A Loving Legacy! Chapter 3.7

Post on 13-May-2015

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Transcript of A Loving Legacy! Chapter 3.7

Welcome back to A Loving Legacy!

Last time, College finally ended for generation 3 with Romeo and Zoe finally getting together after much separation due to Layla, and Juliet and Alexandra got married. Rosaline though left college still being single. Then elsewhere Layla woke up to find herself in Strangetown with no knowledge on where she was.


“Hahaha is she for real?” the two teenagers burst out in complete hysterics, laughing so hard that their entire bodies were shaking vigorously, one of them even had to wipe away a tear from laughing too hard.

Layla narrowed her eyes at them while crossing her arms, “Fine laugh, but I'm not kidding,” she hissed harshly though neither of the teenagers seemed phased by her statement continuing to laugh.

“Hahah a witch! I mean seriously, I really don't understand what it is about this place that attracts these people!” The guy laughed looking at Layla's face directly with a huge giggling grin.

“Fine fine laugh, but you won't be laughing in a second,” Layla smirked reaching for her pocket.

She quickly pulled out the black wand which had been waiting for her to grab. This caused them to laugh harder though the second she began to raucously mutter weird words under her breath, the two teenagers froze.

The girl watched as three green sparkles fell from the tip of her wand, “Uhh Johnny that, that actually kind of looks legit!” She took a step away from Layla cautiously.

Johnny crossed his arms unfazed, “Oh please Ophelia, it's just a toy,” though really as he looked closer, he began to realize that it was far too advanced to be a toy and began to slowly become nervous as well, but he tried to remain tranquil for Ophelia's sake.

Though the fear went away the second the wand when up in flames leaving just a huge dust of smoke and Layla glaring at her wand angrily, “What the hell?” she spat, never had she ever had this happen to her.

“See Phe I told you, just another loon,” Johnny said gaining his full confidence back as Layla was now just left in complete fury.

“Dammit wand what is wrong with you!” She shook the black wand violently and tried to use it again, but was left again in failure. She was more confused than words could describe as she tried once more to again be left in failure. “Seriously what the hell is wrong with you?” she cried this time with desperation seeping through her voice.

Johnny walked up to her with a kind smile placing his hands upon her shoulders, “Look it's okay alright,” he told her, “We will help you okay! You don't need to worry!”

“Um excuse me?” Layla eyed him maliciously.

Johnny just nodded, “I know it's overwhelming, but you can get help okay. You aren't the first person to have to deal with this!”

Layla narrowed her eyes, “Deal with what?”

“Deal with being a little crazy in head of course,” Johnny answered, “It's okay because we can help you.” He gave her smile of encouragement.

Layla quickly pushed him away, “No you get the hell off me green kid, I don't need your help! I just need to know where the hell am I and when the next ticket to leave is!”

Johnny frowned thinking that she was worse than he thought, “You are in a place called Strangetown, and you will fit in with just fine. In terms of getting out of here, don't uh count on that because well no one has left this place in years.”

“What the hell do you mean no one has left! Look kid enough with the jokes just tell me where I can leave and then we can both pretend this transaction never happened!”

“I'm not joking,” Johnny told her, “Strangetown is a self functioning community, no one really ever leaves, people just seem to somehow make their way here. I think someone may have left a few years ago, but I don't remember the details on how that happened.”

“What!” Layla was not satisfied with this response.

“It's okay though, there are plenty of places you can go here and get help,” Johnny gave a small smile.

“NO!” Layla screamed at her limit now, “I don't want help, you know what never mind, I'll just find my own way out of here!”

“Um that's a really bad idea, the last time someone did that they were never found again.”

“Yeah well that person must have been some sort of idiot or something,” Layla responded annoyed.

Johnny furrowed his brow, “I really think you should come back to town with us because if we leave you out here it's highly likely that you won't survive.”

“Yeah well that's my problem not yours!” Layla scowled, “So why don't you just go back to your little self functioning town of freaks while I go find my way back to reality!”

“But you won't....” Johnny began.

“Johnny let's just go, she seems like a rather hopeless case,” Ophelia interrupted who had been silent this whole time just watching the conversation

“Yeah why don't you listen to your little girlfriend and leave,” Layla agreed.

“But Ophelia she will die,” Johnny insisted with wide eyes.

“Yeah and that's her choice,” Ophelia told him, she grabbed his arm, “Let's go.” As they began to walk away Ophelia looked back and muttered to Layla, “Have fun being stranded.”

Layla watched them leave at first feeling amused that they would finally be off her hair, but then suddenly a wave a fear flew threw as she realized the reality of her situation. If her magic continued to not work how was she supposed to get back? Her magic was the only thing that would allow her to survive, and if it was gone what other option did she have but to die. As much as she hated what she was about to do, she realized she didn't have much of a choice.


Johnny froze hearing Layla's voice, he grinned, “Yes! She's going to come with us!”

Ophelia just rolled her eyes amused, “Yeah of course she is, all you have to do is make them see the reality of their situation, and then they will come running. You didn't think I was going to let someone die did you? What are we going to do with her?”

Johnny scrunched his forehead not having thought that far ahead, “Well I guess she can stay at my house for awhile.”

“Are you joking?” Layla scowled unpleasantly looking around at the cheap wallpaper and flooring, “This is really the house you expect me to live in?”

