Accounts Receivable (GS) User's Guide - Sign In · PDF fileiii Table of Contents, Continued...

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Transcript of Accounts Receivable (GS) User's Guide - Sign In · PDF fileiii Table of Contents, Continued...

ACTIVANT D2K Accounts Receivable User's Guide GS Release 3.0 Version 9


This manual contains reference information about software products from Activant Solutions Inc.™ The software described in this manual and the manual itself are furnished under the terms and conditions of a license agreement. The software consists of software options that are separately licensed. It is against the law to copy the software on any medium, or to enable any software options, except as specifically permitted under the license agreement. In addition, no part of this manual may be copied or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Activant Solutions Inc. From time to time, Activant makes changes to its software products. Therefore, information in this manual is subject to change, and the illustrations and screens that appear in the manual may differ somewhat from the version of the software provided to you. Created by: Yardley Technical Communication Copyright: © 2005 Activant Solutions Inc. All rights reserved. Activant Solutions Inc., the Activant logo, Activant Eagle, and Activant Eagle for Windows are trademarks of Activant Solutions Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Activant Solutions Inc. 7683 Southfront Road Livermore, CA 94551 Version 9 Publication Date: 3.21.2006


Table of Contents


Overview to the User’s Guide ................................................................................................. 1 How to Use the User’s Guide ...................................................................................................3

Chapter 1 - Introduction to the Accounts Receivable Module

Overview .............................................................................................................................. 1-1 The Accounts Receivable Module........................................................................................ 1-2 Features and Benefits............................................................................................................ 1-3 The Interface to Other D2K GS Applications ...................................................................... 1-5 Knowledge Check................................................................................................................. 1-7 Knowledge Check Answers.................................................................................................. 1-8

Chapter 2 - Accounts Receivable Journal Entry

Overview .............................................................................................................................. 2-1 The Account Receivable Journal Entry Process................................................................... 2-2 The AR.JRNL.ENTRY Function ......................................................................................... 2-5 How to Enter an Accounts Receivable Journal Entry (AR.JRNL.ENTRY) ........................ 2-7 Accounts Receivable Journal Entry Audit Reports ............................................................ 2-13 Knowledge Check............................................................................................................... 2-14 Knowledge Check Answers................................................................................................ 2-15

Chapter 3 - Cash Receipts Posting / Reversing Cash Receipts Overview .............................................................................................................................. 3-1

Section A - Cash Receipts Posting Overview ..........................................................................................................................3-A-1 The Cash Receipts Posting Process ..................................................................................3-A-2 The APPLY.CASH Function ...........................................................................................3-A-6 How to Enter a Cashs Receipt (APPLY.CASH) ..............................................................3-A-9 Cash Receipts Audit Reports..........................................................................................3-A-63 Knowledge Check...........................................................................................................3-A-64 Knowledge Check Answers............................................................................................3-A-66

Section B - Reversing Cash Receipts Overview .......................................................................................................................... 3-B-1 The Reverse Check Process.............................................................................................. 3-B-3

Table of Contents, Continued

Chapter 3, Section B - Reversing Cash Receipts, continued

The REVERSE.CHECK Function ................................................................................... 3-B-5 How to Reverse a Cash Receipt (REVERSE.CHECK) ................................................... 3-B-7 Cash Reversal Audit Reports.......................................................................................... 3-B-11 Knowledge Check........................................................................................................... 3-B-12 Knowledge Check Answers............................................................................................ 3-B-13

Chapter 4 - Customer Deposit Entry

Overview .............................................................................................................................. 4-1 The Customer Deposit Entry Process................................................................................... 4-3 The DEPOSIT.ENTRY Function ......................................................................................... 4-5 How to Enter a Customer Deposit (DEPOSIT.ENTRY) ..................................................... 4-6 Customer Deposit Audit Reports........................................................................................ 4-10 Knowledge Check............................................................................................................... 4-11 Knowledge Check Answers................................................................................................ 4-12

Chapter 5 - Miscellaneous Cash Receipts

Overview .............................................................................................................................. 5-1 The Miscellaneous Cash Receipts Process........................................................................... 5-3 The MISC.CASH Function .................................................................................................. 5-5 How to Enter a Miscellaneous Cash Receipts (MISC.CASH)............................................. 5-6 Miscellaneous Cash Receipts Audit Report ....................................................................... 5-10 Knowledge Check............................................................................................................... 5-11 Knowledge Check Answers................................................................................................ 5-12

Chapter 6 - Batch Posting

Overview .............................................................................................................................. 6-1 The Batch Posting Process ................................................................................................... 6-3 The Batch Posting Screen..................................................................................................... 6-5 How to Post a Batch ............................................................................................................. 6-6 Batch Posting Audit Reports .............................................................................................. 6-12 Knowledge Check............................................................................................................... 6-13 Knowledge Check Answers................................................................................................ 6-14


Table of Contents, Continued

Chapter 7 - Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance

Overview .............................................................................................................................. 7-1 The Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance Process ................................................ 7-3 The AR.ITEM.MAINT Function ......................................................................................... 7-5 How to Maintain an Accounts Receivable Open Item (AR.ITEM.MAINT) ....................... 7-6 Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance Audit Reports ........................................... 7-13 Knowledge Check............................................................................................................... 7-14 Knowledge Check Answers................................................................................................ 7-15

Chapter 8 - Commission Maintenance

Overview .............................................................................................................................. 8-1 The Commission Maintenance Process................................................................................ 8-3 The COMMISSION.MAINT Function ................................................................................ 8-4 How to Enter/Maintain Commssions (COMMISSION.MAINT) ........................................ 8-7 Commission Maintenance Audit Reports........................................................................... 8-14 Knowledge Check............................................................................................................... 8-15 Knowledge Check Answers................................................................................................ 8-16

Chapter 9 - Finance Charge Calculation

Overview .............................................................................................................................. 9-1 The Finance Charge Calculation Process ............................................................................. 9-4 The FINANCE.CHARGES Function................................................................................... 9-5 How to Calculate Finance Charges (FINANCE.CHARGES).............................................. 9-7 Finance Charge Calculation Audit Reports ........................................................................ 9-12 Knowledge Check............................................................................................................... 9-13 Knowledge Check Answers................................................................................................ 9-14

Chapter 10 - Accounts Receivable Reports

Overview ............................................................................................................................ 10-1 Key Reports ........................................................................................................................ 10-2 Finding the Report You Want ............................................................................................ 10-3 The Cash Journal Report (CASH.JOURNAL)................................................................... 10-7

Table of Contents, Continued

Chapter 10 - Accounts Receivable Reports, Continued The Accounts Receivable Open Item Aging Report (AGE.AR)..................................... 10-11 The Flexible Accounts Receivable Open Item Aging Report (FLEX.AGE.AR)............................................................................. 10-15 The Customer Accounts Receivable Statement (STATEMENTS / LASER.STATEMENT) ........................................................... 10-18 Sales Representative Commission Payable Reports (COMMISSION.RPTS)................. 10-24 The Sales Tax Register (SALES.TAX.REG)................................................................... 10-26 The Disputed Invoice Report (DISPUTE.INV.RPT) ....................................................... 10-28 The Customer Deposit Report (DEPOSIT.RPT).............................................................. 10-30 Adjustments Journal (ADJUST.JRNL) ............................................................................ 10-33 Knowledge Check............................................................................................................. 10-34 Knowledge Check Answers.............................................................................................. 10-36

Chapter 11 - Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Overview ............................................................................................................................ 11-1 Key Inquiries ...................................................................................................................... 11-2 Finding the Inquiry You Want............................................................................................ 11-3 Customer Accounts Receivable / Sales Inquiry (AR.CUST.INQ).................................. 11-12 Total Outstanding Accounts Receivable Balance Inquiry (AR.VERIFY.TOTAL)......... 11-15 The Selected Invoice Inquiry (LOOK.INV).................................................................... 11-17 The Customer Payment Transaction Inquiry (SHOW.CREDITS).................................. 11-19 The Deposit Receipt Inquiry (SHOW.DEPOSITS) ......................................................... 11-21 The Cash Receipts / Deposit Inquiry (SHOW.RECEIPTS) ............................................. 11-23 The Accounts Receivable Transaction Inquiry (SHOW.AR.ENTRIES) ........................ 11-25 The Accounts Receivable Journal Entry Inquiry (SHOW.AR.JRNLS).......................... 11-28 The Accounts Receivable Batch Header Inquiry (SHOW.AR.BATCH)........................ 11-31 The Finance Charge Inquiry (SHOW.FIN.CHGS) ......................................................... 11-33 Knowledge Check............................................................................................................. 11-34 Knowledge Check Answers.............................................................................................. 11-36


Putting These Ideas To Work ............................................................................................. 12-1

Preface 1


Overview to the User’s Guide

Introduction Welcome to the Accounts Receivable User’s Guide. We hope you enjoy learning

about your D2K GS system. We also hope you will use all of the resources available to you to learn the Accounts Receivable D2K GS module as thoroughly as possible.

Purpose The purpose of this User’s Guide is to introduce you to the Accounts

Receivable module, and to provide procedures and guidelines for using the functions within the module. This User’s Guide has been designed as both a self-study training tool and a reference manual.

Objectives Upon completion of this User’s Guide you will be able to:

• Describe the Accounts Receivable module, • Identify the major processes found in Accounts Receivable, • Enter an accounts receivable journal entry, • Enter cash receipts, including split checks, • Enter payments on account, • Enter chargebacks, • Enter non-accounts receivable cash receipts, • Enter and apply customer deposits, • Put an invoice in dispute status, • Change payment terms on an open invoice, • Change commission information, • Calculate finance charges, • Identify and describe the key Accounts Receivable reports, and • Identify and describe the key Accounts Receivable inquiries

Continued on next page

2 Preface

Overview to the User’s Guide, Continued

Guide content This guide contains the following chapters:

Chapter 1 – Introduction to the Accounts Receivable Module Chapter 2 – Accounts Receivable Journal Entries Chapter 3 – Cash Receipts Posting / Reversing Cash Receipts Chapter 4 – Customer Deposit Entry Chapter 5 – Miscellaneous Cash Receipts Chapter 6 – Batch Posting Chapter 7 – Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance Chapter 8 – Commission Maintenance Chapter 9 – Finance Charge Calculation Chapter 10 – Accounts Receivable Reports Chapter 11 – Accounts Receivable Inquiries Summary – Summary of this User’s Guide

Preface 3

How to Use the User’s Guide

Introduction This User’s Guide has been designed as both a self-study training book and a

reference manual

Audience The concepts and procedures presented in this guide are appropriate for new

D2K GS Accounts Receivable users.

Note: If you are already familiar with D2K GS, you may find the procedures in this guide to be helpful as you perform your job.

Recommended prerequisite

We recommend that you complete the D2K GS System Conventions User’s Guide before completing this guide. D2K GS System Conventions User’s Guide provides you with the basic D2K GS concepts and navigation instruction that you will need to complete this guide.

Customizing your User’s Guide

This is your User’s Guide. Please make notes and customize the guide to help you complete the tasks for your job.

Menus, screens, and fields

This User’s Guide displays standard D2K menus, screens, and fields. Your system may be customized to meet your company’s needs. Therefore, your menus, screens, and fields may not look the same. We provide a space called "Accessing the function" with each procedure in this guide. This space is for you to write in your system’s menu path to each function. Example: Use the boxes below to write your menu path to the AGE.AR function.

Learning advice

This User’s Guide refers to the function command name (i.e. AGE.AR). Your system may be configured to show either the function command name only, the function command description only or both.

Continued on next page


4 Preface

How to Use the User’s Guide, Continued

Review chapter objectives

Your first step in completing this guide is to review the objectives displayed in each chapter’s overview. If the material the objectives cover seems unfamiliar, assume that you need to study the entire chapter’s content.

Knowledge checks

This User’s Guide provides knowledge checks at the end of each chapter that will assess your learning of Accounts Receivable concepts. Answers to the knowledge check are found on the pages following the questions. Responding to the knowledge checks helps you evaluate your learning. Review the text if you have trouble answering the questions correctly. Proceed at a comfortable rate. If you reach your limit of concentration, stop at a natural division in the text so that you can continue later without difficulty.

Completion time

The time you need to complete this guide depends on your previous experience with the concepts, and on the pace you set for your learning. The average time estimate for completion of this guide is 3 to 6 hours.

Introduction to the Accounts Receivable Module 1-1

Chapter 1

Introduction to the Accounts Receivable Module


Introduction Accounts receivable directly affects a wholesale distributor’s cash flow.

Therefore, proper control of accounts receivable is essential to the success of your business. The D2K GS Accounts Receivable module contains the necessary tools to manage your accounts receivables, and to provide important accounts receivable information to all areas of your business.

Purpose The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the Accounts Receivable module,

which is used to monitor your customer’s open items and record your customer’s payments. This chapter will also focus on the features and benefits of Accounts Receivable, and will show you how its functionality is linked to other D2K applications.

Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to

• Describe the Accounts Receivable module, and identify its major

processes, • Identify the features and benefits of the Accounts Receivable module, and • Describe the system integration of the Accounts Receivable module with

other D2K applications.

1-2 Introduction to the Accounts Receivable Module

The Accounts Receivable Module

Description The Accounts Receivable module (AR) is designed to provide accurate and

current customer open invoice / credit memo information. A customer’s account receivable balance is available at any given time to facilitate credit decisions. The AR module includes the following major processes: • Accounts Receivable Journal Entries • Cash Receipt Posting • Customer Deposit Entry • Miscellaneous Cash Receipts • Batch Processing • Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance • Commission Maintenance • Finance Charge Calculation The Accounts Receivable module also has the reporting and inquiry capability to provide important accounts receivable information to all areas of your business.

Example 1 Beron’s Housewares total accounts receivable balance is starting to grow.

They need to be sure this growth is due to an increase in sales and not an increase in delinquent accounts. Using AGE.AR to run a current aging report, they can see how much of their accounts receivable total is past due. They can work on decreasing the amount past due by using the report to call customers to remind them of payment, by sending Statements to delinquent customers, or by calculating finance charges on past due invoice.

Example 2 Colton Electrical Supply sales representatives have complained that their

major customers are exceeding their A/R credit limit. This slows down the processing of sales orders. The A/R manager wants to review the credit limits on their best customers to determine if they need to be updated. Using AR.CUST.INQ, they can see the customer’s current open accounts receivable balance, credit limit, credit still available, and current and historical number of days to pay. Also displayed are last year’s and current year to date sales amount. This information will aid in updating credit limits.

Introduction to the Accounts Receivable Module 1-3

Features and Benefits

Introduction There are many features and benefits to using Accounts Receivable.

Features and benefits

The Table below describes some of the features of the Accounts Receivable module and their benefits.

Feature Benefit

On-line customer inquiries including detailed payment history, billing data, sales history, aged AR balances, deposit information, disputed invoices, display of extra charges and sales tax information

Provides sales, accounting and other key areas with up-to-date data for answering customer questions and aiding in decision making.

Ability to post cash using multiple options.

Provides flexibility to handle the various ways that customers pay their invoices.

Parameterized aging reports with user-defined aging buckets and report formats.

Provides the flexibility to create aging reports for various needs, such as a report of your total accounts receivable, or a report of delinquent accounts.

Ability to create numerous payment terms.

Allows you the flexibility to offer desirable payment terms to increase field payment and sales.

Selective statement printing with flexible finance charge calculations.

Advises customers of their current account status and encourages field payment.

Ability to put an invoice into dispute status.

Allows you to remove an invoice from aging while you research a customer’s issues regarding the invoice.

Numerous accounts receivable reports.

Provides sales, accounting, and other key areas with up-to-date data required for responsible and informed decision making.

Ability to post cash using batch processing.

Helps to ensure error free posting of cash receipts.

1-4 Introduction to the Accounts Receivable Module

Figure 1-1. The Interface to Other D2K GS Applications

Sales Order Processing



General Ledger

Accounts Payable

Introduction to the Accounts Receivable Module 1-5

The Interface to Other D2K GS Applications

Introduction The Accounts Receivable module interfaces with other D2K GS applications

on your system.

Illustration Figure 1-1 is an illustration showing the interface to other D2K GS

applications from the Accounts Receivable module.

Interfacing applications

The Table below describes the D2K GS applications that interface to the Accounts Receivable module.

Application Description

Sales Order Processing The Sales Order Processing (SOP) is used to sell merchandise to your customers. Accounts Receivable is affected when • A customer sales order is entered, • An invoiced is generated, • A customer returns merchandise and is

issued a credit memo, • A customer receives credit for sales tax or

extra charges through a credit memo, and • A sales deposit is received through order

entry. General Ledger The General Ledger module (GL) reflects

changes to assets due to accounts receivable entries. General ledger entries are made when • An Accounts Receivable journal entry is

entered, • A cash receipt is posted or reversed, • A commission record is adjusted or added, • A customer deposit is entered or applied

against an outstanding invoice, • A finance charge is calculated, and • A non-accounts receivable related cash

receipt is posted

Continued on next page

1-6 Introduction to the Accounts Receivable Module

The Interface to Other D2K GS Applications, Continued

Interfacing applications (continued)

Application Description Accounts Payable The Accounts Payable module (AP) reflects

accounts payable commission invoices created for sales representatives who are paid on cash receipts. Accounts Payable invoices are created when all of the following are true: • AR.CONSTANTS commission option is set to

either F (full invoice payment) or P (partial invoice payment), and

• The sales representative’s record payment basis code is set to update commission based on cash receipts, and

• The invoice is either partially or fully paid based on the AR.CONSTANTS commission option.

Introduction to the Accounts Receivable Module 1-7

Knowledge Check

Directions Answer the following questions. This knowledge check is based on the

objectives stated in the beginning of this chapter.

Question 1 What four major processes are considered part of the Accounts Receivable

Control module? • • • •

Question 2 Which interfacing application originates an accounts receivable open item

(such as an invoice), other than Accounts Receivable?

Question 3

TRUE or FALSE The cash posting process can also cause an accounts payable invoice to be created.

What’s next Compare your answers to the ones provided on the next page.

The information in this chapter provides a foundation for other chapters within this user’s guide. If you were unable to complete this knowledge check, please review the chapter before proceeding. If you are still uncomfortable with the information provided, or have specific questions regarding your system, contact your System Administrator or D2K Customer Care Consultant.

1-8 Introduction to the Accounts Receivable Module

Knowledge Check Answers

Answer 1 What four major processes are considered part of the Accounts Receivable

Control module? • Accounts Receivable Journal Entries • Cash Receipt Posting • Customer Deposit Entry • Batch Processing

Answer 2 Which interfacing application originates an accounts receivable open item

(such as an invoice), other than Accounts Receivable? Sales Order Processing

Answer 3

TRUE or FALSE The cash posting process can also cause an accounts payable invoice to be created.

Explanation: If the invoice contains a sales rep code being paid when cash receipts are applied to the invoice and if the AR.CONSTANTS is set to create an accounts payable invoice, then one will be created automatically.

Accounts Receivable Journal Entry 2-1

Chapter 2

Accounts Receivable Journal Entry


Introduction The Accounts Receivable module contains a function that allows you to enter

adjustments to customers’ accounts receivable balances for such items as bad-debt write-offs, bad checks, bank charges on bad checks, and other similar items through accounts receivable journal entries.

Purpose The purpose of this chapter is to introduce you to the accounts receivable

journal entry function, and to provide you with the procedures necessary to process this type of transaction

Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to

• Describe the accounts receivable journal entry process, • Describe the AR.JRNL.ENTRY function, and identify its key fields, • Identify the situations for using AR.JRNL.ENTRY • Enter a transaction using the AR.JRNL.ENTRY function, and • Identify the reports that audit transactions entered in the

AR.JRNL.ENTRY function.

2-2 Accounts Receivable Journal Entry

Figure 2-1. The Account Receivable Journal Entry Process

User determines a reason for adjustment

Use AR.JRNL.ENTRY to enter transaction

Enter journal adjustment amount

The user identifies the adjustment Journal


System writes an open accounts receivable


System updates the customer’s open

accounts receivable balance.

G/L entry made for journal


Accounts Receivable Journal Entry 2-3

The Account Receivable Journal Entry Process

Introduction There are many reasons why an accounts receivable journal entry may be

used. For example: • Your company may decide to write-off all or part of a customer’s

accounts receivable balance to bad debt, • Your bank may have returned your customer’s bad check, • You may want to write-off open invoices or credit memos with balances

of a small amount (such as $5.00), or • You may need to correct cash posting errors.

Description The accounts receivable journal entry process allows entry of journal

transactions to debit or credit customer accounts receivable balances. An entry may be made to • Increase a customer’s balance by entering a debit journal entry, or • Decrease a customer’s balance by entering a credit journal entry.

Illustration Figure 2-1 is an illustration of the accounts receivable journal entry process.

Process The Table below describes the accounts receivable journal entry process.

Stage Description 1 The user determines a reason for the accounts receivable journal

entry. 2 The user accesses the AR.JRNL.ENTRY function. 3 The user enters the journal adjustment amount. 4 The user identifies the adjustment "Journal Code" that identifies

both the reason the open item was created and the general ledger account number associated with the code to use in posting the adjustment to general ledger

5 The system writes an open accounts receivable item. 6 The system updates the customer’s open accounts receivable

balance. 7 The system makes a general ledger entry for the amount of the

journal entry.

Continued on next page

2-4 Accounts Receivable Journal Entry

Figure 2-2, The AR.JRNL.ENTRY Function

Accounts Receivable Journal Entry 2-5

The AR.JRNL.ENTRY Function

Description The function AR.JRNL.ENTRY is used to enter journal transactions to debit

or credit customer accounts receivable balances. This may be done by entering a credit or debit journal entry.

Illustration Figure 2-2 is an illustration of the AR.JRNL.ENTRY function.

Fields and descriptions

The Table below describes the key fields on the AR.JRNL.ENTRY screen. Field Description Document Number A number that identifies the transaction. This

number may be user-assigned or determined via NEXT.NBRS. When IDs are determined via NEXT.NBRS, the ID prefix describes the transaction type, normally J for Journal Entries.

Document Date The creation date of the transaction. This date determines the default payment due date(s) for the transaction.

GL Trans Date The transaction date to be used for posting the general ledger transaction.

Division Code The sales division code to which the transaction will be assigned. If a sales division is in the customer record, this will display as the default.

AR Amount Amount of the journal entry adjustment. A positive number indicates a debit amount. A number preceded by a minus symbol ("-"), indicates a credit amount.

Discountable Amt The portion of the AR amount that is discountable for cash discounts allowed.

Payment Terms Cd The code that identifies the payment terms for determining the transaction’s due date(s) and cash discount date(s).

Due Date The initial date on which payment is due for the transaction.

Invoice Group The invoice group identifier assigned to the transaction. Use of this field is controlled by AR.CONSTANTS.

Notation Text Informational memo text pertinent to the transaction entered by the user.

Continued on next page

2-6 Accounts Receivable Journal Entry

The AR.JRNL.ENTRY Function, Continued

Fields and descriptions (continued)

Field Description Journal Code The accounts receivable adjustment code that

determines the general ledger account to which a journal entry transaction is posted.

Journal Amount The general ledger dollar amount posted to a corresponding general ledger account. A positive number indicates a debit amount. A number preceded by a minus symbol ("-"), indicates a credit amount.

Accounts Receivable Journal Entry 2-7

How to Enter an Accounts Receivable Journal Entry (AR.JRNL.ENTRY)

Introduction You have determined that a customer’s open item balance must be adjusted to

write-off a bad debt. You will use the function AR.JRNL.ENTRY.

Accessing the function

Use the boxes below to write your menu path to the AR.JRNL.ENTRY function.

Procedure Complete the steps in the Table below to enter an accounts receivable journal


Step Action 1 Access the function AR.JRNL.ENTRY

Result: The Document Number field is highlighted.

2 Make the following decision: IF you want to … THEN type… Let the system assign a document number

press [Tab].

Assign your own document number

The document number you want to assign and press [Tab]

Result: The Document Date field is highlighted.

3 Type a date to use for the document date and press [Tab]. Result: The GL Trans Date field is highlighted.

4 Type a date to use for the general ledger transaction date and press [Tab]. Result: The Customer Number field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

2-8 Accounts Receivable Journal Entry

How to Enter an Accounts Receivable Journal Entry (AR.JRNL.ENTRY), Continued

Procedure (continued)

Step Action 5 Type the customer number and press [Tab].

Result: The Division Code field is highlighted.

6 If you are using sales divisions, press [Tab] to use the sales division number displayed, or type a new sales division number and press [Tab]. If you are not using sales divisions, press [Tab]. Result: The AR Amount field is highlighted.

Enter Journal Adjustment Amount 7 Make the following decision:

IF you want to… THEN type… Enter a debit amount The dollar amount you need to debit

to the customer’s account. Press [Tab].

Enter a credit amount A minus sign then the dollar amount you need to credit to the customer’s account. Press [Tab].

Note: Be sure to enter the correct decimal place. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Result: The Discountable Amount field is highlighted.

8 Make the following decision: IF you want to… THEN type… Enter a discountable amount for the transaction.

The discountable amount and press [Tab].

Not enter any amount for the discountable amount.

Press [Tab].

Note: Be sure to enter the correct decimal place. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Result: The Payment Terms Code field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

Accounts Receivable Journal Entry 2-9

How to Enter an Accounts Receivable Journal Entry (AR.JRNL.ENTRY), Continued

Procedure (continued)

Step Action 9 Press [Tab] to use the payment terms code displayed, or type a

new payment terms code and press [Tab]. Note: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: The system calculates a payment due date based on the payment terms code and the document date. The Payment Due Date field is highlighted.

10 Press [Tab] to use the due date displayed, or type a new due date and press [Tab].

11 Does the Invoice Group field display? If yes, then enter the invoice group and press [Tab]. Note: This field will only display if AR.CONSTANTS has been set to allow for invoice groups in the function APPLY.CASH. If no, go to step 12. Result: The notation text field is highlighted.

12 Enter the notation text and press [Tab]. To skip this field, press [Tab]. Result: The journal code field is highlighted.

Identify the Journal Code 13 Type a valid journal code and press [Tab].

Note: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: The system will display the journal code and description. The field journal amount is highlighted with a default amount. This amount will be the opposite of the amount entered into the AR amount field.

Continued on next page

2-10 Accounts Receivable Journal Entry

How to Enter an Accounts Receivable Journal Entry (AR.JRNL.ENTRY), Continued

Procedure (continued)

Step Action 14 Press [Tab] to use the displayed amount or type a new amount and

press [Tab]. Result: If you accepted the displayed amount, the cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons. If you entered a lesser amount, the system will calculate the remaining amount to assign to a journal code and steps 13 and 14 will be repeated. Steps 13 and 14 will be repeated until the total amount assigned to a journal code balances with the AR amount entered earlier.

File the Transaction 15 Click OK to file the transaction.

Result: The system writes a new accounts receivable open item, and updates the customer master record. A message box displays showing the New A/R Journal Entry Number Assigned = "XX".

16 Click OK. Result: The Document Number field is highlighted.

16 Do you want to enter another journal entry? If yes, then return to step 2. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu.

Accounts Receivable Journal Entry 2-11

Figure 2-3. The Accounts Receivable Journal Entry Inquiry (SHOW.AR.JRNLS) – Report Screen

2-12 Accounts Receivable Journal Entry

Figure 2-4. The Accounts Receivable Journal Entry Inquiry (SHOW.AR.JRNLS) – Recap Screen

Accounts Receivable Journal Entry 2-13

Accounts Receivable Journal Entry Audit Reports

Introduction Your D2K GS system provides one report that can be used to audit

transactions entered in the AR.JRNL.ENTRY function.

Illustrations Figure 2-3 is an illustration of the SHOW.AR.JRNLS report inquiry.

Figure 2-4 is an illustration of the SHOW.AR.JRNLS recap inquiry.

Reports and descriptions

The Table below describes the audit report that provides details of adjustments entered through the AR.JRNL.ENTRY function. Function Description SHOW.AR.JRNLS Prints or displays a report of accounts receivable

journal entry transactions based on options specified at run time. This function can be used to balance accounts receivable journals to the general ledger. A general ledger recap or both a report and a recap can be printed. The report provides detailed information for each journal transaction. The recap provides summarized general ledger posting activity by general ledger account number.

Learning advice

Accounts receivable journal entries can also be audited on the General Ledger report AUDIT.GLT. For more information about this report, refer to the topic, "The AUDIT.GLT Report" found in the General Ledger User’s Guide for Learning and Reference.

2-14 Accounts Receivable Journal Entry

Knowledge Check

Question 1 What are four reasons for entering an accounts receivable journal entry?

• • • •

Question 2

TRUE or FALSE You can only enter a debit amount in the AR Amount field.

Question 3

TRUE or FALSE The journal code field does not require an entry. You may press [Tab] to pass this field.

What’s next? Compare your answers to the ones provided on the next page.

If you were unable to complete this knowledge check, please review the chapter before proceeding. If you are still uncomfortable with the information provided, or have specific questions regarding your system, contact your System Administrator or D2K Customer Care Consultant.

