Abate (V) 1

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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Abate (V) 1. To make less in amount, degree, etc. to subside, become less; to deduct S-diminish, decrease, subside, let up A-intensify, increase, magnify. Absolve (V) 2. To clear from blame, responsibility or guilt S- acquit, exonerate, vindicate, excuse, pardon - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Abate (V) 1


To make less in amount, degree, etc. to subside, become less; to deduct

S-diminish, decrease, subside, let upA-intensify, increase, magnify

Absolve (V) 2 To clear from blame, responsibility or guilt

S- acquit, exonerate, vindicate, excuse, pardon

A-condemn, convict, incriminate, inculpate

Accrue (V) 3 To grow or accumulate over time, to

happen as a natural result.

S- collect, accumulate, proceed from A-dwindle, decrease, diminish, lessen

Acrimonious(adj.) 4

Stinging, bitter in temper or tone

Synonyms: biting, rancorous, hostile, peevish

Antonyms: gentle, warm, mild, cordial

Adulation(n.) 5

Praise or flattery that is excessive

Synonyms: adoration, idolization, hero-worship

Antonyms: ridicule, derision, odium

Affable(adj.) 6

Courteous and pleasant, sociable, easy to speak to

Synonyms: genial, amicable, cordial

Antonyms: surly, cantankerous, dour, inhospitable

Aggrandize 7

• Verb• Definition: To increase in greatness, power, or

wealth; to build up or intensify; to make appear greater.

• Synonyms: Augment, Amplify, Enhance, Exalt

Amorphous 8

• Adjective• Definition: Shapeless, without definite form;

of no particular type or character; without organization, unity or cohesion

• Synonym: Formless, Unstructured, Inchoate

Anathema 9

• Noun• Definition: an object of intense dislike; a curse

or strong denunciation (often used adjectivally without the article)

• Synonym: Malediction, Imprecation, Abomination

Annotation(N) 10

A Critical or explanatory note or comment, especially for a literary work.

Assuage(V) 11

To make easier or milder, relieve; to quiet, calm;To put an end to, appease, satisfy, quench

Syn: Mitigate, slake, allayAnt: intensify, aggravate, exacerbate

Avarice(N) 12

A greedy desire, particularly for wealth

Syn: cupidity, rapacity, acquisitiveness

Bedlam 13

(n.) A state or scene of uproar and confusionSynonyms: Commotion, Pandemonium, Chaos, AnarchyAntonyms: Peace and Quiet, Order, Tranquility

Bizarre 14

(adj.) Extremely strange, unusual, atypicalSynonyms: Grotesque, Fantastic, OutlandishAntonyms: Normal, Typical, Ordinary, Expected

Bulwark 15

(n.) A strong defense or pret4ection, a solid wall-like structure for defense; (v.) to provide such defense or protection.Synonyms: Bastion, RampartAntonym: Breach

Caricature 16

Noun- Representation, such as a drawing,

that exaggerates a characteristics features. To present something or someone in a deliberately distort way.

- Syn-cartoon

Carousal 17

• Noun• Noisy, revelry, or merrymaking. (often with the

suggestion of heavy drinking)• Syn- binge

Castigate 18

• Verb • To punish severely, to criticize severely• Syn- chastise• Ant- honor, praise

Caveat 19

(n.) a warning or caution to prevent misunderstand or discourage behavior

Synonyms: admonition, word to the wise

Clangor 20

(n.) a loud ringing sound; (v.) to make a loud ringing noise

Synonym: (n.) din, clamor, uproarAntonyms: (n.) silence, stillness

Collate 21

(v.) to compare critically in order to note differences, similarities, ect.; to arrange in

order for some specific purpose

Synonyms: sort out, cross-check

To prepare by combining ingredients To make up (as a dish) Devise, invent, fabricate

Synonyms- create, fashion, rustle up

Concoct (V) 22

An expert One who is well qualified to pass critical

judgments, especially in one of the fine arts

Synonyms- savant, pundit Antonyms- ignoramus, philistine

Connoisseur (N) 23

Dismay, confusion

Synonyms-shock, amazement, bewilderment, dismay

Antonyms- calm, composure, aplomb

Consternation (N) 24

Contraband (n)(adj) 25

• (n) Illegal traffic, smuggled goods

• (adj) illegal, prohibited

• Synonyms: Bootleg, Unlawful

• Antonyms: Legal, Lawful, Licit

Contrive (v) 26 To plan with ingenuity; to bring about

through a plan Synonyms: Think up, Concoct, Fabricate

Corpulent (adj) 27 Fat; having a large, bulky body Synonyms: Overweight, Heavy, Obese,

Stout Antonyms: Slender, Lea, Spare, Gaunt

Corroborate (verb) 28 To confirm, make more certain, bolster, substantiate, verify.

Antonyms: refute, contradict, undermine, discredit.

