A marketing dashboard shows you the way

Post on 20-Jan-2015

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A marketing dashboard lets you follow up on your most important Key Performance Indicators. It allows you to focus on the areas that need improvement and communicates the same information clearly for all employees involved. This presentation explains the choices you need to make when you want to create a marketing dashboard for your organization. For more information, contact The House of Marketing.

Transcript of A marketing dashboard shows you the way

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The Dashboard: Performance at a glance


The right information to the right users at the right time


‘Something that FOCUSES the work of employees so everyone is going in the SAME DIRECTION.’

Wayne W. Eckerson, director of research and services at The Data Warehousing Institute

A dashboard is a tool to translate the organization's strategy into

objectives, metrics, initiatives and tasks customized to each group and individual in the organization.

It provides at-a-glance views of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) relevant to a particular objective or business process (e.g. Marketing, Sales, Production…).


Why a dashboard? The risks you take & the benefits you miss by not using a dashboard



•  Communicate your strategy efficiently by increasing visibility & giving a consistent view of the business

•  Increase coordination, motivation & empower users by delivering actionable information

•  Create organizational alignment within marketing & align marketing objectives, operations and performance to the company’s financial objectives through the selection of critical metrics and sharing of results

•  Create a learning organization that makes decisions on hard facts supplemented with experiential intuition

RISKS avoided

•  Monitor critical business processes and activities using metrics of business performance that trigger alerts when potential problems arise  

•  Analyze the root cause of problems by exploring relevant and timely information from multiple perspectives and at various levels of detail

•  Manage people and processes to improve decisions, optimize performance and steer the organization in the right direction by a return to focus, simple process discipline and attention to only the most important goals

•  Integrate ROI & ROMI KPI’s to reduce costs & redundancy and save time


Which dashboard for me ?




STRATEGIC •  Aligning company's strategic goals •  Delivered every quarter

•  Balanced scorecard* •  Portfolio •  Service •  Sales performance •  Cross channel •  …

TACTICAL • Measuring (against the present goal) a progression of most important projects

•  Delivered monthly

•  Profit sharing  •  Monthly sales •  CSI •  …

OPERATIONAL • Monitoring & analyzing company's activities in a given business area, (comparing actual and target rates) to help understand if performance is on or off target, and by how much, in real time

•  Delivered weekly

•  Calls / complaints •  Weekly sales funnel •  Campaigns •  Retention rate •  Satisfaction rate •  ...

ANALYTICAL • Establish targets for tomorrow based on insights into historical data, using what-if analysis and pivots to identify patterns and opportunities

•  Very complex, delivered yearly

•  Sales target •  Market share target •  Churn target •  ...

* Balanced scorecards mesure performance in four areas: research, customer satisfaction, internal controls and finances


The perfect way to go…



•  TOO MANUAL: collection & delivery of information automatic to ensure sustainable solution

•  TOO FLAT: provide enough data/ analytical capabilities to let users explore problems’ causes highlighted in the graphical indicators

•  TOO ISOLATED: Some performance dashboards source data from a single system, appeal to a very small audience or have the wrong goals/KPI’s (misalignment, unrealistic or poorly defined)


•  TARGETS: Proper definition of target audiences

•  METRICS: Well-designed visual metrics

•  SIMPLICITY: easy to create & to update & to use/understand

•  MANAGEABILITY: evolving through the time with the company

•  LEADER: Sustained leadership through a dashboard ‘champion’ (CEO, …)

•  DATA: Strong information infrastructure

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