Accounts Receivable Journal Entry 2-15

Knowledge Check Answers

Answer 1 What are four reasons for entering an accounts receivable journal entry?

• Bad debt write-offs. • Customer’s bad checks returned from the bank. • Correct cash posting errors. • Write-off accounts receivable open items with very low balances.

Answer 2

TRUE or FALSE You can only enter a debit amount in the AR Amount field.

Answer 3

TRUE or FALSE The journal code field does not require an entry. You may press [Tab] to pass this field.

Cash Receipts Posting / Reversing Cash Receipts 3-1

Chapter 3

Cash Receipts Posting / Reversing Cash Receipts


Introduction The Accounts Receivable Module contains two functions that help you in

posting cash receipts. These functions provide you with the ability to enter cash receipts, apply deposits, key-off credit and debit open items, create payments on account and chargebacks, and to reverse cash receipts that are in error.

Purpose The purpose of this chapter is to introduce you to the cash receipt posting and

reverse cash receipt functions, and to provide you with the procedures necessary to process these types of transactions.

Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to

Process cash receipt posting using the APPLY.CASH function, and Process a cash receipt reversal using the REVERSE.CHECK function.

In this chapter This chapter contains the following sections:

Topic See Section

Cash Receipt Posing A Reversing Cash Receipts B

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-1

Section A

Cash Receipts Posting


Introduction The cash receipts posting function is used to enter the receipt of cash from

customers for payment of invoices. It is also used to key-off credit memos and invoices, enter payments on account, enter chargebacks for unpaid portions of invoices, enter checks split between multiple customers, and apply deposits entered through sales order entry or the DEPOSIT.ENTRY function.

Purpose The purpose of this section is to introduce you to the cash receipts posting

function. In this section, you will find the procedures necessary to enter a receipt, create a payment on account, create a chargeback, enter split checks, or apply deposits / key-offs. You will also find procedures to make corrections if the receipt is entered incorrectly prior to filing the transaction.

Objectives Upon completion of this section, you will be able to

• Describe the cash receipt posting process, • Describe the APPLY.CASH function and identify its key fields, • Enter a cash receipt using the APPLY.CASH function, • Create a payment on account using the APPLY.CASH function, • Create a chargeback using the APPLY.CASH function, • Enter split checks using the APPLY.CASH function, • Apply a credit and debit open item (including open deposits) by keying

off the open items using the APPLY.CASH function, • Correct an entry prior to filing the transaction, and • Identify the reports that audit transactions entered using the

APPLY.CASH function.

3-A-2 Cash Receipts Posting

Figure 3-A-1. The Cash Receipts Posting Process

Cash/checks received for

invoice payment

Use APPLY.CASH to enter cash receipt

Enters cash receipts, and key-offs

Credit, debit, or zero balance


Create a payment on account

Create a chargeback

File receipt


System updates customer, open item,

General Ledger, & cash receipts records



Enter check between multiple customers

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-3

The Cash Receipts Posting Process

Description The cash receipt posting process involves accurately recording customer cash

receipts to be credited against the customer’s open items. In addition, unapplied cash, open deposits, and credit memos may be applied against open invoices, and payments on account and chargebacks may be created.

Illustration Figure 3-A-1 is an illustration of the cash receipts posting process.

Process The Table below describes the cash receipts posting process.

Stage Description 1 Checks and/or cash are received from your customers. 2 The user accesses the APPLY.CASH function. 3 User applies check amount, open credit memos, unapplied cash,

and any open deposits to open invoices as requested by the customer.

4 Is there a credit, debit, or zero balance remaining? If credit balance, user enters a payment on account, or splits the check with another customer, then continues to the next step. If debit balance, user enters a chargeback, then continues to the next step. If zero balance, continue to next step.

6 User files the cash receipt. 7 The system updates the accounts receivable items and customer

record with a new accounts receivable open balance and last cash receipt date. The system also posts an entry to General Ledger for the cash receipt, and writes cash receipt transaction records.

3-A-4 Cash Receipts Posting

Figure 3-A-2. The APPLY.CASH Function, Invoice Review Screen

Figure 3-A-3. The APPLY.CASH Function, Allowance Codes Entry Screen

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-5

Figure 3-A-4. The APPLY.CASH Function, Chargeback Entry Screen

3-A-6 Cash Receipts Posting

The APPLY.CASH Function

Description The function APPLY.CASH is used to enter cash receipts for payment of

customers’ open invoices. It is also used to key-off open credit memos against open invoices, apply open deposits, enter payments on account, and chargeback portions of open invoices to a new open item called a chargeback. Cash discounts and allowances may also be entered while applying cash. Depending on the setup of AR.CONSTANTS, both batch posting and invoice groups may be used. Note: For more information on batch posting, refer to Chapter 6, "Batch Posting."

Illustration Figure 3-A-2 is an illustration of the APPLY.CASH invoice review screen.

Figure 3-A-3 is an illustration of the APPLY.CASH allowance code / amounts entry screen. Figure 3-A-4 is an illustration of the APPLY.CASH chargeback entry screen.

Fields and descriptions for Figure 3-A-2

The Table below describes the key fields on the APPLY.CASH invoice review screen.

Field Description

Check Number The check number being applied. Check Date The date appearing on the check. Check Amount The dollar amount of the check being applied. Bank Code The code of the bank in which the cash will be

deposited. Posting Date The general ledger posting date to be used for this

transaction. Memo Memo information regarding this customer or

payment. Note: The memo information entered at this field prints on the detail cash journal printed through the CASH.JOURNAL function.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-7

The APPLY.CASH Function, Continued

Fields and descriptions for Figure 3-A-2 (continued)

Field Description Amt to Apply The unapplied amount of the check. Disc/Allow The sum of cash discounts taken and allowance

amounts entered for the transaction. Refer The reference (invoice) number. Allowance An allowance is a deduction taken off the invoice

amount at the time of cash application. Typically, allowances are applied to reflect reimbursable charges paid by the customer for items such as freight.

Discount The discount amount to apply to the line item. Note: Payment terms discount dates and amounts are calculated and displayed at the bottom of this screen. This field defaults to an amount other than zero only if the "Amount to Apply" plus the allowance and discount amounts applied to a line item are sufficient to pay the item in full by the displayed discount date.

Amt Applied The dollar amount to apply to the line item. Note: In the Review and Individual Modes of cash application, the system calculates and displays the amount required to pay the selected invoice in full with discounts and allowances reflected.

Fields and descriptions for Figure 3-A-3

The Table below describes the key fields on the APPLY.CASH allowance codes /amounts entry screen.

Field Description

Refer Nbr Reference (invoice) number for the line item. Allowance Code The code identifying the allowance to be applied to the

line item. Amount The dollar amount of the allowance to be applied to

the line item.

Continued on next page

3-A-8 Cash Receipts Posting

The APPLY.CASH Function, Continued

Fields and descriptions for Figure 3-A-3 (continued)

Field Description Comment A comment relating to the allowance code and amount

previously specified.

Fields and descriptions for Figure 3-A-4

The Table below describes the key fields on the APPLY.CASH chargeback entry screen.

Field Description

Chgbk Nbr The reference number used to identify this chargeback. Note: The entered number will automatically be prefixed with a "B" to indicate that this open item is a chargeback.

Inv Date The invoice date to be used for this chargeback. Note: The entered date must be a date in an open fiscal period and must be prior or equal to both the cash posting date used for this transaction and the due date specified for this chargeback at the next field.

Due Date The due date to be used for the chargeback Chgbck Amt The dollar amount of the chargeback. Inv Group ID The ID of the invoice group to which this chargeback

should be assigned. Note: This field appears only if you are using invoice group identifiers to select groups of customer invoices for payment. This option is controlled by AR.CONSTANTS.

Div Cd The Sales Division Code to which the chargeback is assigned.

Total Charged Back

The total amount entered for chargebacks on this transaction.

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-9

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH)

Introduction You have a group of customer checks to enter into the system for payment of

account receivable open items. You will use the function APPLY.CASH.

Accessing the function

Use the boxes below to write your menu path to the APPLY.CASH function.

Learning advice

The procedure to post cash receipts is different depending on if a check is entered, if only key-offs are to be entered, if a payment on account will be entered, or if a chargeback will be entered. If also differs if you wish to use the Auto Post feature, review the list of open items for the customer, or enter individual invoice numbers. On the following pages, you will find procedures that cover the following entry options: Procedure 1: Auto Post Procedure 2: Review Invoice Screen Procedure 3: Individual Invoice Number Entry Procedure 4: Entry for Key-Offs Procedure 5: Payment on Accounts Procedure 6: Chargebacks Procedure 7: Split Checks Procedure 8: Invoice Group Payments Procedure 9: Correct Posting Errors Prior to Filing a Transaction

Before you begin

Determine which procedure you will used to enter the cash receipt. During the course of entering a group of checks, you may need to use several procedures: IF you wish to… THEN use… Have the system automatically start posting from the oldest open item first, then continue in due date order until amount to apply is zero

Procedure 1: Auto Post

Review the list of open items for the customer prior to beginning posting

Procedure 2: Review Invoices Screen

Continued on next page

3-A-10 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Before you begin (continued)

IF you wish to… THEN use… Enter each open item reference number individually

Procedure 3: Individual Invoice Number Entry

Only key-off credit and debit open items including open deposits (no check being posted)

Procedure 4: Entry for Key-Offs

Create an open item when the remaining amount to apply is a credit

Procedure 5: Payments on Account

Create an open item when the remaining amount to apply is a debit

Procedure 6: Chargebacks

Split a check between multiple customer numbers

Procedure 7: Split Checks

Review invoices for payment based on an Invoice Group

Procedure 8: Invoice Group Selection

Correct an error made while posting the check

Procedure 9: Correct Posting Errors Prior to Filing a Transaction

Procedure 1: Auto Post

Complete the steps in the table below to post cash receipts using the Auto Post feature.

Step Action

1 Access the function APPLY.CASH. Result: The Customer Nbr field is highlighted.

2 Type the customer number and press [Tab], or type # followed by the invoice number to pay and press [Tab]. Result: The customer name and current accounts receivable open balance displays. The Check Number field is highlighted.

3 Type the check number and press [Tab]. Result: The Check Date field is highlighted.

4 Type the date on the check and press [Tab]. Result: The Check Amount field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-11

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 1: Auto Post (continued)

Step Action 5 Type the amount on the check and press [Tab].

Note: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Result: The Amt to Apply field is displayed with the check amount. The Bank Code field is highlighted.

6 Type a valid bank code and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the default. Note1: The default will come from AR.CONSTANTS. Note2: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: The Posting Date field is highlighted.

7 Type a valid posting date and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the default. Note1: If you are using batch posting, the default will come from the batch date on the batch posting header screen. Otherwise, the default will be the current system date. Note2: The posting date is used by the system for posting the cash receipt to general ledger. Result: The Memo field is highlighted.

8 Type memo information regarding this transaction and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to skip field. Result: The cursor moves to the form command Buttons.

Continued on next page

3-A-12 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 1: Auto Post (continued)

Step Action Applying Payment

9 Click Auto Post. Result: The system will post the amount to apply to open items starting with the oldest due date and proceed to the next oldest until the amount to apply is zero (0). If the last invoice to be paid has an open balance greater than the amount to apply, a partial payment will automatically be applied. A Distribution 2000 Dialog Box appears.

Filing the Transaction 10 Click Done.

Result: The cursor moves to the form command Buttons.

11 Click OK to file the transaction. Result: The message box "New Cash Sequence Number Assigned:" displays with the assigned cash sequence number. The system writes cash receipt records, posts to General Ledger, updates the open items paid, and updates the customer record’s A/R open balance, oldest open item and last cash receipt dates and days to pay. Note: You may wish to write down the cash sequence number onto the check in order to make reversing the check easier if the need arises.

12 Click OK to clear the message. Result: The Customer Number field is highlighted.

13 Do you want to enter another cash receipt? If yes, return to Step 2 or to the list of procedures. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu. Note: If you are using batch posting, you will be returned to the batch posting screen.

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-13

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 2: Review Invoices Screen

Complete the steps in the table below to post cash receipts using the Review Invoices Screen feature.

Step Action 1 Access the function APPLY.CASH

Result: The Customer Number field is highlighted.

2 Type the customer number and press [Tab], or type # followed by the invoice number to pay and press [Tab]. Result: The Customer Name and current accounts receivable open balance displays. The Check Number field is highlighted.

3 Type the check number and press [Tab]. Result: The Check Date field is highlighted.

4 Type the date on the check and press [Tab]. Result: The Check Amount field is highlighted.

5 Type the amount on the check and press [Tab]. Note: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Result: The Amt to Apply field is displayed with the check amount. The Bank Code field is highlighted.

6 Type a valid bank code and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the default. Note1: The default will come from AR.CONSTANTS. Note2: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: The Posting Date field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

3-A-14 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 2: Review Invoices Screen (continued)

Step Action 7 Type a valid posting date and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the

default. Note1: If you are using batch posting, the default will come from the batch date on the batch posting header screen. Otherwise, the default will be the current system date. Note2: The posting date is used by the system for posting the cash receipt to general ledger. Result: The Memo field is highlighted.

8 Type memo information regarding this transaction and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to skip field. Result: The cursor moves to the form command Buttons.

9 Click Review. Result: A listing of the customer’s open items sorted by due date will display. The total number of open items will display on the bottom of the screen. The Distribution 2000 dialog box will display prompting to enter the Line Nbr(s) or Invoice Nbr.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-15

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 2: Review Invoices Screen (continued)

Step Action 10 Make the following decision:

IF you want to… THEN… Post to an individual invoice number using the line number

Type the line number and press [Enter]. Result: See Step 11 below.

Post using the invoice number

Type # followed by the invoice number (i.e. #nnnn) and press [Enter]. Result: See Step 11 below.

Post to a range of line numbers

Type the line number - (dash) line number (i.e. nnnn-nnnn) and press [Enter]. Result: See below.

Post to a list of line numbers

Type line number, (comma) line number (i.e. nnnn,nnnn,nnnn) until finished listing line numbers, then press [Enter]. Note: Be sure to type the line numbers of credit amounts prior to line numbers with debit amounts. The system adds credit amounts to the amount to apply, then subtracts debit amounts from the amount to apply. Result: See below.

Result: The system will post the amount to apply to open items in the order of the line numbers selected until the amount to apply is zero (0). If the last invoice to be paid has an open balance greater than the amount to apply, a partial payment will automatically be applied. The Distribution 2000 Dialog Box reappears. Skip to Step 19.

Continued on next page

3-A-16 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 2: Review Invoices Screen (continued)

Step Action Applying Cash Allowances

11 Does the Message Box "Do you want to apply Additional Allowances?" appear? If yes, click Yes to apply allowances or click No to not apply allowances. Result: If you clicked No, then the field Discount is highlighted. If the payment terms on the invoice allow for cash discounts, then the cash discount date and amount will display at the bottom of the screen. Skip to Step 17. If you clicked Yes, then the Allowance Codes and Amounts Screen will display. The Allowance Code field is highlighted. If no, skip to Step 19.

12 Type in a valid allowance code and press [Tab]. Note: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: The Amount field is highlighted.

13 Type in the allowance amount and press [Tab]. Note1: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Note2: Either a positive or negative amount may be entered. A negative amount must be preceded by a minus sign "-". An invoice transaction amount is decreased by a positive allowance and increased by a negative allowance. A credit transaction amount is increased by a positive allowance and decreased by a negative allowance. Result: The Comment field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-17

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 2: Review Invoices Screen (continued)

Step Action 14 Type in a comment relating to the allowance code and press [Tab]

or press [Tab] to skip the field. Note: Entry at this field is required when the "Comment Required in APPLY.CASH?" field in the ALLOWANCE.CODES function is set to "√" for the allowance code previously specified. Result: The Allowance Code field is highlighted.

15 Do you want to enter another allowance code? If yes, return to Step 12. If no, press [Enter]. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

16 Click OK. Result: You are returned to the main cash posting screen. The field Discount field is highlighted. If the payment terms on the invoice allow for cash discounts, then the cash discount date and amount will display at the bottom of the screen.

Applying Cash Discounts 17 Type the discount amount to apply and press [Tab] or press [Tab]

to use the default. Note: This field defaults to an amount other than zero only if the "Amt to Apply" plus the allowance and discount amounts applied to a line item are sufficient to pay the item in full by the displayed discount date. Result: The Amt Applied field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

3-A-18 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 2: Review Invoices Screen (continued)

Step Action Applying Payment

18 Type the amount to apply to the open item and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the default. Note1: The system calculates and displays the amount required to pay the selected invoice in full with discounts and allowances reflected. Note2: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Result: The Distribution 2000 dialog box appears.

Filing the Transaction 19 Do you want to enter more line numbers or invoice numbers?

If yes, return to Step 10. If no, click Done. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

20 Click OK to file the transaction. Result: The message box "New Cash Sequence Number Assigned:" displays with the assigned cash sequence number. The system writes cash receipt records, posts to General Ledger, updates the open items paid, and updates the customer record’s A/R open balance, oldest open item date and last cash receipt dates, and days to pay. Note: You may wish to write down the cash sequence number onto the check in order to make reversing the check easier if the need arises.

21 Click OK to clear the message. Result: The Customer Number field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-19

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 2: Review Invoices Screen (continued)

Step Action 22 Do you want to enter another cash receipt?

If yes, return to Step 2 or to the list of procedures. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu. Note: If you are using batch posting, you will be returned to the batch posting screen.

Continued on next page

3-A-20 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 3: Individual Invoice Number Entry

Complete the steps in the table below to post cash receipts using the Individual Invoice Number Entry feature.

Step Action

1 Access the function APPLY.CASH Result: The Customer Number field is highlighted.

2 Type the customer number and press [Tab], or type # followed by the invoice number to pay and press [Tab]. Result: The Customer Name and current accounts receivable open balance displays. The Check Number field is highlighted.

3 Type the check number and press [Tab]. Result: The Check Date field is highlighted.

4 Type the date on the check and press [Tab]. Result: The Check Amount field is highlighted.

5 Type the amount on the check and press [Tab]. Note: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Result: The Amt to Apply field is displayed with the check amount. The Bank Code field is highlighted.

6 Type a valid bank code and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the default. Note1: The default will come from AR.CONSTANTS. Note2: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: The Posting Date field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-21

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 3: Individual Invoice Number Entry (continued)

Step Action 7 Type a valid posting date and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the

default. Note1: If you are using batch posting, the default will come from the batch date on the batch posting header screen. Otherwise, the default will be the current system date. Note2: The posting date is used by the system for posting the cash receipt to general ledger. Result: The Memo field is highlighted.

8 Type memo information regarding this transaction and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to skip field. Result: The cursor moves to the form command Buttons.

9 Click Inv Nbrs. Result: The Distribution 2000 dialog box appears.

10 Type the invoice number and press [Tab]. Result: The Additional Allowances dialog box appears.

11 Click Yes to apply allowances or click No to not apply allowances. Result: If you clicked No, then the Discount field is highlighted. If the payment terms on the invoice allow for cash discounts, then the cash discount date and amount will display at the bottom of the screen. Skip to Step 17. If you clicked Yes, then the Allowance Codes Information Screen will display. The field Allowance Code field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

3-A-22 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 3: Individual Invoice Number Entry (continued)

Step Action Applying Cash Allowances

12 Type in a valid allowance code and press [Tab]. Note: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: The Amount field is highlighted.

13 Type in the allowance amount and press [Tab]. Note1: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Note2: Either a positive or negative amount may be entered. A negative amount must be preceded by a minus sign "-". An invoice transaction amount is decreased by a positive allowance and increased by a negative allowance. A credit transaction amount is increased by a positive allowance and decreased by a negative allowance. Result: The Comment field is highlighted.

14 Type in a comment relating to the allowance code and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to skip the field. Note: Entry at this field is required when the "Comment Required in APPLY.CASH?" field in the ALLOWANCE.CODES function is set to "√" for the allowance code previously specified. Result: The Allowance Code field is highlighted.

15 Do you want to enter another allowance code? If yes, return to Step 12. If no, press [Tab]. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-23

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 3: Individual Invoice Number Entry (continued)

Step Action 16 Click OK.

Result: You are returned to the main cash posting screen. The Discount field is highlighted. If the payment terms on the invoice allow for cash discounts, then the cash discount date and amount will display at the bottom of the screen.

Applying Cash Discounts 17 Type the discount amount to apply and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to

use the default. Note: This field defaults to an amount other than zero only if the Amt to Applied plus the allowance and discount amounts applied to a line item are sufficient to pay the item in full by the displayed discount date. Result: The Amt Applied field is highlighted.

Applying Payment 18 Type the amount to apply to the open item and press [Tab] or press

[Tab] to use the default. Note1: The system calculates and displays the amount required to pay the selected invoice in full with discounts and allowances reflected. Note2: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Result: The Distribution 2000 dialog box displays.

19 Do you want to enter more line numbers or invoice numbers? If yes, return to Step 10. If no, click Done. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

Continued on next page

3-A-24 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 3: Individual Invoice Number Entry (continued)

Step Action Filing the Transaction

20 Click OK to file the transaction. Result: The message "New Cash Sequence Number Assigned:" displays with the assigned cash sequence number. The system writes cash receipt records, posts to General Ledger, updates the open items paid, and updates the customer record’s A/R open balance, oldest open item and last cash receipt dates, and days to pay. Note: You may wish to write down the cash sequence number onto the check in order to make reversing the check easier if the need arises.

21 Click OK to clear the message. Result: The Customer Nbr field is highlighted.

22 Do you want to enter another cash receipt? If yes, return to Step 2 or to the list of procedures. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu. Note: If you are using batch posting, you will be returned to the batch posting screen.

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-25

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 4: Entry for Key-Offs

Complete the steps in the Table below to post cash receipts using the Key-Off feature. Please note that this can also be used to apply an open deposit to an invoice. Deposits are indicated with a "D" as a prefix to the reference number.

Step Action

1 Access the function APPLY.CASH Result: The Customer Nbr field is highlighted.

2 Type the customer number and press [Tab], or type # followed by the invoice number to pay and press [Tab]. Result: The customer name and current accounts receivable open balance displays. The Check Number field is highlighted.

3 Press [Tab]. Result: The Posting Date field is highlighted.

4 Type a valid posting date and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the default. Note1: If you are using batch posting, the default will come from the batch date on the batch posting header screen. Otherwise, the default will be the current system date. Note2: The posting date is used by the system for posting the cash receipt to general ledger. Result: The Memo field is highlighted.

5 Type memo information regarding this transaction and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to skip field. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

6 Click Review. Result: A listing of the customer’s open items sorted by due date will display. The total number of open items will display on the bottom of the screen. The Distribution 2000 dialog box displays.

Continued on next page

3-A-26 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 4: Entry for Key-Offs (continued)

Step Action 7 Make the following decision:

IF you want to… THEN… Post to an individual invoice number using the line number

Type the line number and press [Tab]. Result: See Step 8 below.

Post to a specific invoice number using the invoice number

Type # followed by the invoice number (i.e. #nnnn) and press [Tab]. Result: See Step 8 below.

Post to a list of line numbers

Type line number, (comma) line number until finished (i.e. nnnn,nnnn,nnnn) listing line numbers, then press [Tab]. Result: See below.

Note: Be sure to type the line / invoice numbers of credit amount prior to line / invoice numbers with debit amounts. The system adds credit amounts to the amount to apply, then subtracts debit amounts from the amount to apply. Result: The system will post the amount to apply to open items in the order of the line numbers selected until the amount to apply is zero (0). If the last invoice to be paid has an open balance greater than the amount to apply, a partial payment will automatically be applied. The Distribution 2000 dialog box displays. Skip to Step 16.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-27

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 4: Entry for Key-Offs (continued)

Step Action 8 Does the dialog box "Do you want to apply Additional Allowances?

(Yes,No)" display? If yes, click Yes to apply allowances and press [Tab] or click No and press [Tab] to not apply allowances. Result: If you clicked No, the Discount field is highlighted. If the payment terms on the invoice allow for cash discounts, then the cash discount date and amount will display at the bottom of the screen. Skip to Step 14. If you clicked Yes, the Allowance Information Screen will display. The Allowance Code field is highlighted. If no, skip to Step 16.

Applying Cash Allowances 9 Type in a valid allowance code and press [Tab].

Note: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: The Amount field is highlighted.

10 Type in the allowance amount and press [Tab]. Note1: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Note2: Either a positive or negative amount may be entered. A negative amount must be preceded by a minus sign "-". An invoice transaction amount is decreased by a positive allowance and increased by a negative allowance. A credit transaction amount is increased by a positive allowance and decreased by a negative allowance. Result: The Comment field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

3-A-28 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 4: Entry for Key-Offs (continued)

Step Action 11 Type in a comment relating to the allowance code and press [Tab] or

press [Tab] to skip the field. Note: Entry at this field is required when the "Comment Required in APPLY.CASH?" field in the ALLOWANCE.CODES function is set to "√" for the allowance code previously specified. Result: The Allowance Code field is highlighted.

12 Do you want to enter another allowance code? If yes, return to Step 12. If no, press [Tab]. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

13 Click OK. Result: You are returned to the main cash posting screen. The Discount field is highlighted. If the payment terms on the invoice allow for cash discounts, then the cash discount date and amount will display at the bottom of the screen.

Applying Cash Discounts 14 Type the discount amount to apply and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to

use the default. Note: This field defaults to an amount other than zero only if the "Amt Applied" plus the allowance and discount amounts applied to a line item are sufficient to pay the item in full by the displayed discount date. Result: The Amt Applied field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-29

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 4: Entry for Key-Offs (continued)

Step Action Applying Payment

15 Type the amount to apply to the open item and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the default. Note1: The system calculates and displays the amount required to pay the selected invoice in full with discounts and allowances reflected. Note2: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Result: The field Distribution 2000 dialog box displays.

16 Do you want to enter more line numbers or invoice numbers? If yes, return to Step 10. If no, click Done. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

Filing the Transaction 17 Click OK to file the transaction.

Result: The message "New Cash Sequence Number Assigned:" displays with the assigned cash sequence number. The system writes cash receipt records, posts to General Ledger, updates the open items paid, and updates the customer record’s A/R open balance, oldest open item and last cash receipt dates, and days to pay. Note: You may wish to write down the cash sequence number onto the check in order to make reversing the check easier if the need arises.

Continued on next page

3-A-30 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 4: Entry for Key-Offs (continued)

Step Action 18 Click OK to clear the message.

Result: The Customer Nbr field is highlighted.

19 Do you want to enter another cash receipt? If yes, return to Step 2 or to the list of procedures. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu. Note: If you are using batch posting, you will be returned to the batch posting screen.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-31

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 5: Payments on Account

Complete the steps in the Table below to post a payment on account.

Step Action

1 Access the function APPLY.CASH Result: The Customer Nbr field is highlighted.

2 Type the customer number and press [Tab], or type # followed by the invoice number to pay and press [Tab]. Result: The customer name and current accounts receivable open balance displays. The field Check Number field is highlighted.

3 Type the check number and press [Tab]. Result: The Check Date field is highlighted.

4 Type the date on the check and press [Tab]. Result: The Check Amount field is highlighted.

5 Type the amount on the check and press [Tab]. Note: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Result: The Amount to Apply field is displayed with the check amount. The Bank Code field is highlighted.

6 Type a valid bank code and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the default. Note1: The default will come from AR.CONSTANTS. Note2: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: The Posting Date field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

3-A-32 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 5: Payments on Account (continued)

Step Action 7 Type a valid posting date and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the

default. Note1: If you are using batch posting, the default will come from the batch date on the batch posting header screen. Otherwise, the default will be the current system date. Note2: The posting date is used by the system for posting the cash receipt to general ledger. Result: The Memo field is highlighted.

8 Type memo information regarding this transaction and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to skip field. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

9 Click Review. Result: A listing of the customer’s open items sorted by due date will display. The total number of open items will display on the bottom of the screen. The Distribution 2000 dialog box displays. If you wan t to apply payments to invoices, please see Procedures 2 or 3.

10 Note: At this point you have a debit balance in the Amt to Apply on your screen. You will need to bring the Amt to Apply to zero before being able to file this transaction. Click Done. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

11 Click POA (for payment on account). Result: The Payment on Account Amount dialog box displays.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-33

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 5: Payments on Account (continued)

Step Action 12 Type a payment amount equal to the Amount to Apply and press

[Tab]. Result: The Amt to Apply displays as zero.

13 Does the Invoice Group Identifier dialog box display? If no, the cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons. Skip to Step 14. If yes, type the Invoice Group Identifier and press [Tab] to assign this transaction to an invoice group or press [Tab] to not assign this transaction. Note: This field appears only if you are using invoice group identifiers to select groups of customer invoices for payment. This option must be set up in AR.CONSTANTS. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

14 Click OK to file the transaction. Result: The message box "New Cash Sequence Number Assigned:" displays with the assigned cash sequence number. The system writes cash receipt records, posts to General Ledger, updates the open items paid, writes a new open item for the payment on account, and updates the customer record’s A/R open balance, oldest open item and last cash receipt dates, and days to pay. Note: You may wish to write down the cash sequence number onto the check in order to make reversing the check easier if the need arises.

