A Discipleship Model for Adult Sabbath Schools © Copyright 2011 Florida Conference.

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Transcript of A Discipleship Model for Adult Sabbath Schools © Copyright 2011 Florida Conference.

A Discipleship Model for

Adult Sabbath Schools

© Copyright 2011 Florida Conference

Conrad Duncan – Director of Sabbath School and Community Services

From Florida Conference

Kim Johnson – Director of Curriculum Resources


Click on

“A Discipleship Model for Adult Sabbath School”

To view or download today’s PowerPoint go to:

The ultimate goal: To make adult Sabbath

School such a dynamic, life-changing place

that attendance is larger than at the Worship


We need to overcome the mental image of Sabbath School as the little sister to the Worship Service

Organized properly, adult Sabbath School can be the most effective

discipleship program of the local church!

The problem is that nationally most adult Sabbath Schools are struggling.

Increasing numbers of members only come to the Worship Service.

Do not attract nearly enough members in their 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s.

Very few non-SDA’s attend from the community.

Adult Sabbath School

“The Sabbath School, when

rightly managed, possesses

marvelous power, and is

adapted to doing a great work,

but it is not now what it may

and should be.” EGW, CSSW 9

Ellen White issued a stirring call for us to

create vibrant adult Sabbath Schools that are

overflowing with people. Sadly, across N.

America, they are only living up to a small

fraction of their potential.

What can be done?

First, Adult Sabbath School needs to correctly answer the key question:

What business are you in?

“We’re in the railroad business.”

“We’re in the record making business.”

What business is your Church in?

The church service business?

The Sabbath School business?

The Revelation Seminar business?

The health seminar business?

The Vacation Bible School business?

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the

nations, baptizing them in the name of the

Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

teaching them to observe all that I have

commanded you.” (Mt 28: 18-20)

Jesus said that our real business is:

Making Disciples!

“Neither going, baptizing, nor teaching are

ends in themselves; they are all means to the

end of discipling. . . We hear a great deal

about baptizing. We talk about teaching true

Bible doctrines. Neither of these activities is

an ultimate end of the gospel commission.”


“Jesus said the church’s business is making

disciples. To make disciples, we need to go, we

need to baptize, we need to teach. But these are

not our primary business. If these become ends

in themselves, if we ever concentrate on any of

them rather than on making disciples, we’ll

soon be out of business.”

(Floyd Bresee, General Conference Ministerial Secretary, Ministry Magazine, April 1990)





Maturing Disciples

“Go into all the world and


Adult Sabbath School

Like an Ethan Allen Furniture factory, Sabbath School is supposed to produce something.

Russell Burrill commenting on Jesus’ Great Commission:

Recovering an Adventist Approach to the Life & Mission of the Local Church, p. 26.

“Jesus commanded the church to produce disciples, and that is what obedient churches should be doing.”


Sabbath School is supposed to be a “People Garden.” All kinds of people growing in all kinds of ways to reflect the love of Christ.

That means that our primary focus needs to be on PEOPLE.

Not on methods

Not on teaching tools

Not on my particular preferences

Not on preserving the past

Disciple-making requires that we target

the whole person. The focus needs to

be not only on the spiritual, but on the

mental, emotional, social, and physical

as well. They are all linked together.

1. Know what business Sabbath School should

be in – Making Disciples and growing people.

What can be done?

2. We also need to recognize that society has

changed dramatically over the last 80 years.

1. Know what business Sabbath School should

be in – Making Disciples and growing people.

What can be done?

There has been a dramatic shift in Generational Attitudes

Born before 1940

There has been a dramatic shift in Generational Attitudes

Born before 1940 –

Out of the Great Depression

Loyalty to institutions

The U.S. Government

Gave them the New Deal

Won World War II

Prosperity in the Suburbs

There has been a dramatic shift in Generational Attitudes

“A Chevy man”

Cape Cod Bank & Trust

My Dad

Born before 1940 – Loyalty to institutions

There has been a dramatic shift in Generational Attitudes

They come to Sabbath School because that is where

they are supposed to be on Saturday morning,

regardless of how irrelevant or boring the program

may be. That is what the institution (the church) says

they should be doing.

