Tutor – $12.00/hr.

Funding: Title I 010-30100-0-1110-1000-2130-XXX-0000

Name Site Site Number 1. Calderon, Jessica M. Ganesha 320 2. Garcia, Jessica D. San Antonio 164 3. Villalobos, Alejandra N. Village Academy 350

E. College Intern/Tutor – $12.00/hr.

Funding: AVID/LCAP 011-00000-0-1110-1000-2130-XXX-9112

Name Site Site Number 1. Boutros, Mina E. Lexington 137 2. Ceballos, Kimberly Lexington 137 3. Magallon, Jose Ganesha 320

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5c.01 Non-Classified Personnel – Elections (continued) F. College Intern/Tutor – $12.00/hr.

Funding: LCFF – English Learners 011-07091-0-1110-1000-2130-XXX-0000

Name Site Site Number 1. Avila, Raquel L. Kingsley 134 2. Basilio Hernandez, Joselinne A. Westmont 176 3. Cruz, Johnny A. Lorbeer 230 4. Reyes, Clarissa A. Alcott 104 5. Velasquez, Jessica Ganesha 320

G. Student Workability Worker – $12.00/hr.

Funding: General Fund 010-65200-0-5770-1194-2920-700-4970

Name 1. Cruz, Angel 2. Lugo, Vincent 3. Perez, Adrian

H. Student Workability Worker – $12.00/hr.

Funding: We Can Work (WCW) Program 010-58101-0-5770-1194-2920-700-4972

Name 1. Arreola, Gabriella

I. Substitute Instructional Aide – $12.00/hr.

Funding: General Fund 010-00000-0-1110-1000-2160-910-8651

Name 1. Godinez, Maria E. 2. Lansang, Tamika Y.

J. Substitute Instructional Aide – $12.00/hr.

Funding: Child Development 120-60600-0-8500-1000-2160-830-0000

Name 1. Calvillo, Carina 2. Maturino, Annmarie

K. Substitute Custodian – $13.75/hr.

Funding: General Fund 010-00000-0-0000-8200-2260-710-8604

Name 1. Castro, Annessa 2. Le, Andy 3. Sandoval, Alfredo Jara 4. Torres, Victor

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5c.01 Non-Classified Personnel – Elections (continued) L. Substitute Secretary – $12.00/hr.

Funding: General Fund 010-00000-0-0000-7200-2460-910-8651

Name 1. Herder, Sandra

5c.02 Non-Classified Personnel – Release of Substitutes and Non-Classified Employees It is recommended that the Board of Education ratify the release of the following substitutes and non-classified personnel.

Name Effective Close of Business

1. Cisneros Flores, Joanna L. 11-15-19 2. Garcia, Chantal 11-12-19 3. Sierra, Karina 11-12-19 4. Quinones, Luis Alonso 11-13-19

5c.03 Non-Classified Personnel – Amendment It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the following amendment to action taken at a previous Board meeting. 1. Board Agenda Date: 11-13-19 Agenda Item – 5c.02 – Page 3 of 3 Non-Classified Personnel – Release of Substitutes and Non-Classified Employees Change to correct name. Item 1. #12. From: Rodriguez, Lee C. To: Rodriguez, Lee S.

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Re: 7.06 Acceptance of Gifts and Donations Board Meeting Date: 12/11/19

From To Donation 1. Decker Parents and Community

Members Decker Elementary $ 1,760.00

This donation will be used for the 6th Grade camp fieldtrip. 2. The Learning Centers at Fairplex Diamond Point Elementary $ 1,414.85

This donation will be used for fieldtrip fees and admission. 3. Diamond Point Parents and

Community Members Diamond Point Elementary $ 4,910.00

This donation will be used for fieldtrip fees and admission. 4. La Verne Parents and Community

Members La Verne Science & Technology Charter School

$ 350.00

This donation will be used for fieldtrip fees and admission. 5. La Verne Parents and Community

Members La Verne Science & Technology Charter School

$ 325.00

This donation will be used for fieldtrip fees and admission. 6. Janice Raby Neely La Verne Science & Technology

Charter School This donation will be used for insurance for fieldtrip.

$ 259.00

7. Building Healthy Lives Foundation Pomona - The Learning Connection $ 500.00

This donation will be used for materials and supplies for the Philadelphia TLC program.

8. Philadelphia Parents and

Community Members Pomona - The Learning Connection $ 152.50

This donation will be used for materials and supplies for the Philadelphia TLC program.

9. Anthony Mendoza San Antonio Elementary $ 523.00

This donation will be used for fieldtrip fees and admission. 10. Donald Martens Simons Middle School $ 800.00

This donation will be used for the music program.


