A Lightweight Simulator for Autonomous Driving Motion ...

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Transcript of A Lightweight Simulator for Autonomous Driving Motion ...

A Lightweight Simulator for Autonomous Driving Motion Planning Development

Tianyu Gu

Electrical & Computer EngineeringCarnegie Mellon UniversityPittsburgh, PA 15213, USAEmail: tianyu@cmu.edu

John M. Dolan

Robotics InstituteCarnegie Mellon UniversityPittsburgh, PA 15213, USAEmail: jmd@cs.cmu.edu

Abstract—A good simulation environment will facilitate motionplanning algorithm development for urban autonomous driving.The first requirement of such a simulator is to be able to replicatea complex urban environment, including road network, curb,general objects, etc. The second requirement is to simulate arealistic host vehicle, which includes perception, control andvehicle dynamics, to recreate imperfect inputs and non-accurateexecution of the planner. The third requirement is to modeltraffic participants (other on-road vehicles) for microscopic trafficsimulation. Intelligent-agent-based techniques are used to allowthe traffic participants to interact with the environment andeach other. In this paper, we present an open-source lightweightsimulation environment, FastSim, which is designed to meet thethree requirements above.

Keywords–Traffic simulator; Intelligent agent; Motion Plan-ning; Autonomous driving


Autonomous passenger vehicles (APV) have demonstratedpromising social impacts that touch nearly all aspects ofmodern transportation. Motion planning (MP) algorithms areone of the most important components in such autonomoussystems. The development of a planning algorithm is typ-ically first performed in a simulator before applying it onthe actual robot for convenience and safety reasons. Manysimulation environments are either too complex or overly-simplified [1][2][3], and only a few are freely distributed forcommunity usage. In this paper, we present the development ofa lightweight and real-time simulation environment designedspecifically for quick motion planning algorithm prototyping inurban environments, where the host vehicle operates on roadsor freeways with structured lane information.

A. Related WorkMP algorithms take inputs from the upper-level perception

processing module and generate outputs to the lower-level con-troller modules. From the planner’s perspective, three factorsmust be reproduced in a simulator: the ground-truth of thesurrounding environment, the perception of the ground-truth,and the host vehicle dynamics where the actual execution resultof the planned actions is evaluated.

In terms of the environment ground-truth, Carnegie MellonUniversity Grand Challenge team [2] proposed a simulationpackage for desert vehicles with general object representationsfor field navigation, but no capability to model common objectsin urban environments. The Tartan Racing Urban ChallengeSystem (TRUCS) [3] explicitly represented different types ofmoving objects in urban environments, but was not capableof modeling the interactive capabilities of many objects. For asimulation environment that aimed at creating realistic micro-scopic traffic, [1] proposed a lane changing and merging model

for on-road vehicles. However, these models used simplifiedassumptions, which can only react to other in-lane vehicles,but not to other environment objects like static objects andpedestrians, etc.

Self-localization and sensing the surrounding environmentare the two pillars of perception. Prior simulators typicallyassume perfect localization. In order to reproduce realisticimperfect localization, a closer look at actual localizationmethods used in reality and the nature of output dynamicsis required. For environment sensing, the majority of priorsimulation environments directly feed the motion planningalgorithms with complete knowledge (directly pass the sim-ulated ground-truth). However, on real robot, sensing is neverperfect, e.g., [4] investigated the real-world perception failurecases with real Light Detection and Ranging(LIDAR)-basedranger. For MP to behave robustly on robot, imperfect sensing(e.g., sensor limitations) is important to simulate for MPdevelopment.

In terms of the host vehicle dynamics, there is a huge bodyof literature in vehicle modeling [5]. Many prior simulatorsused an overly simplified vehicle model. On the other hand,too-complicated vehicle models would be computationallyunjustifiable. Meanwhile, lower-level vehicle controllers (e.g.,path tracking and speed regulation) are external to the motionplanner, hence must also be simulated, preferably with theactual controllers [6] implemented on the robot itself.