Johnny crossed his arms annoyed, “Um yes, why do you always think I'm joking, and it's not like you have anywhere else to go.”

“Well if this crappy little town actually had some decent transportation I could go home where I belong!” Layla snapped scrunching her nose at the cheap sofa and tiny kitchen.

Ophelia lowered her eyebrows and brought her lips in a grimace annoyed by Layla's attitude, “You know you really don't have to be rude! We are only trying to you know help you and keep you from not dying and all!”

“Look basically what she's saying is we are really being nice here to let you stay here, my parents already have enough issues as it is so we really do not appreciate your attitude,” Johnny told her trying not to break his patience.

Layla shook her head, “Look I never asked you to house me or give me ugly clothes,” she looked down at the shabby green blouse that lay upon her, “I just wanted freaking transportation to get the hell out of here, so I feel no need to thank you for this!”

“Would it be okay if I slapped her?” Ophelia asked quietly to Johnny, she was not at all a mean person, but Layla's discourteousness was causing her to reach her limit.

Johnny shook his head, “Look Layla, hate to break it to you but no one ever leaves this town. You're stuck, so you're going to have to make the best of it. For now you can live here but you should really look into a job or something, so you can eventually get a place of your own.”

“Get a job?” Layla questioned in disbelief, “Who the hell do you think I am? I told you I'm not staying here!”

“And I told you that the chances of you getting out of here are slim to none!” Johnny cried having now completely lost his patience.

Layla crossed her arms looking away from him, “Fine then where am I sleeping?” she asked.

“We have an extra room upstairs” Johnny answered.


“Though the desert ground may be better,” Ophelia muttered under her breath more than annoyed by Layla's manner.

“Is is he joking?” Layla scowled looking at the room her arms locked in a crossed position, she could not believe this was actually happening to her. She was supposed to be in Rosendale! She was supposed to be getting married to Romeo, and she was supposed to have magic! None of this seemed to make sense to her as in the many years of having magic, she had never had this happen to her. There was no way that Alexandra, a complete amateur of a witch compared to her had taken her magic away! She looked at the cheap bed in disgust, this could not be happening to her!

“Hey are you Layla?” a high pitched voice asked.

Layla turned around, keeping her arms crossed, to see a little girl with blonde pig tails and a pink dress coming in with a smile, “Who are you?” Layla asked harshly, a kid was the last thing she wanted to deal with right now.

“Jill,” the girl smiled, “Jill Smith, Johnny's little sister. You're Layla right? Johnny and Ophelia told me they found you in the desert! That's so awesome, where did you come from? Do you even remember? Are you like that other women they found named Bella?”

“Excuse me?” Layla snapped overwhelmed by her annoying questions.

“Sorry I tend to ask a lot of questions sometimes,” she flushed, “So are you staying here because that would be awesome, I have always wanted a sister. Johnny's okay, but he never will do anything fun with me!”

“How come you aren't green?” Layla questioned bluntly thinking about Johnny.

Jill smiled, “Oh that's because I got mommy's skin color, I wish I could be green though, that would be pretty awesome don't you think?”

“Not really,” Layla responded narrowing her eyes at the kid.

Jill continued to smile, “Oh well that's okay. Hey do you want to play with me? Daddy bought me a new doll house for my birthday. I've been playing with it alone, but that's gets boring after awhile you know?”

“Look kid,” Layla began fully turning to her as she looked up at Layla with wide hopeful green eyes, “We aren't going to be sisters or whatever alright? I'm not staying here! So here's how this is going to work, you are going to leave me alone and I'm going to leave you alone okay?”

Jill looked up at her still hopeful, “So you don't want to play dolls then?”


“Do you want to play putt putt then? We have a green in the backyard.”

“No!” Layla snapped more harshly this time, “I'm not doing any of that, I don't do kids so why don't you go elsewhere okay?”

Jill looked up at her frown, “Johnny was right you are mean!”

Layla just smiled, “Yep well that's sort of my speciality.”

“One day you are going to be a mommy and your kids are going to want to play dolls and they are going to get really upset when you don't,” Jill said on the way out.

Layla coughed, “Yeah um I don't think so.” Just the thought of her being a mother made her want to hurl.


“I'm home!” Romeo Loving called walking in his house which he had not been to in quite awhile though by the looks of it everything seemed to be the exact same as when he had left it. “Hello anyone home?” he yelled again having no response though he did hear the sound of something running towards him at full exuberant speed.

“Leroy!” Romeo knelt down to pet his dog with a huge smile, “How have you been buddy? Mom and dad have better been treating you alright!” Technically Leroy was the family dog, but it was always very clear that Leroy was actually Romeo's dog as it had been his idea to get the dog as a kid, and Leroy had always loved him the best.

Leroy began to playfully attack Romeo's face in kisses, causing Romeo to laugh and gently push him off, “I've missed you too buddy. Where's mom and dad did they leave?”

Leroy barked wagging his tail quickly. “I guess I'll just have to invite Zoe over then, you'll like Zoe,” Romeo told Leroy patting the dog one last time before heading over to the phone.

It wasn't long at all until Zoe arrived back in Rosendale at the Loving home as she had been waiting to leave all morning. Romeo greeted her with a warm welcome, “Hey I've missed you!” Romeo planted a huge kiss upon Zoe's lips the second she arrived.

Zoe laughed thinking how he always said that despite the fact that she had seen him just this morning.

