› Research › TheCourier › CourierObits-56-… · 4 • THE COURIER UNCOlN, ILUNOIS •...

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Transcript of › Research › TheCourier › CourierObits-56-… · 4 • THE COURIER UNCOlN, ILUNOIS •...


~rel deaths Stephen Scott Behm

'\\ II\{ 1 ~1I "; n ""'llh"1! &lIn !\,·hm ' '' .• ,r ,",.k,'m". tl .. I!t"\l ,II

I!t ~:lm J.IIlU.I" lK. !1I1II tn :m ,Iul ll .Il'll"k nt

'" I ndmnll~'hs.

" \\1 tw"m ".I~.' (I'll 100\\"t' r manil ~'

I't ,., I 'c..'1 , ·'Ii,lnh lh 'll t" III 1,ImpoI, H _

110- I I . " .IIIIIi.I(('l1 \11 th /I,'n I lllllo' r.m l hurd') .. f I JI\I.uln

"II-"Iwn \I,I! ",. ~rf'a'l\' m~ ... ed 11 \ 1.mul, .m.! In.'ml ..

Ii<' \1.1' h"m \1.11211 i'!tiI :1I " I t 1.ln, lI"'p1l .• 1111 IJlll'"ln, H. h. \\ .\IIt'! .1111.1 I!."nt,'" /11'j!1,,", .. k l


111\I,,·ln ,'\" ,DaH" 11.1'0'1. \' ,If f.. •• ,11,· RUl k. , 'II and 1M II 11-1,,\ I ~t·.Uh·\ ,,1 1',111111 •• , 11 . "nt- hr,,,I1.,, \\',.ikr tJuht'j H. 'hm .,' ]"11\"" AI hh.lU nt "'h,U'1Il ,nd k.,\ "",md,'J">- " I J,'nh,.I,'m, ''''.IO'I.",u''lI1 "' .1\1'\ t l\,'\ln) 11" .. ,ml •• j IhKh l" nd II nlI"U', LUII,I I\n,h-'l. _'tm".,. ~.II:.h 1\,,1,,·\ 1). lIlldl,· .I IHI 1II.lk,-.. lnti 11\,1 ~rc.1 1 nt,-, ,',. Emili ..... 1m! ''''' ',,:U.,

\ 11 I""hlll' IlU",ral \\111 t,,· ,11 111 1 ~ I~ I fl ' \\',~hlt~~d,'1 F.·I! :I ,II hi ,n I.Ulh,'r,ml 'hun h "f IJrkl)ln '' '' h rh,' 1(,'1' 'I"rk l'huml""n .. 11,. 1. 1!1II1-! lIun . .I .... ,I! h,'on/l,m C"m"r"J'I:. !.J lwuJn, II .

' 1 ~lt" II"n Williit' I '"I i IR I P m 1 u.',I1.1\ ,II 1 nt kl',Lllv"n ~lhr.lll'·l ~UllO 'r. lllto'ml· I Jllr<lln,

" \h'm"n.'" m." ho.' m" I1 .. h' ZK'" I IJlh, r.m "'\hl~JI ,'r !,.,n [uthen'" l'tlUrdl!lr Jlnfuln

Area calendar

B.rb.,. Bene, CRE\'1-' COFUR - H.;u1)afU Elltn

Htlln. 75. uf JI9 1Ia .... 100mf'


CIrcle p.lSSed all.'3y 1118:10 pm . Fnday. January 29. 1010 al Mt lhodlSl MedlCftl Ctmer In PI"I.uu

Ilom Ftbnary 28.

I!U,l ln Cumberland. Maryland 10

Ed .... ·aru It MPal· .ond l.eoda Grace (Bn K)k,,) ('~t' , ~ he- mnmetJ ·I'h.'\>dure Ht-11t'r, Jr on July It. 19ti7 m I'eona SUrl,.,'n~ art· ht- r husb;ulI.I : "

d;lU~htl'r.;. Janlct" 11\('\1n) Ilen":lln of C.1fX' Fair, Ml" nun, l)ehblt' G;lHt'n 'of FI 11Iuderdall'. f-londa ;ond Tamml' IHrad) Hro;ldfleld of (n'VI' Cllt'.ir and Eh/...:,ht-Ih Knapp

MIChael ISa~' ) Fwmg of Ona\!;ka. WL't(·nnsm. Jmlm\' Heller and Stewn I1e11tr. huih of Peona, 2 SIS· It'r-;. ('aml · Sul\" St-Jman of Enld.'n and 1antl ,Sonnyl ~ll l hlf' "f ~1mt SllJne. M~I)' 13ml , and I bmlhl.'r , P .. ul Ca!!'t' (I f Oldlovl1\. ."aryl'lIId, 16 ~mkhlldll! lI, 18 ~'J I '~·:mdch lldll!n . and 1 I!ftal­J.,'n' :lI ' ~l"JndsOl1

SOt- was pl't'\.-rtJcd In dtath by ht-r J"'ift'nls; II brnlhtf'> and Wi· Ief'> . and 2 i~r"ndl'h lldrl'n

,\ homemakt·r. Barhar;t was a member nl Fir-;I ( hurch uf God in F.ast Peona

Iwflll\' a lenb" hly 11I nbs. n..rn.11"J IIl11WIv .;m"l1 fur family and fm'nds In Ihtolr limes of need.

She was a IoMnlt ,10d devoted gr;mdmnlhl'r

I!'Mbara tnJH\'ed lUlJ l'(1lf1lC ~Hs ,md chlcktn fij.,.'unnN -

l tH fun .. ral .... ' 11 be al I I Am.,


Wtdneday al ·I'rt~1I1n Ilanle-.' FunerJl llumt'. l 'TI'I'" ('"eur chaptJ ~el' lIun StilI'S .... ' 11 ufoo· llIe VL~lIallom .... 'n hr fmm :'i In 7 p.rn , Tue.tJay t\unal .... 'lllx' In Fondulac Ct'mtlel)' m Eas1 1'(-..11111

Memonal ronlnbullons may be ffiaOP 10 Iht Amtncan Lunl! Assoc1atlOn . .11'01 1\.-11), 1.1m·. Spnngfield. lI_ 1;11 11 nrth!' Amtll(an Dmbeles A-"'SoCllIlIon. -2580 Ff'dernl Dr . SUl1e 40,1. Deocatur. 11. 61526

To express cnndolem't'li IInline. \'1li1t ............... preslon·h.mley {"11m

L.wrence E. Brog.n

l.a ..... n:.n E. BRlgan, 8X. of IJncoIn, pa\St'd away January :W,

2U IO III hume .... ' th hIS (ami' Iy

I':IwrenH' was bom May W. 1921 m Wisnmsm the ~cm ()f "ckley and Estella (Duranl),l Il~an III' mamed Dorulhy 11Impln~ Sh~ pft'Cooro hIm In

dl'alh In 199fi lIe ..... b a memhet of Iful)'

FamIly Cathohc (,hun'h III IJllColn. fL . he prflUdly .;('r-'rtl hiS rountry In the Men:h,lnl f..l nnnes durinjl( W\VTI. hr ....... , a lunjl( lime menlber tlf Ihe Knllo:hts of Columnus. and ,I member of the 1000al illEW for more than 55 years Ile ...... b also an al'ld No. re Dame fDn amI a Chlca,l!:o Hull~ and Chicago llears fan

lie IS 'Url,ved by hIS meee Rarb

O'Donohue of llncoIn. Il; his JrrI'al nephews Tom O'Oonohue of Unc:oIn. Brian (Kim) O'Oonohue of UncoIn. and Todd (calhy) • O'Donohue or O'Fallon, MO along wilh ~'eral OIher niects, nephe--Ns, greal nieces and oephews, and great pat niKe lInd oephev.-s

lie was pf't'Ctded in deal h by his parents. hL": WIfe ()omlhy. his SIS· ler Mary Slater. sl~1er lucille Ilnllun, and hiS brulher Fr.mclS Ill'O!:an.

lIoUarn.l HalT)' & Bennen Funeral lIome IS handhll8 nmlOgemenls

B.rb.r. Fo.te, "nAN'TA - Raroora FO~1er,

111, of "llnnlll passtd l\way on Monday, Febru:l ry 1. 2() )0 at 11.4M a m III her home

Funeral Arrangements aft' i the Quiram Pea~ley

Jan.t L. Schult. hntl L Schultz, 86 of Uncoln,

pa.'i..'ied aWllY January 19.1010 at 'Ille Chml!an VilIagr Mtmorial <;tl'Vlces will be held OIl 10:00 AM . Thursday, February '1.1010 al Holland BMI)' & Bennett Funeral I lome 10 Uncaln,

Janet st'rI't"lI as Ihe chun:h sec, relary for many year.; at Unco[n Chnsllan Church.

Jack Skagga ~t-\sON cryv - Jack Skaggs,

69. or M35Im City died al I I ;45 pm fin Jnnuary .1) , 1010 al Winter H.wen Ilosplllll in Florida,

Cremation ntl'S hal'e ~n al'corded. St'r-1Ces will be 1lI a laler dale

Ilurley Funeral Home in Mason Clly ~, II bt- in charge of arrange' ments.


Lori. L. Snyder [JNCOLN - Lone L Snydft'. 45.

ofUncoln~a~y on Sunday, January J I, 201 0 at 1:0 ) pm. al OSF SainI Franru Medical Centu in J>eooria

Funel'llll Arn:lng~ts are ptndlnl! at the Peasley Funeral Ilome m Uncoln.

a.ttl. M •• Spit •• Bell i£' Mae SPltZf' , 79. o(

Uncoln, ll .. passed away Friday, January 19, 11l10 allhe VNA Hor1 on Hospic'e unter 10

Valp.1miso. IN

l't1)rked in a \'ariety of posiliolll for the Slate of Illinois, and was a sclf..-mployed housek~r for 21 yelllS

She was II member of Ihe Firsl Uruled MelhoolSl Church in Uncoln and tnjoyetJ reading, quill ' 109, crochtlill8, and fis hing.

On May 16. 19Uin Uncaln she mamed Elm", Spitze, who pre­C'edetJ her in dealh ~mber 26.

2007 Survivors include one son.

Duane (Brenda) Delder of Uncoln. Il; one daughler, GImda Dext",­(Philip) Brown of Chesier1on, IN; step-son, Charles (Robena) Spitze of Wean, Nl-I, Slep--daughfer, Jeaoelle (Amiya) [)as of Champaign. Il; brOlher·in·!aw, Roben Spitze of Urbana. It. sister­IO-IaW. Dom Grnce (Nolan) McCall of BelT)'l'llle, AR: fM grandchildren. She-lley Dexter­(Jon) Thoma5 of I~Roy, It. Andl'!'W Dexter of Uncoln. It. Mallhew BfOIIo-ll of Ches1e r1on. IN, Derek DeKler of lincoln. Il; and Christopher Brown of Cheslenon. IN; two ~ep--grandclilldrtn. Philip (KelT)') Spltze of Mynle Beach. 5C. and Michael SPltze (Emily DeMaria and daughler AWin) of Keene. Nil She WIIS preceded in

, dealh by her parents; sister, Melvada Jean Copeland: and son.

Following mmalion at AngelcrtSl CremaHH), in Valparaiso. II private family serv· · ke will be held II Camp Bu.ler NaftoMI Ceme!ery in Springfield, IL

Memoriab may be made fo VNA lIospice in Valparaiso. IN or Logan County Pam medic Associalion in Uncoln. IL

. Motllerfuneralhome.com

We ~\Jar.lnlc-e Ihc r"wc~t pn~c rnr ,he hll!hcl l quat lty lI1"numcnl~ ,\: l· ra fbfll~n\llip .

MANLEY MONUMENTS _ S'''''''II fumlll fO IIlIa III., j 713 I1JCJo:OX DR' I.Jsrou~ · 7J5..4939


:::=====C"'~· III ·


Area iJeaths Lawrence E. Brogan

1"\0 w", t' ~ llrut/,tn ~. Ilf IJI"II:l.lln. p.t..~:-4.,J ,1 ...... \ J,mwf' ~H. ! 11 111:.t ho. lmt'

\\!lh hi" f:mul'l

llW're .... '11 be a \l l'mu n ;\I M;c.s twit! :-..ITurd"y. ~t'brullr)' l ilh. ~\IW ~t II til) M.I ,II Ilul\ Faml'" (",'holll l hUl\h 10 Imnoln. II

1.lwll·nn · .... as bo,'m '1,1\ HI, 1!121 In

\\'1'il"1\\lIl l h l ' sun of ,\ \ I\lI'\' ,Inll l "'1'11,1 ,[)UrilOl\) 1I 11~,tn lit' nl.lmf'tJ 1)" ln lth~ 1 . 1111111111( :-oh.' pr .... t'd!-d hl l1ll1\ 1It' •• ln In 1 ! "~,

Ill' ... ~ .. , , I mem!'>!', .,, lIul\ ~ ,lInl l \'

\ ',lll\l1h(" l hullh In I u .... llln. II ho' "mud· I\' "'I'\.'tl h .... "unll', mlhl' \11' 1\ h,1I\1 \tmn." uunn" \\\\11 , h.' ... .. \ .• I,,"j.( ' Iml' "",ml""f ,,11 110' I\/u~hh ul tulumhlr> "nll .1 nwnlh(>1 " I tht 'l. ... J I IHFW f" f mu rt' Ih.tIl ~f> \\,,11'''' He .... . 1' ,,1"',,10 .!I'ld N, ~I"\'

' I

' ''' h '111'\'11, '(1 hI h" nit"' \' lI,lfh , I UIIl'luhlH' III I IOl'uln, II, hto .:real n" IIht-'" 1,,10 {I O"n .. hlH' Itf I meuln. IIn,m Il\ml) I' I )" ,nuhut' " I' iJlll "ln, ami h .,Jtl l, '. ,lh\ , I'[)",,"hu,' Ifr I) Fallun, \ U I " ~ " l): ", IIh .... \t'r.1I , ~ h .. , nH.'tI'S,

!ltph,'w, ':11" ,1 nl l' \'~ ,IIIU Iwphf·\Oo'S. ,md ).!' I".' 1 ).! rh ll 111.,\,,,, ,11141 /\t'phl'''' '

I It, \\ .,~ l'n ... . '1.10. ... 1 In ,J,',lIh hI h ,~ ~iI

"nh hi' \\ 11<' 1)" " ,111 \ . lu, ."'.'f .\1,11'\'

fitoaJ'S fan Ile .... a-. an ,It' U, h,,\ kef ,md (';U\! pl.Jy('r .and k"'f'Il [0 j(;J r\k>n

lit' \O':b bum (l..-tubt'r I!. I!J.'II In 1I,", b"", II lu {i/'o.'f}:" F •• d ,.ml ldl.,

~h'rlr\' llrun, II~ mamt'\.l ~!J I'\' t Ikon HruM.'r.i un Marth 19. 1!1.191n M;U'ihall. lI~

She ~ur"" /'S .n lJrw."ln

(Hher s\ll'\i\'\lrs Indu~ ont' )OJn, M.kl' rJ,1I) Hrun~ of Emden. Il~ nne (bughler, Sue

(1", 'Ult) Fitzpalnck of AJlanla, II.. Sl)[

I'rnrxkhlldrtn. t\ng1!' Bruns, She~ tJl'lT)') Sla,k.l"had FITZpaTrick. JessK-'3 (Hr:mdunJ BooIh. Haehel Ambr'lt and I ynenl' Am~f): , .and l"/:hl b~3l ,grJnd ,


( Inl' wn, RlClurd l..esl~ \00'110 d~ In IlI:'; l . UIl<' daughll'r, R;lrbarn El1l'n ,In,"'"""" dl£'llln 2(W17, and lIl\!! bmrh,

Mr Uruns' fun"",1 ",11 he htkl ,II I I) 0tJ " m Thu.....u,,\· Feh I III Fi", l1nlll.'d ~1 .. lhtl(.hSf (,hurrh, IJllCllln, \001th lilt> Itt'\' \!ark Kah-\' IIlflt' tallnj: Intennenr \00111 ht' on lI ,ml>htJI)! Unlun l 'eTl'H'lery, lI,u1Shul):,

" \'~'llaT" 'n \00 111 ht.' II ~" 7 on p m \\'t'\lm'~.I\' ,II t nrkl' ( '3"'e rt · ~hr<llk r Fu,wr:.1 IIt'llll', IJnrl,lu :mu IInt' h"uI IInIlI I .. ,,'1'\11"1' ,n thl' l lluRh un fhu l">da~'

"I.,h ',' 'I,h" I UtlUC UnUuzL ,Hid hllo brulh"------,\\Cl1lv rwG may.bt: m.u.lc IU St, JuJe's • r 1',"" I' IIn ,).!"o l 'hll, lrt'n \ I 10" 1111;111)1 ~un.l'd Mt llun:,ld

110 ,11. ' 11,( 1\" '" ,\. 1I, 'nn, ·" I IUlI'I;11 I j, lm.' I h'\~'I' "r ll"norr\ "h" " \'

George Lee

'Shorty' Brun. \ ""'):1' I ' 't' ... h"I1 ' limn._ 71' of

IJ'k. rl" II 1.11 .... 1,1' 112! am J,lI1uJI"'. ll , ! llll f ",lit" \I .'nn Ir. "lll t,.J. N Um l JI. II It.· \00 ." th. , 1,1'1 ,'f hi' 1111111<'(11,11 1' famll~'

\Ir lin n" r,'llrN fn'm CaTt'rplll.Jr Ir.I<llIl l ·" on 1 · . I 'II'.~,n" , 11 . , nuw, I~.,

I"" ft,t 1, ..:.111 ,lilt! I ,,,,," ell {""mt\ I.umt!

II., " ,h , ' I " I~ lh t! "-nh r ,,,, I 'nll.'tl \ 1, Ih. ,u, •• 111m . h " I I n" .,In I " ~ II)!. , " ,,, \ ,l ib., h.ml l flit ,.;(., (uh~ .Jml l'h~l~u

Ina Carter In,. C.Jrt(' r uf IJocilin p.1l>!><'d ilW.JY

,J ,lIllI,Ii)' ii , l lllll;)1 'l'h" ( 'lImhan Villajl(c

,\rr;JfII("fNlllI~-'U"I~Irlj( /II H ... UllnO H.,m' 8, Iknnen Funl' rni llunlt' 10 I ~ n("!n

Barbara Lou Foster A nAN')'A - MIS lJ.lrharn l.nu FOSler,

7i1, " f A,I ... nla , ~ away un Monday, Fl.'hrwry i 2(1I0a l l'lIKJm illht>r huml'

hon .. r.JI "-' I'\'(1'~ fu, MN ,"," )oter \00111 ht' htoh.l nn \\'I.'dn~"y, Fehru.J1'\ 1, 1tJl tJ. (11


II (II) a m a! SI Mary's Calhobc Church m AII.mla Rl"V Jtf'frey laiblto \OoiU orf"1Cf'

'" VtsllallUn \00111 be held al rhe church from 10'00 ~ m until II OOa.m on Wrdnesday.

Burial Will be in the A1 lanla Cl'TMCl'ry

SUI",.,.,ng Mrs Foster are her chll , dren' RIck (w ) F~ler and Tami "lynn. both of AJlanla, a nd \ rlCki Sue F~1er

of I'~mbul"l(: une brother, Wayne (Nanty) l.DKSdon of Morton, Sl)[ grand, children Matthew Flynn, IU1f:ndy (Chad) IJrnlbhaw, Jam, McCubbin, MlChal'l Shay, Mt'J!:han (Jacob) Artel e, and Ja.o;on ibtl'man; and elghl K'"'al·gn.ndchildrtn: l.lJjl:an, l>ylan, Jade, t::lf:lamy, Kaylee, Itope, Uayden, and Torah

and her partnlS

MN Fosrerwasbom t\ ugul>ll i , I9..1I , In lmcoln, Tke daughll'r uf Ph,lemon and Glad)'s r'll,gerald 1Jlii:sd;m Shfo mamed HII..h3rd Allen Foster on t-'I'bru:try HI, 193(1, on lJncoin He prt'Ce<lrd I'Ier In


Mrs F,,~tu W'JS a hllth !.Choul graduale ~h~ retl~ fl1lm Izhn & ~lnk afte r 30 \<·,Ir.. of employment She wa~ a ml'mbtr uf 51 .\I:lry ' .~ Calhollc Chult'h IIf Allanra .lIIdS( Mary' ~ I(t~ry s.~ ...

\lemnnals maY he mad" I,) 5T Mary's ~'''':II\' SOCII~l y

Final ;,rr.II1t!ement5.1re enlrw.1e<1 to ()lllram·Pt:l\ I,'y Funerailimne uf Allanla

Viola W. Hribar WASHINGTON - VIOla W Hnbar, 93.

fir WlIsh1O,l(lon, II. and formerly of Lincoln, 11~ dll.'d at II ~ ;'i am Sunday, January 31 , :m lo al Washington Chrbtian Vil1a j(e 10 Washmglon,

Hom on Dt>cemberU, I!US ln l1ansburg, IL 10 Wuham and Minrue \Vinkl'l,Hul)Cl'r, )M maml.'d John R Ilnl"l r lin February :til. 1~.lR 11\ ChICago, II. lie precedl.'d hl'r ,n dealh on March 23, ll)(H 10 IJncoin, IL

BV the UJllllhcrs The record

SUI"Wlnlt a~ 3 ch,ldren: Manan (Derrtlll Jones of Wutun81On. IL John R. IInbar Jr of Cary, NC, and ~ (Roben) SlranlZ of f"tShers, IN. 6 grand, . ""'---_ chlldl1!n. l..tsa

4. (Kel~' Thomas,

and I slS1er,

I.ynn (OnICk) Cook. Lori (Mark) Koulelis. Stt\'l'n June!, Enka (Paul) Fowler, and Mara (Nick) Flanagan, and 10 grtal ,gnmddllki~n.

Silt WILS preceded In death by I brolher

• VIOla worked WIth The children of Uncoln Stile $('hoot fot,many )'Hrs, I"e'fir· 1~ln 1982

She was II memberot IheAmVel5 Awlillary In IJnroIn. Ind Wl1J. mtmber of 1101)' f amily t:alhoilC Churt'h In

lJnroIn She lo\'!d 10 tis" and was an avid caN player

Family Hl"\' Jl'ffrey G Laible wiU officiale Burial WIll be In ZIOn Cemetery in Lmrotn,

YlSllaTlOn \00111 be from 5,7 pm Wednesday, Ftbruary 3, 20 10 at Di!ltm Funeral 1I0m~ and CremaTOry m Wa.~hmgron

Memonals may be made 10 St. Palnch School In Wa.~h1Or:ton or 10 Ihe Aml'rican lI l'an t\.'iIlOCI3tlon

Vwla s memonal wehslle IS available al wwwllellersfunernlhomecomwherecon, dolences m:JY abll he ,enl 10 lhe fami ly

Janet Schultz Janel Schullz. 1I6. of IJl'ICllln. p.ustil

aW:ly January 29, 2010 1lI"llle Chml1an V,llaKe

Ml'matial services \001U be 10:00 AM Thursday, February 4, 20 10 al Holland BafT)' & BeMttt Funtral 1I0ml' IJncoln, IIhool, HunaJ ",11 be al a

, lzbanon,

Ja~ was hom March 6, 1923 in lrbanon.lndIana II'Ie daughler of Ben F Schullz and May (AtIdrrws) Schutu.

She was a I~ ~'l' of u ncoln 8lble lnstlMl' and Sotl"'td;&'ll lhe church S«1'eIaty al uncoln Chru1lan. Chun:h lot 24 years.

SUl""''ing an! her fnemh Yl'ra 'Thomas and Pat Snyder of uncoln. Illinois

She was p~ 10 dearh by her par, enu and Iwr brolhl'r John F. Schuhz and ker sistl'r Oororhy Overholser,

Ml'monal dona1l0rt'i may be made 10 IJncoIn Chnstian Church or 10 Unrotn C'hrmian UniversIty and WIll be KftPIrd at the funeral homl'.

Lori. L. Snyder UNCOI.N - lone L Sn)'dt!!r, 45, of

uncoln pa~ tWII)' on Sunday, January

Peters offiClaling,

31.2010al l.01 p,rn. at OSF Saint Francis MedICal Center 111 p",,,,

VlSitalion will be held tmm 10 00. m. unlll II 00 am poor to lhe funeral,

Inlennenl v.i.l1 he In N~' Union Cemetery on Uncoln.

lone l.omllne Snyder .... 1I! born on January 22, 1965!O OIOlon lhe~dlluMhler of Hobert 0 and 1.ulu Belle Blanche 1.uncsford Hunler

SurvlVtnl: Ms Snyder are her sons: Bryan Jones. Matthew Jones and San Jones all of ~ria, One Mer lOU Ann (Richard) N~man, One brother: Rober1 D (ConnIe) Hunler both of LJnroln

She was preceded 111 death b)' her par' enls and two sisters: Wanda Hwk.!na, Vlddl' Sue ilunter, one inflnt IOn and one mfanl daughter

Ms Snydtr gnduate<l from UnroIn Iligh SChool She was l'mplo).~ al Wendy's In LJncoIn

Memorial! may be made 10 her family


Barbara Jean aergman

Il.u'\),;onl Jt';m Ikl).,'ln . .m. 5.1. (jf (J1lO,',,'n II wem h' h.- .... 'tllth!.· ttlnl J! I 111 p m " 11 F .. bnMfv I.


