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A Thesis

Submitted to Faculty of Adab and Humanities

In Partisl Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Degree of Strata 1 (S1)











Febry Indah Sari, “A Main Character of My Sister’s Keeper Movie Using

Hierarchy of Human Needs of Abraham H. Maslow’s Theory”. Thesis: English

Letters Departement. Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2011.

This research is aimed to find motivation of the main character through her

life and to solve her problem in the My Sister’s Keeper reflects the needs based on

Abraham Maslow’s theory of The Hierarchy of Human Needs. The writer first

analyzes the characteristics of the main character. These characteristics influence

the main character herself in fulfilling her needs. Then, the writer analyzes the

characteristics and the needs of the main character based on Maslow’s theory by

describing the three needs from the lowest to the second and third stages of

Maslow’s theory, and identifies in what stage of needs does consumer behavior

take place as the reflection of the needs that the main character tries to fulfill.

The method which is used by the writer in this research is descriptive

qualitative. The data are analyzed by using Abraham Maslow’s theory about

Hierarchy of Human Needs. In analyzing the data, the writer does some

procedures such as: watching the movie several times, analyzing and

understanding the dialogues and the motion pictures of the movie.

This research discussed characteristics of the main character; Rebecca

Bloomwood, which in turns influenced herself in fulfilling her needs. The writer

reveals the needs of the main character based on the Abraham Maslow’s theory

and focuses on the three needs, they are; Physiological Needs, Safety Needs, and

Love and Belongingness needs. The writer then found that the main character can

fulfill all of the three level of needs.






All praise be to Allah SWT, the Almighty and the Lord af the universe,

who has given the writer guidence and strength to achieve and make this thesis

possible. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet

Muhammad SAW, and his families, relatives, and all of his followers. Ameen

This thesis would not have been possible without the guidance and the

help of several individuals who are in one way or another contributed and

extended their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of this study.

On this very special occasion, I would like to express the very best

gratitude to my family especially to my beloved parents, Mr. Endar Priyanto, SH

and Mrs. Try Suwarni, who always give their prayer, love, affection, support, and

advices all the times. This thesis will not accomplish without their contribution in

the writer’s life.

I also wish to express my warm and sincere thanks to my thesis advisor

Mrs, Elve Oktaviani,M.Hum, who has supported and given many useful

suggestions and inputs throughout my thesis with his patience and knowledge.

May Allah SWT, always bless him and his family.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the following people for

their remarkable contribution:

1. Dr. H Abdul Wahid Hasyim, M. Ag, the Dean of Adab and Humanities



2. Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd, the Vice-Dean of Academic Affairs Adab,

and Humanities Faculty.

3. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M. Pd, the Head of English Letters Departement.

4. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum, the Secretary of the English Letters Departement.

5. All lecturers in English Letters Departement who have been sincerely

transferred their knowledge to the writer during her study.

6. Mr. Busro, Mr. Radi, and also Mrs. Jamillah the awesome employee of Adab

and Humanities Faculty.

7. The officials of main library of State Islamic University of Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta and the librarians of Adab and Humanities Faculty who

have been kind of helping the writer to collect the data required.

8. My beloved brothers : Anugrah Endar P, Anindito Endar S, Dimas Endar P,

who give their best motivation to the writer.

9. My bosses and HRD of PPIA Baitul Maal; mrs. Maya Yunus, S. Ag, Mrs.

Hani Faizah, S.Pd, Mrs. Diah P, A.Md, and Mrs. Endang Sapto Rini, M.Pd,

who give the flexibilities working time to the writer

10. My classmates of English Letters Departement, the year of 2005: Febry Indah

Sari, Andhina Noor Ichsani, Munazaruddin, Deny Effendy, Milawati, Famela,

Fitri, Suzanti Laima, Robiatul Adawiah, Dedy Effendy, and everyone who

have great contribution that the writer cannot mention them one after another.

Last but not least, I also hopes that this paper will be useful for some

literary study and give a lot of benefits to the students of English Letters

Departement particularly who want to have a similar research. I realize that this




ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ i

APPROVEMENT ................................................................................................ ii

LEGALIZATION ................................................................................................ iii

DECLARATION ................................................................................................. iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. v

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... viii

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 1

A. Background of the study ...................................................................... 1

B. Focus of the study ................................................................................ 3

C. Research question ................................................................................ 3

D. Significance of the study ..................................................................... 4

E. Research methodology. ....................................................................... 4

1. Objective of the study .................................................................... 4

2. Method of Research ....................................................................... 4

3. Data Analysis Technique ............................................................... 4

4. Analysis Unit ................................................................................. 5

5. Instruments of Research ................................................................ 5

6. Time and Place .............................................................................. 5

CHAPTER II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ........................................... 6

A. The Hierarchy of Human Needs by Abraham

Maslow ............................................................................................... 6


1. Psychological needs ...................................................................... 9

2. Safety needs .................................................................................. 9

3. Love and belongingness needs ..................................................... 10

4. Esteem needs ................................................................................ 11

5. Self actualization needs ................................................................ 12

B. Character and characterization ........................................................... 13

1. Character ....................................................................................... 12

2. Characterization ............................................................................ 15

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH FINDINGS ......................................................... 19

A. Data description .................................................................................. 19

B. Data analysis ....................................................................................... 20

CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................... 35

A. Conclusion ........................................................................................... 35

B. Suggestion ........................................................................................... 36

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 38

APPENDIXES ..................................................................................................... 40




A. Background of the study

Nowdays, people have got many choices of entertaining themselves, such

as traveling, doing sports, window shopping, watching movies, etc. Watching

movies becomes the most favorite activities among different viewers. Everyone

has different goals in watching movies, such as refreshing, adding knowledge,

learning foreign languages, and understanding foreign cultures. Along with the

development, until now film is a great demand entertainment media other than

music, because film combines sound (audio) and pictures (visual). In addition,

film is also one of the cultural forms that presence is familiar with humans daily.

Film is a work of art presenting many problems of interpretation related to

unresolved meanings (values) and shapes (structure) of social and historical

conditions inherent in human life. Film as a form of a fictitious description of a

phenomenon presented in the form of audio-visual that reflects a condition of a

State associated with the system prevailing in it, whether it is a social system,

politics, economics, culture, customs and so forth. The film is more realistic than

the novels because they have the background of real and tangible figures as well.

The film is a fiction, namely one related to literary writing. The value contained in

a film or literary work is the value of life, which is always evolving and dynamic.1

One film that is always evolving and dynamic is My Sister's Keeper this movie

1 http: //www.writing-world.com/screen/film3.shtml. Accessed on October 12

th 2011



portrayed that humans have different types and levels of needs. According to

Abraham Maslow humans have five needs that make up the tiers or also called the

hierarchy of the most important to the unimportant and from easy to difficult to

achieve or obtain. Human motivation is strongly influenced by the fundamental

needs that need to be met.2

The film tells a family which was quite perfect, but it was all just a

moment. Since the first child in the family is convicted of blood cancer

(leukemia), their life changes where the mother figured in this story really

concerned with health and safety of her first daughter named Kate. According to

the medical record, it requires a suitable kidney donated to Kate, but after

checking there was nobody in her family have suitable kidney.