In the remainder of this paper, we explain the design ofthe proposed real-time simulation environment FastSim forMP algorithm development. The organization of this paperis as follows. Section II explains the implementation detailsof the proposed simulation environment FastSim. SectionIII presents the computationally efficient implementation ofintelligent-agent-based microscopic traffic simulation. SectionIV describes the user interface design. Section V concludeswith our contributions and future work.


Based on the requirements from section I-A, the FastSimsimulator consists of three simulation engines (Figure 1):

• The environment simulation engine models differentinvariant (e.g., road network, curb, etc.) and varyingworld elements (e.g., general static or moving objects).

• The perception simulation engine models the imper-fect self-localization and environment sensing.

• The host vehicle simulation engine models the vehicledynamics and low-level tracking controllers.

Environment Simulation Engine

Perception Simulation Engine Host Vehicle Simulation Engine

Trackers Vehicle Models

Map Representation

Permanent Obstacles

General Objects



Motion Planning Algorithms


Figure 1. System diagram of FastSim.

A. Environment Simulation1) Road Network: A road network provides the inter-

connectivity of roads and roads’ lane-level information thatspecifies the drivable regions. The route network definition file(RNDF) [3] is a robust way to store road network information.It makes use of road segments, where each segment containsone or more parallel lanes. Each lane is specified by a seriesof global way-points. Connectivity among lanes is definedby pairs of exit/entry way-points. One main limitation of theRNDF is its restriction to a fixed lane width and speed limitfor each lane.

FastSim uses a similar waypoint-based lane definition. Butfor each waypoint, lane width (w) and speed limit (vlim)are added to global position (x and y). An ever-increasingstation coordinate (s) is first calculated for each waypoint bycalculating piecewise-linear cumulative distance along-road.Cubic polynomial or step signal could be used for smoothor immediate interpolation:X(s) =


piX · si

X(s) = Xi|si≤s≤si+1


when X is global position (x, y), it is commonly interpolatedby cubic polynomials. The first-order (heading θ) and second-order (curvature κ) geometric information is also easily ob-tained via analytic differentiation. When X is lane width (w) orspeed limit (vlim), either interpolation could be used accordingto the specific situation.



Active Map Area Preloaded Map AreaOccupancy Grid Map Segment

Figure 2. Permanent obstacles.

2) Permanent Obstacles: Permanent obstacles (Figure 2)refer to the stationary environment constraints that makecertain regions non-traversable, such as curb and lane fences.Unlike general objects below, permanent obstacles typicallydo not have a separable shape. Hence, we use an occupancy

grid representation as an off-line map file, which is furtherrasterized at a larger scale to break a large area into smallerpieces. As the host vehicle moves, segments of occupancygrids maps in proximity to the vehicle are loaded.

3) General Objects: Various static and moving objectsmust be modeled in the urban environment. Objects of dif-ferent types have different motion dynamics. The trivial non-movement model is for static objects (e.g., trash bins), whichonly contains unchanging pose information; a particle move-ment model is used for objects whose motion can be omni-directional (e.g., pedestrians); the kinematic bicycle modelcan be used to model objects with non-holonomic kinematicconstraints (e.g., bicyclists and other passenger vehicles).

As for the motion of objects, it is sometimes useful forother objects to follow a predetermined trajectory and notreact to other simulated objects, for objects like the leadingcar in a queue of traffic, or a reckless pedestrian crossing thestreet disregarding traffic. In other cases, it is more importantto create more realistic on-road traffic by enabling trafficparticipants with some intelligence to interact. Section III willexplain more details on this matter.

B. Perception SimulationIn a realistic robot system, both localization and environ-

ment sensing have errors and limitations. One of the maindesign goals of the simulator is for it to be sophisticatedenough to model such imperfect conditions for MP algorithmdesign purposes. The environment simulation engine aboveprovides the ”ground-truth”, hence we need a separate percep-tion simulation module to mimic realistic perception outcomes.

