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Zulikha Jamaludin Azlina Murad Sani


OBJEK PEMBELAJARAN Sejak projek agenda kritikal (CAPs) e-pembelajaran dilancarkan oleh Pejabat Pengurusan Projek (PMO) Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, universiti di Malaysia mula menggerakkan strategi pembangunan objek pembelajaran bagi kursus-kursus yang diajar dalam program-program mereka. Ramai pensyarah mula membangunkan komponen-komponen kecil aktiviti pengajaran-pembelajaran (PnP) dalam bentuk bahan PnP digital. Bahan pembelajaran ini mencakupi satu subtopik kecil dan kendiri (stand-alone). Ia boleh ‘dipasang’ atau diguna semula pada bahan PnP kursus lain yang boleh memenuhi keperluan pembelajaran yang berlainan, atau dengan kata lain, satu unit bahan pembelajaran ini boleh digunakan dalam beberapa konteks yang berbeza (bersifat anjal/fleksibel). Bahan kecil inilah yang dirujuk dengan nama objek pembelajaran (LO). Ia berbeza dengan perisian kursus yang menjadi ‘tradisi’ dalam PnP sebelum ini, iaitu kandungan yang lengkap dengan aktiviti PnP hingga ke peringkat pentaksiran dan penilaian. Nama ‘objek pembelajaran’ diperkenalkan oleh Learning Technology Standards Committee (LTSC) iaitu salah satu jawatan kuasa di bawah Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). Rujukan untuk jawatan kuasa ini adalah IEEE P1484.12 Learning Object Metadata Working Group1. Walau bagaimanapun ketika diperkenalkan, definisi LO agak luas skopnya. Kini ia diterima dengan takrifan yang khusus seperti di atas, iaitu skop subtopik yang kecil, kendiri, dan boleh diguna semula. Kerangka kerja (framework) LO juga sudah banyak diperkenalkan, namun yang lebih diterima ialah kerangka yang digunakan oleh CISCO Systems for reusable learning object. CISCO bekerjasama dengan IMS Global Learning Consortium2, iaitu ahli bermandat dalam IEEE. Sejak tahun 1997 banyak kajian dibuat untuk menetapkan spesifikasi yang diperlukan untuk mengkelaskan pelbagai aktiviti yang berbeza berkaitan LO. Istilah-istilah seperti komponen, nugget, chunck, binary large object, assignable unit, dan sharaebale content object telah digunakan. Objek-objek yang dimaksudkan itu pula selalunya merujuk kepada objek pembelajaran atau objek maklumat. Tidak kurang juga yang menggunakan istilah shrareable content object (SCO) untuk LO yang spesifikasinya menunjukkan ia boleh dikongsi, iaitu ada ciri kebolehsalingoperasian melalui sistem pengurusan pembelajaran. Dari sini juga terbitnya istilah piawaian sharable content object reference model (SCORM), yang akhirnya membawa kepada piawaian ciri LO yang diterima di peringkat antarabangsa pada 2002, iaitu Learning Object Metadata (LOM). Piawaian dan maklumat dalam metadata inilah yang membolehkan LO dicari, dicapai, dikongsi dan ditukar.

1 LTSC menakrif objek pembelajaran sebagai “any entity, digital or non-digital, which can be used, re-used or referenced

during technology supported learning. Examples of technology-supported learning include computer-based training systems, interactive learning environments, intelligent computer-aided instruction systems, distance learning systems, and collaborative learning environments.” 2 Matalamt IMS Global Learning Consortium adalah untuk (1) Menakrif spesifikasi teknikal untuk kesalingbolehkendalian

(interoperability) aplikasi dan perkhidmatan dalam e-pembelajaran; dan (2) menyokong penggunaan spesifikasi IMS spec ke dalam produk dan perkhidmatan secara global (worldwide). Spesifikasi IMS ini membolehkan persekitaran e-pembelajaran dan kandungan daripada beberapa pereka bentuk boleh bekerja sama (saling boleh operasi).

