A Piratical Legacy Chapter 13 Part 2 - ...Are Better in Togas

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Transcript of A Piratical Legacy Chapter 13 Part 2 - ...Are Better in Togas

Chapter 13 Part 2 - … Are Better in Togas

Hello all, and welcome back to Part 2 of Chapter 13 of A Piratical Legacy. Part 1 ended rather abruptly as I ran out of picture space rather than things to say. So, without further ado, we return to our regularly scheduled program with no introduction whatsoever. De, aka fireflower314, writes the Morgan Legacy.

While Bart was at class and De was dancing with the maid in the dorm common room, Hadrian was studying outside on the front steps. He saw Renaud walk past and called him over. "Hey Ren, I thought you were going to spend the day with Lucy," Hadrian said. "Nah, we broke up," Renaud shrugged. "I just wasn't that into her." "No? She's awfully cute." "Yeah, but there's just no spark," Renaud shrugged. Hadrian took a deep breath. It was now or never. He leaned in close to Renaud.

"You know, you don't have to settle for someone like her," he said slowly. "I know there's someone who thinks you're really hot." "Who?" Renaud asked. He grinned at Hadrian. Hadrian took another deep breath. "Me."

"Sorry, Hadrian," Renaud said, protesting. "We've had this conversation before. I'm straight." "Riiiight," Hadrian drawled. He was a bit hurt, but he was patient.

A bit further down the same sidewalk, Tom Freshe and Emily Lee were taking their relationship to the next level. Since they're completely and utterly boring, you probably won't see them again in this chapter.

Over in Mille House Dormitory, the Pirate Islanders were studying hard. Autumn, Elphaba, and William were worried about gaining the Freshman Fifteen so they started working out together on a regular basis.

One sunny morning, while eating breakfast together with Elphaba in the cafeteria, Hercules reached into his pocket and pulled out a velvet-covered box. "Fabala," he began, using his favorite term of endearment for Elphaba, "this has been a really long time coming. Marry me?"

"Of course!" Elphaba squealed. She slipped the ring on her finger and grinned at Herc. "I just wanted to make it official," Hercules said, grinning back. "I love ya, babe." "You've been telling me that since we were eight," Elphaba laughed. "What?" Herc protested. "It's true!" "I know," Elphaba smiled, and blew a kiss at him.

"Did you hear?" Autumn said urgently to William later that day as they played Red Hands in the hallway. "Hear what?" William asked. "Elphaba and Herc are engaged!" "Hey, that's great news!" William said enthusiastically. "I'll have to remember to congratulate them. When are they getting married?" "After they graduate, I think," Autumn said. "Faba mentioned something about an island wedding." "I hope we're invited!" William grinned. "Well, Faba asked me to be a bridesmaid so I guess I am," Autumn said. "I just hope she doesn't pick out a dress with a butt-bow."

Elphaba, meanwhile, was over the moon with excitement. And, er, over the couch.

When Bart stopped by for a visit, William rushed over to tell him the news. "Sweet!" Bart grinned. "I love weddings."

"So what's this I hear about a wedding?" Sadism asked as she played Red Hands with Hercules. "Taking yourself off the market so soon?" "Sadie, I was never even really on the market," Hercules said. "Too bad," Sadism pouted. "I would have liked to get to know you really well." "I can see that want panel, being a Deity and all," Hercules said warningly to Sadism. "It's not happening, Sadie."

"You're no fun," Sadism pouted. She eyed Wedge speculatively. "Hey, do you think my sister would mind if I stole her boyfriend for a bit?" "Yes!" Herc said, glaring at Sadism. "I see that want too. It's not happening either!" Seriously, Sadism has had unspeakable wants for both Herc and Wedge since becoming friends with them. She's the worst-behaved Romance sim I've ever had.

