Adolf Hitler: Childhood and Early Years

Post on 22-May-2015

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The childhood and early years of Adolf Hitler. Here we learn the origins of his anger and hatred, and the decisions/events that shaped his life.

Transcript of Adolf Hitler: Childhood and Early Years

ADOLF HITLERPart I: Childhood & Early Years (1889-


“World War II was not fought in black and white.”

-Stephen Ambrose


Born April 20, 1889 in Austria Son of Alois Hitler and Klara Polzl

Was Klara’s 4th child. The first three died in childbirth

Grandparents were Maria Ann Schicklgruber and Johann George Hiedler Many historians today believe that Hitler’s

grandfather Johann was part Jewish

Family Resemblence


Lived a rough life Father would beat him, while his mother loved him very


“Years later, Hitler told one of his secretaries that he had read in an adventure novel that it was proof of courage to never show pain. ‘I then resolved to never again cry when my father beat me.’ A few days later I had the opportunity of putting my will to the test. My mother, frightened, took refuge in front of the door. As for me, I counted silently the blows of the stick which lashed my rear end. From that day on, Hitler claimed, his father never touched him again.”

He soon grew to hate his father and everything he stood for

Childhood continued…

When he was 9, he wanted to become a Catholic priest (pg. 9)

“At this time, he became obsessed with the solemn splendor of brilliant church festivals. The abbot became his idol, and he hoped to join the church himself. Adolf told his friend Helene that ‘as a small boy, it was his most ardent wish to become a priest’. He often borrowed the large kitchen apron of the maid, draped it over his shoulders like a vestment, climbed onto a kitchen chair and delivered long and passionate sermons.”

Ran away from home frequently to avoid his father

In School

Quiet child who was very smart but liked to work by himself

Very good artist Fell in love with operas written by German

composer Richard Wagner Used the music as inspiration later in life

Tried to get into art school but failed because he could not draw the human form Instead he drew architecture and re-designed

the entire city of Berlin for his own amusement

Klara Hitler Dies

The woman who Hitler loved so very much died in 1907, when he was 18 “By midnight it was apparent the end was near, but the

family decided not to disturb the doctor. Klara was beyond his help. In the dark, early morning hours of December 21, in the glow of a lighted Christmas tree, according to Hitler, she died quietly. After daylight, Angela asked the doctor to come sign the death certificate. He found Adolf, face wan, at his mother’s side. On a sketchbook was a drawing of Klara, a last memory. The doctor tried to ease Hitler’s grief by saying that in this case, death had been a savior. But Adolf could not be comforted. ‘In all my career,’ recalled the doctor, who had seen many deathbed scenes, ‘I never saw anyone so full of sadness as Adolf Hitler.’”

The Vienna Years (1907-1913)

Was best friends with a boy his age named Gustl Kubizek

Together they rented an apartment and both worked on their separate art

Hitler drew pictures while Kubizek wrote screenplays and played music

Even though he did not have a lot of money, he went to the opera houses and theaters several times a week Here we would become obsessed with Germany

and its culture (books, music, plays)


Life with Hitler became hard to bear for Kubizek, as nothing ever pleased him

Eventually, Hitler left one day to roam the streets and never returned; he would live on his own later, and eventually, become so poor, he needed to live in a shelter for the homeless

To earn money, he painted and drew postcards of buildings around town, and sold them at cheap prices

The people that helped him sell his work were Jewish people who lived nearby

He continued to apply to art school, but was rejected each time because he could not draw the human form. His anger would grow more intense with each failure

Coffeehouses and Beer Halls

This is where Hitler found most of his inspiration

He would listen to others talk about politics and their hatred of Jews and other groups of people

He loved to debate, and would get into arguments walking down the street

Even though he spoke out against the Jews, his favorite singers and actors at the time were all Jewish

By 1910, Hitler had finally become overcome with hatred of the Jewish people Known as “anti-semitism”

He became involved in politics because of his public speaking ability, and how intense his speeches were

First learned what political propaganda was, and how to use it (pg. 41)


Enlisted in the German army to fight in WWI

Was a very brave soldier who was obsessed with fulfilling his duties

Loved by other soldiers, but they thought he was a fanatic when it came to politics

Never missed out on the chance to argue with someone

Role in WWI

Would achieve the rank of corporal before being severely injured by a mustard gas explosion in 1918, and was temporarily blind

Spent two months in the hospital, eager to go back and fight

When he finally regained his eyesight, he learned that Germany had lost the war. He was so angered and saddened by this, he went blind again for a few more weeks

The Anger Begins

Hitler was so angry at the surrender that he began to shout blame towards the Jews and Germany’s own Generals and anyone else he hated for losing the war

“They stabbed us in the back!”

After the War

Hitler became friends with a man named Dietrich Eckhart

Together they went around to cafes and beer halls speaking out against the Jews

Eckhart was editor of an anti-semitic newspaper

American Influence

This man published a racist newspaper called The Dearborn Independent

One article was titled, “"The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem”

Quote: "The international financiers are behind all war. They are what is called the International Jew -- German Jews, French Jews, English Jews, American Jews. I believe that in all these countries except our own the Jewish financier is supreme... Here, the Jew is a threat."

Who is he?

Henry Ford!

Hitler was fascinated with Ford’s newly invented assembly line and would use it in a much different way later on

Loved to read novels about the American Old West

Indian Reservations in America became inspiration for concentration camps

Essential Questions

1. What if Hitler died in childbirth?

2. What if Hitler was accepted into art school?

3. What if Hitler was killed in WWI?