Born before 1940 – Loyalty to institutions

There has been a dramatic shift in Generational Attitudes

Born after WWII

The Baby Boomer Generation (1946-1964)

Generation X (1965-1980)

Generation Y/Millennial (1981-present)

There has been a dramatic shift in Generational Attitudes

Born after WWII –

The tragedy of Vietnam

Loyalty to value

The U.S. Government

High debt and wasteful spending


There has been a dramatic shift in Generational Attitudes

Born after WWII –

Purchase car with the best value

Invest in bank with the best interest


Loyalty to value

There has been a dramatic shift in Generational Attitudes

Born after WWII – Loyalty to value

They only come to Sabbath School if they perceive

it to be valuable. If it is not relevant and interesting,

they will not waste their time, regardless of what

the institution says.

The Key Change In Perspective

“If people aren’t attending, it’s their problem.

They ought to be here. They must not be

committed, spiritual, etc.”

Adult Sabbath Schools that are stagnant or declining

usually have leaders who identify only with the

institutional loyalty mindset and refuse to adapt.

These leaders say:

“If people aren’t attending, it’s our problem.

What we are doing isn’t relevant or interesting

enough for them to feel it is valuable and


Adult Sabbath Schools that are growing and vibrant

have leaders who understand the dramatic generational

changes that have occurred and adapt. These leaders


The Key Change In Perspective

“Its’ THEIR problem”

“Its’ OUR problem”

If they are not attending Sabbath School:

Your Sabbath School must choose

Born before 1940 – Loyalty to institutions

Born after WWII – Loyalty to value

The best thing we can do is to understand one another, put personal preference aside, and do what is needed to make Sabbath School a success.

The worse thing is for these two groups to fight against one another.

Like it or not, in today’s world the

only choice the church has is to:

“Change or die.”

Not our doctrines, but our methods.

Many people fear change and resist it.

But our own comfort

cannot dictate what

we do. We must be

governed by God’s

will and purposes.

The seven last words of the Church -

“We never did it that way before.”

1950 - 2011

“The no change” Church

To revive Sabbath School we have to think outside the box!

Change can be unsettling, but it can also be positive and beautiful.

Healthy change honors the past, retains

what is still working, and builds on that

to get us to a better, more effective


Also, remember that Jesus was the

greatest Change Agent the world has

ever seen!

2. We also need to recognize that society has

changed dramatically over the last 80 years, and

so must the church in order to be relevant and


1. Understand that Sabbath School is in the

business of Making Disciples and growing people.

What can be done?

What specific changes are needed?

We are suggesting that your leadership

carefully consider how many of the

following eight items it is going to

embrace in order to enhance Sabbath


As you think about change, remember to

start small and go slowly. From all that you

will hear today, think in terms of finding

one or two ideas that you can take home

and implement. Don’t try to do everything

at once.

Also remember the change principle that it

is better to add than to subtract.

+ -



Better to add to Sabbath School than to

subtract from what is already there.

Learning Environment

What specific changes are needed?

Staring at the backs of heads.

Trying to hear what the person in the pew in

front of you saying.

A healthy learning environment is critical. It

sends a very powerful message about how much

or how little we actually value adult education

and relationships. The learning environment

needs to be:


Free from distraction.

Easily accessible.

Ways to create good adult learning environments

Movable partitions in the Sanctuary.

Movable dividers in the Fellowship Hall.

Unused spaces – pastor’s study, kitchen, Mothers Room, etc.

Use the Church School if you have one.

Use a nearby building if it is closed on Saturday.

Modular Units or eventual addition to building

The bottom line is to treat the creation of

effective adult learning environments as

essential and not optional. It is as essential

to learning as the Sanctuary is to worship.

1. Learning Environment

Teacher Training

Create excellent discussion questions.

Keep the discussion focused.

Deal with people who talk too much

Involve more people in the discussion.

Apply the lessons to everyday life.

Build increased trust and openness.

Get people to study more.

Teachers need to learn how to:

You don’t have to be an expert!

1. Learning Environment

2. Teacher Training

Focus on Information and Relationships in a

smaller setting.