"So that alien chick that Faba wants to beat up is your sister?" Autumn was sometimes guilty of not thinking before she spoke. "Why does Elphaba want to beat up Sadism?" Blake was puzzled. "Ohh..." Autumn said, blushing. "I shouldn't have said that, should I." "Probably not," Blake said agreeably. "But I won't tell. Hey, you're that girl my brother keeps talking about, aren't you." "Am I?" Autumn asked, startled. "Oops," Blake blushed. "I shouldn't have said that, should I?" "My lips are sealed," Autumn grinned.

Later during that semester, Hercules invited Angel over. "I've already talked to Bart and he says I'm in if you approve my application," he said, referring to the Greek house. "Yeah, you're cool," Angel said with a shrug. "That was easy," Hercules observed. "Can you let Autumn in too? She's been talking about nothing else all semester."

"Sure, why not," Angel shrugged. She wandered over to Autumn to tell her the good news. "Great!" Autumn said. "When can I move in?" "Start of sophomore year," Angel said. "That's when most people move in."

Autumn rushed into William's room to give him the good news. "I got in!" she squealed. William looked up at her and blinked. He'd just woken up and wasn't even wearing his glasses yet. In fact, all he was wearing was a pair of fairly worn pajama pants. "Ohh..." Autumn said, noticing William's state of dishabille.

"I guess I should have knocked," she said, feeling a little breathless. "Might have been a good idea," William said, not taking his eyes off of her. Which meant he squinted a bit. There was an uncomfortable pause. "Ah, what the heck," William said.

He swept Autumn into his arms and kissed her as soundly as he knew how.

The main floor common room of Casteroff was looking a bit different these days. Irony and Blake had joined the dorm social committee and raised enough money to redecorate just a bit. "Now we're really the party dorm," Blake said with satisfaction as he surveyed the brightly decorated room.

The first thing that he and Irony did was throw a party. They invited all the PI-ers and a few locals as well. "Hey Bart, have you met CK yet?" Blake asked as they stood around the juice keg. "Who's CK?" Bart asked.

"Oh, he's this DJ from the city," Blake said. "But he used to live on Pirate Island. Hang on, I'll introduce you."

For a minute, Bart got his hope up. A DJ from the island? It could be his father! But then he saw that CK had dark hair, and realized that he couldn't possibly be the same guy. After a few minutes of chatter, Bart excused himself and headed upstairs to visit with Wedge.

CK emerged from the washroom as Bart walked up the stairs. "Dang, it's good to get that wig off," he muttered as he ran his fingers through his hair. "And to change. Note to self: change between gigs." Bart didn't see him, though.

"Irony, you're the girl for me and nobody else," Wedge said, grinning. "We've been dating for a while now... care to make it exclusive?"

"Darned straight I'm up for that!" Irony said exuberantly. She was nothing if not enthusiastic.

Seeing as how neither Wedge nor Herc were likely to have an affair with her, Sadism turned to easier targets. Jerry was always good for a fun time.

Blake, meanwhile, decided to let Aurora Taylor know how he felt about her. He invited her over and she came gladly.

... only to shoot him down when he tried to kiss her. "Whoa... let's take things a bit slower, okay Blake?" "Yeah..." Blake sighed dejectedly. "I do like you," Aurora said slowly. "I just don't know if I want to be in a relationship right now." "I'm cool with that, I guess," Blake shrugged. "I like you a lot, Aurora. I can wait."

His heartfelt declaration must have melted Aurora-the-ice-queen's facade just a bit, because Aurora didn't pull away when Blake tried to kiss her again a few hours later. Blake decided that he was in love, but also that he ought to take things slowly. Again.

"So both of my brothers are dating nice girls," Irony said to Wedge as they hung out in the TV lounge. "I'm so happy for them!" "You're just a romantic at heart," Wedge grinned. "So? What's wrong with that?" Irony asked. "It's all the poetry mom made me read when I was a kid." "Hmm... good point," Wedge agreed.