The movie begins with a bit of misdirection when 11-year-old Anna

(Abigail Breslin) sues her parents. It looks like headed into a fascinating legal

drama dealing with a thorny ethical issue. Anna has always known she is a "donor

child." When her parents, Sara (Cameron Diaz) and Brian (Jason Patric), discover

their first daughter, Kate (Sofia Vassilieva), has leukemia, they choose to

conceive another child through genetic engineering who would be a perfect

genetic match with Kate. Thus, Anna can donate blood or whatever else is

necessary to keep her elder sister alive.

The two girls love each other dearly, so Anna never complains. Then, 11

years into this routine, Kate's kidneys are failing and she'll need one of Anna's.

1. http://organisasi.org/teori_hierarki_kebutuhan_maslow_abraham_maslow_ilmu_ekonomi


Anna finally says no. She hires a big-shot lawyer (Alec Baldwin), whose face

adorns billboards and buses all over Los Angeles, and goes to court seeking her

"medical emancipation." But her mom, who gave up a law practice to care for her

ailing daughter, will make a ferocious opponent.3

Therefore, Anna Fitzgerald as the main character appears in the process of

searching reveals the needs that she must fulfill. The main character in My Sister’s

Keeper can be analyzed by using psychological theory. In order to understand

what needs she must fulfill, the writer applied the concept Hierarchy of Human

Needs of Abraham H. Maslow’s Theory.

B. Focus of the study

The research will be concentrated on how to understand the three needs:

physiological, safety, and love and belongingness needs that must be fulfilled by

the main character. The writer thinks that it is necessary to analyze the movie by

using the Hierarchy of Human Needs Theory of Abraham H. Maslow.

C. Research Question

According to the focus of the research, the writer tries to identify the

problem by following questions:

1. What are the main character’s needs that motivate her to claim her


2. How does the main character fulfill the hierarchy of needs viewed from

Abraham H. Maslow’s Theory?

3 http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/film-reviews/my-sister-s-keeper-film-review-



D. Significance of the study

Through the research the write hopes the result of the research has benefit

for readers who are interested in literature and know further the main character’s

needs in her searches using Hierarchy of Human Needs Theory in this film.

E. Research Methodology

This research methodology comprises by many aspects such as objective

of the study, method of research, technique of data analysis, instruments of

research, and analysis unit.

1. Objective of the study

Based on the background of the study and the focus above, the writer would like

to classify the objective of the study into two categories below:

a. To explain the needs of the main character which motivate her to claim her

mother in the film

b. To describe the main character in fulfilling her needs viewed from

Abraham H. Maslow.

2. Method of Research

Based on research questions and the significance of the study above, the

writer applies descriptive qualitative method, where the writer describes

and analyzes the compiled data. It can be said that the data will be

analyzed qualitatively and without using any quantitative-systems.

3. Data Analysis Technique

The writer will analyze the data by using “descriptive analysis technique”.

In this technique, the writer uses Hierarchy of Human Needs of Abraham


Maslow’s approach based on critical study and sharp analysis to the

collected data. First, the writer watches the film carefully for several times.

This is aimed to learn the contents of the film intensively so it can prevent

misunderstanding in the analyzing. Then, the writer makes understanding,

and identifying My Sister’s Keeper film carefully. Finally, the writer

analyzes the related data according to human needs theory. Lastly, the

writer writes a report of the study.

4. Analysis Unit

Analysis unit that is used in this research is the film My Sister’s Keeper by

Jeremy Leven and Nick Cassavetes was published by U.S.A.: New Line

Home Entertainment, Inc. in 1999.

5. Instruments of Research

The research instrument of this research is the writer herself. The writer

analyzes by reading the film carefully. Then, the writer marks the

characterizations of the main character to find out the evidences of the

fulfillment hierarchy of needs viewed by Abraham H. Maslow in My

Sister’s Keeper film.

6. Place and Time

This research was conducted in Jakarta, in the Faculty of Adab and

Humanities UIN Jakarta, from October in 2009 to August in 2011.




A. Maslow Theory

Abraham Maslow is a humanistic psychologist. He developed a theory of

personality that has influenced a number of different fields. This theory accurately

describes many realities of personal experiences.

The cornerstone of Abraham Maslow’s understanding of motivation is the

proposition that human being posses urges or basic needs at organism level. These

basic needs, however, are weak needs, quiet biological urges that are often

confused and easy overlooked in day to day affairs.4 It means that the individual

seek to satisfy successively the higher needs that occupy a set of hierarchy.

Maslow had little interest in compiling a list of how many needs human

beings possess. Rather, Maslow side-stepped the numbers issue and proposed that

one master need, the tendency toward growth, governs and organizes all other

needs. The growth/actualizing need organizes all others into a hierarchy featuring

five clusters based needs. The arrangement of these needs, Maslow felt, was best

represented visually by a hierarchy. The first need in Maslow’s hierarchy contains

the set of physiological needs necessary for body homeostasis, quiescence, and

survival. All the other needs in the hierarchy (safety and security, love and

4 Johnmarshall Reeve.Understanding Motivation and Emotion (New York: Harcourt Brace

Collage Publisher, 2004), page.311



belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization) are psychological in nature of

human needs.5

Maslow argued that any comprehensive theory of Human motivation must

take into account the individual as a whole. One cannot hope to understand the

complexities of the human condition by reducing behavior to specific responses in

specific situations. The wholeness of behavior can also serve several motive states

at once.6 Thus for example, sexual behavior may serve physiological as well as

psychological needs of belonging and esteem.

