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THE SILENT AIRWAY PROBLEMThe Foundations of Airway HealthConnecting the Dots

NEW YORKMarch 27 – March 29, 2015

Crowne Plaza Times Square 1605 Broadway, New York, NY 10019



See the last page for details about . . .THe foundaTion for airWaY HeaLTH.



aBouT aaPMdaaPMd, the leader in raising awareness and providing interdisciplinary education and training in airway/sleephealth and an advocate for “airway for all”, airway health education and treatment for children to enable themto reach their full potential. More healthcare practitioners are beginning to offer treatment for airway/sleepdisorders and more of the public now seek that care. The aaPMd presents this conference for all healthcarepractitioners who truly want to understand the far-reaching effects of airway problems. The links to inflammation,chronic disease, development, academic and athletic function will be explored as well as treatment choicesand treatment decisions. Help us alleviate this often-misunderstood or neglected problem by promotingrestorative sleep and healthy airways — leading to healthy breathing, leading to healthy children and adults.

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: i lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

~ emma Lazarus

THe roLe of naSaL airWaY oBSTruCTion in PediaTriC SLeeP aPnea Joseph M. Bernstein, Md

The lecture will present an overview of pediatric upper airway obstruction, with particular attention tothe skeletal and soft tissue confines of the nasal airway. a variety of conditions that lead to nasal obstructionin children will be presented. Surgical and non-surgical interventions will be reviewed along with expectedsuccess, failure and complications. We will focus on the sequelae of mouth breathing, snoring, sleep apnea,and oral-facial growth and their implication for the health, development and quality of life of the child.

MediCaTionS: infLuenCe on airWaY and SLeePThomas Viola, rPh, CCP

for many medications and supplements, effects on sleep are not mandatory elements of the clinicaltrials process. in addition, even when the sleep effects of a medication or supplement are known, themedication or supplement may act differently in normal patients and patients who are medically complex.This presentation will provide an overview of the medications and supplements our patients take andthe influence they may have on airway health, sleep disordered breathing, and the overall quality of sleep.

uPPer airWaY reSiSTanCe SYndroMe: diaGnoSiS, TreaTMenT & PreVenTionSteven Y. Park, Md

Sleep professionals have vastly different opinions about upper airway resistance syndrome (uarS),which is usually thought of as a wastebasket diagnosis if an oSa diagnosis can't be made bypolysomnography. first coined by dr. Christian Guilleminault in 1993, it's yet to become a mainstreamdiagnosis amongst the medical community. as a result, uarS alone is not sufficient as a diagnosis forinsurance reimbursement. furthermore, the archaic limitations of how apneas and hypopnea are definedon sleep studies prevent many patients from adequate treatment, despite frequent obstructions andarousals. in this presentation, the craniofacial origins of uarS will be reviewed, along with effectivediagnostic methodology. a practical treatment algorithm will be presented. Medical, dental, surgical,and complementary options will be reviewed.

CoGniTiVe-BeHaVioraL TreaTMenT for inSoMniaross Levin, Phd

on any given night, 20% of americans uses sleep aides. americans spend $100 billion on sleep relatedproducts each year and the societal costs of disturbed sleep are staggering. up to 50% of adults reportperiodic sleep difficulties and clinical populations evidence far higher rates. disturbed sleep is also THehallmark symptom of PTSd and is associated with increased risk of poor cardiac health, glucose dysregulationand all-cause mortality and is crucial for memory and mood regulation. despite this, few individualspresent for treatment for their poor sleep and most go to primary care physicians who prescribe sleepingmedications, and treatments which are noT evidence-based for most sleeping problems.

This talk is intended to educate the health professional about CBT-i (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy- insomnia),a strongly evidence based and highly effective short-term approach to treating most sleep difficulties,in particular insomnia. The aaSM considers CBT-i to be the gold standard for effective treatment forinsomnia. Participants will be presented with an overview on how CBT works bolstered by the latestfindings from behavioral sleep medicine and will be introduced to sample case studies from my clinicalpractice to better illustrate the therapeutic practice.

ConferenCe SPeaKerS

inCreaSinG SLeeP HeaLTH LiTeraCY in earLY CHiLdHoodKaren Bonuck, Ph.d

inadequate and/or poor quality sleep in early childhood impairs social-emotional and cognitive function(via effects on the developing brain), and markedly increases obesity risk (via hormonal and endocrineeffects). Short sleep duration, behavioral sleep problems and sleep-disordered breathing peak at 20%-50%,during the preschool years (ages 3-5). Healthy sleep habits increase sleep duration and prevent behavioralsleep problems. awareness of sleep-disordered breathing symptoms leads to timely treatment for it.despite ample data on sleep problems “…much less work has been done on effective strategies to promotesleep as a healthy behavior (CdC 2013)”. This lecture will lay out a strategy for empowering families ofpreschool children with the knowledge and skills needed for healthy sleep, and to recognize a sleep problem.

CoMPLeTinG THe CirCLe: THe reLeVanCe of THe neW SCienCe of HeaLinGand THe denTaL/MediCaL ConneCTionPeter V. Madill, Md

The healing response is dependent on complex regulatory circuits that are body-base, body-brain,and brain exclusively. restoring and maintaining this circuitry requires energy. Mitochondria, our cellularenergy, when affected by lack of oxygen, proper nutrition and other factors can be damaged or undergoepigenetics changes. This presentation will present exciting new scientific finding and implications thatfurther support the importance of the medical/dental multidisciplinary approach to disease.

airWaYCenTriC® denTiSTrY - froM diaGnoSiS To reSToraTiondr. Michael Gelb, ddS, MS, and Leonard Kobren, ddS

The new paradigm in healthcare will recognize the partnership that medicine and dentistry will developfocused on protecting, maintaining and restoring airway structure and function. every day dental proceduresare performed that knowingly or unknowingly improve or compromise breathing. recognizing andprioritizing airway health in diagnosis and treatment provides benefits to patients, practitioner andpractices. even placement of dental implant can have a positive or negative effect on airway structure.dr. Gelb and dr. Kobren will present a multidisciplinary approach that treats airway first, improveshealth and quality of life and finishes with restored beautiful aesthetic, long lasting results.