“You ready to move in?” he asked her.

Zoe nodded eagerly.

Soon enough the couple found them selves nestled in each arms feeling like they had been home for ages. Romeo looked brightly at his fiance who contentedly smiled back at him.

“You look beautiful Zoe,” he told her. Zoe had in fact decided to change her look a bit now that she was out of her eternal dormie hood and into the real world.

Zoe didn't say anything just giddily pulling him closer to him, she had never felt happier in her life than she did now.

“Hi Romeo glad to see your home,” Aimee called beside the kissing couple having just walked in to interrupt the couples moment. Weldon just grinned amused behind her. Romeo and Zoe quickly separated alarmed by the sound of Aimee's voice.

“Uh hi mom how long have you been there?” Romeo asked rubbing his hand through his brown hair.

“Not long,” she gave a small grin, “I'm glad to see that you and Zoe are settling in,” she turned to Zoe who flashed Aimee a nervous smile.

“Um yeah,” Romeo answered anxiously, “we are settling in just fine.”

“Hey Romeo I really don't think your parents like me very much,” Zoe said later that night as they settled in their new room which had once been Samantha's.

“Why do you figure that?” Romeo asked with a small laugh, wondering how anyone could not like Zoe.

“Well I mean first our first official meeting was awkward to say the least,” she told him referring to earlier that day, “Then your dad kept asking me all those weird questions at dinner, he seemed really disappointed that I have nice points.”

Romeo chucked, “Zoe that's just my dad and they both like you, they told me so.”

“Really?” she asked with wide doubtful eyes.

“Yes really,” he smiled pulling her close to him, “And are you okay moving in a new house and everything.”

“Yeah except Romeo.”


“Why does this room have so much stuff in it?”

Romeo wrapped his arm around her looking up at all the stuff that lay in the room in front of them, there were two lie detector chairs, a planter, an old painting, and a bunch of Samantha's old things. “Oh well this used to be my grandmother's room and no one has used it in awhile so I guess it's just been used for storage, we don't have a basement.”

“Well that's lovely,” Zoe muttered sarcastically, she was not at all amused by this arrangement.

“I know but we really have no where else to put this stuff. We could move the double bed to my old room if you want to?”

“Where we can sleep with star wallpaper!” Zoe laughed.

Romeo laughed with her, “Okay maybe not and I guess Rosaline and Juliet's old rooms aren't much better.”

“Actually Romeo I've been thinking about this,” Zoe told him.

“Mmmh hmm?”

“Well I was listening to your parents mumble after dinner about how they have really outgrown this house, and well that got me thinking that there is this house that I have been designing forever and it would be the perfect family home, and I mean it would cause a lot of hassle to build it and all, but I really think it might be worth it.”

Romeo didn't say anything just smiling. “So what do you think?” Zoe asked.

“I think that would be a wonderful idea!” Romeo kissed her gently.

“Really?” Zoe asked with a hopeful voice.

Romeo nodded, “Yeah I think a new house is exactly what we need right now where we can actually have a room without lie detectors and dream date bouquets.”

Zoe laughed, “Okay then I'll get on that job.”

Elsewhere in Rosendale, everyone was beginning to finally settle into their adult lives and for Juliet and Corey this consisted of becoming the first couple to become pregnant which was no surprise as, being a family sim, Juliet always wanted kids. Corey was thrilled at the news and the two were very excited to soon become parents.

“Wow Jules you're like knocked up,” Victoria commented bluntly seeing her cousin's inflated abdomen.

Juliet laughed shaking her head at her cousin's wording, “Yes Vic I'm pregnant!”

“You do realize this means you're going to have one of those pooping and screaming little things that never shut up,” Victoria gave Juliet a look of disgust.

Juliet placed her hand on her hip, “Yes Vic I am fully well aware of that fact, and I'm very excited for it.”

“Well geez then, marriage, kids you're really rocking the family lifestyle.”

“Speaking of marriage when are you going to get married?” Juliet asked.

“Um how about never, does that sound like a good date?” Victora snorted.

Juliet lightly shook her head, “Vic seriously I'm sure Renaud would really love to get married.”

“Yeah but what about what I want, you know that I have never wanted to get married Jules.”

“Yeah but Vic you are engaged to him and are already living with him, so I don't see why marriage is such a big step.”

Victoria scrunched her nose, “Because it is! It's so committal, like once you say I do it's like the party's over.”

“That's not true Victoria!”

“It is to true!”

“So Jules is pregnant,” Victoria told Renaud later that afternoon walking in from Juliet's house.

“Really well that's nice, Juliet has always wanted that sort of thing,” Renaud smiled.

Victoria nodded, “Yeah and I still don't get it, the whole family thing just has never appealed to me.”

“Yeah well I think you would make a good mom,” Renaud commented.

Victoria plopped down next to him laughing, “Now that's funny Renaud, me being a mom thats a good joke right there.”

“I was being serious.”

Victoria coughed, “Renaud I can barley take care of myself sometimes, I would never be able to care for anyone else.”

“I think you would change.”

“But I don't want to change, I like who I am right now,” Victoria told him sternly.

“You really don't ever want a family?” Renaud asked.

“No, not at all. I feel no need to reproduce,” Victoria responded.

“Are we ever going to get married?” Renaud asked suddenly, he was beginning to grow a little tired of going to all the other family's weddings knowing that they weren't having one of their own.