Metadata ini penting kerana ia boleh menjelaskan penempatan dan kaedah pembangunan LO. Maklumat metadata membolehkan pengecaman dinamik setiap LO. Metadata juga membantu pencarian merentas kumpulan pembelajaran, dengan itu membolehkan ia diguna semula oleh kumpulan lain. Dengan kata lain, metadata membolehkan pensyarah mencari LO yang memenuhi kriteria tertentu dan seterusnya menggunakan LO tersebut untuk kursusnya. Contoh maklumat yang disimpan secara piawai dalam metadata ialah seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 1. Jadual 1: Kategori dan nilai LOM. Kategori LOM Atribut LOM Umum Tajuk, bahasa, diskripsi, kata kunci Kitar hayat Versi, status Metadata meta Skima metadata, bahasa (komputer), kaedah komunikasi di antara LO dengan LMS Teknikal Format, saiz, lokasi, tempoh Pendidikan Jenis interaktiviti, tahap interaktiviti, tahap kesukaran, jenis sumber pembelajaran,

prasyarat, objektif Hak Harga, hak cipta Hubungan Jenis, sumber Anotasi Entiti, tarikh, penerangan Sumber: www.ADLnet.ort (ADL adalah kumpulan Advance Distributed Learning di bawah Department of Defense, Amerika Syarikat) Konsep metadata ini serupa dengan maklumat rujukan buku yang terdapat dalam perpustakaan. Setiap buku ada metadata tentang pengarang, subjek, penerbit, tarikh terbit, pautan kepada buku lain yang ditulis oleh pengarang yang sama. Walau bagaimanapun, contoh dalam Jadual 1 bukanlah yang terbaik kerana masih banyak penyelidikan sedang berjalan bagi menentukan apakah atribut metadata yang paling berguna kepada pensyarah dan pelajar. Customized Learning Experience Online atau CLEO Lab3 ( umpamanya, memperincikan lagi metadata yang boleh digunakan untuk mencirikan kandungan LO. Antara perincian yang ditambah adalah sub tahap agregasi4, jenis sumber pembelajaran, julat masa pembelajaran, domain dan strategi kognitif, dan matlamat pembelajaran. Ringkasnya, metadata adalah ‘pembungkus’ kepada LO untuk tujuan kesalingbolehoperasian dengan LO lain, pangkalan data dan LMS lain (Rajah 1). Rajah 1 juga boleh menggambarkan perwakilan pematuhan piawaian SCORM (iaitu ‘pembungkus’ tadi) dengan memberi tag kepada LO dalam bentuk yang boleh dikenali dan dicapai oleh arahan/kod komputer. Maklumat lanjut tentang metadata boleh dirujuk pada laman sesawang, iaitu laman IEEE LOM P1484.12 yang merupakan piawaian pertama dibuat untuk LOM.

3 CLEO Lab ditubuhkan oleh Cisco Systems, Click2Learn, IBM Mindspan Solutions, Microsoft, and Thomson-NETg, dengan

matlamat untuk menjalankan penyelidikan berkaitan pedagogi dan teknikal terutamanya dalam kompilasi spesifikasi untuk kesalingbolehkendalian e-pembelajaran. 4 Hirarki tahap kandungan yang lebih dalam dari LOM.

Rajah 1: Peranan metadata adalah untuk kesalingbolehoperasian.


