A Super-Simple Formula For Getting What You Really Want

Post on 02-Aug-2015

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Transcript of A Super-Simple Formula For Getting What You Really Want

1. I was 16 years old, struggling to keep my dream of becoming a professional bodybuilder alive 2. Frustrated and pissed off because I had no idea why I was always doing what others wanted me to do, even though I did not want do do it 3. And at that moment in the summer of 2013, I did the unthinkable 4. I got online, pulled out my credit card and ordered a Tony Robbins audio program as my last ray of hope for creating a life on my terms 5. One of the sessions in that audio program was a goal-setting workshop, where I discovered a formula for getting what you really want, NO MATTER what it is. 6. Today Im here to share that formula with you :-) 7. Are you ready? 8. Heres what I found 9. Deep down inside, you already know what you want to do in life, you know what your dreams are. 10. You might not be letting it fully come to surface simply because you got beat up in life, you got stabbed in the heart with daggers so many times that a once mighty flame of desire is now but a tiny spark of hope 11. Thats what society does sometimes. 12. It puts you in a box thats too small for your dreams, so it forces you to stop dreaming 13. And you started to settle, hoping that some day maybe your dreams could become a reality 14. And Im here to tell you that 15. There is a way 16. There is a way to take that tiny spark of hope and turn it into a mighty, powerful flame that it once was! 17. A flame that will burn though reason, burn through obstacles, burn through the box and turn it into ashes. 18. Right now, Im going to guide you through the same process that Tony Robbins guided me through and give you PROOF that it WORKS. 19. Heres how it works: 20. I want you to imagine for a moment that youre a little child again 21. Its Christmas and youve just gone to the mall to meet Santa and tell him your wishes 22. Youre excited, your eyes are glaring with joy, your heart is pounding, your chest is going up and down because youre breathing so fast 23. And as you sit on Santas lap, you feel a wave-like electricity move down your spine, all the way through your entire body 24. BECAUSE you KNOW that NO MATTER WHAT you ask, youre going to get it. 25. And you say: Santa, I want ____________ 26. And just let your subconscious mind flash an answer into your consciousness. 27. Next, immediately proceed to create a plan of how youre going to get that 28. And once you have the plan, you must immediately do something that will absolutely commit you to that goal. 29. There must be no going back. 30. Nothing except what you want. 31. No other option. 32. The results blew my mind! 33. As I sat down to do this process, I got into the state I described to you at the start of this exercise 34. And as my mind became absolutely silent 35. KA-BOOM!!! 36. An answer flashed into my mind. 37. I said: Im going to meet my idol, Arnold Schwarzenegger! 38. Next, I thought how soon Id be able to do it, 5 years, 10 years 39. And as doubt and discouragement started creeping behind my back to steal all my new- found enthusiasm I said 40. Fuck it! Im going to do it within 1 year! 41. Less than 2 months later, 2000 kilometers away, as tears of joy were streaming down my face 42. I realized something POWERFUL 43. Id just shaken the hand of Arnold Schwarzenegger. 44. Now is your turn! 45. Hopefully you enjoyed this presentation ;-) For more awesome content visit my blog! (link in the description)