15 Click OK to clear the message. Result: The Customer Nbr field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

3-A-34 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 5: Payments on Account (continued)

Step Action 16 Do you want to enter another cash receipt?

If yes, return to Step 2 or to the list of procedures. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu. Note: If you are using batch posting, you will be returned to the batch posting screen.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-35

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 6: Chargebacks

Complete the steps in the Table below to chargeback a debit amount to a new open item.

Step Action

1 Access the function APPLY.CASH Result: The Customer Nbr field is highlighted.

2 Type the customer number and press [Tab], or type # followed by the invoice number to pay and press [Tab]. Result: The customer name and current accounts receivable open balance displays. The Check Number field is highlighted.

3 Type the check number and press [Tab]. Result: The Check Date field is highlighted.

4 Type the date on the check and press [Tab]. Result: The Check Amount field is highlighted.

5 Type the amount on the check and press [Tab]. Note: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Result: The Amt to Apply field is displayed with the check amount. The Bank Code field is highlighted.

6 Type a valid bank code and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the default. Note1: The default will come from AR.CONSTANTS. Note2: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: The Posting Date field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

3-A-36 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 6: Chargebacks (continued)

Step Action 7 Type a valid posting date and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the

default. Note1: If you are using batch posting, the default will come from the batch date on the batch posting header screen. Otherwise, the default will be the current system date. Note2: The posting date is used by the system for posting the cash receipt to general ledger. Result: The Memo field is highlighted.

8 Type memo information regarding this transaction and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to skip field. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

9 Click Review. Result: A listing of the customer’s open items sorted by due date will display. The total number of open items will display on the bottom of the screen. The Distribution 2000 dialog box displays. If you wan t to apply payments to invoices, please see Procedures 2 or 3.

10 Note: At this point you have a credit balance in the Amt to Apply on your screen. You will need to bring the Amt to Apply to zero before being able to file this transaction. Click Done. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

11 Click ChgBck (for chargeback). Result: The Chargeback screen displays with the Total Charged Back as zero (0). The CB Nbr field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-37

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 6: Chargebacks (continued)

Step Action 12 Type the reference number to identify this chargeback and press

[Tab]. Note: The entered number will automatically be prefixed with a "B" to indicate that this open item is a chargeback. Result: The Inv Date field is highlighted.

13 Type a valid date and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use default. Note: The entered date must be a date in an open fiscal period and must be prior or equal to both the cash posting date used for this transaction and the due date specified for this chargeback at the next field. Result: The Due Date field is highlighted.

14 Type a valid date for the due date and press [Tab]. Result: The Chgbck Amt field is highlighted.

15 Type the dollar amount for the chargeback and press [Tab]. Result: The Total Charged Back and the Amount to Apply increases by the dollar amount entered.

16 Does the field Invoice Group Identifier display? If no, CB Nbr field is highlighted. Skip to Step 17. If yes, then type the Invoice Group Identifier and press [Tab] to assign this transaction to an invoice group or press [Tab] to not assign this transaction. Note: This field appears only if you are using invoice group identifiers to select groups of customer invoices for payment. This option must be set up in AR.CONSTANTS. Result: The CB Nbr field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

3-A-38 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 6: Chargebacks (continued)

Step Action 17 Do you wish to enter more chargebacks?

If yes, return to Step 12. If no, click OK. Result: The cursor moves to Form Command Buttons.

18 Click OK to exit the chargeback screen. Result: You are returned to the previous APPLY.CASH posting screen. The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

19 Click OK to file the transaction. Result: The message box "New Cash Sequence Number Assigned:" displays with the assigned cash sequence number. The system writes cash receipt records, posts to General Ledger, writes a new open item for the chargeback, updates open items that were paid, and updates the customer record’s A/R open balance, oldest open item and last cash receipt dates, and days to pay. Note: You may wish to write down the cash sequence number onto the check in order to make reversing the check easier if the need arises.

20 Click OK to clear the message. Result: The Customer Nbr field is highlighted.

21 Do you want to enter another cash receipt? If yes, return to Step 2 or to the list of procedures. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu. Note: If you are using batch posting, you will be returned to the batch posting screen.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-39

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 7: Split Checks

Complete the steps in the Table below to split checks between multiple customer numbers.

Step Action

1 Access the function APPLY.CASH Result: The Customer Nbr field is highlighted.

2 Type the customer number and press [Tab], or type # followed by the invoice number to pay and press [Tab]. Result: The customer name and current accounts receivable open balance displays. The Check Number field is highlighted.

3 Type the check number and press [Tab]. Result: The Check Date field is highlighted.

4 Type the date on the check and press [Tab]. Result: The Check Amount field is highlighted.

5 Type the amount on the check and press [Tab]. Note: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Result: The Amt to Apply field is displayed with the check amount. The Bank Code field is highlighted.

6 Type a valid bank code and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the default. Note1: The default will come from AR.CONSTANTS. Note2: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: The Posting Date field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

3-A-40 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 7: Split Checks (continued)

Step Action 7 Type a valid posting date and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the

default. Note1: If you are using batch posting, the default will come from the batch date on the batch posting header screen. Otherwise, the default will be the current system date. Note2: The posting date is used by the system for posting the cash receipt to general ledger. Result: The Memo field is highlighted.

8 Type memo information regarding this transaction and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to skip field. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

9 Click Review. Result: A listing of the customer’s open items sorted by due date will display. The total number of open items will display on the bottom of the screen. The Distribution 2000 dialog box displays. Please refer to Procedures 2 or 3 to apply payments.

10 Note: At this point you have a debit balance in the Amt to Apply on your screen. You will need to bring the Amt to Apply to zero before being able to file this transaction. Click Done. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

11 Click NextCust (for next customer). Result: The Customer Nbr field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-41

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 7: Split Checks (continued)

Step Action 12 Type the customer number and press [Tab], or type # followed the

invoice number to pay and press [Tab]. Result: The customer name and current accounts receivable open balance displays. The Memo field is highlighted.

13 Type memo information regarding this transaction and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to skip field. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

14 Click Review. Result: A listing of the customer’s open items sorted by due date will display. The total number of open items will display on the bottom of the screen. The Distribution 2000 dialog box displays. Please refer to Procedures 2 or 3 to apply payments. Note: At this point, you enter payments for the new customer in the same manner as you entered for the last customer. You can continue to loop through Steps 10 through 14 until the Amount to Apply is zero (o).

15 Is the Amount to Apply zero? If no, return to Step 10. If yes, click OK to file the transaction. Result: The message "New Cash Sequence Number Assigned:" displays with the assigned cash sequence number. The system writes cash receipt records, posts to General Ledger, updates the open items paid, and updates the customer record’s A/R open balance, oldest open item and last cash receipt dates, and days to pay. Note: You may wish to write down the cash sequence number onto the check in order to make reversing the check easier if the need arises.

Continued on next page

3-A-42 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 7: Split Checks (continued)

Step Action 16 Click OK to clear the message.

Result: The Customer Nbr field is highlighted.

17 Do you want to enter another cash receipt? If yes, return to Step 2 or to the list of procedures. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu. Note: If you are using batch posting, you will be returned to the batch posting screen.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-43

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 8: Invoice Group Posting

Complete the steps in the Table below to posting invoices using the invoice group feature. Group selection of invoices may be utilized based on an option specified in AR.CONSTANTS and MNT.CUSTOMER. Use of this feature allows all transactions in a group to be displayed for payment selection or automatically posted. Chargebacks and payments on account may be assigned to an invoice group for future processing based on invoice group ID.

Step Action 1 Access the function APPLY.CASH

Result: The Customer Nbr field is highlighted.

2 Type the customer number and press [Tab], or type # followed by the invoice number to pay and press [Tab]. Result: The customer name and current accounts receivable open balance displays. The Check Number field is highlighted.

3 Type the check number and press [Tab]. Result: The Check Date field is highlighted.

4 Type the date on the check and press [Tab]. Result: The Check Amount field is highlighted.

5 Type the amount on the check and press [Tab]. Note: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Result: The Amt to Apply field is displayed with the check amount. The Bank Code field is highlighted.

6 Type a valid bank code and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the default. Note1: The default will come from AR.CONSTANTS. Note2: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: The Posting Date field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

3-A-44 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 8: Invoice Group Posting (continued)

Step Action 7 Type a valid posting date and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the

default. Note1: If you are using batch posting, the default will come from the batch date on the batch posting header screen. Otherwise, the default will be the current system date. Note2: The posting date is used by the system for posting the cash receipt to general ledger. Result: The Memo field is highlighted.

8 Type memo information regarding this transaction and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to skip field. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

Invoice Group Selection 9 Click Group and press to view a specific invoice group and post

against the displayed open items or Click Group Auto to have the system automatically post against a specific invoice group. Result: The Invoice Group Identifier dialog box displays.

10 Type the Invoice Group Identifier and click continue. Result: See Step 11 or Step 12 to specific result.

11 Did you click Group Auto to select invoice group auto post? If no, skip to Step 12. If yes, see Result. Result: The system will post the amount to apply to open items in the selected invoice group starting with the oldest due date and proceed to the next oldest until the amount to apply is zero (0). If the last invoice to be paid has an open balance greater than the amount to apply, a partial payment will automatically be applied. The D2K dialog box displays.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-45

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 8: Invoice Group Posting (continued)

Step Action 12 Did you click Group to select to review an invoice group?

If no, skip to Step 14. If yes, see result. Result: A listing of the customer’s open items within sorted by due date will display. The total number of open items will display on the bottom of the screen. The D2K dialog box displays.

Continued on next page

3-A-46 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 8: Invoice Group Posting (continued)

Step Action 13 Make the following decision:

IF you want to… THEN… Post to an individual invoice number using the line number

Type the line number and press [Enter]. Result: See Step 14 below.

Post to a specific invoice number using the invoice number

Type # followed by the invoice number (i.e. #nnnn) and press [Enter]. Result: See Step 14 below.

Post to a range of line numbers

Type the line number- (dash) line number (i.e. nnnn-nnnn) and press [Enter]. Result: See below.

Post to a list of line numbers

Type line number, (comma) line number until finished listing line numbers, (i.e. nnnn,nnnn,nnnn) and press [Enter]. Note: Be sure to type the line number of credit amount prior to line numbers with debit amounts. The system will add credit amounts to the amount to apply, then subtracts debit amounts from the amount to apply. Result: See below.

Result: The system will post the amount to apply to open items in the order of the line numbers selected until the amount to apply is zero (0). If the last invoice to be paid has an open balance greater than the amount to apply, a partial payment will automatically be applied. The D2K dialog box displays. Skip to Step 23.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-47

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 8: Invoice Group Posting (continued)

Step Action 14 Does the dialog box "Do you want to apply Additional Allowances?

(Yes,No)" display? If yes, click Yes to apply allowances or click No to not apply allowances. Result: If you clicked No, the Discount field highlighted. If the payment terms on the invoice allow for cash discounts, the cash discount date and amount will display at the bottom of the screen. Skip to Step 20. If you clicked Yes, the Allowance Codes and Amounts Screen will display. The Allowance Code field is highlighted. If no, skip to Step 20.

Applying Cash Allowances 15 Type in a valid allowance code and press [Tab].

Note: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: The field "Enter the Allowance Amount" is highlighted.

16 Type in the allowance amount and press [Tab]. Note1: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Note2: Either a positive or negative amount may be entered. A negative amount must be preceded by a minus sign "-". An invoice transaction amount is decreased by a positive allowance and increased by a negative allowance. A credit transaction amount is increased by a positive allowance and decreased by a negative allowance. Result: The Comment field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

3-A-48 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 8: Invoice Group Posting (continued)

Step Action 17 Type in a comment relating to the allowance code and press [Tab]

or press [Tab] to skip the field. Note: Entry at this field is required when the "Comment Required in APPLY.CASH?" field in the ALLOWANCE.CODES function is set to "√" for the allowance code previously specified. Result: The Allowance Code field is highlighted.

18 Do you want to enter another allowance code? If yes, return to Step 15. If no, press [Tab]. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

19 Click OK. Result: The main cash posting screen displays. The Discount field is highlighted. If the payment terms on the invoice allow for cash discounts, the cash discount date and amount will display at the bottom of the screen.

Applying Cash Discounts 20 Type the discount amount and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the

default. Note: This field defaults to an amount other than zero only if the "Amt to Apply" plus the allowance and discount amounts applied to a line item are sufficient to pay the item in full by the displayed discount date. Result: The Amt Applied field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-49

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 8: Invoice Group Posting (continued)

Step Action Applying Payment

21 Type the amount to apply to the open item and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the default. Note1: The system calculates and displays the amount required to pay the selected invoice in full with discounts and allowances reflected. Note2: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Result: The D2K dialog box displays.

22 Do you want to enter more line numbers or invoice numbers? If yes, return to Step 13. If no, click Done. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

Filing the Transaction 23 Click OK to file the transaction.

Result: The message "New Cash Sequence Number Assigned:" displays with the assigned cash sequence number. The system writes cash receipt records, posts to General Ledger, updates the open items paid, and updates the customer record’s A/R open balance, oldest open item and last cash receipt dates, and days to pay. Note: You may wish to write down the cash sequence number onto the check in order to make reversing the check easier if the need arises.

24 Click OK to clear the message. Result: The Customer Nbr field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

3-A-50 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 8: Invoice Group Posting (continued)

Step Action 25 Do you want to enter another cash receipt?

If yes, return to Step 2 or to the list of procedures. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu. Note: If you are using batch posting, you will be returned to the batch posting screen.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-51

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 9: Correcting Errors Before Filing Transactions

Complete the steps in the Table below to fix errors before you have filed the transaction. The errors are broken into the following types: Errors in header information such as check number, check date, check amount, posting date, bank code and memo information; selecting the wrong reference number, reversing a posting to a wrong reference number, incorrect payment on account amount, incorrect discount amount, and incorrect allowance code or amount. Note: These instructions rely on your following the other procedures in the APPLY.CASH procedure section. Please use this as a guide when errors occur by selecting the error you wish to correct and following the steps listed, starting with the "Go to" step.

Step Action

1 Make the following decision: IF you want to… THEN… Correct header information Go to Step 2 Correct the customer number selected Go to Step 16 Correct the invoice / line number selected before posting cash

Go to Step 17

Reverse posting to a invoice / line number previously selected

Go to Step 18

Correct the allowance code and / or amount

Go to Step 22

Correct the discount amount Go to Step 33 Correct the amount applied Go to Step 37 Correct the payment on account Go to Step 41 Correct the chargeback amount Go to Step 46

Fixing Header Information 2 Type H (for header) and press [Tab].

Note: The option to type H is available at both the command fields at the bottom and at the individual fields you see displayed while posting cash. Result: The field "Change Which Header Field (2-7)" displays.

Continued on next page

3-A-52 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 9: Correcting Errors Before Filing Transactions (continued)

Step Action 3 Make the following decision:

IF you want to… THEN… Correct the check number Go to Step 4 Correct the check date Go to Step 6 Correct the check amount Go to Step 8 Correct the bank code Go to Step 10 Correct the posting date Go to Step 12 Correct the memo information Go to Step 14

Correct the Check Number 4 Click on the Check Number field.

Result: The Check Number field is highlighted.

5 Type the corrected check number and press [Tab]. Result: You are returned to the field you were at prior to accessing the field.

Correct the Check Date 6 Click on the Check Date field.

Result: The Check Date field is highlighted.

7 Type the date on the check and press [Tab]. Result: You are returned to the field you were at prior to accessing the field.

Correct the Check Amount 8 Click the Check Amount field.

Result: The Check Amount field is highlighted.

9 Type the amount of the check and press [Tab]. Result: You are returned to the field you were at prior to accessing the field..

Correct the Bank Code 10 Click on the Bank Code field.

Result: The Bank Code field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-53

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 9: Correcting Errors Before Filing Transactions (continued)

Step Action 11 Type a valid bank code and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use

default. Note: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: You are returned to the field you were at prior to accessing the field.

Correct the Posting Date 12 Click the Posting Date field.

Result: The Posting Date field is highlighted.

13 Type a valid date and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use default. Result: You are returned to the field you were at prior to accessing the field.

Correct the Memo Information 14 Click the Memo field.

Result: The Memo field is highlighted.

15 Type new memo information for the transaction and press [Tab] or type * and press [Tab] to delete current memo information. Result: You are returned to the field you were at prior to accessing the field.

Correct the Customer Number 16 Are you currently entering information for a specific reference

number (such as discount amount)? If yes, click Cancel, then click Clear. If no, click Cancel. Result: The screen is cleared. The Customer Nbr field is highlighted. You may now enter another customer number.

Continued on next page

3-A-54 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 9: Correcting Errors Before Filing Transactions (continued)

Step Action Correct the Line Number Before Posting

17 Note: Use this procedure if you have just entered the line number or #Invoice number, but before the D2K dialog box displays. Type TOP or click the clear input icon. Result: The D2K dialog box displays.

Reverse Posting to a Line Number Previously Selected 18 Note: Use this procedure if you have just posted to a line number

and the D2K dialog box is now displaying. Type the line number to reverse and press [Tab]. Result: The dialog box "Do you want to apply Additional Allowances? (Yes,No) displays.

19 Press [Tab] to skip the allowances field. Result: The Discount field is highlighted.

20 Press [Tab] to skip the discount amount field. Result: The Amt to Applied field is highlighted.

21 Type 0 (zero) and press [Tab]. Result: The amount applied on the line is cleared and the Amount to Apply field is either debited or credited (depending on the value of the line number reversed). The D2K dialog box displays.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-55

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 9: Correcting Errors Before Filing Transactions (continued)

Step Action Correct Allowance Code and / or Amount

22 Note: Use this procedure if you have just posted to a line number and the D2K dialog box is now displaying. Type line number to correct and press [Tab]. Result: The dialog box "Do you want to apply Additional Allowances? (Yes,No)" displays.

23 Click Yes. Result: The Allowance Code screen displays. The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

24 Click on the Allowance Code field to be corrected. Result: The Allowance Code field is highlighted.

25 Type a valid allowance code and press [Tab] to change allowance codes, or type * and press [Enter] to delete the line (including the allowance amount and comments). Note: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: If you deleted the line, then that line will be removed from the screen. The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

26 Click the Amount field to be corrected. Result: The Amount field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

3-A-56 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 9: Correcting Errors Before Filing Transactions (continued)

Step Action 27 Type a new allowance amount and press [Tab].

Note1: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Note2: Either a positive or negative amount may be entered. A negative amount must be preceded by a minus sign "-". An invoice transaction amount is decreased by a positive allowance and increased by a negative allowance. A credit transaction amount is increased by a positive allowance and decreased by a negative allowance. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

28 Click the Comment field to be corrected Result: The Comment field is highlighted.

29 Type in a new comment and press [Tab] or type * and press [Tab] to delete the comment. Result: The comment line is updated. The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

30 Click OK to exit the Allowance screen. Result: The APPLY.CASH detail screen is displayed. The Discount field is highlighted.

31 Press [Tab] to skip the discount amount field. Result: The amount to apply for the line is recalculated and displayed. The Amt to Applied field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-57

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 9: Correcting Errors Before Filing Transactions (continued)

Step Action 32 Type an amount to apply and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use

default. Note: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Result: The system updates the Amount to Apply and Disc/Allow fields. The D2K dialog box displays.

Correct Discount Amount 33 Note: Use this procedure if you have just posted to a line number

and the D2K dialog box is now displaying. Type the line number to correct and press [Tab]. Result: The dialog box "Do you want to apply Additional Allowances? (Yes,No)" displays.

34 Click No to pass the allowance code field. Result: The Discount field is highlighted.

35 Type a new discount amount and press [Enter] or type 0 (zero) and press [Enter] to delete the discount amount. Note: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Result: The system calculates a new amount to apply for the line. The Amt to Applied field is highlighted.

36 Type a new amount to apply and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the default. Note: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Result: The system updates the Amount to Apply and the Disc/Allow fields. The D2K dialog box displays.

Continued on next page

3-A-58 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 9: Correcting Errors Before Filing Transactions (continued)

Step Action Correct Amount Applied

37 Note: Use this procedure if you have just posted to a line number and the D2K dialog box is now displaying. Type the line number to correct and press [Tab]. Result: The dialog box "Do you want to apply Additional Allowances? (Yes,No)" displays.

38 Click NO to skip the allowance code field. Result: The Discount field is highlighted.

39 Press [Tab] to skip the discount amount field. Result: The Amt Applied field is highlighted.

40 Type a new amount to apply and press [Enter]. Note: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Result: The system updates the Amt to Apply and the Disc/Allow fields. The D2K dialog box displays.

Correct Payment on Account 41 Note: Use this procedure if you have just finished posting and the

Form Command Buttons OK, Cancel, Next Cust, POA, ChgBck, are now displaying. Click POA (for payment on account). Result: The Dialog Box "Enter the Payment on Account Amount" displays.

42 Type a new payment on account amount and press [Enter]. Result: The message "Old Pmt on Acct of NN.NN has been replaced OK" displays.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-59

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 9: Correcting Errors Before Filing Transactions (continued)

Step Action 43 Click OK to clear the message.

Result: The Amt to Apply field is updated. The cursor returns to the Form Command Buttons.

44 Click OK to file the transaction. Result: The message "New Cash Sequence Number Assigned:" displays with the assigned cash sequence number. The system writes cash receipt records, posts to General Ledger, updates the open items paid, and updates the customer record’s accounts receivable open balance and oldest open item date. Note: You may wish to write down the cash sequence number onto the check in order to make reversing the check easier if the need arises.

45 Click OK to clear the message. Result: The Customer Nbr field is highlighted..

Correct Chargeback Amount 46 Note: Use this procedure if you have just finished posting and the

Form Command Buttons OK, Cancel, Next Cust, POA, ChgBck, are now displaying. Click ChgBck (for chargebacks). Result: The Chargeback screen displays with the Total Charged Back as the amount previously entered. The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

47 Click the CB Nbr field of the chargeback to be corrected. Result: The CB Nbr field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

3-A-60 Cash Receipts Posting

How to Enter a Cash Receipt (APPLY.CASH), Continued

Procedure 9: Correcting Errors Before Filing Transactions (continued)

Step Action 48 Note: Use this step if you wish to delete the chargeback line

entirely. Type * and press [Tab] to delete the chargeback. Result: The line is deleted. The Total Charged Back and Amt to Apply fields are updated. The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

49 Note: Use this step if you wish to change the chargeback amount. Click the ChgBck Amt field for the amount to be corrected. Result: The ChgBck field is highlighted.

50 Type the corrected amount and press [Enter]. Note: Enter the appropriate number of decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00 Result: The Total Charged Back and Amt to Apply fields are updated. The cursor returns to the Form Command Buttons.

51 Click OK to exit the chargeback screen. Result: You are returned to the previous APPLY.CASH posting screen. The cursor returns to the Form Command Buttons.

52 Click OK to file the transaction. Result: The message "New Cash Sequence Number Assigned:" displays with the assigned cash sequence number. The system writes cash receipt records, posts to General Ledger, updates the open items paid, and updates the customer record’s A/R open balance, oldest open item and last cash receipt dates and days to pay. Note: You may wish to write down the cash sequence number onto the check in order to make reversing the check easier if the need arises.

53 Click OK to clear the message. Result: The Customer Nbr field is highlighted.

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-61

Figure 3-A-5. The Cash Journal Report (CASH.JOURNAL) – Detail Report CASH.JOURNAL 17:39:14 May 09 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60060 Page 1 Detail Cash Receipts Journal For Posting Dates 07-01-YY through 07-31-YY *** Cash Applied Transactions *** Cust Customer Check Refer Transaction Open Disc Amt/ On Acct/Chgback Cash No. Name Number No. Amount Amount Allowances Amount Refer Received _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 5394 -100.00 P00025 Post Date 07-23-YY CASH APPLIED Batch# Bank A Pmt Type HC Seq# 00025 Totals: -100.00 100.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 2349 -100.00 P00026 Post Date 07-23-YY CASH APPLIED Batch# Bank L Pmt Type HC Seq# 00026 Totals: -100.00 100.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 5394 100.00 P00025 Post Date 07-23-YY REVERSAL Batch# Bank A Pmt Type HC Seq# 00027 Totals: 100.00 -100.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 543 10009M 134.00 10010M 168.00 10011M 450.00 252.00 Post Date 07-15-YY CASH APPLIED Batch# Bank A Pmt Type HC Seq# A00020 Totals: 752.00 252.00 500.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 9888 10568M 600.00 10579M 468.75 10202M 1010.00 100.00 Post Date 07-17-YY CASH APPLIED Batch# Bank A Pmt Type HC Seq# A00021 Totals: 2078.75 100.00 1978.75 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20001 CROMWELL AND SMITH 593 20020 466.00 66.00 B20020A Post Date 07-22-YY CASH APPLIED Batch# Bank A Pmt Type HC Seq# A00022 Totals: 466.00 66.00 400.00 UNAUTHORIZED DEDUCTION ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ----------- ------- --------- ------ -------- *** Cash Applied Totals *** 3296.75 352.00 -34.00 2978.75 *** Cash Applied General Ledger Recap *** Allowance Account Number Description Debit Amount Credit Amount Codes ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------- 01-01-1120 Cash in Bank 2,978.75 01-01-1200 Accounts Receivable 2,978.75 ------------- ------------- 2,978.75 2,978.75 Cust Customer Check Refer Transaction Open Disc Amt/ On Acct/Chgback Cash No. Name Number No. Amount Amount Allowances Amount Refer Received ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** Grand Total Cash Received *** 0.00 2,978.75 Deposits Received: 0.00 Deposits Applied : 0.00 A/R Change : -2,978.75

3-A-62 Cash Receipts Posting

Figure 3-A-6. The Cash Journal Report (CASH.JOURNAL) – General Ledger Recap CASH.JOURNAL 17:39:14 May 09 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60060 Page 3 Detail Cash Receipts Journal For Posting Dates 07-01-YY through 07-31-YY *** General Ledger Recap *** Account Number Description Debit Amount Credit Amount ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ------------- 01-01-1120 Cash in Bank 3,003.75 01-01-1200 Accounts Receivable 2,978.75 01-01-6600 Miscellaneous Income 25.00 ------------- ------------- 3.003.75 3,003.75

Figure 3-A-7. The Cash Journal Report (CASH.JOURNAL) – Summary Report CASH.JOURNAL 18:47:36 May 09 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60060 Page 1 Summary Cash Receipts Journal For Posting Dates 07-01-YY through 07-31-YY *** Cash Applied Transactions *** Batch Bank Pmt Seq. Cust Customer Check Check Posting Cash Discount/ Transaction Nbr. Code Typ Nbr. Nbr. Name Nbr. Date Date Received Allowance Type ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A HC 00025 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 5394 07-19-YY 07-23-YY 100.00 CASH APPLIED L HC 00026 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 2349 07-08-YY 07-23-YY 100.00 CASH APPLIED A HC 00027 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 5394 07-19-YY 07-23-YY -100.00 REVERSAL A HC A00020 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 543 06-15-YY 07-15-YY 500.00 CASH APPLIED A HC A00021 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 9888 07-09-YY 07-17-YY 1978.75 CASH APPLIED A HC A00022 20001 CROMWELL AND SMITH 593 07-19-YY 07-22-YY 400.00 CASH APPLIED ------------ ------------ *** Cash Applied Totals *** 2978.75 0.00

Figure 3-A-8. The Cash Receipts / Deposit Inquiry (SHOW.RECEIPTS)

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-63

Cash Receipt Audit Reports

Introduction Your D2K system provides two reports that can be used to audit transactions

entered in the APPLY.CASH function.

Illustrations Figure 3-A-5 is an illustration of the detail Cash Journal Report

(CASH.JOURNAL) Figure 3-A-6 is an illustration of the Cash Journal Report general ledger recap (CASH.JOURNAL). Figure 3-A-7 is an illustration of the summary Cash Journal Report (CASH.JOURNAL). Figure 3-A-8 is an illustration of the Cash Receipts / Deposit Inquiry (SHOW.RECEIPTS).

Reports and descriptions

The Table below describes the two audit reports that provide details of cash receipts entered through the APPLY.CASH function.

Function Description

CASH.JOURNAL Prints a journal of accounts receivable transactions such as cash receipts and cash applications for deposits, payments on accounts, and chargebacks. Can also print a journal of transactions for miscellaneous cash receipts (that do not affect accounts receivable).

SHOW.RECEIPTS Prints or displays payment information for a given date range.

3-A-64 Cash Receipts Posting

Knowledge Check

Directions Answer the following questions. This knowledge check is based on the

objectives stated in the beginning of this section.

Question 1 What are three options available for reviewing open items to be paid?

• • •

Question 2 What are four options available for posting cash to open items?

• • • •

Question 3

TRUE or FALSE Payments on account can be made when there is a credit amount left in the Amount to Apply from the check.

Question 4

TRUE or FALSE Multiple allowance codes and amounts can be applied against one open item.