Dari perspektif reka bentuk instruksional (ID), kata-kata Clark Aldrich (E-Learning Analyst Gartner Group) sangat berkaitan dengan LO, iaitu “The next battleground in e-learning will be for control of the smallest chunks of content, those that capture individual moments of understanding." Perkataan ‘kawalan’ di sini menyerlahkan masalah yang timbul dalam ID, iaitu automasi untuk menyokong pembelajaran peribadi (strategi pembelajaran yang paling berkesan). Wiley (2002) menegaskan bahawa LO adalah generasi baru kepada ID kerana keupayaan LO yang boleh diguna semula dan daya suai yang tinggi. Generasi baru ID ini menimbulkan cabaran baru kerana LO perlu diikat pada kursus, pelajaran, topik, dan sub-sub topik sedangkan dalam masa yang sama ia juga mesti mempunyai ciri kesalinbolehoperasian dengan kursus lain. Dengan LO, fokus reka bentuk kandungan bukan lagi kepada penyediaaan semua bahan kuliah untuk satu kursus, tetapi menyediakan satu topik kuliah untuk kelompok kursus yang lebih besar. Rajah 2 menunjukkan analogi kepada 5 kursus, mungkin daripada program yang sama, boleh juga daripada program yang berbeza. Ia menunjukkan sumbangan LO dan sumbangan pembina LO kepada kursus-kursus lain dan mungkin juga program lain. Setiap kursus mungkin diajar melalui kuliah, tutorial, tugasan, latihan makmal dan sebagainya. Penglibatan LO dalam salah satu topik kursus meletakkan kursus tersebut dalam kategori kursus yang di ajar dalam mod teradun. KURSUS TOPIK-TOPIK

Kursus A LO topik X

Kursus B LO topik X

Kursus C LO topik X

Kursus D LO topik X

Kursus E LO topik X

Rajah 2: Sumbangan satu LO kepada kursus-kursus lain.

Mod teradun

dengan satu LO

merentas kurikulum

LO pada tahap topik mewakili perancangan dalam menyusun maklumat. Selalunya pada tahap ini ia merupakan komposisi elemen multimedia seperti teks, grafik, audio, video, dan animasi yang disampaikan melalui antara muka pengguna interaktif. Pada tahap apapun, skop setiap LO yang dibina mesti terikat dengan strategi pembelajaran, iaitu menepati kehendak hasil pembelajaran dan objektif kursus.

Sifat LO pula mestilah memenuhi ciri kebolehcapaian (melalui tag metadata), boleh guna semula (dalam konteks berbeza), kesalingbolehkendalian (tidak bergantung kepada LMS sahaja), dan menepati ID tahap 1, 2 atau/dan 3.ID tahap 1 adalah penyampaian maklumat (fakta, konsep, proses, dan prosedur), tahap 2 demonstrasi dan latihan, dan tahap 3 pula adalah pentaksiran, iaitu mengukur hasil pembelajaran. Integriti reka bentuk pembelajaran yang perlu dicapai oleh LO ialah kesempurnaan sebagai satu unit, atau sebagai unit yang boleh digabung dan dikembangkan dengan LO lain (Rajah 3).

Rajah 3: Integriti LO sebagai objek yang boleh digabung.

Penggunaan LO pada tahap ID 1 dan 2 boleh dipelbagaikan termasuklah untuk portfolio, arkib, repositori, pemulihan, rujukan, bahan PnP tambahan, menyokong gaya pembelajaran yang berbeza, memberi contoh yang sukar digambarkan (seperti keadaan di bulan), menyokong pembelajaran pelajar kurang upaya, dan untuk menyokong pembelajaran sepanjang hayat.

LO boleh dibangunkan menggunakan pelbagai perisian komputer dan alatan Web 2.0. Perisian yang popular adalah seperti Flash, Dreamweaver, Microsoft Producer, Lecturemaker, Camtasia, Lectora, dan Articulate. Alatan Web 2.0 yang boleh digunakan adalah seperti Blog, Voicethread, dan Evernote. Setiap hari alatan Web 2.0 ini bertambah dan keupayaan setiap alatan semakin canggih.