TeTHered oraL TiSSueS in THe neWBorn - exaMinaTion, diaGnoSiS andTreaTMenTLawrence Kotlow, ddS, ToTS

This overview of the diagnosis and treatment of ankyloglossia and maxillary lip ties will provide the educationalmaterials and practical information for participants to understand the way to treat and diagnose oraltongue and maxillary lip tie problems in newborns, infants and young children. This presentation willallow participants to understand concepts infant oral care. it will consist of theory, facts, practical applicationsand recent information available. upon completion of the course the participant should be able to: a.understand the meaning of the ankyloglossia and lip-tie B. understand how these oral soft tissueabnormalities affect breastfeeding and other functions. C. describe and understand various types oftongue and lip ties d. describe and understand diagnoses and treatment of these problems e. describeand understand surgical corrections of these problems f. describe and understand post surgical care.

ConferenCe SPeaKerS

CounSeLinG, iS iT THe food?dorothy Mullen Ma

How can you tell if food drives your health challenges? Listen! Your body is designed to communicatewith you constantly, delivering messages about what it needs. When stress hormones run high, themessages are loud but inarticulate. in this half hour workshop, you will learn to interpret your body'smessages related to stress hormones, food choices, and the habitual or addictive behaviors that developin response to stress of any origin. Speaker dorothy Mullen will also introduce you to a community-based support group called The Suppers Programs, where people cook together, eat together andlearn to live according to their intentions instead of their impulses.

nuTriTion and SLeePronald L. Hoffman, Md

Sleep has profound impacts on metabolism and food intake; conversely, nutrition can support or subvertoptimal sleep. This lecture will examine the impact of sleep on hormonally- and neurally-mediatedmechanisms of diet regulation, as well as the contributions of macronutrient balance, meal-timing,and targeted nutritional supplementation on sleep duration and quality, with special attention to sleepdisorders. Specific attention will be given to the role of insulin resistance in sleep disorders, the impactof micronutrients like iron and magnesium, or amino acids like tryptophan, and of carbohydrates ingenerating serotonin production in the brain, and autonomic responses triggered by food intake and hunger.

PHYSioLoGiCaL MoniTorinG for airWaYCenTriC® inTeGraTedMuLTidiSCiPLinarY CareJeffrey Hindin, ddS

Jaw position and other oral structures can worsen or improve airway, sleep, tmj and cranio-facial paindisorders. restorative, orthodontic and other dental procedures are producing these changes everyday. Many of these changes may be expressed by medical rather than dental symptoms. it is essentialfor all healthcare practitioners to recognize these changes. dr. Hindin will examine how the use ofphysiologic parameters, including heart rate variability, can provide insight for all healthcare practitionersto the connection between oral structure and function and the autonomic nervous system along withthe scientific literature that supports it.

THe aLf(adVanCed LiGHT forCe funCTionaL aPPLianCe), air WaY andCraniaL faCiaL deVeLoPMenTJames Bronson, ddS

The aLf provides a subtle sensory input to the palate via passive placement. The strategically placedomega loops serve as points of reference attracting the tongue to the palate approximating ideal restposture position. as the tongue assumes the normal rest posture position, it exerts gentle lateral andanterior-posterior pressure along the wire and the omega loops. The palate structurally begins to widenand lengthen, these changes in the palate concurrently transfer to the floor of the nose, allowing fora volumetric improvement in nasal breathing, and an enhancement of mid-facial growth and development.

MYofunCTionaL reSearCH uPdaTeMarc richard Moeller

ConferenCe SPeaKerS

faCe foCuSed®/airWaY foCuSed® orTHodonTiCS for aLL aGeSWilliam M. Hang, ddS, MSd

With poor facial balance and oSa in young children producing permanent brain damage in just onenight and oSa in adults placing patients at risk for virtually every chronic disease with possible earlydemise, the stakes for optimizing facial development and airway have never been higher. is “managing”airway problems the best we can do? What if we could offer patients common sense ways to increasetheir tongue space/airway at any age? expansion of the maxilla is the knee jerk response we hear foraddressing oSa, but that is merely a start. Techniques for optimizing forward facial development toincrease the airway starting as early as age 3 will be outlined. non-traditional approaches to developthe face and airway in teenagers will be contrasted with more traditional treatment. Patients who haveundergone previous retractive orthodontics have options which have been shown to eliminate oSaby increasing the airway. dentists need to understand they are the gatekeepers of the airway throughfacial development. When dentists understand this and implement approaches which optimize facialbalance and airway the profession will rightfully become the center of healthcare.

CranioSaCraL THeraPY and airWaY-reLaTed iSSueSSheryl McGavin, oTL, CST

an introduction to CST and how it can be helpful for individuals with craniofacial and orofacial pathology,dysfunction and imbalance, particularly as it relates to airway obstruction, pain and sleep disorders.How CST can fit into a multidisciplinary approach to treatment and assist in early detection as well astreatment of such difficulties and in locating other issues in the body that may be contributing to thecondition will also be presented.

CranioSaCraL THeraPY and airWaY-reLaTed iSSueSMariano rocabado

radiographic studies of the craniocervical relation in patients between 8 and 12 years of age underorthodontic treatment have demonstrated that 65.1% are already symptomatic. The joint and/or muscularpathology is not a problem of age; a degenerative process can be present at any age, without pain,usually undiagnosed. The major pathological findings are related to abnormal relation between occiput,atlas, and axis, with loss of craniovertebral centric relation. This biomechanical abnormal relation caninduce an abnormal pattern of growth and development of the occlusal plane and facial asymmetry.This presentation will prove how craniovertebral subluxations can influence occlusal contacts that canlead to progression of synovial TMJ pathology with or without pain; understand how craniovertebraldisorders can be a factor of oral rehabilitation relapses; and when it’s necessary to start a team approachwith Manual Therapist to restore Centricity of craniovertebral joint alignment and TMJ stabilizationfor long-term stable treatments.

