A Study on Campus Democracy in India

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A Study on Campus Democracy in India

Transcript of A Study on Campus Democracy in India

  • 1. CAMPUS DEMOCRACY Centre for Public Policy Research

2. Introduction Democracy is a form of government in which everyone has a share, AV Dicey Campus Democracy shall be understood as means to provide freedom of thought and expression to youth Campus Politics is a necessity which can provide the training ground for youth to be a part of the political machinery in India Student participation and student representation is imminent for the growth of nation 9/4/20132 www.civitas.in 3. About the Study The study was undertaken by Civitas for LYF India and supported by FnST The Study was conducted in 78 colleges across the country comprising Arts, Commerce, Management, Medical, Engineering and law colleges Divided into east, west, north, north-east and south Questionnaire based survey (Online and Offline)- Students, student leaders, faculty and management Compendium captured various facets of Campus Democracy- Campus Politics, student organizations and groups, activities, opinions and observations Lyngdoh Committee recommendations, 2005 9/4/20133 www.civitas.in 4. Findings and learnings 9/4/20134 www.civitas.in 5. Support for Students Election Majority Students Support while few faculty and Administration support Student Elections 73% students support student elections 24 % of the faculties and management supported student elections 9/4/20135 www.civitas.in 6. Election or Nomination? Students in favour of Election over nomination Nearly half of the colleges surveyed followed nomination systems 69 % of the students and 52 % of faculty preferred elections over nominations 73% of the respondent students support election in colleges where nomination systems are in place. 9/4/20136 www.civitas.in 7. Perception on campus politics 9/4/2013www.civitas.in7 Students in favour of campus politics devoid of violence and aimed at development of campus Students opinion on Campus politics Percentage Campus sans politics is not democratic 8 Dissatisfied/cynical with it because it does not raise and address campus issues 5 It creates future leaders 12 It is the right of the student 25 It leads to a vibrant campus 11 Oppose it, as academics should not be combined with politics 19 Oppose it, as it is violent 13 No information 7 8. Awareness about Lyngdoh Recommendations Low awareness and Uneven Implementation of Lyngdoh Committee Recommendations 39% students have heard of Lyngdoh committee recommendations 46% campuses have implemented Lyngdoh committee recommendations; 5% partially implemented it 41% campuses take no action if students violate Lyngdoh recommendations 9/4/20138 www.civitas.in 9. Perception of Students Union Students concerned over Effectiveness of Student Council/ Union 19% of the respondents felt that the Students Council/Union were working for the development of the Campus 16% 4% 1% 12% 21% 13% 19% 14% Always Do not have Student Council No Often Rarely Sometimes 9/4/20139 www.civitas.in 10. .Contd Mere 6 % of the students found student council effective in redressing their grievances 22 % of the colleges did not have any student body (100 % in law, 57 % of management and 33 % of Engineering colleges and nil in Medical colleges). Dean of Student Welfare, Proctor, Student Grievance redressal cell. 9/4/201310 www.civitas.in 11. Violence during Student Elections is a Reality 21% students reported that they had witnessed violence during Students Union elections and 37% linked campus politics with violence Incidence of violence reported at Aligarh Muslim University, Lucknow University, Himachal University, Kerala University 60% campuses have an election grievance redressal cell Violence inside Campus 9/4/201311 www.civitas.in 12. Campaigning Campaigning Efforts are vibrant but restricted 9/4/201312 www.civitas.in 13. Voting pattern differs and have direct relation to political awareness Campuses like Kerala University and Calcutta University have turnouts of 80-85% .While Universities like Delhi University has a mere 25- 30% votes during the elections. 9/4/201313 www.civitas.in 14. Election expenditure Violations of Financial Expenditure Limits is Common Nearly 41% of the colleges do not have specific provisions relating to ceiling of financial expenditure for student candidates Financial expenditure of 18 % of student candidates is over Rs 5000 29 % spend less than Rs 1500 12% candidates get financial support from political parties 9/4/201314 www.civitas.in 15. An analysis of student politics in India 64% 25% 11% Do Students Wish to Become Student Leaders? No Information No Yes Number of youth (between 25- 40) in the present Parliament- 71 (Source :CSDS Study) 9/4/201315 www.civitas.in Source:www.theindiasite.com 16. Factors affecting Campus Democracy Lack of management support and an enabling environment for students to get involved in democratic processes in the campus Academic constrains not helping students interested in campus politics Restrictions for students involvement in politics on campus Lack of a platform for developing awareness on campus democracy and governance processes 9/4/201316 www.civitas.in 17. Contd 9/4/2013www.civitas.in17 Students lack of interest and distrust in political and governance processes Violation of basic principles of non- violence, democracy, transparency and accountability in educational institutions End result of these dynamics are that student councils are not effectively concentrating on addressing students issues 18. Learnings Reactions towards campus elections are mixed with students demanding for more representation Lyngdoh Committee recommendations are yet to be taken under serious consideration- The relevance of the recommendations need to be understood in the present context There is a definite influence of political parties on the representation system 9/4/201318 www.civitas.in 19. Contd 9/4/2013www.civitas.in19 Incidents of violence still take place during elections Majority of the private colleges, especially those that offer professional courses, frown upon campus elections- Students support a democratic process Majority of the faculty members feel that student politics dilutes the spirit of academics and its better kept out of the campus. 20. ..Contd 9/4/2013www.civitas.in20 Students are dis-interested to become student leaders or take politics as a career- Increasing role of youth politicians is encouraging Majority of the students feel that student unions are not the ultimate remedy to their problems- Revisit the role of student unions with more participation and transparency Faculties and managements feel that student elections do not foster democratic practices on the campus- Focus and priorities have changed There is a considerable drop in student interest towards campus politics and socio-political issues- A social reality? 21. Thank You 9/4/2013www.civitas.in21