~I ",

Ht·T}.",l.m wllrk''1.l fnr (,j,·n~·r;rI

r"wl'hmlt'm IJn.,iln and IU ,lOmUl)!1un. II. DIrt,,' ~ '''T1r1\'\11"n

Tt·lt'm.,rk.·tml-! 1II1I1,!<'mm)!1"n, II ,md l ;,'ld~l.1 r 11"1111' ImpI'I )1 "IIIt'!lt m 1~",,'lll n. II

Whit.· h\1nl-! 111 I\,uhhu,): . ,hI' anenllt'l.l St J"hn\ I uth"IWl Chul\ h III H,l rbbul)!: "nd Hlul-!ht Sund;i\' So:houl

. 1. 1!1~ ·1 m

l-lefty )Imwn And.·f"'111

SUI"\1\w"S InduuI' her f,lt ht'luf IJnt'<,ln. II.. nnr ,un. En.,. Ilergm.1!l II f :O;prtnl->fit'ld. 11 . nnl' d,lu)(hler, 11,,11\ IIo·r,.,'Tfl,m " I Ramuul 11 . unt' ~r.mullau)(h1t' r. M,mah R"h,.' rt~m

"f R.mluu), I I . unt' ~"I,·r . I IIna ( ~!.uk ) \I.mn II f 11n('1,ln, lI .. ,Ina (uur hrn' ht'1"'I Ahr.lh,.m ,\ m[t'f"'m of ~I'" l/ull.UIII I~'nm~ l1ud)') ,\ ntlt-r---. .. n "f l,nl'" ln. II . Mlkl' And.· ...... n "f {')mr. .n. [I <lnJ I\t"I'1n '\ml.· ..... 'n uf H",k" n ,\ m'" ()kl .lhum,I

lt ~ r m" ,I1t'! pr''' Nl'd h" r III dt',IIh III I>l'1.·.·mht'! " I ~I~ltl

A \.·h·bl":ll l,111 "I hf., 11,n.,Hon lur B.,rh.lra wl111w on Fehru.,r\' ·1. 2(I\ll frum fl· 7 P nl ,II Fnl k.,· l ·al\·rrt ·Schr.1d.' r ~un{,l':l l ll()ml' Iii l.Jn,;;uln. IL

Mt'mun.lls m,l\' lit" m,uti- 1<> lhr f,mlll),

Stanley William Bullell

j' IJ\IIART :-01,mlt'V Wilham Bunl'll. 7,0; . IIf l' lkh,tn pa~ .. " j " W~ I' "n Tue,d. ,I'. h·hru. ,n' '!. , :'W IO:l1

Area calelldar

5 21l d m JI Vllndcrlt'llh Nur..mg itunl<' In M, Pulit~ kl

,\ Futlt'r.d Mass fur Mr Hunell .... '11 bto held un Fnday. Febmal)' S, !tlltl.n 10:111 a m ..11 SI P'Jlll('k's i. ';t!l'lllhr Chul\'h In "' 1 khan .... " 11

. . ... ,' .... .. ~

'I! f~ l " ~

~ .1! .. \ '. 'Yi 1 .,;::;

Rf"\' Thomas oSha .... • ofrl("lal · ,,,.

ViSltallUn will be hrkl on Thur..dar ~"''enmg fmm 5 no 10 1I1~)

pm allhr Pra.slt'): ",", Funeral

Hum .. In IJnt.'oln ,\ Rosar ... Sc!1'\1!.' , . .... '11 be hd d at -I -15 P m pnur h. Iht' \'\SlTallUlI

Hunal .... '11 be In Elkhart l'rnll'Il'I)' In ~J ktuLl' M llIla!)' nle; ,Il'cunll'd by Aml'ncan l.t>gIon !'OSI " 11>.1 of u nculn

:-\,lndr:l J Wurth on t-by -I . 1!l57 <II ~t Palnlk', ('all\l ,11(" l'hull:h 11\

Flkha rt She ~u r.'\·e~

,,1'0 ,ur.,..,ng ~re hIS u~u)(h·

Il'r.. Jal'k, ! (;r~ Mt'nkeuf I'aduruh. I\l' . JiI~ \J :Kk ) Dam of W,lharn.-;"nr. une II:mndson vngt· I ~ ... ffelhul/ . ont' s l ~'c r' Jt'anell l' (Hen) Snl'der uf llIounlln,glon. \ u 1ls1I\ J"I' tBt-l.·) HUllell of Hkhart ,\I,my 1U''1.'e-, and !wphe'I" .11", SUr.,I·C

HI' ..... , '~ prl'U'deo.J In dealh til' h,~ 1)"rt' ll/ ... IIi1t' ~'Sll'r

SI.l11h'y arrendt"{l SChool nl . Flkh,lrt Jnd completed 2 years al [JOt'uln Clllll1!c Ue JOmed the IJ ~ Air Forrl' In 19-111 sen ,n!! four r~,m, ~ilnllht'n sen'ed.'i year.; WIth Ih,' Air Nauun;il GuanJ al Spnn¢idd I Ie was \'ery proud of hI, '>I·n, ... ' rf!(;urd

f It, W:l~ a mt'mhl! r Ilf Ihl' i'ro rta bu." dull ,md "mencan l£g1on I'ust 11\ Flkh,m

Sianley enJuyed !tfe. ~lnK lO.ith In., family and rnend~ III' fAnned


10 lilt' FJknan a",.1. ov.Totd a ron· ~1rur1km olmpilny and S W lluttell Trockmg, I1'l lMng In 2U03. l ie Joo.'t'd 1\J be on hLS~' on 1M IlImolS RI\Tr and had hJlCh hupts fl)11l): h l~ ulna l~hl tie \' nJtl)'t'lI rt'hulluin,i: cars. but most uf alllO\'N hLS famIly

Memurwh may bt> made to 51 1':lln\'k\ L'alhll!tc Chun:h or Red L'ru.. ..... for the l'hlldrt'n elf Haiti.

Ina Lyon C.rt.r Ina (hon) Calt l'r. 73. uf

u nruln. 'pa.-..seU 01 .... ".1)' January :11 . Wit) at .Int- Chnsuan Vil lage Wllh

her famlly by ht-r Sldt

ViSl latlon .... 1il be I IOO AM until I :(Ml PM Friday, February 5. 2010al I!olland Kany

Itome 1M l.Jnroln. illinOiS. Funeral ser.,t-es 10.,11 be at ]:(10 I'M Friday. Fl'bruary 5. '!.UIU alsoal Ihe funer· al hume Uun.11 .... ,11 follow 1M

" "rnllln}, l ·romele,)' . Beason. IIhnms

Ina was hom June 15. 19.17 In Chfty. Kl'n lufky. Ihe olluJ(hler of Thuma., and Ma~e (Setlle) T(~ lk'}' Shr mJmeo.J Chilrles Lyon in 195.1 and liil(>r mami.'d Don C:tner In 1!l7,o;

Shl' W;l~ "f the l~lpll St fallh Ina wnrkt-d In lhe dIetary

ul'panml'nl oll.mroln Ik \'elupmentlll (enler for 26 year.; unlll her relu't'menl m December of 19!18

Ina enJOytd beHlJl: .... " h her fam· Ily Amj spending lime ..... llh her gnllldkids and greal gr:mdklds. She Itll'elI her flower KaNen and gnl .... 'ng n.1Sf'! . She also loved " IndlUn dolls and cardrnal hird'l and had a sptciBI plare In her heart for her pomeraman dog ~ I:laby. In her earl ier year.; ..... hen she rould still t1nvt". sht· t'njnyt'd !Coing 10

I-Iardtes and Wal Mart and ha\1l'lg roffte with fTlf'M.

For lhe last 6 years she has bal· tltd ~imtr's ~~ She l"K"tived exceUent care at The Chrislutn Village Memory Care Untt the 2 yean she was there. She .... "aS Io\'ed by all .... 'ho cared for her there

Fur lhe last _k SM also had excellent care from Memorial HosplC'e. So. thank you for treat· mg our mom. grandma. lOUt grandma. and all around great ..... ,oman wilh such resp«I and

"'" Suniving are her children: daughler JoAnn Goff of Beason. II •. son Thomas of

5Odefy. the Magna cana Society. the ~mont Garden Dub. and the Optn Pantry of the ~mont United Methodw Church,

Her Io\-es ~re her hus· band. chilo dfVl. rriends. antiques Ilnd dolls.

S~ ..... as bomthe daughlerof

Ho~r and Mary AMy in Unrein. JUin01s and spent her childhood there unt il her rolltge >'I'al'1. She was married to Michael Hannan.

She is !>1lr'\t.~ by her husbaNl.. her daUJthtl'r Susan (Hannan) Slade and son. MichAel James lIannan. a nd her brother J'me!I


Bryanl and John Al\-ey.

Her memorial service WIll be Friday at 6 pm on the 5th 01 Feb. In ~mon' at the United Methodisl Church. 25 ~. Cusler Stml.

There will be no visitation. She .... i l1 be intemd in Old Union Cemetery. in Uncoln. IL on Salurday. the 6th of Ftbruary 2010.

Donaoom can be madt 10 the Open Pantry of lhe ~mont Unned MetOOdist Church.

Arnl~lMnts by MarkiewJc2 Funeral t-Iome. pc.

Patricia Mount MASON an' - l'atrida

Mount. 59. of Mason City died. , 12:06 a.m. on Tueday . .ftbT\lIuy 2. 1010 at her residencr

