Abigail Raper - Josh Young - 3G3 3B3

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Transcript of Abigail Raper - Josh Young - 3G3 3B3


Josh Young - 3G3

On the first morning I was

very nervous because I

wasn’t going to be with my

friends and I was worried

about new things, but

Healing seems like a really

good school and I enjoyed it.

I liked doing drama as I am

a big fan and I think Miss

Roberts will be my favourite


Abigail Raper -


The night before I

started at Healing I

felt very excited. I

was looking forward

to a fresh start in a

new place, but at the

same time I was

worried in case

people didn’t like me

very much.

Firstly we went to our tutor groups and were

given our new journals. I was worried about

getting to the right place on time and getting

lost, but the teachers helped me. My favourite

lessons were Art and P.E. All my teachers are

nice. I don’t have a favourite, I like them all!

When the first day was over it was a relief and

I could relax, but I was excited about going

back again the next day.

Jaecie-Hope Alderson -


I was terrified the first day. I

couldn’t sleep and had

butterflies in my tummy! I

came to school on the bus.

Everyone was nice and polite.

I really like Mr Blockley. The

dinners are very nice,

especially fish and chip


Archie Yeo - 3G4

My first day at Healing

was amazing! I really

wanted it to last longer.

I was a bit nervous at

the start of the day, but

by the end I was fine. I

had no worries at all.

My favourite lesson was

D.T. Thomas Hipwell -


There are lots of things I

enjoyed about my first

day at Healing. I liked

making new friends,

finding where my new

classrooms would be and

meeting my tutor. All the

teachers are very helpful.

I have no idea why I was

nervous about coming in

the first place!

Welcome to the first edition for the 2014/15 academic year of our school newsletter which we call

"Hotline". In this edition, our Year 7 pupils have taken the opportunity to share their first

experiences of life here at Healing School. It is pleasing to see that our Year 7’s have quickly

settled in and already feel part of the school. They have been working hard, have made new

friends and they clearly enjoy the school dinners!

Already we can see this year group have lots of talent and we have high hopes for all of them.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents for your support in ensuring that

all pupils started the school year looking really smart in the school uniform.

Best Wishes, Mr Knapton

Dear Parent/Carer

Trevis Baker -


When I woke up on the

first day, I felt very

nervous and scared.

When I arrived at

school, I realised I had

forgotten my pencil

case! My form tutor

Miss Baxter let me

borrow some things.

The science lessons are

fun. The library is good

and I like Mrs Ranyard.

Ellie Mae Cheung - 3R1

On my first morning at

Healing, I felt both

nervous and excited. I

was looking forward to

seeing my friends, but

worried about getting

lost. I liked doing P.E.

because I like netball

and Mrs Yeadon is nice.

I was relieved when my

first day was over and I

went home happy.

Abbie Robinson - 3R3

I came from Wybers

primary school. I was

very nervous about my

first day, but my big

brother comes to

Healing school and he

said it would be fine.

We did R.E. on the first

day, but the style was

different from primary

school. The lessons I

liked best were History

and Art. I like History

because I like learning

about the past.

I like my English teacher Mr Vincent and Miss

Clarke who teaches geography. I really liked my

first day at Healing and it was easier to find my

way around than I thought it would be.

Haille Edwards - 3R1

The night before coming to Healing, I was nervous, but excited

about having a new start. I came from Springfield primary school

and none of my friends were coming to the same school, so I was

worried about finding new friends. I looked for Becky, Olivia and

Kacey who I met on the taster days, so I was pleased to see some

familiar faces. Firstly we had a long tutor lesson and were told lots

of new rules. I also had a P.W.L. lesson, which was something we

didn’t do in primary school. It was interesting. I like my teachers,

especially Mr Vincent, Mr Chappel and Miss Roberts.

When I got home after the first day, I was surprised that the day

went better than I expected and I thought everything was really

well organised.

Jack Johnston -


I wasn’t nervous about

coming to Healing. I

was really excited about

meeting new people

and doing new subjects.

I went to school on the

bus for the first time.

We had assembly and

then went to our tutor

groups. I think the

school dinners are

fantastic and I am

usually picky!

Maths is my favourite subject and my teacher is

called Miss Portess.