“What is with you right now? Babies, marriage, why can't we just have fun?” Victoria asked.

“Because Vic,” Renaud began slightly annoyed, “Life isn't just fun and games.”

“Says who, cause I'm pretty sure it can be,” Victoria told him.

“Victoria seriously are we ever going to get married?” Renaud cried harsher now.

Victoria looked down feeling uncomfortable, “Yeah sure one day.”

“Well when is one day Victoria because I really don't want to get married the same day as my funeral.”

“Renaud geez, we are happy together aren't we? I don't see the rush in the situation.”

“It's just Victoria I can't wait forever!” Renaud cried.

“I'm not going to make you wait forever Renaud, I just can't right now we are still young!”


“Now will you come here where we can actually do something fun,” Victoria cried leaping on to his lap and wrapping her arms around him.

“Fine, but we are getting married one day Victoria!” Renaud insisted.

“Okay fine, we will get married one day I promise,” Victoria agreed.

“And we might have a kid too,” Renaud added.

“Hey wow don't get ahead of yourself now because I can tell you right now that you aren't talking me into that one!”

“Okay just you are me then.”

“Yes just me and you and NO baby!”

“I can not believe you have a baby! He's so cute too! Come here little guy!”

Rosaline cuddled the baby closely to her shoulder patting his head gently, cooing softly in his ears. Behind her Lexy Taylor smiled watching them.

“To be honest I can't really believe it either sometimes because well I never considered myself ever being a mom or anything, but I don't regret it one bit,” she grinned.

“How is Vicki with all this, I mean she is a romance sim and all so I know babies most not be her forte,” Rosaline continued to hold and cuddle the baby bouncing him up and down slowly, she really wanted one one day.

“She's actually really cool with it and adores little Edwin!” Lexy paused, “Okay well maybe she wasn't completely cool with it when she first found out...”

“Lexy you adopted a baby without confirming me first, what the hell were you thinking!”

“Well we have been talking about how we want to do something more with our life because all this partying and work is just getting old after awhile!”

“Yeah but a baby! I was thinking something more like starting a business or something not a baby!”

“But Vicki this baby got abandoned by his parents, he had no where else to go!”

“But a baby Lexy, do you know how much responsibility that is?”

“Why don't you meet him first Vicki!”

“She was eventually cool with it... it's kind of hard to not fall in love with Edwin when you first see him.”

“Okay he is kind of cute, really cute.”

“See I told you, Vicki I know we are going to make great parents and I'm sorry for not talking to you about it first but when I saw little Edwin I just couldn't say no.”

“That's okay I guess, but only because he's cute, just promise me no more surprise babies alright?”


“Aww look at his little toes!”

“Well I'm glad,” Rosaline smiled watching Lexy gently place Edwin back in his crib as he had begun to scream, “And I don't think I could resist Edwin either, he's adorable.”

“Thanks Rosaline,” Lexy grinned placing the baby back the crib who immediately fell asleep, “And how are you doing?” she asked her once she had put Edwin down.

“I'm okay,” Rosaline answered, “I've been staying with Juliet and Corey which has been kind of weird. I sort of feel like a third wheel all the time.”

Lexy smiled, “Yeah I can imagine though I'm sure it can't be too bad.”

“I guess not.”

“Actually Rosaline there is something I've been meaning to ask you,” Lexy began once Edwin was fast asleep.

“Yeah what's going go on?” Rosaline asked.

“It's about Ethan..”

“Oh” Rosaline mumbled looking down, she had had a few good months without thinking much about him.

Lexy nodded slowly, “It's just he's gone.”

“Gone?” Rosaline questioned surprised.

“Yeah gone, I went to see him after he graduated, and he was fine and all, and I thought he would be coming to stay with Vicki and I, but he never showed. Then I tried calling him and nothing, so I was wondering if you have seen or heard from him?”

“Me?” Rosaline asked with wide eyes, why would she have seen him.

“Yeah you,” Lexy said pointing to Rosaline, “You are Ethan were always close, so I was just wondering if he may have contacted you.”

“Lexy I have barley talked to Ethan in forever, so I have no idea where he is.”

“Oh well I'm sorry to hear that because I was really hoping that you might have heard from him,” Lexy sighed.

“No Lexy I'm sorry I really haven't,” Rosaline answered.

“Oh well that's okay,” Lexy frowned.

“Oh well I'm sorry Lexy if I hear anything I promise to tell you right away” Rosaline told her.

“Okay thanks Ros, I just really hope that he's okay.”

Once Rosaline left Vicki and Lexy's house it had grown dark, and she wasn't in the mood to head home for Corey and Juliet were probably spending time together and she didn't want to interrupt them, also she wanted to take her mind off Ethan as having Lexy bring him up brought back all the thoughts she had been so wanting to ignore. The only thing she could think to do was go somewhere in town which is what she ended up doing.

She ended up at some bar hangout where people performed music and other acts, it wasn't her first choice, but she didn't feel like going deep into downtown.

Rosaline pulled out an empty chair in the back and sat down to watch the performance on stage which was some guy reciting poetry, bad poetry to be exact. Rosaline looked up at the stage in disbelief thinking how hanging out with newlyweds Juliet and Corey was more fun than this.