Hurley F'l.,men.l Home in Mason

~~~_~~~~~~~~~C;~~C~hY~'~;~"~""~"~'~Of~'~",~""~""~"~'~"~_1 IL: Bffly Panerson and PaiS)' McCord of Hopkin .... villl'. ~ ~ ~ .I ~ .I ~ "" "''Y. and Shirley Fanner of ~

CaJ,m" C;I)', 11_, ho, b""ho~, <:&' 1- - --k ,JtOU~'" .... Rufus Tooley of Chatswonh. IL -nan,...-and Robert Tooley of Auburn. KY.: I-Igrnodchildren and 12 grpal· grandchildren also !>lln'l\'I' /;lI f (IOlif .III/'Jl0rl.

She was prect-ded in death by her partnts and her brother.; ~" C 9 (f /'/"~'rj(flf' !/Ollr "(1(1',1'/ Lonnie Tooley anti James Tooley -

Mrmorlal donations mlIy be _~~ -!V.JJIU made to The Chri!il ian Village " ~ry ~""'r Memory Care Umt or to Memorial ~ ~ ~ ~' ~.r:llr:llr:llr:llr:llr:llr:II:II:II:II:II1II: Hospice and will be acctpled al r ~ ~ ~ .. Ihe funern! home

Anne Elizabeth Hann.n

I.£MONT - Anne Elizabtlh !Iannan. 71 years young. of ~mont. IL diN Monday Ihe 25th of January 2010

Anne Ilannan was an elemcn, tary school teacher in Ihe south, western Chicago arta for over JO years.

She was an active member of PEO. Ihe Kanknk~ Valley doll


-- - - ---Bv the numbers

Too.y's HIghlight In Hlltory:

On Fet! 4 ' 78J Br/IaIr1 s Kng George III piodiir,oed a "'mal cessallOnoi hos. ~.'~~R~Wat

WedroHdiIv l Oftlry:

Po. Three - ~1IOJiJy 4 · 1 9

P .... Three E\UW'IQ 0 ·1·8

I'd. rO\J! "1oOOly ,9-5-8·Q Po. Fw! • E\'I.'fWl9 0·9-6·8

l llt!e l .... no 07·15·23·27·28 l, nl' 07 I, 23·24 26·35

l<llhl Jd, >JXl1 S :? 5 nll11100

MI.'I)<l "',1I1OnS Jad .. pOl $20 millIOn

T~ I Birthday.: AcIof WWMam PNpp. 1S 88 Actor Cont1Id &.In IS 87 -,'m' .... ~ l l<of .t.nwI P'~1 1NOeI fWUl lS 79 Actof a.y eonw.y 1$14 \ \ .. 11> ,11",1111 Geotge A. Romero IS 70. Aoc* n'ySn1n JoM s... (The o\rI., .. , i\1 ~ ti" ~, Florence LaR~ (The FIIItl OrnOf\:SICln) IS 66. Former h II rl t·s.. ~'nl Dan Quayle IS 6..1 Rod< 5InQ&I Allot Cooper IS 62 ACIOf MiCl'Ia&I Beck Co 6 , >\ctress lisa Eichhorn is 58 FOOIbaI HaJ-oI·Famet LdwTef'ICe Taylor IS'" Ro..'t. ~ TIm BoottI I$ 50 Acx:lI IOOSIOiIn HInry Bogdan 's J • Counlfy SII"Igo.'( Clint 8tK:k IS 48 RoO.. rrusoan NcIcJcI. (The l '"'>flIong l'S H C,'IU!1IT'( rt1\I5ICli\I'l 0..... Buc:n.n.n (YanIo.ee Grey) IS 44. ~ TT(!~ Gabi'lelle Anwar IS 40 AclOI Rob J9 Slfl9llf Oevid fciM-'.IE EO') Garza IS J9 .\dO' Oscar De La

Area t:;r!entfar - .. ,---_._--- ----Today Mobile Heallh Unn '-141(;1O ... n ur r~

• ~ I '"

~\t'(l!ca,e Insurance Anillance lh,' O, ' ~,~ .",1 II'"'

Land 01 UnCOln AA ~ '>tl'l [lrr. .. tNay til' ,

GoIdWlng Road Rlde'l ASSOCiation • Stdn tnl't)tlilCI !llu,' D.'Il lrln u pm

fAA - .\ 1 0 Pulaski. noon

Land 01 Lincoln Big IIoc* M - 505 Broadway 6 P m

~ fAA ~Ing - 5071, ' P\kski 51 S pm

A.A Meeting 01 I 0 PulaskI 51. 6 P m

NAMeeting oI1 0 PulasloSt . 9pm Whl1etal1, Unl1ml1ed Oln,* Mn­que! - Krngt1IS or Columbus Hal, 5 30

fAA Big Book Siudy Group J IO pm P"i;I<J .. "I ,., ~ , "1 Ill" m

_D_AY~B~O~O~K~==~~~========~~====== Area deaths Katharine Q. a.hrende

WARRENSBURG ~ Kall\annt' (i

lIe h1'1'nds, n. or Wam·l'\Sburx. IL., died I.:m AM . Wednesday, FebruaJ)' J. 2{l1O at Drcalur Memonal UOSPllal .

Funernl $en 'l('t"S .... '11 bt> 11.00 A.M .• Munday. ' '"ebrum!)' K. 2UlU. al NonhlOo'rs!' t..'hru.1Ian OIul'{'h. f)ecafUr. It .... ' 11'1 \'lsital ion 2 lu -I PM Sunday. Fthruary 7. 81

Hnnllillger and f .. lrl Funemi llome. DKalur. II. Huml ""U ht! :\O PM., Morxby. FrbnJal)' tI, ill I jn1~1n Cemtllery, lIanmollt, II.

Ml.'mon.ll .. may hl' made In Fair lI il\'ens Chn.\lum 11<l1llt' (lr I ), Inor's L'holn~

Iimhanrlt' "" :l~ hum Oct"ber ."1 , 1~32 In

Joliet . II~ thfo and Annll (Ret'kl'f) s.. I Behrends , I 1I ~


II S tnJm t!l72 , 19116 ;t(\d W~ abu a Te1li.her and IJbr.tn .• n ,II 1I.,nshlJrg Emden She sI'I"I't"I.l a~ Tru~rt't' altllt' B.,rc lay I'ubhr lJhra!)' III Warreru.bul')( and wns ,m tll')(amsl at Nllnb .... e~t Cbn~l1an ChUlrh Klll\anne was an iI\1d ~an1l'nl'r.lo\'t'<i t rd\'~-'hng and phoHlgrapby

She IS SUl"lwed hy ber duugbtet 1.(1)' Wenlwonh <tnd husband (ires: of Warrensbul)!:. [I.: son Mark Hthrentls nf Warfenshul'g, II.; grandch11dren t:'hnstuphl'r Wentv.'Onb III 1Je.calur, IL Iilsun Went ..... unh (JllIl.:lI1 Nimh'l of Enll'rpm.e. Al~ n.mll'l Wenlwonb {i),mniel Palil!! of WMr~n~hurx.


IL Mu('ke ll Behrends and t.hct\ael Behrends. boIh of Warrensbuq:. I1~ brocker Ono Schafer ' and .... 'fe Nancy of Monee, II..; st\"tral nieces and nephews.

She wa., preceded In dealh by ker parel'lh and husband John.

Condolel'lCeS may be left 10 lhe family al ................ bnntllngernndearl rom

1M Lyon c.rt.r Ina \I.),onl Cal'ler. 73. (If IJnroln, pas.st(I

away January:\\. 2UW:&1 fhe OIrutl3n Village .... '1 1'1 her family by ~r ~lde

VisllatlOn will be 11 00 AM until I 00 PM Fnday, Fehru.ill)' 5, 2t111l at Uollilnd Barry '" BennelT Funeral !lome In IJnroln. l1Iinul5 Fu~ra l sen'lCeS Will he al IIXI PM Fnday. February S, 21) 111 also at Ihe funeral home Bunal

will fulklw in Hannony Cemetery. He'lwn. l1I inoL~

KenU.K'ky. the daughter 'of Thomas and Ma~ ISenlel Tooley She mamed l'hllrles l.yon In 195.1 and la ter maml'tl 1)0n (,;<t l'ler in 1971(

Sbe .... ·as of lhe UapuM fdltb

Ina I>.wked III the dlt'!!I!)' depanment of IJIlC.'oin 1)(>\,eJopmenta l Cenu:r fur 2!i years until her ~I ireme n! to Dt'('emher of 1998

Ina enjoyed being .... ' th her family and ~nding rime wilh her KT'3ndklds ilnd great grandklds She lo\'ed her flower garden and gruwml( roses. Sbe 1l1Sl) lon'tl Jndl~n dolls and card mal hmi~ lind hAd a spt.'Clal p l;~ce In her hean for he r ponltr.tm'tO dog "Bahy· In her

.. J. .

earlier }'tan ..... hen s~ could still dl'M. W enjoyed going to Hafdt.es and WaJ Mart and having coffee Wllh fmods

For lhe last 6 yean she h.a.~ ban~ Alzheimer's DIKast. She receiYed txC'f:Dent ~ al The Chmtlan Village Memory care UN! 1he 2 yean she WIll lhere, She was IcMd by all ..... ho cared for he r Ihere

}."or the lui "'-'eek me aIsu had excelIel'l1 care from Memonal ltospirt So. thank you

~ for IR'allng our mom, grandma. gn;al grand, ma, and all amund greal wuman wllh such J'eSpec1 and Jo\.-e

Sun;"ing a~ her children: ", .. ",h"" II.; son

She was precedtd in dealh by ~r parenls and her brochers lonnie Tooley and James TU(lley

Memorial donations may be made 101'he ( 'hristian VlllaKe MerJlOf}' CUff! Unn or 10 Memonal HnspJ('e and .... '11 he OCCepled al lh~ funeral home.

M.,lon H. N.ugl. Marion H, Na~. 73. of lkNnd&Ie. III ~

al R:2R p.m, February 3.2010 &1 Hopedale MedICal Complex. Hopedale. III

Arrnngemenls are pending.1 Fricke· Cat\'~n·Schrnder Fu~rnl Uome. Uncoln, III


1------------=== __ DA'lIlO..oK

IVlhe numlJers House agrees to $1.9 .trillion more debt Too.y II FrkMy. ~ 5, !tie 3&n day 01 ~'O I O There dIe J29 mys left f'I r1e

'"'" Tccs.y'. HIghIIQtlIIn HistoI'y

0!1 F1Ib 5 1937 Pf9SI(IOflI Frank.W1 0 Aoo5e.1!II proposed} ..kJOO,}~ RI!Of!)JI"UQ!IOn 00I1t\.11 ~ hiM! rcr&'ISOO ItIe I'UTOer 01 St(lreme Coun fUS­IICt><; Cf1\'ICS accusoo ~ a~ 10 ":Ja(1( lf1e 00Ur1 (The measure tueoJ III Conges.s I

ThYnd!Iy l ottery. f"<). fhfee M Olu'ly 1 1-'

PU. fhfoo Ewnong 7· , 2 Po. foo MICU.l'f 2·6·8·8

PO. Four - EY9t'1f"9 5-3·3·7

lJttIe l.oIIO 02· 10- 13·16·22 l .L:ld.OO1 S2 1 mlHlOn

Me9<1 "''''ons J.'lCipot S20 million TodIry', B~: Cooorry YlC}eI' CI8tJDB KIng IS 87 The ~ ~ M. Gr-...y IS 112 B.uoo.lII HaI-oI·Farner Hank A.-on 15 76. Actor Stu.1 DImon 15 73 PI.~~ John o.r. 15 12 Fnano.lI 'M1lef ..lllnrt BrywttOuinn os 71 roo.1SIOt'I~.wnlI!fS\llphenJ. c.m.Il lS69 Ac\OI DIMd Selby 15 69 g.,ge,.SOt\gI'IlIII!f BarretI Strong IS 69 FOOIbEII HaI-oI· F;wner Rogw StMIbadI IS 68 Snger Cory w... rnwee Dog N91111 68

Chartonl RampIng 15 ij.$ Race CM tt1Y8f 0en-eI1 Wlrtrip 15 63 Actress Batblra HefthIy 15 62 Actor Clwiltophel' Guest 15 62 Ac10I Tom WlIklMon os 62 MdlIganGov Jennltlf GrInhoIm IS SI AdoI-<XlfTl€!dan T1m Meadowt t!; -19 ~..JeonIMr Juon leigh 15 48 Actress lMn Unnty 15 oS6 ReO 1T'USIOiIt'I 0ut! Mc:KagIn ~ ~ll$ oS6 GoIIer JoM Marla 0Ia.tIt.l 1$ .u Roo. Slt\gCr CM, a.rron (Spw\ Ooc1or5)lS 42 Baseball ~r RobIf1a Alomat IS 42 Sotxlllr BobOy BIOWI'I IS -II Actof MId'IIIeI ~ os -I I Colroy 5rI9I!f s.r. E .... ns '~ J9 AcIOf Jerwny SumP'W IS 21

Area calendar Today MobIle Health Uf111 - Dent,1 ~. I<OtlPOO SIl/!ll'l UralIn. ~!II J:JO

p"' laod 01 l incoln Big BooIoI AA - S05 Ilr{\~ lillrn

Open U mMung - SOl'~ PuIMkI 51 "pm AA Meelif1g 1111 Pu~N" 51 I II m

NA IAeeUng 110 PU\.I~ 51 j p m

Wl'lI leull, Unhmhed OInMf ban· quet Knoc;l~ (11 COItn'Ous Hal S:JO pm


Abt lincoln BlrthdlY Plrty -Postv1I~ CourthoUS8 SllIta H,storoc SIte. lOa m 10 4 p.m

~I adoptions - logan Coun"" AnImiII Cool101 ISI1 N Kldo..1POO 51 . lOa m 10noon

Uving LIN on UN', Termi Wom&n I MelolIng - J ISS Bulle, St . 4 P m

A.A me«l1'g -11 0 PIAa:.kt 51 6 II m

NA meeting -lI D PWskJ 51 ap m

Sunday land 01 lincoln AA - 50S ~av ~a m and6pm

51. gam

logan Bible FelloWship Sl(!a~ n Public Trip ShOOI - llflColn SI\ lo\.{, ;.1 rn Sportsmen's Club, I pm

Op&n "" fI'IC.'ot'ling - Non SI! 19 NA YOUth Group - 410 p~ 51 50~'_ Pul.Wo.IC;1 a.1m aooI!11'IOI'1I\OI'OO 113m

Kleis Closel - Freo ct\lklren's c101l'!ng. OJ)('f1 A.fms ChrIStIAn FeIIows/lIp 3\ I e,Oilctway 9 iI m 10 noon

lJInd 01 UncoIn AA. - 505 BroatlW3y. gam ,lIx! fipm

AA meellng .11 0 Pul.lSI.J 5! q 3 rn

Area deaths Marlon Howard 'Pops' Naugle

I. \\\ ~ I IAIJ \I,lf'Iun 11" .... . mJ p"p~. '1,lUoIi!1t' 7:1 1I11;I ..... ndtlr. 1I

IIIt'd df M 2" P m I-rhru.uv :1. lll ll! ,II Hupt.od,d!' MtdlWl ('umplt1(. Hopedale, IL

Mr Nuugle ..... . lSa "" Irlo'(! rm ..... hanlt

lie ..... . 1:>

.• rtihalf'(l WI,h h n.t B.l pr l~1

\1. Ill"n "I)I"'1't1 r"hml! lr.lIn~ .lIhl~.'J ... l k l"\·l'tI I" Ilt' '''''·llhhl' )(r.uulchlldrrn

11 ...... :bh"mAJlnl)2 1 ~1:171 n I Jn.'~n. 1I1"I I"""' :InJaf1.II· rm.1 ,\, kt'NJIl Naultl!! II ~ mJm;'t1 I).Jd'·J'" (to,·i·rt,.,y W.lh;nn.~ un \I.mll~. Illi,J1n i..Jf1tuln. 11 S~ 'uI'\1\ .... ln la ..... nditll·, II

i "hi'r ~u .... '!mf'> Int\ui.le r rKht i hdi.l,, ·n. C,lrule IMlCh:lell ll() .... ~ "r \ 1.1 .... I., niJ . ehtne Memn "r IJ~~n. ChnslJ(' IRlChard) 11u.,krl'b Ilr IJnro/n. RIO. h..,rd it 'lnd'o) \\llJl3m~ uf. l..Inl'uin. k"hrrt (l'rncy) Wil liams uf 11fll."ln, tJ;Uflf' 1f~ lC kl Scruuhni

The record

NA Big Book meet ing · 410 PlMSIo,r 51. ~pm

CIoIecI Big BooIoIAA mMt\ng - Non­smoIo,'f'iQ.5.07'I PuIasluSt . 1pm

Salt Creek ABATE: - In:oln VFW. 2 pm

I JUe"ln. Don, JSIM·,'1 HUI](t' o( I .' ..... nd,'le anti ( ':rnd ll' lEd) i\lI C~oud nf "'"rm.il tv." hn llht-n.. Da\')d eJatK'fj Naug'" lind RKky (nn.l) ~augle. and 011(' S~1t'f. IJnd:l jSidj Petnl. 1111 of lawndale. 16 grnndchddren: and 13 grt'a t· grnndchlldrtfl

Il lS paren!.s and one hmlht'r. (iary NaUJ:le, p~ed hIm In {"'ath

M, 'IauJtlt·· .. funer-,lI .... '11 b4!:l1 1(WI ~ m Salurd.IY. Feb 6. al Fnck. · C ,lvt'n·Schrndef Funeral II I1n\l· . IJrK'Jln. II. ..... ' Ih Ihe R~ ... kuhl.!n lIendl'r..tl" ofrlClalinK Iml'nnen! Will hi< In Lawnditl~ Cf'ml'II' f)'. 1.lwnd:Ir.'. [I "

V1.'l1l3! l1l n WIll tw 5· 11O. 7: 1~1 1l m. I'ndaY:I1 the funt·r.d holfll!. IJOI.·oIn

MI'monals mIly he made 111 rU'l>1 B,IIlI!'.1 Chur~h (If I meoln and lIop..'t.I.ale MedlCll Complex lIulli.l InK Fund

C.rol A.llt •• Carol "",ites. I~'i. of l..I ncrlln died

alllh-l am Fffi 4allfll!monal \I,..ttcal Center In Spnngfield

hmeral arTllIIKI'mt'nl5:11l: pend· InJt ..... ·nh Fncke.QaJwn·s...hrader Funt' r-JI IIttlllt'. IJnculn

B y AHOlII l _ T"no l'! l ilt A. .. C;tll·LAIUJ I' ll .....

\\'t\SIIINGTON - l llc llou.o;.e 1m l'huNl.1Y 'o.,.lft"d h. aJkWo' the KO\·tmmenl In go 1 I 9 Inltrun ~pt'r '" dt'bI an IIICTYJ.S(' of aboul 16.0t)1I more for l~'t'ry U S Il'Sld~nl llul pm\1dei.l :1 \'Md el«· lion')'!;!1 reminder of t~ TlJ,ion '$ penhAlS fina!lC\,'llulf'!dlTlOn

The hUK!' debt Inc rease. Olllpn:)\'1:'!.l 217·212, t~ only enough !o kl't'p lhe 1C00't'mmcnt afl031 for about :lnuther year as II borro ..... s mure lhan 40 cents of t'\'t'1)' doIlnr It sj'J('ni.ls on prolCram ~ like (lefrnse. heallh cure, fl:'f'lllfl~ the poor and pmtectl~ Iht' Cf1\1ron·

1fII!1'I!. The ~ tops SJ.7tnllion IhiS )'t'ar l net the defici1's I pproaching S 1.6 trillion undtr the budKel submilled by Presldenl Hatack Obama tM 'N!t'k.

The hug!! il"lCl't'(lM - 10 SI4 3 tnlhon - m lheap on ftdt'raJ bor· rowing was dt'Slj{l\t'd by Oell'lOCtll llC leadef'S 10 ensul't' thai lhe rank and filf: 'NUn'l haw 10 ~'OIe again 10 run up anOlher inel't'ase bt'fol't' faCing "Clef'S iocl't'asingly angry o~'I!r j(ovt!m· menl sptnding and debt In the NO'o't'Tnber midterm el«tlOt\S.

t\lJ'l!ady. lhe amJmulaled ~ amounlS 10 "~hly S-ID.OOO per penoon

1l\iI ~ is beirC piled on ItIt t.cks 01 our lOeb and gnndIdds ... l1h no !'flier in sipl.' Houx Minonry Leadtr John Boehner. R· ONo, said

Eronomim warn ctfat the I1Ipid­Iy·nsing debt could force mt~ rales hijj:htr and, if Itft unch«ktd. cuuld have e\1!n wone con,w. queras for the economy

Passage of the bill stnds II 10 Ohama, who will sign it to avoid a fiMo1~'f:r. maril:eHlIlthng defaull on U S obh~allOns

-I can', think of a mort rKkIess or 1~-po~'lblC' act Defaulting IS nOl an opllon: said Rep Jim McCMorfn, D-MlW "li the Uruted

Slates defaults. lfl\"tSfon will Ieee cont'Idena! that lhe U S. wiD honor ItS ~ in lhe fI.nuno'

llurty'Je'o'tn ~mocnts. mostly from GOP.leamng districts. voted against the measure So did ~ RtpUbtican, ~n though they TW' IWty supporttd poor i~ in the borrowing cap when their party controlled Congress or when R!pUblican George W ¥ was pmident.

Stnate appruva1l1b1 wtek on a party·liM tally 'A'U only possitHe because Massachuuns RtpUblican Scon Brown had )'fleo IlSStIme offICe BI"OVo'tI WlI5 bring sealed Thu~y

First Internet, now bay Thank ou no> ~"""~:$Sat S~-ll""~,p_",,,n .. l1,ti, ;-'1I,TI1,r-if--fi--;;o:-r-=y=--:.o-=--=u.::.or.::.os-'-u~rp"-'p'--'-oC-r-t-.-:,-~--I

CAPE CANAVERAl. I-la. Ufe has f1C'\'el' heen so good off lhe plantl. and It'S about 10 get benel'

Ju~ rwo ..... f't'k:. after the arm"'! or the rnt~mel , Ihe space , 181100 ll.'tmn,IlIIS :lrt' ):ctll~ an ohsel'\'a' lIOn dtck Ihnl WIll offtr p:mon.m· lC\;~ilfEar1h

SpaCl' , hunle rni.leavuur .... 111 i.lelivl'r Ihe ~ I'\'en ·wmdnwed · i.lomt 10 Iht Inll.'fTUl IIOTlJl Space SI3110n f1t'1r1 w('('k, alon~ .... 'Ih more h'o,nlC ~pace In II chamber caliNi Tr.mqlJlhty • Endea\lIur's plannei.l Sund..1)'

murnlnl! l;sunch With Slo( a..'iHT)­I\3Ul5 :II II\.(' .... -ee huur or 01 :39 a m - cumes JU5! d:lYs after Prf.'Srtll· nl !!arock Ob.lma·s bill; ''P>1Ct )1.I\1On plu/( In h" propo5('d hut/get fill' the fUmlhg fiscal )'Uf. The Cfltlnldo ..... ·n clock~ began !It kin): Tho~1V

WhIle Ihe Whlll' tlouse .... r.:appN! N .... St\'5 moonward·ho (unsleliallUn pnJgrnm. Ihe space , ! ~ t lnl\ 1<01 ,10 n len\lnn until al II·.ISI 211111 . ..... ' Ih the promise 01 Intlre ",IM'I"I ~arch NJ\SA l\dmm1\! ra'OI Ch.trle5 Bolden '-Jld the 1C1~111' In make full use of Iht' space .. ,aIHln as "the n:l1Ional 1.lh II wa.~ cn~'s!l\ntd In be"

... fltt>~.\ M) much ..... ·e nt't'd 10 know helore we (011\ \"'n!uft' safe · Iy I)UI of lu ..... -e:mh mbi, lor Ihe InnK !trm: Bolden. II former l>hullle (limmani.let. "1li.l 3fter lhe hudl!et was fl'1('a:.ei.l Monday

The dume ~ ()l n~ up on Fnde;I\'IlU I' - like :I hlR bay .... i n · do ..... - )hould grratly Imprm't' the qU3 1r1)' or life aboard the 'P;I(t' ~11111un

When aslfUn.Jul5 eXt'I'l'LSt In

!hl' !lahan·bullt rranqullil)'. 101

In~1 3ncr. I~ .... '11 be able 10 gaze 1101 the nearby dume ..... ' ndows ....·hel'le\'t!r !hl:! shuIIl:! n an! open And ..... hen lhe day') work 15 dollt'. Ibtoy WIll be able 10 pop their heads and shouldf!n; m!o the 5· foof-tall cupola. beholdm~ the

llte lookout also WIll prm,de :l6Il-dt'gree ~'t'\lo'5 of lhe space Sfa· Mn. alluWlng the crew to i>ee i.ll f't'oCl ly oUlside durirtjt robotic .... mk Unltl now, Ihey\'e had to rely I)n IV CU11t'r.l5 when they U'ie the rnlxn arm w mO\'e I)r IIIs!all h'j(·tkket items

"I.ookmll 001 on lhe Earth- is Just InsJllOng." said space Si3110n n'Mdenl Tlmolhy "'TJ" Cft'3mer In fa(1 . II'S the crew's No I pas. lime In I"" off houn _ al If:asI II was befoft' Ih(' Inleml'l came ,boo'"

Nov.'. "",f! can 3C1uaJly surf!he Inlerne, ani.l find dl\·enlons." ('~3mer Ioid schookhildl't'n III a lV hookup Ih lS ..... eek.

Tbe r"'e SI);KI:! Siallon resldenls - two Amt'ncms . ...... 0 Russians and Of'll! Japanese - finally got Inlt'fTlt'( 3CCt'S.., b'e Lul month.

hunch of guys 1T'IO\'t'd In And And ' n!'!>1 thIng I did on Internel? y erSon

Order my Wife some nov.'t'D." Lo C ty B d commander Jeffrey Williams gan oun oar ..... role In hiS online Twiner District 5

. 3CCOUnl ~!I was a hl1 ComTl'lt'I"Ct' from space!"

The dome - nearly 10 Il't! In dlaml'ler and also made in Iialy ­~'Il ride up In the ~hunle all llChed h) Tranqulhty. but In the wrong plaet'. II will be f'!'o~'t'd 10 il1 prop­er mllon once Tranq~1I1ity IS

ronll«1td 10 Ihe space ~13'Km.


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20 • THE COURIER • UNCOLN, IWNOtS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2010 r;,·· ",.".,c""", ".,.--."c,,,.,,,,, .. "",~ .. .,,~w","","","-------------'

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I.U IH [t1 I;LE tm 1/ 1'",' !liCK "" C" AU E " JANEl C SC tIMI () I VIHG IN!'" M" Ew ERSJ W ~GEE JOHN P j R ET AL SE MPL ( DOI,,,, LP '" IlARIl AR ... L

A(;I l JO liN I' III [I "'L .,lW' l ( UO' j'\'L D r " BMln ... n ... L alma !! "'''' !lK", c nHHI"' O -:[ MPL[ I.l ... RIl ... n ...

OtESNUI ./O' !Il WM" "'DRIENN E H SCU~L I ~' IO 'An J EI "' L flr "nF.tIQS J"' '''[S J <;C UIlV MIC,,"'El JE T ... \ SCULLY MIC HlE( j E1' I I scuu v MIC HlEl J EI "'L SCULLY MIC H"'El J Ef"' l M:UllV I,I IC><A £L J E T AI SCl,lllV I,IIC ..... EI J EI Al '>C UllY "'IO'AU JET AI !oCUll~ "'ICH" n J EI " L 5rUllV MIC . I"H J El AI ." ... .... ".,. ~ -... .-. ..

Area deaths -John Michael Koehne

SPRIN{iHnJ) - John Mictwl K~hnt. 51 . uf Spnr¢"lt'ld t.!1f'd al 6 .'11 A. M on ThuT5day. F!'brual)' I .... '!O III aT ST Mary's hos:pnal in

u.o.,", l ie lOo~dS bom July 26.

1951o1 T h~ son uf Augu.o.1 "Gus" and Shirlty Davis Kot'hoe In National ClI}', CahfomUi

SurvIvors are JOtJie . (Gene) Smith of RMrton. IJI'\da McCray oJf l.mroln, Donna (Hob) BotyanJ of Elkhart ant.! Ke nneth

Koehne uf SpnnWlt'ld: nlt'Cts anti nepht'WS: Wendl (Smith) Roberts. MdUiel Koehoe. JamlSo.ln Bo~ ... ru ant.! MUlh lIolyaru: thl'1'E' lCftaT nll'('e-;;t llt! fnur t,'11'at oeph~'5

lie W:l'> P~l'd In t.!emh hy hIS pa~nts. hIS hfe luf\R frwoo ;tRt.! rn~l aJctr. Mlkl' Harlow. llml hLS neplww, Chip Smith

Mr KOfhnt ~duated from Mason eiry !lllith·School lie Ilttn alll'ndOO Lmroln Land CummUnlt)' Collegl'. Ite had an Associates I In Soctal . ' Inal Ju.'11

John wa.~ a membrr of tltt Chnsllan Churrh

Funcml ser.'1l't'S Will hE' ht lt.! at 12:00 ~Iunday aft t'moun. F .. bruary M. 201() all1urll')' Funl'ml IInme In MaMln CIIY

VI~it .I1 I"" \.\111 he u n SumL1Y afternoon. rehru;u), 7. 101f) from 4 ,mtll 7 lind also on Munt.!"y on(' bour pnur to Ihe scrvil:es.

Ilunal \0,111 bl' at the M:lson CIty CemeTery. McmlJml~ 1;.111 be left 10 Amma! l'mrocrive L~a)tUe. I Judey FUl1eml )Inml' In MElSO n e il}' b In Lhnl)(" IIf arrnngelnents . •

Onhne mcmunals fo r the family can be le l't: at IOo'VoW hu riey fh rom

Victor E. Lo.sche Sr. VII lor F l ne)C;he Sr., 94, of lincoln died at

7 2Mpm Frilruary5. 211lU al Sr Ol1rn's

The record



Manor. u nroln. IL