When I got home, I felt amazing because I knew

I would have a great 5 years at Healing school!

Rebecca Jarratt - 3R2

To begin with I was

really nervous about

having a new start,

but excited as well. I

was looking forward to

making some new

friends and starting

new subjects. On the

first day I had Maths,

Art and P.E. I also had

French and it was fun

because I hadn’t done

it before. I liked all

the teachers. I really

enjoyed my first day

and went home

looking forward to

going back the next


Sam Smith - 3R3

The night before I started at Healing I couldn’t sleep and in the morning

I had no appetite, although I still managed to eat my breakfast! The

only person I knew in my group was Adam from my primary school.

I was worried about having to go on the bus and being on time. There

are lots of names to remember! I liked doing drama. I like Mr Hirst and

Mr Burrows and I think Miss Portess will be able to help me with my

maths. My dad came home early from work to ask me lots of questions

about my first day. It was good and I felt fine when it was over.

The night before starting

at Healing it took me 2

hours to get to sleep. I

was worried because I

didn’t know anyone at my

bus stop and the school

was a lot bigger. I wasn’t

a fan of drama, but after

our first lesson with Mr

Hirst, I am now. When I

got home, my family were

glad my first day went ok.

Adam Twitchett - 3R3

Eden Eratt - 3G4

On the first day I was

nervous when I got

dropped off, but I

soon found some

friends. Miss Baxter is

my form tutor. I liked

doing Art and D.T.

We did spider

diagrams with Mrs

Watcham. I like all of

the teachers.

Sophie Wilkinson -


The evening before I

came to Healing, I was

nervous and had mixed

emotions. I was pleased I

knew some of the Year 8

pupils already here. I

wasn’t with any of my

friends in my tutor group,

but it was fine because

we had the same lessons.

On the first day we did Drama, Maths and P.W.L.

My favourite lesson was Maths. I really like my

Maths teacher Miss Portess and she is my form

tutor too. My first day turned out to be great!

When I got home my family quizzed me about

what I had done and I felt very proud of myself.

Tom Cullen -


I was nervous when I

got to the school

gates, but happy to

see familiar faces in

my tutor group. As

the day went on, I

got more confident.

My uniform is taking

some getting used to!

Ethan Hall - 3B4

The night before I started at Healing, I tried my uniform on and that

made me feel nervous! The next morning I felt apprehensive because I

didn’t know what was ahead of me. When I got to school, I followed all

the other year 7’s to the hall and then Mr Blockley gave us a tour of the

school. My first lesson was Science. I was happy when I came out

because I enjoyed it. I couldn’t wait for lunch because on the taster day

it was delicious. I wasn’t disappointed! After lunch we had P.E. I was

worried because I didn’t have my full kit. Luckily we were only told what

we would be doing in future lessons. Phew! At the end of the day, I

walked home relieved and with a beaming smile on my face.

Hermione Tate -


I thought my first day was

nerve racking!

When I first got my

journal, I wasn’t sure what

it was for, but my tutor

was very helpful. I was

told what sets I would be

in and how to get to my

classes. My first lesson

was Science and I thought

it would be boring, but we

learnt lots of interesting

things about chemicals.

In the afternoon we had P.W.L. but I didn’t know

what that was at first until the teacher explained.

As quick as a flash it seemed like time to go home.

It was over and I had really enjoyed my first day

at Healing.

Thomas Hughes

- 3G1

I came to school on

the bus which was full

of older, much bigger

kids. When I got off

the bus, the school

looked so big I

thought I’d be lost for


We met our tutors who told us about all the

important things we needed to know and gave

us our journals.

After break I had my first proper lesson. It

was Religious Studies. We were told what

topics we would cover that term. After that,

we had lunch (now that’s my kind of lesson!)

Alex Hughes - 3B3

I really enjoyed my first

day at Healing school. I

was just happy and

relieved that I didn’t get


We had Drama first and

the pupils got to know

each other. After that, we

had Maths and we had a

test! (It was ok, but no

one really likes tests.)

In the afternoon we had Science and we were

told about a lot of safety procedures. It was

useful. After Science we had P.W.L. We were

discussing bullying which I think is good.