LeVeraGe inTeraCTiVe MarKeTinG for a BeTTer PraCTiCeClifford Yurman, MBa

Traditionally, marketing and advertising flow in one direction. Businesses design marketing materialsor ads, send those out into the world, and wait for the results to show up at the cash register. But withtoday's tap-and-click consumer habits, relying solely on traditional marketing is no longer effectivefor many businesses. Customers don’t just want to be sold on a product or service; they want to interactwith the businesses from which they buy. a survey conducted by expoTV.com found that 55% of respondentswould prefer to have ongoing, online, 2-way communications with the businesses, they buy from, and89% want to be able to provide feedback. in this lecture, we'll explore interactive Marketing, and learnabout strategies and tactics that make it faster and easier to engage with patients and prospects. discoverhow online surveys, interactive lists, e-newsletters, social media connections and more can lead togreater customer satisfaction, prolonged loyalty and more visits and referrals.

ConferenCe SPeaKerS

airWaY CroSSroad, WHere oMT, denTiSTrY and MediCine inTerSeCT: MYofunCTionaL THeraPY and THe airWaY ConneCTion THrouGHouT LifeModerator: Paula fabbie, rdH, BS

Speakers: Philip Cooper, ddS, Joy Moeller, BS, rdH, Gladys Smith, CCC-SLP, Jennifer Tow Bfa,iBCLC, Lorraine frey, rdH, BaS, CoM, Licia Coceani Paskay, MS, CCC-SLP

The growing awareness of airway/sleep issues have played an important role in the resurgence ofmyofunctional therapy. Physicians, dentists, speech language pathologists, physical therapist andother practitioner are recognizing the important and beneficial role myofunctional therapy plays inmore successful, stable outcomes. This workshop will discuss the role of myofunctional therapythroughout the lifetime; from birth to nursing home.

***This workshop will also serve as the first day of the aoMT introduction to Myofunctional Therapy.

airWaYCenTriC® reSToraTiVe denTiSTrY: HoW To idenTifY, diaGnoSe andTreaT airWaY/SLeeP PaTienTS in a reSToraTiVe denTaL PraCTiCedr. Michael Gelb, ddS, Jeffrey Hindin, ddS, John Kelly, ddS and other members of theairwayCentric® Team

This workshop will offer dentists and other practitioners:i. information and protocols to introduce or expand the treatment of patients with airway/sleep disordersii. Knowledge to determine the presence of a TMJ problem and the necessary treatment.iii. How to move beyond appliance therapy to a stable restorative resultiv. Methods to develop the medical / dental connection for a team approach to airway/sleep disorders


BuiLdinG Your airWaY/SLeeP offiCe TeaM: iMPLeMenTaTion of inTerdiSCiPLinarYCare ModeLS and ParTnerinG THe denTaL and MediCaL ProfeSSionaLPatricia McBride, Ba, rda, CCSH, Sal rodas, MBa (agilityGuard), Jim duhamel, ddS (dreamSystems), ellen Crean, ddS, Ph.d., Clifford Yurman, MBa (ratingWell.com), Sal rodas

a successful airway/Sleep practice requires an educated, motivated office team. This workshop will provideinformation and options for both the clinical and administrative team members from recognizing theairway/sleep patients in the practice and internal and external resources for screening, testing, billingand marketing.

PHYSiCaL THeraPY and airWaY: airWaY/SLeeP/TMd diSorderSa Physical Therapy Structural and Therapeutic Perspectivedr. Mariano rocabado PT, dPT, CCT, Brad Gilden, dPT, Jennifer flage Hobson, PT, dPT, MTC,CfC, CMTPT, oMT

airway disorders affect breathing, posture, pain and development, as do these factors influence airwaydisorders. This workshop will connect the dots between physical therapy and other modalities and thebenefit of a team approach workshop is Physical therapists, dentists, physicians and other healthcarepractitioners will benefit from this workshop.

aaPMd SPeCiaL WorKSHoP: MindfuLneSS MediTaTion for YourSeLf,friendS, faMiLY and PaTienTS THe SCienCe and PraCTiCe of MindfuLneSSin HeaLTHCareMark abramson, ddS

The aaPMd is excited to have dr. Mark abramson, nationally recognized instructor and facilitator ofMindful Meditation workshops offers this workshop for our conference attendees.

Mark abramson, ddS is the director and facilitator of Mindfulness-Meditation Based Stress reductionprograms at Stanford Health Care and Stanford university School of Medicine. He trained with JohnKabat-Zinn and has conducted these classes several times a year for twelve years.



adVanCed CourSe in PediaTriC SLeeP MediCine forHeaLTHCare ProfeSSionaLSStephen H. Sheldon, do, faaP

This unique and proven problem-based course is intended to provide practitioners an opportunity for intensivestudy using case-based, learner-centered, problem-oriented approach. Most CMe programs are given inlarge group lectures consisting of presented information and facts that require memorization. Course directorand lecturers select essential facts. although topics may be relevant, content may be far from relevant to thepractitioner.

Learning by solving clinical problems creates relevant learning issues for participants that are easily incorporatedinto practice. This approach to continuing education is the underpinning of the advanced Course in PediatricSleep Medicine for Health Care Practitioners.

The course consists of:• introduction to learning from clinical problem-solving• understanding the difference and creation of non-negotiable and negotiable learning objective• Creating a hypothesis set and ultimately a differential diagnosis and plan specifically related to patients’

presenting problems• resolving learning issues by utilization of multiple resources.

Course outline:• Case presentation• development and identification of specific learning issues• identification of resources including but not limited to• Brief focused presentation and discussion• Brief consultations with colleagues• utilization of on-line resources

Who Should attend?• Health care professionals interested in learning timely and immediately usable skills in daily practice.• Health care professionals with limited knowledge of pediatric sleep medicine but who would like to expand

knowledge base in this important area of medical and dental practice.

This is a special workshop presentation, limited to 20 attendees. Please call (212) 297-2192 for more information.

Stephen H. Sheldon, do, faaPProfessor of Pediatrics, northwestern university, feinberg School of Medicineand director of Sleep Medicine Center Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. He is active in clinical practiceof pediatric sleep medicine and a member of the national Sleep Medicine Course Committee of americanacademy of Sleep Medicine, Board of directors of american academy of Sleep Medicine and americanSleep Medicine foundation and the aaPMd.

it is the policy of Tad Systems LLC that all speakers at any program offered by the american academyof Physiological Medicine and dentistry, who have a personal interest or financial investment in a companyor product, abide by the following:

- While it is permissible to mention a product or company in an educational course, the speaker shall avoiddistributing any handout material that includes a company name, address, and phone number, or any materialthat could be construed as pushing or actively attempting to sell a particular product or company.

