A 3-Tiered System of Support: Home, School & Community Center for SW-PBS College of Education...

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A 3-Tiered System of Support:Home, School & Community

Center for SW-PBSCollege of EducationUniversity of Missouri

What do we want for kids?

• Success for all youth at, home, school and community: academic/social/emotional

• Safe, effective, supportive learning environments

• System-wide approaches that focus on prevention of academic/social/emotional difficulty and failure


• Fragmented efforts on behalf of youth• Lack of effective schoolwide responses for

kids who have trouble in schools• Lack of early interventions for students at-

risk of developing Mental Health problems• Lack of data-based decision making • Interventions that are not implemented

correctly or not implemented across settings

So, what should we do to help our kids be successful?

• Work together to develop common expectations.

• Work together to teach our children how to meet the expectations.

• Work together to recognize our children who work to meet the expectations.

• Work together to develop supportive responses for our children who are not meeting the expectations.

The Three-Tiered Model

Academic and Behavior Examples

All students receive instruction in the core reading curriculum, which is evidence-based. Academic goals are communicated to parents. Fidelity checks ensure the curriculum is implemented with fidelity. The teacher provides additional instruction within the classroom for students who need additional assistance. All students are screened 3x per year.

Academic RtI

Students not at benchmark on the screening receive additional small group instruction for 30 minutes 3-5 times per week. The instruction provided is a research-based, targeted skills intervention. Fidelity checks are made. Parents also provide additional instruction with materials provided by the school. Students continue to receive core reading instruction in the classroom. Students at this level of support are progress monitored every 2 weeks.

Academic RtI

Student progress monitoring data meets data decision rule for intensive support. The research-based intervention is intensive and possibly a customized standard protocol intervention. Instruction is delivered in smaller groups or individually, 60 minutes per day, 5 days per week. Parents are provided materials to provide additional practice for the student at home. Progress monitoring occurs weekly.

Academic RtI

Parents, Community Members and school staff work together to develop Schoolwide Expectations and rules and classroom rules. Expectations and rules are taught to all 500 students in the school. 52 students have 2 or more office discipline referrals; the most frequent social behavioral error is difficulty with following directions. Each teacher reviews the lesson for following directions for a specified period of time.

Behavior RtI (SW-PBS)

Six students continue to experience difficulty following directions and meet the data decision rule for a small group intervention. The six students are placed in a research-based, small group intervention for 4 to 6 weeks. Community MH may provide direction for Social Skill Groups. Parents provide increased positive feedback to recognize their child’s efforts. Fidelity checks are made. Students continue to receive social behavior instruction provided to all students. Progress monitoring data is collected and analyzed at least every two weeks.

Behavior RtI (SW-PBS)

Two students continue to experience difficulty following directions and meet data decision rules for more intensive, individualized support. A functional assessment is conducted by an Action Team that includes teachers, parent, and the student and behavior intervention plans are developed for these 2 students. Community Agencies are included in the process when students require more intensive support. Progress monitoring data is collected and analyzed at least weekly.

Behavior RtI (SW-PBS)

ActivityRespond to the following:1) We have included community agencies and parents in the

process of developing our schoolwide behavior expectations?– If not, how could we involve community agencies and

parents in this process?2) We have included community agencies and parents in the

process to provide support for our students who experience social/behavioral difficulty? ‒ If not, how could we include community agencies and

parents in this process?

How do we change behavior?

• Clarify (specify) the behavior that will be taught.

• Teach what you want the child to do.• Recognize/reinforce the performance of the

new behavior. • Consistently respond to errors

(misbehaviors) by reteaching. • Evaluate the child’s performance of the


Clarify the Goals or Outcomes for Behavior Expectations & Rules Sample

Expectations Classroom Rules

Safe •Keep hands, feet & objects to yourself

•Stay in work/play space

Respectful •Use good words


Responsible •Follow Directions

•Do your work

Teach Expectations & Rules• Instruction

– Identify the rule– Define the rule– Model the rule– Role Play – Practice the rule

• Remind students of the rule throughout the day.

• Practice, Practice, Practice

Rules Lesson Plan Sample

“You get what you recognize.”Use positive, specific feedback when students

display the expected behavior to increase the likelihood students will display the desired behavior again in the future.

How do we Recognize Appropriate Behavior?Effective recognition is ….• Directly related to rules and procedures • Clear and specific• Immediate• Private• Clean

What should we Recognize?

• Recognize students for following the rules you’ve identified for all students.

• Recognize students for exhibiting specific rules they have difficulty following.

How do we correct the errors of Children with Challenging Behavior?

• Quick• Quiet• Step away to give the child time to comply

Do all the children conform to the expectations that have been


Why not?

Most children with social or behavioral challenges have impairments that affect:

• communication• social interaction• the ability to be flexible • the ability to tolerate frustration

What Does NOT Work

• Raising your voice• Sarcasm• Last wordism• Humiliation• Rigid body language• Coaxing• Having a tantrum of your own

“These children do not choose to be explosive and noncompliant – any more than a child would choose to be blind – but they are delayed in the process of developing the skills that are needed to be flexible and to tolerate frustration or they have a great deal of difficulty applying these skills when they most need to.”