Maslow argued that one must seek to understand the ultimate goals of

behavior rather than the superficial or apparent goals, because the apparent goal

for any observed behavior may be quite different from the ultimate goal.7 This

implies, in fashion similar to Freudian theory that motivations occur at an

unconscious level. Unlike Freud, however, Maslow also regarded the striving for

protection or self actualization as the ultimate purpose of behavior.8

Maslow argued that human motivation can best be studied by observing

human rather than animal behavior. His observations led him to the conclusion

that human needs can be understood in terms of hierarchy of needs. Needs lower

on the hierarchy are propotent (i.e., stronger) and must be satisfied before needs

higher on the hierarchy will be triangle.9 Maslow did not, however, regard the

hierarchy as totally rigid: one can partially satisfy lower needs, thus allowing

5 Ibid

6 Herbert L. Petri.Motivation: Theory and Research (California: Wadsworth Publishing Company,

2003), p.289. 7 Ibid

8 Ibid

9 Ibid


higher needs to become partially active. Maslow regarded the satisfaction of needs

on the hierarchy in a probabilistic manner. If a lower need is being satisfied most

of the time (e.g., 85%), that need will have little influence on behavior.10


following diagram shows Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, represented as a pyramid


Figure that depicts Maslow’s Hierarchy11

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is often displayed as pyramid consisting of

five levels: the four levels are grouped together as deficiency needs associated

10 Ibid

11 http://psychology.about.com/od/theoriesofpersonality/a/hierarchyneeds.htm accesed on April

6th, 2010


with physiological needs, while the top level is termed growth needs associated

with the satisfied such as satisfying physical, social, intelectual and emotional

needs. While deficiency needs be met, growth needs are continually shaping

behavior. The basic concept is that the higher needs in this hierarchy only come

into focus once all the needs that are lower down in the pyramid are mainly or

entirely satisfied. Growth forces create upward movement in the hierarchy,

whereas regressive forces push needs further down the hierarchy. Maslow’s basic

needs are as follow:

1. Physiological Needs

The first level of the hierarchy consists of physiological needs. If needs

such as hunger or thirst are not adequately being met, the needs above them on the

hierarchy are pushed into the background in terms of controlling behavior. The

individual is in an emergency situation and his or her whole being is dominated by


Physiological needs consist of needs for oxygen, food, water, and a

relatively constant body temperature. Maslow felt that physiological needs are

adequately met for most people in our society. When these needs are met, the next

need on the hierarchy emerges as a dominant force in controlling and directing


2. Safety Needs

When all physiological needs are satisfied and are no longer controlling

thoughts and behaviors, the needs for security can become active.14

These needs

12 Herbert L. Petri (2003), op.cit.290.

13 Ibid

14 C. George Boree, Personality Theories. http://www.ship.edu/-cgboeree/maslow.html accesed on

March 18th, 2010


represent a need for safety or security in our environment. Like the physiological

needs, safety needs are primarily triggered in emergency situations. Higher needs

become unimportant when one’s life is endangered, and our behavior reflects our

attempts to remain secure. An example of his recently occurred when the

remnants of a hurricane caused extensive flooding in neighborhood. Some of his

neighbors sustained thousands of dollars of damage to their homes; yet, at the

time of the flood, their material loss was unimportant to them because escaping

the flood was all that mattered.15

Safety needs dominate our behavior primarily in times of emergency.

Maslow, however, felt that working of the safety needs can also be seen in

people’s preference for familiar surroundings, secure jobs, savings account, and

insurance. Safety needs are most evident in the children, as shown when an infant

cries if it is dropped suddenly, is startled by a loud sound, or a stranger enters the


Maslow believed that the safety needs of most adults in our society are

adequately met. One reason for the clearer appearance of the threat or danger

reaction in infants is that individuals do not inhibit this reaction at all, whereas

individuals in our society have been taught to inhibit it at all costs.

3. Love or Belonging Needs

If both the physiological and the safety needs are fairly well gratified,

there will emerge have love and affection and belongingness needs, and the whole

15 Herbert L. Petri (2003), loc.cit

16 Ibid


cycle already described will repeat itself with this new center.17

Then, they

become unimportant in the direction of behavior, and the love or belongingness

needs emerge. These needs involve a hunger for affectionate relationship with

others, a need to feel part a group, or a feeling that one “belong”. The love needs

are not equivalent to sexual needs (which are physiological), though sexual

intimacy can serve to satisfy one’s need to belong.18

Maslow argued that

individuals seek to overcome feelings of loneliness and alienation. This involves

both giving and receiving love, affection and the sense of belonging.

4. Esteem Needs

If the love needs have been adequately met, they too slip into the

background in relation to guiding behavior, and the esteem needs become

dominant. These are need for a positive, high evaluation of oneself. This

evaluation can be broken down into two subcategories – a need for self esteem

and a need for esteem from other.19

The need for self-esteem motivates the individual to strive for

achievement, strenght, confidence, independence, and freedom. The need for self-

esteem seems to have at its core the desire to feel worthwhile and appears highly.

The related need of esteem from others involves a desire for reputation, status,

recognition, appreciation by others of one’s abilities, and a feeling of


17 C. Goerge Boeree, (2006), loc.cit.

18 Herbert L. Petri (2003), loc.cit

19 Ibid

20 Ibid. P. 291


When the esteem needs are satisfied, one has feelings of self-confidence

and self-worth and sees oneself as having a purpose in the world. When these

needs are not satisfied, individual has feelings of self-frustrated, maladjustment

can occur, typified by feelings of inferiority, weakness, and helplessness.

5. Self-Actualization Needs

When one has satisfied the first four level of need, the final level of

development, which Maslow termed self-actualization, can be reached. At the

self-actualization level, the person’s behavior is motivated by different conditions

than at the lower levels.21

It means, at this level, the individual differences are

greatest. What a man can be, he must can be. This forms the basis of the perceived

need for self-actualization. This level of need pertains to what a person’s full

potential is and realizing that potential.22

Maslow describes this desire as the

desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything23

The self-actualized individual has satisfied all the deprivation needs of the

first four levels of the hierarchy. The behavior of the self-actualized person is, as a

result, motivated by new set of needs, which Maslow termed the being needs (B-

motivation, or metha-motivation). These B-motives are values such as truth,

honesty, beauty, and goodness, and they provide meaning to the life of the self-

actualized individual.24

The clear emergence of these needs usually rest upon

some prior satisfaction of the physiological, safety, love, and esteem needs.25

21 Ibid

22 Abraham Maslow, Motivation and Personality (2

nd ed), (New York: Harper and Row, 1970),

p.96. 23 Ibid

24 Herbert L. Petri (2003), op.cit.292.

25 C. George Boeree (2006), loc cit.


The picture Maslow gives us of the self-actualized person is a very

positive one. The self-actualized individual is no longer motivated by deficiencies

but is motivated to grow and become all that he or she is capable of becoming.

Self-actualization constantly stimulates people to test their abilities and expand

their horizons.26

B. Character and Characterization

1. Character

In a film, character is an important element that will develop the story

because character is a person who carries out the events of film and then those

events become a story. A character, then, is presumably an imagined person who

inhabits a story-although that simple definition may admit to a few exceptions.

Character is any person, persona, identify or entity that exists in a work of art.