V1{1or camt to llnroln from St. louIS, MO and stanf'd Ihl' W~1tm AulO StOt'e wtuch he 0I00'TW'd and ~raltd for years undtr the rwnt of Vic 's Sports and Auto

!I~ 100'35 bom August 8 . 19 15 In S I louis. MO 10 Albert and Ndlie Rntonstein Loesche. He married Margarel Gan"tlman on Dtc. 1M. 1937 in St. LouIS. MO She p~ him In ~ath on Nov 27. 1995

Survivors include 2 sons, VICtor E (Margarell l.£le5j;be Jr. of Wellington, Ntwda and Charles Loesche of Ntw York, Ntw Yorl<: I daU/ithter. Susan (David) Hangtr of Uncoln, II..; 5 gmndchild~n . Troy (Sta()'l ilanger, Mark (Roseroary) Hangtr, Jeff Ha~r, VICtor E. (Sharon) loesche III, and Leah (Michael) King; and 9 great·grnndchiklren,

His v.ife and I sister (Alberta) pnx-eded him In dealh

VICtor \.\1U be cremattd 'There 100111 be no St"r.'X"I!S.

Arrangem~nls by Frickt-Cal\"tn ·Schrader Funer.lI Home In Unooln. IL '

Memorials may ~ made 10 Carroll Cathol ic

Tntva Marl. Teichmann liWOM!NGTON - Tm.'U Marie

Teichmann, " I. of Bloomm~on , enlerN Into Ueavt'n at 7:11 pm Friday. Fl'hruary 5. 2UII) tit OSF 51. J~ph Medical Center, Bloomington. )ufTOunded by her family 3nd fneRds tll'ler a lung and courageous fight against diabeles

Her funeral lOoill be at 1 pm Wednesday /2. I().IO) at C1rmody.F1ynn Williamsburg Funeral Home. Bloomington. Burial will he in Easl Lawn Memorial Garden.~. HI(Mlmmgton. Visltalion \.\;11 be from "·7 pm TUtsd1Y C,!·9 • 10) al the funeral home Adt.!ltional mirution Will be for one hour pnor to the ser., ce on Wednesday.

M«:monal!i may be Il\3de to the American Di3beles AssociaTion. Amtncan Cal"oC'f r

Soody, Cl'fllrallUinooi Ilurrone.5oc1efy or C~ Utihrran School. Prona.

TI'!'Ya was born August 21. 1968 In P!ona. Iht daughter of Ntlson and Judltlu Falrcltild Teichmann S!'It 100'8$ born aT 7 11 In 1968. lOo'eigtul'l8 7 pounds. II ouras. and \.\"tnl home at 7' 11 in WIll

SUr.'Mrtg are her son. Juslln TelChrronn of Chenoa, her slt'p'son. AU5Im WarTJlOfh, at

home: !'Itr partner of many )'ears. Russell W)lrmorh of Bloomington: htr moIhtr. Judielu (Jack) While of Bloomington. her father, Nelson (DielraJ Teichmann of Pt.Jna. two brothtrs, Nel'iOn "ItotJp" (Bndget) T~lChmann of Normal and Chnstop!'ltr (Christina! Farney of CosOOcton. OH, a sister. Natalie T~mann of New Yorl<. NY. a Sfep­sister. Cindy (Bob) Brady of Dtcalur; ~ step. brother, Timolhy (Donl'\a) White of Henderson\;IIe. TIll; a sptaal unclt'. Jt'ny l.nfl; and a hOst of niet"t$ C'OUlilns aunts

"'" ""'''' She was preadtd In deatb by her grandpaI" ents. Harold and Man~ TeIChmann of Unroln and Chartes and Trevn Spear of Normal.

Tm.'lt was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church. Bloomington and Ihe Amt'rican Diabetes AssocIaTion. She was active in American Cancer Socitl)' activiTies With hf'"r mOl her, including part icip;tling In Relay for Ufe. She enjoyed reading novels., playing bingo. smging, rooking and animals, tsperiaJ. Iy her cats ant.! dog.

Trevnlovtd life ant.! cherished Ih~ lime she spent With her dvJd~n and her panner. Rusty. She was Ii htaulifuJ and loVIng doughIer, mother and friend 10 many.

"She diU il her \Oo'3y "

NASA fue ls


--=D=-A=-=YC:CB= O--=O-K---

·.lr1ta deaths Loretta aerglund ,lfId IM>r Ilwltwr», lw l\'marTlt'\i,

IU~"FSIl-R MN _ 1,.0 ",1111 and f~1t' ~mt' fMrI uf a lal'):t'f. twr,:luflll , ilJ(t 7~. d~,j ~;Iturda)'. blendtod famll)' !t(\w"\'l'r, tilt-

Ft'hruur. n. 11t>prt''-Slun had ~n. :lntl m,ln('\' .!tll() .. , " .. , wa.'I Ill'''! l'huut:h fb.e had I\"t.llklll'f' In ,1fv,'Ii\~ .. ~.m'Nt tu I,.. ,I h'II"ITf'S.~r WI ... ht'~1rr, t'\'t' n lakllljt 1('llIlt'd cI;;L~~I'" In

,loiN foIlkIoM.~a ... ..---!\b'~l'h'C",,:hfJOl= ~tn.\l:ead.1I1 ~e "I" "I'1h), III 16, had '0 ,,,k .. ajtlb >\S II OOUSl'-"''l>~ kl~Pf'r anll n::mn)' fm two chll·

tln>n Hrr ~kln~ and ,·..:ptnrtn In .,.· ... 'Inl'. n)()km~ jlnt! hO\.l'iol'k.'t'p­mK hl'lpt'd Iwr t )(ct'l.n th,~ POSI­l inn l\at'St'hler .... :1.,

hl,lmuII Jurw 19 I~UI III I-mtlt'I1, IilHlIllS Sht' aUI'llI.Il"\I ... h! .. llhl'ft' ,lt11.I 31lhl' 1101Wr.U\ "f llhn"I~, Uril.llla. .... h .. rt' ,l'w trWI \\'JIl,I"r A 11t'1):1un,J Jr 1110':' .... t n' mJmt'\! Allnl S 1!1 ~ I In ,,"mlll'n

Th .. ,,,uri .. 1I\\',", 111 Ilt'klll. \\l .... ~1O.'ln J-..'fuft' m""1n]( 101 IottlOhto-,Wf " .... 111 I!II~I In 1~1I.9. Ih~ mon'\JI" U),rlJn .... ht'rl'lht'\ fI"ollk-d unlll n'tummj( III H ..... hQtelUlI9N1.

l-'lrt'lla !ff'.nlu"IIt.'d fmm \\'muru SI,ltt l'ol't'I'I11\ 111 Iq71 .... 'th .. H S Ot'J{frt, 111 FdUlJI~m ,II1U .... ,I~ ,I ,uh'tlluh' ,.'. 11 ht'r 1f1 1I\'I\In ("I

,\ I'lll'mht' r "((;'~'11 Sht'ptwnl I uthel':l11 ChlUl h 1I11(,I\JI",ll'r , h .. "J.~ .1\11\1' 1I1lht· \\ 'H CA ,md .~hl'r ,11111111 .. , S h., 31:-1' ",-' !'I.t'\! , .... :t \'"Iunl!'i'f ,11 thl' 'I :I\'u Chnlr

SUI'VlYUT"I 1I1Cfudto her hmhand. W. III,.~ ... Ihrl'l' ""1'0 J .. hn (Hh,llId.llllt,f)tlund 101 WI'lhnJ.,,, .. n. nhl", I.' .... n·n ... · ( .... Im) Ht'T)(hmtl Hf 1(, .. hl',II'r. '1 ;>\ .lfId 1'.111' (I\,IUt'l Ht'f)tluntl ,.f ~Jlnnt'.II)O ,h~. \IN. "'\'t'n ":1':1I1!1. luldrr'f\

Sht' .... ';1, [lfl'('nJ('(I1n de.llh h~ ht'r 1);Ifl'nl, J .1 .... TtIl\.· ;jilt! I JJlI.III

(KI"kkfnKJIt\.'t'M'hll'r; :ond I ..... I! ~I~II'I'I

fo unerJI s..n1Cr ",",11 he 11'Iui'Sday. Fehru;lry I I. l HIO :11 111.1:1 m .. I (io(od Sht-phtTt! I ulheran Church 111 ROlnt.'looler

IlIrTi .... ' 11 he n 1'I.~! l lIlIl)n 1111 \\'t"dfll'.;dl\ i-ehru.try HI. lOm from 41111 - 7 tK) P m III Rlnfr:lI\l & Vine Funel"'J.III"m~ and nnt: hour pnur 10 11M> ~"'1>Ce all rhunda\' aI tht' chun.:h [nlennenl ""1[[ he 11\ Ihl' tt)'Tlln C .. melt'!)'

\11'11I"n:lls rJ.n he lhrt'\.1ed I., (iuol(\ Shl'pht'rd [ulht'ran Church ur ~ chanty Ilf Ihe dlmuri dlillCt'

Itlnfran/. :mll Vlllt' Funeral lIuron 5~ll ~(I)':I I Pbce NW HOI.hl'l>ler. MN 55901.1:'107) 2ij~ :16011 ww ..... ranf!,.lIV.,mtl\1neill rom

WIIII.m C. 'Bill' Bruner

'10Hfo-1ot1 Y 1\1"1 - \\'llh;lm t: ""III" IlrufH'r. 71i, I)f ,\\ol).·rl)· . MO. fUTITll'rly til lIurhnWtJn. du'\l hlli;l\' t tb 5.l()\IIalhl~ humt

Il rl,,~'-llI",lt'n Funef' .. lllflml, .. f Hurhnwon. lu .... . I " Inlh.lrge OIf .. TTanJtemenh

EI.le Ellz.beth Vom.chka M.rtln

SPRI Ntitl t!J) " hlt' ~1;1M1I1 was ho,m n'le FIII.llw'lh M'I)'!'r In

(..wr lotdpKh '111 July Ifi I!UIl. lhl' ytJunl(hluf thr('t'thll · drl'n

IIt'r fJlho:: r. ,\dulph Mayer. ..... ()rk~'li ;,~ J

hUIlht' r1l\ ,I ~hllfl hI" .-.... ·nl'd ",""h hi , Iwn nltler h"'l h,'~. )'1'1 hl ~ 1 1l1~""n w ... , hiS l'/f'>Ch band Eblt' "'"'lUld Lall'r ~lI1g In Ihe. ..ame I{roup ,tLtnlljC In !Mo l' fJther', 101\'1' uf mU)1I.

FI 'It"s falhl' r lind moIhtr. Agnes H ...... N!I\'ak MJ)'tr, ~rnlrd and UII "n.:ed ..... hen ,~ ....... \ t'tl(hr Sht' .tntl h'r 'wu hrolhers ...... 1lI 10 stay ","1rh an aunlln Chtc.ll{" tur a soon lime htfflft' ht'IOK 1I1I)'\'t"d I" an urph.ma.](e. whell' , hI:' sta)'t'\l (ur flJUr )'l'al'5 wtule thtoll!, ~ht' recel''f'd J. good t"dlM'au'-lIl ;md wa,.\ ilot' uf lhe Slmn](t"ST 'Iudtnb 10 )l'Wlnl{ and cikJkJng, ImptJT1anl ~kl lb fur "'"'Omtn allm lime

Afll!!' hl'f fallM>r rerurned for IM>r

Afler ~'t' r-Jl different hou.'oC'· kt'f'PmK lobs. Elslt aa:ompanM'<l (I

(,wnd 111 11 n . '\~ll base 10 pK'k up hrl fnend 's hmTher, ..... hrlr hI' wa., slallnn.od 1\ " .. hu1 .. ,OO IlImanrt ht~,'n .lIld. J(ttr onty (I f ..... · munth. ... a,e and Jut! Vomachka m..mt'\l She alway~ ~mrmhtml f .. nd~ Ihl" d.lflt"t>', Ihl")' a"frnlfd and Ihl' panlt'S lhf')' lhrew ,I) :'

ftlUrk- Tht'\' ..... l'fI' ,ll11"f: In lilt Flk., and m'lhe F.aJt~. and Ih~ ~,"·rimfo·tuntlICt·'"'h'tIrmlr-­

t'\tn after m.MnJt In Spnn~l'ld And lht>y hulh l"OUJd ~peak C/ l!(h

fo' hlt! al,,';"I),!> '>iud. ho ....... wr. lh:lI ht'r ~fI'mt'lol tl«Olmpl lShnll'nl, .. 'tit· her~" bt-•• uhful dJuKh1t'l"i . Slb.m aoo IlImn;1 Silt \, .. a~ a Jl',lller II1lhflr<ial Srn\lls Iro~ lpS

,mtl t'll!;llUr4!oo Ihem 10 IJU .... IH' 1!\t'lr mll' res1- Sht' al","'aYS Spokf 1'o11h pndr I'o'hf! n dn.mhmg all lh:u l!\be IWU wumen had .. ccum· ph~hnJ and \\ !\t'n \pt';lkmK or hl'f 111I''f' J.,'l";lnlkhlllln'n 1( .. l'lI'k:.h. 1(;I~hi'l . ilntl It)'ill1

Afler Jtll'tllt'd In 19MI. FI, .. · ~tln anOlher ~1 al!e 111 hl'T hfl' ~hl! \layetllnmlvl11 m her Ilul urf'n', and J(ralllkhlldrf'o's 11\'t'S She hel~ ",", Ih 1tw- 1.'tdK'S Flk., ,tnU ht.-gan d:manK ",", Ih Ihe 1'"lkll [..u\·e~ KJuh of AmeflC3 (po1.KA) She Ir.l\'eled ....,Ih senior alU.fn KTlIUJh 10 plares like NI'Yo' Ynrk and Memphl\. wenllo Door Cll\lnT\'. and look a rrulSt' In Ihe 1'31klrr\a C'lI'Ial

In 1998, )he met Raybum . !-oJanln. a klndred splnl Mera counshlp Ihalla:>1td m"~ lhan rl\"e )'t'31'5. Iht'y mamt'd wht'1\ she was AA and shonly afler he tumf'd 90 - "'W'h.1l all' ..... e ","'a!lmg fa,..... he had askt.>d ht'r They shnml a grt'al k)\'e and lhomughly t'nJlI)'cd Tra\'ehng, \1SllIng famIly. and JuSI enjo)'1I1\ their IImt' tOll:elher They even shared each ulher's church hl'r t'allh l.ulht'f',m and hiS Suulh Side Chn~1!an .

F.hle·s de1ennll1al"ln and com· mun sel1.';t' II:ere hallmarks I)r hl'T SUCChS She always planned ahe:ltl :md was as dem3ndinl( uf ht'~lf a.' sht' was or oIht'N She t'lX'ouragrd ul h('~ 10 al .... '3)'$ th ll1 k pt)\llIvt'/y- Ihal nil nne pIs,,' l',1n m;,kt' }'OU happy. )'flU muST d" II )uurself

lind rM>i:m.-d hrf hft'. and Wf'

knu .... · th .. t ~ht"~ nil ..... enJOYIng her lIme ","l th her Sa\1()r In hea\'en Wt'll mlS~ Iltr unlll ..... 1' ~ twr .I!f.lln

For lhosot .... oo ..... t"n!' 1101 ahlt' IU auend M~ Marlln's \1Slla llon and .:elehralll)n IIf life St'n~res on January 19. 2(WI. plebe \'lS1T heT ' IJfe Rt'rnemht'rl'd SIUI)'" IInliOl" al w"'"w h1l>Chfun .. ralhome ctlm where you ma)' \'lew her onlille ph"llI~ruph Inhule and also share fund mememes. tnOOles and c"n, ul)lena!S 10 Ihe famIly

Nathan Danl •• TUrner

Nalhan D.lnH'1 Tumer. :l9 uf IJocoln ..... enl home February 2.

2010 III Ahraham lmcoln Memonai Hospllal In

tJncoIn VislT:lTlon .... '1I ht'5·7pm Fn<by. Ft'bruary. 12, 201n al Holland Bany

& ~M1 Funtra1I1Qf1'H' 111 I Jnluln .

St'n1CfS "'",u be 1.00 PM ~lun1ay. t't'bruary. 1:1.2010 al NeIghbor.. 10 NallOI\S Commul1JlY ( 'hUTCh

Area calendar



8Y rHeIVeEK.!

~=:;": ~WMOllTHSt1()tIJN.­

fW.I6E. A 6«L. r(#}lS wrOA~!

BV the numbers Todly I. TUHdIy, Feb. i . 1he4Oth

IJ.1y of 2010 Thete are J25 day51ef1 '" ...... ' TodIy'l HJvNIgtrt In HIItOty:

On Feb. 9, 1960 Ml(Itt Coors Co. chairman ~ Coors til, "'!~~ shot 10 dealh dIJnng a boIched k.Jd. nappngal1efr4ll\lotlileMM~1O the IMWV brewery ... Gotdan. Cob (Coors' body wasn~ IotM'Id lor S8Y8n

mooltls, the man v.no kM:l him. ..IoseJlh COItlen Jr , served 19)11a1'S'" pnson Cotben oommrned SlaocIe II'!

..... 20091

The· record Police beat Multiple ch.rg ••

a [Jncoln police am:s1ed Eric W 7..a!ill'OY>·. 14, ofllM> 1300 block IIf RUlled;:e Om"e II 5 .3~ pm. Monday at his rrsidence on a chargt' of domestic balle!),.

a l.Jncoln pohOl! a~ed Adam J Ander.MJO. 25. of lhe 400 block of Commu",l}, Dnve al 6.26 p.m. Monday al Nonh "'Mlluison and Shon I Ilh SIre-tIS on a charge of drM~ ....,th a rus~nded license,

a I!. logan CounlY depUEy afTHTed Marvin T, Bradburn. 44. of Iht'600 block of North Madi50n Stlftl al 1:45 p m. Mondayallhe Logan County Counhoust' on I~ao County warranu for fail, u~ 10 appt>ar In coun I't'garoing hurgla!)' and rtlati tht'n

• A Logan Cuumy deputy arre.lt'd Jllmes L Olruels, 36. of lht' :1IM1 hlock I)f Oglesby Streel al 5,:1.1 pm MondllY II I Fifth and (i rO\'t' ~lretts in Middl~uwn on a Mason County ..... alTlUlI for f311ure 10 apPt':lr 10 coun reKanling fish · 10K wilhoul a tict'l1.<;e

Rescue runs Aid calla

IJncoln firt'fi](htt'~ mpondt'd .... 'lh 1 ~lgan CnunlY Pal"'Jme<itCS 10 mt'dlcaJ eflll'~encleS al

a A residt'nce In lhe 1000 block <If l)coc;uur Slreel al 7 52 a m. Monday

School menus W.dn.ad.y. F.b" 1 0

Carroll Calhoilc lunch Bamt.'l'Ued chicken on hun. baked be;rns. pickle SliCk, fNII

C()mmul1llY Action Lunch · Culd Chlh wllh wholt' grain crllckers. Cllrus salad, carrOl SfICk.,. hakt'd apille. HoI. ChtCkt'n

C riminaillrobe is launched in Co nn. plant blast rm "'''SOUArH) PIU$S

MIDDLETOWN. Conn Aull\onllts I.aWlChed a criminal In\'tSt~ l lOn Mooday Into lhe ca~ of an exploslOll lhal killed fi\"e people al a power plant ' undt>r consITUdton. saying lhey couldn'l rule OUt mmlll.al negb. .~,

"If eo."ef)1hmlC wenl nghl, ..... e .... ·wldn'l all bt hell' nKilt now.­Mlddlelown Mayor SebasTian GUlhano s:ud "n'H'~'s a polOl .... ·here negligence rmes 10 the If'\'el of mmll1al oondud . and lh:al's whal we're lII\·estipting:

n~, powt'~.upl.~ion ~

-~, PO: ftwee - MiO:my 5· t ,2

M Three -E~ 5·5,9

PICk b -MicXJay' 4·6·5·9 PO Frur - EWIAT1g: 5,0.2,0

I.Jt!IeLono 06·13· \4 ·22·33

l..oft70\.()8· 13,18·32·36

LoCIo Jad\pot $3 mlltlOn

Mega MiIions Jadq:JoI 532 mtHlOn TodIy'l BItthdIyw: Actress

Kathryn ar.vaon Is 88 TekMsion ,:unaIisI Rogw Mudd IS 82 AdJes.s

alfredo. whole gTUlO roll . peas and camlIS. apricots. cookie

Ilamburg·Emdt'n Breakfasl -Waffles with syrup. grnpe juIce

Hansburg·[mden Lunch -Crupito wilh ch~ sauce. peas. peaches, oook}('

mini Cenlral Hll'akfaSI • Scrambled eggs wilh ham chuw, ho( roll . mixed fruit or J"~

lIliN Ct'nlra! lunch - ChICken nugt'tS. muhed potaloes .. ,th gravy. mixed fruIT or fresh fruit ,

' ''''' Uncaln Hi&", Well Uncaln· 81'01dwell, BreakfUl - Trench loul 'Nilh syrup. peacha

Uncaln High, West Uncaln· Bl'OId ..... elt . New Uolland· Middlelown. Zion I.ulheran Lunch - Ham hol'5Hhoe, oven fries. green ht'ans, Jell·O with fruil

Mounl Pulaski Elemenlary Lunch " Ravioli. green ht'al\ll . applesa\a, bIl'adstitk

Mounl Pulaski High Lunch -Hoc ham and cheese on bun, scal· loped potatoes, apple salad, \~. gies and dip

Mounl Pulaski Zioo Luthrran Lunch - TI«II wilh lettuce and cht'eU, carmts, Mexican rice. \'eggies and dip. pears

Fund Raisin ~;u .... CIU609 and1nlclrrMt1on I*iIt

1.JOO.J11-Mt1 Of_~,COM

HOlt: 0epI AttaU.

·Ulm"!'~I\oI~,n 't\'''>fIII(\ ,n"c- "~A"',"' ",,," ,,~,

~oIIkIk • • nJ ,',,,,,,".ut 1'_"'

'~"~'ro,1ItlII R.i'I!"jj. lHI\1IIM ...... :onI~r. )'~" ' .... t .... '

US ~l arhle &. YOUI / or II \OIIH" / m ( " ,ll" ," • ,,, 0 .. ", ~oo ~ ll/n I" H or " (,ranltl' (} I I1/ll l }IOO · _.r,U"'1 ,.e,I. " .. hJ' """ ,,1111

reel it in. $4 Filet-O-Fish® Mear

$5 D~ubl~ Filet-O-Flsh® Meal

I I,



Area deaths BV the numhers Nathan Danle' Turn.r F~lIoW'shlp at UlS and 3n outreach team thai a .... 'lIy February -I. lUlU 31 Abraham IJIlC."Oln Todty I) Wednesdrf. Feb. 10 me

Nalhan Dan~1 TUrMJ', 29, of LJncoIn. p{O\idtd humanitarian aid to people throuJl:h . MtmOnn.ll-lospll rtl 4 1 ~t day 01 2010 Thefe alB J2~ dl'fS ~ away Unexp«1ed1y 31 12:5S PM on out Ihe .... orld. inc1udinj!; numerous Inps 10 GrJ\Ielide sefVICei will be l .nO PM. lett In !he year Sunday. Ftbruary 7, 20 10. Mexico. RUSIlia. Pueno Rico, and Ve\ltzuela Thursday. Febnlo1ry I I. WIO at ZIOn Toa.y'. HIghIi9ht In History:

VISitation will be from 5:00 . 1:00 PM on In addition to his lOVing Mtu~. NaThan had Cemetery In LJnrotn .... ',11 P:1!o1or Tony Shurr OIl Feb 10 1967, IhO 25111 F .... ~ F b '2 2010 a gentle ~'P1ril and a wonderful sense of offICIating Amerd'nent 10 me ConSIIfUbOrl , deal ' ....... y. e ruruy I • humor. lie I""oed hunt in,and flShin, ,od n1 Holland Bony & In lieu of f1ow~r.! memonal donations may IOQ \ •• 1!t1 pre5lClef1t1al ()sal)jIIty and sue

Iknnen Funeral Home 10 being outdoors, .... 1\.S II phenomenal cook, and be made 10 hIS family 005.SI0fl. was ra\Jtledas Mlflf\eSOld and Uncoln. IL enjoyftl music and spons. RIchart! was born July ZO. 19-10 10 lmcoln. NevaW adoplod tt

Memonal st~ice .... '11 More than anything, Nathan lovt'd ~llI'nd · IL and was mlSftl by hIS mother Oorolhy ThHday LonelY: • • , ' 1'. 00 1'" o~ 109 time "'ith his fumlly and wnds. Sha"""'U 1..10;: " " .. .. Po. Thlee - M"d2y ,3 'B B Saturday. Febl\llll)' 13. Survr.ing are hiS ..... ife Sarah Tumer and Su~i\'ng are hiS sISters GeQrwna Moore 2010 at Neighbors to their son BE-njamin Chase Tumer of Uncoln. and Terry Dabb5 boIh of u llCtlln Po. Tlwee -E~ 6·0·0 Nations Community IL: pa~nt s Dan and NallCY Tumer of Ul'IC"f)ln. II h Po. FoUl - MOjay 9·8·20 Church in Uncoln. IL [L; paternal grandfather CIIl~~ l...ee . e .... 1I.S prect"ded In dl'ath by hl\ mol er PdI FOil! _ Evening

(Ve llTUl) Tumer uf EIl.'o1 Peoria , 11_; Sb1 N S and his hrolher In Ia ..... Ke'oin I)ahbs Nalhan was hom May Janel! (fumer) Fmnlone 01 Aurum. [L and 1I00land Ha rry & Bennt'll Funt'ral liome r; L.mIe Lolto 05·06·09·21 36

J I. I980in Peoria.[Llheson ofDan and . .... - " 1 , __ ' Nancy (Pueicbel) Tumer. Ill' marmd Sarah Nanel1!' C. Tumer of \VIChita, KS hallu ln~ arran!1:ements Ml!9i1 t..-Yoons 2·1 ,,,,,,=-,8

Chase on June 25, 2005 10 Uncoln, [L He was preceded In dealh by hIS palernal Sh.ron K. Thomsen Moga Ball t2 N h . " 1 d d -' grand mOl her, Samh H. Turner, and his mater· . " Lono JadqJot $3 25 m,llIon

al an ~ up 10 .... nco n an gm uat"" nal grandparents, Edwin C , and Manha E. A ch.1pel se~'ICe for Sharon K Thonben from New Wjne Christian High School. He f'uesche l (nee Bruce). will he hl'ld at HI a m Fnday. at Mega M!Ioofo..Jadq)(ll S32 mdl.on f1!C('iI.'t'd his Bachelor's ~ in F.conomit~''::"-' ....:.::;;; ------&i1ftno's.RosedaIe-G~I,I,L.J,Ht'-St'--+--TocIey'I' e " t"db, • . Opma SdigCt

--rrom thi Om ... emty of n1iilOiSal Springfil'ld In . In btu of nO"A'tr.l. donnho~ may be made, (31" mile we;,"t of HlOol mingdaleIRoselle Rl )lIdl, Leontyne Price IS 63 AcIoI Rober1 2004 and f1!C('ived hi! MBA from Benedictine to the Nathan Turner MemonaJ Fund and WIll Roselle. Interment \I" U he in Woodla .... " Wagner 1$ 80 Rod( muSICI3n Don UnMrsity through SPtingfield Collegl' in be accepled at Ihl' funeral homl' Cemetery l11inois in 2008. He was most recently a proJ ' I'C1 manager for Caterpillar i.ogi)1ics in Flossie S.mpen

Wilson (The Ver'tulesl'~ n Roberta Flack '" 73 Songer Jimmy Mett:hant IFlal\loe lym:Jfl and the T~llS 70 Roo.. muSoOan Bob Spalding !The V£'IlIule~1 ~ 6J 0tymp0c!Pd mrodal <;'M1Tlf!II'I Mar\ Spitz IS 00 Wil~ DIsney Co preSIdent ana choe! (' . {'(IIt.-e Robef1lger 15 ~9 Wolki GoII Hlq 0' FafYV'r G~ N<KmIn IS 55 ~trv ~r lionel Cartwright ,$ 50 MaYoe (j,Ie<:1or Alelanclei" Pttyne f-S odcways"11S J9 ABC News cont"-OOfldl>flt George Stephanopoolos os J9 PoIr!Jc.;iI c:om­mentato. Glefln 8e(:k IS .t6 A.C!!Css • Laurl'l DI!m ,~ J ~ Coulltrv SlII(]E!r Dude Mowrey ,~ J8 Actress Elluobeth Banks IS .36 Pop srogel Rotan"" T_ez fEoen 5 Cru<h! '5 33 Countr.,. ffiLlSIC~ln ~'f Baxt~ 1C.1robn..1 RMI) 's 30 Roo.. ~m'Jcr EIIC 0111 15 2B Aoo.. mu9C .. ln Ben Roman. ,The C Ff\~I'S?R Ac!!css Emma Rooen. ,s '9 Actress Makenzie \If9I'I IS ttl Actress Chloe Momz IS 13

Monon. Il~ EMDEN - Flossie Sampen. 101. of F.mden. passed a ..... ay February 8, 2010 at Abraham u ncoln Memorial Hospital.

• ViSllatlon .... ill bt: frum 4 III!J P m Thur..da)·. at Ihe funeral chapel

Sharon was Ihe beluwd wife of Fn.'d E . dt\"OIN mOl her of Carla lbom...en. Alan (Suzel1e) and Bruce ThomSl'n. Joo.1 ng dauJ(h· tl'f of the late Rus.'lell and the laIr Vhi;m Brucl'; dear SISler uf Beverly IMike) Donnan. Norman (jane) Brucl' and Kirby (VickIe) B~: and dear grnndmottM!r of OInt'

Tile for your budget... Service you deserve Nathan ..... as cumntly S('~ing hL~ first year

as Ward .. AkIl'm\i\J1 on tbe Unroln City CounciI. lie 1"OCri\'t'd a mayoral appointment as thl' city's rtpre5('ntati\'t on the logan County Regional Planning Commission and ..... as a member of the uncoln·L.ogan County Dew:lopmt'nt Pannership Commitlee.