Altogether, it went well and I had a great first

day at school.

Alex Woods - 3G3

I would say my first day

at Healing was

amazing...even though I

got lost!

Initially I felt nervous,

but after I arrived, the

nerves went and I

started enjoying it. I

really liked going on the

tour around the school,

especially seeing the

language department.

My favourite lesson was P.W.L. because it was

a new experience. My first day went brilliantly!

Lucy Barnard -


At first, I was nervous

about meeting lots of

new teachers. My

favourite lessons were

Drama and Maths

because I like singing

and adding big

numbers together.

Although the school is

big, I have managed to

be on time to lessons.

Ellie Tams - 3G2

At first I was very nervous

because I didn’t know

what was going to happen.

I thought I might get lost

or forget something. I was

worried about getting on

the right bus. When I got

to school it was better

than I thought. I enjoyed

my lessons and liked my



Charalambous -


On my first day, I got

to make lots of nice

new friends! Although

I forgot where some

things were, I

managed to arrive to

lessons on time. When

I got lost, some older

students helped me.

All the teachers are


Kai Parmenter -


I was so excited on my

first day at Healing. I

had butterflies and

thought I was going to

be sick! I met lots of

new friends. I was

puzzled about going

from one class to

another, at primary you

stayed in one room.

Overall, I thought my

first day was good.

Jade Pike - 3B3

Being at Healing school is

very different from being

at primary. When I got

here, I went to my tutor

group to register and we

got to know each others

names and I made a new


We had an assembly

which was very

welcoming and then we

went for a tour around

the school. My first proper

lesson was French.

After lunch I had Maths and P.W.L. My favourite

lesson is Maths and I really like my Maths teacher,

Mrs Yeo.

When it was time to go home, I was already

looking forward to the next day.

Macey Sixsmith -


On the first morning I

couldn’t wait to get my

new uniform on. I was

glad I had a friend to

go on the bus with.

When I got to school, I

met my form tutor Mr

Holmes. He is very

friendly. Even though I

got lost, everyone

helped me find where I

needed to be.

I was worried about bullies, but everyone is so

kind and caring, I’m not worried about that now.

I really enjoyed my first day. I think I will gain

confidence and my work will improve. When I got

home, I was happy but completely worn out!

Cody Cowie - 3R2

I felt a bit scared on my

first day and I was

pleased I knew some

people from my old

school. The lessons were

different from primary.

I like my form tutor

Mr McCrae. I was

relieved when my first

day was out the way!

Ryan Lark - 3B1

On the first day I had

mixed emotions.

Fortunately there were

people I knew on my bus.

When we got here we

had lots of instructions

about where to go and

what to do. All the

teachers were really nice

and happy to help.

Kacie Davidson

- 3R3

On my first day I

was nervous

because I didn’t

know where

anything was, but I

felt more relaxed

after meeting my

tutor. I enjoyed my

lunch and made lots

of new friends. I am

happy to be part of

Healing school.

Amelia Stanley

- 3G1

At first I was

nervous, but also

excited about

starting at a new

school. I was

worried about

getting to my

lessons on time,

sorting out my lunch

money and getting


Even though I was

worried, people

helped me and I

soon became a lot

more confident and

made new friends. I think that everybody at

Healing school is very caring. I really enjoyed

my first day and I liked all the lessons that

we had.

Ebony Moffat - 3G4

On my first day at Healing, I found the atmosphere in the school very

welcoming. My friends and I were buzzing with excitement! I felt safe as

soon as I got off the bus, even though I was a bit worried about the day

ahead. As soon as I got here, I just wanted to get started!

Even though I didn’t sleep well the night before, my worries soon

disappeared and when I got home, my first words were ‘I can’t wait to go

back tomorrow.’ I even enjoyed doing my homework! My first day was


Bethany Ireland -


When I walked through the

gate on the first day, I felt

so small, I was worried

about getting trodden on!

I enjoyed my first P.W.L.

lesson. The teacher was

funny and helped me feel

comfortable in a new place.

The older pupils were really

kind and helpful, especially

when I got lost. All in all,

everyone helped me feel

like I belong at Healing.

Footnote: P.W.L = Preparation for Working Life