Along with plot, setting, theme and style, character is considered on of the

fundamental components of fiction.27

Character development is essential to a good story. Character should enter

the story as dimensional, on-stereotypical character, and become more

dimensional as the story and other characters act upon them. Character is someone

who suggests that he or she has a strange or eccentric personality. Person’s

character involves a discussion of his or her personal values and behavior.28

For analyzing film characters utilizes three different types of pairing: stock

character and stereotypes, statistic versus dynamic character, and flat versus round


26 Ibid

27 X.J. Kennedy, An Introduction to Fiction, (Boston: Little, Bown, 1983), p. 45

28 http: //www.writing-world.com/screen/film3.shtml. Accessed on October 12

th 2011


Stock character and stereotypes are not essential or even desirable for

every character in a film to have an unique or memorable personality. Stock

characters are minor character whose actions are completely predictable or typical

or their job or profession. They are in the film simply because the situation

demands their presence. They serve as a natural part of the setting, such as stage

properties like a lamp or a chair might function in a play.29

A stereotyped

character represents a category of people. The word stereotype comes from

printing and refers to a metal mold used to mass produce duplicates of printing

type. Stereotypes, however, are characters of somewhat greater importance to the

film. They fit into preconceived patterns of behavior common to or representative

of a large number of people, at least a large number of fictional people.30

Static versus dynamic characters are often useful to determine whether the

most important characters in a film are static or dynamic characters. Dynamic

characters deeply affected by the action of the plot and undergo some important

change in personality, attitude, or outlook on life as a result of the action of the

story. The change they undergo is an important, permanent one, not just a

whimsical shift in attitude that will change back again tomorrow. The character

will somehow never be the same person he or she when the action of the film


The change can be of any type but is significant to the total makeup of the

individual undergoing the change. Developing characters become sadder or wiser,

29 Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie, The Art of Watching film, 5

th ed (London: Mayfield

Publishing Company, 2000), p.57 30 Jane Bachman Gordon and Karen Kuehner, Fiction, (California: McGraw Hill, 1999), p.97

31 Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie (2000) loc.cit.p.58


or happier and more self-confident. They might gain some new awareness of life,

become more nature or more responsible, or become more moral or less so. They

may become simply more aware and knowing and less innocent or naïve.32

Static characters remain essentially the same throughout the film. The

action does not have an important effect on their lives. Or they are insensitive to

the meaning of the action and thus are not capable of growth or change. Statics

characters, however, remain unchanged; their character is the same at the end of

the story as at the beginning.33

Another important distinction is made between the characters and round

characters. Flat characters are two-dimensional, predictable character who lack the

complexity and unique qualities associated with psychological depth. They often

tend to be representative character types rather than real flesh-and blood human

beings. Unique, individualistic characters who have some degree of complexity

and ambiguity and who cannot easily be categorized are called round characters.34

Round character is a three-dimensional character complex enough to be

able to surprise the audience without losing credibility. Round characters are not

inherently superior to static characters. The terms merely imply how different

characters function within the framework of a story. Round characters are

characters which are complex and realistic; they represent a depth of personality

which is imitative of live.35

32 Ibid.p.59

33 Jane Bachman Gordon and Karen Kuehner (1999) op.cit.p.97

34 Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie (2000) loc.cit.p.60

35 Jane Bachman Gordon and Karen Kuehner (1999) op.cit.p.95


2. Characterization

Characterization is the use of literary techniques to reveal the nature of a

character. Characterization broadly refers to description and development of

characters. Arguably, most fiction is characterization in a board sense; one could

say that plots and settings, for instance, generally work to develop character.

Characterization can involve developing a variety of aspects of a character such as

appearance, dialogue, external action, internal action or reactions of other


a. Characterization through appearance

Characterization can be depicted through appearance. Although, in real life

most of us are aware that appearances are often deceiving, in the world of fiction

details of appearance (what a character wears and how he looks) often provide

essential clues to character.37

Most of film actors project certain qualities of

character the minute they appear on the screen, characterization in film has a great

deal to do with casting a major aspect of film characterization is revealed visually

and instantaneously.38

The minute we see most actor on the screen, we make

certain assumptions about them because of their facial features, dress, physical

build, and mannerisms and the way they move. Our first visual impression may be

proven erroneous as the story progresses, but it is certainly an important means of

establishing character.39

36 Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie (2000) loc.cit.p.50

37 James H. Pickering and jefrey D. Hoeper. Concise Companion to Literature (New

York:Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc,1981), p:28-29 38 Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie (2000) loc.cit.

39 Ibid


b. Characterization through dialogue

Characterization can be depicted through the dialogue. Dialogue can

reveal the moods and personalities of the characters. Characters in a fictional film

naturally reveal a great deal about themselves by what they say, but a great deal is

also revealed by how they say it. Actor uses of grammar, sentence structure,

vocabulary and particular dialects (if any) reveals a great deal about their

character’s social and economic level, educational background and mental


Therefore, we must develop a keen ear, attuned to the faintest and

most subtle nuances of meaning revealed through the human voice, listening

carefully not only to what is said but also to how it is said.

c. Characterization through external action

Although appearance is an important measure of a character’s personality,

appearances are often misleading. Perhaps the best reflections of character are a

person’s actions. Some actions are more important in revealing character than


Even the most ordinary choice can be revealing, for some kind of choice

is involved in almost everything we do. Sometimes the most effective

characterization is achieved not by the large actions in the film but by the small,

seemingly insignificant ones. For example, a fireman may demonstrate his

courage by saving a child from a burning building, yet such an act may be only a

performance of duty rather than a reflection of a choice.

40 Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie (2000) op.cit.p. 52

41 Ibid.p.53


d. Characterization through internal action

Internal action is character’s minds and emotions which consist of secrets,

unspoken thoughts, daydreams, aspirations, memories, fears, and fantasies. People

hopes, dreams, and aspirations can be as important to an understanding of their

character as any real achievement, and their fears and insecurities can be more

terrible to them any real catastrophic failure.42

e. Characterization through reaction of other characters

The way characters view a person often serves as an excellent means of

characterization. Sometime a great deal of information about a character is already

provided through such means before the character first appears on the screen.43

42 Ibid.p.53

43 Ibid




A. Data Descriptions

My sister keeper is a movie which tells about a little girl named Anna

Fitzgerald, who is looking for love and safety needs from her family. Focus the

findings, the writer only focuses on the three needs that fulfilled by the main

charachter and are drawn as the table below:

No. Hierarchy

Needs of Main


Remark Corpus Time

1. Physiological


Hunger and

thirst “Anna: besides it’s the

only place I’ve ever been.

That’s mom and aunt

Kelly making dinner.”


2. Safety Needs Security of

body and


“Anna: I want to sue my

parents for the rights to

my own body. My sister

has leukemia. They’re

trying to force me to give

her my body parts.

Brian: All right, let’s hear

it. what’s going on?”

“Anna: Okay.Forget about

the fact that the operation

is dangerous, or that it

would hurt.......

Anna:.....or that I might

not want to have

something cut out of me.

