A Future Trend in E-Learning:Learner Centeredness

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A Future Trend in E-Learning:

Learner Centeredness

Education 6620 Issues and Trends in Educational Computing Memorial University of Newfoundland

Learner centeredness “Will challenge traditional Curriculum”(Brown, 2003b , p. 49)

Learner centeredness will be “made possible by Social Software”( McLoughlin & Lee, 2010, p. 29)

Access Knowledge

Use knowledge

Share Knowledge



(Lin, 2008, p. 128)



Future Learners will be “…recognized for their creation”(Lin, 2008, p. 128)

Co creating, self directed,Personalized approach

Learner To


Teach Challenge

Peers, Friends, Mentors, Community(adapted from Lin,2008, p.130)

Co-Create knowledge

Lending assistance/sharing expertise

Lending assistance/sh

aring expertise

A reciprocating relationship.

First I help you

Then you help me

Being a facilitator




Teachers will be an “Orchestrator of collaborative knowledge creation”(Keats & Schmidt ,2007, table 1)


Changing role of the Teacher

Further advance in communication will make learning distances a moot topic.


“The sense of Isolation will be reduced”(Homitz & Berg, 2008)


will give guidance in multiple locations simultaneously, using holographic technology and having a virtual presence

Continue to “… initiate interactions… encourage students…assist group activities and guide students toward learning goals.”(Chang ,2008, p.338)

Eradicate stressors for mentees such as: “Organizational structure, interpersonal skills and cross gender relationships”(Homitz & Berg,, 2008, p. 329)

Creates “a more honest, open and reflective learning environment”(Homitz & Berg , 2008, p.330)

Online Library

Peer chat


IntranetOutsourced learning

Learning communities

Virtual Class

Future Learner

Learning Portal

Open University

Mobile Tech

Video conferenceWWW



Creator of an “infinite Bazaar” in PLE ( Schaffert,2008, p. 3)


Future learners frame of reference will determine the knowledge created

Acquire Data Identify sources Process data



Learners personal History

Personal Learning Environment Will be a

place to

Draw diagrams

Send large files

Cite and store references

Share multimediaSchedule





Chat Blog


Be educated

Redefining of “self organized learning” (Schaffert & Hilzensauer, 2008, p. 1)

Ownership of data will come into

question in a

Personal Learning Environment.

The evolution of the teacher and learner





1. http://www.fxprotrend.com/uploads/computerGuy.jpg 2. http://www.allthingsdistributed.com/images/globe-europe.jpg3. http://www.watchingthenet.com/wp-content/uploads/image/wireless-signal.png4. http://www.top20training.com/website/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/teacher-a

nd-student-help.jpg5. http://www.committedsardine.com/images/blog/Traditional_teacher.jpg_blog.p


6. http://www.almightydad.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/1589846-teacher-in-classroom.jpg

7. http://www.krauseinnovationcenter.org/ewyl/images/image001.gif8. http://freeonlinebooks.net/iserial/02_WQS.gif 9. http://www.nixrob.co.uk/images/reality.jpg10. http://www.internettime.com/itimegroup/forum/learnercentered.jpg11. http://www.virtuallyscholastic.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/my-ple.png12. http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:0hYjjwSWWB6sEM:http://moodle.sd58.bc.c

a/moodle/file.php/218/7Y7Z_site_back_up_1/math-teacher.jpg&t=113. http://teachereducations.info/images/teachers/teachers_385x261.jpg14. http://www.west.asu.edu/achristie/545/sample/images/teacher.jpg15. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3366/3293199214_76faa561f2_o.jpg


Brown, D. (2003a). Learner-Centered Conditions That Ensure Students' Success in Learning. Education (Chula Vista, Calif.), 124(1), 99-104, 107. Retrieved from OmniFile Full Text Mega database.

Brown, K. (2003b). From Teacher-Centered to Learner-Centered Curriculum: Improving Learning in Diverse Classrooms. Education (Chula Vista, Calif.), 124(1), 49-54. Retrieved from OmniFile Full Text Mega database.

Chang, S. (2004). Thr roles of mentors in nelectronic learning environments. AACE Journal. 12(3). 331-334. Retrieved from http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

Henson, K. (2003). Foundations for Learner-Centered Education: A Knowledge Base. Education (Chula Vista, Calif.), 124(1), 5-16. Retrieved from OmniFile Full Text Mega database.

Homitz, D.J. & Berg, Z.L. ( 2008). Using e-mentoring to sustain distance training and education The Learning Organization. 15(4), 326-335

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Learning: Toward a Learner-Centered Teaching Model. AACE Journal. 17(1), 11-22


Kiboss,J.K. (2010). Pupils’ Perceptions of the Teacher’s Changing Role in E-Learning Physics Classroom Instruction. Creative Education1, 33-38 doi:10.4236/ce.2010.11006

Lin,L. (2008). An Online Learning guide to Facilitate Leaner’s Rights to Education. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks. 12(1), 127-143

McLoughlin,C. & Lee,M.J.W (2010). Personalised and self regulated learning in the Web 2.0

era: International exemplars of innovative pedagogy using social software. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 26(1), 28-43

Schaffert ,S.& Hilzensauer, W.(2008). On the way towards Personal Learning Environments:

Seven crucial aspects. eLearning Papers. no 9. Retrieved from

http://www.elearningeuropa.info/files/media/media15975.pdf Shrestha,C. , May,S., Edirisingha,P., Burke,L. & Linsey,T. (2009). From Face-to-Face to e-Mentoring: Does the “e” Add Any Value for Mentors? International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. 20(2), 116-124 Robinson,C. & Sebba, J. (2010). Personalising learning through the use of technology. Computers & Education 54(3) 767–775 van Harmelen, M.(2008).Design trajectories: four experiments in PLE implementation. Interactive Learning Environments. 16(1), 35 — 46

DOI 10.1080/10494820701772686 Wilson, Scott(2008).Patterns of Personal Learning Environments. Interactive Learning Environments. 16(1), 17-34 DOI: 10.1080/10494820701772660