Advanced Grammar in Use · Advanced Grammar in Use (Third Edition)...

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Advanced Grammar in Use (Third Edition)



Martin Hewings

附 答 案

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Third Edition © Cambridge University Press 2013

This adapted Hong Kong edition is published by arrangement with the Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

© Cambridge University Press and The Commercial Press (Hong Kong) Ltd. 2019

This book is in copyright. No reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press or The Commercial Press (Hong Kong) Ltd.

書    名 :Advanced Grammar in Use (Third Edition)

劍橋高級英語語法(第三版)編    著:Martin Hewings中文翻譯:嚴維明責任編輯:畢 琦 黃家麗出    版:商務印書館(香港)有限公司 香港筲箕灣耀興道3號東滙廣場8樓發    行:香港聯合書刊物流有限公司 香港新界大埔汀麗路36號中華商務印刷大廈3字樓印  刷:美雅印刷製本有限公司 九龍觀塘榮業街6號海濱工業大廈4樓A版  次:2019 年7月第1次印刷 © 2019 商務印書館(香港)有限公司 ISBN 978 962 07 0563 2 Printed in Hong Kong

版權所有 不得翻印

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iii 如果你不確定該學習哪個單元,請參考學習計劃。

鳴謝 Thanks vii致學生 To the student viii致老師 To the teacher ix

時態 Tenses 1 現在進行式和簡單現在式(1) Present continuous and present simple (1) 2 現在進行式和簡單現在式(2) Present continuous and present simple (2) 3 簡單過去式和現在完成式 Past simple and present perfect 4 過去進行式和簡單過去式 Past continuous and past simple 5 過去完成式和簡單過去式 Past perfect and past simple 6 現在完成進行式和現在完成式 Present perfect continuous and present perfect 7 過去完成進行式、過去完成式和過去進行式 Past perfect continuous, past perfect and past continuous 8 現在式和過去式:複習 Present and past time: review

將來 The future 9 Will 和 be going to 10 簡單現在式和現在進行式表示將來 Present simple and present continuous for the future 11 將來進行式和將來完成(進行)式 Future continuous and future perfect (continuous) 12 Be to + 不定式 Be about to + infinitive 13 表示將來的其他方法 Other ways of talking about the future 14 從過去看將來 The future seen from the past

情態動詞和半情態動詞 Modals and semi-modals 15 Can、could、be able 和 be allowed to 16 Will、would 和 used to 17 May 和 might:可能性 May and might: possibility 18 Must 和 have (got) to 19 Need(n’t)、don’t need 和 don’t have to 20 Should、ought to 和 had better

連繫動詞、被動句、疑問句 Linking verbs, passives, questions 21 連繫動詞:be、appear、seem;become、get 等 Linking verbs: be, appear, seem; become, get, etc. 22 被動句的構成(1) Forming passive sentences (1) 23 被動句的構成(2):動詞 + -ing 或帶 to 的不定式 Forming passive sentences (2): verb + -ing or to-infinitive 24 被動式的使用 Using passives 25 用動詞被動式轉述;It is said that... Reporting with passive verbs; It is said that... 26 含 who、whom、which、how 和 whose 的 wh- 疑問句 Wh-questions with who, whom, which, how and whose 27 否定疑問句;回向疑問句;含 that 分句的疑問句 Negative questions; echo questions; questions with that-clauses

動詞的補語:動詞後面的成分 Verb complementation: what follows verbs 28 動詞、賓語和補語 Verbs, objects and complements 29 動詞 + 兩個賓語 Verb + two objects 30 動詞 + -ing 形式和不定式(1)Verb + -ing forms and infinitives (1) 31 動詞 + -ing 形式和不定式(2)Verb + -ing forms and infinitives (2)

目 錄 Contents

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轉述 Reporting 32 轉述別人的話和想法 Reporting people’s words and thoughts 33 轉述陳述句:that 分句 Reporting statements: that-clauses 34 動詞 + wh- 分句 Verb + wh-clause 35 轉述中的時態選擇 Tense choice in reporting 36 轉述提議、建議、命令、意向等 Reporting offers, suggestions, orders, intentions, etc. 37 轉述中的情態動詞 Modal verbs in reporting 38 用名詞和形容詞轉述人們所說的話 Reporting what people say using nouns and adjectives 39 that 分句中的 should;現在虛擬式 Should in that-clauses; the present subjunctive