Luckily for Rosaline their was a pool table though, so she didn't have to listen to that nonsense. Sure playing pool by yourself was sort of lame, but she didn't have anything better to do as her entire family was now happily adjusted to their married or soon to be married lives.

Unfortunately for her someone noticed the lameness of her situation, “You know last I checked pool was a two person game,” the guy smiled as she walked by him.

“Yeah well, it can be one too,” she answered not in the mood to socialize.

He raised an eyebrow, “So you're not up for a challenge then?”

“Why? Are you challenging me?” she asked.

“Maybe,” he answered with a grin.

“Well sure then bring it on, but I'm warning you I pretty much lived and breathed pool during college.”

“I think I can hold my own,” the guy answered grabbing a cue from the wall.

“You ready to be amazed?” he asked leaning down to take the first shot.

Rosaline placed her hand on her hip “Hmm I'm sure it won't be that great.”

He laughed, “Well you'll just have to wait and see then.”

Rosaline was actually surprised at how good he was though she didn't hold it against him as it was still the beginning of the game where things were still easy.

And eventually his lucky streak ran out as he missed a shot, “Dammit,” he muttered under his breath.

Rosaline walked over to the table with a smile, “Let me show you how it's done.”

She leaned down visualizing her shot carefully, “Yeah I left you in a pretty tricky spot didn't I?” the guy smiled behind her amused.

Rosaline rolled her eyes, “Not even.” She hit the ball easily as it rolled in the pocket with a bang, “Now that is actually how it's done,” she smiled.

“Yeah well we'll see shall we?”

They ended up playing pool for what seemed like forever as they were both quite good at the game. Not one of them was clearly better than the other, so the game was quite interesting.

The guy would constantly walked by Rosaline asking if she was scared or not where she would always roll her eyes and say not even though the game was getting much closer than she would have liked.

And eventually when it came down to the final stretch of the game Rosaline missed a major shot which she knew probably just cost her the game, “No, no, no!” she cried holding her pool stick up in anger.

The guy looked down trying not to smile, “I guess your nerves caught the best of you, it's okay.”

“I can truly show you how it's done now,” he smiled walking by her.

Rosaline stood glaring at him annoyed at herself, “Yeah whatever,” she mumbled.

And sure enough he won the game and with a major smile at that, “I guess your living and breathing of pool didn't pay off!” .

Rosaline frowned being a sore loser, “Yeah I guess not,” she spat.

“It's okay we both knew these would be the results,” he laughed which caused Rosaline just to snort in annoyance.

He walked over to her once they put their pull sticks away still grinning, “Awesome game though, even though your may not of beaten you me, you are actually really good.”

“Look you really don't need to rub this in my face,” Rosaline muttered.

“No actually I didn't come over here to rub anything in your face, in fact I was going to see if I can make it up to you somehow.”

“Yeah? And how were you going to manage that?” Rosaline asked coldly, she wasn't that competitive of a person but for some reason this loss was really getting to her.

“By asking you to dinner some time of course,” he answered still smiling just as big as when he had won the game.

“Wow are you really asking me out?” Rosaline looked at him amused, “We don't even know each other's names.”

“Yeah well that can change easily enough, if you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine.”

“What are you five?” Rosaline asked shaking her head.

“No I'm 6 actually, but you were close,” he joked.

Rosaline gave a friendly grunt, “Oh well as great as that sounds, I don't really go with 6 year olds.”

“Oh so you actually think that sounds great,” he smiled.

Rosaline just flushed not answering him.

“Okay well if you must know my name is Ronan Chen and in all seriousness I would like to take you out to dinner sometime.”

“Well my name is Rosaline Loving and I'm not sure if that is a great idea,” she responded tilting her head.

“And why is that?” Ronan asked.

“Because I don't even know you.”

“So doesn't that make it more exciting,” he smiled, “I mean seriously I promise I'm not a serial killer or anything though I guess if I were I wouldn't tell you, but I'm not I promise!”

Rosaline just smiled, “Yeah well what are you then?”

“I'm a gamer which is probably the best job in the world as basically all I do is test out new games and play pool all day.”

“Oh so that's why you beat me then,” Rosaline smirked.

“What? You don't think I can just naturally possess amazing pool skills?”

Rosaline shook her head playfully, “No I don't.”

“Oh well geez then I feel rather insulted by that! I think you have to come come to dinner with me to make it up to me,” he looked at her eagerly.

“Okay fine,” Rosaline agreed finally.

“Yes! I knew you would agree,” he cracked a large grin.

“You're quite sure of yourself aren't you?” Rosaline asked smirking.

“I prefer the term self assured actually.”

“Oh okay then,” Rosaline answered.

“So Friday, I'll see you then?” he asked.

“Yeah sure.”

“Perfect,” he grinned.


“Ughh,” Layla groaned stomping down the sidewalk like a child having a tantrum.

Back in the far away land of Stangetown Layla Monroe was reaching her last straw, as she didn't know how much longer of this dinky little town she could handle.

Her magic didn't seem to be coming back and she had searched everywhere for a root out, she would settle for anything, heck she would go back to Rosendale on a unicycle if she had to as long as it would get her there. They had cars in Strangetown which at first made her thrilled, but anytime she tried to take one, somebody would stop her claiming that she would end up running out of gas in the middle of nowhere and then she would be stuck. More than anything Lexy wanted to prove this statement wrong, but she didn't want to die either without her magic she truly felt vulnerable.

