Adaptations Of A Lion

Post on 22-Feb-2016

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Adaptations Of A Lion . By:Skooter Perales. Lion’s Belly Skin. This adaptation is for there protection.And it is also used for there prey so they can be kicked back and can be a little injured. . The Lion’s Mane. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Adaptations Of A Lion

By:Skooter Perales

Adaptations Of A Lion

Lion’s Belly SkinThis adaptation is for there protection.And it is also used for there prey so they can be kicked back and can be a little injured.

The Lion’s ManeThis adaptation is used for the male so it can protect there throat and helps them look bigger.

The Lion’s EyesThe lion’s eyes allow for death and ability to judge far distances when they’re stalking and ambushing prey.

The Lion’s Muscles And Shoulders

The muscles and shoulders adaptations are used for capturing big and large preys.Thats why they also have forelimbs.

The Lion’s ForepawsThis adaptation is used and helpful for catching and getting a hold of there prey and that’s why this adaptation is helpful.

The Lion’s Rough Tongue The lion’s use there rough tongue to designed to pill skin off of the prey and a flesh bone.