An extremely useful online book, "The Instructional Use of Learning Objects", has been

developed and edited by David Wiley. Chapters have been contributed by key researchers

and technologists. The book is divided into five major sections:

1. Learning objects explained

2. Learning objects and constructivist thought

3. Learning objects and people

4. Learning objects implementation war stories

5. Learning objects and the future.

Eduworks Corporation has provided an online resource: Learning Object Tutorial that

includes a summary table of Pros and Cons of Learning Objects.

A Learning Objects Portal has been developed by ilearn at Seneca College, Canada, to

provide links to information, resources, repositories, tools, best practices, issues, activities,

who's who in the Canadian learning object community.

Authoring Software

Instructional authoring software is specially designed to enable creation of online learning

modules that include the key learning elements:

Presentation: Text & Graphics



Links to Appropriate Learning Material Based on Learner's Responses

Tracking of student performance

Typical features of an authoring environment include:

Support of large team development efforts (version control)

Use of templates to speed up development

Facilitate software application training (screen capture & display)

Enable rapid content changes

Store a library of reusable content objects (learning objects)

Allows novice users (non-programmers) to create E-Learning

Enable interactive capabilities beyond simple page turning, multiple choice questions,

and T/F questions

Perform detailed testing and statistical analysis

AICC / SCORM compliance

Import content from MS Word and PowerPoint

Allow experienced programmers to create complex interactions (go beyond the pre-

programmed templates)

Support discovery exercises

Works well with streaming audio technologies

End products can be hosted on web server

Instructional authoring software is a robust and highly competitive industry. Diverse

examples of authoring software tools available in 2004 are the following:

Adaptive Learning Framework Leading Way Knowledge One

Adaptive Tutoring System Lectora Publisher

AKUTHER Author Lightspeed OmniSite

Aspen Content Development LogicBuilder

Authorware Mentorware

Blackboard Nogginware

Brainshark On-Demand

CBIQuick Pedagogue Testing

CBT Master Perception

Centra Knowledge Server Quest

Composer for PowerPoint Quiz Rocket

DazzlerMax Quiz Studio

Designer's Edge QuizPlease

Digital Lava Publisher RADAuthor

Director Rapid Builder

Docent Content Outliner Rapid Exam

Dreamweaver Ready Go Web Course Builder

ePath Learning RealPresenter Plus

Evolution RealSlideShow Plus

Exam Builder RWD InfoPak Simulator

f(2) Seminar4Web

Flash MX SmartBuilder

gForce Central SofTV

Hot Potatoes SWIFT

HotFoot Tactic!


IBT Course Development Tool Set THEORIX

Impact Builder Pro ToolBook II Assistant

Impatica for PowerPoint ToolBook II Instructor

Intellinex LEAP Learning Dev Sys. TopClass

IntraLearn Total Knowledge Mgt (TKM) System

iPerformance TrainerSoft

IPRESS/KBRIDGE UltraDev ( CourseBuilder Templates)

IST Author Viewlet Builder

Jupiter Vlearn

Knowledge Mechanics Studio Vuepoint Learning System (VLS)

Knowledge Pathways WebCT

Knowledge Producers WebMentor

Knowledgelinx 2000 X.HLP Designer

KnowledgePlanet Content

The following are currently popular authoring software tools particularly suited for building

simulations and software demonstrations:

Articulate Presenter Camtasia Studio Macromedia Breeze Macromedia Director Macromedia Flash MX Macromedia Captivate (formerly RoboDemo) Macromedia RoboHelp X5 Viewletbuilder




Media Object



Digital Asset

The raw ingredients from which content is made.

Digital media elements (text, graphics, animation,

audio, video, UI components, & meta tag records)

are assets which can be referenced and/or stored in

a database. Media assets in digital form can be

reused or re-purposed for various instructional






An information object may be constructed from one

or more digital assets. It is raw topical information,

not related to an instructional objective.

Therefore, an IO is usable in a variety of delivery

systems: web pages, KM systems, reference, news,

help, E-Learning, wizards, EPSS. It is important to

stress that "information is not instruction" therefore,

an Information Object must not be confused with a

Learning Object.