Back at Buccaneer Manor, things weren't moving enough for the family founders in the removing-the-curse department. "What are you still doing 'ere?" Elise screeched. "You should be in Paris! Learning about zhe occult!" "Aaaah!" Roche screamed. "Geeez! How's a guy supposed to get his scholarship money if he's constantly being interrupted by insane ghosts?"

"With extreme difficulty, savvy?" Captain Jack chortled as he spooked Roche. "Ye've wasted enough time, Roche!" "But I'm not ready yet!" Roche protested.

Roche decided to study for the rest of his scholarships on the third floor, where the ghosts couldn't spook him. Probably a wise move there, buddy. "You'd think they'd refrain from trying to kill me, Goddess." Ghosts aren't the smartest undead out there, Roche. "No kidding."

"Grandma, the ghosts tried to kill me again." "That's nice, dearie. Aye? What did you say?" Sadly, Mary's mental faculties weren't up to par now that her beloved Alan was gone. It was almost as if all his stupid had drained into her. No, not stupid. Density. Umm... naiveté. Vacancy. You get the picture.

Fortunately, Bart stopped by to visit during the semester breaks. Roche lived for those visits. He couldn't wait to go to university himself and peppered Bart with constant questions about what dorm life was like. "Oh, it's good stuff," Bart grinned. "And hey, I met this girl, De... she's something else. But don't tell mom and dad yet. Things aren't really serious and I don't want to jump the gun." "You can trust me," Roche promised.

"How about you?" Bart asked. "Got a girlfriend yet?" "Not yet," Roche shrugged morosely. "I haven't had time, I've been so busy studying for all these framming scholarships. All I want to do is play tub pirates or bounce on the couch and I haven't had time to do either in ages!" To prove his point, he whacked Bart over the head with a pillow.

"Hi grandma!" Autumn was also home for a vacation. "How are you doing?" "Arr!" Mary said. "And who do ye be, girlie?" "I'm Jack's oldest daughter, grandma," Autumn said patiently. "Oh, that's right," Mary nodded. "Sorry, I haven't seen ye since ye were a little kid, Autumn."

"True," Autumn said. "I guess it has been a long time." "Aye, yer dad didn't want yer granddad ta know he ran the Syndicate, aye?" "Yeah, that's what daddy's always said," Autumn nodded. "It woulda broke Alan's heart," Mary said fondly. "Never could see what was right in front o' him."

"Bart!" Pao exclaimed, and gave his step-son a big hug. "We weren't expecting you home until tomorrow!" "I know, I got an earlier flight," Bart said. "Roche and grandma were home to let me in, though. How was work?" "Oh, you know," Pao shrugged. "I'm married to your mother. I could be the worst general in the island's history and they still wouldn't fire me. That's why I'm smuggling warheads to your Uncle Jack." "Good to know," Bart laughed. "You seem a lot happier these days," Pao observed. "I'm just... enjoying being young," Bart shrugged. "Not letting my search for

Cale consume me." "What's her name?" Pao asked knowingly. "Dad!" Bart said, blushing. "I know young men," Pao said. "I used to be one." "De," Bart said. "She's a simself and she's awesome." "Well, treat her right," Pao said. "Do that and you'll always be happy even when things are tough. That's how your mom and I have stayed together for long." "Thanks for the advice, dad," Bart said. He smiled at Pao.

However, his smile turned to outright laughter as he caught sight of Roche and Pao smustling later that evening. In their pajamas, no less.

"Arr! I be surrounded by idiots, savvy? Have they stopped yet?" "Not yet, dad. Give it a couple hours, mate, and they'll keel over from exhaustion." "Can't ye just keelhaul them first? Would hurt less in the long run, savvy?"

"Let's just play rock, paper, scissors and pretend they don't exist, mother." "Good plan, Ivy." "We thought so. Our eyes are watering from watching them." "Aye, it is a bit painful."

In a flurry of freshly falling snow, Pearl the puppy became Pearl the dog! Sorry there haven't been many pictures of her. My husband installed Gunmod's Radiance lighting and it made a lot of the shots too dark, so most of her puppy pics didn't turn out. But she's a really sweet dog and hasn't destroyed too much yet.

