A Wise Approach to a Social Consumer Oriented Practice

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Social media has made it easier for companies to find customers at their point of need. While social media is just another channel of communication, not a looming mysterious force, it still requires its own methods and approach. Every brand today should look at itself not just as a company but as a publisher of content. Today your company’s content and engagement methods are key. Reaching out to provide service on social media is the most public approach you will ever do as a company. The best companies today are creating frameworks for themselves and their employees. They provide clear and easy to follow protocol on how to engage with customers in social networks. Social Media Consultant Blake Landau will lead this session to help you better understand new Consumer Care tactics using Twitter, Facebook, Quora, Pinterest, YouTube, blogs, and forums – platforms that you can’t afford to ignore. We’ll provide guidance on creating a results-oriented system that works for you. Questions we’ll address in this session: How does customer service take a collaborative and cross-departmental approach to social media and how to help build a case for incorporating customer service into the corporate social strategy? What is the difference between ROI and ROE (Return on Engagement) and how can I set metrics in place that make sense for my company? What social customer service case studies can I look to for best practices? About our Presenter: Blake Landau Blake has worked with a variety of brands ranging from big brand Verizon Wireless to Bay Area favorites like Sukhis Indian Foods on their social media programs She's a writer and blogger and has published articles with Forbes, CMSWire, Women 2.0, Direct Marketing News and more She has built her own business leveraging social media resulting in clients, press, and other speaking opportunities. Presented at a variety of conferences including Customer Engagement Technology World, CRM Evolution, Facebook 201 (for nonprofits) and Social Media Week. Passionate about supporting local small business community.

Transcript of A Wise Approach to a Social Consumer Oriented Practice

a Wise approach to a social consumer oriented practice

NW SOCAP * Artemis September 2012

Who is blake?

Client List

Let’s get started

This isn’t any of you but....

Why Are We Here?

• consumers “cut the line,” gravitating to social channels

• Customer service is now responsible for the most public messaging the company will ever do

• Social media provides a big opportunity for customer Care

Can you relate to this?

We have some support, but how do we get more buy-in from leadership?

Once we have the technology, how do we do a better job of getting it set up past the pilot phase?

Where do I start with metrics for my reps on social?

Are you answering the door?

Do you have the Executive support to staff up for social?

the new customer service reality

Challenge or Opportunity?

sharing best practices

Filtering and prioritizing posts for agents

With a limited number of contact center resources, it becomes increasingly important to determine which posts require a response

Improving your Klout

Effectiveness metrics such as influence and klout can help prioritize posts

You want to attend to influential customers without alienating everyone else

Be aware that….

Routing the right post to the right agent

Use sentiment analysis or keyword filtering to determine which posts need to be routed to which group


1. Service measures 2. Quality measures 3. Effectiveness measures

Service measures

‘Service level’ is one of the more important indicators of success for social care platforms

A strong service level for social is around 85%. answering tweets within 15 minutes, and FB posts within a couple of hours.

abandonment rate

•measure the percentage of posts that are never responded to or looked at by the social media team.

•high ‘abandon rate’ means the volume is too high for agents to handle and usually occurs after an issue or big event.

Quality Measures

Evaluating the written ‘quality of response’ given by an agent. This should be evaluated using a customer survey or an outside quality team at your company

First post resolution

If an issue is addressed on the first response then the advice given was clear and on point.

Channel redirections?Channel redirection occurs when a customer asks a question on a channel that is not able to support an appropriate response.

effectiveness measures

Social care conversations affect the overall perception of the brand.

‘Post sentiment’ to judge the attitude, opinion or emotion communicated through customers’ social posts

ReachCalculate ‘Reach’ of the agent’s response by calculating the number of people who are following (for Twitter) or are friends with (for Facebook) the individual that’s having a public conversation with an agent









Owned versus Earned Media

Owned social media includes the channels you control such as the Facebook page, twitter and Slideshare. Earned social media includes content off of your owned pages, such as external blogs, videos, and forums. you don’t control this.

customer service blog

Write 1-2 blogs per week. Market the blogs on your social channels

Respond to comments

Track engagement via traffic, comments, RTs, tweets, Likes, Shares and more.


Tweet content that directs customers to the right information

If responding to a tweet, post initials. Anything specific--not sent out as a piece of news--should have initials (-BL or –MS).

Tweet in the morning and at night notifying when you’re “open” for business and “closed” for business

Participate in tweetchats such as #custserv tuesdays at 6pm pt every week

include faces with profiles for social customer care team--makes it more human

take conversations offline as needed


Facebook Page

Highlight customers of the week, or customer creations

Answer customer inquiries when it has to do with something actionable

don’t always respond to venting. there’s nothing cs can do about customer anger

collaborate with other teams (PR, Marketing) to ensure streamlined approach

Google+ Content Helps SEO More Than Twitter


Upload “how to” content

Create videos with your customers

Create videos with your customer service team

Quora Create a profile

Follow relevant influencers in your industry

Using tags Search for your brand, and answer questions on quora

in conclusion

Start where you are

Do what works for your particular organization

Make the most with what you have

Be brave to fight for the resourcesyou need

Be patient

Dust yourself off and get back up when things go badly

Simplify social


Blake Landau, Consultant, Artemis


Blake @ Artemis Strategies.com