- The speaker is prohibited from displaying their products anywhere except in the exhibit hall, but thespeaker may make reference to such an exhibit.


21 hours of Ce credits available

Sheryl McGavin, oTL, CST is an occupational therapist who has specialized in craniofacial therapy for over 25 years. She worked closely withdr. John upledger, a developer of craniosacral therapy, for more than 10 years, as a therapist in his clinic and as an instructor of beginningthrough advanced CST classes all over the world. She currently has her own private practice in Charlotte, nC, and continues to develop classesand teach for the CST alliance.

Mariano rocabado: PT, dPT, CCTT is a doctor of physical therapy and dean of the faculty of rehabilitation sciences at the university of andresBello, Santiago, Chile. in the academic field, he is a full professor at the university of Chile, department of orthodontics, and full professorat the School of Physical Therapy, university of andres Bello. He is also a full Professor at the orthopaedic Manual Therapy Masters program,and the Masters program in Physiopathology of the Craniocervical, Craniomandibular and facial Pain program, university of andres Bello.

Clifford Yurman, MBa is an internet Marketing consultant dedicated to helping practitioners build their businesses and online reputations.His new website, ratingWell.com, offers marketing tools and services that can be obtained in a convenient, one-stop shop environment. forover a decade, he was an independent writer/producer, working with such clients as Pfizer, Bristol-Myers Squibb, BaSf-Pharma, aiG, KPMG,american express, Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase. earlier, Cliff served as director, Corporate development for news america Publishing,inc. in his five years at CBS, Cliff served as financial Manager for the CBS Television Stations division and CBS records (now Sony Music);editor, Standards and Practices for the CBS Television network; and Writer/Story editor for WCBS-TV/new York. Cliff began his career inadvertising, first, as Senior Media Planner at interpublic for such clients as Citigroup, Johnson & Johnson, Bayer, Tropicana and Mennen. Helater moved to Bates advertising as account executive on the Panasonic Consumer business. Cliff earned his MBa at Columbia BusinessSchool, receiving the distinguished Service award upon graduation. He graduated with a BS in economics from the Wharton School, universityof Pennsylvania. Cliff lives and works in new York, serving clients across the country

Peter V. Madill, Md, received his medical training at the university of auckland Medical School followed with a residency in internal medicinein new Zealand and California. and then continued his studies in nutritional and preventive medicine, acupuncture, botanical medicine, meditation,biofeedback and applied psychophysiology. dr. Madill’s practice focuses on allergy including the evaluation and treatment of patients withmold hypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity as well as the treatment of individuals with chronic pain, and post-traumatic stress disorder.integrated with his pain management skills has been a 25-year commitment to practicing addiction medicine. dr. Madill is a pioneer in theintroduction of buprenorphine (Suboxone) for the treatment of opiate dependence syndrome. dr. Madill more recent interests are in thearena of neuroscience and immunology. a result was the founding of a biotech start-up “Proteagen. dr. Madill is a member of the executiveBoard of the aaPMd.

Pat McBride, Ba, rda, CCSH is a sleep clinician providing supportive treatment and consulting in dental Sleep Medicine at various SleepLaboratories and sleep medicine practices in the San francisco Bay area. Pat is a frequent lecturer on inter-disciplinary care model deliverysystems, titration protocols for oral appliances during PSGs and medical/technical compliance across the country.

Sal rodas, MBa is the Chief Strategic officer of ez Sleep, a rapidly growing national sleep diagnostic services provider supporting the needsof the medical and dental industry. Prior to ez Sleep, he led operations, sales, marketing and service efforts as the Chief operations officerfor Space Maintainers Lab, an international organization comprised of five divisions with offices in the united States, Canada, australia, Taiwanand Malysia that serve the needs of dentists and orthodontists worldwide.at Space Maintainers Lab, Sal presided over the SMiLe foundation- the educational division of the company - organizing seminars nationwide with leading lecturers in the dental community. Sal has developedsoftware and network solutions in the card access control industry to proprietary backend office solutions to include 3d rendering technologyfor the dental industry. Sal received his MBa from Babson College, a Bachelor of information Technology and served as a uS Marine.

Paula fabbie, rHd, BS has completed advanced training with a focus on airway function and structure. She has participated in post-graduatestudy with the academy of orofacial Myofunctional Therapy, as well as other breathing and posture training from international known experts.She provides consulting and treatment for practices of dentists, orthodontists, enT and other physicians, and other healthcare practitionersas part of team approach.

SPeaKer BioS

Joseph M. Bernstein, Md, obtained his medical degree and received his otolaryngology/ Head & neck Surgery residency training at newYork university and its affiliated hospitals. He was appointed director of Pediatric otolaryngology in 1998 was instrumental in building collaborativeprograms in Cleft and Craniofacial Care and aero-digestive disorders. dr. Bernstein joined the full time faculty at the new York eye and earinfirmary in 2011 as the Chief of Pediatric otolaryngology. Shortly after the completion of the merger between the Mount Sinai and Continuumsystems he was appointed the director of Pediatric otolaryngology for The new York eye and ear infirmary of Mount Sinai and Chief of thePediatric otolaryngology division across The Mount Sinai Health System. He oversees the development of pediatric programs, enhancementof the division’s scope of services, fostering of multidisciplinary collaboration, and recruitment of new pediatric faculty at all of the HealthSystem’s hospitals. dr. Bernstein’s practice spans the entire spectrum of pediatric otolaryngology with special interests in congenital malformations,airway disorders, sleep apnea, sinusitis and other common enT infections. He is a recognized expert in the evaluation and management ofchildren with craniofacial and cleft anomalies. He has authored numerous articles and chapters and he lectures nationally and internationally.