Hl' was active in Christian Student

Area calendar

Arrnngemems are being handled by Holland l\arry & Iknne" Funerni llome in Uncaln.

Rlch.rd Sh.wgo RIChart! Sha.....go. 70. of IJncoln. pa.~sed

~ 32 111 Brlcklel Rd • 241 2700. usmalbleand ranlle com

For InformallOn. 6Jo.AA9·17()O. ~E~R~ORN&SOYBEANS NON·GMO BEANS . . .. ....... . $28.00/B09 QUAD STACK . ............. . $159.00/B09

4 . T~E COURIER • LlNCOlN, IWNQIS TliURSOAY, FEBRUARY 11 , 2010 ~D~A~Y~B~O~O~K~----------------------------

Area diiilths John A . 'Jack' Pope Mr l\lpt's funt'r.d .... '111 be hfold at 10:30 P and Mahala' Susan (Pl.:tnk) M("Whor1~r Mdnoo15t Churth, tnt commuruty. and

WI Pl IA ... i\t J"hn R "J."k" l'upt\ A M Saluni;w Frhruary 13,20 IOal 1lle family 1T1O\~ to illinoIS In 19 18. vanous school 3(1r.1ties.. She laught Donariom will be IIC'C'qlfrd at the ~ homo

,'I " I \ If Pub,).;!. II I.I lt'\I, ,1 II I~l P m Fnck~CII\'t"r1 ·Schr..dtr Funt'mi llomt'. She w-aduatt(! WIth honor.> from Delal'lln Sunday Schuol cla.~ fOT man)' yta f'l. ~·t'llI\i.Ir.'!J, !1l 1I! III '-It 1\lla~kl.lI .... ,lh the Rt"\' Kollh!)ll Fnc. Ihlth Sc:hool and W1.S employtil a.~ ca..~ier was a mtmtx>rof the church board and Kevin L. a.rry \'" ,llIt'rlll1h I l\'~ urfi(1.11m~ lntt'nm'nl .... '111 IX' In I.lke It.lnk ill Vt-o.'Il{l' Watts Gl'OCl' ry in downlO'NTl tN: choir, held many oI't'1oes in the BISMARCK. MO - K~ L Beny. 49,

ti~,~",~"~"~,~,~,,~,,,~,,,,:,"~,~---,l.'.~m~~~.;.o~.~, ru~r.~'~'.~' '~"'~m~, ~n'~W~h~""~fu~';' ;;-~~u~"'~.,;~":~. '~L:~:";":~~;::;~~';:-~~'''~~''~~'·'m0r,canizarionl.nd tnjoyed sm" of Bi!marck, fonMfty of 8ont'lt Tem . on lilt District Board ot~pas:sed away Monday, ftbruary8, !Oio ar--\11' P"pe wa.~ a VLSUa!1un .... ' 11 bt' 9.00. 10-30 A ,\t pnor i Barne:Wewish tlospilal

If'III,,1 i.urn!'f 10 W" , fi'S on Saturday al Frickt-Cahl'n · fa~r and a dedicated member of the She was a member 01 the Amencan Schrndtr ,.·unf'ral llorrno, MI . PI..Ilaski Emden communm. and of hI.' chun::h. I~n Auxdaary of Emden, "The [)tlavan

II,' lO...sa mtmber "~C·- f · '0-" f · 'E 5 Memurials may be made 10 Numlrc Zion United Methodist m Em<ltn. ""'-. ''''pler 0 In", ,ud 0 lilt: :.3.\1em tar "f N I, I!111l' ChnslI:l1l . . ... , " " -" . , f· ' f Chrb11<1II Chull"h. MI I'ula.skl Amencan "'"ell.' marritd 65 )l'its. Ill' pl'KE'd«! tltr SUlCI' . all ... a mem.",r 0 I,,,, ormer \ 'hun h Ill' "'~lS II Lng Coo Ii M.lkus Emde U ,"mmUnll\' minded 1~1fl I'lI!!1 ' ·4-17 Of Donor'! ChoICe In dt' .. ,h on Apn16, 199:1 an nl}' orne n 1\11.

m«lvltlll.Il ' Flo •• I. M.. SUl\wing a~ her twn .'lI)TI.~ Gerald A. QUlltmg and cruchenng alKhan.~ for her ,Jeann!!! Sampfn of Emden. 11. and famIly was her f:l\'orite pasttlme She also •

Mr PH~ 'it''''rd In (McWhorter) S.mpen Ken~h (Darla) Sampt'n of Bloomi~on. enjoyed ~3diJ'lj( ~ was an a\'ltl SJlOns che r\rmy In,m 1~2 · EMDEN _ flossie Mae (McWhonen IL. daughtrr Aud~ (J,rrry) Wan! ul Ian She ~"" ... )''S rnjoye-d ....... Ichll~ her I~" .. nd Il'l'rl\W ~ Sampen. 101 . of t:mden. passtd a ..... ay F'~monc. MI.: eilCht gr.mdchlldren: NarK.)' • boys plaYlnlC sonbali anU Ihen ba.o;eball hnllll' hattie ~I ; l rs F'~ruary II. 2010 al (Hob) l.erm"r Or CIt"rl(\"a. IL . Dlane and basketball and chen cht-ennlC on her lor hi' " .,,' ,.(' In 1ht' Abraham I~ocoln (Da~'n) McPherson ul l'oona. IL. Rno. only ~nd.';(m Bill Samptn. a pitcher m R.,nlfo "I !h.' HI;lIt(e Memoriai llospitalin B,lI (Amyl Sampen of Brownsbur};:. IN.. the MajOr lA'aguts

I I,· ..... ;c, ,,,,m Junt' Unroln I..on (llughl Coffman of Ui uo mlnJ(1on. 11-: Lacer in life the unupt'ded pleasu~ of

• I ~'illlu· \1d'rnh·\ 1111 !'-.,1'''' 'I t'h",tnul. IL

'U"1\·0!'. mdud., hl~ .... 'ft· Honme I'opt' pI \11 1"ul.I'kL II . I SOli. Jllhn I'upt· "I ~I I 1'1I1,1,kl II . I n. lII~h1e r ( i:l\ 1">llder ll1 I), •• 11111 . II .. ~"",·rallll{'o. ," and nt'phl ..... ~ . I, ~1 ,1I1tI,hlldn . n .1IIt! J j{lt';11 ,,'ramkhll. .11'1 '1' ,

I h) 1',ln·nb. I ",,"', le.m ' Ir.llh ..... uhl. I IWIII hrll,h.'f for,lnk Jnd I ,,'II Ruhen pre· , ,~ I,~ I hllllll1 d""lh

Visilallun .... '11 be T;, .... 'II (Clay) Manln of llIouminglOn. IL. helping Gtrald and Jeanne Sampen III the 1100 r\M unllli !~I 1\.11\·n (Rob) ROI'ltll~ of AlIl'n Park. MI . chlld~n 's Emden .........

.......... ~>-::=_-¥.'!I " I . J

Funeral Ser.1'~S WIll hi' at I 110 PM SumLy. Ft'hruary 1-1, 21110 aJ~I .ITthe

funtrnl homt' .... ' ,h R~' Dayle B"dmiln Il ffkl.Ltlng Bun,,1 WIll '.,lIow III Ilartsbul')( Unulll Cemt'ler.'

~'OSSIt' .... ~.1S born Onober~ . 1908111 Winkle, . Missoun, a daughter til Wilham

~ul'\1\'e a.~ w",11 a~ tWI) ni«rs. tv.'u ntphews. ilnd many moll' dear rt'I..1Ir.'eS and fnend.~,

She .... ·as p~ in dea1h by her par­ents. ht'r husband r\lben . tv.·n brolhen. four "~1er.;. alld "lie Wt':IT gTIllldson Gil\,n Coffman

nOS~H' .... -as il dl'\'Oloo .... 'fe and mOlher .,f their I'>\'u M'lft', and daughter The faml· I\' ha:amr \'('ry IK.'!~ In !he Emden

Aos.sie pnl1sed her Ueavenly Fatner for HIS guidance. and The blts5l11gs of her de\'oled ~I ushand and family through Ihe peaks and the vallrys of those wonderful

'''''', Memonal donallorul may be made 10

the Juwnile Diabetes Research ~ FoundalKln In tart' of Bill Sampen. G!'aC't Bible BUIlding F'und (Bill Sampen. Pas1or). Grdeons InTernational (logan Camp). or In !he oT}f<lnll.a lion of The dollOr's choke

Sheann Funeral lIomt'. Bonne Te~. is 111 CMl'JI:e of arrangements.

Vern Brown Vern Brown. 89. of lmC'Oln. passtd

3way February 10. 20\0 at his ll'Sidence Jlmla!e family Sl'1'\1CCS wrll be held

Vern was born NO\'('mber 21. 19211,n S3j('1naw. Michlgjln He mllmed E~1yn t lI)'A'en (ln They ~Iebrnted 50 ~ao of marriage

Vern proudty i1e r.'ed his country in!he Army during WWJI and I"e'C'eMd Il Pufl)1r Hea" for hl5 §l'r.'ICt

American Vetenlns 3OO!he VetenlM of Fan,," Wan.

SUl'\'Mng art' hIS WIfe E\'elyn of l.Jncoln. IL : step 50n Jim MolTi!.; step rbul:hT1'f Ellie Young: and sr"o'l'raJ slrp grandchiidn!n,

Memorial donations may be made 10 the military service organization of the donor'. choice,

Holland Bany &. Benne" Funernl Home is handling «rra.ngement5

First-time I Area calendar I BV Ihe numbers


BV Ihe numbcrs

TocWi', Higtl,ItgntJ In HI.Iory:

On Foo 12 1809 ~ ~. 1J'Oe 16tr1 pr9SIdent oIlf\e I.JnIIeO StaleS. NilS rom In present-Cl.ly lArue Q:uuv. Ky ~ Chanas DarwIn...as bOrn" Shlewstury, ErtgIan(J -

Thu~ loftefy:

PO. Thme - ~'IKXiay 5·2·7 PO.n'llee - E~ 7- ' -5 PO.FOUI -~ .j ·7·6·5

PO. FOUl - EI'(!(lIOQ 9·4-7·5

lJTI!eLono OJ·06 ' S· 19·Ull lono.JackDOl SJ 5 !",'hon Meog..J ,,~lItoos..lad.pol ~ S25 mllhon

,The ~J IS 7' Country SInger

55 Acto! Cltn DeYoung IS 64 Actor 60. Rod\ /TlUSICIaIl

SteYe HacUn IS 60 ROd<. SIf'l9E!I MIchMI McDonald IS 58 Actress Joanna KMn, IS 57 AcIof·1omJe1 ttJIk shoN!'IOSt AtM060 ~I IS 55 AcIor John MIchMI Higigins IS 47 Actress ChriitiM EIIM IS 45 Ac10f Joel'! Brolin IS 42 5.nger Chynna PhNWps IS 42 Rod< IT'II.ISIOil/'I JIm CrMWIn (BarenakOO UlIicsl lS 4() Ahythm-Ard·b/ues ITlUSIC1Rn KM1 LewI. IS 39 Actor Jeue Speocer r House. M Dl'lS 31 Actross Sarlh Lancal* IS 30 Actress Christina Ricci IS JO AcTress Jennifer Slone rWizards d W~ PLxellS


Area calendar Today MobIle Health Unll - Denial oo ty,

--~ Stlllel lJncoIrl UI1n1 330 pm

Land olllrN:oln Big Book AA - 505 13rMCW.1y 6 p m

~ ItA ,""ling - 507', PuIaskJ 51 . Spm AA MeetIng · 410 Pulaski 51 6 pm

NA Meetlng · -l' OPuiaSloI S, 9pm

Saturday l~ Blbte F~hlp . Steak - ,i Sha;.e, 7 a m O!»n A.A meeting - Non-smokmg. 507', Pl,lla~ 51 , 811m

Land 01 Uncoln AA - 505 Broadwa',.. 9 am <WlCI6pm

AA meeting . Non smoking, 410 PulaSki 51 9 a m Pet .doptlon, - l og.an County

10 a m to noon LIving-Ute on l ifii'iTimI, Women', MeeUng -315S Bu!lefSI , 4 pm

AA meeting Non·smo~ lng, 41 0 Pu\.1s.kJSt . 6pm NA · ·I IOP~SI Bpm

Sunday und 01 Uncoln AA - 505 Broaclway. 9am and 6pm

AA metling - Non·:unokmg. 410 PuIasluSl . 9nm

Public Trap Shoot - llncoln Sponsmen's Club. 1 p.m

NA Youth Group - 410 PWSIu St, adIJt moMOred. I pm

NA Big BooIt meeting · 410 PUa.slcI S1. 5pm

Cloaed Big Boot! AA meeting - Non· srri:JIuiiij;S01hPulasluSI . 7pm

- -_.;-------

Area deaths Ida Lovets Mar. hall

m.;("I\·lliH .- ht"I' IW'I.' \ lJo.h:IU. , .. \ "f n,,'GIIUr, II. ,Iol.o;.s('tl

as !1!5 P m un Salunl:IY (Fth .i.20 W) ,II ~I MlIry 's "U\llItHt, Cenlr.d1.l. 11


)I'IVIC","'('fl! 111~)a m ['hUMI\" IFf'h II . LII 'II) at 1),lw1oon&

\\'ikll ir \Vl'~1 \\',~d Sln"'l Funrral 11' <I1l!' VI ~ ll tlllon w:~~ Ii 1~).1i I~)

pm 1 ul-.;(I:w (F,'\) !1. 2111111 Uunal ..... ' In ,\l1hur (""mtlt'ry

\!tom"n .. 1 t'tlOlnbullon.\ mJ)' be JUI .. 1.'tl r" thl' ,\ml' Ill', UI (",\neI'T

~k"""",:-.", "f ''Indolf'nrt' may be wnl I" thl' f,.mlly \111 e-ma.I,1f "v,wo.l:''' '''n - ",k"ffl'Om

MN ~1.l l"'hll1l was hum nn Nuvl'mtwr l!. I ~I".'i In MI l>ulaski, 1[ _ thl' o.I;)U)!IUt'f" f J6.'it' and Anna ~ n)!l .. nd Tayl .. r

Shot- vmrketJ at J'rrct~lOn ProoJUl,.1S In I Jnl..'oln, II .. Ml(jraw. Edison In WaT1l!nsburg, II . and [~,u 0) Nu!'Si~ IIome In IlalJ~'l1e, IL

SM was mamed 10 Kellh II Manhall for twenIY·5f!"\.'f!n years He prt'Cedtd her III dealh on February 2, 1998

SurvMng are hf'r chllo.lrt'n· M:try S M~rshall :md her (,(Imllan' Ion [)u:lIle IIHPp uf ~Jdor.ltl", It... Ruben R 4Knsl)') Ma,."hall IIf . UKalur. lI_ Kennl1h L M,.!'Shali :Ind hiS comJlaOlon Oa"11 Twut uf SpnngfieJo.I. Jl ~ J-A1w,.rU D Marshall "nd hiS ("ompafll.m Vil)(1ma IIUrrui of l'adlH.:ah. ]0.1' ; ~rnndchlldren. Shelna, rnt', ~"I"It.1', H.1Iley,/\utumn.Jt'S)It', I.C~I ; 1\1011 ~re;,1 IUTInochlldren

Sh., was pr!!<'edcd in o.Ie~4h hy hp. r paren4s. dauKh4er Valerie June Marshall, brofhers: Ray Earl Taylur, Frank Taylo~. Floyd Taylor. sislt'r lW!mlCe Man., Morenz, nepht'W: Jes.~le ~ FIl'd" MIlfl!fl7

l)a" ''>On & Wiklltf Funeral lIume 515 W~1 Wood Street 1)ec.}lur. [1. 62522 2 17-429--~12l

Esther H. Welshans ~~1her II Welshans, Mi, of Mt

PulaskI. It... died al 1205 P m. Fl"bruary II , 2UlU, al Mt'morial MedICal Center, Spnngfield, II-

Fncke-Calvert·Scbrao.ler Funeml lIome. Mt PuIa.~k •. IL 15 handling arrangements

Oeorgla aallew Georgia BoJlew, In , of MI.

Pulaski, II~ d~ al 12:04 p m February II. 2010. al Decalur Mt'monal Hospital.

Fnckt-Calvert ·Schradcr FuneruJ -Ilome, MI. Pulaski is handling amangements.


Retail sales rise by 0.5 percent in January WASIlINGTON - Relail sales POSled a be!.

ler·,han-cxpt't1ed .ncrea.~ In JanU1lry. a ""'f:I­come dt'\'f!lopment thm could mean sImn,l(er L'l1lnOmic j{nl .... 1h III coming months.

The Commen'f! Dep.lrtmenl saio.l toduy lhat rtl!lII.\3.les tocn:a.'iaI by 0 5 perctnt Jflit monlh. thl! best ShoWlflR since NCM!mber and bener than the 0.3 pert"f:nt iocrease ecunomL'its had t'Xp«1ed

Excluding IIIIIOS. sales plhTed a 06 pertent relldlnR. also !)tiler than expected. WI th l>\renglh comlflt: from a surge al genend mer­chandISe stores. II ClIl'gory that includes big nallOnal chains such as those Owned by Wal­Mart Stores Inc

SIrenWh in t'onsumer ~pending is imponant htcause 11 al'COUnts for 70 pert'f!nl of economic 3CII\11y Economists are worried Ihot Ihe spt'no.lin,l( P:HlM ~ince last slimmer 1.'01110.1 fal tt'r ~\'en lhe lough limes facing mllny U.S ~. holds and thaT ~akfle51 oould del1lil the nedg· linR~'f!t)'

Economists sllId thai the slightly ~1ron,l(er spIes performanl'e in Janullry was a good sign hUI they SIIIt wumet! lhal ac1r.1ly cllu lo.l slump In l""t.Jmln~ mon4hs Riven aJlthe problems faong

The record Fire c a lls C.rbon monoxide


households "We t'Xpec1 IMI lingenng high unemptoy­

ment ..... 'f:ak income growth, low confidence, tight credIt condiOOm and The rontinulng need to de'evernge will cunstrain consumption JUOW1h for III least thi, year and possibly \\It!1I beyond," said Paul AshWQnh, senior U$. econ· omist II CapiTal Economics.

The O\"t'rall economy grew at an annual rate of 5.7 pertent if! the Octobet-I)e(:ember period. the best showing in six years. but the concem is That thb grov.rth oould stow considerably in comin!!: months as the impact of Ihe gO\'f:m­ment"s stimulus programs begins to fadl' and unemployment remains <;f\lbbomly high.

[n lIS annual economic report to Congress. 1M Ob8mt1 administration on-Thur.tt/ny f0re­cast thaT the economy would average 95,900 n~ jobs per month this year. nol enou~h to make a SIgnificanT denT in an unt'mployment rale thu\.JlOw stands at 97 pertent. The IIdmlll' 1St rat ion's eConomb"\S also forecasl thaI American.\' personal sarlnp .... ·OlIld remain high as credit remains tight. another dl'\'If'lop­ment likely to weigh I'm spendinK.

l'he 05 pel"C1!nt increase in relall :-III1!!!, in January followed II 0 1 pertenl drthne m l)e(:ember, a fif(lJre tha t W3.5 revised op from lin

F d -H "

initial repan tbat s., 'es had fallen 0.3 percent during the month l 'he iatesl readi", was the best showing since Mles I\ad surpd by 2 pet· cent in NO'o"t'mber

Sales at aUlo dealeflihlp:'i ~ nal in January following u () I percent rise in December, Adivll)' last monlh wa.s hun by a series of safe· ry rtealls ar Toyof!l

The 06 perttnt tncttase In tttall sales excluding autos folJ~ a 02 percenl drop in this cat~ory in December The stttngth In January was led by a 1.5 percent jlJmp in.uIeJ al general merchIlnoJlse store:!l , lhe biggesl: O~ monlh Jump in Ihis all~ory smce F'ebnwy 2009 General merchandise Includes major department stores and hi,l( Mtional chains such a~ YJalmar1 and Target.

Sales al spe03ll)' clothmg slu~ rose by 0 3 percent while sales at t:asohne $lallOnS W'l're up 0 4 percent.

Other s tores t'xpenencmg mcreases in January wett spurring gOod! SIOres, rea.u· rants and bafli and nonstore rtuUers, the cate­gory that a)\'t' r"S Internet sMppmg.

Relallers M~mg declmeo; during the month included fumitufl! stores, where sales fell by t " percent , and hardware SIOre.\, wi th a drop of I 2 perrent

Afq\lnl "fW '.1 auIog .. _-1-800-311·f01

or www,Jt-.cutltry,,", 001£ ' Dfpt AllOL\

Uncoln Rural firefigh tefli responded to a carbon monoXIde 1IM.1o.IcntaTIIl·15p m ThUl"5dlylll Thl.' 74_1 hlock nf 1700th Sireet.

• ,\ rt'Slo.Ience in Ihe 1I~1 hlock of Nmlh Streel al 10:33 a.m Thursday.

1.lncolo RUrll firefighters ttSptlno.l~ ..... lth IJJgan County Parnmtodll.'~ to mlodical emergen· Cle-; al

, ., .... , \ _110 ... ,1 IlIur<h, ( hl~.

t~~In' " \ ,."h • """" "" II "".L ~" ••• I\ """.11<. ",.on,,, ... I""'"

""n,d •• 11<1 ~.Il ""I~!C~ ,,,,,<,, .. ,\.1-.>1, •. ,,,,,,.,

He. lIng c.1I IJOcHln firefighters responded

til ;m exce:s.\I\·e heal call at 7:27 pm Thursday al the I ~I block of North P~\V1lle Drive.

Good Intent c.1I lmcoln firefighters responded

Ii) II I(oud ,"Tenl call at 7:41 a m Thursday al Nonh Shennan and Kl!Qkuk ~1reets

Rescue runs Aid c.n,

Uncoln firefighlers responded wllh Loglln County ParamediC!lIO medical emergencies al:

• Cenlennlal Coo.,,, al 12.54 a m Thursday

• A retiidcnce In the 9(10 hhlCk of Primm Roao.l al 4:05 am 111uBcl1y

• A. restde~ In the JOII block IIf Ninl h SIreet at R IR a m

• A resKlf'nce In Ihe 1200 block of t t50th A\'f!nue al 2:44 a.m. F'nd,1Y

I .. u ... Lr .w" . ,,,,,n. '''''''Url~ ''W''"''''''

' ' '.",ud".\ ... I.t ,~,

'<n, ... L"'~" 111, hen \.nl .. • ..

• ... '," •• .u\oI·,"n.".1<1<.'" .~" I:W'(U 1\IIl~

M..oI'" It .)l.(n'li'j .... "' .. ~,

Administration may aba nd on (THE BESTDIlJ FOR~

__ Club Highlights --HlatoNna will ..... t M_r

Bill Tunm"':;U p~nt a ~ 1M ute and Story 01 Esther Allm MuUk EWing Ha .... u· foe" the pubtic mtdlnI! of the logan County Genealogical & Historical Soddy.

Tht mmingwUI begin a[ 6:30 p.m Feb 15 Ltlthe!OOtty's research cm~. 114 N Oticago St.

Women plan joint ..... tl"1l ---The UncoI:nWoman'sOubwtU rnef!f at I p.rn. Feb. 17 a, the

Woman's Oub Building. Alexis Asher. who will portray VIOId Scully.' will gl\l! the program.

Members of the Daughtm of the American ~'OIution and UncoIn Junior Woman'S Oub ",'ill be guests.

Glftl:l'rs will be Carol ScirNanrz and J3Mt Haning. Sandy.Johnson will give deYorions.. Sodal chairman will be Chariotte Bennett and Sue ... ,." Auxm.ry membere to meet

Members of tl\l' Auxiliary to American legion Post 263 ..... iD mm in the Mary f>a[ Room I[ 7 p.m. Feb. 17. •

Education IIliels

Moon' PuWki Students of the Month for Febnwy2010 Included sixth­gnderBrt'II Hun, son or Butch and Jo Rl'nfmeister of

Mouz:t PuIukI anc:l Brian Hun of SprtrcfteId; seventh.grader JU5tin Dunakey, 50n of Midml!:l and Theresa MaIlS of Moun!: PuIIIkI and Jason Dunakt')' of MounI lJon.: and eIghth. grader Emma Stewirt, daughter of John and Diedra Stewart of Mount PuluId.

IC hono ... mioois Central CoU~ Iw

released the namts ()f students hooon!d f()r academic llchieve­ment during the Fall 2009 semes­ter. Studl!:nlS named to the • ~!dl'n1"5 Us! achieved a pe:rfe(1 4.00 grade poinl-average. Dean's IJst students eamed a 3.5 to 3.99 GPA.

Area students named to the President 's IJst include Tara McGrath of Emden anti Brent Wil'll'hrinner of l.bxo!n..

OI!:an'. List students include Kan!. Ushtrwood of AllarD; Jenna Huhrich and Ashley Meyrick of IJncoIn; Wend)' Sanders of Muar!. Oty; Tony Lyons of MounI Pu1uJd; anti Anna Flores of San JOIe.

T •• cher' •• chol.r.hlp Mu ChaPler of Alpha Delta

Kappa.. an international honornry

Area deatlls Oeorgl. aallew

Georgia Ballew, 81, of 11011. Pulaski, II.. dled at 12:().[ p.m. February II , 2010, at DrKatur r---.,.':::-= , Memorial

Hospital. She wua

home~r and fOrml!: r emplQl·ee at Sletson China. Shl!: was a gradu. ate of MI.

Pulaski High School. GI!:orgla was born February 22,

1928, in Mt. Puluki, lL.loCari and Maude Day Abel.

She is survived hy I JOn. James Ballew of Sims, n.. I daughter, Jan Rallew. 4 grandchild~ and I great-gnmdchild. Sill! was lhe la.st of her immedlatl' family.

lIer pat'l'IlU, 2 brothers and 3 sisters preceded her in death.

First State Bank of Mason City and llIini Centrai ll igh School have annoon«d tM IJecembtT and January Students of the Month. Each will l"tttiYe a S50 savinp bond from the bank and a rtfl!:n!nce wort! appropriall!: to their COUBe of !tUdy from the ICHS faculty.

Kelsey laugel, daughter of Tim and Dial'll' &.Augl'l, Is the [)e.cember Student of the Month. She is on tM \'OlI~lteam. Sdena! Olympiad. Science (.1ub, Unk Crt'o'o', PawPrint and Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering (\VYSE). She is also a part of Studl'nt Service

Outside of school. Kelsey is an athlete with lIIini E1ile Volleyball Club.

She plans to play \'OIleybaJt al nllnois Wesleyan University, where shl' will possibly major In polilkal science and English, while tlking Pn!·law classes. _

Tucker Biesenthal, the January Studl!:nt of the Month, plan! to anentl Purdul!: or Southern IIlinoill Univenity at Edwardsvilll!:, whl!:re he .... 'ill study to become a pharo maclst. He is the IOn of Michl!:lle and Scan \Vh.ill'hI!:lld.

tie is a member of Spanish Oub, PawPrinI. National Honor SociI'!}', SCholastic Bowl, Drama Oub. Scie~ Oub. Science Olympiad, Emirothon. Student Council, Unk Crew, WYSE and Ill inois C()undl 0' Tl'achl'rs of

Frkke.CaJvert-Schrlldl'r FUnl'ral Home, Mt. Pulaskll!! handling arrangements. Thl'n! will be no

E.th.r H. Wel.h.n. Esther II. Welshlns, 86, of MI.

Pula.5kl,l1.. dil'd at 12:05 p.m. February II , 2010, at Memorial Medical Q:nter, Springfield, IL

She .... 'oriled for 8c>Jac ~ Company in Mt. Pulasld for 19 years and was a member of Buffalo Christian Church.