"Ivy, me dear, I feel a chillness in me soul."

Whatcha doin', Alan? "Oh, hi Goddess! I'm just here to collect my wife. I've missed her." Awww...

Goodbye, Mary. You've had a long and fulfilling life with tons and tons of grandbabies. Now go and spend some eternity with your husband. "Arr!" "YES. MAYBE YOU CAN GET HIM AND SHANNON TO STOP TALKING ABOUT THOSE FRAMMING CLAMS!" "Eh, I never could dissuade them from that, mate." "DAMN."

"Hurry up, Mary! I want to try celestial woohoo!" "Be there any celestial rum, Alan?" "There are Large Intoxicating Beverages with Tiny Multicoloured Umbrellas," Alan said. "Aye, that be the stuff." "CAN WE GET GOING? I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY, YOU KNOW." "Hold yer horses, mate! Old bones can't be rushed. Savvy?" "SAVVY."

Everyone was pretty sad, but Ivy was soon cheered up by woohoo with Pao.

Roche, on the other hand, was very unhappy. Because Mary had spent so much time passing on the family traditions to him, they were very close. Of all the family, he felt her loss the keenest, and so he started behaving a bit recklessly to compensate. Ivy, not being the best mother in the world, didn't really notice that Roche was staying out all night at seedy pool dives like the Mauve Flamingo, and probably wouldn't have cared if she did notice. She loved her sons... she was just a bit inattentive.

Something you want, Captain Jack? You don't usually levitate like that. "The boy needs to get a girl, love." Fine, I'll pass on your advice.

Roche agreed that he did need a girl, at least for one afternoon of romance and kisses. So he wished for one.

Caroline Nott was the result. Roche got his first kiss immediately, thanks to the magic of the wishing well. The fact that Caroline was a Romance sim didn't hurt either.

They spent the afternoon on one smokin' date and then he never rolled a want for her again. But he did snap out of his funk. Easily distracted, he is.

A short time later, all the immediate family came over for another party. Bart even made it all the way from Paris for the event, for this was no ordinary party.

No, this was Ivy's birthday party. While her siblings were still young and very attractive, she was about to elderify... would the results be good or bad? And the verdict is...

... in my husband's words: "Regal." Oh, and... "Miranda Richardson." She rolled the want for plastic surgery, which I refused. I don't trust that thing.

"Like, being a spare totally rocks. We never get mouldy!" "Yes, but in my case that's because I'm a mad scientist." "That is not always the case, you know. Elisabeth is almost ready to go. You see, the most predictable way To agelessness is to be too hard to play. Such as when Goddess can't think of good rhymes And makes her husband write my lines." "Eddie, Aunt Celeste is breaking the fourth wall again."

"Roche, my very dear nephew, have you ever considered a life of crime?" "I have, Uncle Jack," Roche replied seriously. He spoke quickly, before Jack could respond. "But I have other responsibilities. I have to overturn the curse." "Ah, yes. It is unfortunate that such a heavy burden has been placed upon your young shoulders," Jack said sympathetically. "I was hoping you would consider membership in the Syndicate now that you are almost of age, but you must save our dear family first. Perhaps once the forces of evil have been overthrown you will reconsider." "I'll definitely keep it in mind, Uncle Jack." "This does, however, mean I shall require a new protégé..."

Sophomore year! Living in Urele Oresha Cham Greek House, aka Royal Greek House, we have: Front (L-R): William Curtin, Autumn Thayer, Hercules Deity Back (L-R): Irony Curtin, Bart Buccaneer Not pictured: Angel Mace, Royal Placeholder

The Greek house members settled into Greek life pretty easily, although they never did get the hang of the free pizza thing. Instead, we had plenty of synchronized cooking and then shouting that the stove was blocked. It was very joyous.