名詞 Nouns 40 主語和動詞的一致(1) Agreement between subject and verb (1) 41 主語和動詞的一致(2) Agreement between subject and verb (2) 42 主語和動詞的一致(3) Agreement between subject and verb (3) 43 複合名詞和名詞片語 Compound nouns and noun phrases

冠詞、限定詞和數量詞 Articles, determiners and quantifiers 44 A/an 和 one 45 A/an、the 和零冠詞(1) A/an, the and zero article (1) 46 A/an、the 和零冠詞(2) A/an, the and zero article (2) 47 A/an、the 和零冠詞(3) A/an, the and zero article (3) 48 Some 和 any 49 No、none (of) 和 not any 50 Much (of)、many (of)、a lot of、lots (of) 等 51 All (of)、whole、every、each 52 Few、little、less、fewer

關係分句和其他類型的分句 Relative clauses and other types of clause 53 關係代詞 Relative pronouns 54 其他的關係詞:whose、when、whereby 等 Other relative words: whose, when, whereby, etc. 55 關係分句中的介詞 Prepositions in relative clauses 56 為名詞片語補充資訊的其他方法(1):附加名詞片語等  Other ways of adding information to noun phrases (1): additional noun phrases, etc. 57 為名詞片語補充資訊的其他方法(2):介詞片語等  Other ways of adding information to noun phrases (2): prepositional phrases, etc. 58 具有副詞意義的分詞分句(1) Participle clauses with adverbial meaning (1) 59 具有副詞意義的分詞分句(2) Participle clauses with adverbial meaning (2)

代詞、替代和詞的省略 Pronouns, substitution and leaving out words 60 反身代詞:herself、himself、themselves 等 Reflexive pronouns: herself, himself, themselves, etc. 61 One 和 ones 62 So 和 not 替代分句等 So and not as substitutes for clauses, etc. 63 Do so;such 64 省略助動詞後面的詞語的其他方法 More on leaving out words after auxiliary verbs 65 省略帶 to 的不定式 Leaving out to-infinitives


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形容詞和副詞 Adjectives and adverbs 66 形容詞的位置 Position of adjectives 67 可顯程度形容詞和非可顯程度形容詞(1) Gradable and non-gradable adjectives (1) 68 可顯程度形容詞和非可顯程度形容詞(2) Gradable and non-gradable adjectives (2) 69 分詞形容詞和複合形容詞 Participle adjectives and compound adjectives 70 形容詞 + 帶 to 的不定式、-ing、that 分句、wh- 分句  Adjectives + to-infinitive, -ing, that-clause, wh-clause 71 形容詞和副詞 Adjectives and adverbs 72 形容詞和副詞:比較級和最高級形式 Adjectives and adverbs: comparative and superlative forms 73 比較級片語和分句 Comparative phrases and clauses 74 副詞的位置(1) Position of adverbs (1) 75 副詞的位置(2) Position of adverbs (2) 76 地點副詞、方向副詞、不定頻度副詞和時間副詞  Adverbs of place, direction, indefinite frequency, and time 77 程度副詞和強調副詞 Degree adverbs and focus adverbs 78 評論副詞和觀點副詞 Comment adverbs and viewpoint adverbs

狀語分句和連詞 Adverbial clauses and conjunctions 79 時間狀語分句 Adverbial clauses of time 80 給出原因:as、because 等;for 和 with Giving reasons: as, because, etc.; for and with 81 目的和結果:in order to、so as to 等 Purposes and results: in order to, so as to, etc. 82 對比(Contrasts):although 和 though;even though/if;while、whilst 和 whereas 83 If(1) 84 If(2) 85 If I were you…;imagine he were to win 86 If… not 和 unless;if 和 whether;等 If… not and unless; if and whether; etc. 87 句中的連接和句與句之間的連接 Connecting ideas in a sentence and between sentences

介詞 Prepositions 88 表示位置和動向的介詞 Prepositions of position and movement 89 Between 和 among 90 表示時間的介詞 Prepositions of time 91 例外的表示方法 Talking about exceptions 92 動詞後面的介詞 Prepositions after verbs 93 名詞後面的介詞 Prepositions after nouns 94 二詞動詞和三詞動詞:詞序 Two- and three-word verbs: word order