Crass (adj) 29 Coarse, unfeeling; stupid Synonyms: crude, tasteless, oafish,

obtuse. Antonyms: refined, elegant, tasteful,

polished, brilliant.

Credulous (adj) 30 Too ready to believe, easily deceived. Synonyms: Gullible, Trusting. Antonyms: Dubious, Skeptical.

Cupidity (n.) 31

• An eager desire for something; greed• Synonyms: avarice, rapacity, craving, lust• Antonyms: contentment, satiety, gratification

Debase (v.) 32

• To lower in character, quality, or value; to degrade, adulterate; to cause to deteriorate

• Synonyms: cheapen, corrupt, demean, depreciate

• Antonyms: elevate, uplift, improve, enhance

Deleterious (adj.) 33

• Harmful, injurious• Synonyms: detriments, destructive,

pernicious, damaging• Antonyms: helpful, beneficial, harmless,


Denizen ( N.) 34

Definition: An inhabitant, resident; on who frequents a place

Synonyms: dweller, habituéAntonyms: alien, outsider, foreigner

Desecrate (V.)35

Definition: To commit sacrilege upon, treat irreverently; to contaminate, pollute

Synonyms: profane, defile, violateAntonyms: revere, venerate, consecrate

Dilatory (ADJ.) 36

Definition: Tending to delay or procrastinate; not prompt; intend to delay or postpone

Synonyms: stalling, slow, tardy, laggardAntonyms: prompt, punctual, speedy, expeditious

Disavow (v.) 37 • To deny responsibility for or connection withs. disclaim, retract, abjurea. Acknowledge, admit, grant , certify

Dispassionate(adj.) 38 • Impartial; calm, free from emotions. unbiased, disinterested, cool, detacheda. committed, engaged, partial, biased

Disseminated (v.) 39• To scatter or spread widely s. disperse, publicize, broadcast, circulatea. Bring together, concentrate, muster, conceal, hide

Dissension (noun) 40

• Disagreement, sharp difference of opinion • Synonyms: strife, discord, contention• Antonyms: agreement, accord, harmony

Dun (verb, noun & adjective) 41

• (v) to demand insistently, especially in payment of debt

• (n) a creditor • (adj) dark, dull, drab, dingy• Synonyms: (v) hound, harass, nag • Antonyms: none

Elicit (verb) 42

• To draw forth, bring out from some source• Synonyms: evoke, extract, educe• Antonyms: repress, quash, squelch, stifle

Enhance (verb) 43

• To raise to a higher degree; to increase the value or desirability of

• Synonyms:– Improve, elevate

• Antonyms:– Diminish, degrade

Enthrall (verb) 44

• To captivate, charm, hold spellbound; to enslave; to imprison

• Synonyms:– Fascinate, attract

• Antonyms:– Bore to tears, repel

Equanimity (noun) 45

• Calmness, composure, refusal to panic• Synonyms:

– Tranquility, imperturbability • Antonyms:

– Excitability, flappability, agitation

Equivocate 46

• to use unclear language especially to deceive or mislead someone

Synonyms-palter,hedgeAntonym-to speak ones mind plainly

Expurgate 47

• remove matter thought to be objectionable or unsuitable from

• Synonym- Bleep Bowdlerize cleansestar Decontaminate Lustrate purge

• Antonym-dirty Open Allow permit

Extenuate 48

• make (guilt or an offense) seem less serious or more forgivable

• Synonym- palliate Minimize Excuse Qualify Decrease Diminish downplay

• Antonym- Enlarge Grow Increase Expand Extend Raise develop


free (someone or something) from a constraint or difficulty.

Syn unlock releaseAnt lock away

Fetter 50

• Noun

• a chain or manacle used to restrain a prisoner, typically placed around the ankles.– Synoum chain – Ant unlock

Filch 51

• pilfer or steal (something, especially a thing of small value) in a casual way. Verb

• Syn theft steal• Ant give back free


V. -To mock, to treat with contempt


• ADJ. – tending to be troublesome; quarrelsome, contrary; unpredictable.


• N. – the essential part, main point, or essence.

Heinous (adj)

Definition: Very wicked, offensive, hateful

Synonyms: Evil, Odious, OutrageousAntonyms: Excellent, wonderful, splendid


Immutable 57

adjective not mutable; unchangeable; changeless.

SLIDES 55-58!!!!!!