She hated this place more than anywhere she had ever been, and Layla had been many places. She had learned three good facts about Strangetown in the time she had been there.

Fact Number 1: That the Military in the town was absolutely ridiculous. Any place you went there would be a solider monitoring what was going on which the thing was there was never anything going on, so there was no point! The military was absurd too, she went there to see if they had a helicopter cause that seemed like something a normal military would posses, but they didn't. All the military seemed to do was march around and yell at some aliens every once in awhile, it seemed like a complete waste of time.

Fact Number 2: That Strangetown was boring as hell. She figured this out very fast. There was truly nothing to do in this town except sit around and be boring. They had a pool, but that was it and Layla didn't even like swimming. Johnny and Ophelia spent their time wandering around town, but Layla found that got old fast as there was nothing to the town. If she was going to die of anything around here, it would be of boredom.

Then the very last main thing she had noticed about the town was that...

Number 3: Strangetown was filled with complete wack jobs. She had never seen anything like it in her life, pregnant men, aliens running around, creepy mad scientists who apparently held people captive. What kind of town was this? The Smiths were the most normal people she could find and they weren't even close to being normal being part alien and all. She quickly discovered that there was not one person in this town who didn't have at least one weird thing about them.

Not only did she hate Strangetown, she hated herself in Strangetown. She hated that she had to resort to wearing Jenny's Smith's hideous clothing which was just plain out abhorrent. Also this whole no magic thing was killing her, she had never has this happen to her and she barley knew how to handle herself without it. All these annoying tasks that she had to do now that she originally would always have done with magic were horrible, and she couldn't control people which was really destroying her. She had no power over anyone anymore.

This really wasn't much of a problem with people like the Smiths as they were all pushovers, so she could really talk them into about anything cause they were all disgustingly nice.

But then there were people like Ophelia and even Johnny sometimes who were just major pain the asses. No matter how mean or deceitful she could be to Opehlia, Ophelia always fought back and never backed down. Then Johnny would get all annoying and try to offend her.

They didn't ever affect her though other than the fact that they just annoyed the hell out her, but she wanted more than anything to just freaking get them to do what she wanted them to.

And then there was Ripp Grunt.

“Hey Johnny are you aware that you have a freaking hot women sitting right in your house?”

“Yes Ripp I am unfortunately aware of that fact,” Johnny sighed watching his friend swoon over Layla.

“Who is she?” Ripp asked.

“Some girl who Phe and I randomly found in the desert. Ripp don't talk to her trust me,” Johnny told his friend.

“Um Johnny she's hot of course I'm going to talk to her” Ripp smiled confidently walking toward her.

“Hey baby I'm Ripp Grunt and do you want play? Because I'll be sure to play you on expert!” Ripp told her playing a mean air guitar.

“Excuse me?” Layla asked turning to him alarmed.

“You and me,” Ripp smiled, “We should hang out don't ya think?” he leaned into her, “We can have loads of fun!” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down. Johnny watched his friend dubiously giving a sigh.

“Yeah um I don't think so kid,” Layla stood up from the sofa and began walking away from him, she did not need to add a sex crazed teenaged to her list of issues at the moment.

“What!” Ripp cried holding his hand out incredulously, he normally never got rejected.

“Oh come on baby I may be shorter than you, but that doesn't mean we can't..” he leaned in closer to Layla and for second she found herself actually giving into him as he there was just something about the kid that was quite attractive. Ophelia just watched in disbelief and annoyance wondering why her friend could be so vacuous sometimes.

Then the reality hit Layla that she was standing beside a teenage boy, “No kid get off me!” she snarled forcefully pushing Ripp away from her as he had managed to get too close especially since his eye level was at quite an inappropriate spot.

“Damn,” Ripp cried taken back from her strength, for some this may completely turn them off to a girl but for him he found it rather hot.

Layla held up her finger at him in a warning position, “You better not try that move again little boy because I won't act as kindly next time.”

“Is that a challenge?” Ripp asked with a wide grin.

Layla just rolled her eyes in annoyance and walked off leaving Ripp to contemplate his emotions.

Once Layla had disappeared off to the kitchen, Ophelia walked up to her friend in displeasure, “Ripp seriously do not waste your time on her, I mean Johnny and I saved her life for crying out loud, and she still treats us like crap, so trust me she's not worth it!”

Johnny nodded in agreement behind her, “I tried to warn him though since when does Ripp ever actually listen.”

Ripp just tilted his head at Ophelia, “Oh come on Phe, she's really not that bad, she's just lost. I would hate to stuck in this crap town too if I had actually come from somewhere better!”

Ophelia glared at him in disbelief, “Ripp you don't even know her!”

“Yeah well neither do you!” He turned around to watched Layla walk outside on the Smith's porch with a huge grin, “All I know is she's hot which is all that really matters anyway!”

“Ripp you're so...” Ophelia paused annoyed deciding not to continue as she has tried to tell Ripp this multiple times and he never listened always moving onto the next girl.

“So amazing, I know Ophelia you don't need to tell me!” Ripp shot a large smile to Ophelia who just rolled her eyes in incredulity.


“Owww this hurts, this hurts so bad why did Corey have to be at work?” Juliet groaned clutching her stomach in pain as the baby in her stomach demanded its entrance into the world.

