A BIBLIOGRAPHY ON POPULATION AND ENVIRONMENT · 2006. 8. 10. · Population and Health Studies,...

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Transcript of A BIBLIOGRAPHY ON POPULATION AND ENVIRONMENT · 2006. 8. 10. · Population and Health Studies,...


Compiled by Vinod K. Mishra

Population and Health Studies, East-West Center, Honolulu, HI, USA

1. Environment and Population; Problems of Adaptation: An Experimental Book Integrating Statements by 162 Contributions.

2. Abernethy, Virginia. "How Julian Simon Could Win the Bet and Still Be Wrong." Population and Environment 13, no. 1 (1991): 3-7.

3. ———. "Population Growth Curve, False Comfort?" Population and Environment 12, no. 2 (1990): 97-98.

4. Abrahamson, Dean Edwin. The Challange of Globlal Warming. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 1989a.

5. ———. "Global Warming: The Issue, Impacts, Responses." The Challange of Globlal Warming, (ed.) Dean Edwin Abrahamson, 3-34. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 1989b.

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7. Abzug, Bella. "Women and the Environment." Focus on Women (United Nations), no. April (1995): 1-4.

8. Adelman, Irma, Cynthia Taft Morris, Habib Fetini, and Elise Golan-Hardy. "Institutional Change, Economic Development, and the Environment." Ambio 21, no. 1 (1992): 106-11.

9. Adelstein, Michael E., and Jean G. Pival. Ecocide and Population. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1971.

10. Agarwal, Anil, and others. State of India's Environment-A Citizens' Report: Floods, Flood Plains and Environmental Myths. New Delhi: Centre for Science and Environment, 1991.

11. ———. The Wrath of Nature: The Impact of Environmental Destruction on Floods and Droughts. New Delhi: Centre for Science and Environment, 1987.

12. Agarwal, Anil, Ravi Chopara, and Kalpana Sharma. The State of India's Environment 1982: A Citizens' Report. New Delhi: Centre for Science and Environment, 1982.

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16. Ahmad, Afroz. "Environmental Impact Assessment in the Himalayas: An Ecosystem Approach." Ambio 22, no. 4 (1993): 4-9.

17. Ahmad, Alia. Agricultural Stagnstion Under Population Pressure: The Case of Bangladesh. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House.

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24. Arcia, G. Population Growth and the Urban Environment. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina: Center for International Development, Research Triangle Institute, Staff Working Paper, 1990.

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29. Arrhenius, Erik. "Population, Development and Envionmental Disruption - An Issue on Efficient Natural-Resource Management." Ambio 21, no. 1 (1992): 9-13.

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31. Arya, V. P. A Guide to Industrial Licensing in India. New Delhi: Iyenger Consultancy, 1981.

32. Ascher, William, and Robert G. Healy. Natural Resource Policymaking in Developing Countries: Environment, Economic Growth, and Income Distribution. Durham: Duke University Press, 1990.

33. Asia 1995 Yearbook. "Environment." Far Eastern Economic Review.

34. Asian Developmant Bank. Population Pressure and Natural Resource Management: Key Issues and Possible Actions. Manila: ADB Environment Paper No. 6, 1991.

35. Asian Development Bank. Energy End Use: An Environmentally Sound Development Pathway. 1993. Notes: An excellent source book on latest energy use information on India.

36. Asian Urban Information Center of KOBE. "Newsletter." Asian People and Cities, no. 27 (1997): 1-20.

37. ———. "Newsletter." Asian People and Cities, no. 28 (1997): 1-18.

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39. Ausubel, Jesse H., Robert A. Frosch, and Robert Herman. "Technology and Environment: An Overview." Technology and Environment, (eds.) Jesse H. Ausubel, and Hedy E. Sladovich, 1-20. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1989.

40. Axinn, William G., Jennifer S Barber, and Ann E. Biddlecom. "Social Change, Family Size, and Environmental Consumption."Population Association of America Annual Meeting.

41. Ayres, Robert U. "Social Technology and Economic Development." Technological Forcasting and Social Change 28, no. 2 (1985): 141-57.

42. Backkheti, N. D. Social Forestry in India: Problems and Prospects. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1987.

43. Baden, John, and Richard L. Stroup. Bureaucracy Vs Environment: Environmental Costs of Bureaucratic Governance. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1981.

44. Bahuguna, Sunder Lal. Chipko Message. Sylyara, India: Chipko Information Centre, 1984.

45. ———. Himalayan Trauma: Forests, Faults, and Floods. New Delhi: Gandhi Peace Foundation, 1978.

46. Bailey, Kenneth D. "From POET to PISTOL: Reflections on the Ecological Complex." Sociological Inquiry 60, no. 4 (1990): 386-94.

47. Bakkes, J. A., G. J. van den Born, Helder J. C. , Swart R. J. , Hope C. W. , and J. D. E. Parker. An Overview of Environmental Indicators: State of the Art and Perspectives . United Nations Environment Programme, 1994.

48. Baldi, Patricia Waak. Population Policy: Social Realities, Prospects and the Three Ecos. Washington, D.C.: National Audubon Society, Population Program, 1991.

49. Bandyopadhyay, J., N. D. Jayal, U. Schoettli, and Chhatrapati Singh. India's Environment: Crises and Responses. Dehra Dun: Natraj, 1985.

50. Bandyopadhyay, Jayanta. "Sustainability and Survival in the Mountain Context." Ambio 21, no. 4: 297-302.

51. Bansal, P. C. Agricultural Statistical Compendium. New Delhi: Techno Economic Research Institute, 1990.

52. Bapat, Jyotsna. "Towards a Critical Human Ecology." Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society 23, no. 1 (1988): 1-16.