But if I only have one

kidney, then what happens

to me? What if I need it?

And am I really never

allowed to play sports or

be a cheerleader or get


“Anna: Hey Judge.


17:19 –




Mr. Campbell: I brought

this for you. We won.

You still have to do your

homework and go to bed

when your parents tell you

to…but you’re now

officially medically




3. Love and




affection and


Anna: I see other kids, I

see what they do. They go

to parties, the beach.

“....I, on the other hand,

am not a coincidence. I

was engineered. Born for

a particular reason.”

“I wouldn’t even be alive

if Kate wasn’t sick. I’m

designer baby. I was made

in a dish to be spare parts

for Kate.”

“But I don’t want to be

careful. Who wants to live

like that?........I’m

important too, mom. I’m

important too.”





B. Analysis

B.1 The main Character

Character is someone who acts and appears or is referes to as playing a

part in literary work.44

Most of film actors project a certain qualities of character

the minute they appear on the screen. At the beginning of the movie the main

characters usually give the audience some clues to get a better understanding of

44 Paul Hunter, Alison Booth and kelly J. The Norton Introduction to Literature (W.W northon and

company, Inc 2002) p. 102


her/his character. The characterization of a character can be depicted through

appearance and can be shown through dialogue.

My sister’s keeper is a movie with a fascinating legal drama dealing with a

thorny ethical issue. Anna Fitzgerald, as the main character is a little girl who

struggles to be accepted and respected in her family especially from her parents.

In this movie Anna as a kind and obedient kid. She loves her family, she always

takes care her sister named Kate who get cancer illness and talks each other, and

also make joke together.

“Kate : Hey, Mom. You wanna see our routine?

Sara :what routine?

Kate :Come on, Anna, Let’s do it.

Hey baby, What’s your sign?

Anna :Cancer, You’re a cancer?

Kate : No, I’m leo...

But I have cancer” (03:45)

From the dialogue above, it shows that Anna and Kate are very close and

love each other. Anna always tries to make Kate happy such as, support what her

sister needs, donate her blood or whatever else is necessary to keep her elder sister

alive. Time passes by, Anna realizes that her appearances is just to be a donor

child, she feels sad and she thinks that her parents only care and give a big

attention to her sister. Finally Anna changes to be a different character, she is to

be firm girl. She is also very straight with her arguments to get her right from her

parents, especially to get attention and affection from her parents.

Sara: Anna, what is this? Is this from you?

Anna: Yeah, I got a lawyer

Sara: You’re suing us? Well, honey, what the hell is going on?

Anna: I don’t want to do it anymore, Mom.

Sara: You don’t want to do it anymore? That’s it? You don’t want to do



Anna: No. Guess what? Neither do I and neither does Kate

Sara: Please. It’s not like we have a choice.

Anna: That’s the thing, I do. I do have a choice.......(16:14 – 16:30)

From the second dialogue above, shows that she insists on her wants, she

is very firm with her arguments. This depiction is very far different from her first

character. It is shown in the movie that she is really trying hard to sue her parents

to fulfill her safety needs of her health and her body, she doesn’t want to give her

kidney to her sister because, if she do it many problems will face her in the future

especially for her healthy.

“Anna: I want to sue my parents for the rights to my own body. My sister

has leukimia. They’re trying to force me to give her my body parts.”


“Lawyer: No one can force you to donate if you don’t want to, can they?

Anna: They think they can. I am under 18, they’re my legal guardians.”


Seeing the quotation above, it is clearly she also ambitious to get

everything she wants. The main character who struggle in her right and trying to

prove everyone that she has same right to get love from her parents and also

safety for her body health.Eventhough her parents doesn’t like with her atittude

but the main character convince them that lives and deaths are God’s decision.

Human can not force God’s decision in any cases.In this point the main character

find her turnng point. She finally realizes what she really wants and in the process

she realizes there are needs that she must fulfill to get a value and feel satisfied of


B.2 The Hierarchy of Needs in the Main Character

As it has been explained previously at chapter II, Hierarchy of Human

Needs Theory is divided into five clusters of needs. Form the lowest Physiological


Needs, Safety Needs, love and belongingness Needs, Esteem Needs and the

highest Self-Actualization Needs.

However, in this analysis the writer only focuses on the three needs, they

are: The first level need, the second level need and the third level need. Then, the

analysis can be described as follows;

a. The First Level: Physiological Needs of Main Character

Maslow argues that the basic level of the Hierarchy consists of

physiological needs such as: hunger, thirst, air, sleep, shelter, breath and soon.

Physiological needs are the strongest needs because if a person is deprived of all

needs, the physiological needs would come first in the person’s search for

satisfaction. If it is not fulfilled in very extreme circumstance, human being can

lose control over their own behavior, such as; aggressive, do not feel embarrassed,

do not have consideration of other, etc. At this level, the encouragements such as

having a car, new shoes, will be neglected or occupied at second place.

Hunger, for human being does not pay attention to expect for eating, and

the others are not considered important. Conversely, if the need is fulfilled, then

the physiological needs will be lost. Futhermore, if the physiological needs are

often fulfilled, the needs are not the needs again. Moreover higher needs will be


In My Sister’s Keeper, the main character lives with her family, complete

with father, mother, sister, brother, and aunt. Her father works at Fire Department,

and her mother stays at home to look after her sister Kate. Everyday they eat

together, her mother and her aunt always cook for the family. Therefore, that is


not major problem for the main character in fulfilling the needs, especially for

hunger and thirst needs. It is narrated below:

“Anna: Besides it’s the only place I’ve ever been. That’s mom and aunt

Kelly making dinner

Anna: Everything steamed and, organic and germ free.” (03:22)

Based on the scene picture above Anna and family look happy and enjoy

to make dinner together. In this story she looks healthy, she eats nutritious foods,

she can eat everything in her house freely. Although, all foods are prepared and

cooked according for cancer disease. The whole family eats the food with a menu

in accordance with the Kate’s menu.

(03:45) (03:22)



She also gets education from her parents. Her parents provide her an

appropriate education. She goes to school every day, without obstacles. Sometime

her father accompanies her to review her lesson at school or helps her to finish her

homework. Even though, she often goes out of the classroom for permission to

see Kate in the hospital when her condition is critical and worrying.

From the explanation above, it is clear that hunger, thirst are usually

fulfilled by the main character. In this case, the main character can fulfill the

needs without the barriers and obstacles. So, she does not feel the lack in fulfillng

the needs. Therefore, physiological needs of the main character are fulfilled.

b. The Second Level: Safety needs

When all physiological needs are satisfied and no longer controlling

thoughts and behaviors, then, appearing a new set of needs, safety needs, such as:

security, stability, dependency, protection, freedom from fear, from anxiety and

chaos; need for structure, order, law, limits; strength in the protector; and so on.