Bible Study



We’ve gotten so used to having adult Sabbath

School in the Sanctuary, we think that looking

at the backs of heads, not relating to one

another, and having a hard time hearing each

other is the only option.

Small groups have proven to be a great alternative.

In Small Groups people build both knowledge and relationships in a

non-judgmental atmosphere.

Russell Burrill comments:

“It is God’s plan and Jesus’ desire that Christians grow in small groups. The purpose of small groups is not just meeting to study the Bible. The purpose of groups is to give Christians a place where they can grow together.”

The Revolutionized Church of the 21st Century, p. 54

Ellen White’s perspective on small groups:

“To Ellen White, small groups were not just a program of the church, they were the major organizing principle of the work of the church. To have a church without small groups operating in it was anathema to Ellen White, for the church is to be built on small groups.”

The Revolutionized Church of the 21st Century, p. 137

Trinity Life

Church Life


Trinity Life

Church Life


Trinity Life

Church Life

“By this shall all men know that you are

my disciples, if you have love for one

another.” Jn 13:35

The supreme test of discipleship:Not how much we know

Not how often we go to church

Not how much we tithe

Not how active we are in the church

Jesus said, its’ how much we love each other -

Building relationships is vital

Relationships are formed best in a small

group setting. Sabbath School is a

wonderful place for Adventists to

experience small groups for the very first


Meeting in small groups during

Sabbath SchoolSun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri

Sabbath School also becomes the “springboard” for small groups that

meet during the other days of the week

1. Learning Environment2. Teacher Training

3. Focus on Information and Relationships in Small Groups

Service Opportunities

Foreward to “Counsels on Sabbath School Work” written by the General Conference Sabbath School Department in 2002:

“From [Ellen White’s] counsels four chief purposes

have been developed for the world Seventh-day

Adventist Sabbath School system: (1) study of the

Word, (2) fellowship, (3) community outreach, and

(4) world mission emphasis.”

Bible Study


Bible Study



A disciple-making Sabbath School needs to balance two important emphasis:

Outreach Nurture

Nurture without Outreach results in stagnation and little growth.


And Outreach without Nurture results in people dropping out.


They must be in balance

Outreach Nurture

The service projects are not done

AFTER Sabbath School, but DURING

Sabbath School.

That way Sabbath School itself

becomes mission oriented and you get a

lot more people involved in outreach.







Sabbath Morning

Sabbath Afternoon



Organized Service Opportunities




Plan 1: Dedicate 15 minutes of Sabbath School time in the group each week to service. For example:

Everyone bring their cell phone and call one shut-in or person in the hospital.

Collect shaving supplies each week and give to Homeless Shelter at the end of the month. Create festive wrapping.

Class members collect change in jars at home. Bring to class after a few weeks and use money to purchase a gift for a needy, hurting person.

Have everyone bring in fresh fruit to make a fruit basket. The group decides who to give it to. It need not be a shut-in, but anyone who needs encouragement.

Everyone bring a few fresh flowers that are picked or purchased to make a bouquet to bring to someone who could use some encouragement.

Have each class member purchase a card for someone the group decided on the week before. Bring the cards to the class, write a short note of blessing and appreciation, and everyone sign each card. Mail them at the same time.

Fill out postcard size “Encouragement Cards” or “Appreciation Cards” with the person’s name on the front. Give it to the church office to add the address and mail.

Plan 1: Dedicate 15 minutes of Sabbath School time in the group each week to service. For example: (cont’d)

Plan 2: Periodically devote all of the Sabbath School group time to service, staying within the building. For example:

Get white poster board that is 3 feet on each side. With a pencil divide it into 12” by 12” squares. Decide on one overall scene and have members color in only the portion in their square with crayons. Cut out and send one square per day to the person you want to uplift so they can put it all together. Include a note that it is a puzzle.

