Adding Sulfuric Acid To Sugar Physical or Chemical?

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Adding Sulfuric Acid To Sugar Physical or Chemical?

Adding Sulfuric Acid To Sugar

Physical or Chemical?

Physical / Chemical ChangesRiley Butler, Katie O’Connell, Senourn Choeung,

Cuong Vien, Gabbi DeWalt

Table of Contents

Thesis Properties Chemical and Physical Bubbling Chemical and Physical Color Change Chemical and Physical Formation of a

Solid Conclusion


Chemical ChangeBubbling

Color Change

Formation of a Solid


Chemical Heat Light Formation of Gas Formation of a Solid Odor Color Change

Physical Shape Change Size Change Density Change State Change

Chemical Bubbling

Magnesium in Hydrochloric AcidMg turns white

Acid Bubbled

Mg degraded

Produced heat and smoke

Physical Bubbling

Salt Water BoilingWater forms bubbles

Creates Steam

Only salt left over

Chemical Color Change

Adding Silver Nitrate to Salt Water

Cloudy white specks formed

Mixture is no longer clear

Physical Color Change

Dehydrating Copper SulfateWhen heated it turned from blue to white

Steam formed

When water was added, it turned blue

Chemical Solid Formation

Adding hydroxide ions to copper ionsFormed a jelly in the center

Darker blue

Some blue dots

Physical Solid Formation

Water freezing

Forms crystals

Turns from liquid to solid


Chemical and Physical changes have similar signs

Differences need to be recognized

Video was a Chemical Change Chemical Bubbling Chemical Color Change Chemical Formation of a Solid
