A Stress-Buster / Bliss Builder · tension, stress, pain, emotional upset, fatigue, etc. It’s an...

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Transcript of A Stress-Buster / Bliss Builder · tension, stress, pain, emotional upset, fatigue, etc. It’s an...

“Breathing Biofield Bliss”A Stress-Buster / Bliss Builder

This practice has the potential to change everything and get your energy and life back on the right track!

info@PainFreeLivingProgram.com www.PainFreeLivingProgram.com

A Deeply Relaxing Breathwork Technique for Body/Mind/Spirit BLISS

WayneDeboraHealing Education Transformation

WayneDeboraHealing Education Transformation

This Stress-Buster/Bliss Builder is best used as a daily exercise practiced first thing in the morning (or shortly after rising ).

This is a great tool to use immediately any time throughout the day if you experience anxiety, tension, stress, pain, emotional upset, fatigue, etc.

It’s an easy way to raise your vibration immediately to a higher state of consciousness.

It is great to also practice this at bedtime to clear the stress “build-up” from the day, relax physical/mental/emotional tension, calm your entire nervous system, and improve the quality of your sleep.

Practice this ANY TIME you feel stressed out, afraid, anxious, uncomfortable in any way.

• Sitting comfortably (or lying down is OK too but there is a tendency to fall asleep if you do this lying down). REMEMBER, NEVER PRACTICE THIS WHILE DRIVING!

• Close your eyes (it works with your eyes open too!) • Place your right hand on your low belly and your left hand on your heart

• RELAX your Low Belly completely and as you inhale through your NOSE (not mouth) and breathe INTO your low belly first. This should make your RIGHT HAND rise up and move. This may take practice. Most people don't breathe down deep into the low belly like this, so just practice until you get it…You WILL!








“Breathing Biofield Bliss”A Stress-Buster / Bliss Builder

info@PainFreeLivingProgram.com www.PainFreeLivingProgram.com

WayneDeboraHealing Education Transformation

WayneDeboraHealing Education Transformation

• Inhale into your low belly and draw the breath all the way up into your heart/chest/lungs area and keep drawing the breath UP to the top of your head. • NEXT… open your mouth and SLOWLY let out a deep long sigh out of your mouth until you exhale every last drop of air out. Press your navel into your spine as you exhale, squeezing the air entirely out.

•THEN, START AGAIN … relaxing your low belly…drawing the breath up to your heart, then your head…..and then, SLOWLY & thoroughly Exhale deeply and completely through your mouth. This is considered ONE ROUND of belly breathing.


IF YOU ARE NEW TO THIS: Practice this at first to a count of 4 or 5 as you inhale and 4 or 5 as you exhale. Keep your inhales and exhales as even as possible. Once counting to 4 or 5 becomes easy for you, then increase the count to 6, 7, or 8 counts as you inhale and 6, 7, or 8 counts as you exhale. Don't strain. Never Strain. It's not about forcing, pushing, or straining and there is no prize for a longer breath! Find a pace that feels comfortable for you.

IMPORTANT: Remember every day may be different – some days easier than others. Listen to your body and don’t compare to what you were able to do yesterday. You can build up and lengthen the count over time gradually. THIS IS NOT A RACE OR COMPETITION.

It’s IMPORTANT TO JUST START and to DO THIS CONSISTENTLY…..ON A DAILY BASIS if possible. One minute every day is better than 30 minutes once a week.

IDEALLY Start with 3 times per day (especially if you are stressed out) AIM FOR 10 rounds of breathing. (one round includes 1 inhale and 1 exhale) . IDEALLY build up to practicing 5 minutes or longer if possible.


Do not strain, however Initially this may take a bit of effort and getting used to relaxing your low belly muscles.

PEOPLE REPORT TREMENDOUS BENEFITS SUCH AS: • Increased Energy Levels • Tones the stomach muscles • Helps detoxify the lungs • Relief from depression, anxiety, fear, anger, undesireable emotions. • Lower Stress levels • Improved Sleep

This simple method may be used easily anywhere.

BELLY BREATHING HAS A CUMULATIVE EFFECTOnce you get good at this, even one breath sends the signal to your nervous system and can help you to shift back into your new pattern of relaxation.


“Breathing Biofield Bliss”A Stress-Buster / Bliss Builder

info@PainFreeLivingProgram.com www.PainFreeLivingProgram.com

DISCLAIMER:  The information, materials, and attachments contained herein are designed for educational purposes only and may not be reproduced in any manner or format without specific written permission from Debora Wayne, Debora Wayne, LLC. This information is not designed or intended to provide guarantees of any kind nor to be considered medical advice, medical diagnosis, or medical treatment. Debora Wayne, Debora Wayne LLC,  The Biofield Institute, and any and all associates of Debora Wayne, Debora Wayne LLC, and/or The Biofield Institute, shall not be responsible or liable for any medical, financial, or other claims inferred from these materials. You are solely responsible for continuing with your own medical treatment and care.   Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control.

WayneDeboraHealing Education Transformation

WayneDeboraHealing Education Transformation

I would love to help you get your life back on track, eliminate your pain patterns, raise your vibration, feel more energy and vitality, and start being, happy, joyous, and living pain free!

I invite you to contact me now at: info@painfreelivingprogram.com and find out how I can assist you further in achieving Pain Free Living!

Much Love,

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