Achieving Immortality with the help of Technology

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Achieving Immortality with the help of Technology


The technological backstage of achieving ImmortalityAre we getting closer to achieve mankind’s big dream ?

Purpose of the Study

What is my research topic ?-Explaining the technical possibilities of achieving immortality. -Immortality research areas such as Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence, Cryonics, Digital ImmortalityWhy have I choosen this topic ?-Because I am a computer science student I deeply interested in topics like AI and Transhumanism..

Research Questions-To what extend are we close to achieve immortality in the area of technology ?-When possibly we may achieve immortality with the help of technology ?-What are the current promising researchabout achieving immortality ?- Is Digital Immortality kind of a physical immortality?-What the scientists need to find out to achieve digital immortality ?-What might be the spark for the start epoch of Transhumanism, AI powered Digital Immortality ?

Background readings & APA Cited Bibliography

✤ Colin, F. (2016, March 14). Live for ever... by uploading your brain to a robot!. Daily Mail. p. 27.

✤ Cheshire, W. J. (2015). The sum of all thoughts: prospects of uploading the mind to a computer. Ethics & Medicine: An International Journal Of Bioethics, (3), 135.

✤ Bainbridge, W. S. (2006). Cyberimmortality: Science, Religion, and the Battle to Save Our Souls. Futurist, 40(2), 25-29.

✤ Bianchini, F. (2016). Artificial intelligence and synthetic biology: A tri-temporal contribution. Biosystems, doi:10.1016/j.biosystems.2016.01.001

*Gelles, D. (2009). Immortality 2.0: a silicon valley insider looks at California's Transhumanist movement. The Futurist, (1). 34.

*Astakhov, V. (2007). Continuum of consciousness: Mind uploading and resurrection of human consciousness. Is there a place for physics, neuroscience and computers?.

*Harley, R. (2002). Cyborgs, uploading and immortality - Some serious concerns. Sophia, 41(2), 73. doi:10.1007/BF02912238

*A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO IMMORTALITY From Alchemy to Avatars. (2015). Kirkus Reviews, 83(15), 91.

*Bjork, R. C. (2008). Artificial Intelligence and the Soul. Perspectives On Science & Christian Faith, 60(2), 95-102.

*Shermer, M. (2012). In the Year 9595. Scientific American, 306(1), 85.

*Romain, T. (2010). Extreme Life Extension: Investing in Cryonics for the Long, Long Term. Medical Anthropology, 29(2), 194-215. doi:10.1080/01459741003715391


Scope of my researchWhat do you intend to find as a result of your research? I think that after finishing my research, I will enlighten technology and technical stuff behind achieving immortality in a really understandable way.What are your hypotheses/assumptions? I assume that we are really close to achieve a kind of an immortality with the help of technology. Boundaries of my research:I will not examine religious or mythologic ideas about achieving immortality. I will focus on technology behind of these research and goals about achieving Immortality. ( *comprehensibly )

Planning the next steps -What do I need to do next? Well it is a cute question :)

+ I intend to do broader exploration about more technical

steps of achieving immortality.

+I will talk with my CS department’s professors about

Digital Immortality and Artificial Intelligence.

+ I will get help from my FAE instructor - Özge EZİCİ

ÇETİN - to write more meaningful research paper.

OUTLINE of my Research Paper✤ Intro >> Early stages of research about achieving immortality,

ancient believes about achieving immortality.

✤ Body 1 >> Cryonics and Synthetic biotechnology and how they contribute to achieving immortality.

✤ Body 2 >> Transhumanism + Artificial Intelligence + Digital Immortality

✤ Body 3 (Counter-argumentative) >> %100 successfully achieve all of these might be imposibble.

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