All those have been said to the physiological needs are equally true, although in

less degree, of these desires. Moreover, the safety need is often revealed specially

in searching for protector, or someone who can give the security.

Maslow argued that safety needs had been found in many societies who

lived in state of emergency such as war or natural disaster. He emphasized that a

normal adult who lived in Western countries, generally, their safety needs was

fulfilled because the condition of the country relatively prospeous and safety.

Furthermore, in My Sister’s Keeper, the main character feels the threat of danger

in physical form. In this film Anna is created to be donor for Kate, started from 5


years old , she donated lymphocytes. Then at 6 years old, she donated


Actually a doctor hooked up her mother’s eggs and her father sperm to

make a specific combination of genes. Her parents do it to save her sister’s life,

the genes is Anna. So everytime her sister needs her blood or parts of her body,

she must give it to her. But suddenly at 11 years old Anna does not want to do

more. She worries about her life and her health at the future. It can be narrated


“Anna: I want to sue my parents for the rights to my own body.

Mr. Campbell: Would you repeat that?

Anna: I want to sue my parents for the rights to my own body. My sister

has leukimia. They’re trying to force me to give her my body parts.

Mr. Campbell: You’re supposed to give her a kidney?

Anna: She’s been in renal failure for a months now.

Mr. Campbell: No one can force you to donate if you don’t want to, can


Anna: They think they can. I’m under 18, they’re my legal guardians.

Mr. Campbell: They can’t do that

Anna: That’s what I want you to tell them...they’ve been doing to me my

whole life.” (07:38-08:10)

When Anna asks Mr. Campbell to be her lawyer depicts that Anna very

needs someone’s help to save her body, especially to save her kidney. It can be

imagined if she as a normal person survives just with one kidney, it is absolutely

very hard and takes a risk for her whole life. Then, the most dangerous effect of

the operation is she will die if the operation is failure. For that condition Anna

encourage herself to sue her parents through Mr. Campbell as her lawyer to get

protection of her health and body, and the indication can be depicted while Anna

says “I want to sue my parents for the rights to my own body. My sister has

leukimia. They’re trying to force me to give her my body parts.”


The needs of protection and safety of herself in the future make her a brave

and firm girl, moreover she doesn’t care with whom she is facing, her own family

especially her parents. Anna gets the support from Kate as her sister and Jesse as

her brother. In this case she askes Mr. Campbell to be her lawyer. This is her first

way that rent a lawyer to save her life, but in the process Anna faces many

difficulties, her mother angry and disappointed so much, because she does not

want to donate her kidney and sue her parents. It is narrated bellow:

Sara: Anna, what is this? Is this from you?

Anna: Yeah, I got a lawyer

Sara: You’re suing us? Well, honey, what the hell is going on?

Anna: I don’t want to do it anymore, Mom.

Sara: You don’t want to do it anymore? That’s it? You don’t want to do


Anna: No. Guess what? Neither do I and neither does Kate

Sara: Please. It’s not like we have a choice.

Anna: That’s the thing, I do. I do have a choice.......”(16:14 – 16:30)

The dialogue above, depicts the struggle of Anna on claiming her rights,

explains her reason why she does it. Even though her mother does not agree on

her reaction. The rejection and anger from her mother can not stop her way. It is

also narrated below:

Brian: All right, let’s hear it. what’s going on?

Anna: Okay.

Forget about the fact that the operation is dangerous, or that it

would hurt.......

Anna:.....or that I might not want to have something cut out of me. But if I

only have one kidney, then what happens to me? What if I need it? And

am I really never allowed to play sports or be a cheerleader or get

pregnant? (17:19 – 17:32)

These qoutations show that the main character never gets fear to fight

against her mother. Moreover she protests back what her mother said. Anna thinks

she has a right to choose what she wants. Anna does not want to live her life


through in fear and without freedom for her own health. She needs to live

normally as other kids do. In this way, she tries to prove that life decision is on

her own hands, not on her parents. Finally, Anna wins over her parents and it can

be depicted below:

“Anna: Hey Judge.

Mr. Campbell: I brought this for you. We won.

You still have to do your homework and go to bed when your parents tell

you to…but you’re now officially medically emancipated.” (01:38:17 –


According to the explanation above, it can be concluded that Anna can

fulfill her safety needs while she wins the claim and it happens in the end of the

movie. Beside that, it can be seen when she tries to fulfill the safety needs

especially for security of body and health, she goes to lawyer to sue her parents

for medically emancipation. So, when she thinks about thing that has happened in

her life, she is conscious from her unconsciousness that she has got what she

though, security of body and her health. Therefore, the safety need of main

character is fulfilled.

c. The Third Level: Love and Belongingness Needs.

If both physiological needs and safety needs are fairly well fulfilled, there

will appear the new needs, love and belongingness needs. If love and

belongingness needs are not fulfilled, then the human being feel keenly, because

of the absence of friends or family. Human being will hunger for affectionate

relations with people in general, namely, for a place in her group or family, and

she will strive with great intensity to achieve the goal.


As human being in general, the main character, needs friends, mother,

father and family. When she realizes her appeared just to be donor for her sister,

she feels everybody only care and give a big affection to her sickness sister. Her

mother never knows what she wants and needs. It can be narrated below:

Anna: when I was a kid, my mother told me that I was a little piece of blue


That came into this world because she and Dad loved me so much.

It was only later that I realized that it wasn’t exactly true. Most babies are

coincidences. (00:50:0059)

I, on the other hand, am not a coincidence. I was engineered. Born for a

particular reason. (01:05)

Anna: I’m designer baby. I was made in a dish to be spare parts for Kate.


It is clear that Anna actually feels different with her condition and position

in her family. It can be depicted clearly when Anna Says ‘I wouldn’t be alive if

Kate wasn’t sick” this quotation shows that Anna feels sad about her presence and

it is the truth that her parents never know about her feeling. Her parents just want

to know and understand how the way to make Kate alive but do not know how the

way to make her happy and have a price for their family. On the other hand, she

knows her presence only becomes spare part for Kate, but Anna is the same like

other kids that always needs attention and tenderness of parents, especially from

her own mother. She wants to be free for playing, go somewhere she wants to

visit and not only stays at home for taking care her sister. Sometime they go on

vacation together based on Kate’s request and it is not fair for Anna. It can be

narrated below:

Sara: she’s your sister

Anna: I know that! But I’m not like you, mom!

I see the other kids, I see what they do. They go to parties, the



Sara: I don’t understand why you didn’t say something earlier.

Anna: when? When you should I talk to you about it?

You’re never home. You leave me here with her.

Sara: Excuse me? You’ve never had to do anything you don’t want to do,

and you know that!

Anna: I always wound up doing everything, didn’t I?” (17:49)

Sara: Anna, listen....