– Greene, 2001, p. 13


How does a person communicate with another person?

• 55% is accomplished through body language• 38% is accomplished through voice tone• 7% is accomplished through word choice

So how do we communicate with children who have difficulty communicating?

Deliver one message at a time. Use only essential words (nouns & verbs)Match body language, facial expression, vocal tone, and words.Use visual aids (pictures, universal symbols, etc.)

Mental Health/Community Support at the Universal Level

• Family involvement in school activities

• Community outreach activities

• Family support activities

• School-wide events that support learning

• Participate in PBIS Universal team planning

• Development of community-based support networks

Promoting healthy development of all students

What if kids don’t respond to our system of prevention?

• Develop a Tier 2 System of Intervention– Develop a system to identify kids early– Develop a system to collect a standard set of

information you will need to identify the function of a student’s behavior

– Develop 2 or 3 small group interventions that can be matched to the functions of misbehavior

– Develop a system to regularly check the kid’s response to the intervention

Mental Health/Community Support : Examples at the Tier 2 Level

• Assist with individual or group interventions• Family outreach and support• Linkages with community resources• Access to clinical services for students,

families• Social support needs of students, families, and


What if kids don’t respond to our Tier 2 System of Intervention?

• Collect information about the student that will identify the misbehavior and the conditions that are present when the behavior occurs.– This process is called Functional Behavior


• Develop an individual Behavior Intervention Plan based on the information collected.

FBA Definition• Functional behavioral assessment is a

problem-solving process for identifying the events that reliably predict and maintain problem behavior.

• The primary objective of the FBA is to gather evidence to develop and support a hypothesis or summary statement of the function of behavior and to use this information to design the positive behavior support plan.


What are the functions of behavior?


ATTENTION TANGIBLE(objects & activities)



TANGIBLE(objects & activities)




FBA to BIP Process

• Identify clear & measurable description of problem behaviors.

• Provide summary statement that includes function (purpose) of behavior.

• Use data (direct observation) to confirm summary statement

• Develop behavior intervention plan based on summary statement– Contextually appropriate supports for accurate


Setting Events TriggeringAntecedents


Desired ReplacementBehavior Maintaining


Problem Behavior

Acceptable Replacement


From FBA to BIP



Obtain or Avoid


Strategies to address setting

events/antecedents to reduce likelihood

of problem behavior


Strategies to recognize the child for exhibiting the new behavior


Strategies to teach

short-term acceptable

replacement & desired long-term


Effective Classroom Practices

Classroom: • Expectations & Rules • Procedures & Routines • Strategies to Acknowledge Appropriate Behavior• Strategies to Respond to Inappropriate Behavior• Active Supervision• Multiple Opportunities to Respond• Activity Sequence & Offering Choice• Academic Success & Task Difficulty

Setting Events

Prior failure withmath


“Get out your math book.”


Sent to the office.

Desired ReplacementBehavior

Ask for help


Problem Behavior

Refusing to get out his book

Acceptable Replacement:

Use Break Card

How do we link FBA Outcomes to the BIP?


Escape the task.

Teach1)Teach Bill to use the break card2)Teach Bill how to use the resource folder.3)Teach Bill how to break problems into parts.4)Teach Bill how to ask for help.

Prevent1)Bill and a staff member will create a schedule of work activities for each day to allow him to preview work he will be assigned for the day.2)Break the work into parts.3)Create a folder with resources to help Bill complete tasks. Bill can initiate the use of the folder or his teacher can offer the folder if Bill does not start the task as assigned.

Reinforce1)After Bill completes 2 or 3 problems, check his work and provide positive feedback for his attempts to correctly complete the work.2)Bill will be able to earn points for initiating tasks and for completing tasks.

FBA Myths & Facts

FBA is only for students with disabilities…


• FBA is a process for understanding behavior of all individuals across multiple settings

FBA Myths & FactsA behavior specialist or school psychologist

completes all the FBAs . . .

MYTH• A sustainable system of individual behavior support

should be built on a team-based foundation • The team must build relationships with staff and

students and understand the daily challenges and successes experienced by the school

How will we complete an FBA?

• We will identify the people who will work together as the student’s team.

• We will identify the primary challenges of the student (academic, social/behavioral and emotional.)

• We will identify the conditions under which the challenges occur.

How will we complete an FBA?

• We will identify the people who will work together as the student’s team.– See the diagram on the next slide.

Tier 3 Student Support Teams

Student - Bill Student - SueStudent - Ann

Core Team Members

Administrator Person with behavioral expertise Person with academic expertise

Action Team Members

Members of core team

Teacher(s) of identified student


Action Team Members

Members of core team

Teacher(s) of identified student

Parent(s) Significant others

Action Team Members

Members of core team

Teacher(s) of identified student

Parent(s) Significant others

Significant others

Family Members’ Role

• Family members are considered a primary informant.