Elthl'r was born June 25, 1923, in Evansville. IL to Fn!d and Lena Runttingburg Wtn~. She ma~ Cecil O. Welshans on August 29. 194 1. in SI. Loois, MO.

She is JUrvr.l!d by 2 sons, Earl Welshans ()f Mt. Pulaski. II.. and Emesf Welsharu or Mt. Pulaski. I~ 2 daughters. Usa Welshans of Unooln. 11.. and Bertha Pa~ of Uncoln, 11..; 8 tp1Indchildl'l'n and 13 great.grandchild~. She was

HOPE Mobile

- ------- _._--------


Holla ....... 40H Club ..... t. HoUandm":H Cub mtC Jan. 24 m the N<w Holland Commurury

Cenl:l'r ..... ith 14 mffl\ber5andtwo\"tSitors~

The club used money eamed by making 1.300 piuas and ~lhng Goody's ttnificat~ to buy gifts for four ","«el T~ chUdrtn

"The club planned II spaghttti dinnl'f" from II I .m. [ 0 2 P m Frb U

Members are makir« a ViUentine bask~ and \'OIed [0 oonatl' 51 5010 the community ttnltf. _ _ _

Auxm." pre •• dent to vlalt at.te Jan Tittle, naDonaI ~1lI of the ~ Auxiliary to the V~I'ntn::r

of Foreign Wan of the United Statrs, tS makJng her ()f'fl&1 \"lSIt to filioois through Feb. 14. She arriY-l'd at the MoIine..Qu,atl Clt11'S International Airport on Feb. 10.

J3Mt Long. trtaSUrtT and 10th Dtstrid president. along ~th WlS Mien. ~nior vice president, and Carol Schaul'r, guaro, of the Auxiliary to Cronin Bmhen VFW Post 1756, will anend the festl\it~.

TrttJe and the ~t 01 nlinob Une Offic'f'rs \"tSIted Spnngfltld on Feb. II and 12. Aller a full day of lTIeI'tings and ac1r.'itle5 on Feb, 1:1. she will take part in the EukJtty at the Tomhof Abraham Unroln and a"end the 7 P m. Voice of Omlocracy Banque4 In Spnngfle:ld.

K.r •• y Dan •• Kelsey Dallas 011.Jnc:obl was

named 10 lhe Fall Semester Dean's Us1 at the University of IOWI. in tM College of Ubera! Arts and Scil'nces.

V.rt_on/UNCF .chol .... hlp

In hOMr of Black Il istory Month, Vl!:riz()n Wireless and UNCF-the United Negro College tun<i-an! offl'ring high Khaol seniors the chance to win one of 12 scholm hips ranging from SI ,OOO to S5,OOO.

To qualify for thl' conte:.1 , stu· dents must maintain a grade point a\'!rage of 2 0, plan to a"l'nd a ~year () r four·year college () r UMI'I'rsity in lhe FAll of 2010, and culT'I'ntly l"I'$ide in ruinois. Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kenlucky, Michigan, MinntsQla, Missouri. Nebmska, Nor1h Dakofa, Ohio. Pl!:nnsylvania. South Dakota, West Virginia or WiSCOlUin.

!he last ()f immediate filmiJy.

Esther was pr'l'C'l'ded In dealh by her par'l'nts, husband. I IOn. I grandson. 3 brochers and 5 sisters.

Services are al 11 :00 A.M. Monday, Febnuary 15,2010, al Fricke-CaJ\.l!rt·Schrnder Funeral

. Home, Mt. Pula.5ki, ll. Mark Wl'btT presiding. Intennent is at Steenbel"Ken Q:me'1ery, Mt. PuIa.lld. IL .

A vililatian will ·be held l'rom \O:OO- I' :OOA.M. Monday, Frb. 15 prior to ser.iceI al the funeral ...... ,

Mlmoria1s may be made to the donor's choice. -

O.O,g. D. Olbba Georxe D. GIbbs, n. of

CornIlnd,IL died ilt \0:32 A. M. FridaY.:l t Ml'monaJ Medical ~nltf. Spri~ld.

Amngtmmtl ll"'I' ~ng at Fridte-Calvert·Schradl'r Funeral

. Home Mt. Puluki. n..

to wnt! an essay more lhan SOO .... ,oNs that adtlresses 00..... the e\'O!ution of \10,",_ [KhnokJKy Iw changed the wurld we live In UNO' WIll te\iew all the apphca­tions anti ~ thl!: I'SSI)'S. anti the tl>p 12 appl icants WIll be

Millikin lEA fJemenlaf)' education majOrs

Rena Shennan, a ~nior from UncoIn and Justin 81eds.' ...... a senior from WlfTeI'IIburg were named to Mill ik ln·s illinOIS Educalion Association for 2(10')· 10

The IFA is a prores..~lonnl organtl..lltion on Millikin·s campus that SImoes to prepare nllure tl'achl'rs 10 be the best in theIr fIeld. The IFA provides each of its ml'mbers thl' opportunIty to meet other educatIOnal maJors.

Students al'l' educated aboul the education program and the opportuntties In the; p~m. Each year IFA members ftl1end proressional education confer­ences that CO\·l'r 311 3.'q)tt1S of the educational field.

Dean and lud1a Stu~ .... 'U be ~Iebnlli~ their 6011 weddmg anM"'I'B&l)' on FPbruary 17 lJt>an anti the f~ LoeUa Mammt'n "'-en! mamed In 1950 at ttlt Mall\lTlll!n homestead near Emden ~ an! the parenrs. at Kathy AnIIr'I"ws. M()na Schll'der. l..t'On ShIrley. Da\1CI Shuil')' and lhe \;l [e Lo ..... I'D Shirtey. 1lIe)' Nove II!:f'\

gmndchUdr'l'n and SlX (soon II .. he st'\-en) great·grandchiltlrt'n

The Children would hke to ('i.n· gratulatl' them on tl'ltlr many )l!ars of mamagt' anti for reachtnj: IhlS momentous mlll'stone ~' also WIsh to express Slocel'l' Jtl'811-

Engagsment McQlnnla.Aua."ua

Dale and \ rl\"1;In Mct;tnnll>. . uncoln. IL ilM Adlim Ausmu~. son of John IlntlKlm Ausml&. Sherman. IL !w\ "(' annuunced their l'~mI'nt ~

A May IS, wedtllng ~~ planned at St John Vwnney Church. Shennan

lJealher L~ a Vocallonal Ca.'\e Managl'r for United Cl'rtbraJ

_ ~al))', SpnngfieJd. t\tJam wuoo as a Stille Autlilor forlhe Offke of the Audltur Gent-ral. Spnngfieltl

Class reunion S.n Jo •• High School

tuQt> antllo\'\' for btll~ their par· ents Your family "''lShH ynu the ' btsl nov.' and aJ",,,,y"s.

~ The 5 1st ,\nnu al San Jose Hlli\h !khool Alumni Aanquct WIll he held un M;lfCh 1.7 at I Ill.' United McthuUI ~ [ Church FelluwshlP lIaliln S11n Jose

Sndal hour he!(lIls 81 ."i-:IO p m wnh dHllll'r lit ri ,;10 p.m Pk"lures of honured classes WIll be t.lkcn at 5.:111 p.m. (ir,ltlull tinj( classes endlnK III ~5" ur " II" WIll he hllnort'll

Area lJinh Ashton Bunne ..

A.~hton I.et' Bunner was born February 2, 20 Hl at Abraham IJncoln Memonal 1l0spl1al In

Uncoln. Ill. •

II I' ,~ the 'Min of Bryson Ilunner and Am~r Peal of uncoln

me for your budget, , , Service you deserve,

,*TILE F'OOM --~-=-

3216 Brickler Ad . 241 ·2100

usmarbleandorantle , com


Are8 dcalhs David Ande rson

" I' HI'\ ' ,}-III U 1'.I\·ld .-\ n.k·I~"1I .1):1'. I~" "I

'Ilnn,.:f,,·lt l 11 1"" ...... 1.1\00 ,1\ ,II, :->Jlunil\ t.·hnlJf'\ I I !llI tl .,1 """,.L~t· ""Ilt" In "pl1n,:I\t'liJ

'111"\,\ .... 11>\ Ihl\lh"1 101" ""11, I\,tlh,, ) \n,It',.,."n ,'II-lIIl, 'ln_ '1"'1,,.,. J.lIl<"l (\\111."1 LullJ llllk.,~un. lk"\ . \nul·r..t '1l ul :-'pnrld~!o. \I .lr. I .I" h.tm 1111'1",1"'1111 ,'l.lIn,

'11 \n,I"""""1 1'0 ." 1~1"" \1 .11. h ~;. 1!I·1l rn '1'I1n~IIt'\,lth" "'Il " I I 1.1\ .. 1 .1II,1 /\lm.1 ' 11111111.·" AI1II, ·",,,n

II.· I, 11I \ ... , .. !t'tluI tI .. ;I,h 11\ hh 1 ~ Irt ' n[\ ,mil 'Hl,th('1!11 1.1\. I)r' 10.:.1 Fa,IIo" 11\

!l.wlli .111t·ml,·,1 'lh .... 1 til \\'llh .II11"ll1r . Ih,' I Ion'II.1I1 \ hlll. h III .. lkh,ttl.mtl .... . ".1 h'n~ tl'nr' 1"fnJ'Itl\W " II"" linfldl,ll1tndu-qf'\' m­'l'nn/{'l!'lll

\'1'11 .11 11111 .... IU Ilt' h"It! "n \\ ·.'(In,·,,I<I\· }-,-nru.II' I';' !II II. ,II \1,,11 ,\: IIt'nnl n/: FUfwr.11 lIumt'm 'lh,·n,.01 ItH)IA'l unrrl1Ullt'ul turlt'r.tl ... ·r.II.·' .11 II I_ I .\~,

951pm f~l)· l l. 20 1 0aIAbrah.am

George D. vld Qlbba iJl'll'Hln Memonalliospnul.lJncoIn, lL Mr I~n "''as I~ retired m.'l~tr of

nlt{M.\.\:!) \It'''~' ' U,I\'lltllhth 7.!. ol l '"mL'f\<i II ..lit'll ~c 111 12.1 m ~t'hmar\' Il. IIt',tsOn A.g 011 Bfoasoo. lL

.~111) " I ~"'mo'n.ll ,\It'\Il(.d Ht W3.t II rntmbtr of l ','llh'r. ~llnnt-"''''11 Unroln Arntncan (...tWOfl

\I r t;,hh, "",h ,\ ..em, Post ' 26.1: mluntrer nl'!-Truck dnQ'r fnr ~1;lhI'5 o'lim and fire chief lor lmlll.'!nt'll" l l ' Ilawe'> Beason for many ytaJ') , Jml \ '!'1M Implrnlt'n l ~ l it· gradual!! o f [Jnroln rrw.,1 h"tntht'l '"rnl,uMI CommuntlV It lj(h School. \ 'ulUnlt't'f l UI' and a member of Iil-ason 1>->1).I1 ,nwm .md \\. "no MrthodlS1 Church thl' l uml.IIlIIl' .. mmUml\' t\ U S Anny Ve'l'r;III,

(I'mollll" , ht' 'lC! f\'N In Ihe t~ar1erma51er> Corp lit· \\-:\".111 ol"li, .,mllf'f ,'ml I' .. ~. I \,ununUI\!'

Iy ~fW"'I' It'> ",, "."uukl 0" !1 nt't!(hh"f'~"! _ !..!! .... 'ilS 1!!!m Mart'h. 15, 1921iJn.l.oIan ""1Ir~ bo:fure hl\ I'''''" l ie \00.1' .1111'.,,1'1\ ,11111 l'tlun,y. 1I. lu Al'!nd and I.ena Luktn Tht"Oo.1ld Irmlt ... , Jllhe Cuml.lnti l ·hl1., ' I. II1l'hul i h [ . ... '0(' 11 li e manit<! Gayle French on Nn\' In,

1~''i4' In IJOCI.l ln. lI . Sht SUf'\'I\~S In iJllCliln 110· \Oo ,l' hum St'fIlt'mlll·r!.1 1'1\, In I hher ~U f'\"1\'Urs 1I'I(:ludt ho,'U wns. Danltl

i)ahlKT\' n. IL luL\rusA .mdI " ....... 'MJure (j,hn-. III' ma~ Fml., ( 'hapnl:ll1 lin ,('hm'lne) I.cMi~n of Glen Mills. PA and

Wt /:UMlIn ltt t~ 1 ... "t ,\ f'Ol·t (Of IIlI: hl'~JI

<iuahly ", .. numc:nl~ " '~tr'n ... n,hlp

MANLEY MONUMENTS .H-n'''~JtJn,, '',. "" ... ,\10.1.\

l lJ Hln:OX 01' USrot~~ , 1~.M


800-223- 4157 Travis Birdsong Iimk(!I / AIf( [11111\ :1'1 • ' ' I ' " U ... II M il • A"ttt#IU~1

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Saturda y M &r c h 6 . 2010 12.1lO Noon· I,onlon. M O

1~-"'M"m""'T' ....... ... I\"'" '-1,1,·,'.,,1 r: I IOlh '» N ,II(~ ." /, . /·,1' Auc llon I I~ ' \ , .~ • . ",'"I I I~ ''' '.~(1

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Vis it www.birds ongauction .com k,'\ '"" '1\ 1,,' 111\1, k, ,, 1111 o.:l!lI1l!

lIun.II \00111 110' twlu .,1 \\'.dnul 1111I1.emt'lfr'\ ' n

,1,·IIl" ",II. \n\o'Oo. .,n I )I.,h,'''·' ,-", ~ I"Itlln

\ In Itrw, I '1iJ"k'n. t·, I .U} ht· ... ·111 .11

Df-cl'mber 14. 1971 In C"ml.mu. 1\ lnuma~ ICarolynllcsscn of t.lll1t(homt. I'A.

~§~~~~~~~~. ~h~""~'i"~" ~b~",~,:~':~~::t~~"~~~"t"'j~~}'~'~;:;~\~J:"~h~~~"~;'..,.~'~S~'~~"~~~~~P~h:'''~;'''~' 0f.f~I~'_=--f~~;!!~~-~~-S~-~ ----------:f---I IJncoln. II gnmdchlldrel1: ilnd one ptill ' ;I

Pulal>kl. I II . KrJntkhdd I . I ! U,lu,;hle'" 1'<'100' Sill' IMar1ml [)\Jnlll' uf _ .,... ME X I CA N I

""'I' n ~ "I.II1,lh"11I\mt( ,11m ~l;b<ln CIf\ ILand n.mn.1 Jean (AlIt'nIFrtl'n III) pareq's. one hrucher . l>arT't'U. and one I \ ,~ T "f M, l·ula~kl . II .• 1 hmlhrr. RII\' ISuel 1,Ihhoi ~l\Ier. Pil',,), (irhlbach Pff'Ci'ded him In tJea[h I t "';'0-. R,f:STU Rj\ N .,f Man'(I"m" II _ ! 'I\h·"'. Nadmt' V.''hIl 'l·1\ nf Mr It"'tS('n's rullt:l1IllOo'lU he held al lOtiO ~ .. 83 I Woodl 'wn RO'd I

11 ' 1 I II , 11 ,.1, 11 '1 \ ,,~ "" "I 1111,"ln Auolf' l.l·" ilnd 1 1l'1'~rl\' l~lICh..11'\J L)'nlhk "' a ~ ThuooaY. Fth I~ :II Flr"tl Unttf'd I ':J. UnCOln~' IL 62656 I IM,,, ... ! .I" ,I ,n \I III .. LII I ,lon"In l 'i !1I1H .1I MI 1\J lil~kl . lI ~ II )Cr.lOdthllurrn. lind I t(rl·JI· Mt'fhodl~[ Church of u nculn .... 'Ih 'he RC'Y 1 ~":!_""~,,,~ ' ;!! ,111 .,1 [h,' \ ·hn,Io.'1I ~'iIl 'I!" 'ttI'lI1/{ ):,mnulhlklft'n DJylt' Badman ulrlC'lalll1\(. Inltnntl1' 1'0,11 hi' 111 -<!I:' 735-9747 ; .. 11 l lo,nll-in I 11l.,·hl 1 -

Ikl.II"" 1~ 1I1 11" I',,, ,1m "II hlll!1 1'111 Ih ~ p.m·m~. ! ~"II SlewarT. 2 hm, hl'", t\ 'an IInnnunyCemeh:ry. Beason. I1.lOo'lIh full mill ·

Helen M . Cox

_____ • _",.-_",.II1~"ul~)?f\01l.11l!1 ·' )1*0 Elm'l untlS:liJ.h.IIQ" laOl nle) armrdL'Ilby r\mewao.J...egwn.'p •• 'W)I_---,lt i- - - t thr'~r-Tlr 11 .!llk I lil t! llmtTr"'t';m"I'llll u'()t'd him 111 tlt'<llh . 26:J Buy 2 Dinners 1 ,.\ I

" 'h' ".1' 1'1 ... ", 10 ,I III .I, .,I!I hI 111 '1 " .Il, 'n" .\lr t ; Ihll!. · funeral \00111 \l(' held :,1 It) :111 II m VI~lHlIltm \001U he WednestJay from ~ .OO·7 no Get $3.00 OFF Your Order w. fl •• "1 I 1'., ." , I I It •• ~ v, "M, , •• , ",)

1 I 111.1 0111, · ''''' 'T I\ .,!lI'·III I, I )\ II' ~~;~I~~~~:I~~JI~rn;::III~:. ~:i :1\'J~e~I:,~~~~;I~kl. rj~C(~~ Fncke·O ,ll'en·Schrnder Funerni llome. I

\ " 111\.1111 II I! ' ,h, h ... 1 Ilt",·n ., 1" 'IU"nl "I II h,, "'h I -··C·- I ffi ,,- - -------------_ .. ""II 1:\ In ~ u"" ''''UIn), alllmt!r II I· Mtmorial~ m~y be made 10 Beason FiR' a nd


11 11- \ 1011,1,.,11 'UI"II1~ 11 ,,'11,· III IJ lh "In .lnd I II . ' ,. ~ -I k fI,lIInt( n!f'n nc·nI .... ' 'It ' 111 . I '" J'S I R~e Squlld lIT Beason Melhudist Churt'h or

\.t)Jlllt:l1lht.:l ,l lh. IJltt ulut:hn.,u. ,nChufLh Cf'TT1l'l~1'\·. M, l'\Jt a.~kl. ll. dooor'scholce it"'"" r. hlllll"" ttl li lt · III t 1I1I.. ,ln. 11" 1"1\ h;tti ""Id, II !II 1'I, 'I .• 1I1r III 1.,11, ( 'l1ullh \ 'I!)!lnIJ \'''llall.,n \00111 he ·tt. 1-7 flU p m ·Iue!>(ia), . on.! ..... ·.,111, \ \ ,,11111.'1"11 Fehnml\' If>. 20Ifllll"-lkkt-Cal\·en·Schl1ldtr

FUr'lt·r;I(lIllme. MI Pul."kl I 1,·lIl.Ill.·1I I It· . h.,\. 1 .. , n .1I 1'I'U,'() Ihlll, ,1 I. III h, ,I ,t.,I, I ,I ,I ,. 'n! 1i1"1i ,\I"m"I1;II~ m,IY !l.' nud,' In \11 I'UI.I~kl

, , 'm. l. 1\ 111 I ttl. '~I 1' ~1 "'_ 1 ''K.Hl ('."ml\· I'.' r"Jmt'th". nr Cumlanu Chn'll~nlhurth

1·.·.,,1.·1 I tIIl<-I.,I I I.,nh 'lIl l h.'I):' u[ on.mg. 'ml·n" Donald W. Le •• en

\!t-m"I1.II, 111.'\ h,' m.,d,· I" Ihl' l -hn'"<10 Ilon"lu W le\scon. II I. of IJnnlln. II. diN! a,

Stocks climb on upbeat

Justice White WI\YNESVII.lf. - Justice \\11u't. 91. of

Wl'}"ne"1I1e. pilSSt"d aWJ)' on Monday. Ft·hl1l.H) 15. :1II1O al 11);501\ m a[ Mantlr COUr1 ufOll1lon

Funer.ll ArrangemenlS are pending i1llhl' tJlllrnm Pe;c;ley FunernJ \lome 111 A,lilnla

-N~ 8iglnnlnga TOrif' ihoP'P! "A Gene.'. for Everydlty ·

I.et New 8eglnnlng_ help you trim down your .xc ••• • tuttl

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Area deaths Eleanor Jane LoeHler

Ill'lAnk ~1."U\,,!J>lIW 1~,dt1d . 7 ~ . " IIJo.," ,,1 1I1. '''nlwilv 'lflJIl' "In J't'll ,II; 1'1 I' n1 Ft'h I:? 201/\ !II n.., .Hul ' It'mon,11 l lu'illl .!l

__ o'i l t I UlI.'r. lltl,'1lI., \\" "" ', 1I111,,11 . I, m, h,H)!'·'" .ur.III>:,'m.'Il1 ,

Ros a Julie Wade "'l'kl~l,llIl11 ku"dullt'

\~ JIk. 1' I. ,,' iJI"M. uln. IL Jictl.u ! <" 1,, m "',mml.1\ \ .'h I t . .!11 !1I

.• 1 ht-r d ' lll):h la', I .'~I ·

\I •. "" •. In


" 1\1" \\ ':.11.· " ,~.t hum,··

I\ ru~ ... !" IJo ... 11I In"alrt' ,md Ih.· 0. '11 1,'1.11 Ion In I mloln

:-oIl!' \'.,~.I 1Il,' mht'l , .1 nil' (I.I'I~ SI' IIItl! rl'n ' cr In 1111,,"n 'h.' n'u ·II ., 1 h.' !' llo.'"u'l\ '.111 Ii, cnw '",m [ 11I .... . ln ~ h'~"" r He.tUI,


Stk>" ,I~ no", }' I'hru.tn' 5. 1 ~I!i; In \'u'ruu. ,\u..'tn,\ h. Rudulph .1m.! R,." 1I('lmt'r Kv.1.1 Sht· m:ln,..., Fra"khn Iknpnlln Willie un ~premller 2. I!I4M She was pl\'­n'tI • ...J HI d!'alh Ill' hl'f h\l~hand un I\1,lIdl 211. I~I.~

:"'>,H"VUr. 'Ill IudI' ! d:lll!:htt'r., \If' 1)"'11 IRt'""t!') r"Ilt'rklnlt ,If \1;)11110. II. and ~1 !'l. Ron [RU1hl Cml1lplcr of Spnnpield. II.; l "'11_, Fmnk 11 II\n:nua) W~de 1r .. , \I I 1'uI:uk1. 11 and larry 0 (Tn,h) \\-tJ(ko " r (;l;,>n;,ml. n . 5 j!1 " mkhlldren, ;md 1\ peaq:rand· .hlldn·n

\11 ... WJdl"~ \l..,naUun ,md l\Uwrnl ",, 11 ht- IJnI'"le HunJl ""U h.' ml ',lmp Hull,·t Nallun,,1 I "'mNl'ry

Int' fam, ly 1l't[Ub ts dunahuru. II., [\l,ulc to SI Judt,

Robert 'Bobby' H.Ward

IIt\NVEHS Ruht>n ' !lnhlw" 1" \\',mJ. lumlt'rly til RII'l',lUn'"nd IJUl"ln. "'':b ho.)m " pnl 25, 19116. m Sjlnn¢jrld, Ihl' ~"n of I'.t'n(k


\1 \\~uu and ( hn, 'me E Wan! t\\'l'Stm:lIll 'r1'Ir I.ord look lJobtw

on Februal): 12. 2UIU. 11\

Unc."\Jln tic was PI'("

""'" '" de .. lh by his grandparents, R~nand

Bam.lr..1 (Nana) Weslman of

1 II Ward of Sp'lllp:fl€ld

Huhby was :1 !(l\1 n~ ~Jn, brulh· ('r. unrll', nt>phrw and ('I,IU$III

I it' leaves ~'hlllll hili part'nts. (hnsllne Wafl1 1\'lIllpamon, _ [)"nnlS GodIx'1'1 <If I)an\'i'rs and I'atm:k II. W:lnl II

(' i Ii I

Ru(h.'SIl'r. Mmdy (rIm) Buddr of Sjlrin~rfi~ld ami Patrick II. Wan! tl f 1),lnl·Cn> . and ,,'n'ml nlf!('l'S. neph""'':\" aunh undes, and rOU.'i Ill~

Uuhh>' wa~ ('mplnyed 1)1' Goc.lbt'>"~ ,\I ,liI St'rYM.:e a~ , t (on,

"lr3et hauler 11(' Itraduall'll frum l.Jnc"ln High Sch,~)l III' IUl'ed 10

play baseball and \Io'llS an ali<! Cubs and hears fan Ill' was a kmd. 10\1llg pfrson who ""as a fnend til l"\'t'I)'OIl I' lh:1I hI' mel. He ",,11 be mlS.wd 11'1)' m!J('h

Sen1l"t'S WCft' Monda)" Fr bru"ryI5, from3-7pm al Elhnger·l\unz ,md Park Funeml I 111mf'. 5.10 Nunh 51h 51 . Spnngfield. IL

To ~uppon H.Jbby's lo\~ of spons. Ihe family requested casual dll'ss of Hears and Cub~ attire,

In lieu of flov,'er.>, don:uJoru can be made In Ihc family or American A,thm" Foundatiun in remem· hr.In\1' IIf Bobby

PieaM' l'is,t our obltuanes al clhn~rrkul\l.funeralhome {'Om

Justus L. White Wt\YNE.'Wlili - Ju~'us. L

aw:ry 20lllal '-,f ('hnton

Febru.lry 15, . al Manor Coun

Funl'ral Sef\'IC'e.s for Mr 1,1,111111' WIll he held on Fnday, Ftbrual)' 1 ~ I,20 1nal I(I;IMI a.m, al QUiram· l'ea.~Il'\' Fun(' r;lI ltome 11\ AII~nla

... m h Rt'\' Andrew Maxwell uffki· ,mng

Visitation Will be held from 5,00 pm umd 7 00 P m on Thur.iday,

ftbruary 18, 2010 III the funeral home.

Burial "'ill

"''" Everg1"een Cemetery in ~ill< WIth fuJI Mihlal)' r1t!!l


I Mr. While

was bom on t\pril 2.1. 1918 in Mclean,

~ Il'Iesonof Charles W, and Delia Smith \\/hill', He mtlnil'd frances J Price on fthruary 16. 1946 in A1tanta, 5ht preceded him in <!ta ll! on , 1993

two sons. Allan B. Climon, Brien L (Cindy) While of Wayne5\;l1e; Ont brother, Dayton \\/hlte fir Green\iIJe, Ky., one S~llr, Glenna

\\rilll3ms of Fa/ll'leT City. five grandchUdrtl'l, camt Wekh, lack (Ashley) \.Vhile, Josh (Nicole) While. Miranda (Craig) Phillip!!, and Rob Rybolt ; and two great­grandchadren. Bailey Ryboh and Paylon Pt\lllips.

Ue "'lIS p~ in death by one grandson and One sister

Mr While 5er.'td in Ike Uruted S(atts Army during \WIll. He was a member of American lzgion Po1.1 1189.

He opened Whites Repair Shop In 1~7 in Waynesville. later becoming \l/hiTes Fann Equipmenl. He was allhe busi­ness f'\~1)' day unlll he was 90 years old.

Memonals may be made to American Post • 1189 or

FinDI am\n~mt:nI 5 are enlrust· I'd to QUlrnm·Peasley Funeral Home


IV the numlJ"s

TodlIr"' Higlll6gtt11n HiI~:

On Fet! 18 \685 "\11\ TW\WlS '~es of H\dletleny Fr,!" was po.b­Itsf1eoJ n h! U S bf IIl8I\r.;l lime (1\ /\ad oeon po..C*$t'I8d ... ~ and Eogiand 1118 p'1l'o'IOuS Da:en"bltl

-'0lIe0y Plct.. ThIll<' "'~ 6 0·7 Pu. Thrf"ll E\1!f1Iro9 8·2· 1

Po.. FOUl' \"1'1" 0 ·.$ ·5-

Po. FJUI [ ,'t.'f1'"9 " ·0·7·0

lime L.:I!:O d 16·25·37 J9

l ono ~ 16 / 4 .L1-37-48

l orto.ll ""I 5.1mol.oll

Me9.l ""'DIOI\S~ $68ffi11hOn

Today ', 8Irtl\d.lJV': FOtlTl8f CosmopoIi1.1I11KitOf HeMn GurtIy Brown 15 88 "ctof Oeorve Kennedy 1$!15 Fonnel'Sen JohnWlmef (R·va I IS 83 AtJtlor Toni MoniIO/'i 1$ i9 t.1OvIe ~0CI0f MIlos 1 FIlI'INn IS 78 SwIgoI --. 15 69 Srget

;;';;';:,;~ •• " •• ;";;;h=~715~ IT'USICIiIfl Lany Rutt (.! 58 iltITterttvl lS 57 Actot John TraYOtta IS 56 Game 5hoW nosl 'BrIM WhJt. 15 53. ... , tress G.-til ScKehi (SK .... ·Heel 15 50 Ac10r Men Dillon 15 46 Rapper Ot'. Ore IS ~ 'ress ~ R~ 15 42 Actress Sarah Ikown " l5 SIniget. tn.JSoOaI'I SMn Watkin. (Nd.eI Creek) 1533 ActDt Tyrone Bur10n II 31 AoO.. 51"9&1 rn.s5ICI.lO AligN SpetctOf 15 30 Ac10t Shane Lyon. 15 22


Area calendar A worfl., complet •• a fuel delivery .t ... pumfI. 'n Lynnfield, ...... Who ...... ~ •• shot .. at dou .. " the I __ ~;:;;;:;;:=======:;;;::====::--:::-' ~~O:''''::C:'O:d:..''.'O:C:O~I:n~J~.:n .. ::",~,~.:~''.':pell.d high., by blelne,. •••• In aner.,. 0_0_0'_0_, _ _ ___ ----~---t

MobIle HNIttI Unif · MdcIotowfl lXlhi JJOpm

Me<lIClr.h'l,ul1lnce Aul.l.nee . The'Oasrs, unlill pm -

land ollineoln AA - 505 Bfoaaway, 'pm Allhehner. , Related Dem.nlla Sul)9Ott Group - ChnslliV'l VIage 5enooI <\PI BuiIdf'9 1500 Stwnrh 51 • (pm

AA Big Book Study Group 410 f\LlskrSt 6 10~JO pm

AI. meel lng t PulJ.slu ChnSIJan Crlordl FeIo<Nst rp Cernel'. Ir 4N LaLlyOnO blo 730um

l incoln ()ptlml_-Club f"r"t UrvI(!(t "~ChurCfl6JOpm

lincoln Jaycees MemlJef'Sllip meel· ng ALMH ipm -

Third Thul1I"'r C.netr Support Group Room2'Z ALMHJpm

NA 41 0PI~lSIuSI 6pm

Friday Dilbe1fl suppon Group - ALMH Cor1lcrence ROO'Tl 730 aro1 11 30

und 01 LJneo6n AA - 5t)5 8foadway. gam AAMeetIng - 410PlAasloJSt.9

Area ,'ealhs Margar.t Coogan Gulrl

U'K: lifOHl) \1 :1I):.Ifl'l (iu,rt. ,'M",..1 "r Huckfltrd flhn'\I~. tlt ..... l

