A quick comparison of modern client-side MV* frameworks

Post on 29-Aug-2014

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Hendrik Swanepoel is a full stack developer at 22seven.com and has been programming web apps for a long time. Perhaps too long... There are a lot of options out there when it comes to choosing client side MV* frameworks. Choice is good, but sometimes it can be overwhelming. Recently Hendrik has been spending a significant portion of his development time in building client-side MVC applications, so he'd like to share his experiences and research on 3 of the more popular JavaScript-driven MV* libraries, in no particular order: • Backbone.js • Angular.js • and Ember.js This talk was presented on the 19th of September 2013 at [friends of design](http://friendsofdesign.net) for the meetup group [Cape Town Front-End Developers](http://www.meetup.com/ctfeds).

Transcript of A quick comparison of modern client-side MV* frameworks


Friday 20 September 13


Friday 20 September 13

MV*It’s all about

you.Friday 20 September 13

MV*Model View

WhateverFriday 20 September 13

MV*Friday 20 September 13

MV*“Ask yourself how interactive your web application needs to be. On the less interactive side of the scale, there are huge wins with server side rendered HTML. The more interactive your application becomes, the more you’ll benefit from a client side MVC framework.” - Robin Ward

Friday 20 September 13


compare!Friday 20 September 13










Backbone Ember Angular

Popularity: stars on github

Friday 20 September 13

MV*Friday 20 September 13

MV*“Provides the common foundation that data-rich web applications with ambitious interfaces require — while very deliberately avoiding painting you into a corner by making any decisions that you're better equipped to make yourself.”

Friday 20 September 13

MV*“Backbone is not a complete framework. It's a set of building blocks. It leaves much of the application design, architecture and scalability to the developer, including memory management, view management, and more.”-Derick Bailey

Friday 20 September 13


! app.Transaction = Backbone.Model.extend({});

Friday 20 September 13

MV*Models getters and setters

! transaction = app.txns.create({desc: 'woolies'});

! transaction.set('desc', 'spar');

! transaction.get('desc');

Friday 20 September 13


var Transactions = Backbone.Collection.extend({

! ! model: app.Transaction! });

Friday 20 September 13


! ! <script type="text/template" id="txn-template">

! ! ! <div class="view">! ! ! ! <label><%- desc %></label>! ! ! </div>! ! </script>

Friday 20 September 13

MV*Views part 2

app.TxnView = Backbone.View.extend({! tagName: 'li',! template: _.template($('#txn-template').html()),! render: function () {! this.$el

.html(this.template(this.model.toJSON()));! return this;! },});

Friday 20 September 13

MV*Views with Marionette.js

app.TxnView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ template: '#txn-template'});

Friday 20 September 13


Friday 20 September 13

MV*Friday 20 September 13

MV*Friday 20 September 13

MV*“Allows developers to create scalable single-page applications by incorporating common idioms and best practices into a framework that provides a rich object model, declarative two-way data binding, computed properties, automatically-updating templates powered by Handlebars.js, and a router for managing application state.”

Friday 20 September 13


{! description: "Woolworths HB",! amount: -566}

Friday 20 September 13

MV*A simple app (1/4) - app.html

<script type="text/x-handlebars"> <h3>My App</h3>


Friday 20 September 13

MV*A simple app (2/4) - app.js

App = Ember.Application.create({}); // route-> #/transactions App.Router.map(function() { this.resource('transactions');


Friday 20 September 13

MV*A simple app (3/4) - app.js

App.TransactionsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ model: function() { return $.getJSON('/txns.json').promise(); } });

Friday 20 September 13

MV*A simple app (4/4) - app.html <script type="text/x-handlebars"

id="transactions"> {{#each model}} <div> {{description}} R{{amount}} </div> {{/each}} </script>

Friday 20 September 13

MV*Very rails-like

<div> {{#link-to 'transaction', this}} !{{description}} R{{amount}} {{/link-to}}</div>

Friday 20 September 13

MV*Friday 20 September 13

MV*Friday 20 September 13

MV*“Declarative programming should be used for building UIs and wiring software components.

Imperative programming is excellent for expressing business logic.”

Friday 20 September 13

MV*“Unlike other frameworks, there is no need to inherit from proprietary types; to wrap the model in accessors methods. Just plain old JavaScript here.”

Friday 20 September 13


{! description: "Woolworths HB",! date: new Date(2013,8,19),! amount: -566}

Friday 20 September 13


$routeProvider.when('/txns', { controller:TxnCtrl, templateUrl:'txns.html' } );

Friday 20 September 13

MV*Controllersfunction TxnCtrl($scope) {! $scope.txns= [! ! {! ! ! description: "Woolworths"! ! },! ! {! ! ! description: "Spar"! ! }!!! ]}

Friday 20 September 13

MV*Angular views

<div ng-repeat="txn in txns"> {{ txn.description }}</div>

Friday 20 September 13


A directive allows you to extend the HTML vocabulary in a declarative fashion.

Friday 20 September 13

MV*Directives in action

<section id="main" ng-show="txns.length" ng-cloak>

Friday 20 September 13

MV*Not only attributes

<transaction ! description="{{desc}}" ! amount="{{amount}}" />

Friday 20 September 13


<li ng-repeat="txn in txns"> {{txn|roundDown|formatWithZeroes}}</li>

Friday 20 September 13


function TxnCtrl($scope, $location) { return $location.path("/logon" );}

Friday 20 September 13

MV*Doesn’t work

$.get('http://url.co',function(t){! $scope.transaction = t;});

Friday 20 September 13

MV*This works

function TxnCtrl($scope, $http){! $http.get('http://url.co')

.success(function(t){! ! $scope.transaction = t;! });


Friday 20 September 13

MV*This also works

$.get('http://url.co',function(t){! $scope.$apply(function () { ! ! $scope.transaction = t;! });});

Friday 20 September 13

MV*Friday 20 September 13

MV*Remember, it’s all about you.

Friday 20 September 13

MV*Friday 20 September 13

MV*Friday 20 September 13

MV*Friday 20 September 13


fluit fluit my storie is uit.

Friday 20 September 13