A2 media goodwin analysis

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of A2 media goodwin analysis


Re-cap of Goodwin analysisAnalysis of real music videosAnalysis of Kenye West

Music videos are associated with;1.Links between lyrics and music2.Links between music and lyrics3.Genre characteristics4. Intertextual reference5.Notions of looking6.Performance, narrative, and concept based

music videos. 7.Demands of the record label

Goodwin suggests lyrics will make constant references to visuals on screen.

Visuals will reinforce what the lyrics say. (Beyoncé-single ladies).


These are depicted as the certain traits associated with a particular music genre.

Notions of looking plays on the idea of gaze and the way characters are visualized and represented. For example, the female character as an object.

Notions of looking however is not just restricted to women, it may also representation of men as particular as; gangsters, cheats etc.

The way in which texts refer to other media texts that producers assume audiences will recognise.

Music videos are one medium which relies heavily on intertextuality to achieve a particular effect.

For instance, referring to other videos, films, TV programmes of other media text.

The record label has a certain control over the artist they sign.

Artist/s may develop a motif which would recur across their work.

Beyoncé- independent women image- band women- dancers usually women- lyrics about being independent.

Such demand could be made by the label E.g. to develop a single image, sexy image etc.

Narrative: linear- tells a story from start to end. Fragmented- tells a story not necessarily in the right order.


Performance- for example takes from live performances/ does not have a particular story.
