Advanced Web Development using C# David Figge Session 1 Last Update: 1/12Page...

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Advanced Web Development using C#


Session 1

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Advanced Web Development using C#


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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Advanced Web Development using C#

This is the 2nd in a 3 part series designed to introduce you to Web Development using C# and ASP.Net Class 1 introduced you to the basics of Web

development using ASP and C#, just finishing off with things like Data Binding

In Class 2 we will delve into several specialized controls, play a bit with File Streams and LINQ, work with CSS, and finish up with a brief tutorial in deploying your site.

In Class 3 you complete the picture with security, web services, and some Ajax.

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Class Format

This class is designed around the lecture/lab format

We will discuss a subject in class in detail, Then YOU will experience that subject with one or

more labs Feel free to ask questions any time

Even stupid ones, like “How is Ajax different than SOAP?

It’s critical that you understand as we encounter the material, because we build on this knowledge

If it’s appropriate to defer the question until later, I will Questions between sessions?

Contact me at I’ll try to get back to you in a timely manner

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.


Over the years, I’ve found that the best system for me is to have a series of PowerPoint slides “lead” our discussion This allows me to present the material in an

organized way I also make these slides available to you

This way, you can use them for notes or for a reference in the future

Because they're used as a reference, I try to make sure they're complete This may make them 'busier' than many slide

presentations, but I think it's worth it

I also like to make use of these “speech bubbles”. They help me make a point without losing the focus of the slide.

Don’t let these throw you off.So when you use the slides, remember to ‘run’ the presentation (“View Slide Show”) in order to make the bubbles

move out of the way until appropriate.

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Facility Basics

Restrooms, etc. I usually try to take a 15 minute

break every hour or so If you feel I've gone "too long", let me


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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Environment Basics

You should assume that all data will be wiped off

the disk between sessions

It may not be, but don’t take chances

You can also copy it to a USB drive or email to


Or you can save it to the network

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

People Basics

Mostly for my benefit Let’s introduce ourselves with

Your name What you do Any courses you’ve taken here before Why you are taking this course Are there any specific things you were hoping to

learn What do you like to do in your spare time?

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.


Questions before we go forth?

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Advanced Web Development using C#

Course Overview

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Class 2: Course Objectives

Understand of the Philosophy of the C# Language

Utilize Structured Methodology in Constructing C# Modules

Create, Compile, Debug ASP.Net programs using C# elements

Variables, functions, arrays, classes, .Net framework elements

Understand how to use the core controls including GridView and


Understand how to create your own custom User Controls

Understand the basics of Caching, File Streams, and XML

Understand how to use LINQ in web applications

Understand how to use Cascading Style Sheets and Themes to

provide a consistent look and feel to your site

Understand the basics of deploying a Web Site

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Session 1: Introductions, Overview Gridviews Controls

Session 2: More on GridView Controls

Session 3: GridView Once Again ListViews

Session 4: The DetailsView and

FormView Caching

Session 5: File Streams Using XML

Session 6: User Controls

Session 7: CSS and Themes

Session 8: LINQ

Linq with DataSets Linq with Entities

Session 9: Deployment

Session 10: Final Lab

Class 2 Schedule

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Text is Pro ASP.NET 4 in C# 2010

Matthew MacDonald, et. Al. I chose this because:

Good text Reasonable to read Great reference book to

have in the future My exercises are typically not

directly from the book This way you can have more exercises available to you Use it as a source to augment my lectures

Our discussions will be chapters 10-18 If you can’t find associated reading, let me know

Course Textbook

Questions before we get started?

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Starting Project

Let’s Get Started…

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Starting Project

We’re going to start by creating a base project on which to build and experiment Further, it can act as a good “review”

We’re going to build program called “Reservations” to keep track of table reservations for a restaurant We’ll be building on this project throughout the

classes Not surprisingly, the Web app will be driven

from a database Which is a reasonable place to start

The database that supports this program will look like this...