Thomas Viola, r.Ph. C.C.P., a practicing pharmacist, also serves the profession of dentistry, as an international educator, published writer andprofessional speaker. He is a contributor to several dental professional journals, with columns appearing regularly in aGd impact and rdHMagazine. in addition, Tom currently serves as the Subject Matter expert for Mosby's dental drug reference. He has presented at numerousconferences, meetings and universities.

dr. Steven Y. Park, Md, is a surgeon and author. His passion is to identify and empower people to overcome sleep-related breathing problems,which most people don’t realize is the real reason for many of their common medical ailments. after receiving his undergraduate degree fromThe Johns Hopkins university and his medical degree from Columbia university’s College of Physicians & Surgeons, he completed his residencytraining at albert einsten/Montefiore. dr. Park is a fellow of the american academy of otolaryngology – Head & neck Surgery, Board-certifiedin otolaryngology (ear, nose, throat) – Head & neck Surgery, Board-certified in Sleep Medicine and actively involved in teaching residentsand other surgeon in cutting-edge surgical techniques. dr. Park practices integrative medicine and surgery, with a firm belief that other modelsof health and disease can complement traditional, Western medicine. He has provided monthly live tele-seminars with experts not only relatedto obstructive sleep apnea, but also professionals in other areas. He is a published author of the book, Sleep, interrupted: a physician revealsthe #1 reason why so many of us are sick and tired. it was endorsed by numerous new York Times best-selling authors.

dr. ross Levin, Phd. brings a lifelong fascination with sleep and dreams to his work as a clinical psychologist. as a sleep specialist and researcheron the psychology of sleep, dreams and their relationship to stress and emotions, he has over 25 years of experience in the field. He haspublished over 75 professional articles, and is recognized internationally for his work on both nightmares and emotion and the connection betweenstress and poor sleep. His innovative research on how the brain generates dream imagery was recently published in the prestigious professionaljournal Psychological Bulletin as well as in the april 2009 issue of Current directions in Psychological Science. dr. Levin is frequently consultedas an expert on sleep and dreaming for the media, including features in the new York Times, The new Yorker, national Public radio, aBCnightline, CBS Good Morning, reuters news, fox news, details Magazine, Ladies Home Journal and the Canadian Public Broadcasting network.

dr. Karen Bonuck, Phd. is Professor in the departments of family & Social Medicine, and obstetrics, Gynecology, and Women’s Health atthe albert einstein College of Medicine. Her sleep research centers on the epidemiology of pediatric sleep problems and their functionaleffects, particularly in children with developmental disabilities/delays. She also researches breastfeeding, early childhood feeding and the relationshipbetween sleep and obesity.

dr. Michael Gelb, ddS is a Co-founder of the aaPMd and Ceo of the Gelb Center, a world-wide resource for integrative dentistry. He isClinical Professor and former director of the nYu TMd and orofacial Pain Program, diplomate of the american Board of orofacialPain and Co-developer of the airwayCentric@ system, a provider of education, training and instrumentation for the comprehensive diagnosisand treatment of airway issues. dr. Gelb received his d.d.S. degree from Columbia university School of dental and oral Surgery in 1982 andhis M.S. degree from SunY at Buffalo School of dental Medicine. He has 3 patents pending for sleep and pain management.

SPeaKer BioS

Leonard Kobren, ddS, received his certificate in Prosthodontics from nYu. He is a member of the american College of Prosthodonticswhere he serves as Vice Chair of the aCP education foundation; he is a fellow and Past President of the northeastern Gnathological Societyand a fellow and member of Council of the Greater new York academy of Prosthodontics. dr. Kobren is an active member of the americandental association serving as Chair, of the annual restorative Conference of the ninth district dental association. He is a member of theadvisory Board of the new York City College of (dental) Technology. He maintains a private group practice, Westchester Prosthodontics,limited to prosthodontics in White Plains, nY.

dr. Lawrence a. Kotlow d.d.S., P.C., is a Board Certified Specialist in Pediatric dentistry in albany, new York. dr. Kotlow is well known forhis concern and understanding of mothers who wish to breastfeed. He is an internationally known expert on the diagnosis and treatment ofankyloglossia, also known as tongue-tie. dr. Kotlow sees infants as early as a day after birth for the revision of abnormally attached lingual andlabial frenulums. His techniques using laser surgery eliminate the need to place infants in the operating room or the need for drugs for treatment.

dorothy Mullen Ma,is the founder of the Suppers Programs, a network of nearly free-to-users programs in new Jersey. Suppers serve a rangeof members from those who simply want to learn to cook and develop a palate for healthy food to those with food-driven chronic health problems.She is also a leader in the community gardening movement in central new Jersey. dorothy has a Masters degree in addictions counselingfrom the College of new Jersey and uses addictions models to help people turn around entrenched behaviors that keep them sick and addicted.Her purpose at aaPMd is to forge relationships with practitioners who know their patients must get support to turn around the diet andlifestyle habits that obstruct their path to a healthier life.

dr. ronald Hoffman, Md is Medical director of the Hoffman Center, one of new York's pioneering integrative Medicine practices. He obtainedhis Md from albert einstein College of Medicine, and has been practicing for 30 years. His radio program, intelligent Medicine, is the longest-running physician-hosted health program on the air. He is also host of the intelligent Medicine podcast series where he interviews luminariesin the field of complementary and alternative medicine. He is the author of numerous books, and he lectures frequently to health professionalsand the public.

Jeffrey Hindin, ddS is in private practices with an emphasis on the treatment of craniofacial pain, TMd and sleep disorders. He is conductingclinical research into the relationship between orofacial pain, splint therapy, physiological function and heart rate variability. He lectures in-ternationally and is an instructor in software development for the Biofeedback foundation of europe and is the co-founder of Tad systems.

James M. Bronson, ddS is a 1983 “Cum Laude” graduate of Georgetown university School of dentistry. dr. Bronson worked for 5 years inthe department of fixed Prosthodontics. for the past 30= years, he has maintained a private practice in McLean, Virginia dedicated to a“Whole Body approach” to dentistry. Since 2000, he has been involved with aLf Transformational orthodontics, he has lectured world widein the uSa, europe, australia, and asia on “The aLf Paradigm” and “aLf Transformational orthodontics”. He is founder and director ofClinical Programs at The aLf educational institute, LLC.

