A conversation about childhood

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of A conversation about childhood





Would you consider your childhood a good

one? Why/not?

What was bad about your childhood?

What did you like to do when you were a child?

What did you look like?

How old were you when you learned to ride a


What was your favorite subject? Why?

If you could change one aspect of your

childhood, what would you change? Why?

At what age does childhood end and adulthood

begin? Why do you think so?

What have you kept from childhood? (toy,

memento, etc.)

Were you spanked when you were a child?

Do we ever stop looking at the world through

child's eye?

Did you have to work during your childhood?

Do you parents make you do chores around the


Why can't we always be children?

Were you good at making friends?

What's the best present you got when you

were a child?

What was your favorite public holiday?


Who were your childhood heroes? What was

so special about them?

What makes for a happy childhood?

Ken Hill said, "childhood is a promise that is

never kept." What do you think he meant?

Do you agree?

What was it like growing up in your hometown?

How did you make friends?

Were you a good student?

What kind of food did your like?

What kind of food did your hate?

How are you similar to your parents? How are

you different?

What was your position in the family? (Only

child, youngest child, eldest child, second of


What smells or sounds can you recall from your


What were your favorite cartoons and TV


Did you have any nickname? Tell us about it.

Were you afraid of anything? What?

What was your favorite fairytale

What childhood diseases did you have?

Describe the first memory you have of going

to school.

Where did you grow up? Did you move

frequently? If so, why?

Who took care of you when you were little?

What smells or sounds can you recall from your


What are the best things about being a child?

What was your worst punishment as a child?

What are the worst things about being a child?

Who was your favorite teacher? Why?

What did you like about school?

Did you cry the first day you went to school

What did you like to play?

At what age could you go places by yourself?

At what age could you go places by yourself?

How are you similar to your parents? How are

you different?

How old were you at the time of your first


Could you play outside all year long?

When you were a child, what did you want to

grow up to be?

Was it dangerous to play in the streets?

Did you get along with your siblings?

Should children help with the housework?