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Reservations Database

Customers Table

CustomerID* Integer Unique ID for customer

LastName String Customer’s Last Name

FirstName String Customer’s First Name

Address String Customer’s street address

City String Customer’s city

State String[2] Customer’s State

Zip String[9] Customer’s Zip

Phone String[14] Customer’s Phone

Email String Customer’s Email

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DiningTable Table

TableID* Integer Unique ID for dining table

Capacity Integer Seats at the table

DiningReservation Table

ReservationID* Integer Unique ID for reservation

CustomerID Integer Customer’s ID

TableID Integer Table’s ID

StartTime DateTime Reservation Start Time

EndTime DateTime Reservation End Time

Guests Integer Number of Guests

FK: Customers Table

FK: DiningTable Table

*Unique Identifier: Indentity, Auto-Increment

We’ll build our base Web Site, and use VS to create our database. Then we’ll display data in our Web Page…


The table reservations portion of the program will be driven by a table

called DiningReservation.

ReservationID is a unique identifier for

each row in the table. All tables

should have a way to uniquely identify

each row. This is the Primary Key, and is maintained by SQL


Two key pieces of information

for a reservation

are the customer and

the table assigned to them. These

are both references to rows in other


We also need to know when the customer will arrive,

depart (assume 90 minutes to eat), and the total number of


The CustomerID is a link to a row in the Customers table, which keeps

information about each customer of the restaurant.

And the TableID is a link to a DiningTable row, which keeps track of the table ID and the number of seats

at the table.

When you have one table have a reference to a row in another table, the best way to do that is through a

Foreign Key relationship. We will establish one for both the

CustomerTable-DiningReservation, and the DiningTable-

DiningReservation relationships.

Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Reservations Database

Steps to Creating the Reservations Database

1. Create the Base Web Site1. File/New Project/Web/New ASP.Net Web

Application, named Reservations

2. Open Server Explorer from the View Menu

1. Create new SQL Server Database2. Call it Reservations3. Create the tables as shown here…

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Establish the foreign key relationships DiningReservation-Customers and DiningReservation-DiningTable.

When you’re ready, we'll add some data…

Reservations Database

Customers Table

CustomerID Integer No nulls, Identity, Auto-Increment, Primary Key

LastName nvarchar(50) No Nulls

FirstName nvarchar(50)

Address nvarchar(50)

City nvarchar(50)

State nchar(2)

Zip nchar(10)

Phone nchar(14)

Email nvarchar(50)

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DiningTable Table

TableID Integer No nulls, Identity, Auto-Increment, Primary Key

Capacity Integer No Nulls

DiningReservation Table

ReservationID Integer No nulls, Identity, Auto-Increment, Primary Key

CustomerID Integer No Nulls

TableID Integer No Nulls

StartTime DateTime No Nulls

EndTime DateTime No Nulls

Guests Integer No Nulls

Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Reservations Database

Some Data… Add Customer Names

Use “Show Table Data” from the table in Server Explorer. Add the names: Amanda Jones, Byron Barnes, Carl

Moore, Chris Johnston, Jay Carlton, Sam Preston, Sarah Smith, Wendy Walters

Just add the names for now. We’ll add the other data later

Add DiningTable Data Add 20 tables with various capacities from 2-10

Add Reservations Data Add 3 for now (we’ll add more later). Make sure the

capacity of the table (in blue) you give them supports the number of guests (in purple).

1,1, 7:30 PM, 9:00 PM, 4 (today’s date is fine) 2, 2, 6:30 PM, 8:00 PM, 6 3, 4, 6:30 PM, 8:00 PM, 4

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Our First Page

Let’s create apage to displaythe reservationdata we justentered.

In Site.Master,change theheader to read “Restaurant Reservation System”

We’ll start with a GridView to show the basic reservation information

So go back to Default.aspx (design mode) and drag a GridView control from the toolbox onto it

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Setting the Data Source

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Click on the Smart Tab (“>”) and where it says Choose Data Source, select: <New Data Source> SQL Database (called ReservationData) Create a new connection to the

Reservations database The SQL statement should come out as

“SELECT * FROM [DiningReservation] ORDER BY [StartTime]”

When you run the program, you should see data in the GridView

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

But It’s Not Pretty…

So it’s not very professional right out of the box, is it?

