Ageing Summit: Presentation by Esteban de Manuel...

Post on 07-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Ageing Summit: Presentation by Esteban de Manuel...

European Summit on Innovation for Active & Healthy Ageing

An agenda for societal change & sustainable economic development

Key EU initiatives in the field of AHA EIP-AHA

Esteban de Manuel Keenoy


The European

Innovation Partnership on Active &

Healthy Ageing

(EIP on AHA)

Launched 2012 as part of Europe 2020, aims to add 2 Healthy Life Years by 2020 through QoL, sustainability and growth/jobs.

The aim of EIP is:

• to tackle innovation barriers for major societal challenges

• across the health and care delivery chain,

• through interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial approaches.

Strategic Implementation Plan

• Regulatory and standardisation conditions:

• to facilitate and enable deployment of innovation

• to ensure clarity, flexibility, and robustness of the legal system.

• Effective funding:

• focus current financial tools,

• facilitate implementing bodies’ access to funding instruments,

• take account of the Partnership’s priorities in allocating funds.

• Evidence based reference examples:

• shared basis of sound, robust data and reliable methodologies,

• enable exchange and dissemination of proven practices

• help in replication and scaling up of successful cases.

• Marketplace to facilitate cooperation:

• to link up interested stakeholders

• create partnerships implementing innovative solutions;

• facilitate innovation and knowledge transfer by networking.

EIP on AHA Action Groups work on

Prescriptions & treatment adherence

Preventing falls

Functional decline and frailty

Integrated care

ICT for independent living

Age-friendly environments


• national, regional and local administrations, research centers, academia, SMEs and large industry, advocacy organizations.

Multi-stakeholder commitments

• based on the objectives, activities, timing, and deliverables specified in the commitments sent by stakeholders.

Action Plans

• collected and shared by Action Group with different approaches and expertise.

Good practices

• face to face meetings, telcos, Yammer platform, smallgroup work, homework… with irregular involvement

Work on voluntary basis


•Created pan-European cooperation and experience •A wide range of stakeholders into close cooperation, beyond old established groups

•Lessons learnt across prevention, health promotion, environments, health and social care integration or ICT

•Creating useful knowledge, products and tools for better ageing.

•Space made for experimentation, mutual learning and support for evidence based interventions,

•Gaining insight to what is happening, what the additional value is and connecting research to Innovation Processes

•Replicating and up-scaling innovative solutions and practices,

•Questioning existing markets, current organizational and knowledge boundaries and procedures.

Some examples of work • Good practices and


• Guidelines on care processes

• Data Bases

• Toolkits for deployment

• Organizational and maturity models

• Lab-to-market experience

• Research Projects

• Scientific articles

• Standards and criteria

• Consensus documents

• Education/training

• Public awareness activities

• Inter-regional collaboration, alliances and networks.

• Cooperation with EU and WHO

• Guidelines for frailty or for medication review/reconciliation

• AFE-INNOVNET thematic network

• White paper on physical activity

• Early diagnosis and screening programmes for selected conditions

• Indicators/algorithms on appropriateness of prescription, adherence measurement, polypharmacy

• Papers on "Appropriate criteria in medication adherence assessment in the elderly" and " Intervention tools to improve adherence"

• Analyses of datasets from 4 ongoing longitudinal studies in cognitive decline

• Falls dataset

• RISC scores concerns in 3 domains: mental state, ADL and medical issues.

• A European Database on Management of Frailty, comprising information on screening, monitoring and intervening on frail patients

• Risk Stratification mapping

• Airways ICP Pathway

• Mechanisms to engage older people in the design and implementation of age-friendly environments (AFE)

• Consensus Document “Testing and implementing an integrated approach to nutrition: from assessment to personalized interventions”.

• Inventory of special practices in fall prevention

• Toolkit for user empowerment with co-creation, awareness raising, compliance to lifestyle or technology confidence building.

• Social alarm technical interoperability and standards

• The use of a serious games platform in screening for mild cognitive decline.

• Revision of biomarkers to follow-up cognitive decline and dementia.

• Falls monitoring dataset

• Minimum indicator set for impact assessment for independent living solutions

• Pilots for improving ICT solutions in leisure activities

• Online consumer site to inform users of independent living solutions

• MOUs

EU Strategy for Scaling Up

• Systemic change will not happen as a sum of partners’ interests, but rather through a coordinated effort to create change at scale

• EIPs should combine 'top-down' planning with 'bottom-up' emergence to deliver new insights and opportunities while building capacity to scale.

• Linkages and interdependencies between elements of the system need to be reshaped or restructured

Outriders for European Competitiveness European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs) as a Tool for Systemic Change 2014

Is there place for collaboration between EIP AHA Action Groups and KIC Health?

Opportunities: • Single European Commission policies: “triple aim”

• Shared areas of interest (Healthy living and ageing vs Active and healthy ageing)

• Both need changes in the EU and national regulatory frameworks to succeed

• Can benefit from aligned sources and priorities of funding

• Challenge existing markets, through new opportunities to connect offer and demand

• Some partners participate in both initiatives

Threats: • KIC Health has H2020 funding, EIP AHA no

• Different Objectives and Agenda: KIC Business Plan aims to be self sustainable vs. EIP Action Plans based on Partners commitments

• Different culture: KIC as a Corporation vs. EIP partnership

• Weight of internal regulations, ROI or Non Disclosure Agreements, may hamper collaboration

• Some partners participate in only one initiative

Potential for coordination between the EIP-AHA AGs and the new KIC

• Research

• Develop new ideas and applications, supporting sustainable system responses

• Test and validate

• Innovations in the facilities of collaborating institutions, community based living labs and reference sites

• Scaling up

• By building synergies with its large network of partners, including many public and private partners

• Impact measurement and investment return

• collecting evidence on projects impact, including on public systems sustainability and improved fiscal balances!