組織資訊 Organising information 95 There is、there was 等 There is, there was, etc. 96 It…(1) 97 It…(2) 98 強調:it 分句 和 what 分句 Focusing: it-clauses and what-clauses 99 倒裝 (1) Inversion (1) 100 倒裝 (2) Inversion (2)

語法提示 Grammar Reminder 202術語彙釋 Glossary 221


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附錄 1  不規則動詞表 Appendix 1 Irregular Verbs 226附錄 2  動詞的被動形式 Appendix 2 Passive Verb Forms 228

補充練習 Additional Exercises 229

學習計劃 Study Planner 240練習答案 Key to Exercises 252補充練習答案 Key to Additional Exercises 277學習計劃答案 Key to Study Planner 280

索引 Index 281


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我感謝參予製作《劍橋高級英語語法》第一版、第二版的所有工作人員。尤其要感謝劍橋大學出版社的Jeanne McCarten 和 Alison Sharpe以及我在伯明翰大學 EISU(English for International Students Unit)的舊同事和學生。

為此第三版,我感謝 Colin McIntosh、Nora McDonald、Annabel Marriott、Sabina Sahni、Kevin Doherty、Andy George、Claire Cole 和 Janet Weller。Claire 和 Janet 對本書和 CD-Rom 給予極大支持。感謝 Sophie Joyce、Sandy Nichols、 Katie Mac 和 Ian Mitchell 提供插圖,感謝 Kamae Design 為全書所作的設計。我還要感謝劍橋大學出版社惠允我使用劍橋國際語料庫(Cambridge International Corpus)。


最後,我要一如既往地感謝 Ann、David 和 Suzanne。

作者和出版社鳴謝以下授權使用照片的機構:第 6頁:With God / Shutterstock;第 11頁:Comstock Images / Thinkstock;第 17 頁:Thinkstock; 第 33 頁:Image Source / Glowimages; 第 39 頁:Thinkstock; 第 109 頁:Thinkstock;第 114頁:Bildagentur RM / Glowimages。

鳴 謝 Thanks

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本書的結構本書共分100個單元。每個單元討論一個特定的語法範圍。每個單元裏有的部份着重討論某種句型的特定用法,比如will be + -ing(如在will be travelling中);有的部份探討語法對比,如在轉述過去的事情時是用 would 還是用 used to,再如何時用 except、何時用 except for。100個單元分別歸入“時態”、“將來”等幾大欄目。詳見“目錄”。每個單元由兩頁組成。左邊一頁是解釋和例句;右邊一頁是實踐練習。每個練習旁邊的字母告訴你,要做好那個練習,你需要學習左頁的哪個部份。

“語法複習”為某些語法方面提供例句和解釋,這些方面你在先前階段的英語學習中可能已經學過。雖然語法術語在本書中能不用就不用,但還是有一些,“術語彙釋”中有這些術語的解釋。本書有 2 個附錄:動詞的被動形式和不規則動詞表。大量“補充練習”便於學生進一步實踐所學。“學習計劃”可以用來幫助你決定學習哪些單元、使用“語法複習”裏哪些內容。你可以把你的回答與實踐練習、補充練習和學習計劃的答案進行核對。答案中還有對某些答案的評說。為了幫助你找到所需的資訊,書後附有索引。

本書的用法你無需按照次序來閱讀所有單元。要是你知道自己的語法難點在哪裏,你可以直接翻到討論這些難點的單元,使用“目錄”或“索引”可以幫助你找到有關的單元。如果你認為在閱讀一個單元的參考材料和做練習之前先複習一下比較基礎的資訊會有好處,那麼許多單元在參考材料頁面底部有連接的提示,向你指明在“語法提示”的哪個部份可以找到這類資訊。在有些單元裏,你也會在解釋裏找到連接“語法提示”的標記,如 Reminder → A1-A5。


使用數據庫語料撰寫本書的過程中,使用劍橋國際數據庫 (CIC) 裏的真實對話和書面語,反映真實的英語使用情況。同時使用劍橋學習者數據庫 (CLC) 所蒐集的劍橋考試題目和答案,來分析常見錯誤,有助學習者準備高級程度的劍橋英語考試,如 CAE (Cambridge Advanced English Exam) 和 CPE ( Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English) 等。