So let’s set some elements to make things look better

To begin with, let’s set some of the column headings and format of the displays

Go to the “Source” mode of the Default.aspx file and we’ll fix some of these things in code Let’s look at this…

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Example Default.aspx Columns

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server"  AutoGenerateColumns="False” DataKeyNames="ReservationID“  DataSourceID="ReservationData">   <Columns>      <asp:BoundField DataField="ReservationID" HeaderText="ReservationID" InsertVisible="False"  ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="ReservationID" />      <asp:BoundField DataField="CustomerID" HeaderText="CustomerID" SortExpression="CustomerID" />      <asp:BoundField DataField="TableID" HeaderText="TableID" SortExpression="TableID" />      <asp:BoundField DataField="StartTime“ HeaderText="StartTime" SortExpression="StartTime" />      <asp:BoundField DataField="EndTime" HeaderText="EndTime“ SortExpression="EndTime" />      <asp:BoundField DataField="Guests" HeaderText="Guests“ SortExpression="Guests" />   </Columns></asp:GridView>

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Locate this section in the source code. As you can see, this defines the GridView control we're using.

This section defines the individual columns within the GridView. That's what's not quite looking good yet…

As you can see, there's one BoundField element defined for each row. That's where we can customize

how things look…

So modify this section of code so it looks like this next page…

Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.


Example Default.aspx Columns Revisited

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"  DataKeyNames="ReservationID" DataSourceID="ReservationData">    <Columns>       <asp:BoundField DataField="ReservationID" HeaderText="Reservation Number"  InsertVisible="False" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="ReservationID" />       <asp:BoundField DataField="CustomerID" HeaderText="Customer Number" SortExpression="CustomerID" />       <asp:BoundField DataField="TableID" HeaderText="Table Number"          SortExpression="TableID" />      <asp:BoundField DataField="StartTime" HeaderText="Arrive"  DataFormatString="{0:t}" SortExpression="StartTime" />       <asp:BoundField DataField="EndTime" HeaderText="Depart"  DataFormatString="{0:t}" SortExpression="EndTime" />       <asp:BoundField DataField="Guests" HeaderText="Guests"           SortExpression="Guests" />    </Columns></asp:GridView>

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Everything in gray is already there and doesn't need to change. Black sections are ones that change, red

indicates the actual change itself… It should run (and look better!)

So it's looking much better now! Before we go on, I don't want to gloss

over this very important DataFormatString property. Let's take

a closer look at that…

Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.


The DataFormatString is used to format the data in a form that is more appropriate for the data you're displaying In our case, displaying the full date and

time was too much data. The {0:t} says "Display a short version of the time"

There are many options in the format string. Let's look at a few of them…

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DataFormatString Options

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Type Format String Description/Example

Currency {0:C} $1,234.56

Scientific Notation {0:E} 1.23456E+003

Percentage {0:P} 53%

Decimal {0:F2} 45.23 (# is decimal places)

Short Date {0:d} 7/4/1776

Long Date {0:D} Thursday, July 4, 1776

Time {0:T} 10:00:00 AM

Short Time {0:t} 10:00 AM

This is a (very) short portion of a very long list. Check inhelp for many more options…

Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Reservations Gridview

So now we're getting closer Now let's format the ID and Guest columns so that they're

centered in the column Many of properties that you set in code can also be done

via the Properties window in the "Design" mode So let's go back to the Design mode, click on the GridView,

and make sure that the Properties window is displayed. Note that the properties we set in code are reflected in the

properties window Now let's center the ID and Guest columns

Select Columns from the property window, press … Now select the column to change and find the ItemStyle

Open it up, and change the HorizontalAlign to Center.

Do this for the Reservation Number, Customer Number, Table Number, and Guests columns

Look in the source code to see how it changed when you set these properties…

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

A Better SQL Statement

It's looking better, but still isn't where a professional product should be

We don't want customer IDs and separate columns for first and last. Let's fix that.

