Active Adults 50 lus eptember rochure - Crosspointthan later if you want to sit with our group....

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Transcript of Active Adults 50 lus eptember rochure - Crosspointthan later if you want to sit with our group....

Come join us!

Active Adults 50 Plus September Brochure

Our mission is to build a community where people

can come as they are, meet Christ, grow in their faith,

and find a place to serve.

Crosspoint Quilters This group meets twice monthly to make child sized quilts in support of the foster and adoptive parent group here at Crosspoint. Quilts are also sent with the missions teams going out all over the world from Crosspoint. You can participate by sewing at home or join them 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Mondays at De Cook’s home: 1039 Stephen Drive. They have fabric and a few sewing machines. If you want to learn, they will teach you! They also happily accept donations of fabric and thread. Please contact De Cook, 850-499-4045 or

Amazon Blessings Campaign This is a program for those of who cannot make the very substantial commitment to foster or adopt a child but who want to come along side of those who do. You do this by supplying some needed household item each month. Think diapers, toilet paper, laundry detergent, etc. This set up in Amazon to be deliv-ered each month. De is the corrdinator for this campaign and she would love to help you get set up. Please contact her at 850-499-4045 or

Volunteers needed for Extreme Experience Camp for blind and low vision adults. Come be a sighted guide and have a great time doing it. We help with naviga-tion and with meal times. It is not strenuous work, but a joy! With the gracious donation of funds from the Bargain Box, we are able to keep the cost to volunteers at only $50 again this year. The camp is Wed, Sept 25— Sat morning, Sept 28 at beautiful Blue Lake camp. Eight of the 10 volunteer s lots have been filled. Please contact Barbara for more information and to sign up.

Young at Heart Luncheon

Barbara Wilder Minister to Active Adults 50 Plus 850-678-4411 ext 123

For more information or to sign up for an event, please contact Barbara Wilder at 678-4411, ext 123, or email her at

Welcome We welcome you to the Active Adults 50 Plus Ministry of Crosspoint! We warmly invite you to participate in our activities and programs, and join our community of people who are seeking Christ and who are growing and serving in His name! Our mission is connecting people to Christ!

Come travel with us, or join us for one of these events!

Held in the Fellowship Hall from 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Cost for lunch: $6. Please sign up or cancel by noon on the Friday before the luncheon date. Call or email to Barbara to reserve your seat and lunch.

Upcoming luncheons: September 10 Program: Leak Thornal: His Story: Bring POW’s Home

October 8 Program: Ferrol and Becky Spence: Memories

Invite a friend to attend with you!!

For more information or to sign up for an

event or activity, please contact

Barbara Wilder at 678-4411,

ext 123, or

September 19, Thursday Love animals? This is the trip for you! Star of the A&E show Wild Transport Rick the Reptile Guy, moved his family from Cocoa Beach to Crestview, Florida to fulfill a life-long dream of owning a zoo. After our tour, we will have lunch at Tropical Palm and enjoy some Southern home cooking. Trip fee: $5, does not include lunch. Sign up by Thurs, Sept 12. Departing at 9:30 a.m.

“Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee; Let the water and the blood, From Thy riven side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure, Save me from its guilt and power.”

A speaker recently directed our thinking to those last two lines. What is ’the double cure?” We have salvation in Christ ’from’ our sin, but we also have power over our sinful nature...power to be trans-formed into the likeness of Jesus our Savior. What power?...the power of the Holy Spirit! And that is God’s will for every on of his be con-formed to the image of Christ. Titus 2: 11 –15a: For the grace of God has ap-peared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “no” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this pre-sent age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the ap-pearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good. These, then, are the things you should teach. Question for the Day: How are you cooperating with the Holy Spirit for your transformation?

BaRbara’s Bubbles

Saturday, September 28 Sign up sooner rather than later if you want to sit with our group. Seating is assigned. Tickets: $33– $38. No dinner included. Departing at 6:00 p.m.

starting soon! Agape Squares will have an open house, Mon, Sept 9. The open houses are free- no obligation for continuing. Singles and couples wel-come. On Sept 16, classes begin at $3 per per-son, if you wish. Find us in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 6:00 pm. Dinner is also served at no charge. Get some light exercise, meet some wonderful folks, and enjoy dinner, too!

Last call for cruisers! Great itinerary! October 14-24, 2019. Contact Barbara for the itinerary and additional information. Trip fee starts at $3,291 and includes airfare, fees and transfers.

Saturday, December 7 Tour of Homes in DeFuniack Springs. Tour historical homes and businesses and then enjoy the Reflections Lights that evening. Cost: $25 for the tours. Thursday, December 19 After dinner, we will tour the Christmas lights at Sowell’s North Pole aboard their train. Cost $7, does not include dinner. Watch for more details in the October brochure.