致學生 To the student

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致老師 To the teacher

這個新版本使用劍橋國際語料庫 (CIC) 及劍橋學習者語料庫 (CLC) 的材料,增加不少新例句,並且更新詞表,有助學習者觸類旁通,舉一反三。此外,也更新了 240條練習題,有助學習者實踐所學。


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Advanced Grammar in Use劍橋高級英語語法

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單 元



狀態動詞 State Verbs強調某個情況是暫時的或現在前後一段時間的,有些狀態動詞(如:attract、like、look、love、sound)可以用現在進行式。比較:

Ella stays with us quite often. The children love having her here. 艾拉經常和我們住在一起。孩子們喜歡有她在這裏。

和 Ella’s with us at the moment. The children are loving having her here. 艾拉是目前和我們在一起。孩子們喜歡她來這裏。

另有些狀態動詞很少用現在進行式,如:believe、consist of、doubt、own。(更多例子,參見語法複習:A4。 )

C 思維狀態的動詞 Mental state verbs有些表示思維狀態的動詞(如:f ind、realise、regret、think、understand),可以用現在進行式來強調最近開始考慮某事,或者對某事缺少把握。比較:

I regret that the company will have to be sold. 我很遺憾,公司不得不賣掉。(= 我已經做出決定,我對此感到遺憾。)

和 I’m regretting my decision to give her the job. 我後悔作出決定,給她這份工作。(= 我越來越覺得,這是個錯誤的決定。)

表示“仔細考慮”,動詞 consider只用現在進行式: He’s considering taking early retirement.(不說:He considers taking early retirement.)


其他一些表示喜好和思維狀態的動詞(如:agree、believe、conclude、know、prefer)很少用現在進行式: I believe you now.(不說:I’m believing you now.)


B 有些動詞用來表示狀態和描述行為時含義不同。表示“狀態”通常使用簡單式,而不用進行式。表示“行為”可以用簡單式,也可以用進行式,取決於上下文。比較:

The app doesn’t appear to work on my phone.(appear:狀態 = 看來) 這個手機應用程式似乎不能用於我的電話。

和 Carley Robb is currently appearing in a musical on Broadway./ She often appears in musicals. (appear:行為 = 參與)


Also: cost, expect, feel, fit, have, imagine, measure, think, weigh

D 施為動詞 Performatives施為動詞(說話人使用它們時,即在執行這些動詞所描述的行為)用簡單現在式:

I suggest you park outside the city and get the bus to the centre. 我建議你在市外停車,然後乘搭巴士到市中心。

We request that you read the terms and conditions carefully before signing. 我們請您在簽署前仔細閱讀條款及細則。


I don’t deny/ I’m not denying taking the books, but Miguel said it would be okay. 我不否認拿了那些書,但米格爾說這是可以的。

注意:述行動詞可以和情態動詞連用,常常使說話更加委婉,或更有禮貌: We would advise you to arrive two hours before the flight leaves. 我們建議你在飛機起飛前兩小時到。

I must beg you to keep this a secret. 我要懇求你對此保密。

1現在進行式和簡單現在式(1)Present continuous and present simple (1)

Also: acknowledge, admit, advise, apologise, beg, confess, congratulate, declare, deny, forbid, guarantee, name, order, permit, predict, promise, refuse, remind, request, thank, warn

Reminder → A1 – A5

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練習1.1 用所給的動詞完成句子,根據需要用其否定或疑問形式。每組中的兩句使用同一動詞。可以的話

用現在進行式,否則就用簡單現在式。參照第 1 題,用 符號在外面的空處補充用詞,在適當的地方使用縮約式。(A 和 B)

attract consist of doubt feel fit have like look measure sound

1 a I hear you’re having your house repainted. How it ? (or How it ?)

b I bought this new dress today. How it ? 2 a a: What are you doing with that ruler? b: I the area of the kitchen. b The garden 12 by 20 metres. 3 a I whether I’ll get another chance to retake the exam. b I suppose she might be at home tonight, but I it. 4 a The new science museum currently 10,000 visitors a month. b Flowers bees with their brightly coloured petals. 5 a Carlos won’t work at the top of the 20-storey building because he heights. b a: How’s the new job? b: Well, at the moment, I it at all. 6 a My car’s in the garage today. They new brakes. b I bought this jumper for Anna, but it her so I’ll have to take it back. 7 a What’s your shirt made from? It like silk. b I won’t be coming to work today. I very well. 8 a The roof of the house only plastic sheets nailed down in a few places. b Their school uniform black trousers and a dark green jumper. 9 a Simon’s new song quite good, but he doesn’t think he’s ready yet to perform it in public. b a: What’s that noise? b: It like a bird stuck in the chimney. 10 a Poulson treatment for a knee injury, but should be fit to play on Saturday. b My sister long blonde hair. You’re bound to recognise her.