Anna: I’m important too, mom. I’m important too.(18:30)

The quotation above, depicts that Anna needs love and attention from her

parents. The feeling to be loved by the family makes her brave to tell what she

wants. She desires her parents realize that she is important too for their family. It

can be narrated below:

“Mr. Campbell: My client is not seeking to be emancipated.

She loves her parents and wants to live at home.

She doesn’t cut open anymore.” (01:02:39)

The quotation above depicts that Anna actually needs love from her

parents and makes them understand about her feeling and also realize about her

presence and it is covered by suing to get medical emancipation. The dialogue

below also depicts the same things:

Mr. Campbell: Mrs. Fitzgerald, how old was Anna when she started

donating to her sister?

Sara Fitzgerald: She was a newborn

Mr. Campbell: And at 5, she started donating lymphocytes, is that correct?

Sara Fitzgerald: mm-hm

Mr. Campbell: What does that involve?

Sara Fitzgerald: Giving blood

Mr. Campbell: Did Anna agree to that?

Sara Fitzgerald: No, she was 5

Mr. Campbell: Mrs. Fitzgerald, how old was Anna the next time she was


Sara Fitzgerald: when she was 6

Mr. Campbell: She donated granulocytes. And what’s that? More needles?

Sara Fitzgerald: Yup

Mr. Campbell: And did you ask Anna is she was willing to donate the


Sara Fitzgerald: No, I didn’t, but Kate comes first? and Kate’s sick


Mr. Campbell: Mrs. Fitzgerald, you stand up for Kate

Sara Fitzgerald: I do

Mr. Campbell: But the real question is: who stands up for Anna? (01:15:35

– 01:19:25)

These dialogues describe that Anna sue her parents to make them realize

and open their eyes that Kate’s sickness has made them forget that there is another

child who is seeking attention and the love of them. In this case, Anna has always

been the one who sacrifices a lot while everyone ingnores her feeling to it.

Furthermore, the main character sues her parents for legal definition of

medical emancipation. She does it, because she wants to live as a normal child. In

process for searching love and affection Anna gets support from Kate and Jesse.

On the previous page it has been told that Anna and Kate are close and care to

each other. Kate knows the sacrifice of her sister for herself. Kate loves Anna so

much, she does not want Anna live like her. Kate is actually the one who asks

Anna to protest their parents. The other reason Anna does agree to do it because

she loves her sister so much, beside she needs love from her parents and security

of her health and body. It can be narrated below:

Jesse Fitzgerald: Kate wants to die!

She’s making Anna do all this because she knows she’s not gonna survive

Sara Fitzgerald: That’s a lie, Jesse!

Jesse Fitzgerald: oh, no, it’s not!

Kate’s dying and everybody knows it. You just love her so much that you

don’t want to let her go. ( 01:23:15 – 01:24:07)

Kate: Anna? Sissy

Anna: you in pain?

Kate: Pain? My whole life is a pain. This is the end sissy. Time to go.

I need you to do me a favor, sissy

Anna: What favor?

Kate: You can release me. ( 1:25:02 – 1:25:29)


These dialogues above show the reason Anna wants to sue her parents

because she cares and loves her sister and she wants release Kate from the pain.

Anna knows Kate loves her so much, Kate also does the same thing for her.

Anna: Mom and Dad are gonna kill me. What am I supposed to tell them?

Kate: Tell them you’re important too.

Tell them you wanna play soccer.

Tell them you wanna cheerland

Anna: They’ll never believe me.

Kate: Yeah, they will. And you wanna know why?

Because it’s the truth. (01:26:45 – 01:27:01)

The dialogue shows that Kate very cares with Anna, she is not

disappointed or be angry with Anna by refusing to donate the kidney. Kate

realizes that her siblings get different treatments from her parents because her

disease. Kate will do anything as she can to help her sister to get her right. Anna

feels happy and does not feel alone anymore, because everytime she feels sad,

Kate always on her side. It can be depicted by picture below:

(01:27:01 – 01:27:05)

From the analysis above, the main character has strong effort to fulfill her

need. Even though she does not get love and affection from her parents, but she

still has love from her sister and brother. At the end of the story, her father and her

mother realize that Anna has rights to give her kidney for Kate or not after Anna


wins the claim. Her parents do not force her to do it anymore and her parents also

realize of their mistakes. So, it can be concluded that love and belongingness

needs of the main character are fulfilled.

Based on the analysis Hierarchy of Needs Abraham H. Maslow above

that illustrates the need for whatever is needed and has been met by the main

character of My Sister's Keeper, where it all gives an explanation of what things

are that motivate the main character in prosecuting parents Emancipation court

with medical claims. It is devided into three reasons, they are:

First, the reason why she is so brave to sue her parents due to the

imposition of court made by the parents so that she should donate her kidney. In

this case she feels threatened for her health and safety. She realizes that if she

does it, during her life she will live in fear of her health in the future, for example;

she will not allow to get pregnant because, it takes risk, she will get lose her

freedom as common kids to get. It is depicted on second level (Safety Needs) of

Hierarchy of Needs above that she must be fulfilled.

Second, the reason why the main character sues her parents is she feels

that her parents never know what her wants and her feelings. Her parents only

care about her sister, everything they do for her. Deep inside, she wants to go to

the beach plays with her friends and do anything as common kids do, not only

stays at home after going back from school to take care of her sister, but also she

does anything for her sister needs, such as, talking each other, making joke and

even must to be donor for her sister.


She feels left out, she thinks that her presence is never considered and

appreciated. In fact she also requires the same attention as her sister, when all the

people and her family only care about her sister healthy and feelings, then who

want to care and understand about her health and feelings. Feeling, is very

important, then it becomes one of the reasons that motivate her to sue her parents,

it is showed on third level (Love and Belongingness Needs) of Hierarchy of

Needs above that she must be fulfilled.

Third, the reason why the main character (Anna) sues her parents does

she love her sister (Kate)? She wants to release her from the pain. Kate wants to

die, because she feels that she can not survive anymore with the condition. She

also can not bring to herself to look after her little sister in heavy burden to make

her alive. This reason also becomes evidence that Anna can fulfill her love and

belongingness needs from her sister. Even though her parents never give the big

attention like her sister does.




A. Conclusion

My sister’s keeper is a drama movie, a film about a child with leukemia

understandably has a small theatrical audience, but My Sister's Keeper allows for

nuances and takes time to focus this story of an illness on all the people and its

affects. It is a fascinating legal drama dealing with a thorny ethical issue. Anna

has always known she is a "donor child." When her parents, Sara (Cameron Diaz)

and Brian (Jason Patric), discover their first daughter, Kate (Sofia Vassilieva), has

leukemia, they choose to conceive another child through genetic engineering who

would be a perfect genetic match with Kate. Thus, Anna can donate blood or

whatever else is necessary to keep her elder sister alive.