A content object may be constructed from one or

more digital assets based on the purpose to be

served as defined by an instructional objective. The

Content Object can be retrieved through its link to

an instructional objective. A SCO as defined by

ADL is a "sharable content object".

A Content Object typically lacks the instructional

value achieved by a Knowledge Object, or the task,

guidance, sequencing, feedback & assessment

components required by a Learning Object.



"A knowledge object and its components are a

precise way to describe the content to be taught.

The components of a knowledge object are a set of

defined containers for information." (Merrill, 1998)

M. David Merrill presents organizing principles &

procedures by which of data & information can be

converted into functional knowledge presentation.

Knowledge Objects are used to build learning

Objects by linking media, practice and assessment

to the foundation level instructional components.

The KO format enables delivery in other delivery

channels such as reference, competency

assessment, and workflow learning (EPSS), as well

as in web-based tutorials.





Object (ROI)

"A Learning Object is defined as the smallest

independent structural experience that contains an

objective, a learning activity, and an assessment

(L'Allier, 1997)

"A Learning Object is an independent and self-

standing unit of learning content that is predisposed

to reuse in multiple instructional contexts."

(Polsani, 2003)

"A Learning Object is a discrete reusable collection

of content used to present and support a single

learning objective." (Jacobsen, 2002)

"A Learning Object is one or more digital assets

(animation, video clip, text, URL or sequence of

these) that supports a learning experience

addressing a curricular outcome for an identified

audience. It can be identified, tracked, referenced,

used and reused for a variety of learning

experiences." (The Learning Federation, Canada,







SCO (sharable content object) integrated into a

lesson / course delivery of presentation, practice

and assessment of learning.


Creating a Reusable Learning Objects Strategy: Leveraging Information and

Learning in a Knowledge Economy (2002), F. Lee Alderman, Jr., Chuck Barritt, Pfeifer


"The Instructional Use of Learning Objects" Online Book, developed and edited by David

Wiley. Dr. Wiley (Utah State University) also maintains a BLOG dealing with instructional

technology issues.

Utah State University OpenCourseWare is a free and open educational resource for

faculty, students, and self-learners. Dr. David Wiley offers an online course, Understanding

Online Interaction.

A Guide to Learning Object Repositories is maintained by UTSA (University of Texas

San Antonio)

Reusable Learning Object Strategy. (Cisco whitepaper. Version 3.1)

A primer on learning objects. (Learningcircuits article by Warren Longmire)

Learning object pioneers. (Larningcircuits article by Tom Barron)

Everything you ever wanted to know about learning standards but were afraid to ask.

(Linezine article by Wayne Hodgins and Marcia Conner)

Use and Abuse of Resusable Learning Objects, Journal of Digital Information, Vol 3 #4,

by Pithamber Polsani, Learning Technology Center, Univ of Arizona

"Knowledge Objects", M. David Merrill. CBT Solutions, March/April, pp 6-11.

"Knowledge Objects and Mental Models (2000), M. David Merrill. In D.A. Wiley (ED.

The Instructional Use of Learning Objects. Washington D.C.: Assoc for Educational

Communications and Technology.

"Connecting learning objects to instructional design theory: A definition, a metaphor, and

a taxonomy ", David Wiley. The Instructional Use of Learning Objects. Washington D.C.:

Assoc for Educational Communications and Technology.

"Learning Objects: A Practical Definition", Rory McGreal. The Internatonal Journal of

Instruction Technology & Distance Learning. Duquesne Univeristy, Pittsburg PA,, Sept


Learning Object Specifications and Standards - Advanced Distributed Learning Consortium (Shareable Content

Object Reference Model) — ARIADNE, European agency for developing specifications

and standards for learning technologies — IMS Global Consortium , develops specifications and

standards for learning technologies) — The AICC web site

The Advanced Distributed Learning initiative. (Source of SCORM).

The IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee. (Source of learning object


The IMS Global Learning Consortium. (Source of content packaging)

Rajah 1 menunjukkan jenis dan ciri pengukuran objek pembelajaran (LO) yang seterusnya boleh

dikategorikan mengikut kumpulan reseptif, interaktif dan kooperatif. Kumpulan reseptif merujuk

kepada kategori LO yang memberi manafaat kepada pelajar yang menggunakannya sahaja. Selalunya

pelajar boleh mengeksploit LO ini dalam hanya beberapa dimensi sahaja. Kumpulan interaktif pula

melibatkan interaksi di antara pengguna dan komputer. Panduan interaksi kepada pelajar selalunya

disediakan oleh guru/pengajar melalui sistem pengurusan pembelajaran (LMS). Kategori kooperatif

adalah kategori paling banyak interkasi kerana mengandungi dimensi sumbang saran atau sesi

penyelesaian masalah yang memerlukan aktiviti komunikasi di kalangan pelajar.

Rajah 1: LO boleh dikelaskan mengikut jenisnya, ciri pengukurannya dan kumpulannya.

Berdasarkan tiga kumpulan tersebut, Wiley (2000) telah mengusulkan pembahagian yang lebih terperinci berpandukan jenis dan ciri pengukuran. Satu matrik telah diusulkan sebagaimana yang ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 1. Jadual 1: Matrik jenis dan ciri pengukuran LO.


Ciri vs jenis LO fundamental Combined-closed


No of elements combined

One few Many

Types of objects contained

single Single, combined-close


Reusable components objects

Not applicable

no yes

Common functions

Exhibit, display

Pre-designed instruction or practice

Pre-designed instruction and/or practice

Dependency on other LO

no no yes

Types of logic contained in objects

Not applicable

None, or answer sheet-based on scoring

None, or domain specific instructional and assessemnt


Potential for inter-contextual reuse

high medium low

Potential for intra-contextual reuse

low low medium

KATEGORI OBJEK PEMBELAJARAN Recently, I engaged in an inquiry in which I examined a small collection of educational resources developed by part of a teaching and instructional design community in Singapore in order to explicate an understanding of what kinds of computer-based creations are considered to be learning objects (Churchill,2005a) The following categories of learning objects were noted:

1. Presentation object -- an instruction or presentation designed with the intention to transmit knowledge;

2. Practice object -- allows practice of procedures and answering of questions with constructive feedback in place;

3. Simulation -- representation of some real-life system or process; 4. Information object -- visually and interactively structured information display; 5. Contextual representation -- representation of data as it emerges form some context; and 6. Conceptual model -- representation of knowledge and experience of a subject matter expert.


Matrik Wiley (2000) telah dimurnikan oleh Convertini, Albanese, Marengo,Marengo, dan Scalera

(2006) dengan mengambilkira hanya 3 jenis utama yang boleh dikenalpasti dengan jelas dan

dikelaskan mengikut kumpulan samada receptive, interactive, atau cooperative. Matrik ini dibina

berdasarkan taksonomi pembelajaran open source e-learning (OSEL).

Jadual 2: Matrik jenis dan kumpulan koswer

Prelim taxonomy of the type of LO

fundamental Combined-closed Combined-open

Educational taxonomy


Receptive-basic R-asas

Receptive-closed—gabungan tertutup R-dalaman

Receptive-open R-luaran

Internally interactive

Interactive-basic I- asas

Interactive- closed I- dalaman

Interactive- open I- luaran

Cooperative Cooperative-basic K- asas

Cooperative-closed K- dalaman

Cooperative-open K- luaran

Bagi sembilan skor dalam matrik tersebut, takrifnya adalah berpandukan Wiley (2000), Redeker (2003), dan Convertini, Albanese, Marengo,Marengo, dan Scalera (2006), iaitu

1. R-asas: kategori asas dan reseptif yang mewakili koswer yang

a. tidak interaktif b. tiada aktiviti kumpulan c. penggunaan sekurang-kurangnya satu media (atau media mudah – cth imej jpg +

teks) d. contoh: koswer yang kandungannya disampaikan secara linear.