The above donations meet the District’s guidelines for safety and ease of maintenance as outlined in the policy for acceptance of gifts.

Page 1 of 1

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*Note: All signatures must be in original form. No copied or stamped signatures

B. The above resolution was PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of ,20 , by the Governing Board of the:

by the following vote: AYES: ; NOES: ; ABSENT:

I, Clerk of the Governing Board known as

Signed by:

/ /

C. AUTHORIZED this day of 20 , by:



/ /





Do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct resolution adopted by the governing board of the below named organization at the meeting thereof held at its regular place of meeting on this date and by the vote above stated, a copy of said resolution is on file in the principap office of the Governing Board.

Name of Organization

Mailling Address


Organization Name Street Address

ZIP Code

Signature of Administrative Officer


Printed Name of Chief Administrative Officer

1700 National Drive | Sacramento, CA 95834



"BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Board, and hereby ordered that the offical(s) and/or employee(s) whose name(s), title(s), and signature(s) are listed below shall be and is (are) hereby authorized as our representative(s) to acquire surplus property through the auspices of the California State Agency for Surplus Property and accept responsibility for payment of incidental fees by the surplus property agency under the Terms and Conditions accompanying this form or listed on the reverse side of this form."

Agency Name


OFFICE OF FLEET AND ASSET MANAGEMENT | State of California |Government Operations Agency

Zip Code County

Sandra Garcia Assistant Superintendent, CBO

Jonathan Koyama Director, Purchasing

11 December 19

Pomona Unified School District

Richard Martinez Superintendent of Schools

Pomona Unified School District

800 S. Garey Ave

Pomona 91766 Los Angeles

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Re: 7.09 Business Services - Amendments Board Agenda: 12/11/19

1. Board Agenda Date: 11/13/19 Agenda Item: 7.25 – Fiscal Agreement: Planes of Fame Air Museum (Garey Prom)

Amend to correct date of event

From: April 28, 2020

To: March 28, 2020

2. Board Agenda Date: 06/25/19 Agenda Item - 7.58 - WorkAbility Training Sites

Change to include training site:

We Rock the Spectrum Kids Gym - Pomona, CA

3. Board Agenda Date: 11/13/19 Agenda Item: 7.28 Fiscal Agreement: Renaissance Learning, Inc.

Change to reflect correct account:

From: 010-30100-0-1110-1000-4340-107-0000 To: 011-30100-0-1110-1000-4340-131-0000

4. Board Agenda Date: 10/16/19 Agenda Item - 7.54 - Fiscal Agreement: Pivot Learning Partners

Amend to correct cost of contract

From: $37,000

To: $31,800

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Present AR 4221/4321(a)

Non-Classified Substitutes Non-classified employees who will serve as substitutes will be employed in one of the following job categories and compensated at the hourly rate indicated:

Job Category 2018

Hourly Rate

2019 Hourly Rate

2020 Hourly Rate

2021 Hourly Rate

2022 Hourly Rate

Clerk/Health Assistant $11.00 $12.00 $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 Secretarial/Data Entry $12.00 $12.00 $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 Campus Security Assist/Officer I $12.00 $12.00 $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 Custodian/Grounds $13.75 $13.75 $13.75 $14.75 $15.75 Food Service Worker $11.00 $12.00 $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 Instructional Aide $11.00 $12.00 $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 Maintenance $12.50 $12.50 $13.50 $14.50 $15.50 Warehouse, Transportation $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 Facilitator-Community Volunteer $11.00 $12.00 $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 Classified Nurse $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 *Increases shall be effective on January 1st of each year as noted in the columns. Exceptions may be made by the Superintendent, or designee in positions where there is difficulty recruiting qualified day-to-day substitutes. Retired classified employees who substitute in the classification from which he/she retired will be paid at the salary rate he/she received before retirement. Other rates may be set by the Board for specific job categories or periods of time. Non-classified substitutes who fill temporary assignments must pass district-administered tests and possess the minimum requirements for the appropriate classification. In the event that a person on a district re-employment list is employed as a substitute, he/she will be compensated according to the rules governing classified substitutes. When a classified employee has been requested by the principal or supervisor to temporarily replace or substitute for another employee in a higher class for a period to extend longer than five (5) consecutive working days, compensation will be determined as follows:

1. If the position in which the person is substituting is more than one range higher than his/her own, the employee will be placed on Step A of the class in which he/she is substituting or on that step which provides not less than 4% increase.

2. Should the employee work beyond the required five (5) days, compensation for work at the higher class will be retroactive to the first day of service in the higher position.

Present AR 4221/4321(b)

3. To be eligible for temporary placement in a higher class and to receive the increase in pay, the employee must have passed any required district-administered tests for the higher class.