Question 5

TRUE or FALSE A user can post cash receipts for more than one customer for one check amount entered.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-65

Knowledge Check, Continued

Question 6 Reviewing the screen below, should the user enter a payment on account or a


What’s next Compare your answers to the ones provided on the next page.

If you were unable to complete this knowledge check, please review the chapter before proceeding. If you are still uncomfortable with the information provided, or have specific questions regarding your system, contact your System Administrator or D2K Customer Care Consultant.

3-A-66 Cash Receipts Posting

Knowledge Check Answers

Answer 1 What are three options available for reviewing open items to be paid?

• Review all open items for a customer • Review open items for a specified invoice group for a customer • Do not review at all. The use enters invoice numbers to pay.

Answer 2 What are four options available for posting cash to open items?

• Post to invoices individually • Post to a range of invoices • Post to a list of open items • Allow the system to automatically post starting with the oldest

Answer 3

TRUE or FALSE Payments on account can be made when there is a credit amount left in the Amount to Apply from the check.

Explanation: When a check amount is entered, the amount to apply is debited. As open items are paid, invoices reduce (or credit) the amount to apply field. There must be a debit balance remaining in the amount to apply field to allow for an overpayment situation that are then applied as a payment on account. Credit balances would require a chargeback.

Answer 4

TRUE or FALSE Multiple allowance codes and amounts can be applied against one open item.

Answer 5

TRUE or FALSE A user can post cash receipts for more than one customer for one check amount entered.

Explanation: This is called splitting checks between multiple customers.

Continued on next page

Cash Receipt Posting 3-A-67

Knowledge Check Answers, Continued

Answer 6 Reviewing the screen below, should the user enter a payment on account or a

chargeback? Chargeback Explanation: The Amount to Apply field is a credit, which means that there was more credit items (such as invoices) applied than there was cash or debit items (such as credit memos or deposits).

Reversing Cash Receipts 3-B-1

Section B

Reversing Cash Receipts


Introduction The reverse check function is used to reverse an erroneous deposit receipt or

deposit, cash, or key-off application originally entered through the APPLY.CASH or DEPOSIT.ENTRY functions.

Purpose The purpose of this section is to introduce you to the reverse check function.

In this section, you will find the procedures necessary to reverse an erroneous receipt.

Objectives Upon completion of this section, you will be able to

• Describe the reverse check process, • Describe the REVERSE.CHECK function and identify its key fields, • Reverse an erroneous cash receipt using the APPLY.CASH function, and • Identify the report that audit transactions entered using the


3-B-2 Reversing Cash Receipts

Figure 3-B-1. The Reverse Check Process.

User finds a cash or deposit posting error


reverse receipt

File reversal

System updates customer, open item,

General Ledger, & cash receipts records

Reversing Cash Receipts 3-B-3

The Reverse Check Process

Description The reverse check process involves identifying incorrectly posted cash or

deposit receipts and reversing the receipt. Open items are updated to the state they were in prior to the original cash posting.

Illustration Figure 3-B-1 is an illustration of the reverse check process.

Process The Table below describes the reverse check process.

Stage Description 1 User identifies errors in cash or deposit receipts entered through

APPLY.CASH or DEPOSIT.ENTRY. 2 The user accesses the REVERSE.CHECK function. 3 User enters the cash sequence number and customer number to

reverse the transaction. 4 User files the transaction. 5 The system updates the accounts receivable items to values prior

to the cash receipt and updates the customer record’s A/R open balance, oldest open due and last cash receipt dates, and days to pay. If payments on account or chargebacks were part of the cash posting being reversed, then these open item records are deleted. If the cash posting was for multiple customers (split checks), then all customer records included in the posting are updated. The system also posts an entry to General Ledger for the reversal, and writes a cash receipt reversal transaction record.

3-B-4 Reversing Cash Receipts

Figure 3-B-2. The REVERSE.CHECK Function.

Reversing Cash Receipts 3-B-5


Description The function REVERSE.CHECK is used to reverse an erroneous deposit or

cash receipt or deposit or key-off application. For split checks, all portions of the cash receipt will be reversed. There are many reasons to reverse a receipt. For example: • The wrong customer number was entered. • The wrong invoices / credits were paid. • Cash discounts and / or allowances were entered incorrectly. Depending on the setup of AR.CONSTANTS, batch posting may be used. Note: For more information on batch posting, refer to Chapter 6, "Batch Posting."

Illustration Figure 3-B-2 is an illustration of the REVERSE.CHECK screen.

Fields and descriptions

The Table below describes the key fields on the REVERSE.CHECK screen.

Field Description

Sequence Number The sequence number of the transaction to be reversed. Note1: The sequence numbers can be displayed or printed using the SHOW.CREDITS, SHOW.RECEIPTS and CASH.JOURNAL functions. Note2: If the sequence number entered relates to a split check posting, the words "Split Check" displays in the "Customer" field. Reversal of a check entered using split check posting automatically reverses the posting to all customer accounts involved.

Customer Number The number of the customer for whom this check will be reversed.

Check Amount The dollar amount of the check being reversed. Transaction Date The effective date of this reversal. This will also

become the general ledger posting date. Check # The check number being reversed. Tran Dt The original transaction date.

Continued on next page

3-B-6 Reversing Cash Receipts

The REVERSE.CHECK Function, Continued

Fields and descriptions (continued)

Field Description Doc. Amt The original dollar amount of the check being

reversed. Disc/Allow The net amount of cash discounts and allowances

applied to the original receipt. Total The original amount applied to open accounts

receivable balance on the customer.

Continued on next page

Reversing Cash Receipts 3-B-7

How to Reverse a Cash Receipt (REVERSE.CHECK)

Introduction You have found an error on a cash receipt. You will use the function


Accessing the function

Use the boxes below to write your menu path to the REVERSE.CHECK function.

Procedure: Complete the steps in the Table below to reverse a cash receipt.

Step Action 1 Access the function REVERSE.CHECK.

Result: The Sequence Number field is highlighted.

2 Type the cash sequence number to reverse and press [Tab]. Result: The Customer Number field is highlighted.

3 Type the customer number associated with the original receipt and press [Tab]. Note: The customer number must match the customer number for the cash sequence record or the entry will be cancelled. Result: The customer name displays. The Check Amount field is highlighted.

4 Type the original check amount and press [Tab]. Note1: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Note2: The check amount must match the check amount for the cash sequence record or the entry will be cancelled. Result: The Transaction Date field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

3-B-8 Reversing Cash Receipts

How to Reverse a Cash Receipt (REVERSE.CHECK), Continued

Procedure: (continued)

Step Action 5 Type a valid date and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use default.

Note: The default will come from the original receipt. Result: The check number, transaction date, document amount, discount / allowance amount, and total amount applied will display. The "Is this the correct transaction to reverse? (Yes,No)" dialog box displays.

File Transaction 6 Click Yes to reverse receipt or Click No to cancel reversal.

Result: If you clicked Yes, then the system will update the account receivable open items and the customer record to reverse the cash receipt. A general ledger and cash receipt records will be written to record the reversal. A message "New Cash Sequence Number Assigned: XXX " displays. Click OK to clear the message. If you clicked No, then no updates will occur. The Sequence Number field is highlighted.

7 Do you wish to reverse more cash receipts? If yes, return to Step 2. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu.

Reversing Cash Receipts 3-B-9

Figure 3-B-3. The Cash Journal Report (CASH.JOURNAL) – Detail Report CASH.JOURNAL 17:39:14 May 09 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60060 Page 1 Detail Cash Receipts Journal For Posting Dates 07-01-YY through 07-31-YY *** Cash Applied Transactions *** Cust Customer Check Refer Transaction Open Disc Amt/ On Acct/Chgback Cash No. Name Number No. Amount Amount Allowances Amount Refer Received _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 5394 -100.00 P00025 Post Date 07-23-YY CASH APPLIED Batch# Bank A Pmt Type HC Seq# 00025 Totals: -100.00 100.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 2349 -100.00 P00026 Post Date 07-23-YY CASH APPLIED Batch# Bank L Pmt Type HC Seq# 00026 Totals: -100.00 100.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 5394 100.00 P00025 Post Date 07-23-YY REVERSAL Batch# Bank A Pmt Type HC Seq# 00027 Totals: 100.00 -100.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 543 10009M 134.00 10010M 168.00 10011M 450.00 252.00 Post Date 07-15-YY CASH APPLIED Batch# Bank A Pmt Type HC Seq# A00020 Totals: 752.00 252.00 500.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 9888 10568M 600.00 10579M 468.75 10202M 1010.00 100.00 Post Date 07-17-YY CASH APPLIED Batch# Bank A Pmt Type HC Seq# A00021 Totals: 2078.75 100.00 1978.75 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20001 CROMWELL AND SMITH 593 20020 466.00 66.00 B20020A Post Date 07-22-YY CASH APPLIED Batch# Bank A Pmt Type HC Seq# A00022 Totals: 466.00 66.00 400.00 UNAUTHORIZED DEDUCTION ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ----------- ------- --------- ------ -------- *** Cash Applied Totals *** 3296.75 352.00 -34.00 2978.75 *** Cash Applied General Ledger Recap *** Allowance Account Number Description Debit Amount Credit Amount Codes ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------- 01-01-1120 Cash in Bank 2,978.75 01-01-1200 Accounts Receivable 2,978.75 ------------- ------------- 2,978.75 2,978.75 Cust Customer Check Refer Transaction Open Disc Amt/ On Acct/Chgback Cash No. Name Number No. Amount Amount Allowances Amount Refer Received ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** Grand Total Cash Received *** 0.00 2,978.75 Deposits Received: 0.00 Deposits Applied : 0.00 A/R Change : -2,978.75

3-B-10 Reversing Cash Receipts

Figure 3-B-4. The Cash Journal Report (CASH.JOURNAL) – General Ledger Recap CASH.JOURNAL 17:39:14 May 09 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60060 Page 3 Detail Cash Receipts Journal For Posting Dates 07-01-YY through 07-31-YY *** General Ledger Recap *** Account Number Description Debit Amount Credit Amount ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ------------- 01-01-1120 Cash in Bank 3,003.75 01-01-1200 Accounts Receivable 2,978.75 01-01-6600 Miscellaneous Income 25.00 ------------- ------------- 3.003.75 3,003.75

Figure 3-B-5. The Cash Journal Report (CASH.JOURNAL) – Summary Report CASH.JOURNAL 18:47:36 May 09 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60060 Page 1 Summary Cash Receipts Journal For Posting Dates 07-01-YY through 07-31-YY *** Cash Applied Transactions *** Batch Bank Pmt Seq. Cust Customer Check Check Posting Cash Discount/ Transaction Nbr. Code Typ Nbr. Nbr. Name Nbr. Date Date Received Allowance Type ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A HC 00025 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 5394 07-19-YY 07-23-YY 100.00 CASH APPLIED L HC 00026 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 2349 07-08-YY 07-23-YY 100.00 CASH APPLIED A HC 00027 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 5394 07-19-YY 07-23-YY -100.00 REVERSAL A HC A00020 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 543 06-15-YY 07-15-YY 500.00 CASH APPLIED A HC A00021 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 9888 07-09-YY 07-17-YY 1978.75 CASH APPLIED A HC A00022 20001 CROMWELL AND SMITH 593 07-19-YY 07-22-YY 400.00 CASH APPLIED ------------ ------------ *** Cash Applied Totals *** 2978.75 0.00

Reversing Cash Receipts 3-B-11

Cash Reversal Audit Reports

Introduction Your D2K system provides one report that can be used to audit transactions

entered in the REVERSE.CHECK function.

Illustrations Figure 3-B-3 is an illustration of the detail Cash Journal Report

(CASH.JOURNAL) Figure 3-B-4 is an illustration of the Cash Journal Report general ledger recap (CASH.JOURNAL). Figure 3-B-5 is an illustration of the summary Cash Journal Report (CASH.JOURNAL).

Reports and descriptions

The Table below describes the audit report that provides details of cash receipt reversals entered through the REVERSE.CHECK function.

Function Description

CASH.JOURNAL Prints a journal of accounts receivable transactions such as cash receipts and cash applications for deposits, payments on accounts, and chargebacks. Can also print a journal of transactions for miscellaneous cash receipts (that do not affect accounts receivable).

3-B-12 Reversing Cash Receipts

Knowledge Check

Directions Answer the following questions. This knowledge check is based on the

objectives stated in the beginning of this section.

Question 1

TRUE or FALSE The customer number entered does not have to match the original cash receipt transaction.

Question 2 Transactions can be reversed for what two Accounts Receivable functions?

• •

What’s next Compare your answers to the ones provided on the next page.

If you were unable to complete this knowledge check, please review the chapter before proceeding. If you are still uncomfortable with the information provided, or have specific questions regarding your system, contact your System Administrator or D2K Customer Care Consultant e.

Reversing Cash Receipts 3-B-13

Knowledge Check Answers

Answer 1

TRUE or FALSE The customer number entered does not have to match the original cash receipt transaction.

Explanation: The customer number and check amount must both match the original cash receipt for the reversal to proceed.

Answer 2 Transactions can be reversed for what two Accounts Receivable functions?


Customer Deposit Entry 4-1

Chapter 4

Customer Deposit Entry


Introduction The deposit entry function is used to receive customer deposits for future

shipment of orders. Deposits can also be entered through the sales order entry process.

Purpose The purpose of this section is to introduce you to the deposit receipts

function. In this section, you will find the procedure necessary to enter a receipt.

Objectives Upon completion of this section, you will be able to

• Describe the deposit receipt process, • Describe the DEPOSIT.ENTRY function, and identify its key fields, • Enter a customer deposit using the DEPOSIT.ENTRY function, and • Identify the reports that audit transactions entered using the


4-2 Customer Deposit Entry

Figure 4-1. The Customer Deposit Entry Process

Cash received for sales order prepayment

Use DEPOSIT.ENTRY to enter customer


File deposit

System posts to A/R open item & General


Customer Deposit Entry 4-3

The Customer Deposit Entry Process

Description The customer deposit entry process involves accurately entering a customer’s

deposit to reflect a prepayment for a sales order. There are two ways to enter a deposit. One is through the sales order entry process, which ties the deposit directly to the sales order. The second way is through the DEPOSIT.ENTRY function. Deposits do not affect a customer’s accounts receivable balance. Open deposits entered through DEPOSIT.ENTRY must be applied in the APPLY.CASH function. Open deposits created through the sales order process can also be applied during invoicing, using functions such as ORDER.INVOICING, DIRECT.INVOICING, or COUNTER.

Illustration Figure 4-1 is an illustration of the customer deposit entry process.

Process The table below describes the customer deposit entry process.

Stage Description 1 Customer deposits are received. 2 The user accesses the DEPOSIT.ENTRY function, and enters the

deposit. 3 User files the deposit transaction. 4 The system writes an accounts receivable open item for the

deposit, and posts an entry to General Ledger to record the transaction.

4-4 Customer Deposit Entry

Figure 4-2. The DEPOSIT.ENTRY Function.

Customer Deposit Entry 4-5


Description The function DEPOSIT.ENTRY is used to enter receipt of customer deposits

into the system.

Illustration Figure 4-2 is an illustration of the DEPOSIT.ENTRY function.

Fields and descriptions

The table below describes the key fields on the DEPOSIT.ENTRY screen.

Field Description

Transaction Number The document number for the deposit. This can be either user-assigned or system-assigned.

Division Code Sales division code assigned to the deposit. If sales divisions are not being used, this field can be left blank.

Deposit Date The effective date of this deposit. This date is also used for posting to General Ledger.

Deposit Amount The amount of the deposit received. Memo Information Information pertinent to this deposit.

Note: Information entered at this field appears on the listings produced by the SHOW.DEPOSITS and DEPOSIT.RPT functions.

Bank Code The bank in which the customer deposit will be deposited.

4-6 Customer Deposit Entry

How to Enter a Customer Deposit (DEPOSIT.ENTRY)

Introduction Your sales staff has received a prepayment on a customer’s sales order. You

will use the function DEPOSIT.ENTRY to enter the receipt.

Accessing the function

Use the boxes below to write your menu path to the DEPOSIT.ENTRY function.

Procedure Complete the steps in the table below to enter a customer deposit into the


Step Action

1 Access the function DEPOSIT.ENTRY. Result: The Transaction Number field is highlighted.

2 Type a transaction number beginning with a D and press [Tab], or press [Tab] to allow the system to assign a transaction number. Result: The Customer Number field is highlighted.

3 Type the customer number and press [Tab]. Result: The Division Code field is highlighted.

4 Press [Tab] to use the sales division code displayed (or to skip the field if sales division codes are not being used), or type a new sales division code and press [Tab]. Note: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: The Deposit Date field is highlighted.

5 Type the deposit date and press [Tab]. Result: The Deposit Amount field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

Customer Deposit Entry 4-7

How to Enter a Customer Deposit (DEPOSIT.ENTRY), Continued

Procedure (continued)

Step Action 6 Type the deposit amount and press [Tab].

Note: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Result: The Check Number field is highlighted.

7 Type the customer’s check number and press [Tab]. Result: The Memo Information field is highlighted.

8 Type any memo information and press [Tab], or press [Tab] to skip this field. Result: The Bank Code field is highlighted.

9 Type a valid Bank Code and press [Enter], or press [Enter] to use the default displayed. Note1: The default will come from AR.CONSTANTS. Note2: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

File the Transaction 10 Click OK to file the transaction.

Result: If you allowed the system to assign the transaction number, then the transaction number assigned is displayed in a dialog box. Click OK to close the box. The NEXT.NBRS record is updated. A deposit record is written on the accounts receivable open item file and a General Ledger record is posted. The Transaction Number field is highlighted.

11 Do you want to enter another customer deposit? If yes, return to Step 2. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu.

4-8 Customer Deposit Entry

Figure 4-3. The Customer Deposit Report (DEPOSIT.RPT)

DEPOSIT.RPT 19:20:37 05-09-YY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60060 Page 1 Customer Deposits Received from 01-01-YY to 01-31-YY Deposit Cust Deposit Check Deposit Number Number Customer Name Date Number Amount Memo --------- ------ ------------------------- -------- ------- ---------- --------------------------- D2 12108 GIANT CORPORATION 01-31-YY 1243 425.50 Total ---------- 12108 425.50 D1 2000 CROMWELL AND SMITH 01-15-YY 658393 750.00 FUTURE ORDER D3 2000 CROMWELL AND SMITH 01-28-YY 658418 1,200.00 Total ---------- 2000 1,950.00 ---------- Grand Total 2,375.50 3 records listed DEPOSIT.RPT 19:20:37 05-09-YY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60060 Page 1 Customer Deposits Applied from 01-01-YY to 01-31-YY Deposit Cust Deposit Check Deposit Applied Applied Open Number Number Customer Name Date Number Amount Date Amount Amount Memo ------- ------ ------------------- -------- ------- -------- -------- --------- --------- ------------ D1 2000 CROMWELL AND SMITH 01-15-YY 658393 750.00 01-31-YY 750.00 0.00 FUTURE ORDER Total -------- --------- --------- 2000 750.00 750.00 0.00 -------- --------- --------- Grand Total 750.00 750.00 0.00 1 record listed

Customer Deposit Entry 4-9

Figure 4-4. The Deposit Receipt Inquiry (SHOW.DEPOSITS)

4-10 Customer Deposit Entry

Customer Deposit Audit Reports

Introduction Your D2K GS system provides two reports that can be used to audit

transactions entered in the DEPOSIT.ENTRY function.

Illustrations Figure 4-3 is an illustration of the Customer Deposit Report (DEPOSIT.RPT).

Figure 4-4 is an illustration of the Customer Deposit Receipt Inquiry (SHOW.DEPOSITS).

Reports and descriptions

The table below describes the two audit reports that provide details of customer deposits entered through the DEPOSIT.ENTRY function.

Function Description

DEPOSIT.RPT Prints customer deposits received and deposits applied within a selected date range.

SHOW.DEPOSITS Prints or displays customer deposits received within a selected date range.

Customer Deposit Entry 4-11

Knowledge Check

Directions Answer the following questions. This knowledge check is based on the

objectives stated in the beginning of this section.

Question 1

TRUE or FALSE The DEPOSIT.ENTRY function is used to receive customer’s invoice payments.

Question 2 List the two audit reports available to audit transactions entered through the

DEPOSIT.ENTRY function. • •

Question 3

TRUE or FALSE Customer deposits reduce a customer’s accounts receivable balance.

What’s next Compare your answers to the ones provided on the next page.

If you were unable to complete this knowledge check, please review the chapter before proceeding. If you are still uncomfortable with the information provided, or have specific questions regarding your system, contact your System Administrator or D2K Customer Care Consultant.

4-12 Customer Deposit Entry

Knowledge Check Answers

Answer 1

TRUE or FALSE The DEPOSIT.ENTRY function is used to receive customer’s invoice payments.

Explanation: The DEPOSIT.ENTRY function is only used to enter customer deposits. Invoice payments are entered through the APPLY.CASH function.

Answer 2 List the two audit reports available to audit transactions entered through the


Answer 3

TRUE or FALSE Customer deposits reduce a customer’s accounts receivable balance.

Miscellaneous Cash Receipts 5-1

Chapter 5

Miscellaneous Cash Receipts


Introduction The miscellaneous cash receipt function is used to post cash receipts for non-

accounts receivable transactions.

Purpose The purpose of this section is to introduce you to the miscellaneous cash

receipts function, and to provide you with the procedures necessary to post miscellaneous cash receipts.

Objectives Upon completion of this section, you will be able to

• Describe the miscellaneous cash receipt process, • Describe the MISC.CASH function, and identify its key fields, • Enter a miscellaneous cash receipt using the MISC.CASH function, and • Identify the report that audits transactions entered in the MISC.CASH


5-2 Miscellaneous Cash Receipts

Figure 5-1. The Miscellaneous Cash Receipts Process

Non-accounts receivable cash


Use MISC.CASH to enter non-accounts receivable receipt

Enter general ledger account numbers &


File receipt

System posts miscellaneous cash records & posts to

General Ledger

Miscellaneous Cash Receipts 5-3

The Miscellaneous Cash Receipt Process

Description The miscellaneous cash receipt process involves accurately entering a

non-accounts receivable cash receipt. There are many reasons to enter a non-accounts receivable cash receipt. For example: • Insurance refunds • Notes receivables

Illustration Figure 5-1 is an illustration of the miscellaneous cash receipt process.

Process The table below describes the miscellaneous cash receipt process.

Stage Description 1 Non-accounts receivable cash receipt is received. 2 The user accesses the MISC.CASH function, and enters the cash

receipt. 3 Enter general ledger account numbers and amounts. 4 User files the cash receipt transaction. 5 The system writes a miscellaneous cash receipt record for the

receipt, and posts an entry to General Ledger to record the transaction.

5-4 Miscellaneous Cash Receipts

Figure 5-2. The MISC.CASH Function

Miscellaneous Cash Receipts 5-5

The MISC.CASH Function

Description The function MISC.CASH is used to enter receipt of non-accounts receivable

cash receipts into the system.

Illustration Figure 5-2 is an illustration of the MISC.CASH function.

Fields and descriptions

The table below describes the key fields on the MISC.CASH screen.

Field Description

Payor The name of the company or person who sent the check.

Check Number The number of the check received. Check Amount The amount of the check received. Date Received The effective date of this receipt. This date is also

used for posting to General Ledger. Bank Code The bank in which the receipt will be deposited. Account Number The general ledger account number(s) to assign to

the transaction. Debit / Credit Amount The portion of the check amount that will be

debited or credited to the specified general ledger account number(s).

5-6 Miscellaneous Cash Receipts

How to Enter a Miscellaneous Cash Receipt (MISC.CASH)

Introduction You have received a refund from your insurance company. You will use the

function MISC.CASH to enter the receipt.

Accessing the function

Use the boxes below to write your menu path to the MISC.CASH function.

Procedure Complete the steps in the table below to enter non-accounts receivable cash

receipts into the system.

Step Action

1 Access the function MISC.CASH. Result: The Payor number field is highlighted.

2 Type the name of the company or person who sent the check and press [Tab]. Result: The Check Number field is highlighted.

3 Type the check number and press [Tab]. Result: The Check Amount field is highlighted.

4 Enter the check amount and press [Tab], or type a minus sign [-], the check amount and press [Tab] to enter a credit check amount (to reverse an incorrect miscellaneous cash receipt). Note: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Result: The Date Received field is highlighted.

5 Type the date the check was received and press [Tab]. Result: The Bank Code field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

Miscellaneous Cash Receipts 5-7

How to Enter a Miscellaneous Cash Receipt (MISC.CASH), Continued

Procedure (continued)

Step Action 6 Type a valid Bank Code and press [Tab], or press [Tab] to use the

default displayed. Note1: The default will come from AR.CONSTANTS. Note2: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: The Account Number field is highlighted.

7 Type the general ledger account number to assign to this transaction and press [Enter]. Result: The description for the assigned general ledger account number will display. A dialog box with “Enter the Amount” displays.

9 Type the amount to assign to the specified general ledger account number and press [Enter], or type a minus sign [-], the amount to assign, and press [Enter] Note: Unless you entered a credit check amount, the system will assume the assigned amount is a credit since the cash received is the debit portion of the general ledger posting. By typing a minus sign, the system will assign the amount as a debit amount. You can enter multiple lines of general ledger account numbers. The final distribution amount must balance in order for the system to allow the transaction to post. Result: The Account Number field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

5-8 Miscellaneous Cash Receipts

How to Enter a Miscellaneous Cash Receipt (MISC.CASH), Continued

Procedure (continued)

Step Action 10 Do you want to enter another general ledger account number?

If yes, return to Step 7. If no, click OK. Result: The Dialog Box with “Enter Line Number, P(page #) to go to a specific page” displays.

11 Do you need to correct either a general ledger account number or the assigned amount? If no, skip to Step 14. If yes, type the line number associated with the line and press [Enter]. Result: The Dialog Box with “Delete this Line? (Yes,No)” displays.

12 Click Yes to delete the incorrect line. Result: The Dialog Box with “Enter Line Number, P(page #) to go to a specific page” displays.

13 Type the number of the next blank line number to enter a new general ledger account number and amount and press [Enter]. Result: You will skip to Step 7.

File the Transaction 14 Click Done to file the transaction.

Result: A miscellaneous receipt record is written and a General Ledger record is posted. The Payor field is highlighted.

15 Do you want to enter another miscellaneous cash receipt? If yes, return to Step 2. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu.

Miscellaneous Cash Receipts 5-9

Figure 5-3. The Cash Journal Report (CASH.JOURNAL) – Miscellaneous Cash Report CASH.JOURNAL 18:47:36 May 09 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60060 Page 1 Detail Cash Receipts Journal For Posting Dates 07-01-YY through 07-31-YY *** Miscellaneous Cash Transactions *** Bank N - CHASE MANHATTAN BANK Posting Check Cash Offset Date Payor Number Amount Offset Account Number Offset Account Description Amount -------- ----------------------- ------ ------------ ---------------------- -------------------------- -------- 07-09-YY CG 521 25.00 01-01-6600 Miscellaneous Income -25.00 ------------- -------- Bank N Total 25.00 -25.00 -------- ----------------------- ------ ------------ ---------------------- -------------------------- -------- *** Miscellaneous Cash Total *** 25.00 -25.00 CASH.JOURNAL 18:47:36 May 09 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60060 Page 2 Detail Cash Receipts Journal For Posting Dates 07-01-YY through 07-31-YY *** Miscellaneous Cash General Ledger Recap *** Account Number Description Debit Amount Credit Amount ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ------------- 01-01-1120 Cash in Bank 25.00 01-01-6600 Miscellaneous Income 25.00 ------------- ------------- 25.00 25.00

5-10 Miscellaneous Cash Receipts

Miscellaneous Cash Receipts Audit Report

Introduction Your D2K GS system provides one report that can be used to audit

transactions entered in the MISC.CASH function.

Illustrations Figure 5-3 is an illustration of the Cash Receipts Miscellaneous Cash

Receipts Journal Listing (CASH.JOURNAL).

Reports and descriptions

The table below describes the audit report that provides details of miscellaneous cash receipts entered through the MISC.CASH function.

Function Description

CASH.JOURNAL Prints a journal of accounts receivable transactions such as cash receipts and cash applications for deposits, payments on accounts, and chargebacks. Can also print a journal of transactions for miscellaneous cash receipts.

Miscellaneous Cash Receipts 5-11

Knowledge Check

Directions Answer the following questions. This knowledge check is based on the

objectives stated in the beginning of this section.

Question 1

TRUE or FALSE The MISC.CASH function is used to receive accounts receivable cash receipts.

Question 2

TRUE or FALSE You can only enter a debit check amount into the MISC.CASH function.

Question 3

TRUE or FALSE The general ledger distribution total must balance the check amount before the transaction can be posted.

What’s next Compare your answers to the ones provided on the next page.

If you were unable to complete this knowledge check, please review the chapter before proceeding. If you are still uncomfortable with the information provided, or have specific questions regarding your system, contact your System Administrator or D2K Customer Care Consultant.