53. Barberis, M., R. R. Benedick, J. Jordan, and Sadik N. Population, Environment and Sustainable Development. Geneva: International Round Table, 180 pp., 1993.

54. Barlett, Peggy F. "Adaptive Strategies in Peasent Agricultural Production." Annual Review of Anthropology 9 (1980): 545-73.

55. Barnett, Harold J. "Economic Growth and Environmental Quality Are Compatible." Policy Sciences 5, no. 2 (1974): 137-47.

56. Barrow, C. J. Land Degradation: Development and Breakdown of Terrestrial Environments. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.

57. Bartiaux, Franscisco, and Jean-Pascal van Ypersele. "The Role of Population Growth in Global Warming."International Population Conference, August 24 - September 1, 33-54Liege, Belgium: IUSSP, 1993.

58. Baxi, Upendra. "Environmental Law: Limitations and Potential for Liberation." India's Environment: Crises and ResponsesJ. Bandyopadhyay, N. D. Jayal, U. Schoettli, and Chhatrapati Singh, ? Dehradun: Natraj, 1985.

59. Behrens, Clifford A., Michael G. Baksh, and Michel Mothes. "A Regional Analysis of Bari

Land Use Intensification and Its Impact on Landscape Heterogeneity." Human Ecology 22, no. 3 (1994).

60. Bell, Garrett De. The Environmental Handbook; Prepared for the First National Environmental Teach-in. New York: Ballantine Books, 1970.

61. Bender, William, and Margaret Smith. "Population, Food, and Nutrition." Population Bulletin 51, no. 4 (1997): 1-48.

62. Benjamin, Bernard, P. R. Cox, and J. Peel. Resources and Population. New York and London: 1973.

63. Bernard, F., D. Campbell, and T. Derrick. "Carrying Capacity of the Eastern Ecological Gradient of Kenya." National Geographic Research 5, no. 4 (1989): 399-422.

64. Berreman, Gerald D. "Demography, Domestic Economy and Change in the Western Himalayas." Eastern Anthropologist 30, no. 2 (1977): 157-92.

65. Bertrand, Alvin L. "Human Vs Natural Resources in Global Perspective: A Challange Not Well Met by Social Science." Sociological Forum 1, no. Fall (1978): 5-17.

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67. Bhalla, G. S., and D. S. Tyagi. Patterns in Indian Agricultural Development: A District Level Study. New Delhi: Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, 1989.

68. Bhatia, J. "India Finds Green Gold in Its Social Forests." Far Eastern Economic Review 133 (1986): 38-45.

69. Bhatt, S. Environmental Laws and Water Resources Management. New Delhi: Radiant, 1986.

70. Biddlecom, Ann E., William G. Axinn, and Jennifer S. Barber. "Environmental Effects on Reproductive Preferences: a Case Study in Nepal."Population Association of America Annual Meeting.

71. Bilsborrow, R. E., and C. R. Winegarden. "Landholding, Rural Fertility and Internal Migration in Developing Countries: Econometric Evidence From Cross-National Data." The Pakistan Development Review XXIV, no. 2 (1985): 125-49.

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73. Bilsborrow, Richard E., and P. DeLargy. "Population Growth, Natural Resource Use and Migration in the Third World: The Cases of Guatemala and Sudan." Resources, Environment and Population: Present Knowledge, Future Options (Supplement to

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80. Birdsall, Nancy. "Another Look at Population and Global Warming."The Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 1-3, 19931993.

81. Biswas, Asit K. "Environmental Modelling for Developing Countries: Problems and Prospects." Environmental Modelling for Developing Countries, (eds.) Asit K. Biswas, T. N. Khoshoo, and A. Khosla, 1-12. New York and London: Tycooly Publishing, 1990.

82. Blaikie, P., and H. C. Brookfield. Land Degradation and Society. London: Methuen, 1987.

83. Blaikie, Piers. "Population Change and Environmental Management: Coping and Adaptation at the Domestic Level." Environment and Population Change. Editors Basia Zaba, and John ClarkeLiege: Derouaux Ordina Editions, 1994.

84. Blanchet, Didier. "On Interpreting Observed Relationships Between Poulation Growth and Economic Growth: A Graphical Exposition." Population and Development Review 17, no. 1 (1991): 105-14.

85. Bloyd, Cary. Electric Utilities Environmental Conference.

86. Bloyd, Cary, Dallas Burtraw, and Richard Sonnenblick. "Lessons From the Integrated Assessment of Acid Deposition for Assessing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change."Electric Utilities Environmental Conference.

87. Blyn, George. Agricultural Trends in India 1891-1947: Output, Availability and Productivity. Philadelphia: University of Penselvania Press, 1966.

88. Bongaarts, John. Population Growth and the Food Supply: Conflicting Perspectives. The Population Council, 1993.

89. ———. "Population Pressure and the Food Supply System in the Developing World."For the Population Council, Research Division, New York, Not for Distribution, March 1996.

90. Bongaarts, John P. "A Framework for Analyzing the Proximate Determinants of Fertility." Population and Development Review 4, no. 1 (1978): 105-32.

91. ———. "Population Growth and Global Warming." Population and Development Review 18, no. 2 (1992): 299-319.

92. ———. "Population Growth and the Food Supply."The Population Association of America Annual Meeting1993.

93. ———. Population Pressure and the Food Supply System in the Developing World. New York: The Population Council, 1996.

94. Boothroyd, Peter. Population Environment Linkages: Toward a Conceptual Framework. Jakarta and Halifax: Environmental Management Development in Indomesia Project (EMDI), 1992.

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97. Boserup, Ester. The Conditions of Agricultural Growth. Chicago: Aldine, 1965.

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102. Bouwman, A. F. Soils and the Greenhouse Effect. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, 1990. Notes: See pages 129-145

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