1.2 劃掉不正確的答案。(C 和 D)

→ Additional exercise 1

Dear Aunt Mara,

Thanks for your message. I (1) apologise / ’m apologising for not getting back to you sooner, but I’ve been incredibly busy. When I went into nursing, you warned me that it would be really hard work, but I (2) admit / ’m admitting that I didn’t really believe you. Don’t get me wrong – I (3) don’t suggest / ’m not suggesting that I’m enjoying it. It’s incredibly rewarding, but I (4) now realise / ’m now realising how hard the job is. When I get home I just eat (not very well, I (5) confess / ’m confessing) and go straight to bed. It doesn’t help that the bus journey to the hospital is so slow. I (6) consider / ’m considering buying a car, which will make thing easier, I hope.And what about you? How (7) do you find / are you finding living in a village after so many years in the city? I (8) know / ’m knowing how difficult it is for you to travel such a long way, but it would be lovely if you could come and stay with me for a weekend. I’ve got plenty of room in my flat. I (9) don’t guarantee / ’m not guaranteeing to cook as well as you do, but I (10) promise / ’m not promising to find time to show you around this lovely old town.

Hope to see you soon. Keep in touch.



looking look’s does


單元 1現在進行式和簡單現在式(1)Present continuous and present simple (1)

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單 元




She goes up to this man and looks straight into his eyes. He’s not wearing his glasses, and he doesn’t recognise her… 她朝那個男人走去,直視他的眼睛。他沒戴眼鏡,沒有認出她⋯⋯

This man’s playing golf when a kangaroo bounds up to him, grabs his club and hits his ball about half a mile… 這個人正在打高爾夫球,這時候一隻袋鼠朝他跳過來,抓住他的球棍,把他的球擊出約半英里⋯⋯


在敍述和講故事的時候,用簡單現在式可以突出一個事件。它常常用在過去式之後,和 suddenly或 all of a sudden這樣的片語連用:

I was sitting in the park, reading a newspaper, when all of a sudden this dog jumps at me. 我正坐在公園裏,看着報紙,突然間這條狗朝我撲過來。

現在進行式和簡單現在式(2)Present continuous and present simple (2)

在現場評論中(比如評論體育賽事),報導和所報導的行為在同時進行,也可以使用簡單現在式和現在進行式: King serves to the left-hand court and Adams makes a wonderful return. She’s playing magnificent tennis in this match... 金把球發到左半場,亞當斯將球漂亮地回了過去。她在這場網球比賽中打得精彩極了⋯⋯


在有些片語中可以用簡單現在式,如:It says here、I hear、I gather、I see、I understand 以及 They say、(Some)one says、(Some)one tells me,介紹我們聽到、讀到、看到(比如在電視上)或聽說的消息。也可以用過去式(如:It said here、I heard):

I gather you’re worried about Pedro. 我想你在擔心佩德羅。 Sophia tells me you’re thinking of emigrating. 蘇菲雅告訴我,你正考慮移居國外。 Professor Hendriks is at the conference and I hear she’s an excellent speaker. 亨德里克斯教授在那個會上,我聽說她發言極佳。







簡單現在式可以用來指書、電影、報紙等的內容: Thompson gives a list of the largest European companies in Chapter 6.

湯普森在第 6 章列出了歐洲最大的公司的名單。 At the beginning of the book, three men find $4 million in a crashed plane.

該書開頭,三人在墜毀的飛機殘骸裏找到了 400 萬美金。 In the film, Loni Baranski takes the role of a private detective. 朗尼.巴倫斯基在電影裏扮演私人偵探的角色。


現在進行式可以和 always、constantly、continually或 forever 等副詞連用,強調某事經常發生,因而是某人、某羣體或某物的特點:

a: I think I’ll stay here after all. b: You are constantly changing your mind. A:我想我還是留在這兒吧。 B:你老是改變主意。

Jacob is a really kind person. He’s always offering to help me with my work. 雅各真是個好人。他總是願意在工作上幫助我。

這種形式常用於表示不贊成。過去進行式也以類似的方式和這些副詞連用(如:Was Olivia always asking you for money, too?)