• Families should be encouraged to share what they know about their child’s:• Strengths• Challenges• Lifestyle

Sample Strengths, Needs, Discovery Survey

How will we complete an FBA?

• We will identify the people who will work together as the student’s team.

• We will identify the primary challenges of the student (academic, social/behavioral and emotional.)

• We will identify the conditions under which the challenges occur.

Defining Primary Challenges

• Should be decided as a team• Clear• Measurable

Clear & Measurable Description of Problem Behavior(s)

Description of Problem Behavior(s)The descriptions must be • Clear – Description of specific student actions, not

inferred traits; Observable, can be replicated by a stranger (Use precise language - action verbs)

• Measurable – Report behaviors that have an observable beginning & end and measurable dimension(s)

‒ Frequency, duration, intensity, latency


Clear & Measurable Descriptionof Problem Behavior(s)

Problem Behavior(s) • Is the behavior clear?

– Example: The student hits, kicks and spits at children and adults.

– Nonexample: The child is physically aggressive.

• Is the behavior measurable?– Example: Child completes only 1 of 5 assignments.– Nonexample: Child completes very few assignments.


Clear & Measurable Descriptionof Problem Behavior(s)

Description of Problem Behavior(s) Of the following, which would you consider clear and measurable?

a) Susan is unmotivated.

b) LaShonda sits still when asked to get out her


c) Rebecca’s clothes are very provocative and

inappropriate for school.

d) Damien puts his pencil in his desk. 48

Clear & Measurable Descriptionof Problem Behavior(s)

Description of Problem Behavior(s)Clear and Measurable: Yes or No(No) Hyperactivity(Yes) initiates 5 different tasks within 2

minutes(Yes) leaves room at least 3 times during a 30

minute lesson(Yes)….



• Work with your team to complete the “Clear & Measurable Description of Behavior” Activity.


Clear & Measurable Description Activity

How will we complete an FBA?

• We will identify the people who will work together as the student’s team.

• We will identify the primary challenges of the student (academic, social/behavioral and emotional.)

• We will identify the conditions under which the challenges occur.

Situational Factors of the Problem Behavior(s)

– When does the behavior occur?• What activities are taking place?• What people are present?• How is the environment arranged?



Activity Likelihood of Problem Behavior Clear & Measurable Behavior

8:00 Waiting to enter buildingLow High1 2 3 4 5 6

See escalation described above

8:15 Advisory & Planning 1 2 3 4 5 6

Mostly teasing and touching property of others. Doesn’t escalate much further

9:15 Language Arts 1 2 3 4 5 6Occasional name


10:15 Recess 1 2 3 4 5 6See escalation described


11:30 Math 1 2 3 4 5 6 Occasional teasing

12:00 Lunch 1 2 3 4 5 6See escalation described


12:35 Earth Science 1 2 3 4 5 6 Minor verbal harassment

1:15 Art or Phy Ed 1 2 3 4 5 6See escalation described


2:00 Reading 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rarely a problem

2:50 Waiting for bus 1 2 3 4 5 6See escalation described


Identification of Situations

Identification of Situations

• Examine the Functional Behavioral Assessment Behavior Support Protocol (F-BSP)

Functional Behavioral Assessment Behavior Support Plan Protocol - Adapted

Link FBA outcomes to Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

• A BIP defines how an educational setting will be changed to improve the behavioral success of one or more students.– The BIP describes how the environment will be changed to

address the antecedent to prevent occurrences of problem behavior.

– The BIP describes the teaching that will occur to give the student alternative ways of behaving.

– The BIP describes the consequences that will be provided to (a) reinforce positive behavior, (b) limit inadvertent reward of problem behavior, and (c) where appropriate, discourage problem behavior.

Link FBA outcomes to Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

Elements of a BIP

1)Functional behavioral assessment summary statement(s)

2)Prevention/Antecedent strategies:– Descriptions of how the context will be changed to

prevent or minimize problem behavior

3)Teaching strategies: – Instructional objectives to build skills so the student has

alternatives to problem behaviors.


Link FBA outcomes to Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

Elements of a BIP5)Reinforcement/Consequence Strategies:

– Strategies for preventing inadvertent reward of problem behavior

– Strategies for increasing reinforcement for desired behaviors

– Strategies for correcting problem behavior.

6)Safety Strategies:– Procedures for responding safely and effectively when

extreme problem behaviors occur


Link FBA outcomes to Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

Elements of a BIP

7)Monitoring Strategies:– Procedures for on-going assessment to determine

(a) the BIP is being implemented correctly, and (b) implementation is resulting in benefits for the student.


Sample Behavior Intervention Plan

Mental Health Involvementwith Students with Complex Needs (1-5%)

Mental Health/Community Providers:• serve as team facilitators, co-facilitator, or team members•linkages with community supports•provide clinical services per students’ individual plan•provide support to teachers and families


• Freeman, R., Smith, C., Zarcone, J., Kimbrough, P., Tieghi-Benet, M., & Wickham, D. (2005). Building a statewide plan for embedding positive behavior support in human service organiza- tions. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 7(2), 109-119.