"und.Jy ,.· .. hOlal)" H ()I ht~lrt filii· U~ In IISF S,llnl Amhtm)' \led l(":!1 C .. nl,'r. "", th hI" (annl), al hI', "dt>

Burn Apnl I", 1'12h In l in( lin rrllr\lll~ . tlau]o:h. h·r "; Wlll1.lIn (Wlnkl ;nul Edith

"r;"ju " .... , .... l lh ., tl,'~n~t' in l h'·IIlI.)I,), "urn Ih .. Umwrmy 01 11""1 '1.'>. In 1'1 11'1 lIn Jun(' ,! .... 1'119 .. h,· mamt11 (it~II)('· \Vilham (lllll) I iuul.lm! mll\·{'(j l" Ru •. kfuld


Iho:' R", kf"rd (;!lhuht· ",t)mJn·~ I ~.'ICIJ" (<II many ), .. JfS including a h'rm .1.'> l.'agut! Prt".i!knt She \'01. unt"",N "I ' unll('m Ilhr'l()l.) RadIO I nf"rm;lT~m ~''''"kr (NIHIS) .... h.·, .. lin M"nd..oy m" nlJf\&S ~ht: WHuld fI.·ad III Ih.. h"nd

~ht.' .... .co:l ~:ly JI home mom, llaIaled hi raLsLng her children lim! fH'j(anll.tnK Ihe family She Wal> 3n aVid readt,.IO\·ed 10 rook. ,kmt and _ . ancl pbyed bndge 'NIIh IhI' SlIITM! cluh In ROl.idord for 511· ytJIn

Survf\mrs Includt IiL!1. her hus· hand " ' till years. ch.ldren Tom ·. 1H:lrtJ) f;Ulrl and lhelr chIldren ( ·l , r ... Jamtn (dt..-<:eilsal) and 11Jnlelle. Jill! IW.}'TlJ) GUlrl and lh1!'Hhlldrl:n Lhn~opher. J);IVld. dlid ~leph'-'". " " I,) rlJrJoj{) MarX :md Itwlf~h'kllen Andy. Trim. All'lllO, :hdrhc, Juhnny, and M~ntww. 1100 (MillOn! G\.url. and 1~1f ctuldr .. n UJt.n ilnd MIltt.

Free Blood Prnaunl CNIdI - The Oasrs. IOta " :lOam

AA - 410 PUlaski. noon MRP . Fnendst.p Manor, 2 p,rn

Land of Uncoin ~ BooII AA - 505 BioactNay. 6 P m

Open AA meeflng - 50711 Pul,\sk! 51 6pm

All MeetIng · 4\0 PtAaskI 51.6 pm

NA Meettng . "10 PtAask! 51 . 9 P m

Saturday logan Bible Fellowship · Slilrilk 'n' Shake -7 a m l incoln CUnlc lCHO, 9 10 11 30 •

AI. InNllng • NOrHtnoklng, 41 0 PuIaslu SI gam

Land of l incoln AA - 505 BtoacNr.ty, gam and6pm

Pet adoption. - logan County Anmal Control 1517 N KJdutpoo SI • lOam to noon

VFW~ 175& ·VFWHaII, IOam

Uvlng UfrI on Life'. Term. 'IIIorMn'. 'lee1l1lQ -31SS BulIe,SI . lip.lll.

AA meeting · ,110 Pulaski 51 . 6 pm Open AA meeting - 501', PuIMkI 51. 8am

Julie GUlrl (rim SwamI. and greal­!',-.mdchlkl'i'n lillly. K.llcll, !\.JIll.mlh.:a. ~ll'lb. and Utah l'r.mo:'alot'd hy btr p.lrenls. S~1U Ik lly Wtl~, "II\!> \I,'ilham Mfanl) and Philip. and CIIUSII'\.~ Manan aoo Charles Ka\'3nagh

FUllI'r.J1 Mas~ II 011 am SalurWY Feh 2n. In Sr Peters Chun:h. Rockfon!

VI~llallon from 6 00'". /\ Oil pm Fnday Feb I!I 31 F,'ZlCtrald ~uner"l lIuml' , Il'Ir.o S Mulflln/ Htl V,)lr:lllon :,lsol I(lOir . 111>t:'i .Im!\.:it In rhe ~ hun:h

1)"rlill~"l' In ht'tJ or n"v"ers to! NIHIS ~!\I)I N hI SI . Dek.llh. U I~I 115 Ilf Riot krord l'uhllc IJhrury l l5 N Wym.lrl SI . H:kftl. 1161 101 CO)ndolel"ll'e'i may he ~hafl!d Wllh Iht' 'amll)'<lI .......... ' ... · hrlgerJldfh cl)m

P.ull •••• n FMUEN - Paul l.esM:n. 68. for·

of II11rtsburx. "_ died 111

Shm~n. IA aftf'ra rourugf'OUS binle WIth pulmonary flbrueuJion Suncby. Fdl l04th

Memorial Sl'1'VICft :u .fOO pm 0fI

Fnday. Ftb 19th ar Lak.l!\'\eW UMC. Mmd~n IA Memonal serv· K"es in Hartsburg. II_ to follow at a la lerdate

Paul IS SU .... 'TYM by hl ~ WIfe. i.Jnda; daughter, Paula l.essen; dnufUl ter Amher Whll) McOown; I gr<Indson Nolan, sISters Mary ~ (John) !lIndahl. Dons {lAvern] Gr .. ~, EveI)·n AlTnsuoog. Carol (john) Olsen and slSler'ln·law.

· Mary l~n.

January wholesale prices jump 1.4 percent B y M "AfiN CAUT' IHOr: A rm .... ~'UC( ... ·rfIlI'N~SS

WASIIINGTON - Wholesal~ pnces shO! up at douhle the eXpKled pact Hl January. pro­])f'lIed hlgtli'r by big Increase! in energy l11SIS 1M SUrprulng1y large jump was \1ev.'('d as a lemporary hlrp and nOl lhe lilart 01 Hlnatilln prohll!ntS, ho ..... t\'tr

The Labor Df'partm~nt s,1id loday thaI wholesaff' p~ rose I 04 penenl 1il5T monlh. ~nK1inK hIgher com for gasohne and IMber "nergy prodUl·ts PnvaTe t'Cono'!IIS1S had expKTed "n i pelUnt incr~ Co~ lnflallon at Int whoIesaff' NI. ",,·hlCh

exc~ energy ilnd food. ro5e fI.J ])f'lUnl In Januo')'. fa~1er than the 0.1 percenl Increa.-.e a :OfMlmlSb had predlCled

8ul ()\'f'r !he p.'lS1 12 months. COf't pnets al the wholesale Ie\·el are up a modernte I per· (t'nl F.conomlSls be l!e\'4! thar innahon l~ no! a problem 01 lhe moment and is nOi likely ttl become a lhreal any time 500n h«ause of 311 lhe downward prftSUl"e!i on W/lKI'!> and pnn1 as a rel>1l11 of (he l'a'eSslon.

PaUl A~hworth, ~'I('nior US economisT ot

Capl"ll ~:t·"n(JmlOl. !klld Tht' prolonged rKes· Sfun ha~ .tt1f'd to dampen iI hrnad runge III pnces He nnl t'lJlh.a1 a year ago cure Yotholes.1le pr"l!:c.os were nSlIIg 31 l2·munlh rales Ihal were as IlIl(h a~ 11 pen:t'nI. rompafl'd In the I per_

The record Police b eat Multiple ch.rg ••

~nl IncrrMe cufTl!n tly Becau.~ of thb sl~r nse in wholesale

pnce,. Ashworth pffilicled that COIUUlMr pnc~ Will ~how a m;Lrkai tleceleration in !he comln!! year

The 14 percent o\'f'mll me III (he dtpan· men('s Prud~r Price IndvI in January \ioU the higgesl gain .tiHlet' a 1.5 pen"enl Increase in NO\'f'm~r Wholnale pnces h3d risen 0 4 per· cent In ~mber

C"~"er tnt p.'lS1 12 monlh.~. wholesale pnces ilre up "6 percenl. the largb1 12·month lI'lCrea~ Since a 52 pelUnl rise in the 12 months endJl\K in October 2008 Bul tnt prier prnsure.~ are commg pnm.nly from big 1ncrf'ase5 In (he cost of energy

The country tuu leb1 8.04 mIllion payTolI jobs 51na! the down'urn began In [)Kember 2007 ilnd I hose Job 10!ISe!I plus fear!! of furthe, layoffs h.ave kepi a lid of ..... age Pf1$SUrH. The weak groW1h in incomes muns lhal consumer demand ha.J suffem:l . pm-enling companIH fnJm rlllsHlg (he pnct!i lhey cnarge for their pmdUtU

In anolher report Thul"llday. the [..aOOr Departml!nl said that the number of newly lald­otf worilen n.llng c1ai/M for unemploymen( benefi t ~ jumped 10 413.000 lISt week.. an lncJ1!asI! of 31.000 over the pmiowl week. Economists h.ad exp«ted a decline and (he large Increue teMd notice lh1( lhe labor mat·

ktf Is S1i11 facing serious pmbler:lli. The wholesale price rq>an sho-Ned Ihlt

energy prica n:.e 5.1 percent last monlh. The btggesl gain Iince energy pricei ruse: 56 per­~nt In November. The January tnc:re&Je was led by a 11 .5 pe~ advanc:e in guoline prices and a 162 percent incrra.se in lhe COIf of home healing 011.

Food prices "* 0 4 perotnt til JanUiry fol · lowing a 1.3 perotnt jump In Deumber lASI month. the price incrrascs call1f' in meal. up 3 pelUnt. proceued poultry. up 2.3 ])f'rcent and nulk productl. which I'OSoe 1.7 percent

Even with lhe I 04 ])f'l'tltn( rue in IIIe PPI for January. t'COTIOffilStS belit\'I! lhat: tnnarion will nof rt'pfnenl a threat 10 rhe KOI'IOmy Ihrough Ihe rHI of this year ~ (IIe.r e~l1loM lhal the unemploymt'nl rate \J going 10 remBlII

ell!Yll tM. keeping a lid on wage Jll"!5SUrH

The absence or innalion pressures has allowed Ih~ Federal Reserve 10 keep !nteres! ratl!llow in an etfortto spur economIC grov.1h

The central bank released the minulH of lIs Jan. 26-27 meeting on Wednesday. At thll l meetilll. Fed oftIciaJs kept the targtf for the feder1l funds nue. lhe inleres! lhal bronks" charge on ovemlghl loiN. 11 uro 10 0 2S per­cenI. where it hal been .ina: DI!a1n~ 2008. They repe.led their pled!!:e 10 keep riles "excq:MionalIy low" for an "exterded period."

.nrltllel. monslH cocOOe lunch - Barbecue rib sandwich.

Mount Pulaski ZIO/I Lutntrnn

Rescue runs Aid c.n.

IJnWln ' fi,efigh lers responded WIth IntPn County Paramedic; to medlCll emergenoes at ·

I..IIK.'ol n High. Well Uncoln· Hroadwell. New 1I0fland­Middlefown. Zion l..utrum .. n l..unch - FISh stICks with tartar sauce. o\'I!n fnni . colt'!ilaw, ice cream , .. ,twx"

• A residence In the 2100 block of FifTh Screel al 1.43 p.m Wednesday

• A R!3itdenc:e In 1M 200 bkxk of Woodla ..... n IWad al 625 pm Wed~y

Schoo" menus Frtd.y, Feb. 18

Carroll Cathol IC I.unch - (inlled c~. creilm (omato soup with CTaCUni.fruit

Community ActIon Lunch -Baked ham shu. 5'Afet'l poIal~. green · beans. grapefrull S«1ions, bread putJdmg

lIar1sbuflC·F.mden IlreaJdll!>1 -

Mounl PulaskI Elementary Lunch - MostacciolJ. lettuce ialad. applesil~. garlic 10ti1

Mount Pulaski 1Irgt1 l..urlCh -Ptlz.a. leITuce salad. Mandann

_ .. .­FIWa, PIIIo fry ,......., ...

"'" Catfish Dinner. ... Walley. Dinners .,.

Carson City SHY« Dollar collection, ~, ~ LMf Gokt, Box" old U.S. Gold & SIIv« CoIn., Shipwf'llCtl: coinI;, Morgan & Peace dofIar coIIction. u.s. $1 , $2.5, 15. $10, $10 Gold CoinS~ln:tJCated C,C . DoIlaB, proof coIM, lock box full or coins. .. of Cojn. lrom the 1800' • . FllnUock Pistols, ClOUbows, ndIan Heed Penny coMectlon, F~ Go6d Coine, box .. of proof coins . •

OVER 100 LARGE DIAMOND RINGS .. ct. 0Wn0nd bnIngs. Large otemond Eatnngs. 1.M ct. otamond Necfdace, Rat-. Aiexandrfta J _-'ry. 2 ct. ~ue Otemond RIng. RoIex watchM, anUque ~ r1n;Iln 18K go4d & pMitinum, 2.18 ct. Ylliow CM.mond Sof'-'re FUng. 3.50 ct Bleclc. Diamond SoIIaIri MuoNc RItlg, Tanuonn. J_elty cot· 1ecCIon, RoIex watches, large iIOIlt.aIiH, 2.111 ct, 2.01 ct., 1.78 ct., 2.10 ct, huge n,C)y,~. aquemarine rings, 2 c:t. pew cut diamond ring, huge ~ wfth up to 45 ctI of Ruby, Emerald. SecPNre G.ame1. Blue Topaz, many old Est..te OIomondAlngs.


BV Ihe numbers Toct.y It F..-.y, ~ 19. ~ 50th ~ 01201 0. There are 315 cBi'S ~ If]!le

"'" Toct.y·. HIQhII9hIIn HletOfy:

On Feb. 19. 1945. clJmg Won.:! Waf II, scme 30.000 U S Mamas began Iaf'd. ~"19 on two Jma. wl"lel"e ltoey oonvneoced II su::oasstuI monm-torv bailie kl S8Il8 t"'OOI!tI 01 tne 1SIinj trorn ~ tltCes. --Lottrj,-Po. Thtee - MO:Iay 1·2·9

Pd'Throe ~ E~ 3·5·1

PI(). Four ~ ~ 0-2·6 ·5 I

PO FOUl ~ Eo,oor,g 4 -1·5·2

LfItIe lOIlo 14·25·26·35-38

lotIO Jacl..pot $68 mltllon --- ~


Area deaths Edn_ O_Vdo.h F •• her

Edna Gaydosh Fisher. 95. of Mason City dJe\l al 5.35 AM. on Thu~}'. February III. Zll llJ at the MlL50n CIty Area Nursing Iinme. !jhe .... a~ bom on Seplember 19. 19101 lhe daughter of William and Lou;,e (Hoffen) Ruwe In IJncoln. Illinois. She married ArH.lrew GlIydoeih on January 12, 1936. !Ie pn.'i..'it"d away o..1ober 3. 1966. She later married Her.;chel FISher on March 6, 1975. Ue pa..is.ed 3 ..... ay [)e.cember 17. 1976.

Surviving are two daughlers: I..inda L Yardley of Lawre~le, IL and Diane Dodson of Mason t'ity; one son: DoMld (Jane) (tII)'OOIit\ of Mll<;on Gil)' . ~ !lUI"YMIlj(!I~ ~ix

MIl9<l MlnoOnS.JacI.p;:It. 557 million grandchildren, founten pal gnmdchlld~n T~'I BlrthOIIy.: ~ Smok .... RobiMOtI IS 70 5J1ger BobbofRogers <lnd lh~ ~al·greal grandchildren. She was

daughter of William (Wink) and Edith SCh ..... eiken Coogan

Graduated. with a degree in Chemistry from lhe Uniwfshy of nlinois. In 19-18. On June 2.5. 1949 she rna.nied George WIlliam (Blll) Uui rl and movt'd lP Rockton!.

She was an IIctil.'\: member of the Rockford Catholic Woman·s l..eague for many years including _

a tenn as League President. She \'Olunteered al Northern Illinois Railio Jnfonnation Service (NIRISI where on Mont1lly momiDg5 5he .... ,ould read to the blind.

church. DonatioM in lieu of OO'Nel"5to NlRlS 2801

N. 15151 .. Oekalb. II 60 115 or Rockford Public Ubrary 2[5 N. Wyman St. Rkfd, n 6 11 01. CondoIentf::l; may be duutd with The family at YtWW. Fitzgel1lktrh.com.

Lola Sherwood HA.RTSBURG - 1..01$ Sherv.'OOd. 82, of

1I11r1,Sburg. 11. died at 7:00 a.m. February 18, 2010 lit the Christian Village, Uncnln. [L

She ..... as Ihe lasl of her immetlwte family.

M~ Sherwood relired from the slate of Illinois Logan CO!TC(.1ional Center as medical records lechmc:ian. She was formerly employed al Unroln Developmental Cenler, [Jnro ln ISnlQlo.ey Robinson & !he MtIAdes) IS 10 Actress C.r1ln Glynn IS 70 Soov pl'f'("l"(lt'tl in death by one "isler and four She wa.~ a smy at home mom. lledkatef.! 10

Ctldirman, CEO arc PreSidenI tiowam Strl"9lf IS 68 SIroger Lou CtmaHe IS hrolher.; m~~mg her ch!ld~n and organizing the family. She was affihaled Wllh J>rainel.and Chru.1ian til 4.c!Of MICh.eI N8def 1$ 65 Rod. musoan Tony Iomml (BIac* Sabbaltl. Edna " 'as a member of Ihe Chri~1 LUlhcmn She ""'ll..~ an (wid reader. Joved 10 cook. knil Church am! \'l)unl~red 31 The Oasis and Hf!dVefl and HoI) IS 62 ..6.uthof Atrf.J Tin IS 58 Actor Jeff DIn .... IS 55 A(l(j. ( "hurch In Ma.'on City lind sew. and played bridgt .... ; th Iht SlIme club Ahmham [jr1{'ul n MemoriallillSpillll. •. - .• ~.rt """'-W.k.In, ,, -," -_·-." -"---C-' ,.53 In Rockrord ror 50 . , ·ear,; c·h 'J "1' ," 7 ", ~,' , .. "'rogeI"",~, ..... . .. IS J""O ,. ~ "'''"'" ' ... "' ... '" .... ,......... Funl' r. ll\t"rvlN'S .... '!lbt'htldlK~ :OOI' M on .~ e ..... a.~"\lm U'J ,._ In . r uM"" AC10r Ray Wlnllone IS 53 NFL ConvnISSJOOef Roger GoooeIIIS 51 Blltrurfs '. IJ.lJJ1u._.ttho WQI 21! "lll lO-at.ChriS! Survi\·ors ,"cludt> Bill her husOOnd of ,,0 II tu.J..ee..D....iou.Lena..fu.ilen.Stulb...Sbe..m •• "'~ __

--""'_~HttII-ot-FmnerHr!n!rlhl Idlko.a IS 411 9 I Ulhl'rJII Church In Masnn City. Rev John E. ye'ICS. chIldren Tum (Harb) GUll1 and Ihelr ried Paul ··T iny· She",,·uod un ,'UK. 18. 1956 in 's H Counlry muSlOall Ralph McCauley IW~ Ho~) IS J6 A()(j. mu5iOOfl Johnson ..... 1!lnfrK.lllle. Burial WIll be al Union children Cam, Jamin (deceased) and DaniellI' , I l art~hurg. II . HI.' pre<:eded.ht'r in dealh Jon FIshman (Phisnlls -45. Actress Ju.tlne Bateman IS 44. Actor Benlclo Del C(,JIletcrv in Jjncoln II Vhilotion win he one Jim IWllynB) Guirl llnd their children September It [9R.l . ~~ IS 43 A(lCI. IllUSICIan Daniel AdIIlr IS J5 Pop smgor·oc1ress HavUe Duff IS hour pn;,r t,lthe S('~;("~ Memorials may be Chnstopher, !?3\1d, and Stephe~ ; Sally (Doug} SUf'.i\'or,; illClude t ..... o son.-; . Kent Sherwood

__ c:.._. _____________ ~ ________ ___i--"·ful,l.t h&l.(;hn.;1-~lwran.~rc~.I)f-IO M~k.and IheLr chLldren Andy_l om..Alison.-___ rCa i It d J ff Ie nie) Sherv.·oOO of ~ - . , " " f . Charlie, Johnny. and Matthew: Hob (Manon) () n on. an e \ on .

en} ,\rea NU I'>Ul!( ()me I ur ey 'uneml Gri d h · h·ld FJI d M·k . J r Hartsburg. II ~ and -4 grandchildren. Area calendar II l1ml' In Ma1>"n CIIV is in t hurge IIf arrange- . II! , a~ t tIC C I ren en an I.e, u Ir • GUlri (fIm SWIITn) ; and grea1-l~rnndchlldren m~nlS

Hilly. Kaleb, Samantha, Stella. and Ileah (Inl nlt' I1Icmllri,lls fHf the family ("im he left

Her parents and hushand and IInt' sister (Anne 1lllgendorf) preceded her III death

Predeceased by her pafl'nts, Sl~I e r Betty Pri\";l te f3mily !(T1I\'eside ser.1ces at Today Meeting - 315 5 BUtlef 51. 4 pm Wels.~. sons William (infant) lind Philip, and Haosburg Union Cemetery WIll he 3t a la ter

,11 ....... \"" hurleyth t"t.un

__ ~"~""0!1."''!:!l~'~~'''~O~~~JB~-... ~.~Ac-,,5i>O~5-~ .. ~..-~~O~'l'C'~'~o!'p~"'~ .. ~~s'~6l'!m~..l.1!t.'Llla..ut.LC..o:o..a.n-OulrJL---'~"~"~"~O;'~"~'~ri~'~O~"~Od;;;C~h'~'~'~;';,;K~"~"~O;;'~'Sh'""';_-'d •. II"'~---~~~--::~_~_--:: __ _ Offlililway 6 P m Open ·M moellng. - 501'~ Pulaskl H()C I{ Ft IHIl _ Ma~art.'1 Guirl , age ill of funeral Mass J 1:110 am Sotun.Jay Feb 20, in ,\nangemenls by Fricke..calvert.Schrader Open AIt. meeting - 507' . Pulash, 51 8 a m k," kfl lnl 111m, II.'>. died SundAY Fehruury 1.1 of St Peter-; Church. Rockford. Funeral Home. JJnroln. 51 6 I) In )W.ID f :u lllr~ m t )SF SaUlt Anthon" ~Mdlcal Visllmiun frum 6.1111 - ~ 1111 pm Fnday Feh I!I

NA · 41 0 PlliasioJ 51 8 P m a, " '"erald f'"",~, Illume, ,.e" S. Mulfon.J .. - , . , S ( ·l·ntcr, ..... ll h her fannly m hE'r SIde. " ." "'" AA _T ng 410 PUla"",1 t 6 p m Rd. VisilllI ion als.o IIJ 1111 . IUAS am Sm in the NA Meellng · ~ 10 PUklskl 51 9 p m Sunday 110 m Apnl lM. l!tLii. Ul u nmln II hnUls.

Saturday LAnd 01 Lincoln AA - S05~ ..

Memurillbi mil)" be made 10 Pmirieland Chnstmn Church. Christian VilIllge nur-;ing hume. Oasis or Ilartshurg ReS(:ue Squad.

Logan Bible Fellowlhlp 5teak n 5 l' d~e . a m


AA meeting · .Non·smoking 41 0 The record Your Local Source For Granite Puklsk, St . 9 a m

Public TrlD Shool ~ ! 'nrnln Uncoln Ctl nlc l CHD 9 to 11 30 Over SOO Slabs In Stock Poli c e bea t Fire calls <1111


Marriages • Christian J. SUlton and Kt~, R. Sherftr boI:h 01 t.i:ncoln --, .

• I..11U E. Zes:sin and Julil K. Gleuon, boIh of lincoln .

• Kennel:h O. BonreU and Anltla K. Spenny, both of Uncoln

~~Ihan S. Adams and Frail J. Gibbens, bach ot

Divorces • Robert C. Phillips of UncoIn and ~ A.

Phillip!I of Callaway County. Mo.

• Devid G. Edviards of Uncoln and Cathie C. Edwards 0' Auburn

• Elijah D. Shm.-e and Angela M. Shm'e, boIh of Unoolo

• Mark A. Hogueiaon of Ot1.wa and Cynthia J. HogutiDon 01 Emden

• Billy J . WI1liamI 01 Ownpaign Coonry and Heather R. Wl11iams

School menus

I Lunch - Sloppy jot. com. fruit

Area calendar Today Login 8tiI FeIIowahIp , St&ak 'n' Shake. 7 a.m. l.lncc*I CInk: , LCHo, 9 toll :~ a.m. AA mIIIIdng , Noo-smoki'Ig. "10 Na5Id St.. 9 I .m. ...., 01 Lb:lorI AA - 505 ~ 9 8,m. and 6 p.';'. PIt $ $ l' • - login COU"dy Animal ConIroI, 1517 N. Kic:tIlIpoo SI. , 10 8.m. to nocn

Community Action Lunch - Cold: Chicken k)at

with !B"')'. tcaUoped pofalocs. brocroll whole wheat roll, cinnamon apples: Hoc: Chfeebu~r. In ·lalt~ creamed peas. blushl", pean

Hartsburg-Emden Breakfast - Assorted mut'fins, _juKe

11artsbu'1,Emden L..unch - Mini chicken rom dog bites. baktd beaM, pears. trail mix

Illini Cenln.l Brealdasl - Walfles ~h syrup, juic:e

" """"" mini Central Lunch - Chicken tende~. ~ potatoes with gnvy. ~. bread

Unroln High. W~t Unroln-8roadY."eU, Breakfa.g: -Cocoa Krispies. toast. pears

UnColn High, West Uncoln-Broadwell , New Holland·Middletown. Zion Lutheran Lunch - Sott sneillaro with lettuce and cheese, nachos and cMese

Mount PulasId Elcmfntary lunch - Chicken Slrips. party potatoes. ~n beans. pe6Che5

MOUn! Pulaski High umch - Super NlChos with chtoese sa~. green beans, pears

'a~. com chips, com. ItI'tUCe salad, appll!Sauce

UncoIn Odd FeIIowI - &45 W)<all Ava .. 7:00 p..m

NA -"IO Na5Id St. 8'30 p.m, 1lJasday WIt C ...... ' Logan CoU'Ity HeaI!h Dapartment, 91.m. 10 2:30 p,m . MobIl ~ UnIt · Chestrut. 9to 11 :lll.m.

F,.. Blood PrMIurw Sc'_"ng - ALMH Conlefenc:e


Area death Mary Ruth. Mu ••• r

Mary Ruthe Musser, born 12 '2lf16 in M ona IL former of Unrein IL and JlICksorMlle, 114 pused ~Wlly Feb 15, 2010 al home In Grand Junction. CO

She 1ea\'rS . diughler, Pamela S. Dugan 01 Humble TX and UnroIn IL in addition 10 " brolh· er.l, Ralph C.1mp, Rober (Mat)One) Camp and Jamt:'l ICarolt') Camp

, all of Spnngfirld 11.; Cl)'dt' (Eddit') Camp of lincoln and" stSter. ~ty Hurter bach of uncoln 11_ She It'a\~ 3 gran<khildren. Geoff (Marie) Dugan of Indianapolis IN. Alfred Rutter of liouston TX. Vincenl Rutter of Allanla G.\ and son in law James Rutter of Humblt' TX. She IS surv\v't'd by J It"'lIi 'lCJ'Ilndchiidren. Colin. Gabriel and AKb of Indlanapoll\ IN

IL and Ihen in Grund JUncTion CO unl il her death She is pI'\"­deceased b\' her husband and daughter Diane BUiler RUlier.

In lieu of flower.. , please make conTribuTioN to First Unlttd Me1hodlSt Churt"h in Grnnd JUncTion CO, the Humane Soci~y Of a charity of )"OUr ehoosing.

Jlldge gh'es cllslody

A...-. a o.f\,.. lIo. __ l0_""pnt.S-"l'h.9pn1

o.WCf'I'IOI' Qak:s!ty StrcotI • EIU\..w! (217\"1,2100

• ~!o .... ao. n ••• ( ' IM"""". • ''''', ... Con . ... u.!on h • •

· F.m.t~ .. M.,,,., L.w • CIIUd C".I""Y

• '.n.I."",ICW CII.pl ... 1 ... )

• C • • IH'I'" CII,'d" , .... Uy Medlrio.

I ItjI'ORMAN .. I \\.\ \'1 I I I I

2t1·732·312:1 tj re" . ...... ....... <_

I i


Bv-the numbers Todrf IS TUKday. Feb. 23. the SJIh Cll'V 012010 Thefe ,Ire 3\ I c1lyS lell WI