William M. Hang, ddS, MSd. graduated at the top of his class at the u. of illinois College of dentistry with an M.S.d. degree in orthodonticsfrom the university of Minnesota. dr. Hang practiced orthodontics in a very traditional manner for about 7 years before becoming dissatisfiedwith the faces the traditional orthodontic approach produced. He embarked on a continuing education journey that ultimately took him to 50states and over 30 foreign countries in a relentless quest for predictable ways to produce better looking faces. in the process he incorporatednew ideas and developed a very large practice in a small town in Vermont. in 1996 he relocated to California to start a new practice and nowhas patients from 20 states and several foreign countries. His two strongest passions are early orthodontic treatment to redirect facial growthforward, and treating complex adult TMJ/pain or oSa (obstructive Sleep apnea) patients. Myofunctional therapy has become an integralpart of his practice. He is the first President of the north american association for facial orthotropics, and is a board member of the americanacademy of Physiological Medicine and dentistry as well as an advisory board member of the academy of orofacial Myofunctional Therapy.

Philip Cooper, d.d.S. is a native Savannah, Georgia. He is a graduate of Meharry Medical College – School of dentistry. Co- founder, Chiefinvestigator for Smiles are Meaningful, inc., research organization whose focus is the impact of Sleep apnea on growth and development inafrican american Children. author of, “Why? african american Children Cannot read”, the negative impact of Sleep apnea on children’sreading ability.

SPeaKer BioS

Gladys Smith-Konye, SLP a speech language pathologist, is a also orofacial myofunctional therapist with over 15 years of experience in speechtherapy Gladys is in private practice in albany, nY, where the combination of her skills as a speech and language pathologist and myofunctionaltherapy gives her a unique perspective in the treatment of pediatric, adult, and geriatric populations. as a speech pathologist, Gladys specializesin dysphagia, auditory Processing, feeding, and feeS (fiberoptic endoscopic examination of Swallowing). She has a passionate research interestin health care disparities with emphasis on access to care and policy planning in healthcare.

Lorraine frey, rdH, CoM, BaS is a registered dental Hygienist and Myofunctional Therapist, providing myofunctional therapy services inChicago and northern indiana. Her extensive background in the dental field encompasses 30 years of clinical practice in periodontal, general,and pediatric private practice settings. Lorraine attended Prairie State College in Chicago Heights, illinois for dental hygiene and earned herbachelor’s in dental hygiene from Siena Heights university in adrian, Michigan. additionally, she has completed post-graduate study with theacademy of orofacial Myofunctional Therapy on the campus of uCSd and northwestern university, as well as internships with the academyin Los angeles, California. Lorraine is also a certified Buteyko Breathing Practitioner and is the owner of MyoWorks orofacial Myology Services, LLC.

Jennifer Tow, B.f.a., iBCLC, practices holistic lactation. Through intuitive Parenting network, LLC, Jennifer relies on her 23 years of passionateinformation-gathering, education and training in holistic practices to provide holistic lactation consulting, parent education and mentoring tofamilies. She offers workshops to parents and health care providers on topics related to infant feeding, attachment and holistic practices.

Licia Coceani Paskay, MS, CCC-SLP is a combined speech and language pathologist and myofunctional therapist who practices in CulverCity. She teaches oMT with Joy Moeller and shares her expertise regularly. She is renowned around the world and spoke last august in italyat the iaLP meeting, and in november spoke in Chicago at the aSHa meeting. She is a director of the academy of orofacial MyofunctionalTherapy and founding president of the academy of applied Myofunctional Sciences.

Joy Lea Moeller, BS, rdH is a pioneer and leader in the field of orofacial Myofunctional Therapy, lecturing and teaching courses around theworld for more than 25 years. She is a founder and director of the academy of orofacial Myofunctional Therapy and a founding director ofthe academy of applied Myofunctional Sciences. in addition, she still sees patients in her private practice in California and teaches providesconsultation services throughout the country and internationally. She is currently on the board of the aaPMd, a multi-disciplinary medicaland dental group interested in airway problems

Brad Gilden, dPT, CfMT, faaoMPT, CSCS, has been practicing orthopedic & sports physical therapy since graduating from new YorkMedical College in 2000. He has worked in a variety of settings treating patients with various neurological, orthopedic and sports injuries. in2004, he completed a clinical doctorate in upper quarter & hand therapy from drexel university. He joined elite Health Services as a managingpartner and rehabilitation coordinator in 2005. dr. Gilden follows the approach of a functional Manual Physical Therapist treating movementdysfunction. His focus is on restoring normal mobility and strength while integrating patients back to their highest level of function. He enjoysworking with all diagnoses and has extensive experience treating both pre- and post-surgical patient populations. in 2010, he completed anintensive certification in functional manual therapy through the institute of Physical art. dr. Gilden has worked with many professional athletesas well as collegiate and recreational. He is an active member of the american Physical Therapy association, as well as the american academyof orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy. He lectures throughout the community on injury prevention. ion and ergonomics while promotinga healthy lifestyle. He is training to become faculty with the institute of Physical art.

Marc richard Moeller, Managing director of the academy of orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (aoMT), and executive director and foundingBoard Chair of the academy of applied Myofunctional Sciences, comes to the field of orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (oMT)with extensiveexperience as a senior executive in finance, building and bridging strategies across multinational financial conglomerates, specializing in joint-ventureintegration. He is fortunate to apply this experience as a public health advocate, building bridges in the interdisciplinary profession of oMTfacilitating research and developing curriclua. He is a graduate of university of California, San diego and is based in Los angeles. He speaksfrench, Spanish, Portuguese, and Mandarin Chinese.

SPeaKer BioS

Jennifer f. Hobson, PT, dPT, MTC, CfC, CMPT. is a european-trained physical therapist; with a degree from the Hogeschool van amsterdam,The netherlands, followed by clinical residency in advanced orthopedics in Chicago. She earned a Manual Therapy Certification, Cranio-facial(rocabado) Certification, and doctorate in Physical Therapy and certification in Trigger Point dry needling. dr. Hobson has been instrumentalin introducing this technique to the state of illinois. fluent in the Spanish language, dr. Hobson continues to train and teach in Santiago, Chile,with dr. Mariano rocabado. dr. Hobson is also completed training in Myofunctional therapy with Joy Moeller. She is currently an adjunctfaculty instructor for dry needling courses and will be leading dr. rocabado TMJ courses through university of St. augustine. dr. Hobsonconducts lectures at university programs, conferences, and throughout the medical community and to the general public on topics such ashead, neck & spine health, body wellness, the importance and effects of proper posture and breathing. Her practice, Physical Therapy renaissance,Ltd. (PTr), offers two illinois locations: Chicago and Hinsdale

John J. Kelly, ddS is a Chicago dentist for restorative and cosmetic dentistry, offering a unique combination of artistic skill coupled with advancedscientific techniques. He is on faculty at the nYu School of dentistry dental sleep medicine program. He is a graduate of the university ofillinois. He has participated in extensive coursework at the internationally recognized Las Vegas institute of advanced dental Studies. Hismemberships include: Board member of american association of Physiologic Medicine and dentistry, founding member of the north americanassociation for facial orthotropics., american autonomic Society, international College of Craniomandibular orthopedics, american academyof Cosmetic dentistry, american academy of exercise Physiologists and others.