The class members practice a skit to be presented du ring the church service, children’s Sabbath School, or some other time. Choose skits that are designed to involve a dozen or more people. Skits can be purchased online from places such as:



Plan 2: Periodically devote all of the Sabbath School group time to service, staying within the building. For example:

Assemble kits for the Homeless – “Street Corner Care Kit”

½ gallon freezer bagFoodDrinkSocksHand creamToothbrushetc

Plan 3: Periodically devote one entire Sabbath morning to service out in the community using a van or bus. Make the theme Random Acts of Kindness. For example:

Go online ahead of time and purchase balloons that you can have the company put a Christian message on. Take a rented helium tank to a downtown park, fill the balloons with helium, and give them away to families. If they ask why you are doing this just say, “To demonstrate God’s love.”

Purchase cold soft drinks or water ahead of time and have the class give them away to cars that stop at red lights.

Plan 3: Periodically devote one entire Sabbath morning to service out in the community using a van or bus. Make the theme Random Acts of Kindness. For example: (cont’d)

Florida Hospital Church offered eleven service opportunities during regular Sabbath School. Sign up ahead of time. Both within the church and community.

For other ideas see websites such as:


Put “Random Acts of Kindness ideas” in a Google search.

Plan 3: Periodically devote one entire Sabbath morning to service out in the community using a van or bus.

Plan 1: Dedicate 15 minutes of group time each week to service.

Plan 2: Periodically devote all of the Sabbath School class time to service, staying within the building.

Service to Non-SDA’s during

Sabbath SchoolSun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri

Sabbath School becomes the “springboard” for ministries to occur

during the other days of week

1. Learning Environment2. Teacher Training

3. Focus on Information and Relationships in Small Groups

4. Service Opportunities

Need-based Alternatives

The adult Sabbath School Quarterly has

been a great blessing to many people

over the years.

We believe in using the Quarterly and we

promote it. Those who teach it should

certainly be honored.

Strengths of the Quarterly

Bible based

Extensive use of Spirit of Prophecy

Provides many spiritual insights

Content comes from broad input

Used throughout the denomination

Problems that must be faced

Classes that study the Quarterly are not well-suited for non-SDA’s

The issue is that non-SDA’s are

beginners among long-time Bible

students. They also have a hard time

relating to the “SDA lingo” from


Ellen White in class

Our usual approach is to isolate non-SDA visitors.

We say, “They need their own class because

they’re not ready to study the Quarterly yet.”

The best answer is to invite people from the

community into a variety of alternative Sabbath

School groups that are designed to meet them at

the point of their need.

The groups are made up of members and their

non-SDA friends and acquaintances.

Various Bible Study Topics

Spiritual Health

Marriage & Family

Physical Health

Mental Health

Emotional Health

Possibilities for Alternative Sabbath School Classes


Court mandated attendance at an anger management classes.

Social agency required classes on parenting.

Curriculum for 3rd Quarter

TOPICWHERE MEETS 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26





Grief Recovery

Overcoming Stress


Raising Great Kids


Room 103

Fellowship Hall

Mother’s Room


Pastor’s Study

Fellowship Hall

# Wks








Spiritual Gifts Fellowship Hall 8

1. Convenience for them. Not tired after work.

2. Able to mingle with many more SDA’s. “Why are all of these people here?”

3. Free spiritual programs and activities for children.

4. Easier to get them to come to the Worship Service.5. We reach the entire family.

6. Highly relational setting instead of lectures.

Why Sabbath Morning for Non-SDA’s in small groups?

8. Benefits our own adults and children being around Non-SDA’s. Creates a mission mentality.

9. Teachers become more evangelistic in attitude.

10. Fulfills EGW’s dream of Sabbath School being a major soul winning agency.

7. Much easier to get SDA volunteers.

Why Sabbath Morning for Non-SDA’s small groups?

Sabbath Schools With Alternative Classes:

“Forgive to Live” seminar. 85 in attendance with 65% from the community. 8 Sabbath mornings.

Sabbath morning groups and classes attended by members and their friends from the community:

Non-SDA’s in the community

Service Tasks

Sabbath SchoolAlternative


“The object of Sabbath

School work should be the

ingathering of souls.” EGW, CSSW 61

“The Sabbath school should be

one of the greatest

instrumentalities, and the most

effectual, in bringing souls to

Christ.” EGW, CSSW 10

Problems that must be faced

Many of our adults ages 20-40 are not attracted to the Quarterly. We know they want value.