The non-Greek playables also spent most of their free time at the house, since most of them were dating house members. Hercules claimed one of the two double beds, for obvious reasons. Hey, he and Elphaba are engaged! It's almost Squeaky Clean!

William was also a frequent visitor as not only was Autumn living there, but two of his siblings were as well. Unfortunately, his glasses kept glitching so after I while I gave up on inviting him over.

"I'm pretty much being ignored, aren't I." Sorry, such is the life of a placeholder in most legacies. "Figured. Any chance of me auditioning for Ivy again?" Nope.

"Irony, I'd like to nominate you as the social planner for the greek house. You have a knack for planning awesome parties." "Why Bart, I'm flattered! Of course I'll plan the parties!" "Just make sure you add De to the guest list, Irony." "Not a problem, Bart."


"Sorry! The Goddess says William can't come over until she figures out what is glitching his glasses!"

Angel, who shall henceforth be pretty ignored because she's not as interesting as the spares in the Greek house, decided to find romance for herself. Before Ivy she'd dated this redheaded dormie briefly.

It didn't take long for them to rekindle the flames of love.

And, since Angel isn't a Romance sim, she immediately rolled the want to get engaged. There. Happy? Now hurry up and graduate.

"Well, I can't promise anything but I'll ask if she'll reconsider." Sorry. Haven't figured out what's causing the glitch yet. "Frammit! I want to see my boyfriend!"

"Oh hey CK, I'm doing good too! You busy? Too bad... we're having a party tonight. Well, next time you're in town give me a call. We have a party pretty much every night and you're always welcome. Bye!"

De was one of the first guests to arrive, looking very smashing in her winter coat. "Glad you could make it," Bart said, grinning broadly. "You know I never miss these shindigs," De laughed. "I miss the island." "Me too."

Impulsively, Bart leaned in and kissed her. "Way to go, Bart!" Autumn whooped in the background.

As the rest of the guests piled into the house, Bart and De switched from kissing to dancing... but they kept exchanging glances and Bart knew that their relationship was definitely going somewhere fast.

I decided to indulge Autumn and let her boyfriend come over, too... and for once his face wasn't glitchy! Yay!

"C'mon!" Autumn said, and dragged William into one of the bedrooms. "The Goddess can try to keep us apart but she's not succeeding this time!" William just grinned, and the two spent the rest of the evening getting 'reacquainted.'

Someone brought out the juice, and Bart started feeling a little reckless. He got down on his knees and started serenading De. "Oh, Bart!" she gushed. Yes, things were definitely looking good between the two of them.

"I am so the man," Bart crowed as the crowd finally left. "Goddess, I'm in love!" Awww... I'm happy for you, Bart. Does De feel the same way? "I dunno," he said. "We haven't said anything yet. But I'm going to tell her I love her... and soon."

Bart wasn't the only one feeling the love. Blake had been quietly dating Aurora Taylor since the end of their Freshman year. Now that they were nearly Juniors, he felt ready to take things a little further. "I love you, Aurora." "I... I love you too, Blake," Aurora said shyly.

With a huge grin, Blake pulled an engagement ring out of his pocket. "Marry me?" "Yes!"

"Whee! I'm engaged!" This seems to be a common reaction.

"So... another one bites the dust, eh?" Bart said to Irony as they played Punch-You Punch-Me. "Yeah, Blake's on cloud nine!" Irony giggled. "So when are you going to pop the question?" "Ah, I'm not ready for that yet," Bart said. "I don't even know if De loves me yet." "She does," Hercules said knowingly.

"So the weather's supposed to be a bit warmer tonight. Want me to throw another toga party?" "That'd be awesome, Irony." "Can I help this time, sis?" "Sure!"

"Herc, Irony says tonight's party is a go. Can you call Faba and the rest from Mille House?" "Sure thing! She's calling Casteroff?" "Yup, and I've got Lam Plaza."

"Real mature, Irony." "Pleasure Sim!"