tho:' \ ~',IT

Today 5 Highlight '" Hl.s lor..,: 011 r,,( .' I r..u., .... 11roj \VOl\:'! \'I", II uS M"lMeS on two JrniI c.JPIUrOO

',\ ... 111 5w(\ .. f1j "' ''''''1 ' ' IIII!V JiI!S('(1 Itle AmorlCiVl 11."19 tw.;;e (The SOC\lIl1I I1.19" IdrSlr'IIj \\ ,10 ,. Ii' IUI(liJ ,n !lie 1('011(: Ilholog;1ph t.lkeo by Joe Rosen1hal 01 The ~''''''''IT[\I p",~ I

Monday l oltel'y .

Plo..~ n'll,'" MoJ(1.1~ II d · )

""-~ Tn.",. [Wf_'9 )-8-~

P~ .. Fow M' IUI~.I I B 7

lJtI!c lona 2·11 12· 15·)1

l i,ltlO 4 · 15·2 I -34 -1 7 49

LOll() J,."ldr<.->t S-I 5 mIllIOn

"1<l9r Mllhon~ JilCl.p:J1 Sa) mIllIon

Pl." f uul E\""~'9 j 5 5 5 ~rn.'llI J.W:~POl 576 1'1lIll1on

Today s BIr1MayI A.c1rn Pelet Fonda IS 10 Pro i\fl(1 Conogc Foom.:11 Han I r ,lrlI"1 Fred BllelnlkoN lSI11 i\il1!lOI John Sandtofd IS 66 SNl9Il"nI\J..<;OC\o;V1

Johnny Winter " tit' COlJI1I/V r mUSi(\1n Rutty Young IS &I I\t'trw Palnelfl RlChMIison '" 59 ROI'II. ~ BredWhIttont IAerosmrtl11 IS 511 :-i' f'IJ"l Howllrd Jone. I~ 55 ~Ioc" rnU$lClol n Micl'lael Wllfon (Oll!lt'nSI ,"ChO)IS

.It! C"u,lIl\ "'I«" Dully Drake ,s .16 o\clr~SS Kri,' ln Davl. IS .1<; Tenr~s play ,'r ~ SY kO'l1l IS ~ '" .\clOt Mire Price IS -12 Adles.!> NieCy NlIJh IS JO Hr...,. mt/snln .Jetl BerM'(S.~!!'1 Hazel ll~;;l9 COtJml~ SIf1(jCl Sieve HMi IS III flL>. k I!'II~' w, ll'I.&e (Ion) Johansson , l he C,l ll\lq.l nsllS 37 Actle<;s

Em ily B(unl ,~ : ' J... 11loI A.zlz Ansari t!. !i' .\(II ..... ~ Dakota Fanning 15 16

ar -----.-----------------Today g ,l m afl(lhpm

Ve lt! rln, A5IllIance 1 Ill' O,, "'~ Mobile He/llth Unit Nt'W HoMnd 111'1,1 .11' ," V,Mqc Hilll 93010 11 " m

MObl1l'! Health Uml \ '.OolInl Pu~ISI\I "'I 13(/1""

lJI n<! 01 l incoln 12 & 12 AA ~ ~5

Bt k "t ... . I \ '" I"

Gold Wing Road Rider', Assoclallon C(,"~'I' blc,'. fl'<IS u ll ,I!/<' C I ' " ,'.11 ,II to II m

TOPS. II! 1970 LlrI~()ln l lDr,Uy .\l"y/I n, ', 11) 5 I ~ um meewry 6 ,. Tough l ove PalM I. Support Group ~ c I C "' .... 'r"I<1Rr.'" ,,"m

NA J 10 PUL.1S>.! 5t 10 30 i\ m

Rotar'i Club Rusl',' s Club/IOUWl arK! Gnll flOOI1

MobIlI'! Health Unit A.!lilnl.l 1103 30 ,~

TOPS No 1783 ~ Wilmer! l uunge 51 John lJnIlOO ChlllCh 01 Cllml 20.1 5cY!1nlh 51 ~q, In ~ 15 10 5 pm r"eElIrng 5 15 P m

AA- J IOPuL1slYSI 6pm

lincoln Elks l odge 914 "· Elks , .......... ~ n n '


Area-deaths Q~ Loul •• Jon ••

I i I "UISe Jones. &3, of Uncoln. 11. died al 1 !'l. ... 11 m Fthruary 21. 20 10 a[ her daughler's hum!'


I JI)('"ln

Mrs. Jones "'tired from ~1nc1 _27 as: l""OOJI . , Nonh.,.,'est, Jetferwn and IJnroln Junillf High schools.

4l!lwr , ul"\'l\vn mc1ude 4hrre daughters, r~th\' (F:Jw;rnJ) Jarotw ul Uncoln. Jantl (1. lm ·) SrhelrJ of Springfield. II. and Bn!ncia Jl1 n('\ uf iJ r1('tlln, nnr 5On, Gary Jones of I ~ nt \>In. n~ hmtheT. George .Murp~y 01

Sal\·I'r.. uf St)Ulh Uend, IN, Esthrr (Jrny) • Nt'IU'mlllrf ,tl F\:rn. .. "lIr. IN. Mary Adkil\J of

T,I/ f' Wt·ll . IN ,lIul BellY (Eugene) Sanerlield of lndl:ma. and Ihll"t' wnndchildn!n.1'yler Reese 1,,11\ .... Nit k"ld~ Dane Scheid and STt'pharur .J l'nn '>t held

t lt1o' d. ,u~h"' r. l larOOrn Jean Jon" (1959); .\nd Ihn ... hn tl h .. n. John. Doug and Bob Murphy p!t'4'ftl~1 her In death.

M I'> Jon .. ,' IUlwra l.,." U be held a[ 10:30 d m Fnda)" Feb 16 al Fnckr -Cal ... en· . ,ducr Fun c.,. ... 1 Home, l.JncoIn. II. W1[h [he

nhn Nebnn officia!lng. Intr rmenl will be Jmnn ("I'mell'ry, iJI'I(oln

I The record

VlSiTadon .,.,,11 be Thursd:IY from 4:00-7.00 pm. a[ lhe tuneral home

Mrmona.ls ma), be made 10 lhe Amtncan Cancer Founcia[jon or Aulism Speaks.

.JO •• ph R. W.lngara Joseph R. Weingarz, 75. of Unrein, IL dIed

III 6: 16 p m. Februnry 21 . 2010 al his home. Mr Wr lngarz rdin'd In

1999 from lhe Siale of lltinu lS. Secret!!ry of Slatr . Springfield. 11. as bUlld\l\g manager.

l ie was affil ia led wilh Immanuel Lulheran Chun:h of Uncoln Joe servtd on the church rouocrl and WIl.'1 pas! • ~1ewarilihip chairman III'

Ill. pl",nts and one brother. William . Weingarz pl"!'C't!ded him tn death.

A memorial ser\~ Will be a[ II 00 a.m. Saturday February "1.7. 2(l10 atlmmanueJ Lulher.ln Chun::h, Uncoln wtlh lhe Rev Andrrw Nyren omdaling. Inlerment will be in Abraham Unrein National Ce~ery. Joliet . n., with full military riles 11

Vr.sllallon Will be ... 7 P m f--ndayal Immanuel LlIlheran Chun::h m Unrein. 114

Arrangements by Fricke..("al..-er1·Schrader Funeral Homr in u nooln. IL

Memonals may be made [0 Immanuel I.ulheran Church or Logan County Food Panlry

FAlRMmi m - IJlU~. Cramer. 97. of Fairmount, 111 . rormerly of u ncoil\, III . died III 12:4!'i a.m. Friday, Feb. 19,2010 • was past president of Chesrer,Ea51 Unruln

School Board. a member I)f Ihe Nnrrican lrgian Po!.1 _263 Joe rnjoyed fi5h ing and F\mel'tll ammgemen.ls a~ being handled by spending \lmr WIth his grandchildren who Robmson Ch~pel, CaTlin. III wr~ the Ii h[ of his lile. He .' fan..oLftob., a D. Rwlchl.

e nco n p UTr rs and The F1ghhng nltnl J 'ttl . ..- US N fro F-" I IJNCO~ - Robert D. Reichlr . 85, of or str\ . In [n" .. avy m "u. 1 9~ · u nrein passed away on Monday. February 22 .

August 19:}4. 2010 II I 4:50 p m. a[ Abraham Unc:oln He WIllI born 011 15. 1934 al rural Mt Memorial Hospilal in Unrein.

Pulaski [I) William E. and M. Marir Har1el.'i Weingan. He married Manlyn R. Yell[s on Sept. 27. 1959 in Unru1n.IL She suiVNe5 in Unrein

Other ~"U rvi\tors include IWI) son.~, Joseph R. (Judi) Werngan Jr. of NapelVllle. IL and Jeffnoy M (Julie) Wemg<lr1z of Sycamore. II...; f,,'r grandchildren, Krvin. Sean, Clare, Magie and Amelill Weingll"l.; onr siSler. Phyllis (Will ie) Simpson of Unruln, and one sister,in· law. Joannt Weingrr,.l. of Shr rwood, Oregon.

Funeral Amlngemenls are pending al Ihe Pea.sley Funeral Home in Uncoln.

Clinton A. Martin ATI.ANTA - Clinlon A Manin, 30. of

Al ianla passed away al 11 :0..1 ".m FebNlU'}' 22. 201 0 In BloomlnglOn. III ..

Funtral AlTangemr nls 1Irt! pending al Qu~ram · Peuley Funeral Home in Atlanta.

Area deaths AIm. .raden

Alma Smden, 70, of unroln. 11~ of Gift"' ...... , died at

125.5pm Monday, February 22. 2010 aI Maple Ridge Ca~ .­Cent re

M~, Hl'1Ickn was a nurst at tlentage Manor.

She was II member of the Amrncan l.qoon Awu1iary In


She W8JI bom Dtctmbtr 2, 19J9 al Atwatt'f, ll to SYMln and Alma lIan Pauley. She mamed NO\"!I J I:Inlden In 1989 lie p~ her in death.

SUM\'Of1 intrude '2 st~Ulth-

, " Rugtr ~) Holford of LnroIn and I $Irp.1On, Edward Reese, Jr of Ktntucky; 2 granddaughltn, Jtnniftr lIoiford of Auburn and Sttpnamt Holford of Cleytland, TN and II Sltp-grandduld~n; 2 ~islen. Jane Knll of Portage De

• Sioux and DolortS lJOStph) Massaro of Springfield; and St'\'l!r· aI ni«'e5, ntphewll Rnd cou.s1ns

IItr pm'inls. husband. I son, I bl'Olher and I sisttr Pl'Ktdtd her In deeth,

Mrs. Hraden'~ funeral will bt held al II am. Fnooy. FtbnulIY 26.2010 at 51Mb Funtmiliomt with the RI!\'l!~nd Jacob Skelton officiating Bunni wtll bt in Elmwood Ctmeltry In G~nVltw.

VisITation will hi! frum 10· 11 a.m. Fnday. Ftbrual)' 26. 2010 OIl Staab Funemiliome

Mtmoriab may be made 10 the Church of God in I.JncoIn, illinOIS.

Clinton A. 'Cllnt' Martin

AllANTA - Mr. Glnlon A. "Oint- Martin. 30, of Allanta, ~ away on Mondly. Fl!brulry'22, 2010, al 11 ;03 a,m, in

8loomU'f(Ion ~ fo·uner.ll w ,,'1Ct5 for Mr M artm 10.1.11 be held on Fnday, frbruar)'

26,2010. a, 10:00 a m at the AtlalVa Chrislliln ChUtth Mr Maul1C'e Stribllnl!: .... 'lll offioate

VISitation .... 'lI.1 be held al the AtlanTa

(.'hrb1;an (,"hurch from 4"(Wl p m unlu ll;OO p.m. on Thursday. Ftbruar), 25, 2010. and for one hour poor 10 [he I'\Jnernl on "'l;.lday

Bunal will be m P~asanl VaHey Ceme1ery In Kenney

Suniving Mr. Manin are hIS Wife, Nicole ~NikIu' Martin and an

and one son. Jackson William Manin. of AIlanla; his ~nlS. KtnAe(h and VICki Martin of A1 lanta; parents·in.law, lany and M Dianne Banels of Mactlmh. t'N'Il SlSItn, KtUy leimbach and Katil! Manin. both of A1lanta; mattrnal gnndfRther. Jack Comport 6f Alianta; Onl! ru«e. Kendall Leimbach and one ~htw.Jarob l..eimboch. boIh of AI",,",-

li t was prteeded in dealh by hIS paternal grandpa~nlS and maier· nal grandmo(htr.

Mr. Mll rtm 'Nllli born on Seplembtr 17, 1979, in Unroln, tnt son 'of Kenneth R. and VICki Cum pion Martin. He marritd Nicole Lynn Michelle Bantls on June 21 . 2008. Silt SUMVel

Mr Martin graduated from Olympia High School in 19911. li t wu emp~ as a med\lnic by Suits Automofj,.'l! in Bloomington, Mr Manin was a mtml:ltr of the Allanta Christian Church lie was an avid hunter. and enjoytd stock car raciiI&: and fishing.

Mtmorials may bt mad!! to the Martin Child~n Savings Fund I' the Allanta NarionaJ Bank. P,O.

BV Ihe numbers



Hmo: · 1~9. Allan ..... III . 617'l.1

FUldJ arrnn~elm'nts art entnbl · I'd 10 Qulram·' 't-a.o.lr)' funernl lIumt uf Atlantll

Nancy Joan Mattingly

SAN JOSE - Naill.)' JOOIn

M;~;~~~,~~, :"'~ :StanJ~,~ al , WIO al Ab",ih;lm U'""-'t1in Mtmonal Hospital

Mt'nlOrial st,,'ICeS Will belOOPM Thunday. Ftbru.lry 2S. 2()IOat llolliU'ld Kan)'

0\ 8f:nr~n Funtml Holnt In


Monlll'ello, IL. lhe dautthttr of Wa\'l! arwJ E\'lI Elnora (llassmgtf) AIltnm Sht- marritd MaJ1l. Mallingly on March 26. 19,11 \

She .... 'lIoS a long lime .... l.In~ and Juo.'td Ihe people she had the pleasure IIf Sl!f\'1nlC She ulSt) enJO)~ ans and crans, painting. and ~ramlC$ She WI!l \'l!1)' Cll!'

atM SUf\'1\; ng are her husband

Mark Mllllingly; her dauJ(hter Cheryl Parent of SftIl J()~ , 11 .. " I(TIlfItk:hI1dren Vone.\.\a Mu.\SfIl. MIChael Parent, De~k Uuller, and Jason HurmasTer; 6 gt'eaTl{T'and· chlluren' Jessica Johnsllll , Palltnce JohJ\5()n, Ttrry John.'iOn 11. MehKan Russell, Riley Mussell , and Ryan Kelsey; and h~r sisler Oonrua (Gltnn) Ctrveny uf Oregon. IL

She __ ~ preadtd in dealh by her fWlrenTI.

Mtmonal donations may be made to Rre~1 Cancer Research and W\U bt attepttd al tM funeral ho""

Robert D. Reichle UNCOI..N - RobI!f1 D Rtic:hIe.

tIS, of Uncaln passed aWlly on

Monday. february:n. .lUlU III" 50 pm &1 1M Ahrnham IJn(Uln Mt'munal lIuspllalIn IJnruin

A t"ulW'T"di M a)L' for Mr Mt'lChll' ... , 11 bt htld on

111;111~ S,llurUay. .., Ftbru.1f)' n ,

20111 ill II llfl am 111 lIuly hmlly cathotlC" Church .... "h

Rev Jeffrt>y (j 1.81blt' offtC\ll.l1Ilj{ 17)

'.... for ,"'II h(1IJ1"i pnut 10 lhe 'ot'r'\'1t't' lItlhe church

Hunal will bE' In SI Mary's Ct'ml'll'ry In U nrein wuh Mlllla,,' nles acrorUed by Amtncan ~m Post. 263

fha~t ur arrnngtmrnt5

Mr RelChlt ..... as born In IJnroin on NO'o'l!mbtf 211. 192·1 The son 01 Ralph and Elhtl Voyles Rl'lChle lie mamtd M Coztne Rothwtll on Junt 2U, 1959a1St 1':lIf,.:k ' ~

Calhollc Church III IJn('uln SIll' SU,,'\'eS

Also SUI\'MIlJI: are one Uau):hlel iJndn ,SIf!'.'l!1 Wurth ul I mculn Three gBndduldcffi Lra.tg. ( twd and Omt Wurth, r.-.'U j(relll·j(11Ind· chlld~n !..elh and (JIV,le Wunh tl f Nurman. Ok • une SlSltr Mary Awe Hrisco of MlSSOUn and M"!1:r· III nieces and nephtwli

Mr Rtichlt' grnduatni frum thl' Ilan~rg Hllth SchoOiI In 19-1:1 and later unl'tlln Coll~1! lie pl'I)tldly se,,'ed In the United Siaies AIr Force st",nJo: a.~ a rap Turanl Gunntr on 1J.24 Bomlx'rs In the E\lruptan Theal rl" 111 V-W JI

He 10'0"N hIS poprum and trlJO)~ fishln): . 1h!1\'lI!'i and j(uln;: 10IheParatiistUc.1I141 Ilekr,'ed hl5 famdy and lnends

Mr Rtdtlt rtflrtd aht'r 32 )'tars uwmng RtlChle 11' Gas Company and 24 years In The JeYo" thy business. The unit Indtan


Ill'" nwmhl'-, " f II,oh 1 Jnuh C .. ln" !!f ( hun h Lift' m.-m tlOl·, " , Knllthl\ 01 C" lumm" l ,.un..\ • 1!50 Il r l\ anlt'mh., •• ,ltlw Alm'n.. .. n I .. ". ." I~ "I • ~'d ,1J1tl ~ tk., IJ'od!:t' \tIl ,l1l1.l 'h. " .. \ , oJ.:" In I J~'(lln ,II'M.I .1 (" mlt'f nll' rnhl'f .il rht IIIIIli!l' II' G,", \.''''-''' \'It~,n

In h .. u "r 0. , .... .. '" I h .. \,,"11" h." n'tjUh tl'\J m.'m"n,d, 10 I' lflil't C.IIT\JU ('.,Ih .. h ... 'ttl, . ,1 pf 11,.1\ ramd\' ~hUTl h

Joaeph R .. Welng.rz

Ju'"'ph I( Wt'm~" rl i'i "I IJ!M"ln II .. lw\I .,thlt; l' m F"hru.'I\'!1 !11)II.tI hl\ h' ,m ..

m •• n.I):er

", W"ln,l!. ,rl r" IIINIn \'1'''' fm 1 .. , I,Ik ,,1 IIhn"~, ~Tt'I.I" ul SI.Ilt-. Sp nnj(flf'ld. II .IS tw .. llldlnj(

II" \\ ,I~ •• fhh"h'l.l \\, Ih Imm.mlM'11 ultWr.1n l hlln. h "I IJI 14 uln J, ... '\tt'\'t-d ,UI Ihe .. hun h t'toun(J1 and wa., 1),.1 \1 , "· .... -:mhhll' l hollnruJn Itt' wa~ 1)J.\t P~UcI\l of <:hf"iTtr E.1-'1 IJI\o. .. In :-cht. ,I n.~mJ. .• memht'r 1,1 Ih., t\ml·n. ,m 1t'j(10n l'ml .1,;:1 JOlt' .·nl")\'\1 fh h1l1): and ~P<'0(hn): IIm~ wllh h" j!mndchlldl'l!ll Wh" .... "lo· Ilw hle ht uf hiS hft' llr Wi!, an .1\1 11 f.m " r

Ihr IJnt."ln It.ul~l)hnr '' ... 1141 r .... " l(hlmlC nllnl

J, . ... t'\t"O.l 'I' Ih' I , ..... , h"m I ,-h ) .... , "Ui;!U,1 I" II

11 .. " ,, 1.,rnO, 1 I'> I" 1,1 rur ,II \11 l '\JI.nkl II' \\ Ilium I onel 'I \loin .. lI.,tl1,·I, \\ ,·HlI( .• ft I J, nl.lm.-..J \I .,nl\'n I< Y., .. I< ... ""

"'1" !i I'i"o'l III IJIll"ln 11 'h. 'U,,'\.·, HI IJr'It."ln

1 )th", ' 11"' \ "1'\ " .. Iurn· 1"" ""n, J"wph I< dudl' \\ t"IIl~ •• rl Jr " ' .... ,Ilt' '''Il.· II ,11'111 11"11,,·\ 'I I lulu' l \\" ·lll~ .• r/, " I '\ ( ,, 1[1O,rl' II r\\ ,· w.u,, ~ h,lo.lrl' lI I\" \m ',.m ( 1.1", \I ,.~, .. md . ' 11\.·1~,'

\'''n1J( .. rt "n" 'h1<' r I'h\III' t\\ IIIIt,) " 1111)"'''' "11 ,,,,,,111 ,,0\1 H'Io' ,"II" In 1..\\ I.~' nrll \, t" 1~,'1'I "I ,ht,,,,, , •• 1 1 II , ~"n

t It, 1~ 1 1t nh ~nd .,'If' hI' .t1l"r \\ IUum \\ "I11):.,rl 11"" t.,J, .. t "nn

\ ffit'1I\" fl.1J W,,)t. l· ""III,,· ,II II I ~ ) 01 m ' dtunLo\ f t"bru.lI' :": !IIIII Jllmm.mUI'1 1 ul hl'r.m r hun;h iJn",ln " 11h Ihl' 1( ....

t\ndrl"Yo "' \·rt'n "Ifk ",lInit InIN" ".nl \\111 tit' ,n Ahr;.h, .m IJ IM"ln :"\ ,," oorl.ll \ ,'III,U'1\ I .. h.-l 11 ..... lTh hili nlllll.ll\ ni t ,

\',,,1 .• 1,,," "III hi· I - I' no t rd .• \ ,II Imm,U\IU'1 I ullwr.m (hu l! h 'n IJIM. "ln It

AJr.rn,:, · nwnt~ h\ rri. kr l,lh't"n·:-.. hr.rll"1 hm.'r;,1 H"1I1., In

l.uI\I>ln, II

'tt"mun" t- m,l\ l)t· m.KIt- h. Imm.mul'l l ulh.-r;m l hurlh ,or I 'oI( oIn ( 'Iunl'" b_1lI I'~nl"

Walk-In T19bs 'nc'.llll ... '.

Home Modlilcalion •• Accesslbllhv

VISI! our showrooms al

523 N. Amos Ave. Sprlogfiekl, It 62102

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IV tha numbelS T_ II ThlndIy. Feb. 25. lhr56Il Oir)' '" 20 10. ftoere are 309 days left i"I .. ,.., TodiIy ', HighIIgtII In HIeUy:

On Feo. 25, ' 940, a Io;:Io.ey ~ was tel!Msec:lloI '6'le first lime, by New 'Ibn. C!fy stallIOn W2XBS. as 'ht New 'Itn; RMgers dBIealed 'tie Montreal CiII'Iidens, 6-2 al ~1aaIson ~ GardBn

w.di 1 , 1.ottIwy:

P'dI Three -~ 2-4{)

P'dI Thfoo - EY8fWV 1·7·8

P'dI Foor -~- 7.(). 1 · 9

P'dI Four -. EIIIY'oflQ 4·&&5 Lillie LotIO \·7·8-1().26

Lono 14-21 ·22·2&.30-45

Lono..Ja().pol s.s 75 rMotI

Mega "\IIons .Jact.pol: $99 rI'I6on

T~'a Blrthdlya; C~ry $r98f Ralph St.Wy IS 83 Actof Tom ~ IS 73 CBS IlElW5fl\an BoO SehWtw IS 7J. Actress DiMe BMw IS 7'2 Ac1ress Katwt (lru.U IS 66 Hlrn:lnsI ..IId!. ~ IS 61 McMe citedor Ne6lJottiwI IS 60 Aodo; ITUS.Oan 0ennII DIUn (The Srmhereens) is 53. Acdc. SIr'9&"rn.sIC1i!.I1 MIN PMn (The Alarm) IS 51 Actress v.ror.a w.ob is 45 Actor Alexis Den~ IS 44 Actress T .. (TAY'..tIl ~ IS 44 Comedan CantlC Top IS 43 Ac1ress lMIey Boon. IS 42 Actor Seen .... tln 1$ 39. Snger

SIrlgeI' Mtln JettT. IS 37 AoclI rrusoan RIc:tIIf'd UIeI IS 37. Actof .m.on Moun1 1S 37 COITl0Il<Yl CP*Me HandIIM' IS l5 Actress RuhiaI.Jor-. IS 34 Actol. Justin BetfteIcI IS 24 AcIors 0Irvef and JMnH PheJpI ('Harry Potter" 1T"oO\-16S1 alII 24 Rod!. frUSICIM Erik ~ (CarolIna liar) is 23

Tha record P ol ic e beat Multlpl. ch. r v-a

• A Jl 'gan County dt-puty <I~1· rd lIuwanl L lIun, ~I! . of

North Sangamon SlreeI ~ I 12:16 a m. Thur;day

• t\ reSIdence m the !!(Xl block of Primm Road at 6:1.1 a.m. Thursday,


Area deaths Nancy "oan Mattlnllly

SAN JOSE - Nancy Joan Mattingly, 67, of San Jose, pa.ssed a .... -.y f ebruary 22, MIO al

her home.

Memorial servict:s will be 2:00 PM Thursday. Ftbnwy 2~, 2010 at Hol1and Bany & Bennett Funeral Home in llnroln.

Nancy was born June 2, 1942 in Monticello, [L, the daughler of Wa\'e and Eva Elnora (Hassinger) Anttim. She married

.\Iark Maltmgly on March 26. 1981 She wa, a long time \Oo'a it res.~ and lo\'t'(! Ih",

))ft)pJe she had the ple~'Ure of sel\i.ng She al :.1,) .. nlured arts and crafts, painl;"" and ~ fe ramlCS. She .... 'aS ve ry creati\-e.

Surm~ng are her husband Mark Maltingly: . her daught t'r Cheryl Parenl of San Jose, IL ; 4

Krnn<khlldren: Va~ Russell, MkhaeJ Paren1 , Derek 91..r tler, and Jason Burmaster; 6 gT\'a1 gran(khildren: Jessica Johnson,

Russell , Rilry .Russell , and Ryan Kelsey; and her ~ lSI er Donna (Glenn) Cer.-eny of Oregon. IL

She.was prt'reded rn dea1h by her parents, Memorial donallons may be made to 8reast

Ca~r Research and .... ' 11 be a«:epled at Ihe funer.J1 home.

H.rold Andrew Ao. t . UNCOLN - Harold Andrew Roate, 81, of

Araa calendar

Ilnroln. formerly 01 Spl"ingf\eld. pu:.wd_way Tue5day, Feb. 23, 2010 at IUs 1"!:Sidence •

He was born in CoopeBlown on AUI'. 18. 1922 to RoUle and Ellen (Whitl"d) ROlle He mar· ried MagUalena Onderdonck in London. England in 1946; she: passed _way In 2005. His parents also preceded him in death.

Uarold WI5 a U.S. Army and Air f orce vet· eran sel'Ying during

World War II . He .... -as a decorated co'mbat vet. eran who paf1icipated in the North African, Sici lian and Normandy Campaigns. He fought rn Iht' Bail ie of the Bulge wilh over 400 com­bal days. He was formerly employed by the City uf Springfield as .he city foresler.

Ht' \Oo'as a longtime member of SI. Joseph's Catholic Church and a member Holy Family Catholic Church in Uncoln. He was affiliated with the National Arbor Society, VFW Post 7~ and was aJongtime me".'ber of the

avid gardt:ner and enjoyed traveling,

He is survived by his children, Paula Stanelle of Eureka, CA. Unda (husband, Greg) Abney of Indianapolis, IN, David ROIIole fcom· paruon, Cheryl Kalltfold) of Dawson, Mary Kay Roa.e (husband, David Lee) of Nashville. TN, Daniel (wife, Shawna) Roote of Metamora. Michael W. (wife, Lon) RO.l1e of Pawnee, John N. (wife, Joy) Roa.e of Pleasanl Plains, Trish (husband, Freddie) Brinkley of

Mount Airy. NC, Vicky (hlDband. Tom) GoIOOl 01 Chatham, Steve (Wife. Julie) Roale ot PIea.sanI VIe'W, "TN, George ("Nile. PhyUb) ROlle of Springfteld, Gerald "aw.sy- (wife. CoI.Ieen) Roate 01 Unroln and Man Roale of Springfteld; 20 grandchiJdr!n; r.vo great- • grandchildren: tht!e sisters. Vena (husband. VIrgiO Hardy of Tulsa. OK. Vema (husband, Tony) Avila of Undsey, CA and June (hus­band. Franklin) Seal of Pfoples Valley. AZ: and st\'!raJ nieces and nephews.

VISitation will be held from J until 6 p.m. Sunday. Feb. 28, 20 10, at Vancil ·Murphy Funeral Home. I

A funeral Mass will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, March 1, 2010, at 51. Joseph's Catholic Church with the Rev. Msgr. Thomas P. Holinga officiating. Burial will follow in Camp Buller National Ctlntl! !)' with-milila ry honors conducled hy If\e Inter-Veterans Burial Delail of Sangamon County .

In lieu of nov.'ers , memorial ronlribuliOns may be made 10 the Disabled American Veterans, St. Jude 's Children's Hospital or 51.

Visit www.\'3ncilmurphycomlO offer your m ndolences.

D.,le ne L. Scott Darlene L Stult, 60, of Unroln. formerly of

\Vhite Hall . died Tuesday morning, Feb. 2J, 2010, III her reside~.

Mackey Daws Funeral Home in Roodhouse is in charge of anangements.