Africa Shox Case Study

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Africa Shox Case Study

Africa Shox case study

Generic references

Much of the video of 'Africa Shox' places emphasis on the representation of an Urban environment as a disjointed and chaotic place, as with the uneven cutting of the footage, and the very shaky camera angles. One possible representation to be gleaned from this is that the urban environment is very dark and dystopian in nature, looking much like the mise-en-scene of films such as Blade Runner, or Metropolis, with the muted Noir colour palette. Another generic reference to be noted is the many forms of electronic items in the video, such as the walk/don't walk lights, and more notably the Police lights, as a reference to the typical environment of house and electronic music of the club.The use of many low-angle shots of the skyscrapers of New York is a highlight of the nature of house and electronica as an 'underground' form of music, lying below the established order which is, in this case, the monuments to business and 'The American Way' that are the World Trade Centre and the Empire State Building.

Cultural references

There are some notable references to the slave trade that was one synonymous with American culture 150+ years ago such as the possible link to be drawn from the fact the man is partially blind and disorientated to the slave ship slaves. These slaves, when they came off the ships, were partially blind and, in many cases, unable or found it very difficult to walk.Another cultural reference is the case to be made against US cultural colonialism, presented in the form of the use of break-dancing by white dancers in the parking lot. Break-dancing is typically synonymous with the African American communities of New York, and is almost intrinsic to those communities as a form of artistic expression.

Contemporary interpretations

One notable interpretation to be gleaned from the music video is the comparability to the current refugee crisis affecting south and south eastern European countries, with the sudden influx of migrants, and a seeming resurgence in right-wing anti-immigration ideals. This is reflected in the video with the way in which the African American is treated with almost contempt by his white peers, and is left almost completely out of the system. This itself is a reflection on many of the misconceptions that surround America as a 'land of opportunities'; seemingly the only way to truly be free in the United States is to be White, Male and wealthy unlike the protagonist of the video.