5-12 Miscellaneous Cash Receipts

Knowledge Check Answers

Answer 1

TRUE or FALSE The MISC.CASH function is used to receive accounts receivable cash receipts.

Explanation: The MISC.CASH function is only used to enter non-accounts receivable cash receipts. Invoice payments are entered through the APPLY.CASH function.

Answer 2

TRUE or FALSE You can only enter a debit check amount into the MISC.CASH function.

Answer 3

TRUE or FALSE The general ledger distribution total must balance the check amount before the transaction can be posted.

Explanation: You can enter multiple lines of general ledger account numbers and amounts to assign to the cash receipt, but the total of all the amounts (both debit and credit) must equal the amount of the receipt.

Batch Posting 6-1

Chapter 6

Batch Posting


Introduction The Accounts Receivable module contains the option to enter all cash receipts

using the batch posting processing. This feature is controlled through AR.CONSTANTS. Your system may have been set up to use batch posting. It is important that you understand how this affects the way in which all cash receipts are entered.

Purpose The purpose of this section is to introduce you to batch posting, and to

provide you with the procedures necessary for you to enter cash receipts using batch posting.

Objectives Upon completion of this section, you will be able to

• Describe the batch posting processing, • Identify the key fields in batch posting, • Enter a batch total for batch posting, • Balance a batch for cash posting, and • Identify the reports that audits transactions entered through batch


6-2 Batch Posting

Figure 6-1. The Batch Posting Process

User collects cash receipt

payments and calculates a total

Use APPLY.CASH to enter customer cash


Use DEPOSIT.ENTRY to enter customer prepayments

User runs reports to find errors and corrects errors



Does the batch


Use MISC.CASH to enter non-A/R cash receipts

User closes batch.

Yes No

System updates batch asclosed.

User enters batch total into batch posting


Batch Posting 6-3

The Batch Posting Process

Introduction There is one reason why batch posting may be used – to assist operators in

entering cash receipts without errors. There are many reasons why errors occur in cash receipt posting. For example: • Customers payments are skipped and not entered • Check amounts are entered incorrectly

Description The batch posting process involves accurately entering batch totals into a

separate screen to assist in balancing cash receipts posting. The batch posting processing is used in conjunction with the following functions: • APPLY.CASH • MISC.CASH • DEPOSIT.ENTRY • REVERSE.CHECK

Illustration Figure 6-1 is an illustration of the batch posting process.

Process The table below describes the batch posting process.

Stage Description 1 The user collects customer payments and a total cash amount

received is calculated for the batch. 2 The user enters the batch total on the batch-posting screen. 2 The user enters customer payments through the APPLY.CASH

function 3 The user enters customer prepayments through the

DEPOSIT.ENTRY function. 4 The user enters non-accounts receivable cash receipts through the

function MISC.CASH. 5 The system compares the entered cash receipts to the total batch

amount to balance the batch. 6 If the batch does not balance, the user runs a report to determine

errors and corrects the errors. The use of the REVERSE.CHECK function many be required.

7 If the batch balances, then the user closes the batch. 8 The system updates the batch as closed.

6-4 Batch Posting

Figure 6-2, The Batch Posting Screen

Batch Posting 6-5

The Batch Posting Screen

Description Batch posting is used to enter a batch total to balance cash receipts entered

through the APPLY.CASH, DEPOSIT.ENTRY, and MISC.CASH functions. It is not a separate function, but a separate screen that displays prior to the system displaying the screens associated with the above listed functions. After the user completes cash posting, the system returns to the batch-posting screen to balance the batch total entered with the sum of the cash receipts posted. If the batch balances, then the batch can be closed. If it does not balance, then reports can be printed to allow the user to determine the cause.

Illustration Figure 6-2 is an illustration of the batch-posting screen.

Fields and descriptions

The table below describes the key fields on the batch-posting screen.

Field Description

Batch Number A unique number used to identify a batch. This number may be user-entered or system-assigned.

Operator The initials of the user who is posting the cash. Posting Date The posting date specified for the batch. It is used

as the default posting date for all checks in the batch, unless overridden by the user.

Memo Info Memo information relating to a batch. Bank Code The bank code associated with the batch. Batch Amount The user-specified dollar amount of a batch. This

amount must match the system-generated batch total in order for a batch to be closed.

Amount Posted The dollar amount of cash posted for a batch. This amount is the system-generated batch total.

Difference The difference between the batch amount and the amount posted. This must be zero (0) before the batch can be closed.

6-6 Batch Posting

How to Post a Batch

Introduction You have run a total on the checks received that day. You will want to enter

the cash using the batch-posting screen to balance the cash receipts being posted through the function APPLY.CASH.

Accessing the function

Use the boxes below to write your menu path to the APPLY.CASH function.

Procedure Complete the steps in the table below to enter the fields on the batch-posting


Step Action 1 Access the function APPLY.CASH.

Note: The same batch screen will also appear in the DEPOSIT.ENTRY, MISC.CASH, and REVERSE.CHECK functions. Result: The Batch Number field is highlighted.

2 Type a up to a six (6)-character number and press [Tab] to assign your own batch number or press [Tab] to have the system assign a batch number. Result: The Operator field is highlighted.

3 Type your initials and press [Tab]. Result: The Posting Date field is highlighted.

4 Type a valid date and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use default date. Note: This date will be used as the default posting date in all cash receipt entry unless overridden by the user. Result: The Memo field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

Batch Posting 6-7

How to Post a Batch, Continued

Procedure (continued)

Step Action 5 Type any memo information you wish to associate with this batch

and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to skip the field. Result: The Bank Code field is highlighted.

6 Type a valid bank code and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use the default bank code displayed. Note1: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Note2: The default bank code is controlled by AR.CONSTANTS. Result: The bank code description displays. The Batch Amount field is highlighted.

7 Type the batch amount and press [Enter]. Result: The system will calculate the difference between the system-generated batch total and the entered batch total amount and display. The Cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

8 Click OK. Result: The APPLY.CASH function screen displays. Note: For more information on the APPLY.CASH function, please refer to Chapter 3 “Cash Receipt Posting” in this user guide.

Procedure After Cash Receipt Posting is Completed 9 After you complete the last receipt and click Cancel to exit the

function, the batch-posting screen will be displayed with the system-generated batch total and the difference amount updated. The Cursor will be at the Form Command Buttons.

10 Is the difference amount zero (0)? If no, skip to Step 13. If yes, click OK. Result: The dialog box “Do you want to close this batch? (Yes,No)” displays.

Continued on next page

6-8 Batch Posting

How to Post a Batch, Continued

Procedure (continued)

Step Action 11 Click Yes to close the batch or click No to leave the batch open.

Result: If you click Yes, then the system will update the batch record as closed. If you click No, then the system will not update the batch record. An open batch can be accessed again in cash posting at a later time. The Batch Number field is highlighted.

12 Do you want to enter another batch? If yes, return to Step 2. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu.

Procedure for Correcting Unbalanced Batches 13 Click OK.

Result: The dialog box “You have UNDER-posted by nn.nn - Batch remaining open.” displays. Click OK to close the box. The batch number field is highlighted.

14 Click Cancel to exit the function. Result: You are returned to the menu.

15 To audit what was entered in the APPLY.CASH or MISC.CASH functions, click on Reports menu on the toolbar and go to the Cash Journal report. Note: For more information on the Cash Journal Report, please refer to the topic “The Cash Receipts Journal” in Chapter 10, “Accounts Receivable Reports.”

16 To audit what was entered in the DEPOSIT.ENTRY function, click on Reports menu on the toolbar and go to the Deposit report. Note: For more information on the Deposit Report, please refer to the topic “The Customer Deposit Report “ in Chapter 10, “Accounts Receivable Reports.”

Continued on next page

Batch Posting 6-9

How to Post a Batch, Continued

Procedure (continued)

Step Action 17 After reviewing the reports to determine what errors occurred,

return to step 2 to access the batch. Type the batch number and press [Enter] to enter access the batch being balanced. Note: For more information on posting or reversing checks, please refer to Chapter 3, “Cash Receipt Posting.”

6-10 Batch Posting

Figure 6-3. The Cash Journal Report (CASH.JOURNAL) – Detail Report CASH.JOURNAL 17:39:14 May 09 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60060 Page 1 Detail Cash Receipts Journal For Posting Dates 07-01-YY through 07-31-YY *** Cash Applied Transactions *** Cust Customer Check Refer Transaction Open Disc Amt/ On Acct/Chgback Cash No. Name Number No. Amount Amount Allowances Amount Refer Received _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 5394 -100.00 P00025 Post Date 07-23-YY CASH APPLIED Batch# Bank A Pmt Type HC Seq# 00025 Totals: -100.00 100.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 2349 -100.00 P00026 Post Date 07-23-YY CASH APPLIED Batch# Bank L Pmt Type HC Seq# 00026 Totals: -100.00 100.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 5394 100.00 P00025 Post Date 07-23-YY REVERSAL Batch# Bank A Pmt Type HC Seq# 00027 Totals: 100.00 -100.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 543 10009M 134.00 10010M 168.00 10011M 450.00 252.00 Post Date 07-15-YY CASH APPLIED Batch# Bank A Pmt Type HC Seq# A00020 Totals: 752.00 252.00 500.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 9888 10568M 600.00 10579M 468.75 10202M 1010.00 100.00 Post Date 07-17-YY CASH APPLIED Batch# Bank A Pmt Type HC Seq# A00021 Totals: 2078.75 100.00 1978.75 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20001 CROMWELL AND SMITH 593 20020 466.00 66.00 B20020A Post Date 07-22-YY CASH APPLIED Batch# Bank A Pmt Type HC Seq# A00022 Totals: 466.00 66.00 400.00 UNAUTHORIZED DEDUCTION ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ----------- ------- --------- ------ -------- *** Cash Applied Totals *** 3296.75 352.00 -34.00 2978.75

Figure 6-4. The Cash Journal Report (CASH.JOURNAL) – Miscellaneous Cash Report CASH.JOURNAL 18:47:36 May 09 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60060 Page 1 Detail Cash Receipts Journal For Posting Dates 07-01-YY through 07-31-YY *** Miscellaneous Cash Transactions *** Bank N - CHASE MANHATTAN BANK Posting Check Cash Offset Date Payor Number Amount Offset Account Number Offset Account Description Amount -------- ----------------------- ------ ------------ ---------------------- -------------------------- -------- 07-09-YY CG 521 25.00 01-01-6600 Miscellaneous Income -25.00 ------------- -------- Bank N Total 25.00 -25.00 -------- ----------------------- ------ ------------ ---------------------- -------------------------- -------- *** Miscellaneous Cash Total *** 25.00 -25.00

Batch Posting 6-11

Figure 6-5. The Customer Deposit Report (DEPOSIT.RPT)

DEPOSIT.RPT 19:20:37 05-09-YY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60060 Page 1 Customer Deposits Received from 01-01-YY to 01-31-YY Deposit Cust Deposit Check Deposit Number Number Customer Name Date Number Amount Memo --------- ------ ------------------------- -------- ------- ---------- ---------------------------- D2 12108 GIANT CORPORATION 01-31-YY 1243 425.50 Total ---------- 12108 425.50 D1 2000 CROMWELL AND SMITH 01-15-YY 658393 750.00 FUTURE ORDER D3 2000 CROMWELL AND SMITH 01-28-YY 658418 1,200.00 Total ---------- 2000 1,950.00 ---------- Grand Total 2,375.50 3 records listed

Figure 6-6. The Accounts Receivable Batch Header Inquiry (SHOW.AR.BATCH)

6-12 Batch Posting

Batch Posting Audit Reports

Introduction Your D2K system provides three reports that can be used to audit transactions

entered in through batch posting.

Illustrations Figure 6-3 is an illustration of the CASH.JOURNAL detail transactions

report. Figure 6-4 is an illustration of the CASH.JOURNAL miscellaneous cash receipts report. Figure 6-5 is an illustration of the DEPOSIT.RPT deposit receipt report. Figure 6-6 is an illustration of the SHOW.AR.BATCH report/inquiry.

Reports and descriptions

The table below describes the audit reports that provide details of cash receipts entered through batch posting.

Function Description

CASH.JOURNAL Prints a journal of accounts receivable transactions such as cash receipts and cash applications for deposits, payments on accounts, and chargebacks. Can also print a journal of transactions for miscellaneous cash receipts. Note1: To review a batch, you must type the batch number in the Batch Number field. Note2: To review miscellaneous cash receipts, you must check (√) the “Miscellaneous Cash Report?” box.

DEPOSIT.RPT Prints customer deposits received and deposits applied within a selected date range.

SHOW.AR.BATCH Prints or displays a listing of accounts receivable batch information for selected date range.

Batch Posting 6-13

Knowledge Check

Directions Answer the following questions. This knowledge check is based on the

objectives stated in the beginning of this section.

Question 1 What four cash posting functions can use batch posting?

• • • •

Question 2

TRUE or FALSE A batch that is not in balance cannot be closed.

Question 3

TRUE or FALSE The batch posting date is used as a default in the cash posting functions. It cannot be overridden.

What’s next Compare your answers to the ones provided on the next page.

If you were unable to complete this knowledge check, please review the chapter before proceeding. If you are still uncomfortable with the information provided, or have specific questions regarding your system, contact your System Administrator or D2K Customer Care Consultant.

6-14 Batch Posting

Knowledge Check Answers

Answer 1 What four cash posting functions can use batch posting?


Answer 2

TRUE or FALSE A batch that is not in balance cannot be closed. Explanation: You must correct any cash posting errors and bring the batch into balance prior to closing a batch.

Answer 3

TRUE or FALSE The batch posting date is used as a default in the cash posting functions. It can be overridden by the user.

Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance 7-1

Chapter 7

Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance


Introduction The accounts receivable item maintenance function is used to change Due

Dates and Terms Code on open items and to put an open invoice into dispute. It also allows changes to credit card information when the Credit Card Interface product is used.

Purpose The purpose of this section is to introduce you to the accounts receivable item

maintenance function, and to provide you with the procedures necessary to make changes to your accounts receivable open items.

Objectives Upon completion of this section, you will be able to

• Describe the accounts receivable item maintenance process, • Describe the AR.ITEM.MAINT function, and identify its key fields, • Put an open invoice into or out of dispute, • Enter a change to your accounts receivable open item using the

AR.ITEM.MAINT function, and • Identify the reports that audit transactions entered in the

AR.ITEM.MAINT function.

7-2 Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance

Figure 7-1. The Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance Process

User determines a need to change

an A/R open item

Use AR.ITEM.MAINT to enter changes

File changes

System updates the A/R open item and customer


Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance 7-3

The Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance Process

Description The accounts receivable open item maintenance process involves changes to

the due date, the payment terms code, or credit card information (for clients using the Credit Card Interface product) on an accounts receivable open item. There are many reasons to enter such a change. For example: • An incorrect payment term code was entered on the order prior to

invoicing, • A change to due date was requested and approved, • Customer refuses to pay all or part of the invoice and request you to

review the situation, or • Credit card number needs to be added to the invoice for payment.

Illustration Figure 7-1 is an illustration of the accounts receivable open item maintenance


Process The table below describes the accounts receivable open item maintenance


Stage Description 1 User determines a need to change an accounts receivable open

item. 2 The user accesses the AR.ITEM.MAINT function, and enters the

required changes. 3 User files the accounts receivable open item with the changes. 4 The system updates the accounts receivable open item with the

changes, and, if necessary, updates the customer’s oldest open date.

7-4 Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance

Figure 7-2. The AR.ITEM.MAINT Function

Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance 7-5

The AR.ITEM.MAINT Function

Description The function AR.ITEM.MAINT is used to enter changes to an accounts

receivable open item’s due date, payment terms code, or credit card information. It is also used to put an open item into or out of dispute status. Putting an open item into dispute causes the item to not be aged in aging reports and on the AR.CUST.INQ inquiry function. It also recalculates the customer’s oldest open invoice date to exclude the disputed item.

Illustration Figure 7-2 is an illustration of the AR.ITEM.MAINT function.

Fields and descriptions

The table below describes the key fields on the AR.ITEM.MAINT screen.

Field Description

Invoice Nbr Invoice number being selected for updating. Dispute Date Date that invoice is being put into dispute Dispute Memo Reason for dispute on invoice Credit Card # Credit card number. This is only for clients using

the credit card interface product. CC Type Credit card type. This is only for clients using the

credit card interface product. Exp Date Credit card’s expiration date. This is only for

clients using the credit card interface product. Cardholder Name of the credit card’s cardholder. This is only

for clients using the credit card interface product. Payment Terms Payment terms code on the invoice. Due Date Due date(s) for the invoice. Due Amount Amount due on the corresponding due date.

7-6 Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance

How to Maintain an Accounts Receivable Open Item (AR.ITEM.MAINT)

Introduction Your customer has complained that a shipment was incorrect and disputes

payment on an invoice. You will use the function AR.ITEM.MAINT to place the invoice into dispute.

Accessing the function

Use the boxes below to write your menu path to the AR.ITEM.MAINT function.

Procedure Complete the steps in the table below to enter accounts receivable open item

changes into the system.

Step Action

1 Access the function AR.ITEM.MAINT. Result: The Invoice Number field is highlighted.

2 Type the invoice number to maintain and press [Enter]. Result: Customer number, customer name, invoice date, invoice amount, balance due, payment terms code, due date(s) and amount(s) display. The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

3 Make the following decision: IF you want to… THEN… Put an invoice into dispute: Go to Step 4 Take an invoice out of dispute Go to Step 9 Change an invoice’s payment terms

Go to Step 14

Change an invoice’s due date(s) and/or amounts

Go to Step 18

Change credit card information

Go to Step 24

Continued on next page

Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance 7-7

How to Enter an Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance (AR.ITEM.MAINT), Continued

Procedure (continued)

Step Action Procedure for Putting Invoices into Dispute

4 Click Dispute Date box. Result: The Dispute Date field is highlighted.

5 Type the date invoice was placed into dispute and press [Enter]. Result: The Dispute Memo field is highlighted.

6 Type in the reason for the dispute and press [Enter]. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

7 Do you want to make any other changes? If yes, return to step 3. If no, click OK. Result: The system updates the invoice with the dispute date, the dispute memo, and a dispute flag. It also recalculates the customer record’s oldest open item date to exclude this invoice. The Invoice Number field is highlighted.

8 Do you want to maintenance another invoice? If yes, return to Step 2. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu.

Procedure for Taking Invoices Out of Dispute 9 Click Dispute Date box.

Result: The Dispute Date field is highlighted.

10 Type * and press [Enter]. Result: Dispute date is removed. The Dispute Memo field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

7-8 Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance

How to Enter an Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance (AR.ITEM.MAINT), Continued

Procedure (continued)

Step Action 11 Type * and press [Enter].

Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

12 Do you want to make any other changes? If yes, return to step 3. If no, click OK. Result: The system updates the invoice to remove the dispute date, dispute memo, and dispute flag. It also recalculates the customer record’s oldest open item date to include this invoice. The Invoice Number field is highlighted.

13 Do you want to maintain another invoice? If yes, return to Step 2. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu.

Procedure for Changing Payment Terms Code 14 Click Payment Terms box.

Result: A message box “WARNING - Existing line item terms discounts will be lost” displays. Click OK to close the box. The Payment Terms field is highlighted.

15 Type the new payment terms code and press [Enter]. Note: Type ?? or click on the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: The description for the new payment terms code displays. The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

Continued on next page

Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance 7-9

How to Enter an Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance (AR.ITEM.MAINT), Continued

Procedure (continued)

Step Action 16 Do you want to make any other changes?

If yes, return to step 3. If no, click OK. Result: The system updates the invoice with the new payment terms and recalculates the due date. It also recalculates the customer record’s oldest open item date. The Invoice Number field is highlighted.

17 Do you want to maintenance another invoice? If yes, return to Step 2. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu.

Procedure for Changing Due Dates and Amounts 18 Click the Due Date Box.

Result: The Due Date field is highlighted with the existing due date.

19 Type the new due date and press [Enter]. Result: The new payment due date displays. The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

20 Click the Amount Due box. Result: The Amount Due field is highlighted with the existing amount due.

Continued on next page

7-10 Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance

How to Enter an Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance (AR.ITEM.MAINT), Continued

Procedure (continued)

Step Action 21 Enter the new amount due and press [Enter].

Note1: Enter the appropriate decimal places. The system assumes 2 decimal places. An entry of 125 will become 125.00. Note2: Changes should only be made if the invoice contains split due dates. The system will not file your changes unless the total amount due balances to the invoice’s current amount due. Result: The new amount due displays. The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

22 Do you want to make any other changes? If yes, return to step 3. If no, click OK. Result: The system updates the invoice with the new due date(s) and amount(s). It also recalculates the customer record’s oldest open item date. The Invoice Number field is highlighted.

23 Do you want to maintenance another invoice? If yes, return to Step 2. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu.

Procedure for Changing Credit Card Information 24 Click the Cred Card# box.

Result: The Cred Card# fieldl is highlighted.

25 Type in the new credit card number and press [Enter]. Result: The CC Type field is highlighted.

26 Enter the valid credit card type and press [Enter]. Note: Type ??or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: The Exp MMYY field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance 7-11

How to Enter an Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance (AR.ITEM.MAINT), Continued

Procedure (continued)

Step Action 27 Enter the credit card expiration date and press [Enter]. Format

must be MMYY. Example is 1203. Result: The Cardholder field is highlighted.

28 Enter the cardholder name and press [Enter]. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

29 Do you want to make any other changes? If yes, return to step 3. If no, click OK. Result: The system updates the invoice with the new credit card information. The Invoice Number field is highlighted.

30 Do you want to maintenance another invoice? If yes, return to Step 2. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu.

7-12 Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance

Figure 7-3. The Disputed Invoice Report (DISPUTED.INV.RPT).

DISPUTED.INV.RPT 17:56:37 05-08-YY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60070 Page 1 Report of Disputed Invoices Invoice Cust Invoice Invoice Dispute Days Dispute Number... Number Date.. Due Dates Amount.... Balance Due Date.. Disp Memo................ 34020 20001 04-28-YY 05-28-YY 18.75 18.75 05-01-YY -7 Customer says wrong item was sent Total ------------ ------------- 20001 18.75 18.75 ------------ ------------- Grand Total 18.75 18.75 1 record listed

Figure 7-4. The Adjustments Journal (ADJUST.JRNL).

ADJUST.JRNL 12:08:52 05-14-YY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 63550 Page 1 AR Open Item Adjustments Date. Time. Record Id... Field Num Old Data............. New Data............. Description........... 08/12 12:30 1F 12 09-04-YY 07-01-YY Due Dates changed 05/10 13:24 21020 21 05-10-YY Dispute status changed 05/10 13:26 21020 21 05-10-YY Dispute status changed 07/03 18:14 10202M 20 6 4 Terms code changed 05/06 18:26 34020 21 05-01-YY Dispute status changed 5 records listed

Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance 7-13

Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance Audit Reports

Introduction Your D2K system provides two reports that can be used to audit transactions

entered in the AR.ITEM.MAINT function.

Illustrations Figure 7-3 is an illustration of the disputed invoice report

(DISPUTED.INV.RPT). Figure 7-4 is an illustration of the adjustments journal (ADJUST.JRNL).

Reports and descriptions

The table below describes the audit reports that provide details of accounts receivable open item maintenance changes entered through the AR.ITEM.MAINT function.

Function Description

DISPUTED.INV.RPT Prints a report of disputed invoices. ADJUST.JRNL Prints a journal of adjustments made to Accounts

Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Vendor 1099 files.

7-14 Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance

Knowledge Check

Directions Answer the following questions. This knowledge check is based on the

objectives stated in the beginning of this section.

Question 1 What are three areas of accounts receivable information that you can change

through the AR.ITEM.MAINT function? • • •

Question 2

TRUE or FALSE An invoice with a status of in dispute does not age on aging reports or the AR.CUST.INQ inquiry function.

Question 3

TRUE or FALSE You can change the due date on an invoice without changing the payment terms.

What’s next Compare your answers to the ones provided on the next page.

If you were unable to complete this knowledge check, please review the chapter before proceeding. If you are still uncomfortable with the information provided, or have specific questions regarding your system, contact your System Administrator or D2K Customer Care Representative.

Accounts Receivable Open Item Maintenance 7-15

Knowledge Check Answers

Answer 1 What are three areas of accounts receivable information that you can change

through the AR.ITEM.MAINT function? • Invoice dispute status • Payment terms code • Due dates and amounts.

Answer 2

TRUE or FALSE An invoice with a status of in dispute does not age on aging reports or the AR.CUST.INQ inquiry function.

Explanation: The system does remove the disputed invoice from aging on aging reports and the AR.CUST.INQ function. It also recalculates the customer’s oldest open item date.

Answer 3

TRUE or FALSE You can change the due date on an invoice without changing the payment terms.

Commission Maintenance 8-1

Chapter 8

Commission Maintenance


Introduction The commission maintenance function allows the maintenance of commission

information relating to a particular invoice. The user may modify existing commission records, which are generated at invoicing time, or may create new commission records for open or fully paid invoices.

Purpose The purpose of this section is to introduce you to the commission

maintenance function, and to provide you with the procedures necessary to make changes to your commission information.

Objectives Upon completion of this section, you will be able to

• Describe the commission maintenance process, • Describe the COMMISSION.MAINT function, and identify its key fields, • Make change to commission on an existing commission record, • Create a new commission record for an open or fully paid invoice, and • Identify the report that audits transactions entered in the


8-2 Commission Maintenance

Figure 8-1. The Commission Maintenance Process

User determines a need to change

or add commission data

on an invoice


to enter changes/additions

File changes / additions

System updates / writes the commission record,

posts to G/L

Commission Maintenance 8-3

The Commission Maintenance Process

Description The commission maintenance process involves changes or additions to

commission information such as the sales representative code, the percent of invoice amount on which sales representative receives commission, the commission amount, and the commission balance due. There are many reasons to enter such a change. For example: • An incorrect sales representative code was entered on the order prior to

invoicing, • An incorrect commission code (used to calculate the commission

amount) was entered on the order prior to invoicing, or • Customer was switch to a new sales representative and the related open

invoices must be switched to reflect the new sales representative code

Illustration Figure 8-1 is an illustration of the commission maintenance process.

Process The table below describes the commission maintenance process.

Stage Description 1 User determines a need to change or add commission information

on an invoice. 2 The user accesses the COMMISSION.MAINT function, and

enters the required changes or additions. 3 User files the commission record with the changes. 4 The system updates writes the commissions record with the

changes and posts commission expense amount changes to the General Ledger.

8-4 Commission Maintenance

Figure 8-2. The COMMISSION.MAINT Function

Commission Maintenance 8-5


Description The function COMMISSION.MAINT is used to enter changes or additions to

an invoice for sales representative code, the percent of invoice amount on which sales representative receives commission, the commission amount, and the commission balance due. The commission payment may also be put on hold through this function. Commission payment amounts on hold are not included in the Commission Amount column on the commission payable report (COMMISSION.RPTS). The user may modify existing commission records, which are generated at invoicing time, or may create new commission records for open or fully paid invoices.

Illustration Figure 8-2 is an illustration of the COMMISSION.MAINT function.

Fields and descriptions

The table below describes the key fields on the COMMISSION.MAINT screen.

Field Description

Invoice Number Invoice number being selected for updating. Balance Due The balance due (by due date) on the invoice.

Please note that this field reflects cash receipts for “R” type commission records (commission based on Cash Receipts) only.

Commission on Hold The commission-on-hold flag. This flag places the commission on hold for payment and removes the commission amount from the COMMISSION.RPTS report.

Sales Representative The sales representative code(s) assigned to the invoice.

Percent The percentage of the invoice merchandise amount that is used to calculate the commission amount.

Amount The commission amount for that invoice. This field may be calculated during invoicing or updated through the COMMISSION.MAINT function.

Continued on next page

8-6 Commission Maintenance

The COMMISSION.MAINT Function, Continued

Fields and descriptions (continued)

Field Description Due The commission balance due. This field can be

updated for “I” type commission records only (commission based on Invoice). For “I” type records, this field will continue to display a Due amount and the records will continue to print on COMMISSION.RPTS until the Due amount is manually changed to $0.00 on this screen. No update is allowed on “R” type commission records (commission based on Cash Receipt). For “R” type records, this field is automatically updated by adjustments to the commission amount field.

Commission Maintenance 8-7

How to Enter/Maintain Commissions (COMMISSION.MAINT)

Introduction The operator incorrectly entered the sales representative code and commission

code for an invoice. You will use the function COMMISSION.MAINT to correct the commission information on the invoice.

Accessing the function

Use the boxes below to write your menu path to the COMMISSION.MAINT function.