Inculcate (v.) 59• To impress on the mind by repetition,

teach persistently and earnestly• Syn.- instill, implant, infuse, ingrain,

imbue• Ant.- efface, extirpate, root out

Inscrutable (adj.) 60• Incapable of being understood;

impossible to see through physically• Syn.- impenetrable,

incomprehensible, enigmatic• Ant.- comprehensible, intelligible,


Insular (adj.) 61• Relating to, characteristics of, or

situated on an island; narrow or isolated in outlook or experience

• Syn.- narrow-minded, parochial, provincial

• Ant.- catholic, cosmopolitan, liberal

Invective 63

• Noun and Adjective • (N) a strong denunciation or condemnation;

abusive language; (A) abusive, vituperative • Synonyms: (N) vituperation, abuse, philippic• Antonyms: (N) tribute, panegyric, encomium

Motley 63

• Adjective and Noun• (A) showing great variety: composed of

different elements or many colors; (N) a jester’s costume; a jester

• Synonyms: (A) variegated, heterogeneous, diverse; (N) fool

• Antonyms: (A) homogeneous, monochromatic

Nebulous (adj.) 65Cloudlike, resembling a cloud; cloudy in color, not transparent; vague, confused, indistinct

Syn: hazy, fuzzy, cloudy, opaque, indeterminateAnt: definite, distinct, clear, sharply focused

(n.) faithlessness, treacherySynonyms: betrayal, disloyalty, treasonAntonyms: faithfulness, loyalty, steadfastness

Perfidy 68

Pernicious 69Adjective

Extremely harmful; deadly , fatal

Synonyms : injurious, deleterious , baleful, noxious

Antonyms : harmless, innocuous , salutary, salubrious

Pillage 70


To rob of goods by open force (as in war),plunderSyn: Ravage,Sack Ant; None


Part of speech: Noun

Definition: A collection of diverse or miscellaneous items; a general mixture; petals mixed with spices for scent

Synonyms: Hodgepodge, farrago, medleyAntonyms: homogeneous or uniform group



DEFINITION • A vague sense of

approaching misfortune OR• Knowing something bad

is going to happenSYNForeboding, premotion, hunch





Profligate(adj & noun)

(adj.) given over to dissipation and self-indulgence, immoral; recklessly extravagant

(n.) a person given to wild spending

Synonyms: (adj.) prodigal, improvident; (n.) spendthrift Antonyms: (adj.) penny-pinching, frugal, economical


Provincial (Adj.) 76

• of or concerning a province of a country or empire

• Synonym: narrow-minded

• Antonym - broad

78.Querulous DEFINE• Peevish, complaining,

fretful Or • Annoying, irritating SYNPetulant, irritable ANYUncomplaining, stoical

Relegate (Verb)

• To send or consign to an inferior position, place, or condition.

• Synonym: Downgrade• Antonym: Promotion



springing back; rebounding

Synonmys: elastic, flexible, springy.


Restitution 81

Part of speech: NOUN

Definition: The act of restoring someone or something to the rightful owner or to a former state or position; making good on a loss or damage

Synonyms: Reimbursement, Redress, Restoration


v.To revive, bring back to consciousness or existence

Syn – revitalize, reanimate, restore, reactive


Reverberate (V.) 83

to continue in a series of quickly repeated sounds that bounce off a surface




(v.) to satisfy completely; to fill to excess; (adj.) full, satisfied.


Synonyms: (v.) surfeit, gorgeAntonyms: (v.) deprive entirely of



Def:animated; vivacious; effervescent witty; brilliantly clever: a scintillating conversationalistSyn: Sparkling; Dazzling Ant: Dull 85

86. sear(verb)

Definition: to make or become dry and withered; to char or scorch the surface of; to harden, to make unfeelingSyn: scorch, parchAnt: wet, moisten

Sedentary87 (adj.)

Characterized by or calling for continued sitting; remaining in one place

Syn: static, stationary Ant: active, peripathetic

Sepulchral 88(adj.)

Funereal, typical of the tomb; extremely gloomy or dismal

Syn: lugubrious, mortuary Ant: no antonyms

Sleazy 89(adjective)

Definition: squalid; sordid; filthy; dilapidated; thin or poor in texture, as a fabric; cheap; flimsy

Syn: cheap, flimsyant: nice, respectable

Slovenly 90(adjective)

• Deffinition: untidy especially in personal appearance• Syn: slobbish, slobby, sloven, slovenly, unkempt, untidy• Ant: groomed; neat, ordered, orderly, tidy; careful, fastidious

Soporific 91Adjective/Noun

• adj: tending to cause sleep, relating to sleepiness or lethargy; n: something that induces sleep

• syn: (n) narcotic, anesthetic; ant: (adj) stimulating, (n) stimulant, stimulus

Squeamish (adj)

• Definition: Inclined to nausea, easily shocked or upset; excessively fastidious or refined

• Synonyms: Nauseated, queasy, delicate, oversensitive

• Antonyms: None


Surreptitious #94

adjective 1. obtained, done, made, etc., by stealth; secret or

unauthorized: a surreptitious glance.

Thwart 95(Verb)

To oppose successfully; To prevent, frustrate.

Syn: foil, baffle Ant: aid, assist

97. Transmute(verb)

Definition: to change from one nature, substance or form to anothersyn: transform, convertAnt: maintain