acute respiratory infection

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of acute respiratory infection

  1. 1. ACUTE RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS IMNCI Protocol (WHO) (Integrated Management Of Neonatal and Childhood Illnesses) Prep & Presented by Dr. Zujaja Baloch Instructed by Lt Col Jawad Jalil
  2. 2. History Name: XYZ (Male) Age: 15 months Address: Gujranwala DOA: 10 dec 2014 DOD: 14 dec 2014 Source: OPD
  3. 3. History (Cont) Presenting compliants: Rhinorrhea 7 days Cough 6 days Fever 4 days Breathing Difficulty 2 days
  4. 4. History (Cont) Birth History : Antenatal History: Booked Case. Natal History: FTP & SVD, delivered in Hospital. Post Natal: Cried after birth, no jaundice or cyanosis Feeding History : Exclusively Breast fed for 6 months & weaning started. Vaccination History : Vaccinated according to EPI Schedule
  5. 5. History (Cont) Developmental History: Gross Motor, Fine Motor & Social Development was fine Family History: Non consangious marriage. No history of asthma, epilepsy, TB or congenital heart diseases. Socioeconomic history : Middle class family.
  6. 6. Examination General physical examination : Apprehensive, Irritable Mildly dehydrated Nasal flaring Weight 10 kg Vital Signs : Pulse : 150 / min Respiratory Rate 64 / min Temperature 102F
  7. 7. Systemic examination Respiratory system examination : R/R: 64 / min Chest in drawing Nasal flaring Recessions CVS examination GIT examination Normal CNS examination
  8. 8. Investigation Complete Blood Picture: Hb 11.4 g/dl TLC 7 10 / L Chest X Ray : Normal findings 9
  9. 9. DIAGNOSIS Acute Respiratory Tract Infection (Bronchiolitis)
  10. 10. Treatment Anti pyretic : Paracetamol 5 ml(SOS) Nebulization: Ipratropium (Atem) 6 hourly. Discharged on 3rd day
  11. 11. Case discussion
  12. 12. Epidemiology Each year, acute respiratory infections cause approximately 2-3 million deaths among children