Rosaline ran over to her sister filled with nervous energy, she had no idea how to deal with this but decided encouraging words might help, “You got this Juliet!”

“UGHHHH!” Juliet screamed.

After much pain Juliet held a healthy baby boy in her arms looking at his tiny little face still out of breath, “Well hey there little guy, you sure caused a lot of pain but you were definitely worth it!” The baby had inherited Juliet's brown hair, but Corey's hazel eyes and light skin tone.

Once the birth was over Rosaline headed over to the gaming system wanting to completely take her mind off of what she had just seen, “Good job Jules,” she told her sister.

“ThanOWWW!” Juliet suddenly screamed rushing over to Rosaline.

“Here Rosaline ouch hold him!” Juliet handed the baby over to Rosaline quickly feeling another sharp pain in her stomach.

Rosaline quickly put down the video game controller and looked down at the baby with a soft smile, “Aww he's cute Juliet, but shouldn't you hold him he's your baby!”

“I would, but OUCH I can't OWWW!” Juliet screamed clutching her stomach again, this wasn't supposed to happen again was it?

But when you have twins it is. “Wow you're a nice surprise!” Juliet smiled beginning to gain control of herself again. She held her second baby up who was another boy but this time with her skin tone and green eyes, but Corey's blonde hair.

“Wow twins,” Rosaline muttered thinking of all the dirty diapers and crying that would be going on from this point on, “What are you going to name them?”

“Well,” Juliet began, “Corey and I had decided on the name Jacob if it's a boy, so the one you're holding can be named Jacob, and well I like the name Aiden so this little guy can be named Aiden.” Juliet beamed rocking Aiden in her arms.

Once Rosaline and Juliet had cooed over the new babies for awhile and placed them both to sleep in the nursery Juliet had set up months ago, Rosaline quickly began to head for the door realizing she was already late for something.

“Rosaline where are you going?” Juliet called after her sister confused, “You can't leave me here, the babies have just been born!”

“Juliet they are sleeping and Corey should be home any second they'll be fine, and I'll be back later,” Rosaline responded curtly.

“But where are you going?” Juliet asked her anxiously.

“Just out,” Rosaline answered heading out the door before Juliet could ask her another question.

It wasn't long until she reached her destination which was a new restaurant in town that had just opened the other day. She couldn't help but feel butterflies fluttering around anxiously in her stomach as this was really the first time she had ever done this, but she felt a sensation of excitement as well the second she walked through the doors.

Though she found exactly who she was looking for rather quickly, and suddenly it was like she wasn't nervous at all and found herself talking like she never had before. Ronan didn't seem to mind though finding it cute, though Rosaline got a little carried away when she decided to ask him something a little too abruptly.

“Did you really just ask me that Rosaline?” Ronan asked with a sense of laughter of his voice.

“Yes?” Rosaline answered in a small voice.

“That's sort of fast don't you think? I mean I feel like meeting your family is more of a like 5th or like a 100th date kind of thing.”

Rosaline sighed, “I know, but I can't do it.”

“Do what?” Ronan asked.

“Go to my little brother's wedding alone, that's sort of just I don't know.”

“Pathetic?” Ronan asked raising an eyebrow.

“Well yeah it just sucks because in reality I should be getting married first you know.”

“In what kind of reality is that? It really doesn't matter does it? I mean who declared this a race.”

Rosaline sighed, “No one it's just it makes me feel pitiful because it wasn't long ago that my little brother was in the same situation I'm in now yet he was able to find someone really fast while I have been single for freaking ages and it just sucks because my older sister has like this whole perfect family life going for her and now my brother is going to have that an I'm still going to be...”

“Rosaline, stop!” Ronan interrupted loudly.

Rosaline just looked at him not saying anything realizing how pathetic she was sounding, she was supposed to be on a date not spilling her life problems.

“That's all really stupid,” Ronan began looking at her carefully

Rosaline took a bite of her food wanting to just escape, “I know.”

“Rosaline you have so much going for you that you don't even realize. I mean I don't know you very well obviously, but I can already tell that you're pretty great, and who wants to get married and have kids so quickly anyway? I sure don't, and I don't see you wanting that either. I mean of course one day, but why now? You should just enjoy yourself.”

“What?” Rosaline raised an eyebrow not having expected Ronan to say anything like that at all.

Ronan gave a small smile, “What did you not enjoy my little rant?”

“No, it's just I never would have expected you to say something like that.”

Ronan just laughed, “You know what we should go do something fun.”

“Like what?”

“Like getting our pictures taken in that photo booth over there!” Ronan quickly jumped up running over grabbing Rosaline along the way.

Rosaline stood behind him shaking her head, “Ronan are you serious? The only people who ever do these things are cheesy teenage couples.” Rosaline remembered Juliet having one from her teenage boyfriend Alvin.

“So what? They're fun, now get in.”

Rosaline just laughed getting in behind him.

A few minutes later Ronan held up a serious of four photos with a wide smile, “See Ros aren't these great though how come you never smile?”

“Because I wanted to look all cute and mysterious,” Rosaline answered trying not to laugh.

“Oh mysterious huh?

It wasn't long after a few more laughs and talking that Rosaline and Ronan found themselves outside the doors of the restaurant about to part separate ways.

“You know I really meant what I told you Rosaline,” Ronan told her being much more serious than he had been before they stepped outside.

