A Letter to God for Mama and Papa

Post on 07-Apr-2015

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Transcript of A Letter to God for Mama and Papa


No. This is not the Charice Pempenco's Note to God. This isn’t composed of lyrics either… This is really just a little note to god.

Plans? maybe I can print some part of this later, bring it with me when I attend the anticipation mass maybe later tonight or tomorrow and ill drop this on the wish box beside the church's door...But uh.. oh! The thought of the priest reading this is a no-no.

Or maybe...

ill just keep staple this in one of the pages of my diary.ill keep this private, between me and my Savior. But uh-- oh! The thought of I being selfish is also a no-no.

And so, while browsing the net, I decided to just post this here. =)

Dear God,

When my sister and I were still young, I was around six and she's 4, I remember how Papa would lie down beside us at bedtime. He would bring his bible with him, and will open a few bible stories at night 'till we fall asleep. I learned the story of Samson and Delilah, David and Goliath, Moses, Cain and Abel, Adam and Eve, how You turned water into wine and how you've multiply fishes and breads to feed thousands of people, the story of Jonas, the ten commandments and many more. I thank you for that... not just for the stories he told us or the lessons those stories bring.

I thank you for giving us a father like him. I know you want the best for us. So you gave us the best dad. He is imperfect as a person, but he knows how to be a good father. Now that we're old enough to live on our own, pay for our own bills, earn our own money and soon have children of our own, let us be like Papa, so we could raise our children the way he raised us... full of love with each other and faith to You.

When I was a grade-schooler, Mama bought me a jacket I didn't like. Maybe it’s just because, it’s the type of jacket women of her age would like. I didn't like it, so I didn't use it. I remember how I woke up the next morning with a letter on my beside table... From Mama. She said I'm all

grown up so she understood that I already have my own preferences. I was broken so I apologized to her… she talked to me, gave me a big hug and we laughed hard about the jacket.

Let me thank you God for giving us a mom like her. I know you want us to be happy, so you gave us the best mom. She has imperfections, but just like Papa, she knows how to be a good mother. Now that we are old enough to buy clothes, shoes, bags and stuffs of our own, let us be like Mama, so we could be warm enough to embrace each other in times when we are clashed by our own selfish dispositions.

We're not getting any younger.. Papa and Mama either. Being miles away from them is never easy, I miss their laugh, I miss our coffee break beside the fishpond, I miss our arguments and debates at home and how Papa would stretch our reasoning abilities. I miss them both, so Dear God, please keep them safe and happy. Give both of them a long life, keep them healthy, and please retain the joy in their hearts.

I love them as much as I love you, more than myself or anyone in this world. Today, I feel like a child again, I want their hugs and kisses and stories and the food they cook for us. But we are miles apart, so may You be their guard dear Lord... send my kisses and hugs and love to them at home.

