A step by step information for managers and workers in the metal fabrication area.

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of A step by step information for managers and workers in the metal fabrication area.

Atlas Rigging & Transfer

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A Guide about Dos and Don’ts of Metal Fabrication

Making sure to abide by the safety rules is critical to working safely. Particularly when it comes to heavy-duty machinery, it is substantial to be vigilant and careful while handling metal fabrications and machines associated with them. Listed here is a brief guideline of dos and don’ts of metal fabrication to help keep you secure in long run:

What is anticipated of an employee:

Get the appropriate rest to ensure you stay more tightly focused on the work at hand.O Make certain to take the machinery seriously and with

care.O Avoid using the heavy machinery if proper training hasn’t

been received.O Do pay proper attention to the work you are involved in.O Get the appropriate rest to ensure you stay more tightly

focused on the work at hand. By clicking on Youtube you will be able to get more information on this subject.

Dos and Don’ts of a Manager:

O Try to identify the workers that aren’t fully committed to the work.

O Do check out for random drug testing Make the right decisions by visiting Youtube.

O Take proper care of all issues related to injuries on the work site.

O Make sure not to overlook problems, like minor accidents. O Don’t let the worker get in a position of being exhausted. O Don’t be reluctant in sending any of the employee homes

due to their low performanceO Give compliment to those workers that complete their

work to a high standard.

In recent years the problems in metal fabrication have learned to decline due to better rules of safety. Any worker in control must succeed and stick to all rules and regulations.

Atlas Rigging & Transfer is associated with Rigging, Hoisting and Machine Moving Services since 30 years. It also has expertise in Consulting Services, Metal/ Steel Fabrication, Machine & Electrical Installation Services. You can Contact Atlas Rigging & Transfer through,





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