Abraham Jones and His Fabulous Portable Neutron Generator

Post on 18-Apr-2015

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A whimsical tale of the many varied applications of a Portable Neutron Generator.

Transcript of Abraham Jones and His Fabulous Portable Neutron Generator


By Penny RandallTechnical Associateswww.tech-associates.com

Abraham Jones, known to friends and family as AJ, was abducted by aliens while on his daily walk. He never went anywhere without his trusty Portable Neutron Generator (PNG) tucked securely in his backpack. His abductors locked him up in their space ship and when he woke up he found he still had his backpack. He turned on his PNG to analyze his situation: the materials the space ship was made of, the fuel tanks, the level of the alien rocket technology, and the cargo. The cargo contained among other things bison and penguins, one more puzzle to ponder.

The information gleaned from his PNG gave him some good ideas for how to escape. He found there were explosives on some of the exits and knowing the materials they were made of helped him formulate his escape strategy.

His captors retrieved him from his lock down position and informed him of the disaster befalling their planet, Praseodymium and the Praseos, people of the planet. It had been terribly damaged by environmental events of earthquakes and volcanic eruption. AJ was targeted for pick up by the Praseos because of his superb technical knowledge. They wanted him to help them rebuild their infrastructure. AJ gave up ideas of escape with the agreement that when his work was done on their planet they would bring him home to Earth and return the bison and penguins to their native habitat.

Upon landing on Praseodymium AJ set to work with his PNG to analyze structural integrity of streets, pipes, and buildings. AJ took a number of side trips to evaluate natural resources available for rebuilding at local mining sites. He made numerous recommendations based on the data generated by his PNG for rebuilding in a way that would utilize the right materials for earthquake proofing the Praseodymium’s infrastructure.

The disaster caused the planet to experience a massive shortage of energy and energy producing resources. AJ accompanied engineers in exploration by air; using his PNG he was able to identify new reserves and new deposits for oil and valuable minerals including rare earths.

As work progressed for the planet’s infrastructure the alien leadership consulted with AJ about the lethargy of the people. It was pointed out to AJ that the normal energy level of the Praseos’ people was typically very high and happy. Investigating with his fabulous PNG AJ found that the Praseos’ had contracted a bizarre accumulation of debilitating cysts within their bodies. The toxic effluent resulting from the massive volcanic eruptions was thought to be the culprit.

Further examination with the PNG revealed the Praseos had alien organisms growing within them. These organisms looked like the cysts but the PNG found these organisms to be ALIVE. With his PNG reset at a highly focused power he used it to kill the alien organisms and remedy the terrible cysts.

The collaboration between AJ and his captors evolved into a partnership of sorts. Together they formed a trading company to export Praseodymium’s rare earth and minerals to Earth. In supplementing Earth’s own limited supply the incredible array of products utilizing rare earths

from cell phones to weaponry was protected. Before take off of the first shipment for earth, returning AJ to planet Earth and the bison and penguins to their rightful place on Earth, AJ used his PNG to scan the cargo hold and found several stowaway Praseos wanting to immigrate to Earth for a wide variety of reasons. Unfortunately there was no process set up for immigration from Praseodymium to Earth and the disgruntled Praseos stowaways were off loaded before take off.

During the flight to earth a pirate ship appeared and made threatening overtures to the Praseodymium ship. AJ used his PNG to evaluate the danger and found there was a nuclear bomb loaded and ready to launch. The alien ship took evasive maneuvers and AJ focused the beam of his PNG on the nuclear device secreted in the pirate ship. They streaked away as the pirate ship blew up as a result of the neutron overload.