Mark abramson, ddS is the director and facilitator of Mindfulness-Meditation Based Stress reduction programs at Stanford Health Careand Stanford university School of Medicine. He trained with John Kabat-Zinn and has conducted these classes several times a year for twelveyears. He is the developer of the o2 oaSYS oral/nasal airway System™. His private practices in redwood City, and Monterey, Ca focuson the treatment of TMJ, chronic pain and sleep / airway disorders. He incorporates on non-drug oriented care integrating traditional dentalapproaches with mind/body techniques, osteopathic manual medicine, and acupuncture. He lectures throughout the country on TMJ/orofacialpain, and leads retreats on mindfulness meditation.

Stephen H. Sheldon, do, faaP Professor of Pediatrics, northwestern university, feinberg School of Medicine and director of Sleep MedicineCenter Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. He is active in clinical practice of pediatric sleep medicine and a member of the national SleepMedicine Course Committee of american academy of Sleep Medicine, Board of directors of american academy of Sleep Medicine andamerican Sleep Medicine foundation and the aaPMd.

ellen Crean, rdH, MS, ddS, Phd has spent over 25 years in the dental and medical community providing care to patients. She started hercareer in health care as a registered dental Hygienist holding a Masters degree in Public Health. after earning her dental degree, dr. Creanspent 10 years working in craniofacial pain and TMd, and a Phd in neurobiology with an emphasis in sleep medicine. dr. Crean is also a partnerin Kosmo Technologies, LLC, Per4maxPlus, LLC, Triton Medical Solutions, LLC, and focus Sleep, LLC, and she is the founder of Transformationalalliances, LLC. all of these companies have their foundation in enhancing the field of sleep medicine and dental sleep medicine, a dedicationdr. Crean has held throughout her career.

Jim duHamel, ddS, a graduate of northwestern university dental School, has over 30 yrs. experience in functional orthodontics, temporomandibularjoint therapies and 20 years experience in oral sleep appliances. He currently has a general dentistry practice in Valley Springs, California anda practice limited to dental Sleep Medicine in Lodi, California. He is board certified in dental sleep medicine with the american Board ofdental Sleep Medicine. dr. duHamel is the developer of Sleep Connect inc. is a technology and practice management company dedicated toenhancing the quality, efficiency, and profitability for practices treating obstructive sleep apnea.

Sal rodas, MBa received his MBa from Babson College, a Bachelor of information Technology and served as a uS Marine. He is the ChiefStrategic officer of ez Sleep, a sleep diagnostic services provider supporting the needs of the medical and dental industry. Prior to ez Sleep,he led operations as the Chief operations officer for Space Maintainers Lab, and presided over the SMiLe foundation - the educationaldivision of the company - organizing seminars nationwide with leading lecturers in the dental community. Sal has led companies in the computertechnology sector, leveraging from his programming and digital forensics skills. Sal has developed software and network solutions in the cardaccess control industry to proprietary backend office solutions to include 3d rendering technology for the dental industry.

SPeaKer BioS

ConferenCe feeS

aaPMd WorKSHoPS - SundaY, MarCH 29, 2015aaPMd Workshops are included for attendees registered for the friday and Saturday sessions. Please select your workshop of choice whenregistering. Seating for each workshop is limited and based on those registered first. advanced registration is strongly encouraged. aaPMdWorkshop registration is open for those not attending the conference sessions if space is available. registration fees for the workshops onlyare listed below.

2015 ConferenCe feeSregistration includes:• admission to the friday & Saturday Conference Sessions and exhibit Hall• friday and Saturday Luncheons and Luncheon Programs• admission to Workshop • admission to the friday evening reception and program of the launch of the foundation for airway Health (faH)

reGiSTraTion on or Before 1/27 afTer 1/27

aaPMd Member $845.00 $975.00Physician / dentist

non – Member $975.00 $1025.00Physician dentist

aaPMd Member $400.00 $455.00other profession

aaPMd non-Member $500.00 $555.00other Professional

WorKSHoPS non ConferenCe aTTendee

introduction to $225.00Myofunctional Therapy

introduction to $225.00airwayCentric® dentistry

Physical Therapy, TMJ, $225.00Balance and Posture

Building the airway Team: $225.00options and opportunities

Mindful Meditation There is no charge of this workshop. a donation to the faH is suggested.

SPeCiaL WorKSHoP eVenT advanced Course: Pediatric Sleep Medicine for Health Care ProfessionalsLimited to 20 attendees call for more information.

fridaY 3/27ConferenCe SCHeduLe

8:30 - 9:00 am VariouS Welcome and introduction

9:00 - 9:45 am Karen BonuCK, Phd increasing Sleep Health Literacy in early Childhood

9:45 - 10:30 am JoSePH BernSTein, Md The role of nasal airway obstruction inPediatric Sleep apnea

10:30 - 11:00 am BreaK ViSiT WiTH exHiBiTorS

11:00 - 11:45 am ron HoffMan, Md nutrition and Sleep

11:45 am - 12:00 pm Q & a

12:00 - 1:30 pm LunCH - doroTHY MuLLen, Ma Counseling, is it The food?

1:30 - 2:15 pm SHerYL MCGaVin, oT Cranial Sacral Therapy and airway-related disorders

2:15 - 3:00 pm LarrY KoTLoW, ddS ToTS-Tethered oral Tissues in the newborn: examination, diagnosis and Treatment

3:00 - 3:20 pm BreaK ViSiT WiTH exHiBiTorS

3:20 - 4:05 pm JaMeS BronSon, ddS The aLf (advanced Light force functional appliance), airway and Craniofacial development

4:05 - 4:50 pm William M. Hang, ddS, MSd face focused®/airway focused®orthodontics for all ages

4:50 - 5:45 pm VariouS Panel on expansion and airway

6:30 - 9:30 pm reCePTion ViP faH LaunCH



Our MissionThe mission of The Foundation for Airway Health is to improve the recognition,

diagnoses, and treatment of conditions resulting from sub-optimal airway health

through collaboration, awareness, research, education and access to treatment.