2. R-dalaman: kategori gabungan – dalaman dan reseptif. Mewakili koswer yang

a. Tidak interaktif b. tiada aktiviti kumpulan c. penggunaan sekurang2nya 2 media dengan pautan secara dalaman. d. Contoh: koswer dengan grafik + video/animasi + pautan

3. R-luaran: the classifying combination of combined – asas and dalaman. A non-interactive LO

constituted by a. Tidak interaktif b. tiada aktiviti kumpulan c. penggunaan pelbagai media dengan pautan secara luaran. d. Contoh: Koswer yang kandungannya secara linear dengan pautan ke bahan luar.

4. I-asas: the classifying combination of basic and internal interactive. An interactive LO a. Interaktif b. Tiada aktiviti kumpulan c. penggunaan sekurang2nya 2 media. d. Contoh: koswer berasaskan web/CD interatif yang mengandungi teks + 1 media lain.

5. I-dalaman: the classifying combination of combined – closed and internal interactive. An

interactive LO a. Interaktif b. Tiada aktiviti kumpulan c. penggunaan pelbagai media dengan pautan secara dalaman. d. Contoh: koswer berasaskan web/CD interatif yang mengandungi pelbagai media

dengan pautan secara dalaman.

6. I-luaran: the classifying combination of combined – open and internal interactive. An

interactive courseware a. Interaktif b. Tiada aktiviti kumpulan c. penggunaan pelbagai media dengan pautan secara luaran. d. Contoh: koswer berasaskan web/CD interatif yang mengandungi pelbagai media

dengan pautan secara luaran. .

7. K-asas: the classifying combination of basic and cooperative. An interactive LO a. Interaktif b. Mempunyai aktiviti kumpulan c. penggunaan sekurang2nya 2 media. d. Contoh: koswer berasaskan web/CD interatif dan kolaboratif yang menggunakan

sekuarng2nya 2 media.

8. K-dalaman: the classifying combination of combined – closed and cooperative. An interactive LO

a. Interaktif b. Mempunyai aktiviti kumpulan c. penggunaan pelbagai media dengan pautan secara dalaman. d. Contoh: koswer berasaskan web/CD interatif dan kolaboratif yang menggunakan

sekurang2nya 2 media dgn pautan dalaman.

9. K-luaran: the classifying combination of combined open and cooperative. An interactive LO a. Interaktif b. Mempunyai aktiviti kumpulan c. penggunaan pelbagai media dengan pautan secara luaran. d. Contoh: koswer berasaskan web/CD interatif dan kolaboratif yang menggunakan

sekurang2nya 2 media dgn pautan luaran.


By focusing on a single core concept, each learning object is conceived in the following


1. Overview

• State learning objectives

• State prerequisite knowledge

2. Content Presentation

• Provide multimedia materials and active engagement of the learner

3. Practice/Assessment

• Enable students to verify for themselves their progress

4. Summary

• Reinforce learning objectives

This framework shares similarities to the nine events of instruction proposed by Gagne5:

• Gain attention

• Describe goal

• Recall prior knowledge

• Present lesson content

• Provide lesson guidance

• Elicit performance

• Provide feedback (reinforcement) to learner about performance

• Assess performance

• Enhance retention and transfer

Apart from creating contents with the proposed learning object framework, other types of

instructional materials also encapsulate specific instructional objectives that may serve as

useful references in learning. For example, web-cast lectures can serve as an invaluable

instructional reference for students, and may therefore form a different category of learning


As learning objects are delivered through the Web, they can be created with existing web-

content creation tools that are readily available and vary in sophistication and complexity. For

instance, common HTML editors like Microsoft FrontPage can be used to create a learning

object. So too can other commercial software like Macromedia Director, Flash and

Authorware that provide richer environments for developing engaging instructional web-

delivered multimedia content.

