A special birthday gift from me to you · Marianne Williamson, from A Return To Love: Reflections...

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Transcript of A special birthday gift from me to you · Marianne Williamson, from A Return To Love: Reflections...

© 2013 Brigitte van Tuijl | www.brigittevantuijl.com | support@brigittevantuijl.com

My Birthday Gift To You!


A special birthday gift from me to you

To help you take the first steps to

Unleashing your Uniqueness

in your business and your life

© 2013 Brigitte van Tuijl | www.brigittevantuijl.com | support@brigittevantuijl.com

My Birthday Gift To You!


Hi, this is Brigitte van Tuijl and this is my special birthday gift to you! This mini guide is meant to help you take the first steps in uncovering and unleashing your gifts, uniqueness and true self - the real keys to happiness, freedom, success and fulfillment in your business. I bet that’s exactly what you want from your business, right? You probably wish for a whole lot more, but I’m sure you recognize most of the above. I know – I want all of that (and more) too! ;) I also know that the easiest and ONLY way to achieve this is to:

• Know what your talents are (and express them); • Know what makes you and your business unique (and make

that visible). In other words: to be completely true to yourself in your business Sounds simple, right? It is. It’s just not easy.

© 2013 Brigitte van Tuijl | www.brigittevantuijl.com | support@brigittevantuijl.com

My Birthday Gift To You!


It took me a looonnngggg time to understand and accept myself completely, and be myself in my business for 100%. What I most struggled with was being a hermit. I didn’t like that about myself. I thought it was weird and a huge burden in my life and especially in my business. But lo and behold…..not only did I learn it’s not a burden but a gift, but I now FINALLY see it’s what makes me unique. Being a hermit taught me A LOT – which I can now share with my clients and readers. One of the things it taught me is how to uncover, embrace and share your uniqueness in your business in a way that serves both yourself and your clients. And some of it I now share with you in this free mini guide. I hope this mini guide will inspire you, uplift you, and help you shine your light and yourself in your business even more than you already are. To your uniqueness!

Brigitte (aka The Happy Hermit ;) Mentor to women entrepreneurs making a BIG difference in their own unique way

© 2013 Brigitte van Tuijl | www.brigittevantuijl.com | support@brigittevantuijl.com

My Birthday Gift To You!


Inner Work Part 1 Some questions that help you uncover your talents:

1. What is it that others always compliment you on?

2. What do your clients/customers say you are good at?

3. Write down 3 things you are proud of: you think of this as successes. Describe each success in a couple of sentences and answer the following questions:

- Which talents did you use to make this a success? - What did you do to make this a success and how did you do


© 2013 Brigitte van Tuijl | www.brigittevantuijl.com | support@brigittevantuijl.com

My Birthday Gift To You!


Inner Work Part 2

Shift your mindset

1. The more you use your talents, the more valuable they become; they can only grow, they can never get smaller.

2. You are born with your talents and gifts already in you: they

are yours. No one can take them away from you. They are always within reach and always available to you.

3. No one is exactly like you. Therefore no one can do exactly

what you can, the exact same way you do it. No one.

4. The more you are aware of your gifts, the more you can use them. The more you use them, the stronger and more visible they become.

5. Fully expressing yourself and your gifts in your business

and your life is the key to freedom, fulfillment, happiness and success.

6. Everyone has talents, and everyone has a special ability or

gift – including you!

7. When you are YOU, there is no competition.

© 2013 Brigitte van Tuijl | www.brigittevantuijl.com | support@brigittevantuijl.com

My Birthday Gift To You!


Outer Work – shine your light more

a) Do you have talents you are not fully expressing now? If so, would you like to express them more, and how can you do that:

- in your products or services; - in your marketing; - on your website; - etc.

b) Are there parts of you that you are currently holding back? If

so, would you like to make them more visible and how can you do that:

- in your products or services; - in your marketing; - on your website; - etc.

c) Choose one gift, talent, or something about yourself that you are not currently sharing, even though you know it might have a positive impact on your business. Figure out how you can make it (more) visible this week. And…..take that step!

© 2013 Brigitte van Tuijl | www.brigittevantuijl.com | support@brigittevantuijl.com

My Birthday Gift To You!


The outer work concludes the action steps of this mini guide. I hope it helps you to be more of YOU in your business, and share the uniqueness and talents you were born to share. Want more? This mini guide might be all you need. If not, my program Unleash your Uniqueness is just what you need! In it, I teach you EVERYTHING you need to know to uncover, embrace, own and share your uniqueness in your business. And because it’s my birthday, you get a Super Special Birthday Bonus of 250 Euros: If you purchase it BEFORE Thursday April 25th, you’ll only pay € 247,00!* (after that, the price goes back up to € 497,00* again) You’ll need this promo code: birthday Just check it out here: http://www.brigittevantuijl.com/unique/ There’s loads of interesting and valuable stuff to learn (things NO ONE else teaches you!) AND I offer a great guarantee so you’ll buy completely risk-free (if you’re not happy you’ll get your money back!) If you sign up now, you’ll have access to the entire program within minutes! (*VAT not included)

© 2013 Brigitte van Tuijl | www.brigittevantuijl.com | support@brigittevantuijl.com

My Birthday Gift To You!


Shine your light

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves:

‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’

Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking

so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,

we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Marianne Williamson, from A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in
