A 1 Hour - Monroe County Community School Corporation 516 609 (3901 N Kinser Pike, Bloomington, IN...

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Transcript of A 1 Hour - Monroe County Community School Corporation 516 609 (3901 N Kinser Pike, Bloomington, IN...

A Apps C C lassroom Management R C urriculum E E arly

C hildhood

J UNE 6 • MONDA YLG I (3906 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

610 (3902 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

609 (3901 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

611 (3903 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

612 (3904 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)


616 (3907 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

Auditorium (3908 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)


LG I (3906 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)


616 (3907 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

609 (3901 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

612 (3904 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

610 (3902 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

611 (3903 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

610 (3902 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

LG I (3906 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

612 (3904 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

616 (3907 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

611 (3903 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

609 (3901 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

MC C S C 2016 S ummer of eL earning

8:30am – 9:20am A Nearpod: Interac tive les s ons and real-time as s es s ment for all grade levels

S peakers : Lauren S mith

8:30am – 9:20am A QR C odes in the c las s room

S peakers : K ris ten P ublow, J ohn R oth

8:30am – 9:20am A Us ing Des mos to enhanc e s tudents ' unders tanding of func tions and graphs .

S peakers : P hilip K nierieman

8:30am – 9:20am A Us ing the iP ad to E nhanc e L earning

S peakers : K erry McG arry

8:30am – 9:20am A Where have all the good res ourc es gone? R es ourc es for elementary teac hers

S peakers : K ariana Wolfe

8:30am – 9:20am C C ontrol s tudent iP ads with your new teac her app-E ngage!

S peakers : S usan R eynolds

8:30am – 9:20am E P rojec t B as ed L earning in the P rimary C las s room

S peakers : B rittany B annister

9:30am – 10:20am K eynote

S peakers : S teve Auslander, B rittany B annister, C arla B eard, T om B rush, T iffany C opple, J eff P eterson

10:00am – 12:50pm A C ode.org

S peakers : Michele R oberts

10:30am – 11:20am C R eimagine Y our S ec ondary C las s room E nvironment

S peakers : T iffany C opple

10:30am – 11:20am R C onnec t, C reate and E ngage in the Digital A ge

S peakers : S teve Auslander

10:30am – 11:20am R How to c ome up with inquiry ques tions

S peakers : T om B rush

10:30am – 11:20am R Inquiry learning, tec hnology, and the res earc h paper: J ac k the R ipper c omes to s c hool

S peakers : C arla B eard

10:30am – 11:20am R Optimizing teac her workflow us ing C anvas and L aptops

S peakers : J osh Quimby

10:30am – 11:20am R What NA S A taught me about learning…

S peakers : J eff P eterson

10:30am – 11:20am E Oh Y es T hey C an! C reativity and T ec hnology in the K indergarten C las s room

S peakers : B rittany B annister

1:00pm – 1:50pm A Nearpod: Interac tive les s ons and real-time as s es s ment for all grade levels

S peakers : Herbie G uzman - Nearpod R ep

1:00pm – 1:50pm A S eeing S tudents ' Work on the iP ad (E ven in Math)

S peakers : J ill Arnold, P atti Walsh

1:00pm – 1:50pm A What els e c an I add on to G oogle F orms ?

S peakers : J eremy Watkins

1:00pm – 1:50pm A What works with C anvas ? S ee integration magic

S peakers : Micah B irky

1:00pm – 1:50pm C C las s room Management S trategies for Digital Devic es in the E lementary

S peakers : Michael K arlin

1:00pm – 1:50pm R Us ing G eogebra in the Math C las s room

1 Hour

1 Hour

1 Hour

1 Hour

2 Hour

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Attendee Name: Attendee Email:



609 (3901 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

611 (3903 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

612 (3904 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)


LG I (3906 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

616 (3907 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

610 (3902 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

611 (3903 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)


610 (3902 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

612 (3904 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

616 (3907 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

LG I (3906 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

609 (3901 N K inser P ike, B loomington, IN 47404)

S peakers : P hilip K nierieman 1:00pm – 1:50pm R What NA S A taught me about learning…

S peakers : J eff P eterson

2:00pm – 2:50pm E mpower L earning

2:00pm – 2:50pm A C reate, C urate, and C aptivate with QR C odes

S peakers : S helly Hatfield

2:00pm – 2:50pm C C las s room Management S trategies for Digital Devic es in the S ec ondary

S peakers : Michael K arlin

2:00pm – 2:50pm C C onnec t, C reate and E ngage in the Digital A ge

S peakers : S teve Auslander

2:00pm – 2:50pm C P rojec t-c entered c las s rooms : Us ing tec hnology for feedbac k and c ommunity building

S peakers : Nick Hargett

2:00pm – 2:50pm C S tudent C reation T ools : Making s tudents c reation experts

S peakers : Anne Leftwich

2:00pm – 2:50pm R MakeyMakey and L ittle B its : B anana B ongos and L ego-like Modules

S peakers : Maggie Olivo, Lisa V oss

2:00pm – 2:50pm E Us ing iP ad to s upport young learners ' literac y development

S peakers : E lisha Ding, Y ahuei Lu

3:00pm – 3:50pm A A nimate Y our C las s : 3rd G rade S tudent P rojec ts us ing S topMotion and G reen S c reen

S peakers : R ebecca B ersani

3:00pm – 3:50pm A C anvas F or T he E lementary T eac her

S peakers : Holly Davis

3:00pm – 3:50pm C B uilding a c ommunity of readers

S peakers : C arla B eard

3:00pm – 3:50pm C E nhanc ing R T I with tec hnology

S peakers : J oe Doyle

3:00pm – 3:50pm C How to c ome up with inquiry ques tions

S peakers : T om B rush

3:00pm – 3:50pm R F ueling C reation with T ec hnology A c ros s the C ontent

S peakers : T iffany C opple

3:00pm – 3:50pm R Moovly

S peakers : Lauren S mith


1 Hour

1 Hour

8:30 Session 1-Nearpod/QR

9:30 Session 2-Canvas/Green Sc.

10:30 Session 3-Blogging/iPad

1:00 Session 4-Stu Creat Tools

1 Hour

1 Hour1 Hour1 Hour

June 6 Total____________

June 7 Total____________

Total PGPs Earned_______

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Please return this form to Jose Fields at the Administration Building. Address is 315 E North Drive, Bloomington IN 47401.
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