現在進行式可以用來描述在某個時候習慣性做的事: At eight o’clock I’m usually driving to work, so phone me on my mobile.

8 點鐘我通常在開車去上班的路上,因此打我的手機吧。 Seven o’clock is a bit early. We’re generally eating then. 7 點鐘早了些。這時候我們一般在吃飯。


2Reminder → A1 – A5

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練習2.1 用括號裏的動詞完成下列句子。選用簡單現在式或現在進行式。(A 和 B)

1 Rodriguez to Messi who just over the bar. Barcelona much more in this half… (pass – shoot – attack)

2 A man home late one night after the office Christmas party. His wife for him, and she to him… (arrive – wait – say)

3 I went to a concert yesterday in the Town Hall. In the middle of it, while the orchestra this man suddenly on his seat and to conduct them. (play – stand – start)

2.2 用 C 中的現在式片語,完成每個人就看過的或聽過的新聞發表的看法。(C)1

2 Vegecorp are going to


Government gives health service billions

I see the government’s giving the health service a lot more money.

Vegecorp to sack 1,000 workers.

3 we’re going to have

President Cartman announced a new public holiday on his birthday, August 6th. He made the announcement…

6 they’ve identified

A team of researchers claims to have identified a gene which causes some people to overeat.

2.3 擴展下列各組提示,完成對話。(E)

continually/change/mind forever/moan/work forever/ask me/money constantly/criticise/driving always/complain/handwriting

1 a: I can’t read this. b: You’re 2 a: Can I borrow €10? b: You’re 3 a: That was a dangerous thing to do. b: You’re 4 a: I think I’ll stay here after all. b: You’re 5 a: I had a bad day at the office again. b: You’re

2.4 用適當的動詞完成下列句子,根據需要用其否定形式。同一題中的兩個句子使用同一動詞的現在進行式或簡單現在式。用 符號在外面的空處添加用詞。(D – E)1 a ‘Shall I phone at six?’ ‘No, we usually dinner at that time.’ b I lamb, thanks. I’m a vegetarian. 2 a Gielman Henry V in the latest production at the Royal Theatre. b They constantly loud music until the early hours of the morning.3 a I normally the children to school at 8:30. Perhaps we could meet at 9:00. b In his 2007 book, Wall a controversial view of Britain’s role in the war.

→ Additional exercise 1

always complaining about my handwriting.

4 Bruno’s

Did you hear that Bruno’s crashed his car again?


5 she’s

I’ve got a new job. Julia

單元 2

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單 元



在由 after、when、until、as soon as、once、by the time 和 the minute/second/moment等時間表達方式引導的時間分句中,簡單過去式表示過去的已經完成的事,而現在完成式則表示將來會發生的事。比較下列例子:

After she left hospital(過去), she had a long holiday. 她出院後度了一次長假。

和 After Lucas has left school(將來), he will be spending six months in India. 盧卡斯畢業離校後,將在印度逗留 6 個月。

The minute I got the news about Anna(過去)I telephoned my parents. 我一聽到關於安娜的消息,就立即給我的父母打了電話。

和 I’ll contact you the minute I’ve got my exam results.(將來) 我一知道我的考試成績,就跟你聯繫。

在這類句子的時間分句中,可能用過去完成式來替代簡單過去式(如:After she had left…),用簡單現在式來替代現在完成式(如:After Lucas leaves…),意思不變(參見單元 5)。


表示現在的時間表達方式,如 this morning/week/month 和 today,既可以與動詞的簡單過去式連用,也可以與動詞的現在完成式連用。如果把 this morning(等)看作是已經結束的過去時間段,就用簡單過去式;如果把 this morning(等)看作是包括現在在內的時間段,就用現在完成式。比較:

I didn’t shave this morning. 今天早晨我沒有刮臉。(= 這個早晨已經過去,我沒有刮臉。)

和 I haven’t shaved this morning. 今天早晨我還沒有刮臉。(= 現在仍是早晨,我可能過一會兒刮臉。)