3 5 5 L E X I N G TO N AV E N U E , 1 5 T H F LO O R • N E W YO R K , N Y 1 0 0 1 7 • 8 4 5 . 5 7 0. 1 9 7 9

www.AirwayHealth Foundation.org

friday evening, March 27, 2015Crowne Plaza Times SquareTickets to the faH reception is included in theconference registration fee. for information go to: www.airwayHealthfoundation.org

SaTurdaY 3/28ConferenCe SCHeduLe

8:30 - 9:00 am WeLCoMe

9:00 - 09:45 am STePHen ParK, Md upper airway resistance Syndrome: diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

9:45 - 10:30 am Jeff Hindin, ddS Physiological Monitoring for airwayCentric® integrated Multidisciplinary Care

10:30 - 11:00 am BreaK ViSiT WiTH exHiBiTorS

11:00 - 11:45 am MiCHaeL GeLB, ddS airwayCentric®restorative dentistry:Len KoBren, ddS from diagnosis to restoration

11:45 am - 12:00 pm MarC MoeLLer Myofunctional Therapy: research update

12:00 - 12:15 pm nanCY roTHSTein, MBa aaPMd Pioneer of airway Health award to Joy Moeller

12:15 - 1:30 pm LunCH - CLiff YurMan, MBa Leverage interactive Marketing for a Better Practice

1:30 - 2:15 pm Mario roCaBado The relation of the Cranio-Vertebral Joints,TMJ and the airway

2:15 - 3:00 pm THoMaS VioLa, r.PH Sleep and drugs

3:00 - 3:30 pm BreaK ViSiT WiTH exHiBiTorS

3:30 - 4:15 pm roSS LeVin, PHd Cognitive-Behavioral Tx for insomnia

4:15 - 5:00 pm PeTer MadiLL, Md Completing the Circle: The relevance of the new Science of Healing and the dental/Medical Connection

5:00 - 5:30 pm PaneL - Q & a

SaTurdaY 3/29WorKSHoP SCHeduLe

8:30 am - 5:00 pm

WorKSHoP 1 Building Your airway/Sleep office Team PaT MCBrideSaL rodaS eLLen Crean JaMeS duHaMeLCLiff YurMan

WorKSHoP 2 The Science and Practice of MarK aBraMSonMindfulness in Healthcare

WorKSHoP 3 Physical Therapy and airway: The PT/ddS Mariano roCaBado Partnership for airwa/Sleep/TMd disorders Jennifer HoBSon

Brad GiLden

WorKSHoP 4 airWaYCentric® restorative dentistry MiCHaeL GeLBJeffreY HindinJoHn KeLLY

WorKSHoP 5 THe Myofunctional Therapy/ PauLa faBBieairway Connection Throughout Life GLadYS SMiTH

JoY MoeLLerLorraine freY PHiL CooPerJennifer ToWLiCia PaSKaY

WorKSHoP 6 advanced Course in Pediatric Sleep STePHen SHeLdonMedicine for Healthcare Professionals

ConferenCe reGiSTraTiono Check or Money order

Checks and international money orders should be made payable to the aaPMd Checks will not be accepted unless they are made in u.S.funds drawn on a u.S. bank. Please send checks and money orders to aaPMd, 355 Lexington avenue, 15th floor, new York, nY 10017.

o Visa o MasterCard o american express

Credit Card payments are accepted by mail, fax, and online at www.aapmd.org.

Card #: _____________________________________ exp. date: ______________ Validation Code*: ____________ Billing Zip Code: ____________________

Cardholder’s name: __________________________________________________ Signature (required): _________________________________________________

*for Visa or MasterCard, the validation code is the last 3 numbers in the signature box. for american express, the validation code is the 4numbers above the credit card number.

ConferenCe SCHeduLePlease go to aaPMd.org for a complete schedule.

friday registration 7:30amfriday Program 8:30am - 5:30pmSaturday Program 8:30am - 5:30pmSunday Workshops 9:00am - 5:00pmexhibitors - friday & Saturday 9:00am - 6:00pm

foundaTion for airWaY HeaLTHreception and Program friday evening 7:30pm

aWard PreSenTaTiondistinguished Lifetime achievement and Pioneer award in airway Health for Joy Moeller.

aaPMd MeMBerSHiP feeSdoctors $325.00other Practitioners $225.00assistants, Hygienists $125.00



Our MissionThe mission of The Foundation for Airway Health is to improve the recognition,

diagnoses, and treatment of conditions resulting from sub-optimal airway health

through collaboration, awareness, research, education and access to treatment.

3 5 5 L E X I N G TO N AV E N U E , 1 5 T H F LO O R • N E W YO R K , N Y 1 0 0 1 7 • 8 4 5 . 5 7 0. 1 9 7 9

www.AirwayHealth Foundation.org

Our MissionThe mission of The Foundation for Airway Health is to improve the recognition,

diagnoses, and treatment of conditions resulting from sub-optimal airway health

through collaboration, awareness, research, education and access to treatment.

3 5 5 L E X I N G TO N AV E N U E , 1 5 T H F LO O R • N E W YO R K , N Y 1 0 0 1 7 • 8 4 5 . 5 7 0. 1 9 7 9

www.AirwayHealth Foundation.org

THe foundaTion for airWaY HeaLTHin 2014, THe foundaTion for airWaY HeaLTH was officially registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit but forseveral decades prior, the vision and desire to bring awareness to airway problems and their treatment resonated in thehearts of patients, family members and pioneering medical professionals who witnessed and struggled with the lack of airwayhealth public information and medical health prioritization. Health care professionals working to improve airway healthawareness came together with those who had experienced personal airway adversities to form this public organization tohelp victims of airway problems.

friday evening, March 27, 2015 - Crowne Plaza Times SquareTickets to the faH reception is included in the conference registration fee.

for more information go to: www.airwayHealthfoundation.org