Agencies of socialization

Post on 23-Aug-2014

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Transcript of Agencies of socialization

Agencies of Socialization

Merielle Czarina FuentesBSN 3

It may be said that any institution or person that shapes a person’s behavior and values is an agent of socialization.

Most Important Socializers

The family as the basic unit of the society serves as the primary agent of socialization, and can also be the main agent of socialization.


Plays a very important role in the promotion of socialization.

Enables children to view the world through the same eyes, not with those they refer as person on authority.

Peer Groups

Plays a very important role in the process of socialization

Influences the values, personality and behavior system of the person exposed.

The Media

The school is an institution that is established explicitly for the purpose of socializing people.

The primary agent of weaning the children from home to a larger society.

The School

Also serves to function in teaching children cultural values and attitudes and preparing them for their roles as adults.

Where formal socialization takes place.

Desocialization – done through trainings which removes past self images brought about by past socializations.

Resocialization – experienced differently from profession to profession.

The Workplace

Religious groups play a vital role in the process of socialization.

Influences individual’s belief and value system by its religious beliefs and guides

The Church

This is where the child is exposed to the realities of life.

This is where the child learns a set of values and beliefs from the people in the neighborhood.

The Neighborhood