1) Imperfect Localization: The majority of localiza-tion methods are based on Extended-Kalman-Filter (EKF),Monte-Carlo-Filter (MCF) or Simultaneous-Localization-and-Mapping (SLAM) algorithms. They output best estimates ofthe vehicle state, along with covariance matrices describingthe confidence of measurement. However, localization error inreality is largely situation-dependent, e.g., the vehicle losesGPS in an urban canyon or enters an area where the environ-ment’s features are quite different from the map. It is extremelydifficult to model these realistic scenarios in a simulationenvironment. However, to make sure the perception outputs toplanners are compatible with that of a real perception system,we add arbitrarily biased white-noise to the ground truth, andapply an EKF to maintain a filter-based perception output.

2) Imperfect Object Sensing: Ranger-based sensing unitsare the most commonly used on an APV. Two main sourcesof imperfect (partial) perception are the limited field of view(FOV) and occlusion. We simulate these limitations by theplacement of virtual sensors at different configurations on thehost vehicle (Figure 3). At each time-stamp, a constant-horizonline-tracing algorithm is used to simulate the sensor scanning,and only the objects that are reached by the simulated detectionrays are made visible to the MP algorithm.

C. Host Vehicle SimulationIn a realistic robot system, the plan is never executed per-

fectly due to actuation errors and unmodeled vehicle dynamics.It is important for FastSim to simulate the execution of motionplans with adequately sophisticated host vehicle models forMP algorithm evaluation purposes.

Figure 3. Imperfect sensing due to limited field of view and occlusion.

1) Tracking Control: In most APV systems, a decoupledplanning and control scheme is used: the output of MPalgorithms is fed to lower-level tracking controller and execu-tion components. From the motion planner’s perspective, thecontroller contributes partially to the overall vehicle dynamics.It is hence necessary to model the controllers. Two commonlyused tracking controllers, a pure-pursuit and Linear QuadraticRegulator (LQR)-based trajectory tracker [6], are implemented.


(x, y)θ



Easting (X)



g (Y


Figure 4. Dynamic bicycle model.

2) Vehicle Dynamics: A simplistic kinematic model hasbeen used for many ground robot simulations [3]. Whilesuitable for low-speed navigation applications, they cannotmodel realistic high-speed vehicle dynamics. Two of the mostimportant factors are latency and vehicle skidding dynamics.Hence, we adopt a dynamic bicycle model (Figure 4):

x = v · cos(θ)y = v · sin(θ)

θ = Gs ·v

L· tanδ

δ =1

Tδ· (δc(t)− δ)

v = a

a =1

Ta· (ac(t)− a)


where Gs ∈ [0, 1] is the slipping coefficient, Tδ and Ta areactuation latency coefficients of first-order low-pass filters, x,y and θ are the global pose, v is the speed scaler, δ and a arethe actual steering/acceleration scalars, and δc and ac are thecommanded steering/acceleration (model inputs).


As explained in Section II-A3, it is sometimes impor-tant to simulate basic interactive intelligence of other trafficparticipants in order to recreate realistic traffic behavior. Inthis paper, we are primarily concerned with surrounding on-road vehicles, particularly, interested in modeling three basicmaneuver capabilities:

• M1: Swerve avoidance of static obstacles.• M2: Longitudinal avoidance of/distance keeping to a

leading object.• M3: Lane-changing maneuver.

The challenge is to model these behaviors in a compu-tationally efficient manner. It is natural to think of using aplanner-based approach for each simulated on-road vehicle.However, this is generally not scalable if the number of on-roadvehicles is large. In this section, we propose a computationallyefficient interaction model for other on-road vehicles capableof performing the three maneuvers above.

Figure 5. M1: Swerve avoidance of static obstacles

ForM1 , the key is to plan a vehicle-independent referencetrajectory once per lane per cycle, and reuse this plan formultiple on-road vehicles. We make use of the elastic-bandalgorithm [7] to generate one reference trajectory per lane ofinterest per cycle, so that all the moving objects in that lanecan reuse this planned trajectory (Figure 5).






