ABUS 2221 Ethics Paper

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of ABUS 2221 Ethics Paper

Using library resources for research purposes

ABUS 2221


is the application of ethical reasoning to the situation of business organizations, including their role as employers. It is a growing field of academic research and teaching in university business schools and may also inform management practice, via mission statements, corporate codes of conduct, policies on corporate social responsibility, social auditing, and the codes of practice of management and employers' associations. Within the field of business ethics there is a range of competing positions that are grounded in different schools of moral philosophy. These positions include deontology, utilitarianism, and justice-based theories of ethics (see distributive justice and procedural justice). Essentially, these positions consist of arguments for identifying ethical or desirable management practice. Action (HR policy) may be considered desirable because it treats employees as ends-in-themselves with rights to dignity, privacy, and respect (deontology); because it promotes the greatest good of the greatest number (utilitarianism); or because it satisfies the tests of procedural and distributive justice (justice-based theory)

Business Ethics

(n.d.). business ethics. In , . . Retrieved 24 Oct. 2012, from http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095538143

Consumer -- The actual or intended purchaser of a product or service. The customer is always the buyer, although not always necessarily the consumer. See also CONSUMER. There have been several extensions of the customer concept, even within an organization, in which employees are also seen as customers of the various internal services of the company, or where citizens are viewed as customers of government services.

Entrepreneur -- An individual who undertakes (from the French entreprendre to undertake) to supply a good or service to the market for profit. The entrepreneur will usually invest capital in the business and take on the risks associated with the investment. In most modern capitalist economies the initiative of entrepreneurs is regarded as an important element in creating a society's wealth; governments are therefore led to establish conditions in which they

will thrive.

Other definitions

(n.d.). entrepreneur. In , . . Retrieved 26 Oct. 2012, from http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095753147

Research Guide -- Accessing Information

Click here and select “business” link on the left to access all the

business related research guides

ABUS Research guide + others

Tab for this particular


Additional resources discussed in these research guides

One example of deceptive advertising on television.

Google is an acceptable resource to use for this. You are not searching for scholarly research but information

BUT additionally you should use library resources for background information on the study of deception in television advertising. This will aid you in building a comprehensive research strategy of information needed for the rest of the assignment.

The assignment

“Choose wisely”

Given the time and effort needed to create and maintain a web site, it is always a good idea to ask why a particular piece of information has been posted to the web.

• To inform?• To convert?• To advertise

Cui bono – To whose advantage?

Internet Research

Currency * The timeliness of the information.

Relevance/Coverage *The depth and importance of the information.

Authority *The source of the information.

Accuracy *The reliability of the information.

Purpose/Objectivity *The possible bias present in the information.

Internet Research

Is deception like pornography, difficult to define but you know it when you see it?

Is there a definition of “deception in television advertising?

Who defines “deception” in television advertising?

Who regulates it?Are there laws and if so what are they?

Always questions to consider -- the basis of scholarly research


These databases share the same interfaced and may be research separately or jointly

Business Source Complete and/or Academic Search Complete and/or Communication and Mass Media Complete and/or MasterFile Premier

Devise a search


Search one database or several at a


Check out the newspaper databases. Lexis Nexis is most popular but the library

has several available on the ABUS 2221 Research Guide.

Lexis Nexis indexes more than just newspapers.

Lexis Nexis

One example of a company’s deceptive behavior relating to its employees.

Again Google is an option but consider using the resources mentioned above to identify a particular company.

Once you’ve chosen a company, use Lexis-Nexis to find information about the company AND any legal entanglements.

The assignment

Which company?What are the best terms or phrases to use

for the search?

Always questions to consider -- the basis of scholarly research

• What happened?

Narrow dates?

Lexis-Nexis -- finding company and legal information


Choose the correct company

Lexis Nexis Company Dossier

“In the new”

Recent legal cases

One example of a company’s deceptive behavior with their investors, banker or consumers.

Use Lexis-Nexis and the other resources to find this informationLook for information in trade publications,

popular periodicals and reputable websites.

The assignment

 Explain why you think this deceptive behavior occurred, who benefitted from the deception and who, if anyone, suffered from the deception.

With all the research you have collected at this point, you should have enough information to answer this question.

If not, head back to the databases!

The assignment

In one paragraph compose a simple business Code of Conduct that, if followed, would avoid the deceptive behavior identified in your paper.

See the books (on the research guide) and use the databases to find information about and examples of “Codes of Conduct”. Again the WWW is fine to use, just be sure to evaluate what you find and don’t just settle for the first three results on the lists!

The assignment


Ask at the Reference Desk 8-4:30, 6-9 M-F8-4:30 F10-3:30 SundaysPhone the Reference Desk – 2185