They also want choice.

For example, when McDonald’s opened in the early 1960’s it offered only burgers, fries and milkshakes.

We live in a world of choices and options.

What about today?

Chicken Salad

Caesar Salad

Southwest Salad

Fruit and Walnut Salad

Fruit and Maple



Steak and Eggs




Honey Mustard

Snack WrapsChipolte BBQ


Angus Wraps




Because they love us??

Because they want to attract new business and be successful! They know that people demand options.


We ignore that lesson at our peril.

A mother with a critically ill son who wants to know more about prayer.

What does your adult Sabbath School curriculum

provide for these people in your town or city?

What does your adult Sabbath School curriculum

provide for these people in your town or city?

A young lady who wants to know about the book of Revelation.

A couple in their mid-30’s whose marriage has a lot of unresolved conflict.

What does your adult Sabbath School curriculum

provide for these people in your town or city?

What does your adult Sabbath School curriculum

provide for these people in your town or city?

A single mom with two kids who just lost her job and wonders how she can make the mortgage payments.

A wife whose husband just died in a tragic car crash.

What does your adult Sabbath School curriculum

provide for these people in your town or city?

What does your adult Sabbath School curriculum

provide for these people in your town or city?

A man in his 40’s whose doctor told him he has to lower his stress level now in order to get his blood pressure under control.

What does your adult Sabbath School curriculum

provide for these people in your town or city?

A couple in their early 20’s who are unable to control their two children. It is putting huge stress on their marriage.

What does your adult Sabbath School curriculum

provide for these people in your town or city?

A lady who is struggling with depression and anxiety.

Offer one or two alternative subjects then build from there as needed.

Not everything you offer needs to last thirteen weeks.

1. Learning Environment2. Teacher Training

3. Focus on Information and Relationships in Small Groups

4. Service Opportunities

5. Need-based Alternatives

New name for alternative classes.


Non-SDA’s haven’t learned about Sabbath yet.

School makes them picture homework, lectures, and tests.

Traditional Sabbath School

Life Enrichment Center



You can keep the traditional Sabbath School and develop the Life Enrichment Center as an ongoing alternative.

The name Life Enrichment Center should provide an

excellent opportunity to invite non-SDA’s:

“This group meeting is being held at the Life

Enrichment Center in my church” vs “My church is

offering this meeting.”

1. Learning Environment2. Teacher Training

3. Focus on Information and Relationships in Small Groups

4. Service Opportunities

5. Need-based Alternatives

6. New Name for alternative classes

Rethink Preliminaries

Those who have put together programs over

the years for the Sabbath School Preliminaries

should be thanked and honored for their many

hours of dedicated work.

We do, however, need to recognize that members

who consistently arrive late or at the end of the

Preliminaries are “voting with their feet” that it is

not relevant for them.

The answer is to not expect everyone to attend the

Preliminaries. Make them available for those who

want them or eliminate them altogether if there is a

consensus to do so.

Everyone could still be invited to gather together

periodically for Mission emphasis.

Start some small groups at the same time as

preliminaries for those who want to have more time.

1. Learning Environment2. Teacher Training

3. Focus on Information and Relationships in Small Groups

4. Service Opportunities

5. Need-based Alternatives

Various lengths of time

6. New Name for alternative classes

7. Rethink Preliminaries

TimeT i m e

Adult Sabbath School




1. Learning Environment2. Teacher Training

3. Focus on Information and Relationships in Small Groups

4. Service Opportunities

5. Need-based Alternatives

8. Various lengths of time

7. Rethink Preliminaries

6. Life Enrichment Center

Don’t be overwhelmed. Don’t go home

and try to change everything at once.

Select one or two items that you feel

have the best chance of success. Move

slowly, get support from leadership, and

build from there.

Every journey begins with one step.

With God’s special blessing and our willing

hearts, adult Sabbath Schools can once again

become vibrant, life-changing places!


Click on

“A Discipleship Model for Adult Sabbath School”

To view or download today’s PowerPoint go to:



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Updated 9-7-11