Lecturers have traditionally built courseware websites (i.e. customised websites that are

specific to a particular module and not designed for re-use). Such module websites are

typically expensive, time-consuming, one-off efforts to create online instructional materials.

However if these instructional materials could be re-used, aggregated, disaggregated or re-

sequenced when needed, it would allow for greater choice and efficiency. More importantly,

it would also reduce the need for lecturers to create all the instructional materials they need

from scratch, thereby reducing the need to ‘re-invent the wheel’ for every new course offered.

In order for learning objects to be discovered and deployed by different users, they have to be

registered with a learning object repository. The Integrated Virtual Learning Environment

(IVLE) content management tool is one such repository. To register a learning object with a

repository, one fills up a web form to describe the learning object, much like creating a label

to describe the contents within a can of food. Based on the LOM standard, the set of fields,

which ‘labels’ the learning object, ensures that the registration of a learning object need only

be done once in its ‘lifetime’.

Figure 2: Registering a learning object with the IVLE Content Management Tool

If required, the learning object with its registration information can be imported into or

exported out of the IVLE content management tool. In addition, learning objects can be

aggregated or disaggregated from the IVLE Lesson Plan; or they can be packaged and

sequenced together into a content package, which can then be referenced from the Lesson

Plan tool.The various pieces of technology and instructional theories related to learning

objects are just beginning to fall into place. Standards bodies have started to address the

issues of managing and sequencing learning objects. There is still pedagogical research,

standardisation and technological refinement needed before a complete strategy for learning

objects becomes clear.

Figure 3: Learning Objects can be packaged and sequenced

However, just like the use of the Internet in education, packaging contents in a learning

object framework provides another instructional option for lecturers. Technologies that

support the registration and delivery of learning objects are not perfect; but like the rest of the

Web, they are functional. The fundamental mechanisms for the exchange and re-use of

learning objects are already in place. Lecturers can already register the learning objects they

create, aggregate learning objects in different sequence and re-use them in multiple modules

through the IVLE platform today.

1. IMS originally stood for the Instructional Management Systems (IMS) project that existed

as a project within the National Learning Infrastructure Initiative of Educause. Since then, the

acronym stuck on, even though the organisation has expanded beyond its original project

scope to include standards for learning servers, learning content and the enterprise integration

of these capabilities.

2. The IEEE is a non-profit, technical professional association of more than 377,000

individual members in 150 countries. Through its members, the IEEE is a leading authority in

technical areas ranging from computer engineering, biomedical technology and

telecommunications, to electric power, aerospace and consumer electronics, among others.

3. Learning Technology Standards Committee, Institute of Electrical and Electronics

Engineers, Inc. (15 July 2002). Draft Standard for Learning Object Metadata, p. 6. (Last Accessed: 21

January 2003).

4. Cisco Systems, Inc. is a worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. The Cisco

Internet Learning Solutions Group (ILSG) proposed and adopted the reusable learning object

strategy, as it recognises a need to move from creating and delivering large inflexible training

courses, to database driven objects that can be searched and modified.

5. Gagne, R. (1985). The Conditions of Learning (4th ed.). New York: Holt, Rinehart &



Elements of the interface

The interface design has evolved with the following considerations of:

1. Ability to have the text accompany the video 2. The player is a standard plugin for web browsers 3. The minimum bandwidth required is 256Kbits/sec

The audio transcript area was added to the interface following feedback from students with

English as a second language as well as meeting the needs of those with audio difficulties.

There is a description of the video clip, duration of the clip and a web link for inclusion in


The diagram shows the individual elements of the interface.

1. Video area 2. Audio transcript 3. Description 4. Duration 5. Link to embed in Blackboard