Action plan

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Film 10: Professional Topics Rebekah Leekley Fall 2015

Transcript of Action plan

Action plan

by lior ayalon

December, 2015

Table of content

1. Introduction 2. Dreams, Goals and Aspirations 3. Timeline4. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats5. Resources 6. Conclusion


IntroductionDecember 10, 2015 Almost exactly six months from today, I will graduate from the University of California, Santa Cruz with a Bachelor’s degree in Film and Digital Media. Within the following pages, I will reflect on what the future may hold for me; but first, I think it is important to take an introspective look at who I am. Afterall, how are we supposed to know where we’re going if we don’t know where we’ve been? At the age of 21, I already feel as if I’ve been through too much, but I’ll do my best to sum it up: I am the daughter of an emotionally abusive adict and a careless immigrant. I haven’t talked to my mom in about two years. I am the youngest of four siblings, all of whom had a role in raising me. I am independent. I am white. I am queer. I am Jewish. I am disabled. I suffer from severe depression and axiety. I am a survivor of sexual assault. I love musical theatre and horror films. I am incredibly “type A” and I live by my color-coded Google calendar. I’m a slob, and I can’t keep my room clean to save my life. I am an overachiever. I can never seem to get my shit together. I despise cilantro. I make a mean vegan apple crisp. I am stodgy academic, committed to the critical discourse of media. I am a carefree artist, committed to making my own media. I like to work with my hands, but I also like to study esoteric academic theory. I put 110% of myself into everything I do. I have a hard time saying no, and I always spread myself to thin. I am not thin, butI love my body, most of the time. I am responsible. I am a rebel. I am all these disparate parts, attempting to be one whole. Wish me luck as I attempt to make sense of myself, and of my future.


dreams, goals and Aspirations

DREAMS*I dream of creating things that other can connect to. Throughout my entire life, and throughout ever struggle I’ve faced, films, television and other forms of media have helped me feel less alone in this big, cruel world we live in. I want to do the same for others. *I dream of creating things that I myself can feel connected to other people through. Throughout all the trial and tribulations of my life, I’ve always felt drawn to creative pursuits, especially writing and photography. I hope that I can continue to express myself through these mediums.

GOALS*I will graduate from UCSC. *I will become financially secure, and pay off my student loans. *I will have a piece of non-fiction writing published in a professional publication. *I am going to write a feature-length film.

ASPIRATIONS*I aspire to love myself, no matter what. *I aspire to continue supporting the creative endeavors of my immensely talented peers, regardless of where our lives may take us after graduation. *I aspire to continue my critical discourse of media, even after I have left film school.*I aspire to continue developing my skills. I know I’m a talented writer with a natural eye for design, but natural talent will only get me so far. Hard work and practice will get me much further. c*I aspire to continue growing, changing, and figuring myself out. I recognize that I am still young, and it’s okay to not have everything figured out, but I refuse to grow stagnate.*I aspire to always be grateful for the opportunities and privileges afforded to me, and to recognize who hasn’t been afforded the same privileges. I will always account for who isn’t being represented, in media and in other aspects of my life, and to help amplify their voices.


timelineDECEMBER, 2015*I will submit this action place. *I will begin looking into jobs and opportunities for after graduation. JANUARY - MAY, 2016*I will continue attending classes, working on my senior thesis, building my resume and looking for post-graduation opportunities while attending UCSC.

JUNE, 2016*I will graduate from UCSC. Unless presented with a better opportunity, I will move back into my father’s house, and give myself one year to move out. I will give myself a minimum of two years to continue attending grad school.

JULY - DECEMBER, 2016*I will work, regardless of the job. During this time, I will also write, both fiction and non-fiction pieces, and seek opportunities for development and advancement.

JANUARY, 2017*I will begin repaying my loans. *I will have my first feature-length film finished by this time.

JUNE, 2017*I will move out of my father’s house, if I have not already.

JUNE, 2018*I will have a pice of non-fiction writing published by this time.*I will revist the idea of attending graduate school, and if I decide that I would like to attend, I will start looking into programs.

JUNE, 2021*I will have a job that pays more than minimum wage, and is directly related to media production.

JANUARY, 2043*I will have paid back all my loans, if I have not already.


Strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats

STRENGTHS*I am charming, and I usually make a good first impression. *I can pull off any hair color. *I know not to take myself too seriously. *I am organized. *I am motivated. *I am a skilled writer. *I am willing to try any new opportunity. *I am determined. *I am passionate. *I am quick to learn new skills. *I am always willing to put in 110% to anything I do. *I am compassionate.

WEAKNESSES*I am trying not to spread myself so thin. I am learning how to say “no.”*I am trying to prioritize self-care in order to prevent long-term fatigue. *I am learning how to be a morning person. *I am learning how to ask for help.

OPPORTUNITIES *Through my work as a Resident Assistant for the past 2 years, I have learned how to assert myself as an authorative presence, and to manage projects. I’ve also learned an incredible amount of time managament through this job -- I am basically married to Google Calendar at this point. *Through my work as a lab technician for the UCSC Film and Digital Media Equipment Checkout Lab, I have learned valuable technical skills. After three years at this job, I am very adaptable to learning any kind of new camera or audio equipment.


OPPORTUNITIES, Cont’d *Through my work as managing editor of EyeCandy FIlm Journal, I have developled valuable skills as they relate to writing, editing, and publishing. I have also been able to publish my own work, laying the groundwork for a future path in non-fiction writing. *Through my work as the treasurer of Porter Senate, I have learned how to manage a budget, and have fine-tuned my spreadsheet making skills. *Though my work in UCSC’s Film and Digital Media Department’s Integrated Critical Practice Concentration, I have been able to combine my two loves of critical theory and film production, something I never thought I’d be able to do. I’ve also gotten to work closely with the faculty of the department, and explore the possibility of graduate school.

THREATS *One of the biggest threats to my success has always been financial burdens. I am the youngest of four children in a dysfunctional middle-class family. I’ve financially supported myself since I turned 18 years old. As of the writing of this, I am unable to enroll in classes for next term, because, despite the fact that I work two part-time jobs in addition to going to school, I still have $1,360 and 85 cents in tuition to pay for the current quarter. When I graduate, I will have a six-month grace period until I need to begin payments on the $50,000 of loans I’ve taken out to receive my degree, which will ultimately take me around 26 years to fully pay off. Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat because of all these numbers.



*the internet, but especially Netflix*Independent Filmmaker Project, and other mentoring projects*Tamra Schmidt, the UCSC Film and Digital Media advisor*Shelley Stamp, my senior thesis advisor *the other wonderful faculty I’ve gotten the opportunity to work with in the department, including Cam Archer, L.S. Kim and Rick Prelinger. *Shar Mayer, a mentor. *Miriam Levenson, my best friend in the entire world. *My incredible peers, who over the past four years have become a wonderful network of support and inspiration. I look forward to seeing what all of them do after graduation. Special shout out to Gacinta Moran, Quest Zelder, Alex Saidi, Elliott Case, Sophia Wang, Alberto Guadarrama, Jasmine Lee Ehrhardt, Ren Brownell, Roberto Carlos Osorio, Carson Lynn, Billy Butler, Sam Cardenas and Brandon Kutivan. *the staff of EyeCandy Film Journal. *my friends at Cabrillo Musical Theatre. *my cat, Scully. *those who are already working in the fields of media production and critical media discourse, who have paved the way for the likes of me.