Procedure Complete the steps in the table below to enter commission changes into the


Step Action

1 Access the function COMMISSION.MAINT. Result: The Invoice Number field is highlighted.

2 Type the invoice number to update and press [Enter]. Result: Sales order number, customer number, customer name, invoice date, invoice amount, balance due, due date(s) and amount(s), and sales representative code(s), percentages, commission amount(s), and commission due displays. The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

3 Make the following decision: IF you want to… THEN… Add or change a sales representative code

Go to Step 4

Change the commission amount Go to Step 12 Change the commission due amount Go to Step 16 Put the commission payment on hold Go to Step 20

Continued on next page

8-8 Commission Maintenance

How to Enter/Maintain Commissions (COMMISSION.MAINT), Continued

Procedure (continued)

Step Action Procedure for Adding / Changing Sales Representative Codes

4 Click the Sales Representative box to be changed. Note: There may be multiple sales representative codes listed. To access codes further down the list use the arrow ↓ box to the right of the Due box. Result: The appropriate Sales Representative field is highlighted.

5 Type a valid sales representative code and press [Enter]. To remove a sales representative code (other than the first code), type * and press [Enter]. Note: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. Result: Did you add a new sales representative (in addition to ones already listed)? If yes, the Percent field is highlighted. This is the percentage of this invoice associated with this Sales Rep. If no, the cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

6 Is the Percent field highlighted? If no, skip to Step 10. If yes, type the percentage of the invoice merchandise amount to assign to the sales representative as the base for calculating commission and press [Enter]. Note: The sum of the commission split percentages must equal 100. Result: The Amount field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

Commission Maintenance 8-9

How to Enter/Maintain Commissions (COMMISSION.MAINT), Continued

Procedure (continued)

Step Action 7 Type the commission amount earned by the sales representative

and press [Enter]. Result: A dialog box “NOTE - changing this amount will adjust GL for Commission Expense” displays. Click OK to close the box. The Due field (for this rep) is highlighted with the amount entered.

8 Type the commission balance due and press [Enter] or press [Enter] to use the default. Result: The Sales Representative field is highlighted.

9 Do you want to add any other sales representative codes? If yes, return to step 5. If no, press [Enter]. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

10 Do you want to make any other changes? If yes, return to step 3. If no, click OK. Result: The system updates the commission record with the new sales representative code. If a new sales representative code was added and commission amount was added, then a General Ledger record will be posted for the updated commission expense. The Invoice Number field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

8-10 Commission Maintenance

How to Enter/Maintain Commissions (COMMISSION.MAINT), Continued

Procedure (continued)

Step Action 11 Do you want to maintain another invoice?

If yes, return to Step 2. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu.

Procedure for Changing the Commission Amount 12 Click the Amount box.

Note: There may be multiple sales representative codes listed. To access commission amounts further down the list use the arrow ↓ box to the right of the Due box. Result: The Amount field for this Rep is highlighted.

13 Type the commission amount earned by the sales representative and press [Enter]. Result: A dialog box “NOTE - changing this amount will adjust GL for Commission Expense” displays. Click OK to close the dialog box. The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

14 Do you want to make any other changes? If yes, return to step 3. If no, click OK. Result: The system updates the commission record with the new commission amount. It also posts a General Ledger record for the updated commission expense. The Invoice Number field is highlighted.

15 Do you want to maintain another invoice? If yes, return to Step 2. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu.

Continued on next page

Commission Maintenance 8-11

How to Enter/Maintain Commissions (COMMISSION.MAINT), Continued

Procedure (continued)

Step Action Procedure for Changing the Commission Due Amount

16 Click the Due box. Note: This field can only be changed for “I” type commission records only. Result: The Due field is highlighted.

17 Type the new commission due amount and press [Enter]. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

18 Do you want to make any other changes? If yes, return to step 3. If no, click OK. Result: The system updates the commission record with the new commission due amount. The Invoice Number field is highlighted.

19 Do you want to maintain another invoice? If yes, return to Step 2. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu.

Procedure for Placing Commission Payment on Hold 20 Click the Commission on Hold box.

Result: A check (√) appears in the box and the cursor returns to the Form Command Buttons.

Continued on next page

8-12 Commission Maintenance

How to Enter/Maintain Commissions (COMMISSION.MAINT), Continued

Procedure (continued)

Step Action 21 Do you want to make any other changes?

If yes, return to step 3. If no, click OK. Result: The system updates the commission record with the hold flag. The Invoice Number field is highlighted.

22 Do you want to maintain another invoice? If yes, return to Step 2. If no, click Cancel. Result: You are returned to the menu.

Commission Maintenance 8-13

Figure 8-3. The Sales Representative Commission Payable Reports (COMMISSION.RPTS) – Invoice Type Report

COMMISSION.RPTS 14:32:31 May 09 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 62830 Page 1 Invoice Commission Report (“I” Type) For Invoices with Commission Amount Due with Invoice dates between 04-01-YY and 04-30-YY Sales Rep 10 TOM MOSS Cust D Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice Total Commission Nbr Customer Name C Number Date Amount Balance Due Commission Due Hld ------ ------------------------- - --------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- 20001 CROMWELL AND SMITH 20020 04-01-YY 466.00 466.00 22.50 22.50 20001 CROMWELL AND SMITH 21020 04-05-YY 22.50 22.50 1.13 1.13 20001 CROMWELL AND SMITH 22120 04-18-YY 5,400.00 5,400.00 270.00 270.00 20001 CROMWELL AND SMITH 33020 04-21-YY 56.25 56.25 2.81 2.81 20001 CROMWELL AND SMITH * 34020 04-28-YY 18.75 18.75 0.94 0.94 ========== ========== =========== ========== Sales Rep 10 Totals: 5,963.50 5,963.50 297.38 297.38 ------ ------------------------- - --------- -------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- --- Grand Totals: 5,963.50 5,963.50 297.38 297.38

Figure 8-4. The Sales Representative Commission Payable Reports (COMMISSION.RPTS) – Cash Receipt Type Report COMMISSION.RPTS 13:40:09 May 12 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 62060 Page 1 Cash Commission Report (“R” Type) For All Commissionable Invoices with Invoice dates between 11-01-YY and 12-31-YY Sales Rep 20 BOB ROSS Cust D Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice Total Unearned A/P Invoice A/P Inv Nbr Customer Name C Number Date Amount Balance Due Commission Commission Amount Date Hld ------ ------------------- - ------ -------- ------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------- -------- -- 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 206 11-30-YY 864.00 864.00 43.20 43.20 ======== =========== ========== ========== =========== Sales Rep 20 Totals: 864.00 864.00 43.20 43.20 0.00 Grand Totals: 864.00 864.00 43.20 43.20 0.00

8-14 Commission Maintenance

Commission Maintenance Audit Reports

Introduction Your D2K system provides one report that can be used to audit transactions

entered in the COMMISSION.MAINT function.

Illustrations Figure 8-3 is an illustration showing the invoice type Sales Representative

Commission Payable Report (COMMISSION.RPTS) Figure 8-4 is an illustration showing the cash receipts type Sales Representative Commission Payable Report (COMMISSION.RPTS)

Reports and descriptions

The table below describes the audit reports that provide details of commission maintenance changes entered through the COMMISSION.MAINT function.

Function Description

COMMISSION.RPTS Prints a sales representative’s commissions payable report.

Commission Maintenance 8-15

Knowledge Check

Directions Answer the following questions. This knowledge check is based on the

objectives stated in the beginning of this section.

Question 1 What are three areas of commission information that you can change through

the COMMISSION.MAINT function? • • •

Question 2

TRUE or FALSE You can place commission payments on hold through the COMMISSION.MAINT function.

Question 3

TRUE or FALSE The total commission split percentages do not have to equal 100.

What’s next Compare your answers to the ones provided on the next page.

If you were unable to complete this knowledge check, please review the chapter before proceeding. If you are still uncomfortable with the information provided, or have specific questions regarding your system, contact your System Administrator or D2K Customer Care Representative.

8-16 Commission Maintenance

Knowledge Check Answers

Answer 1 What are three areas of commission information that you can change through

the COMMISSION.MAINT function? • Sales Representative Code. • Commission Amount Calculated. • Commission Amount Due (for “I” commission records only).

Answer 2

TRUE or FALSE You can place commission payments on hold through the COMMISSION.MAINT function.

Explanation: Commission payments put on hold will not have the commission amount printed on the COMMISSION.RPTS report.

Answer 3

TRUE or FALSE The total commission split percentages do not have to equal 100.

Finance Charge Calculation 9-1

Chapter 9

Finance Charge Calculation


Introduction The finance charge calculation function is used to calculate the amounts of

finance charges payable on open invoices due on or before the “cutoff date” determined at run time less all unapplied credits to date. Invoices with a “disputed” status are not subject to finance charges. It optionally creates open items for these charges and provides an audit report listing all current charges calculated. The finance charge flag must be set to “Y” in the customer record for finance charges to be calculated. Parameters in your AR.CONSTANTS record determine the finance charges payable, as follows: • The minimum accounts receivable dollar balance required in order for

finance charges to be calculated. • The percentage to apply to the accounts receivable balance subject to

finance charges to calculate the amount of finance charges payable. • The due date can be calculated using the terms code from the customer

master file or can be set to equal the invoice date. • The number of invoice aging days to subtract from the “as of date” you

enter to determine the “cutoff date” used for the finance charge calculation.

• The inclusion/exclusion of previous finance charges in the accounts receivable balance subject to finance charges.

• The minimum finance charge amount allowed. If a finance charge percentage is specified in a customer record, this percentage will be used to calculate charges for the customer instead of the percentage specified in your AR.CONSTANTS record.

Purpose The purpose of this section is to introduce you to the finance charge

calculation function, and to provide you with the procedures necessary to calculate finance charges for your customer’s past due invoices.

Continued on next page

9-2 Finance Charge Calculation

Finance Charge Calculation, Continued

Objectives Upon completion of this section, you will be able to

• Describe the finance charge calculation process, • Describe the FINANCE.CHARGES function, and identify its key fields, • Print a finance charge report, • Create finance charge open items using the FINANCE.CHARGES

function, and • Identify the report that audits transactions created in the


Finance Charge Calculation 9-3

Figure 9-1. The Finance Charge Calculation Process

User needs to calculate finance charges for past

due invoices


to calculate finance charges

System calculates finance charges

System creates A/R open item records for the

finance charge amount and updates the balance

due amount on the customer record

Print report only?

Finance charge report prints

Nothing is created or updated on the system

Yes No

System calculates finance charges

Finance charge report prints

9-4 Finance Charge Calculation

The Finance Charge Calculation Process

Description The finance charge calculation process involves selecting invoices with a due

date on or before the specified “cutoff-date” and calculating the amount of finance charges payable. The user can also choose to create open items for these charges. If open items are created, the system will also provide an audit report listing all current charges calculated.

Illustration Figure 9-1 is an illustration of the finance charge calculation process.

Process The table below describes the finance charge calculation process.

Stage Description 1 User determines a need to calculate finance charges on past due

invoices. 2 The user accesses the FINANCE.CHARGES function, and enters

the “cut-off” due date for selecting past due invoices for the calculation.

3 User decides whether to only print a report or to create open items for the finance charges calculated.

4 The system calculates finance charges payable on the selected past due invoices.

5 If user selects to create open items, then the system creates open items for the finance charge amounts calculated and updates the customer’s balance due amount.

Finance Charge Calculation 9-5

Figure 9-2. The FINANCE.CHARGES Function

9-6 Finance Charge Calculation


Description The function FINANCE.CHARGES is used to calculate the amount of

finance charges payable on past due open invoices due on or before the “cutoff date” entered at run time. It optionally creates open items for these charges and provides an audit report listing all current charges calculated.

Illustration Figure 9-2 is an illustration of the FINANCE.CHARGES function.

Fields and descriptions

The table below describes the key fields on the FINANCE.CHARGES screen.

Field Description

Report only This field allows the user to choose whether to create open items for the calculated finance charges or to just print a report.

Document Date The date to be used as the invoice date, the general ledger posting date, and the accounts receivable aging date for all charges calculated.

As of Date The date to be used as the “As of Date” in the finance charge calculation.

Cutoff Date The value specified in the “Invoice Aging Days for Cutoff” constant in AR.CONSTANTS is subtracted from the “As of Date” to determine the Cutoff Date used in the finance charge calculation. Open invoices with due dates on or before the Cutoff Date will be included in the accounts receivable balance subject to finance charges. Invoices due after the Cutoff Date will not be considered in the calculation.

Division Option Allows user the option of selecting open items based on the sales division number stored in the accounts receivable open item record, in the customer record, or to not select open items by sales division number.

Division Number If division number option of customer or accounts receivable open items was selected, then user can select to calculate finance charges on specific sales divisions or all sales divisions.

Finance Charge Calculation 9-7

How to Calculate Finance Charges (FINANCE.CHARGES)

Introduction You have decided to calculate finance charges on your customers’ past due

invoices. You will use the function FINANCE.CHARGES to calculate the finance charges.

Accessing the function

Use the boxes below to write your menu path to the FINANCE.CHARGES function.

Procedure Complete the steps in the table below to calculate finance charges.

Step Action 1 Access the function FINANCE.CHARGES.

Result: The Report Only? Field is highlighted.

2 Press [Tab] to bypass this box and to have the system calculate finance charge amounts, print the report, and create accounts receivable open items for the finance charge amounts. Click this box so that a check (√) appears and to have the system only calculate finance charge amounts and print the report. Result: The Document Date field is highlighted.

3 Type a valid date and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use default date. Note: This date is used as the invoice and aging date in creating the new finance charge open items and posting to general ledger Result: The As Of Date field is highlighted.

4 Type a valid date and press [Tab] or press [Tab] to use default date. Result: The system calculates a cut-off date using the entered date and subtracts the number of days controlled by AR.CONSTANTS, then displays the cut-off date. The Division Option field is highlighted.

Continued on next page

9-8 Finance Charge Calculation

How to Calculate Finance Charges (FINANCE.CHARGES), Continued

Procedure (continued)

Step Action 5 The drop down menu shows options of A, C, or N. Click A to

select open items based on the sales division number stored in the accounts receivable open item record, or Click C to select based on the sales division number stored in the customer record, or Click N to not select based on sales division number. Press [Enter].

6 Is the Division Number field highlighted? If yes, type a valid sales division number(s) and press [Enter] or press [Enter] to select ALL sales divisions. Note1: Type ?? or click the magnify glass to display a validation table of available codes. If no, see result below. Result: The cursor moves to the Form Command Buttons.

7 Click OK. Result: The system calculates the finance charge amounts and prints a report. Depending on the “Report Only” flag, the system will also create accounts receivable open items for the finance charge amounts. You are returned to the menu.

Finance Charge Calculation 9-9

Figure 9-3. The Finance Charge Report (FINANCE.CHARGES) FINANCE.CHARGES May 21 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 61340 Page 1 Finance Charges Report - As of 10-31-YY For Past Due Invoices with Due Dates on or before 10-01-YY Minimum Balance - 5.00 Minimum Finance Charge Amount - 1.00

1 2 Division 01 Customer Customer AR Bal Subject Finance Charge Document Number Name Balance To Fin Charge Per Cent Amount Number Date

3 2000 CROMWELL AND SMITH 6021.72 6402.97 7.00 448.21 F1 12-31-YY 2000A CROMWELL AND SMITH 9535.00 9535.00 2.00 190.70 F2 12-31-YY 13125 ARNET DISTRIBUTORS 590.00 590.00 2.00 11.80 F3 12-31-YY ------- Division 01 Totals 650.71 ======= Total Finance Charge 650.71

Nbr Description 1 Minimum balance due on which to calculate finance charges is controlled by

AR.CONSTANTS. 2 Minimum finance charge amount is controlled by AR.CONSTANTS. 3 Finance charge percent defaults first from the customer record, then from


9-10 Finance Charge Calculation

Figure 9-4. The Finance Charge Inquiry (SHOW.FIN.CHGS) – Report Screen

Finance Charge Calculation 9-11

Figure 9-5. The Finance Charge Inquiry (SHOW.FIN.CHGS) – Recap Screen

9-12 Finance Charge Calculation

Finance Charge Calculation Audit Reports

Introduction Your D2K system provides two reports that can be used to audit transactions

entered in the FINANCE.CHARGES function.

Illustrations Figure 9-3 is an illustration of the FINANCE.CHARGES report.

Figure 9-4 is an illustration of the SHOW.FIN.CHGS report/inquiry. Figure 9-5 is an illustration of the SHOW.FIN.CHGS recap report/inquiry.

Reports and descriptions

The table below describes the audit reports that provide details of finance charges calculated through the FINANCE.CHARGES function.

Function Description

FINANCE.CHARGES Calculates finance charges and prints an audit report of the calculated finance charges.

SHOW.FIN.CHGS Prints or displays a report of finance charges payable by customers on past due open items based on options specified at run time.

Finance Charge Calculation 9-13

Knowledge Check

Directions Answer the following questions. This knowledge check is based on the

objectives stated in the beginning of this section.

Question 1

TRUE or FALSE The FINANCE.CHARGES function will calculate finance charges on disputed invoices.

Question 2

TRUE or FALSE The customer record contains a flag to determine if finance charges are to be calculated.

Question 3

TRUE or FALSE Finance charge percentages are in both the AR.CONSTANTS and the customer record.

What’s next Compare your answers to the ones provided on the next page.

If you were unable to complete this knowledge check, please review the chapter before proceeding. If you are still uncomfortable with the information provided, or have specific questions regarding your system, contact your System Administrator or D2K Customer Care Consultant.

9-14 Finance Charge Calculation

Knowledge Check Answers

Answer 1

TRUE or FALSE The FINANCE.CHARGES function will calculate finance charges on disputed invoices.

Explanation: Finance charges are not calculated on disputed invoices since these invoices are not aged until the dispute status is removed.

Answer 2

TRUE or FALSE The customer record contains a flag to determine if finance charges are to be calculated.

Explanation: The MNT.CUSTOMER function contains a finance charge flag on the second screen. If the flag is Y, then finance charges will be calculated on past due invoices. If the flag, is N or null, then no finance charges will be calculated even if the customer has past due invoices.

Answer 3

TRUE or FALSE Finance charge percentages are in both the AR.CONSTANTS and the customer record.

Explanation: The MNT.CUSTOMER function contains a finance charge percent prompt on the second screen. If a percent is stored there, then the customer’s percentage will be used instead of the percent in AR.CONSTANTS. The system uses the finance charge percent in AR.CONSTANTS as the default.

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-1

Chapter 10

Accounts Receivable Reports


Introduction Accounts Receivable reporting is a crucial tool used by management to check

the status of customer’s open balances, to audit transactions to verify customer’s balances, and to identify the total open accounts receivable value.

Purpose The purpose of this chapter is to review the key reports contained in the

Accounts Receivable module.

Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to

• Identify and describe the key reports found in the Accounts Receivable

module • Describe the use for the function AGE.AR • Describe the use for the function FLEX.AGE.AR

Learning advice

There are several additional reports available within the Accounts Receivable module. Only the key reports are discussed in this chapter. In addition, it is possible that custom reports have been created to meet your specific company’s requirements. Contact your System Administrator or D2K Customer Care Consultant for specific information regarding your reports.

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-2

Key Reports

Introduction The Accounts Receivable module contains many reports, which present

accounts receivable data in different manners.

Functions ands descriptions

The table below describes the key report functions found in the Accounts Receivable module.

Function Description

CASH.JOURNAL Prints a journal of accounts receivable transactions such as cash receipts and cash applications for deposits, payments on accounts, and chargebacks. Can also print a journal of transactions for miscellaneous cash receipts (that do not affect accounts receivable).

AGE.AR Prints customer’s open items based on options selected at run time. Also used for balancing period-end totals to general ledger.

FLEX.AGE.AR Prints customer’s open items based upon options set-up in parameter records.


Prints customer statements, showing the customer's accounts receivable activity and open items, based on options selected at run-time.

COMMISSIONS.RPTS Prints a sales representative’s commissions payable report.

SALES.TAX.REG Prints a report of sales tax liability information for a selected date range based on options specified at run time.

DISPUTED.INV.RPT Prints a report of disputed invoices. DEPOSIT.RPT Prints customer deposits received and deposits

applied within a selected date range. ADJUST.JRNL Prints a journal of adjustments made to Accounts

Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Vendor 1099 files.

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-3

Finding the Report You Want

Introduction There are hundreds of report functions on your D2K system. At times, it may

be an intimidating task to find the report that provides you with the type of information you need.

Learning aid The table below describes the types of information you may be looking for on

a report, and suggested reports to print.

IF you need to … THEN consider… Audit the cash receipts just entered CASH.JOURNAL Audit miscellaneous cash receipts just entered


Determine what is your current total accounts receivable aging value


Identify your delinquent customers, how much they owe, and the age of their invoices.


Determine the value of your accounts receivable balances for a fiscal period whose closing date has passed for balancing to general ledger


Print an open items statement for all customers or a selected customer


Print an open items statement for all delinquent customers


Determine how much commission is owed for sales representatives paid on cash receipts or on invoices


Determine what is your sales tax liability for a period / month


Identify invoices disputed by your customers DISPUTED.INV.RPT Determine the value of customer deposits received, and the value of deposits applied to open invoices.


Accounts Receivable Reports 10-4

Figure 10-1. The Cash Journal Report (CASH.JOURNAL) – Detail Report CASH.JOURNAL 17:39:14 May 09 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60060 Page 1 Detail Cash Receipts Journal For Posting Dates 07-01-YY through 07-31-YY *** Cash Applied Transactions *** Cust Customer Check Refer Transaction Open Disc Amt/ On Acct/Chgback Cash No. Name Number No. Amount Amount Allowances Amount Refer Received

______________________________________________________________________ 1 _____________ 2 _______________ 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 5394 -100.00 P00025

Post Date 07-23-YY CASH APPLIED 3 4 5 6 Batch# Bank A Pmt Type HC Seq# 00025 Totals: -100.00 100.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 2349 -100.00 P00026 Post Date 07-23-YY CASH APPLIED Batch# Bank L Pmt Type HC Seq# 00026 Totals: -100.00 100.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 5394 100.00 P00025 Post Date 07-23-YY REVERSAL Batch# Bank A Pmt Type HC Seq# 00027 Totals: 100.00 -100.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 543 10009M 134.00 10010M 168.00 10011M 450.00 252.00 Post Date 07-15-YY CASH APPLIED Batch# Bank A Pmt Type HC Seq# A00020 Totals: 752.00 252.00 500.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 9888 10568M 600.00 10579M 468.75 10202M 1010.00 100.00 Post Date 07-17-YY CASH APPLIED Batch# Bank A Pmt Type HC Seq# A00021 Totals: 2078.75 100.00 1978.75 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20001 CROMWELL AND SMITH 593 20020 466.00 66.00 B20020A Post Date 07-22-YY CASH APPLIED Batch# Bank A Pmt Type HC Seq# A00022 Totals: 466.00 66.00 400.00 UNAUTHORIZED DEDUCTION ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ----------- ------- --------- ------ -------- *** Cash Applied Totals *** 3296.75 352.00 -34.00 2978.75 *** Cash Applied General Ledger Recap *** Allowance Account Number Description Debit Amount Credit Amount Codes ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ------------- ----------- 01-01-1120 Cash in Bank 2,978.75 01-01-1200 Accounts Receivable 2,978.75 ------------- ------------- 2,978.75 2,978.75 Cust Customer Check Refer Transaction Open Disc Amt/ On Acct/Chgback Cash No. Name Number No. Amount Amount Allowances Amount Refer Received ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *** Grand Total Cash Received *** 0.00 2,978.75 Deposits Received: 0.00 Deposits Applied : 0.00 A/R Change : -2,978.75

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-5

Figure 10-1. The Cash Journal Report (CASH.JOURNAL) – Detail Report

Nbr Description 1 Cash discounts and other allowance amounts applied to the transaction.

2 These columns reflect either the cash received applied to a payment on account or the open invoice amount moved to a chargeback. Payment on account item reference numbers begin with a P. Chargeback reference numbers begin with a B.

3 Trans Type is the type of transaction. For split check posting, the initial customer keyed appears with the notation “/Split” after the transaction type. Transaction types include Cash Applied, Reversal, Deposit, and Deposit Reversal.

4 If you are using batch processing for APPLY.CASH, then a batch number will print. If not, then this will be blank.

5 Bank code is the code identifying the bank in which cash was credited/debited. 6 Payment Type. System-assigned codes include:

• CS – cash (cash sales through invoicing functions only) • CK – check (cash sales through invoicing functions only) • HC – house charge (the default payment type)

Figure10-2. The Cash Journal Report (CASH.JOURNAL) – Miscellaneous Cash Report CASH.JOURNAL 18:47:36 May 09 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60060 Page 1 Detail Cash Receipts Journal For Posting Dates 07-01-YY through 07-31-YY *** Miscellaneous Cash Transactions *** Bank N - CHASE MANHATTAN BANK Posting Check Cash Offset Date Payor Number Amount Offset Account Number Offset Account Description Amount -------- ----------------------- ------ ------------ ---------------------- -------------------------- -------- 07-09-YY CG 521 25.00 01-01-6600 Miscellaneous Income -25.00 ------------- -------- Bank N Total 25.00 -25.00 -------- ----------------------- ------ ------------ ---------------------- -------------------------- -------- *** Miscellaneous Cash Total *** 25.00 -25.00 CASH.JOURNAL 18:47:36 May 09 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60060 Page 2 Detail Cash Receipts Journal For Posting Dates 07-01-YY through 07-31-YY *** Miscellaneous Cash General Ledger Recap *** Account Number Description Debit Amount Credit Amount ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ------------- 01-01-1120 Cash in Bank 25.00 01-01-6600 Miscellaneous Income 25.00 ------------- ------------- 25.00 25.00

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-6

Figure 10-3. The Cash Journal Report (CASH.JOURNAL) – General Ledger Recap CASH.JOURNAL 17:39:14 May 09 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60060 Page 3 Detail Cash Receipts Journal For Posting Dates 07-01-YY through 07-31-YY *** General Ledger Recap *** Account Number Description Debit Amount Credit Amount ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- ------------- 01-01-1120 Cash in Bank 3,003.75 01-01-1200 Accounts Receivable 2,978.75 01-01-6600 Miscellaneous Income 25.00 ------------- ------------- 3.003.75 3,003.75

Figure 10-4. The Cash Journal Report (CASH.JOURNAL) – Summary Report CASH.JOURNAL 18:47:36 May 09 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60060 Page 1 Summary Cash Receipts Journal For Posting Dates 07-01-YY through 07-31-YY *** Cash Applied Transactions *** Batch Bank Pmt Seq. Cust Customer Check Check Posting Cash Discount/ Transaction Nbr. Code Typ Nbr. Nbr. Name Nbr. Date Date Received Allowance Type ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A HC 00025 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 5394 07-19-YY 07-23-YY 100.00 CASH APPLIED L HC 00026 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 2349 07-08-YY 07-23-YY 100.00 CASH APPLIED A HC 00027 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 5394 07-19-YY 07-23-YY -100.00 REVERSAL A HC A00020 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 543 06-15-YY 07-15-YY 500.00 CASH APPLIED A HC A00021 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 9888 07-09-YY 07-17-YY 1978.75 CASH APPLIED A HC A00022 20001 CROMWELL AND SMITH 593 07-19-YY 07-22-YY 400.00 CASH APPLIED ------------ ------------ *** Cash Applied Totals *** 2978.75 0.00

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-7

The Cash Journal Report (CASH.JOURNAL)

Description The CASH.JOURNAL function prints a journal of the following accounts

receivable cash transactions: • Cash receipts and cash applications recorded in the APPLY.CASH and

DEPOSIT.ENTRY functions • Cash receipts for cash sales transactions processed in sales invoicing

functions • Deposit receipts recorded at sales order entry in the ORDER.ENTRY,

DIRECT.INVOICING, and COUNTER functions • Deposit applications performed at sales invoicing in the COUNTER

and ORDER.INVOICING functions • Deposit receipts and deposit, cash, or credit applications reversed in the

REVERSE.CHECK function Optionally prints a miscellaneous cash journal for cash receipt transactions recorded in the MISC.CASH and VENDOR.RGA.ENTRY functions. (These transactions do not affect customer accounts receivable.). Purged invoice records (ARH) will be noted on the report. Allowance information will not be available for these records.

Illustration Figure 10-1 is an illustration of the detail Cash Journal Report.

Figure 10-2 is an illustration of the Cash Journal miscellaneous cash journal. Figure 10-3 is an illustration of the Cash Journal Report general ledger recap. Figure 10-4 is an illustration of the summary Cash Journal Report.

Sort Options A primary and secondary sort options are offered for the cash journal. If a

batch selection criterion is specified at run time, then batch number is primary and a secondary sort option may be selected. The report may be sorted by • Customer Name • Customer Number • Optional Sort Field • Cash Sequence Number • Batch Number (if batch processing is being used) • Bank Code • Payment Type

Continued on next page

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-8

The Cash Journal Report (CASH.JOURNAL), Continued

Selection Options

Specific data may be printed on the report by choosing: • A summary journal/recap. The summary cash journal provides basic

information for each cash transaction • A detail journal/recap. The detail cash journal provides detailed

information for each cash transaction, or • A general recap only. The general ledger recap provides summarized

general ledger posting activity by general ledger account number • Option to include separate miscellaneous cash receipts journal • ALL or selected batches (if batch processing is being used) • ALL batches or open batches only (if batch processing is being used) • A range of individual or batch transaction dates to include. NOTE:

Batch transaction dates are checked only if ALL batches are included on the journal.