簡單過去式和現在完成式Past simple and present perfect3

在含 since時間分句的句子中,分句動詞一般用簡單過去式,主句動詞用現在完成式。時間分句談到過去的某一特定時間點:

Since Mr Dodson became president, both taxes and unemployment have increased.(不說:…has become…) 自從多德森先生當上總統以來,稅收和失業都增加了。

She hasn’t been able to play tennis since she broke her arm.(不說:…has broken…) 她自從折斷胳膊以來,一直未能打網球。

不過,注意:若主句和時間分句中描述的兩種情況都延續到現在,那麼時間分句中也要用現在完成式: Have you met any of your neighbours since you’ve lived here?(不說:…you lived…)



在 It / This / That is / will be the first time… 句型後面,所跟的分句中一般用現在完成式: That’s the first time I’ve seen Jan look embarrassed.(記述一件往事) 那是我第一次看見詹感到不好意思。

It won’t be the first time she has voted against the government in her long career.(談論將要發生的事) 在她漫長的職業生涯中,這不會是她第一次投票反對政府了。

不過,注意:在 It / This / That was the first time… 句型後面,一般用過去完成式(參見單元 5): It was the first time I’d talked to Dimitra outside the office. 這是我第一次在辦公室外面跟迪米特拉說話。


Reminder → A6 – A12



A Russian spacecraft has returned safely to Earth with its two passengers. US astronaut Scott Keane and Russian cosmonaut Olga Kaleri landed in the early hours of Wednesday. 俄羅斯太空船及它的兩名乘客安全返回地球。美籍太空人斯科特.基恩及俄籍太空人奧爾加.卡樂瑞已於週三較早時間抵達地球。

An American woman has become the first person to make 2 million contributions to Wikipedia. Ester Miller began editing the site eight years ago. 一名美國婦女成為首位向維基百科投稿二百萬條目的人。艾斯特.米勒於八年前開始着手編輯該網站。

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練習3.1 選擇動詞完成下列句子。用現在完成式或簡單過去式。(A)

have go oversleep read spend wear

1 a: Shall I make us some dinner? It’s already eight o’clock. b: No thanks. I to the dentist this afternoon and my mouth hurts too much to eat anything.

2 I three lectures today and I still have two more later this afternoon. 3 It was so hot today that I shorts and a T-shirt at work.4 We £200 on food this month and there’s another week to go before I get paid. 5 a: Do you want a lift home? b: No, I this morning because my alarm clock didn’t go

off, so I need to work late. 6 I much of the report yet, but I have to finish it by the weekend.

3.2 用下列幾對動詞最適當的時態完成句子 —— 現在完成式或簡單過去式。(注意:這幾對動詞的排列順序和句子的順序不完全相同。)(B)

be able – feel happen – speak improve – be not want – fall rescue – be work – not have

1 Maria to go swimming since she in the river.2 Since she at the company she a day off through illness. 3 Since he the girl from the frozen pond, he on TV almost every day. 4 A lot since I last to you. 5 Since I to drive I much more independent 6 Stefan’s reading enormously since he at school.

3.3 每組句子中有一句是錯誤的。用現在完成式代替錯誤的簡單過去式。(C)1 a Remember that after you the contract you won’t be able to change your mind. b Carlo’s injury only became apparent after he to play for Real Madrid. 2 a As soon as I college I want to travel around Australia. b I didn’t have time to check the composition. I handed it in as soon as I it. 3 a By the time Sarah to work the meeting had finished. b I’ll probably have finished breakfast by the time the children up. 4 a I recognised her the moment I her laugh. b I’ll tell you what time we’re coming the moment I from Emil.

3.4 下列練習摘自一則電視新聞報導。用所給動詞的適當時態填空 —— 現在完成式或簡單過去式。(D 和 E)1 When President Nelson (arrive) in Paris this evening, it will be the first time he

(visit) Europe since his election victory in May.2 The Victoria Hospital in Milltown (close) to new patients after more cases of food

poisoning. Three elderly patients (die) last week in the outbreak.3 The rate of inflation (drop) to 4.8%. It’s the first time in nearly two years that the rate

(fall) below 5%.4 Nearly 600 laptops (steal) from Ministry of Defence staff over the past five years.

However, a spokesperson (insist) that there had been no security problems as none of the computers (hold) secret information.

→ Additional exercise 2

單元 3







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