Even the party planner gets to enjoy herself occasionally. "Pleasure Sim!"

"You're Sadism, right?" "Yeah, that's me. What about it?" "You know, you're almost as hot as Queen Ivy. Gosh, I can't believe I just said that. I just got engaged last week." "Realllly..." I can see that want panel, Sadism. Don't even think about it. "What?"

Jack also happened to be in town closing some business deals when the party invites went out, so of course he was invited.

After a gruelling jam session with Bart, he finally agreed to chat with Wedge. "I see you have embraced the power of the man-purse. I approve." "I want to join the Syndicate, sir."

"Hmm... I shall have to consider it, young Wedge. You are my own nephew and I like to keep business in the family. Yes, I shall have to consider it... have I mentioned that I approve of your man-purse?"

Ooh.... De, just look at what you're getting. Dreamy much?

"Sadism, I really think you should have pity on Angel. She's been Ivy's concubine. She's vulnerable." "Excellent..." "But Jerry's here! What if he sees?" "Jerry won't care... he'll probably ask if he can join." "Eww. Just eww."

"Yeah! A little to the left!" "Almost got it... almost got it!" *three voices in unison* "YES!"

What? I like a good party too.

"Blake, my friend, this is some fine, fine juice you have mixed." *hic*

With the juice flowing, the party really started warming up. Certain individuals started feeling bolder.

Irony convinced Wedge that they ought to have their own private party in one of the bedrooms.

And Angel made a move on Sadism, who she'd been eyeing all night.

Unfortunately, Sadism didn't really know the meaning of fidelity, and she soon made a move on Jerry.

Angel was not pleased.

But Sadism and Jerry were in a great mood! Elphaba just watched the drama and laughed. Not that she particularly liked Sadism. She just found it funny that the cheatee was Jerry Turner, pretty much the ugliest sim the game was capable of spawning naturally. Heck, he's Gage's father in some neighborhoods.

While Angel consoled herself with food, the party continued. Angel wasn't actually all that upset, really. She was engaged to a great girl. It was just the juice that made her act like an idiot.

"De! You came!" "Sorry I'm late, Bart. As you can see, I have company... it's okay that the Professor came, right?" "Heck yeah! I've looked up to Professor Butters-Marius for years, De." Professor Butters writes the Squeaky Clean Legacy. Her Simself is married to Flavius Marius, a spareling from Blite27's Ten Caesars Legacy. Go read both of them!

"I know you had the purple hair first, Irony, but if I win then you have to dye yours." "And if I win, then you have to shave yours off!" "Deal!"

"I really don't like you. On principle, I mean."

"De?" "Yes?" "I love you." "I love you too, Bart." "I know."

Back on Pirate Island... "Guess what, Goddess? Marina is pregnant! And nobody knows if it's Shane's baby or Gage's baby!" Marina = smoothiequeen87, writer of the Fitzhugh Legacy.

"Don't even say it, Allegra." "I wasn't even thinking it, string-puller." Allegra Fitzhugh is one of Marina's legacy sims.

"For the last time, ye crazy great-grandson o' mine, get yerself to college!" "It's okay, Grandpa Jack. I'm ready now." "About bloody time, mate!"

"Ye're tellin' me!" Mary, you made an appearance! "Me grandson seems ta need a little help in the direction o' Paris, Goddess." He's just said he's going. "I heard! This calls for the rum!"

"No, this calls for puddle splashing!" Roche! Just get in the car... you're going to miss your flight! "Fine, I'll go. See you on campus, Goddess. You'd better hope they're ready for me!"

"Oh yes, Roche. We're ready!" Are they really ready for Roche on campus? Will Bart and De ever get engaged? Will I stop posting pictures of random sparelings that you can't identify? Will Ivy take on another Chief Concubine? What's going on with the Syndicate? Is Jack serious about making Wedge his protege? And finally, can Roche really break the curse? All this and more in the next exciting installment of A Piratical Legacy.