From the Design window, click on the SqlDataSource and click on the Task Menu tab

Hit NEXT, then tell it we want to specify a custom SQL statement

This allows us the flexibility to mix, match, and combine our data via SQL

The table just reflects the resulting SQL Table from the SQL query

Hit NEXT. Here's the custom SQL Statement:

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A Better SQL Statement

SELECT DR.ReservationID, DR.CustomerID, DR.TableID, DR.StartTime, DR.EndTime, DR.Guests, CUST.LastName, CUST.FirstName, DT.Capacity, CUST.LastName + ', ' + CUST.FirstName AS FullnameFROM DiningTable AS DT INNER JOIN DiningReservation AS DR INNER JOIN Customers AS CUST ON DR.CustomerID = CUST.CustomerID ON DT.TableID = DR.TableIDORDER BY DR.StartTime

Copy and Paste should work, but let's talk about the statement… When asked if you want the system to regenerate the table, say

YES. I think you'll agree that we've made an improvement…

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Time to Play A Bit…

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Your turn. Make thetable look as it does here

I added a few morenames for realism

You do that, too… Notes:

Start by removingunwanted columns

This can all be done viathe Columns property or via code (your choice)

All fields are centered except Customer Name Be sure to change the header text of the columns The Customer Name field is a field created by the SQL statement

called FullName Header text is set by the control's HeaderStyle property Alternating colors is set by the control's AlternatingRowStyle


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40 Minutes

Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Auto Formatting

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All right. We're looking pretty good here.

As you can probably see, formatting the visuals for lots of tables could be a bit of a bother

You can also use the Auto Formatting function from the "Smart Tag" (aka task menu)

Let's see how that works If you like yours as it is, just watch me…

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Who's There?

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What we have is a prettygood system for showinghow things are for the day.

What we need is a systemthat changes as peoplearrive.

To do that, we need tokeep track of whethera party has arrived or not.

To implement this: Add a field HasArrived to the DiningReservation table (make it a 'bit'

data type, which holds True or False) Initialize the new field in the records, setting the first record to TRUE

(so we have one party that has arrived), the rest to FALSE Add the new column to the SQL statement request Add the column tothe GridView display so it shows like this example.

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20 Minutes

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More Formatting…

We'll get to changing the record when the party arrives in just a few minutes

But first, let's look at another formatting option This one allows you to change the

formatting of one row based on the data displayed

In our case, to allow us to visually change rows where people have arrived

We'll de-emphasize the row. The data should still be shown, but it's not nearly as important as people who haven't arrived.

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Data-driven Formatting

To do this, we'll add a handler to the RowDataBound event of the GridView This event is triggered as each row is being

drawn up During this event, you have access to the

data being displayed – in our case the HasArrived flag

So we'll look to see if that flag is true, and if it is, we'll change the default formatting of the row.

Start by adding the RowDataBound Handler In the method, put this code…

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Example The RowDataBound Handler

protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(...){ if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { if ((bool)DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "HasArrived") == true) { e.Row.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; e.Row.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; } }}

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Notice the text in Gray. That's already been added by Visual Studio. It's just here to show you where the code goes. Also, the … shows

that there's more code on the line, but it's not important to what we're doing. When it's all

in, it should run.

Here's where we look at the "HasArrived" data column. If it's true (they've arrived)…

Then we change the row's background color to light gray, and the foreground color (the text) to dark gray. Still readable, but not as obvious

as people who haven't arrived.

Notice how we access the data for the row. We call the DataBinder.Eval method, passing in

e.Row.DataItem (essentially the record), asking for the HasArrived field in it.

Also notice this line. Because not all rows contain data (like the header row), we need to be careful only to request data from a row that actually HAS data! That's what this line does.

Does this allmake sense?

Type it in, then we’ll look at it…

Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Row Selection

Okay. Now that we have the grid responding properly when someone has arrived, let's add the ability to change that setting from the GridView.

To do this, we're going to start by adding a column to the GridView with a "Here!" button (one for each row)

From the Design mode, highlight the GridView and open the Columns settings from the Properties window

In the top window, open the CommandField branch and select the item that says "Select"

Add it to the displayed columns by clicking the Add button. Move it to the top of the list.

From the bottom window, highlight the new element and change the SelectText to read "Here!"

Give it a try (run it)!

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Row Selection

Okay, not much happens yet Although the row did "highlight"

Not much happened because we don't have any code to cause those changes to occur.

When you press the Here button, it selects the row.