Figure 6. M2: Longitudinal avoidance /distance keeping to a leading object

Then the individual vehicles only need to implement cheap-to-evaluate lateral and longitudinal controllers to track theplanned reference. For lateral control, tracking controllersdescribed in section II-C1 could be reused. For longitudinalcontrol (M2), a constant-time adaptive cruise controller [8] isimplemented to perform distance keeping and slowing-downbased on the relative distance to the leading object (Figure 6):

Sdesired = llead + T · xhostSactual = xlead − xhostδ = Sdesired − Sactualacmd = − 1

h · (−Sactual + λ · δ)


where Sdesired and Sactual are the desired and actual longitu-dinal gaps between two vehicles, δ is the difference betweenthese two gaps, llead is the length of the leading vehicle, xhostand xlead are the longitudinal positions of host and leading

vehicle, T is the time coefficient of the controller, h and λ arethe tunable coefficients to modify the aggressiveness of thecontroller, and acmd is commanded acceleration, which is theoutput of the controller.



[0,0,0,κ 0 ][x f , yf ,θ f ,κ f ]

y(t) = pi ⋅ x(t)i=0


Figure 7. M3: Lane-changing maneuver.

For M3, a single lane-change path is generated using apolynomial [9] that connects from the current state of theobject to a look-ahead state in the target lane (Figure 7):

y(t) =


pi · x(t) (4)

where the polynomial coefficients pi can be found analytically,hence computationally trivially. The look-ahead distance is anempirical function of its current speed.

Depending on the nature of traffic, lane change can be freeor cooperative. The former is trivial. For the latter, if the samecontroller for M2 is used, a significant change in the spacing(after lane-change) between two simulated vehicles will causehuge deceleration and generate a slowing-down shock-waveeffect on all following vehicles in the lane. We adopt thecontroller proposed in [1] to simulate smoother cooperativelane change in dense traffic. Refer to the original paper formore details.


The proposed simulator has been used to develop urbandriving motion planning algorithms [7] for the autonomousCadillac SRX testbed [10]. Compared with the simulator usedin the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge [3], ”FastSim” is capableof modeling host vehicle with more accurate dynamics byusing dynamic bicycle model, so that the vehicle responseat higher-speed can be replicated. Meanwhile, by directlymodeling perception system, ”FastSim” is capable to recreatethe non-perfect sensing limitation imposed by realistic sensorsto create challenging test cases for the motion planner. Finally,”FastSim” can model various dynamic objects with moreflexible motion patterns, and traffic pattern which is importantfor simulating urban driving scenarios.

A graphic user interface for FastSim is implemented tofacilitate real-time monitoring and manipulation (Figure 8).It consists of six main functional components: world plotter(A), XML-based scenario loading area (B), historical hostvehicle measurement (C), world plotter zoom/panning tool (D),simulator/planner stop/go toggle tool (E) and external triggercontrol panel (F). More description and example usage ofFastSim can be found in [11].


In this paper, we propose a lightweight simulation en-vironment FastSim for rapid MP algorithm development forurban autonomous driving. Three cornerstone simulation com-ponents, i.e., surrounding environment, perception and host





Figure 8. The graphic user interface of FastSim.

vehicle control/execution, are modeled to create a sufficientlycomplex environment for MP algorithm evaluation. We fur-ther proposed efficient models to reproduce basic interactionintelligence of other on-road traffic participants to create amore realistic simulation environment. FastSim is designedwith modular programming, hence the models of differentsimulation components can be swapped for different researchprojects easily.

In the future, the simulation environment will be furtherexpanded to be compatible with unstructured environmentslike a parking lot. More moving object models will alsobe implemented, such as the trailer model for trucks. Inaddition, more interaction intelligence of other non-vehicletraffic participants like pedestrians and bicyclists will also beinvestigated and modeled.

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