4. Employees who substitute or accept short-term assignments during the months they are not regularly scheduled to work are not entitled to additional fringe benefits.

5. Classified employees will receive additional compensation for additional work when it is necessary for the classified employee to be assigned additional duties by a member of the Superintendent’s cabinet, due to an extended absence of the employee’s immediate administrator/supervisor.

a. To be eligible for compensation for additional work, the immediate administrator/supervisor must be absent for periods longer than (5) working days due to extended illness and/or extreme emergencies or due to a vacancy in the administrator’s position (exclusive of regular vacation periods, conference or meeting, attendance of jury duty).

b. Request for compensation for additional work must be submitted as far in advance as possible on the appropriate district form and approved by the Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources or designee and the Board. The employee will receive additional compensation of up to 8% of the classified employee’s salary. Any disputes regarding eligibility for compensation under this policy will be resolved by the Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources or designee.

Proposed AR 4221/4321(a)

Non-Classified Substitutes Non-classified employees who will serve as substitutes will be employed in one of the following job categories and compensated at the hourly rate indicated:

Job Category 2018

Hourly Rate

2019 Hourly Rate

2020 Hourly Rate

2021 Hourly Rate

2022 Hourly Rate

Clerk/Health Assistant $11.00 $12.00 $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 Secretarial/Data Entry $12.00 $12.00 $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 Campus Security Assist/Officer I $12.00 $12.00 $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 Custodian/Grounds $13.75 $13.75 $13.75 $14.75 $15.75 Food Service Worker $11.00 $12.00 $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 Instructional Aide $11.00 $12.00 $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 Maintenance $12.50 $12.50 $13.50 $14.50 $15.50 Warehouse, Transportation $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 Facilitator-Community Volunteer $11.00 $12.00 $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 Classified Nurse $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 *Increases shall be effective on January 1st of each year as noted in the columns.

Job Category 2020 Hourly Rate

2021 Hourly Rate

2022 Hourly Rate

Bus Driver $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 Campus Security Assist/Officer I $14.00 $15.00 $15.00 Clerk/Health Assistant $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 College Tutor $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Custodian/Grounds $15.75 $15.75 $15.75 District Security Officer $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Elementary Campus Supervisor $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 Facilitator-Community Volunteer $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 Food Service Worker $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 Licensed Vocational Nurse $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 Maintenance $13.50 $14.50 $15.50 Para Educator/Instructional Aide $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Secretarial/Data Entry $14.00 $15.00 $15.00 Security Dispatch Monitor $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 High School Student Intern $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 Warehouse $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 Exceptions may be made by the Superintendent, or designee in positions where there is difficulty recruiting qualified day-to-day substitutes.

Proposed AR 4221/4321(b)

Retired classified employees who substitute in the classification from which he/she retired will be paid at the salary rate he/she received before retirement. Other rates may be set by the Board for specific job categories or periods of time. Non-classified substitutes who fill temporary assignments must pass district-administered tests and possess the minimum requirements for the appropriate classification. In the event that a person on a district re-employment list is employed as a substitute, he/she will be compensated according to the rules governing classified substitutes. When a classified employee has been requested by the principal or supervisor to temporarily replace or substitute for another employee in a higher class for a period to extend longer than five (5) consecutive working days, compensation will be determined as follows:

1. If the position in which the person is substituting is more than one range higher than his/her own, the employee will be placed on Step A of the class in which he/she is substituting or on that step which provides not less than 4% increase.

2. Should the employee work beyond the required five (5) days, compensation for work at the higher class will be retroactive to the first day of service in the higher position.

3. To be eligible for temporary placement in a higher class and to receive the increase in pay, the employee must have passed any required district-administered tests for the higher class.

4. Employees who substitute or accept short-term assignments during the months they are not regularly scheduled to work are not entitled to additional fringe benefits.

5. Classified employees will receive additional compensation for additional work when it is necessary for the classified employee to be assigned additional duties by a member of the Superintendent’s cabinet, due to an extended absence of the employee’s immediate administrator/supervisor.

a. To be eligible for compensation for additional work, the immediate administrator/supervisor must be absent for periods longer than (5) working days due to extended illness and/or extreme emergencies or due to a vacancy in the administrator’s position (exclusive of regular vacation periods, conference or meeting, attendance of jury duty).

b. Request for compensation for additional work must be submitted as far in advance as possible on the appropriate district form and approved by the Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources or designee and the Board. The employee will receive additional compensation of up to 8% of the classified employee’s salary. Any disputes regarding eligibility for compensation under this policy will be resolved by the Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources or designee.

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