Rosaline tilted her head, “And what did you tell me exactly?”

“The stuff about you being pretty great and not needing to be just like everyone else. You're better than that, and you're awesome just the way you are.”

Rosaline smiled feeling herself blush as no one had ever said words so nice to her before.

It was then that he kissed her, and Rosaline realized that the moment could not be anymore perfect if it tried.

Ronan soon separated from her with a large grin, “I'll see you tomorrow Rosaline.”

Rosaline's lips turned into a wide smile, “You're going to come?”

Ronan nodded, “Of course how could I miss a wedding? I mean free food and all that.”

“Right sure you're coming for the food.”

“You know I am,” he winked at her, “Bye Rosaline.” He gave her one last smile before walking away.

Once he was gone Rosaline began to head home herself though this walk was without butterflies as now the feeling in her stomach was excitement. She couldn't stop grinning the entire way home not being able to take her mind off of him.

Zoe Thompson looked at her reflexion carefully, she didn't want their to be one smudge of makeup or one blemish showing, she wanted to look perfect. This was her wedding day after all, and if there was one day in her lifetime where she was supposed to look perfect it was today. She smoothed over her dress one last time taking a deep breath, this was it the day she had been waiting for.

“You know you're going to looking beautiful no matter what.”

Zoe's head shot over the side to see Romeo's smiling reflexion in the mirror, her mouth hung open, “Romeo!” she scolded, “You are not supposed to be in here! You're not supposed to see me until I walk down the aisle. It's a rule!”

Romeo just smiled turning her around, “Rules smules nothing is going to stop me from seeing my beautiful future wife.”

Zoe couldn't help but grin, “You're still not supposed to be in here!”

Romeo just laughed.

He then quickly kissed her continuing to smile. “I'll see you under the arch Zoe,” he whispered leaving the bathroom afterward. Zoe just grinned being more anxious now than she had been before.

It wasn't long until Romeo and Zoe found themselves standing side by side under the arch lovingly looking into each other's eyes. They held a beautiful wedding in some gardens on the outskirts of town with every single family member and friend of either of them in attendance.

Their vowels were sweet displaying the strong love they held for each other which was clearly visible to the audience. Romeo even called her Zoester which caused a smile to form on everyone's faces.

When he finally kissed her Romeo could not be anymore thrilled knowing Zoe was the right girl for him not matter what mistakes or events transpired during college.

Once the ceremony was over the true party began. As all the guest flooded over to the stereo where the couples danced or in the case of Alexandra and Jimmy played rock paper scissors, and the other guest socialized enjoying the beauty of the gardens.

One couple found themselves a little more separated from the rest.

“Ronan could we be any more cheesy?” Rosaline asked with a smile as she and Ronan swayed back and forth slowly.

“Cheesy what do you mean?” Ronan asked surprised.

“Ronan we are slow dancing under a freaking gondola! I mean seriously we're putting Romeo and Juliet to shame here!”

Ronan laughed, “Do you mean the literary characters or your siblings?”

Rosaline smiled thinking about that, she glanced behind him to see both of her siblings blissfully slow dancing as well, “Both.”

“There's nothing wrong with being cheesy you know, in fact I find it to be sort of fun.”

“Yeah well I always left that stuff for Juliet as being cheesy has always been her speciality.”

Ronan just smiled giving Rosaline a look that just made her want to crack a smile as well, “What?” she laughed.

“Nothing it's just Ros you compare yourself to your siblings too much.”

Rosaline shook her head, “I do not, it's just I don't like being cheesy.”

“And why is that?” Ronan asked.

“Because,” Rosaline began, “It's so predictable, you always know what's going to happen next and the outcome.”

“And you don't like being predictable?” Ronan questioned.

Rosaline shook her head, “Not I don't because it's boring.”

“So you like things that are unpredictable?”

“Yeah I do.”

Ronan quickly dipped Rosaline down planting a huge kiss upon her lips.

“Was that unpredictable enough for you?” Ronan pulled Rosaline back up now holding her tightly around his arms.

Rosaline smiled, “Yes,” she answered, “though it was still cheesy,” she added.

Ronan shook his head with a slight laugh, “I can't win can I?”

Rosaline grinned, “No you can't, but if makes you feel better I did like it.”

Ronan gave a fake loud gasp, “What! Rosaline Loving actually liked something cheesy!”

Rosaline laughed, “I know it's a crime isn't it?”

“Indeed it is,” Ronan leaned closer into her, “But sometimes it's better to break the law.”

Rosaline just smiled as he kissed her again not even bothered by the fact that they were slow dancing in a gondola anymore.

“So Mrs. Loving is being married everything you would hope for?” Romeo asked his new wife as they stood looking into each other's eyes completely ignoring the guests around them.

“No,” Zoe answered with a smile, “It's more than I could have hoped for.”

Romeo just grinned, “I love you Zoester.”

“I love you too Romeo.”

And this is where I will be leaving you, hope you enjoyed this rather sappy chapter. I promise more generation 4 should arrive next chapter, and things should move along some. I'll leave you for now with a picture of Edwin who may be the cutest toddler ever. Edwin was my adoption experiment as I have never had a kid having been taken away from family get adopted by another. It turns out it's pretty much the exact same thing as adopting game generated kids just without maxis face templates.

Anyway as always thanks so much for reading and I'll see you guys very soon for another chapter!