When you select a row, several things occur: SelectedIndexChanging is fired

You can catch this and cancel the row change if needed (set the e.Cancel flag to true and return)

The SelectedIndex property is set to the new row The SelectedIndexChanged event is fired

This is where you can trap the event and update the database based on the button click. Let's do that

Add a SelectedIndexChanged handler via Properties, then…

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Example SelectedIndexChanged

protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(...){ int thisRow = GridView1.SelectedIndex; int ReservationID = (int)GridView1.SelectedDataKey.Value; SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ReservationData.ConnectionString); connection.Open(); string newValue = "true"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE [DiningReservation] SET [HasArrived] = '" + newValue + "' WHERE [ReservationID] = " + ReservationID.ToString(),connection); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Refresh();} void Refresh(){ Response.Redirect("Default.aspx");}

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There are two key fields in the GridView we need here. First, the DataKeyNames must be set. This

defines the primary key for the database table. In our case, it's the ReservationID (since the data comes from that table, the DataSource sets this for us).

The second key element is the SelectedDataKey. It's the primary key (via DataKeyNames) for the currently selected row. So, in our case, it's the

ReservationID of the row we just selected.

Based on that key, we can now set the HasArrived field to 'true' for the selected row. We'll do that

through a standard SQL statement. Here we create a SQLConnection object, using the connection string

that's in ReservationData.

Then we need to trigger a redraw of the GridView. Since we'll need that several places, we'll create a method to

do that called Refresh()

Have I lostanyone?

Once again, type it in, then we'll talk about it…

Then we create our SQL statement (setting HasArrived to 'true') for our

this record.

Then we execute the statement.

…which simply causes our page to redraw itself.

Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Lookin' Better!

Alright. Now we're looking a bit better.

Before we go any further, I want to give you a chance to play a bit with what we've learned up to now.


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The Customer Screen

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Add a second screen, linked to by the home page, that Uses a GridView to display the contents of

the Customers table Don't display the Customer ID

But that should be the DataKeyNames parameter so we can use it when we add editing

Remember there isn't much data in there yet, but have it display all the columns anyway.

Extra – Add a column to the grid that indicates whether the customer currently has a reservation in the system.

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40 Minutes

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Row Selection Revisited

Let's revisit our Table Reservations page Let's turn the "little too obvious" button into something

more subtle: a link You can use any data field as a link also, and that's how

we'll implement this Start by adding a ButtonField

Set the ButtonType to Link Set the HeaderText to ID Set the CommandName to Select

This causes the row to be selected, thus invoking the SelectedIndexChanged event where our code is

Set the DataTextField to ReservationID This tells the system to use this row as the data (so we click on the

record ID to select the row). Note that we're still setting the record in the row to "Arrived",

like the buttons. Just another way of selecting rows. Once it's working, we can remove the button-based


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Toggling the Selection

Okay, I admit that it's getting a little annoying that we only set the customer record to "Arrived"

Let's change the link processing so it's a toggle instead It changes it's True/False state back and

forth every time you select it. To do that, we just have to get the

existing state of the record field and select its opposite… Here's the code changes…

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Example SelectedIndexChanged

protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(...){

int thisRow = GridView1.SelectedIndex; int ReservationID = (int)GridView1.SelectedDataKey.Value; SqlConnection connection = new

SqlConnection(ReservationData.ConnectionString); connection.Open(); string newValue = "true";  SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT HasArrived FROM " + "[DiningReservation] WHERE [ReservationID] = "  + ReservationID.ToString(),connection);  bool result = (bool)cmd.ExecuteScalar();  if (result == true) newValue = "false"; cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE [DiningReservation] SET [HasArrived] = '" + newValue + "' WHERE [ReservationID] = " +

ReservationID.ToString(),connection); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Refresh();}

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The rest of the code already sets the table column to whatever newValue is, so there's no need to change

anything else…

We originally set the newValue to true. Now we look to see if we should really be setting

it to false (e.g. if the 'HasArrived' value already says true).

A pretty direct way to determine the current setting of the HasArrived flag is to ask the

database. So here we create a SQL statement that does that.

Because we're looking for a single return value, we can use ExecuteScalar, casting the results to bool.

Any questionson this?

You know the drill… Type first, then talk…

Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Simple Editing

We're looking pretty good now, but an obvious thing to add is the ability to edit a record.