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-9

Figure 10-5. The Accounts Receivable Open Item Aging Report (AGE.AR) – Detail Report AGE.AR 12:41:40 May 09 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 62830 Page 1 Accounts Receivable Detail Aging by Customer

Aged as of 06-30-YY on Due Date 1 After 06-01-YY 05-02-YY 04-02-YY 03-03-YY Prior to Ref. Trans Reference Due Reference Balance 06-30-YY 06-30-YY 05-31-YY 05-01-YY 04-01-YY 03-03-YY No. Type Date Date Amount PO Nbr Due Future Current 31-60 61-90 91-120 Over 120

______________________________________________________________________ 4 ________________________________ 2000 CROMWELL AND SMITH 29 LINDEN AVE. WESTFIELD,NJ 07090 891-5352

5 Credit Limit: 7500 Payment Trms: 1%15D, NET30 Sales Rep: 20 BOB ROSS 6 * * * * * * * DISPUTED INVOICES * * * * * * * * * 34020 INVCE 04-28-YY 18.75 18.75 -------- -------- Total Disputed 18.75 18.75 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * B2 CHGBCK 08-11-YY 08-11 100.00 100.00 100.00 10000 DBADJ 07-16-YY 08-15 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1050 DBADJ 07-16-YY 08-15 1010.00 1010.00 1010.00 1161 CRADJ 07-16-YY 08-15 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 160 DBADJ 09-22-YY 10-22 900.00 163.72 163.72 90020 CRMEMO 04-07-YY 04-07 -5.50 -5.50 -5.50 91220 CRMEMO 04-28-YY 04-28 -10.00 -10.00 -10.00 11920 INVCE 04-10-YY 05-09 50.00 50.00 50.00 20020 INVCE 04-28-YY 05-28 466.00 10 466.00 466.00 21020 INVCE 04-28-YY 05-28 22.50 16 22.50 22.50 22120 INVCE 04-28-YY 05-28 5400.00 25 5400.00 5400.00 33020 INVCE 04-28-YY 05-28 56.25 56.25 56.25 --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Customer Totals 8889.25 8152.97 5994.75 -15.50 2173.72 Total A/R including Disputed 8908.00 8171.72 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grand Total Non-disputed 0.00 5994.75 0.00 8889.25 8152.97 0.00 -15.50 2173.72 Grand Total Disputed 18.75 18.75 Grand Total A/R 8908.00 8171.72 End of Report 12:41:40 May 09 YYYY

Nbr Description 1 Aging date is entered at run-time. The option to age on due date or invoice date is controlled

by AR.CONSTANTS. 2 Transaction type code for the open item. Codes utilized include:

• INVCE - Invoice • ONACCT - Payment On Account • CHGBACK -Chargeback • FINCHG - Finance Charge • CRMEMO - Credit Memo • DBADJ - Debit Adjustment • CRADJ - Credit Adjustment

Continued on next page

2 3

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-10

Figure 10-5. The Accounts Receivable Open Item Aging Report (AGE.AR) – Detail Report, continued

Nbr Description 3 Customer PO Number is an example of an optional detail field selected to print. Up to two

can be selected to print. 4 This is an example of specified number of days for aging buckets. Other options are

calendar with the cut-off date specified in AR.CONSTANTS and monthly. 5 These are examples of optional header field selected to print. Up to three can be selected. 6 Disputed invoices and deposits are separated from the customers open item aging. A total

for both disputed and deposit amounts in included for the customer and grand totals. The final accounts receivable total includes only the amount for disputed invoices, not deposits.

Figure 10-6. The Accounts Receivable Open Item Aging Report (AGE.AR) – Summary Report AGE.AR 14:09:44 May 09 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 62830 Page 1 Divisional Accounts Receivable Summary Calendar Aging by Customer Aged as of 05-31-YY on Due Date Division 01 DIVISION 1 After 05-26-YY 04-26-YY 03-26-YY 02-26-YY Prior to Cust Customer 06-25-YY 06-25-YY 05-25-YY 04-25-YY 03-25-YY 02-25-YY No. Name Total Future Current 7-36 37-67 68-95 Over 95 Crdt Limit

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 _____ 2000A CROMWELL AND SMITH 9535.00 2500.00 1175.00 5860.00 7500 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 93.75 93.75 10000 13125 ARNET DISTRIBUTORS 590.00 500.00 90.00 Division 01 Totals 10218.75 0.00 3093.75 1265.00 0.00 0.00 5860.00 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grand Total Non-disputed 0.00 1265.00 0.00 10218.75 3093.75 0.00 5860.00 Grand Total Disputed 0.00 Grand Total A/R 10218.75 End of Report 14:09:45 May 09 YYYY

Nbr Description 1 This is an example of calendar for aging buckets with the cut-off date specified

in AR.CONSTANTS. Other options are specified number of days and monthly. 2 This is an example of optional header field selected to print. Up to three can be



Accounts Receivable Reports 10-11

The Accounts Receivable Open Item Aging Report (AGE.AR)

Description The AGE.AR function prints an aging of open accounts receivable items,

based on options selected at run time. The report may be printed on demand at any time. Parameters in your AR.CONSTANTS record determine the format and content of the report, as follows: • The aging of open items can be based on either invoice date or due date. • The number of days to be used for aging periods (buckets). This can be

calendar month with a specified end of month closing date, or a specified number of days (such as 30).

• The aging of credits can be either in invoice or due date order or in the oldest open aging period.

Illustration Figure 10-5 is an illustration showing the Accounts Receivable Open Items

Aging detail report. Figure 10-6 is an illustration showing the Accounts Receivable Open Items Aging summary report.

Sort Options The primary sort for the report may be

• Sales Division • General Ledger Account Number. • No primary (major) sort The secondary sort for the report may be • Customer Number • Customer Name • Sales Representative Code • Optional Sort Parameter • Date of the Oldest Open Invoice

Continued on next page

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-12

The Accounts Receivable Open Item Aging Report (AGE.AR), Continued

Selection Options

Specific data may be printed on the report by choosing • A cutoff “As Of” date, which can be either invoice or general ledger

transaction date. This date is also used to determine the aging periods and balances show.

• Summarized totals by customer or transaction detail by customer • ALL customers or only customers delinquent for a specified number of

days, or months • To exclude customers with zero balances • Include, separate, or subtotal the aging of sub-customers with their

associated master customers The following choices are based on the secondary sort option selected • ALL customer numbers, a range of customer numbers, or selected

customer numbers • ALL customer names, a range of customer names, or selected customer

names • ALL sales representative codes, a range of sales representative codes, or

selected sales representative codes • ALL oldest open invoice date, a range of oldest open invoice dates, or

selected oldest open invoice date • ALL optional sort parameters, a range of optional sort parameters, or

selected optional sort parameters. For detail reports up to two additional fields of detail information may be selected from the following: • Open Item’s Sales Representative Code • Open Item’s Payment Terms • Open Item’s Ship To Number • Open Item’s Purchase Order Number • Open Item’s Sub-Customer Number • Number of Days Old

Continued on next page

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-13

The Accounts Receivable Open Item Aging Report (AGE.AR), Continued

Selection Options (continued)

For summary and detail reports, up to three additional fields of header information may be selected from the following: • Customer’s Phone Number • Customer Contact • Customer’s Credit Limit • Customer’s Last Payment Date • Customer’s Last Payment Amount • Customers Last Invoice Date • Customer’s Last Invoice Amount • Customer’s Current Accounts Receivable Balance • Customer’s Year-To-Date Sales Amount • Customer’s Sales Representative Code • Customer’s Credit Status • Customer’s Open Sales Order Balance • Customer’s Payment Terms • Customer’s Oldest Open Invoice Date

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-14

Figure 10-7. The Flexible Accounts Receivable Open Item Aging Report (FLEX.AGE.AR) – Summary Type Report

FLEX.AGE.AR 12:30:38 May 12 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 62060 Page 1 Account Receivable Summary Monthly Aging By Customer

Aged as of 05-31-YY on Due Date, Cutoff Date 05-31-YY 1 Parameter DELS: Standard Accounts Receivable Summary Aging Includes Zero Balance Due items

2 3 05-02-YY 04-02-YY 03-03-YY Before Cust Customer Credit YTD Oldest Balance 05-31-YY 05-01-YY 04-01-YY 03-03-YY No. Name Limit Billings Date Due Current 31-60 61-90 Over 90 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20001 CROMWELL AND SMITH 7500 5998.00 02-11-YY 7,402.97 5944.75 34.50 1423.72 *** Disputed: 18.75 *** Total A/R: 7,421.72 *** Deposits: -1,200.00 2000A CROMWELL AND SMITH 7500 0.00 02-01-YY 9,535.00 9535.00 10001 CROMWELL & SMITH 0.00 01-07-YY 45.00 45.00 10025 CROMWELL & SMITH 1352.50 12-15-YY 2,831.00 1040.00 187.50 1603.50 12108 GIANT CORPORATION 10000 0.00 09-12-YY 43,862.43 43862.43 *** Deposits: -425.50 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 864.00 01-31-YY 47,889.43 47889.43 13125 ARNET DISTRIBUTORS 590.00 03-03-YY 590.00 590.00 Grand Totals: =========== =========== ========== ========= ========= 112,155.83 6984.75 34.50 77.50 104359.08 Grand Totals Disputed: =========== 18.75 Grand Totals Including Disputed: =========== 112,174.58

Nbr Description 1 Aging date and cut-off date are specified at run-time. The option to age on due date or

invoice date is controlled by the parameter record. 2 Parameter record selected. 3 Aging buckets are controlled by the parameter record. Options are number of days,

calendar, and monthly. Whether to separate future or include future with current is also controlled by the parameter record.

Figure 10-8. The Flexible Accounts Receivable Open Item Aging Report (FLEX.AGE.AR) – Grand Totals Report

FLEX.AGE.AR 12:11:01 May 12 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 62060 Page 1 Account Receivable Detail Monthly Aging By Customer Aged as of 05-31-YY on Due Date, Cutoff Date 05-31-YY Parameter AMRDT: Standard Accounts Receivable Detail Aging Includes Zero Balance Due items After 04-01-YY 03-01-YY 02-01-YY Before Reference Trans Reference Due Reference Payment Balance 04-30-YY 04-30-YY 03-31-YY 02-28-YY 02-01-YY Number Type Date Date Amount Amount Due Current 1 Month 2 Months 3 Months Over 3 Mo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grand Totals: ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========= ========= ========= 720,578.84 1486.28 719,092.56 6984.75 34.50 777.50 1218.75 710077.06 Grand Totals Disputed: =========== =========== =========== 18.75 0.00 18.75 Grand Totals Including Disputed: =========== =========== =========== 720,597.59 1486.28 719,111.31

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-15

The Flexible Accounts Receivable Open Item

Aging Report (FLEX.AGE.AR)

Description The function FLEX.AGE.AR prints an aging report of accounts receivable

open items according to the options specified in a predefined aging parameter and based on options entered at run time. The report may be printed on demand at any time. The function allows entry of a predefined parameter record to specify report format and content. (Parameter records are initially built in either the BUILD.STD.AGE.AR or FLEX.AGE.AR.PARAMS, function and should be maintained in the FLEX.AGE.AR.PARAMS function). The predefined parameter records determine the format and content of the report, as follows: • Open items can be either aged by invoice date or by due date. • To age by a specified number of days, by calendar month with a

specified end of month closing date, or by month. • Credits can be either aged by invoice or due date or in the oldest open

aging period. • Sort and selection criteria can be selected. • Optional fields can be selected to print

Illustration Figure 10-7 is an illustration showing the Flexible Accounts Receivable Open

Items Aging report. Figure 10-8 is an illustration showing the Flexible Accounts Receivable Open Items Aging grand totals only report.

Sort Options Sorting options are determined by the parameter record selected.

Continued on next page

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-16

The Flexible Accounts Receivable Open Item

Aging Report (FLEX.AGE.AR), Continued

Selection Options

• Specific data may be printed on the report by choosing • A parameter record to use in report creation • A Cutoff Date. Items having either an invoice date or general ledger

transaction date equal to or earlier than the entered cutoff date print if they have an open balance as of the “Aging Date.”

• An Aging Date. Items having an open balance as of this date and which meet the “Cutoff Date” criteria are selected to print. This date is also used together with the options entered in the parameter record to determine the starting and ending dates of the aging buckets.

• A primary and secondary selection criteria based on the parameter record selected

• To print customer data or grand totals only.

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-17

Figure 10-9. The Customer Accounts Receivable Statement (STATEMENTS / LASER.STATEMENT) – Plain Paper.

D2K Wholesale Distribution ***STATEMENT***

1 REMIT TO: D2K Corporate Center Lock Box # 3333 Edison, NJ 07555 Browns Electric Supply Page 1 506302 P.O. Box 9340 Somerset NJ 08875-6800 Sls Rep Cd JJ As of 06-30-03 DATE TYPE REFERENCE PURCHASE ORDER NO CHARGES PAID/CREDITS BALANCE


3 * * * DEPOSITS * * * 05-19-03 DEPOS D6-19 Ck# CK541 500.00 -500.00 ----------- Deposit Total: -500.00

4 04-22-02 INVCE 22604 CONSOLIDATED 1,320.07 11-20-02 *PMT* Ck#342 638.28 05-15-03 *PMT* Ck#4432 100.00 581.79 04-22-02 INVCE 22608 CONSOLIDATED 361.66 361.66 04-22-02 INVCE 22609 44564546 220.80 220.80 04-23-02 INVCE 22610 CONSOLIDATED 478.70 478.70 06-10-02 INVCE 22664 279.84 279.84 01-15-03 INVCE 22973 7,791.00 7,791.00 02-20-03 INVCE 22942 14,696.90 14,696.90 02-24-03 INVCE 22943 574.74 574.74 04-11-03 INVCE 22988 1 427.17 427.17 04-14-03 INVCE 22990 1 18.64 18.64 05-08-03 INVCE 23035 12345 0.69 0.69

5 CURRENT 1 MONTH 2 MONTHS 3 MONTHS OVER 3 MOS. TOTAL AMT DUE 0.69 445.81 24,985.43 $25,431.93

Nbr Description 1 If you have created a Remit-To name and address information through the function

AR.REMIT.TO, then this will print on the statements. 2 This is an example of a sales stimulator message. Messages can be maintained

through the function AR.SALES.STIM.MAINT. 3 Open deposits print prior to accounts receivable activity and open items. 4 This is an example of printing accounts receivable activity along with open items.

When selecting to print open items only, items that have been paid and payment history do not print.

5 This is an example of monthly aging buckets. Other options are number of days and calendar.

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-18

The Customer Accounts Receivable Statement (STATEMENTS / LASER.STATEMENT)

Description The STATEMENTS function prints customer statements, showing the

customer's accounts receivable activity and open items, based on options selected at run-time. The LASER.STATEMENT function prints the same report except the statement form and data is printed on a laser printer. These functions should be run on a regular periodic basis. Parameters in your AR.CONSTANTS record determine the format and content of the statements, as follows: • The aging of receivables based on either invoice date or due date • The default number of days used for aging periods (buckets) • The inclusion/exclusion of future invoice amounts in the accounts

receivable balance calculated for the current aging period • The inclusion/exclusion of dunning messages on statements for

customers with a total balance due greater than zero and overdue open items for which a Statement Code of “Null” was specified in customer maintenance.

• The aging of credits in the same manner as invoices (invoice date or due date) or against the oldest open aging buckets.

• The accounts receivable end of month closing day used as the last day of each aging bucket when the calendar aging bucket option is specified at run time.

• The printing of information such as your company name and address, aging period (bucket) headings, and terms discount amounts on statements.

• The printing of separate statements for minor customers • The sort option utilized when statements are printed The accounts receivable Remit-To name and address information printed on the statements is set up and maintained through the function AR.REMIT.TO. The dunning messages printed on the statements are set up and maintained through the AR.DUNNING.MAINT function. A different message, varying in severity, is maintained for each of the three past-due aging periods shown on the statements. The minimum amount required to print the dunning message is also maintained through the AR.DUNNING.MAINT function for each of the three past-due aging periods shown on the statements. Sales stimulator messages are set up and maintained through the AR.SALES.STIM.MAINT function.

Continued on next page

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-19

The Customer Accounts Receivable Statement (STATEMENTS/ LASER.STATEMENT), Continued

Description (continued)

The Statement Code specified in customer maintenance controls statement printing at the customer level, as follows: • Statement Code = S, statements will not be printed for the customer • Statement Code = Y, statements will be printed for the customer and

will include a dunning message if the customer has a total balance due greater than zero and an overdue accounts receivable balance meeting a specified minimum amount.

• Statement Code = N, statements will be printed for the customer but will not include dunning messages

• Statement Code = Null, statements will be printed for the customer and the value specified in AR.CONSTANTS will determine whether dunning messages will be printed

Form Types There are various standard statement forms that can be utilized. For balance

forward statements, the balance forward amount prints on the first line in the detail section. • Plain paper form – This prints similar to the Form 6 described below. • Form 1 - The top portion of this statement serves as the remittance stub

on which your customer can enter the dollar amount of the remittance.

• Form 1B - This form is identical in design to Form 1. It is used to print “Balance Forward” statements.

• Form 2 - This form is similar to Form 1 in that the top portion of the statement serves as the remittance stub. However, this form is narrower and does not show the customer purchase order number.

• Form 2B - This form is identical in design to Form 2. It is used to print “Balance Forward” statements.

• Form 3 - The right portion of this statement is a remittance stub on which your customer can check off specific items being paid.

• Form 3B - This form is identical in design to Form 3. It is used to print “Balance Forward” statements.

• Form 5 - This form is similar to Form 3 in that the right portion of the statement serves as the remittance stub on which your customer can check off specific items being paid. Provides up to four overdue aging buckets depending on the “Future in Current Period” option specified in AR.CONSTANTS.

Continued on next page

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-20

The Customer Accounts Receivable Statement (STATEMENTS), Continued

Form Types (continued)

• Form 5B - This form is identical in design to Form 5. It is used to print Balance Forward statements. The balance forward balance prints on the first line in the detail section.

• Form 6 - The top portion of this statement serves as the remittance stub on which your customer can enter the dollar amount of the remittance. This form is longer to allow for additional statement lines per page. It has no column delimiters but does have alternate row shading. Provides up to four overdue aging buckets depending on the “Future in Current Period” option in AR.CONSTANTS.

• Form 6B - This form is identical in design to Form 6. It is used to print “Balance Forward” statements. The balance forward balance prints on the first line in the detail section.

• IAS Forms 150, 150BF, 151, 151A, 151B, 151BRT, 151BDD, or 151BPO

• Plain Paper Form. The program prints the headings along with the customer’s data so no preprinted form is required.

Please see your D2K Customer Care Consultant for samples of Laser Statement Forms.

Illustration Figure 10-9 is an illustration showing the Customer Statement using the plain

paper form.

Sort Options Sort options are predetermined in the AR.CONSTANTS record. The

statement may be sorted by • Customer Name • Customer Number • Optional Sort Field

Continued on next page

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-21

The Customer Accounts Receivable Statement (STATEMENTS / LASER.STATEMENT), Continued

Selection Options

Specific data may be printed on the statement by choosing • ALL, a range of customer numbers, or selected customer numbers • ALL or selected sales divisions • ALL customers, or only delinquent customers who have a balance in

the nth or greater past aging period. For example, if you are aging by invoice due date and your aging period size is 30 (both established in AR.CONSTANTS), and “2” is entered here, then statements will be printed only for those customers who have a balance in the “61-90 days” or older aging period. If a number larger than the oldest aging period is entered, the oldest aging period will be used.

• The current cutoff date for transaction activity • The previous cutoff date for transaction activity. When the current and

previous cutoff dates are the same, only open items will appear on the statement. When the current and previous cutoff dates are different, then accounts receivable activity from the previous date to the current date will appear as well as the open items.

• ALL customers, debit balance customers only, debit and zero balance

customers only, or debit and credit balance customers only. • To show accounts receivable balance totals for each aging period in

addition to the total balance due, or to show only the total accounts receivable balance due

• To select a sales stimulator message to print • To select the number of days used for aging periods (buckets). Options

are actual number of days (i.e., 30), C(alendar), or M(onthly).

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-22

Figure 10-10. Sales Representative Commission Payable Reports (COMMISSION.RPTS) – Invoice Type Report

COMMISSION.RPTS 14:32:31 May 09 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 62830 Page 1 Invoice Commission Report (“I” Type)

1 For Invoices with Commission Amount Due with Invoice dates between 04-01-YY and 04-30-YY Sales Rep 10 TOM MOSS Cust D Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice Total Commission Nbr Customer Name C Number Date Amount Balance Due Commission Due Hld ------ ------------------------- - --------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---

2 3 20001 CROMWELL AND SMITH 20020 04-01-YY 466.00 466.00 22.50 22.50 20001 CROMWELL AND SMITH 21020 04-05-YY 22.50 22.50 1.13 1.13 20001 CROMWELL AND SMITH 22120 04-18-YY 5,400.00 5,400.00 270.00 270.00 20001 CROMWELL AND SMITH 33020 04-21-YY 56.25 56.25 2.81 2.81 20001 CROMWELL AND SMITH * 34020 04-28-YY 18.75 18.75 0.94 0.94 ========== ========== =========== ========== Sales Rep 10 Totals: 5,963.50 5,963.50 297.38 297.38 ------ ------------------------- - --------- -------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- --- Grand Totals: 5,963.50 5,963.50 297.38 297.38

Nbr Description 1 Type can either be I for commission calculated on invoices or R for commission

calculated on cash receipts. 2 Dispute Code is the code identifying invoices in a dispute status. An invoice is flagged

as in dispute in the function AR.ITEM.MAINT. 3 Commission Due is printed on the invoice type report only.

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-23

Figure 10-11. Sales Representative Commission Payable Reports (COMMISSION.RPTS) – Cash Receipt Type Report COMMISSION.RPTS 13:40:09 May 12 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 62060 Page 1 Cash Commission Report (“R” Type) For All Commissionable Invoices with Invoice dates between 11-01-YY and 12-31-YY Sales Rep 20 BOB ROSS Cust D Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice Total Unearned A/P Invoice A/P Inv Nbr Customer Name C Number Date Amount Balance Due Commission Commission Amount Date Hld

------ ------------------- - ------ -------- ------- ----------- ---------- ---- 1 --- ---- 2 ---- -------- -- 12125 GIANT CORPORATION 206 11-30-YY 864.00 864.00 43.20 43.20 ======== =========== ========== ========== =========== Sales Rep 20 Totals: 864.00 864.00 43.20 43.20 0.00 Grand Totals: 864.00 864.00 43.20 43.20 0.00

Nbr Description 1 Unearned Commission is the total or partial amount of the sales representative's

commission that remains unearned. This column appears on the report for “R” type commissions. An Earned Commission, the total or partial amount of the sales representative's commission that has been earned, column appears on the report for “R” type commissions with an “FN” (full cash receipts calculation, but no A/P invoice is created) or “PN” (partial cash receipts calculation, but no A/P invoice is created) commission option in AR.CONSTANTS.

2 AP Invoice Amount is the total or partial amount of a sales representative's commission for which a payable has been created. (This column does not appear on the report for “I” type commissions). This column appears on the report for “R” type commissions for client with an “F” (full cash receipts payment creates an A/P invoice) or “P” (partial cash receipts payment creates an A/P invoice) commission option in AR.CONSTANTS.

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-24

Sales Representative Commission Payable Reports (COMMISSION.RPTS)

Description The COMMISSION.RPTS function either prints a commission payable report

for sales representatives paid on cash receipts date or a commission payable report for sales representatives paid on invoice date.

Illustration Figure 10-10 is an illustration showing the invoice type Sales Representative

Commission Payable Report. Figure 10-11 is an illustration showing the cash receipts type Sales Representative Commission Payable Report.

Sort Options The reports are sorted by sales representative code by invoice date.

Selection Options

Specific data may be printed on the reports by choosing: • I for commissions paid on accounts receivable invoice date • R for commissions paid on cash receipt date. • A beginning and ending date range based on either invoice for (I or R)

or cash receipt date for R • To print commission records that have a zero payment amount

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-25

Figure 10-12. The Sales Tax Register (SALES.TAX.REG) Report

SALES.TAX.REG 18:15:28 May 08 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60070 Page 1 Sales Tax Register of Invoices from 01-01-YY to 12-31-YY for both Taxable and Non-Taxable items Division 01 Tax Code NJ STATE TAX ----Canceled---- Invoice Nbr Cust Nbr Cust Name Ent.Date GL.Date Sales Amt Taxable Amt Nontaxable Amt Tax Charged

----------- -------- ---------------- --- 1 -- --- 2 --- --- 3 --- ---- 4 ----- ----- 5 ------ ----- 6 ---- 200 10025 CROMWELL & SMITH 1,475.00 1,475.00 0.00 88.50 201 12125 GIANT CORPORATIO 433.50 0.00 433.50 0.00 202 12125 GIANT CORPORATIO 433.50 0.00 433.50 0.00 ---------- ------------ -------------- ----------- Totals for Tax Code NJ 2,342.00 2,342.00 867.00 88.50 ---------- ------------ -------------- ----------- Totals for Division 01 2342.00 1475.00 867.00 88.50 SALES.TAX.REG 18:15:28 May 08 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60070 Page 2 Report Totals include both Taxable and Non-Taxable amounts for 01-01-YY thru 12-31-YY Sales Amount Taxable Amount Nontaxable Amt Tax Charged -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- Total All Tax Codes 2,342.00 1,475.00 867.00 88.50

Nbr Description 1 Entry Date is the actual date (system-assigned) on which the invoice was canceled via

INVOICE.CANCEL. 2 GL Date is the invoice cancellation date used for general ledger posting specified by the user

for the invoice at the time it was canceled via INVOICE.CANCEL. 3 Total merchandise sales amount. 4 Amount of the total merchandise sales amount that was taxable. 5 Amount of the total merchandise sales amount that was non-taxable. 6 Total sales tax amount calculated for that sales tax code.

Figure 10-13. The Sales Tax Register (SALES.TAX.REG) - General Ledger Recap SALES.TAX.REG 18:15:28 May 08 YYYY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60070 Page 1 Report Totals include both Taxable and Non-Taxable amounts Sales Tax GL Recap by Tax Code for 01-01-YY to 12-31-YY Tax Code Account Number Description Debit Amount Credit Amount ----------- ----------------- ------------------------- ---------------- --------------- 01-01-1200 Accounts Receivable 2,430.50 NJ 01-01-2310 State Income Tax Payable 88.50 01-01-3100 Stock Sales 2,342.00 ---------------- ---------------- 2,430.50 2,430.50

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-26

The Sales Tax Register (SALES.TAX.REG)

Description The SALES.TAX.REG function prints a report of sales tax liability

information to assist in sales tax reporting. The report may be based on either invoiced sales or cash receipts. A report based on invoiced sales reflects the tax liability on all sales transactions (invoices, debits, and credits) invoiced within the invoice date range specified at run time. Invoices canceled within this date range are also included on the report. A Sales Tax Adjustment Register portion of the invoiced sales tax register draws attention to backdated invoice cancellations that might impact the sales tax liability for prior periods. A report based on cash receipts reflects the tax liability on previously invoiced sales for which customer payment was received and applied as well as for cash sales transactions (invoices, debits, and credits) invoiced within the transaction date range specified at run time.

Illustration Figure 10-12 is an illustration showing the Sales Tax Register.

Figure 10-13 is an illustration showing the general ledger recap portion of the Sales Tax Register.

Sort Options The report may be sorted by

• Tax Code • Sales Division Number • Sales Division Number by Tax Code

Selection Options

Specific data may be printed on the report by choosing: • Invoice date range for invoiced sales • Transaction date range for cash receipts • Taxable sales, nontaxable sales, or both • ALL or selected sales divisions • ALL or selected tax codes

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-27

Figure 10-13. The Disputed Invoice Report (DISPUTE.INV.RPT)

DISPUTED.INV.RPT 17:56:37 05-08-YY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60070 Page 1 Report of Disputed Invoices Invoice Cust Invoice Invoice Dispute Days Dispute Number... Number Date.. Due Dates Amount.... Balance Due Date.. Disp Memo................

1 34020 20001 04-28-YY 05-28-YY 18.75 18.75 05-01-YY -7 Customer says wrong item was sent Total ------------ ------------- 20001 18.75 18.75 ------------ ------------- Grand Total 18.75 18.75 1 record listed

Nbr Description

1 Number of days the invoice is in dispute. Calculated as dispute date minus current system date.

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-28

The Disputed Invoice Report (DISPUTE.INV.RPT)

Description The function DISPUTE.INV.RPT prints a report of disputed invoices. A

disputed invoice is one that has been removed from the collection cycle in the function AR.ITEM.MAINT because of a customer dispute.

Illustration Figure 10-13 is an illustration showing the Disputed Invoice report.

Sort Options The report may be sorted by

• Customer Name • Customer Number • Sales Representative Code

Selection Options

No specific print options are available on this report. It will print all disputed invoices.