The movie begins with a bit of misdirection when 11-year-old Anna

(Abigail Breslin) sues her parents. Then, 11 years into this routine, Kate's kidneys

are failing and she will need one of Anna's. Anna finally says no. She hires a big-

shot lawyer (Alec Baldwin, and goes to court seeking her "medical emancipation",

but her mom, who rejects a law practice to care for her ailing daughter, will make

a ferocious opponent.

The main character who struggling in her right and trying to prove

everyone that she has the same right to get love and safety for her body.

Eventhough her parents do not like with her atittude but the main character

convinces them that lives and deaths are God’s decision. Human can not force



God’s decision in any cases. Besides that, Anna thinks she has a right to choose

what she wants. Anna does not want to live her life through in fear and without

freedom for her own health. She needs to live normally as other kids do. In this

way, she tries to prove that life decision is on her own hands, not on her parents.

The most hierarchy needs that she looks for are needs for love (love and

belongingness) and needs for safety (security for body and health). Finaly, at the

end of the story Anna can get her safety and love and belongingness needs for her

self by fulfilling the needs as mentioned in the hierarchy needs. In her way to

fulfill the physiological need, safety needs, love and belongingness needs, she can

fulfill the needs to help her sister.

B. Suggestion

In analyzing film or literary work, researchers should use the right theory

or approach in order to have the right comprehension of the film or literary work

itself. In this occasion, the writer uses psychological approach in analyzing the My

Sister’s Keeper film. She uses Abraham H. Maslow’s hierarchy needs theory to

this research because she finds that in analyzing a character it is best to use that

approach to get better understanding of a character.

Maslow’s theory is a theory which analyzes through a personal life as the

subject. My Sister’s Keeper is a movie which is based on a book with the same

title. In this movie the character created as same as the character in the real world.

This proves that there is a relation between psychology and literature. Fiction

becomes a part of literature so that literature can be analyzed by using

psychological approach so the writer chooses Abraham H. Maslow’s hierarchy


theory is the most suitable to analyze the character. Therefore, to other researchers

who want to analyze the correlation of the literary work and psychological in term

of analyzing a character can use hierarchy of needs by Abraham H. Maslow’s





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Henderson, Gloria Mason. Literature and Ourselves: A Thematic Introduction for

Readers and Writers Fifth Edition.United State: Pearson Education Inc,


Hunter, Paul, Alison Booth and Kelly J. The Norton Introduction to Literature.

New York: W.W. Northon Company,Inc, 2002.

Kennedy, X. J. Literature; An Introduction to fiction, Poetry, and drama. New

York: Harpers Collins Publisher, 1991.

Maslow, Abraham, Motivation and Personality (2nd ed). New York: Harper and

Row Publisher, 1970.

Petri, Herbert L. Motivation: Theory and Research. California: Wadsworth

Publishing Company, 2003.

Pickering, James H. and Jefrey D. Hoeper. Concise Companion to Literature.

New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc, 1981.

Reeve, John Marshall. Understanding Motivation and Emotion. New York:

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Kim Kay, Characterization. http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/novel_writing,






http://www.gogle.co.id/cover+my sister’s keeper movie


http: //www.writing-world.com/screen/film3.shtml






My Sister's Keeper is a 2009 American drama film directed by Nick

Cassavetes and starring Cameron Diaz, Abigail Breslin, Sofia Vassilieva, and

Alec Baldwin. Based on Jodi Picoult's novel of the same name My Sister's Keeper

was released in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom on

June 26, 2009.

Conceived by means of in vitro fertilization, Anna Fitzgerald (Abigail

Breslin) was brought into the world to be a genetic match for her older sister, Kate

(Sofia Vassilieva), who suffers from acute promyelocytic leukemia, in order to

keep her alive. Her family members are introduced one by one and each tells

about how Kate's illness has affected them personally and the family. When Kate

turns 15, she goes into renal failure. Eleven-year-old Anna knows that she will be

forced by her parents to donate one of her kidneys. She also realizes that she may

not be able to live the life she will want to lead - she may be unable to cheer-lead,

play soccer, or be a mother. Anna tells her parents that she does not want any of

this, and proceeds to sue them for medical emancipation and the rights to her own

body. Her overprotective mother, Sara (Cameron Diaz), who leads an obsessive

campaign to keep Kate alive, is indignant at Anna's decision and even strikes her

across the face when she receives the notice of intended prosecution. Attorney

Campbell Alexander (Alec Baldwin) agrees to work for Anna as her guardian ad

litem, suing for partial termination of parental rights. It is later learned he agreed


to take the case not for the notoriety, but because he has epilepsy and understands

her predicament of not having control over her own body.

The film is interlaced with flashbacks that detail Kate and Anna's

closeness, as well as how Kate's illness has affected her siblings' lives and their

relationships. In a flashback, Kate also meets a fellow cancer patient, Taylor

Ambrose (Thomas Dekker), whom she begins dating. After a date, they share

their first kiss outside Kate's house, with Sara and Kate's father Brian (Jason

Patric) watching from their bedroom window. After this, he becomes her

boyfriend in and out of hospital and supports her as she undergoes treatment. He

then asks her to the hospital's "prom" for teen patients; there, they slow-dance,

then proceed to a vacant hospital room to make love. A few days later, Kate is

crying because Taylor hasn't called her for several days. Her mother Sara is

furious when Kate mentions they did "stuff" after the prom and storms out to ask

the nurse where Taylor is, evidently believing that he had dated her daughter

merely to sleep with her, and learns that he has died.

Kate makes a request to go to the beach one last time, and Brian obtains

permission from her doctor and removes her from the hospital to take her and the

kids. Overprotective as ever, Sara is furious when Brian shows up at the house

with Kate and demands that she be returned to the hospital. Brian angrily refuses

and drives off, threatening Sara with a divorce if she does not join them. Sara later

shows up at the beach, where they enjoy one final family outing. To Sara's

dismay, the judge (Joan Cusack) refuses to grant summary dismissal, and the case


goes to a hearing. During the hearing, Anna and Kate's older brother, Jesse reveal

that Anna's actions are actually under Kate's instruction; Kate, not wanting to live

any longer, and knowing Sara refuses to hear any option other than her desired

one, had gently persuaded Anna to refuse to donate her kidney. Sara is indignant

at this discovery, but is finally forced by both Jesse and Brian to realize that Kate

had been trying to tell her this for some time. Before the case is decided, Kate dies

in her sleep at the hospital with her mother by her side. After Kate's death,

Campbell brings the court decision: Anna won the case. The family moves on

with their lives, but every year on Kate's birthday they go to Montana, which was

her "most favorite place in the world." At the end, Anna says that their

relationship continues because she will see Kate again.