This is actually pretty easy Enable Editing within the GridView Provide an SQL statement as an Update

Command in the SqlDataSource. Let's try that…

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Simple Editing

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Using the GridView's "Smart Tab", turn on Enable Editing

This turns on a link saying Edit. Let's move that to a more appropriate location

Put it to the right of Guests, and put "Change" as the column heading

Use the "Configure Data Source" option from the DataSource object to set the Update Command field to:

UPDATE DiningReservationSET TableID =@TableID, StartTime =@StartTime,EndTime =@EndTime, Guests =@GuestsWHERE ReservationID=@ReservationID

You should be able to edit at this point. Give it a try…

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By making the parameter name be the same as the SQL Column name, the parameter for that column is

automatically created. Nice, huh?

Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Using Templates

We've been able to control the look and feel of a GridView pretty well with the basic formatting functions it has built in

However, we unleash another level of options when we use GridView Templates.

By inserting a Template Field as a column, you have the full control of the underlying HTML to determine the look, feel, and function of the field

Let's look at simple example Add a column to the right end of your GridView using

the TemplateField type, making the HeaderText be "Summary"

Go into the source mode, and find the last column and insert this code…

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Example The Summary Column

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Summary"> <ItemTemplate> <%# Eval("FirstName") %> <%# Eval("LastName") %> will arrive at <%# Eval("StartTime") %> with <%# Eval("Guests") %> guests. </ItemTemplate></asp:TemplateField>

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Recall that the <%# … %> tag indicates that we're using

Data Binding.

In the Binding Tag we use the static function Eval(), which gives us the

value of the database column for the current record.So we're combining the first name, last

name, start time, and guests to create an HTML text line, all within a GridView

column. Templates provide us with options that are almost limitless.

Once you get it in, we'll discuss it…

Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Checking the Arrival

Last Update: 1/12

As an example of what we can do, let's take the first two columns of our GridView (the record ID and the "Arrived" status) and replace them with a simple checkbox. Templates allow us to insert controls into

columns! Then we'll trap the CheckChanged event

and use it to toggle the arrival status Similar to how we did it when we selected the

row Ready?

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Adding the CheckBox

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Start by removing the first two columns Add a TemplateField as the first column

Make the HeadingText be "Arrived" and the positioning centered

Using the "smart tag", select "Edit Templates" Our new column should be at the top of the list

and currently displayed Drag a CheckBox from the toolbox onto it

Pretty easy to add controls, huh? Now go into the Source mode and enter this ASP


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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.


Example Adding the CheckBox

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Arrived"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server" AutoPostBack = "true" OnCheckedChanged="ArrivedCheckChanged" Checked='<%# Eval("HasArrived") %>' Text="Arrived" /> </ItemTemplate> <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" /></asp:TemplateField>

Last Update: 1/12 Page 50Once you get it in, we'll discuss it…

Here we're saying to set the checkmark based on the record's HasArrived field,

and when the check mark changes, to call the method ArrivedCheckChanged.

Let's look at that function now…

Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.


Example Adding the CheckBox

public void ArrivedCheckChanged(object sender, EventArgs e){ CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)sender; GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)cb.NamingContainer; int GridViewRowNum = row.DataItemIndex; int ReservationID = (int)GridView1.DataKeys[GridViewRowNum].Value; string newValue = "true"; if (cb.Checked == false) newValue = "false"; SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ReservationData.ConnectionString); connection.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE [DiningReservation] SET [HasArrived] = '" +

newValue + "' WHERE [ReservationID] = " + ReservationID.ToString(), connection); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Refresh();}

Last Update: 1/12 Page 51Go ahead and get it typed in before we talk…

So there's a lot going on here. Let's break it down…

Every event gets two parameters: the triggering object and EventArgs

Here we take the triggering object (the checkbox) and store it into a variable cb. This gives us the checkbox object that was clicked by the user.The control's NamingContainer property gives you the

row where it sits within the GridView.Now we get the index (row number) of the row. With that information…

We can get the database row's primary key (which is what we

need to update the table).Now it becomes a simple matter (similar to how

we did it in SelectedIndexChanged) to update the table row based on the checkmark's on/off status.

Questions on what we've done here?

Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Advanced Editing

As you know, we can now edit a record from the GridView However, it's pretty limited editing

Text boxes aren't always the best way to edit For example, our Table # can't just take any value A Drop-Down list box would be more appropriate

No validation It often looks amateurish

Like, well, you just turned editing on with the GridView

Now that we know about Templates, we have the skills to use more advanced editing tools…

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Advanced Editing

So to see how this works, let's put the Table Number field into a Drop-Down List Box (e.g. Combo box)

We will do this by1. Using templates in the ASP file to

display the box, fill it, and set the right value for the record, and store it to the database when the value changes

2. Add the functions to the code-behind page to support this

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Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.


Example Advanced Editing: ASP

<asp:BoundField DataField="Fullname" HeaderText="Customer Name" ReadOnly="True"

SortExpression="Fullname"> <ItemStyle Font-Bold="True" /></asp:BoundField><asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Table #"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="TableNum" AutoPostBack = "true" SelectedIndex='<%# GetTableIndex(Eval("TableID")) %>' DataSource='<%# TableNumbers %>' OnSelectedIndexChanged="TableSelectionChanged" /> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField> <asp:BoundField DataField="Capacity" HeaderText="Table Size" SortExpression="Capacity">

Last Update: 1/12 Page 54

Replace the existing BoundField entry for the TableID with this code (it won't work yet)…

Here we use the TemplateField tag, setting the header textNow we have a template

specific to this item.So we're using a

DropDownList with an ID of TableNumThis causes events to trigger

when the item is changed

Identifying the index value within the drop down of the table number in the record is a

bit complex. We'll do that in the Code Behind page. This is how we 'call' the

function there, passing the TableIDWe'll do the same to get the

appropriate table numbers, only this time we're using a property.

Finally, we're saying "When the selection changes, call this function in the Code

Behind page" which will update the database record and refresh the display.

Questions so far…?

Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.


Example Advanced Editing: CS Part 1

protected string[] TableNumbers{ get { SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ReservationData.ConnectionString); connection.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT TableID FROM DiningTable",connection); SqlDataReader tableList = cmd.ExecuteReader(); List<String> tables = new List<String>(); while (tableList.Read()) { tables.Add(tableList["TableID"].ToString()); } return tables.ToArray(); }}protected int GetTableIndex(object tableNumber){ return Array.IndexOf(this.TableNumbers, tableNumber.ToString());}

Last Update: 1/12 Page 55Add this code to your Code Behind page…

The TableNumbers method returns an array of legal table numbers. We grab

this from the database.

We start by executing (in a way that should be familiar now) a SQL Request.

Because we need multiple values back, we use a DataReader objectWe create an empty List object, then

use the reader to fill it with the contents of each data row returned

Finally, we return the list object values converted to an array.

Questions on this property before we move on?

The GetTableIndex returns the location within the array of tableIDs where the passed-in tableID is located. This

makes it display the right value when the box is displayed.The Array.IndexOf searches through the array, returning the index of the specified object (which is what we need). Make sense?

Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.


Example Advanced Editing: CS Part 2

public void TableSelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e){ DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)sender; GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)ddl.NamingContainer; int GridViewRowNum = row.DataItemIndex; int ReservationID =

(int)GridView1.DataKeys[GridViewRowNum].Value; SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ReservationData.ConnectionString); connection.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE [DiningReservation] "+ "SET [TableID] = '" + ddl.SelectedValue + "' WHERE " + "[ReservationID] = " + ReservationID.ToString(), connection); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Refresh();}

Last Update: 1/12 Page 56Add this code to your Code Behind page too…

So this method is called when the user changes the value in the drop-down box.

Like we did with the checkbox, here we're getting the ReservationID based

on the row that the list box is in…

Then we create a new SQL statement that updates the DiningReservation

table to use the selected table.

Finally, we call our Refresh method to redisplay the updated database values.

Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.


Last Update: 1/12

Use a DropDownList to display the Arrival times of the customers (so they can be changed if they're late) Arrival times are on the ½ hour, from 5:00

PM to 10:00 PM When changed, modify the departure time

to be 90 minutes past the arrival time Extra Credit:

Modify the TableNumbers property to not list any tables currently in use during during that time slot (a worthy challenge!)

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45 Minutes

Copyright (C) 2012 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.

Advanced Web Development using C#

End of Session 1

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