• Training

• Develop integrated approaches for education and enhance leadership skills by providing management and career development.

• Develop and support access to market • for effective AHA initiatives through co-production, including end-users and Public

Sector partners human capital and knowledge.

• Citizen empowerment

• Accelerate systemic reform, services designed with, and for, the citizen at the center and always consider the family and informal care worker.

Operational ideas for coordination between the EIP-AHA AGs and the new KIC

• Exchange of information through shared events or regular workshop sessions

• Analysis to optimize running projects, networks and strategies

• Definition of new joint projects and initiatives

• Curriculum development, training settings and use‐cases for innovation.

• Team‐up in marketing and communication.

• Synergies events between the KIC and EIP promoted networks and Alliances.

• EIP AHA in KIC advisory board.

• Formal links being included on the home pages;

Coordination with the new KIC as an invaluable, bidirectional opportunity to integrate expertise, activities and tools and reach faster the objective

to add 2 healthy life years for EU older citizens by means of:

(1) Enhance public and private markets in AHA (2) Develop and transfer projects and good practices across borders, (3) Create a strong value proposition to attract industry to the area (4) Disseminate results to the wider EU and outside community. (5) Challenge current legal, market and organizational boundaries and


Potential for coordination between the EIP-AHA AGs and the new KIC

Conditioned to: • EC will and motivation • Individual Partners interests • Different interaction levels (information, projects, policies) • Clear collaboration rules including funds or IPR policies • Ability to build trust

• Thank you!

• Antonio Cano (University of Valencia)

• George Crooks and Donna Henderson (NHS 24)

• Nick Guldemond (University Medical Centre Utrecht)

• Maddalena Illario (Federico II University)

• Anne Sophie Parent (AGE Platform)

• Shabs Rajasekharan (Smarter Futures EEIG)

EIP Action Groups A1 - Better prescription and adherence to medical plans for older patients - Coordinators

Sergio Pecorelli and Alessandro Monaco (Italian Medicines Agency AIFA); Alpana Mair (NHS Scotland); Giuseppe Fico (Life Supporting Technologies - Universidad Politecnica de Madrid; Luca Sangiorgi (Agenzia Sanitaria e Sociale Regionale dell'Emilia-Romagna (ASSR)

A2 - Personalized health management, starting with a Falls Prevention Initiative


Irene O'Byrne Maguire (Health Service Executive); Ann Murray (NHS Scotland NHS 24); Nick Guldemond (University Medical Centre Utrecht); Christopher Todd (University of Manchester); Andreu Català (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya); Ruud van de Bilt (University Medical Center Groningen)

EIP Action Groups A3 - Prevention and early diagnosis of frailty and functional decline, both physical and cognitive, in older people


Roberto Berbabei (I2 FRESCO); Maddalena Illario (Federico II University); Leocadio Rodriguez (SERMAS Hospital Universitario de Getafe); William Molloy (University College Cork); Miren Vollenbroek (University Twente); Antonio Cano (University of Valencia)

B3 - Replicating and tutoring integrated care for chronic diseases, including remote monitoring at regional level


George Crooks and Donna Henderson (NHS 24); Toni Dedeu (Knowledge Exchange of DHI Scotland); Albert Alonso (Hospital Clínic Barcelona); Cristina Bescos (Philips Healthcare); Magdalene Rosenmoller and Marta Ribeiro (IESE Business School); Malcolm Fisk (Coventry University);

EIP Action Groups Esteban Keenoy, Joana Mora and Miren David (Basque Centre for Health Services Research and Chronicity); Jean Bousquet and Anna Bedbrook (Région Languedoc Roussillon); Guido Iaccarino (University of Salerno); Francesca Avolio (Regional Healthcare Agency of Puglia); Cecilia Vera (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid); Andrea Pavlickova (NHS 24); Brian O’Connor, Julien Venne and Bleddyn Rees (European Connected Health Alliance (ECHA); Fiona Lyne (International Foundation on Integrated Care)

C2 - Development of interoperable independent living solutions, including guidelines for business models


Antonio Kung (TRIALOG); Edwin Mermans (Province Noord-Brabant); Shabs Rajasejharan (Smarter Futures EEIG); Rosa Giannini (Puglia); Gottfried Zimmermann (Hochschule der Medien); Carmen Pastor (Tecnalia); Florian Visser (Zorgportaalrijnmond); Donna Henderson (NHS 24); Francesco Molinari; Marielle Swinkels (CORAL)

EIP Action Groups

D4 - Innovation for age friendly buildings, cities and environments


Joan Martin (Louth County Council, IE); Matteo Apuzzo (ASS 5); Roberto Zuffada ( Regione Lombardia); Anne Sophie Parent and Julia Wadoux (AGE Platform); Manfred Huber and Josephine Jackisch (WHO Europe); Mariana Almeida (CIT-A-PE); Willeke Vanstaalduinen and Menno Hinkema (TNO); Mireia Ferri and Irene Monsonis-Paya (Polibienestar); Klaus-Peter Schipper (GeoHIT); Matteo Pastorino and Maria Cabrera (LST-UPM); Jorge Garcés Ferrer (Spanish Technological Platform of Tourism THINKTUR)