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-29

Figure 10-14. The Customer Deposit Report (DEPOSIT.RPT)

DEPOSIT.RPT 19:20:37 05-09-YY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60060 Page 1 Customer Deposits Received from 01-01-YY to 01-31-YY

1 Deposit Cust Deposit Check Deposit Number Number Customer Name Date Number Amount Memo --------- ------ ------------------------- -------- ------- ---------- ---------------------------- D2 12108 GIANT CORPORATION 01-31-YY 1243 425.50 Total ---------- 12108 425.50 D1 2000 CROMWELL AND SMITH 01-15-YY 658393 750.00 FUTURE ORDER D3 2000 CROMWELL AND SMITH 01-28-YY 658418 1,200.00 Total ---------- 2000 1,950.00 ---------- Grand Total 2,375.50 3 records listed DEPOSIT.RPT 19:20:37 05-09-YY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 60060 Page 1 Customer Deposits Applied from 01-01-YY to 01-31-YY

2 Deposit Cust Deposit Check Deposit Applied Applied Open Number Number Customer Name Date Number Amount Date Amount Amount Memo ------- ------ ------------------- -------- ------- -------- -------- --------- --------- ------------ D1 2000 CROMWELL AND SMITH 01-15-YY 658393 750.00 01-31-YY 750.00 0.00 FUTURE ORDER Total -------- --------- --------- 2000 750.00 750.00 0.00 -------- --------- --------- Grand Total 750.00 750.00 0.00 1 record listed

Nbr Description 1 This portion of the report prints the customer deposits received during the

specified date range. 2 This portion of the report prints the customer deposits applied to open

invoices during the specified date range.

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-30

The Customer Deposit Report (DEPOSIT.RPT)

Description The DEPOSIT.RPT function prints a listing of customer deposits received

and a listing of customer deposits applied within a selected date range. Customer deposits may be entered through the functions DEPOSIT.ENTRY or FC.DEPOSIT.ENTRY or at order entry via the functions ORDER.ENTRY, ORDER.INVOICING, and COUNTER. Deposits entered in the FC.DEPOSIT.ENTRY function appear on this report in U.S. dollars only. To display deposit information in foreign currency, run SHOW.FC.DEPOSITS. The function FC.APPLY.CASH must be used to apply deposits entered in FC.DEPOSIT.ENTRY to customer accounts receivable. The function APPLY.CASH must be used to apply deposits entered in DEPOSIT.ENTRY to customer accounts receivable. Deposits entered at order entry may be applied to customer accounts receivable through APPLY.CASH or may be applied directly to the invoice generated for the order on which the deposit was entered via the functions ORDER.INVOICING and COUNTER.

Illustration Figure 10-14 is an illustration showing the Customer Deposit report.

Sort Options The report may be sorted by

Primary Sort: • Customer Name • Customer Number • Deposit Date • Deposit Number • Sales Division Secondary Sort: • Customer Name • Customer Number • Deposit Date • Deposit Number

Continued on next page

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-31

The Customer Deposit Report (DEPOSIT.RPT), Continued

Selection Options

Specific data may be printed on the report by choosing • A beginning and ending transaction date

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-32

Figure 10-15. Adjustments Journal (ADJUST.JRNL)

ADJUST.JRNL 12:08:52 05-14-YY D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Acct train Process 63550 Page 1 AR Open Item Adjustments Date. Time. Record Id... Field Num Old Data............. New Data............. Description...........

1 2 3 4 5 6 08/12 12:30 1F 12 09-04-YY 07-01-YY Due Dates changed 05/10 13:24 21020 21 05-10-YY Dispute status changed 05/10 13:26 21020 21 05-10-YY Dispute status changed 07/03 18:14 10202M 20 6 4 Terms code changed 05/06 18:26 34020 21 05-01-YY Dispute status changed 5 records listed

Nbr Description 1 Date and time the change occurred.

2 Record ID is the invoice/reference number changed 3 The field number in the selected file where the change occurred. 4 Old data existing prior to the change 5 New Data Entered 6 The description of the change

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-33

Adjustments Journal (ADJUST.JRNL)

Description The ADJUST.JRNL function prints a journal of adjustments made to

Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Vendor 1099 files. The following functions create records in the ADJ.JRNL file: • ADJ.PAYABLE (Accounts Payable / 1099) • VOID.INVOICE (Accounts Payable / 1099) • DELETE.REPEAT.INVOICE (Accounts Payable / 1099) • AR.ITEM.MAINT (Accounts Receivable) • VENDORS (Accounts Payable / 1099) The function also optionally purges the data printed on the report.

Illustration Figure 10-15 is an example of the Adjustment Journal.

Sort Options There are no options for sorting. The report sorts by date added, time added,

and record ID.

Selection Options

Specific data may be printed on the report by choosing • Accounts Receivable records • Accounts Payable records • Vendor 1099 changes • Selection of unprinted items only or both printed and unprinted items.

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-34

Knowledge Check

Directions Answer the following questions. This knowledge check is based on

objectives stated at the beginning of this section.

Question 1 Mark these statements true or false.

TRUE or FALSE The AGE.AR is the only report you can run to create a

delinquent customer open item aging report.

TRUE or FALSE You can print an accounts receivable open items aging to balance to your general ledger for any closed period using AGE.AR.

Question 2 A customer calls and would like to see how their payments have been applied

for the last month. Which accounts receivable report can you print to send to him?

Question 3 You need to audit your sales tax liability for last month.

What accounts receivable report can you print to help you to review what sales tax has been charged on your company’s invoices and credit memos?

Continued on next page

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-35

Knowledge Check, Continued

Question 4 Your company pays your sales representatives’ commission on fully paid

invoices. You need to calculate what you owe them for the last two weeks. Using the COMMISSION.RPTS function, what type of commission report do you need to run to give you the information you need to complete your commission calculation?

Accounts Receivable Reports 10-36

Knowledge Check Answers

Answer 1 Mark these statements true or false.

TRUE or FALSE The AGE.AR is the only report you can run to create a

delinquent customer open item aging report. Explanation: You can also run the FLEX.AGE.AR with a preset parameter for delinquent customer aging.

TRUE or FALSE You can print an accounts receivable open items aging to balance to your general ledger for any closed period using AGE.AR. Explanation: By selecting general ledger date for as of type date, the system will calculate the total accounts receivable open items aging balance for the specified as of date for balancing to the general ledger.

Answer 2 A customer calls and would like to see how their payments have been applied for

the last month. Which accounts receivable report can you print to send to him? STATEMENTS, with the last month cut-off date and current cut-off date being separated by one month.

Answer 3 You need to audit your sales tax liability for last month.

What accounts receivable report can you print to help you to review what sales tax has been charged on your company’s invoices and credit memos? SALES.TAX.REG

Answer 4 Your company pays your sales representatives’ commission on fully paid invoices.

You need to calculate what you owe them for the last two weeks. Using the COMMISSION.RPTS function, what type of commission report do you need to run to give you the information you need to complete your commission calculation? Select the cash receipts type report.

Accounts Receivable Inquiries 11-1

Chapter 11

Accounts Receivable Inquiries


Introduction Being able to retrieve accounts receivable information quickly and easily is

one of the benefits of the D2K Accounts Receivable module. This allows you to respond to customer and internal questions as to the status of a customer’s account.

Purpose The purpose of this section is to review the inquiries available in the

Accounts Receivable module.

Objectives Upon completion of this section, you will be able to

• Identify and describe the key inquiries found in the Accounts Receivable

module, and • Locate inquiries containing specific information using the learning aid


Learning advice

There are several additional inquiries available within the Accounts Receivable module. Only the key inquiries are discussed in this chapter. In addition, it is possible that custom inquiries have been created to meet your specific company’s requirements. Contact your System Administrator or D2K Customer Care Representative for specific information regarding your inquiries.

11-2 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Key Inquiries

Introduction The Accounts Receivable module contains many inquiries that present

accounts receivable data in different manners.

Functions and descriptions

The table below describes the key inquiry functions found in the Accounts Receivable module.

Function Description

AR.CUST.INQ Displays accounts receivable, payment, and sales information for a customer.

AR.VERIFY.TOTAL Prints or displays total open AR balances, excluding unapplied deposits, and compares the result to the balance in the Customer Master file.

LOOK.INV Displays invoice information for each detail line on selected invoices.

SHOW.CREDITS Prints or displays payment information for a requested customer for a given date range.

SHOW.DEPOSITS Prints or displays customer deposits received within a selected date range.

SHOW.RECEIPTS Prints or displays payment information for a given date range.

SHOW.AR.ENTRIES Prints or displays details of invoices, credit memos, payments on account and deposits for a range of customers for a given date range.

SHOW.AR.JRNLS Prints or displays a report of accounts receivable journal transactions based on options specified at run time.

SHOW.AR.BATCH Prints or displays a list of accounts receivable batch information for a selected date range.

SHOW.FIN.CHGS Prints or displays a report of finance charges payable by customers on past due open items based on options specified at run time.

Accounts Receivable Inquiries 11-3

Finding the Inquiry You Want

Introduction There are hundreds of inquiry functions on your D2K system. At times, it

may be an intimidating task to find the inquiry that provides you with the type of information you need.

Learning aid The table below describes the types of information you may be looking for on

an inquiry, and suggested inquiries to display.

IF you need… THEN consider… Quick access to review open items for a customer


Quick access to review current aging for a customer


To look up what items were sold on an invoice


To look up sales tax or extra charge amounts on an invoice


To review the payment history on a specific invoice


To review out of balance cash posting batches SHOW.AR.BATCH To balance accounts receivable journal entries entered for bad debt write-offs, etc.


To review payment history for a specific customer


Quick access to your total open accounts receivable balance


To review customer deposits that are currently open (unapplied)


To review payments entered on a specific date SHOW.RECEIPTS To see the amount of finance charges you calculated on your past due customers for last month


To review a customer’s invoice and payment transaction history for a date range


11-4 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Figure 11-1. Customer Accounts Receivable / Sales Inquiry (AR.CUST.INQ) – General Customer Information Scre



34 5


Accounts Receivable Inquiries 11-5

Figure 11-2. Customer Accounts Receivable / Sales Inquiry (AR.CUST.INQ) – Open (All) Item Screen


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

11-6 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Figure 11-1. Customer Accounts Receivable / Sales Inquiry (AR.CUST.INQ), General Customer Information Screen

Nbr Description The “Header” section displays general customer information, such as customer

number, name, address, phone number, contact, sales rep code, payment terms, date added, and customer class. A flag will display if the customer has comments on file from the function CUST.COMMENTS.

This is the summary aging section of the screen. How the aging buckets are set and whether aging date is based on invoice or due date is controlled by AR.CONSTANTS. Aging buckets can be either by a set number of days, by calendar (with the closing date also specified in AR.CONSTANTS – such as 25th of the month), or by month (with the current date becoming the cut off date for the current aging bucket).

Last payment amount and date for the customer.

AR.CONSTANTS controls whether days to pay is based on invoice or due date. Current Average Days to Pay is calculated as the sum of the days to pay (date paid minus invoice/due date) for up to the last five payments/the number of payments. Historical Average Days to Pay is the total pay days for all invoices/total number of payments. NOTE: Invoices currently or previously flagged as disputed in the function AR.ITEM.MAINT are excluded from the current and historical average days to pay calculations. Average Payment Amount is the total dollar value of all payments/total number of payments.

Accounts receivable credit limit. Credit Available is calculated as credit limit minus the total open accounts receivable balance. The Credit Hold Status field is maintained in the function MNT.CUSTOMER.

The last billing date and amount for the customer. AR.CONSTANTS controls whether year to date / last year billings history is based on based on fiscal or Gregorian year. Year to Date Billings and Last Year Billings reflect the total invoice amount. On Order Dollars is the total amount open on sales orders. Highest AR Balance is the highest balance the customer has reached.

Figure 11-2. Customer Accounts Receivable / Sales Inquiry (AR.CUST.INQ) – Open (All) Item Screen

Nbr Description 1 This is the invoice/credit memo/debit memo/payment on account/chargeback

reference number and date 2 If the item is an invoice, credit memo, or debit memo, then this column contains the

related sales order number. 3 The due date for the open / closed invoice. 4 The information displayed in this column is controlled by AR.CONSTANTS. It

can be the purchase order number or the cash discount allowed amount. 5 The original invoice amount. 6 The amount paid on the invoice. 7 The open accounts receivable balance on the invoice.







Accounts Receivable Inquiries 11-7

Figure 11-3. Customer Accounts Receivable / Sales Inquiry (AR.CUST.INQ) – Customer Comments Screen

11-8 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Figure 11-4. Customer Accounts Receivable / Sales Inquiry (AR.CUST.INQ) – Disputed Invoice Screen

Accounts Receivable Inquiries 11-9

Figure 11-5. Customer Accounts Receivable / Sales Inquiry (AR.CUST.INQ) – Invoice Payment Screen

11-10 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Figure 11-6. Customer Accounts Receivable / Sales Inquiry (AR.CUST.INQ) – Invoice Extra Charges / Sales Tax Screen

Accounts Receivable Inquiries 11-11

Figure 11-7. Customer Accounts Receivable / Sales Inquiry (AR.CUST.INQ) – Detail Line Screen


Nbr Description 1 Unit Cost display is controlled by the privileged data feature maintained through the


11-12 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Customer Accounts Receivable / Sales Inquiry (AR.CUST.INQ)

Description The function AR.CUST.INQ displays general, accounts receivable (both

summary aging and detailed items), and sales information for a customer. It also allows display of comments regarding a customer's account entered via the CUST.COMMENTS function. All information is as of the moment it is displayed.

Illustration Figure 11-1 is an illustration of the general customer information screen for

the AR.CUST.INQ inquiry. Figure 11-2 is an illustration of the open / all items screen for the AR.CUST.INQ inquiry Figure 11-3 is an illustration of the customer comments screen for the AR.CUST.INQ inquiry Figure 11-4 is an illustration of the disputed invoices screen for the AR.CUST.INQ inquiry. Figure 11-5 is an illustration of the invoice payment screen for the AR.CUST.INQ inquiry. Figure 11-6 is an illustration of the extra charges / sales tax screen for the AR.CUST.INQ inquiry. Figure 11-7 is an illustration of the invoice detail lines screen for the AR.CUST.INQ inquiry.

Sort Options The sort for the open item / ALL item inquiry portion is determined by the

AR.CONSTANTS record. The inquiry may be sorted by ascending or descending invoice date.

Continued on next page

Accounts Receivable Inquiries 11-13

Customer Accounts Receivable / Sales Inquiry (AR.CUST.INQ), Continued

Selection Options

Specific data may be displayed on the inquiry by choosing • The customer number to display • All accounts receivable items, or only open items • To display disputed invoices • To display comments entered via CUST.COMMENTS • To display payment, extra charges / sales tax, or detail line information

for a specific invoice or credit memo An optional field may be selected in the AR.CONSTANTS. The fields available are: • Customer’s purchase order number • Customer’s discounts and allowances Unit Cost display on the detail line screen is controlled by the privileged data feature maintained through the FN.SEC.BUILD and COMPANY.NAME functions.

11-14 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Figure 11-8. The Total Outstanding Accounts Receivable Balance Inquiry (AR.VERIFY.TOTAL)

AR.VERIFY.TOTAL D2K DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Page 1 17:41:39 Apr 30 YYYY Acct train Process 60090 *** Client Totals *** --------------------- Total A/R 676,626.56 Future Current 1 Month 0.00 542,240.41 100,240.00 2 Months 3 Months Over 4 Mos 34146.15 0.00 0.00 To continue--> Press <CR>

Accounts Receivable Inquiries 11-15

Total Outstanding Accounts Receivable Balance Inquiry (AR.VERIFY.TOTAL)

Description The function AR.VERIFY.TOTAL prints or displays total open AR balances,

excluding unapplied deposits, and compares the result to the balance in the Customer Master file. It also flags any differences.

Illustration Figure 11-8 is an illustration of the AR.VERIFY.TOTAL inquiry.

Selection Options

This inquiry may be either displayed or printed.

11-16 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Figure 11-9. The Selected Invoice Inquiry (LOOK.INV)


Nbr Description 1 LT is the lot trace flag. SL is the serial number flag.

Accounts Receivable Inquiries 11-17

The Selected Invoice Inquiry (LOOK.INV)

Description The function LOOK.INV displays invoice information for each detail line on

selected invoices. The function may display cost extensions on the detail lines dependent upon system security setup.

Illustration Figure 11-9 is an illustration of the LOOK.INV inquiry.

Selection Options

Specific data may be displayed on the inquiry by choosing • A specific invoice / credit memo number • To search for ALL invoices on file for an entered purchase order number,

customer number, or sales order number. • A SEARCH Screen which allows the user to specify open, closed, or both

open and closed invoices for a customer number • To display lot traceable line items • To display serial traceable line items

• To display the sales order*detail lines from which the related consolidated

order was created (via the CONSOLIDATED.ORDERS function) Display of extended cost is controlled by the privileged data feature maintained through the FN.SEC.BUILD and COMPANY.NAME functions

11-18 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Figure 11-10. The Customer Payment Transaction Inquiry (SHOW.CREDITS)



Nbr Description 1 Payment on Account or Chargeback amounts. 2 Optional cash application detail information.

Accounts Receivable Inquiries 11-19

The Customer Payment Transaction Inquiry (SHOW.CREDITS)

Description The SHOW.CREDITS function prints or displays payment information for a

customer for a specified date range for cash receipts entered through APPLY.CASH, DEPOSIT.ENTRY, REVERSE.CHECK, cash sales entered through DIRECT.INVOICING, ORDER.INVOICING, COUNTER, and CREDIT.ENTRY, and deposits entered through ORDER.ENTRY and COUNTER. The function also checks records (ARC) for which invoices have been purged. These will be noted on the report.

Illustration Figure 11-10 is an illustration showing the Customer Payment Transaction


Sort Options Transactions for the customer may be sorted by ascending or descending

transaction date order.

Selection Options

Specific data may be printed/displayed on the report/inquiry by choosing: • To display cash application detail information • A beginning and ending transaction date

11-20 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Figure 11-11. The Deposit Receipt Inquiry (SHOW.DEPOSITS)

Accounts Receivable Inquiries 11-21

The Deposit Receipt Inquiry (SHOW.DEPOSITS)

Description The SHOW.DEPOSITS function prints or displays a report/inquiry of

customer deposits received within a selected date range. Customer deposits may be entered through the functions DEPOSIT.ENTRY or FC.DEPOSIT.ENTRY or at order entry via the functions ORDER.ENTRY, DIRECT.INVOICING, and COUNTER. Deposits entered in the FC.DEPOSIT.ENTRY function appear on this listing in U.S. dollars only. To display deposit information in foreign currency, run SHOW.FC.DEPOSITS.

Illustration Figure 11-11 is an illustration of the SHOW.DEPOSITS inquiry.

Sort Options The report / inquiry may be sorted by

• Customer Name • Customer Number • Deposit Date

Selection Options

Specific data may be printed / displayed on the report / inquiry by choosing • A beginning and ending deposit date. • ALL deposits or open deposits only. (Open deposits include unapplied

and partially-applied deposits.).

11-22 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Figure 11-12. The Cash Receipts / Deposit Inquiry (SHOW.RECEIPTS)


Nbr Description 1 Optional cash application detail information.

Accounts Receivable Inquiries 11-23

The Cash Receipts / Deposit Inquiry (SHOW.RECEIPTS)

Description The SHOW.RECEIPTS function prints or displays payment information for a

specified date range. The function displays payment information as entered through the functions APPLY.CASH, DEPOSIT.ENTRY, REVERSE.CHECK, cash sales from DIRECT.INVOICING, ORDER.INVOICING, COUNTER, and CREDIT.ENTRY, and deposits entered through ORDER.ENTRY and COUNTER. It includes foreign currency transactions entered in FC.APPLY.CASH and FC.DEPOSIT.ENTRY but displays amounts in U.S. dollars only. The report / inquiry can be used as a daily cash receipts report for cash applied against Accounts Receivable. The function will check records for which the related invoices records have been purged. These will be noted on the report.

Illustration Figure 11-12 is an illustration of the SHOW.RECEIPTS function.

Sort Options The report / inquiry may be sorted by

• Ascending transaction date order • Descending transaction date order

Selection Options

Specific data may be printed / displayed on the report / inquiry by choosing • A beginning and ending transaction date • Selecting to print detailed cash application information

11-24 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Figure 11-13. The Accounts Receivable Transaction Inquiry (SHOW.AR.ENTRIES) – Report Screen

1 2



Nbr Description 1 Transaction type. The types are:

CB – Chargeback CM – Credit Memo D – Invoice or Debit Memo JE – Journal Entry PA – Payment on Account

2 Disputed invoice flag. 3 Optional detail cash application information. 4 Optional invoice detail line information.

Accounts Receivable Inquiries 11-25

The Accounts Receivable Transaction Inquiry (SHOW.AR.ENTRIES)

Description The SHOW.AR.ENTRIES function prints or displays details of invoices,

credit memos, payments on account and deposits for a range of customers for a specified date range. SHOW.AR.ENTRIES is a useful tool in reporting Accounts Receivable history for a range of customers. Selected display options and date range options will continue to default to the last inquiry request until the function is ended.

Illustration Figure 11-13 is an illustration of the SHOW.AR.ENTRIES inquiry.

Sort Options The report / inquiry may be sorted by

• Ascending transaction date • Descending transaction date

Selection Options

Specific data may be printed / displayed on the inquiry by choosing • ALL customer numbers, a range of customer numbers, or a selected

customer number. • ALL invoices and/or credit memos or open invoices and/or credit memos

only. • All transactions, or select only invoices, credit memos, payments on

account, or deposits. • To select to print/display cash application detail. • To select to print/display line item detail. NOTE: Display of item costing

data is controlled by the privileged data feature maintained through the FN.SEC.BUILD and COMPANY.NAME functions.

11-26 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Figure 11-14. The Accounts Receivable Journal Entry Inquiry (SHOW.AR.JRNLS) – Report Screen


Nbr Description 1 Journal entry code entered for the transaction. Codes are maintained through


Accounts Receivable Inquiries 11-27

Figure 11-15. The Accounts Receivable Journal Entry Inquiry (SHOW.AR.JRNLS) – Recap Screen

11-28 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

The Accounts Receivable Journal Entry Inquiry (SHOW.AR.JRNLS)

Description The SHOW.AR.JRNLS function prints or displays a report of accounts

receivable journal entry transactions based on options specified at run time. This function can be used to balance accounts receivable journals to the general ledger. Accounts receivable transactions are entered through the AR.JRNL.ENTRY function. Journal transactions are entered to debit or credit customer accounts receivable balances to correct cash posting errors and to enter adjustments caused by bad checks, bank charges on bad checks, bad debt write off's, unearned discounts taken, and similar items. Either a general ledger recap or both a report and a recap can be printed. The report provides detailed information for each journal transaction. The recap provides summarized general ledger posting activity by general ledger account number.

Illustration Figure 11-14 is an illustration of the SHOW.AR.JRNLS report inquiry.

Figure 11-15 is an illustration of the SHOW.AR.JRNLS recap inquiry.

Sort Options The report/inquiry may be sorted by

• Sales Division (Major Sort) • Customer Name • Customer Number • Document or GL Transaction Date

Selection Options

Specific data may be printed/displayed on the report/inquiry by choosing • To print/display a report and recap or a recap only • To select journal transactions based on the document date or the GL

transaction date assigned to the transaction • A beginning and ending document date or GL transaction date • ALL or selected Sales Divisions • ALL or selected Journal Codes

Accounts Receivable Inquiries 11-29

Figure 11-16. The Accounts Receivable Batch Header Inquiry (SHOW.AR.BATCH)

1 2 3 4

Nbr Description 1 Initials of who entered the batch. 2 Batch closed flag. 3 Optional printing of cash sequence number. 4 Difference between the batch amount and the amount of the cash posted through

the function APPLY.CASH. A zero amount indicates the batch is in balance.

11-30 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

The Accounts Receivable Batch Header Inquiry (SHOW.AR.BATCH)

Description The SHOW.AR.BATCH function prints or displays a listing of AR Batch

information. This report can be used to check the status (open or closed) and balance of a batch of accounts receivable checks.

Illustration Figure 11-16 is an illustration of the SHOW.AR.BATCH report inquiry.

Selection Options

Specific data may be printed/displayed on the report/inquiry by choosing • to include printing cash sequence numbers. • a beginning and ending batch date

Accounts Receivable Inquiries 11-31

Figure 11-17. The Finance Charge Inquiry (SHOW.FIN.CHGS) – Report Screen


Nbr Description 1 Optional sorting by Sales Division. It prints the division in the heading and totals

by division.

11-32 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Figure 11-18. The Finance Charge Inquiry (SHOW.FIN.CHGS) – Recap Screen

Accounts Receivable Inquiries 11-33

The Finance Charge Inquiry (SHOW.FIN.CHGS)

Description The SHOW.FIN.CHGS function prints or displays a report of finance charges

payable by customers on past due open items based on options specified at run time. The report provides detailed information for each finance charge. The recap provides summarized general ledger posting activity by general ledger account number. Finance charges are created through the FINANCE.CHARGES function. Finance charges are calculated on past due open items of those customers flagged for finance charge calculation in the Customer Master file.

Illustration Figure 11-17 is an illustration of the SHOW.FIN.CHGS report/inquiry.

Figure 11-18 is an illustration of the SHOW.FIN.CHGS recap report/inquiry.

Sort Options The report/inquiry may be sorted/totaled by

Major Sort • Sales Division Minor Sort • Customer Name • Customer Number • Document Date When the division sort/total option is used, the report page breaks and totals by sales division. The report also totals by the selected minor sort.

Selection Options

Specific data may be printed/displayed on the report/inquiry by choosing • To Print/display a report and recap or a recap only • A beginning and ending document date • ALL or selected sales divisions

Learning Advice

For more information concerning finance charge calculation, refer to the FINANCE.CHARGES function in this user guide.

11-34 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Knowledge Check

Directions Answer the following questions. This knowledge check is based on

objectives stated at the beginning of this section.

Question 1 A customer is past due on their invoices.

Which accounts receivable inquiry do you use to see their aging and what invoices are open?

Question 2 A customer calls and complains that their payments have been misapplied for

the last month. Which accounts receivable inquiry do you use to see how their payments were applied on your system?

Continued on next page

Accounts Receivable Inquiries 11-35

Knowledge Check, Continued

What’s next? Compare your answers to the ones provided on the next page. If you were unable to complete this knowledge check, please review the chapter before proceeding. If you are still uncomfortable with the information provided, or have specific questions regarding your system, contact your System Administrator or D2K Customer Care Representative.

Question 3 A customer would like you to increase their accounts receivable credit limit. Using the data found on the inquiry below, can you determine if the customer is a good risk for increasing their credit limit? Why or why not?

11-36 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Knowledge Check Answers

Answer 1 A customer is past due on their invoices.

Which accounts receivable inquiry do you use to see their aging and what invoices are open? AR.CUST.INQ

Answer 2 A customer calls and complains that their payments have been misapplied for

the last month. Which accounts receivable inquiry do you use to see how their payments were applied on your system? SHOW.CREDITS

____ Continued on next page

Accounts Receivable Inquiries 11-37

Knowledge Check Answers, Continued

Answer 3 A customer would like you to increase their accounts receivable credit limit.

Using the data found on the inquiry below, can you determine if the customer is a good risk for increasing their credit limit? Why or why not? No Explanation: Although the customer not over their credit limit, they have open invoices that are over 120 days past due and have an average days to pay of 102 days. That suggests that he is not a good credit risk.

Summary 12-1


Introduction This concludes the Accounts Receivable User’s Guide. At this point, you

should have enough information about Accounts Receivable to complete the objectives listed in the Preface of this manual.

Essential ideas of this User’s Guide

You should now be able to: • Describe the Accounts Receivable module, • Identify the major processes found in Accounts Receivable, • Enter an accounts receivable journal entry, • Enter cash receipts, including split checks, • Enter payments on account, • Enter chargebacks, • Enter non-accounts receivable cash receipts, • Enter and apply customer deposits, • Put an invoice in dispute status, • Change payment terms on an open invoice, • Change commission information, • Identify and describe the key Accounts Receivable reports, and • Identify and describe the key Accounts Receivable inquiries

For more information

The on-line prompt help and function documentation available on your D2K system can provide additional information about Accounts Receivable.

Learning advice

If you are not comfortable with the information presented, or have additional questions not answered by this User’s Guide, please speak with your System Administrator or D2K Customer Care Consultant.

Accounts Receivable User’s Guide Evaluation Name: _________________________________ Date: ________________ Company/Region: ____________________________________ We depend on your feedback to help us improve our user’s guide. Please print and complete this form and fax it to: Manager, Technical Communications, D2K, at (215) 321-8015. For each of the statements below, check the box that reflects your reaction to a particular aspect of the user’s guide. Then use the Comments area to elaborate. Be as specific in your comments as possible. User’s Guide Organization 1. Did the sequence of information enhance your understanding by

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Continued on next page

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