98. teamwork

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Transcript of 98. teamwork



Table of Content

Why teamwork is important? ..................................................................................................... 2

Why is teamwork important in the work place? ........................................................................ 2

Describe one experience when you have worked as a team. Did you enjoy working as part of

a team? What skills did you use – interpersonal skills, communication, listening to others? ........ 4

Reference.................................................................................................................................... 6


Why teamwork is important?

Teamwork stands for the perception in which individuals work altogether efficiently for the

achievement of a particular goal. It is often required in projects that individuals should cooperate

for the accomplishment of a particular target, thus teamwork plays a very essential part in the

team success West (2012). A team should comprehend the standards and capabilities of each of

their participant and each participant is enhanced to take part in and propose his role in the team.

Salas et al. (2008) indicated several important teamwork skills to be able to communicate in a

team. Firstly, participants should possess listening skill so as to be capable of listening to other

participant’s views. Sharing in a team for the creation of a teamwork environment is as well very

essential. There should be mutual respect between teammates so that the views of other

teammates are treated with esteem and assistance. Intercommunication among teammates is

really necessary for the effective working environment. Efficient means of communicating

should be used for instance e-mails arguments or group meetings. This will help a team to

operate accurately for its achievement of its target.

Why is teamwork important in the work place?

It is simple to create a team at work. Just putting some individual’s altogether, then a team is

created. Nevertheless, the actual action is the creation of teamwork. If the participants of a team

do not comply altogether, then it will probably be very difficult to achieve the goals. Teamwork

should be viewed as a glue, which supports in holding all the participants of the team cohesive

by the promotion of strengthening, enhancing trustworthiness and assistance. If a person has to

witness the five periods of teamwork progress, they can understand that responsibility plays an

essential part. When there is mutual belief among teammates, it gets quite simple to match

general targets. Following a report of Butterfield (2010), it is the most essential achievement to

match general target, however there are other causes, which create teamwork an essential role at

workstation. It is teamwork at workstation which makes it time-saving to achieve the general

target. In case of arising issues, provided that the whole team are concerned, it will take the least

time for the investigation of a resolution to the issue. If there are the ideas specified, it would be

so much easier and quicker to draw an action plan and assign staffs. When there is the

involvement of teamwork, it can be seen that there is a wider range of choice for creativeness


(Farh et al., 2012). As there are many participants nearby, the intercommunication can help

evolving out inventive initiatives. Usually some advices from teammates might support a team

member to find out further more creative inspirations, rather than him doing everything on his

own. Besides, the promotion of teamwork at the workstation is usually recommendable as

everybody can figure out a nicer studying turn. There are many persons in the team. Intentionally

or unintentionally the teammates will go on studying from each other’s understanding and thus

develop their own comprehension, experiences and abilities, which will really help to encourage

the working capabilities of an individual. When people cooperate in a group, there will be

intercommunication. Via interaction thoughts are exchanged from this colleague to the others.

This helps to make sure there is no space for misapprehension or misinterpretation. As a group

gets the commitment towards a target, all the individuals of the group are appointed a portion of

job. This helps to make sure all the participants of the group towards the general target and just

some participants don’t get trouble with work and are responsible for work fulfilment. Though

the teamwork aptitudes at the workstation are undergone examination, while working in a group,

a person can enhance their own responsibility (West, 2012). All of the team members have

established their own goals which he, himself, should be in charge. Whenever a member matches

their own target, which will help the target of the organization be matched more quickly. It is this

responsibility which finally assists the individual in their achievement of the greater target

positioned forward by the corporation. Besides, with the various teamwork actions for

workstation, individuals create the glue with other members. Thus, West et al. (2008) presented

that whenever there is a discord, it is simpler to make the atmosphere be clean again. Except for

the interpersonal discords inside the team, the discords in the work fulfilments given can as well

receive the resolution with the support from other teammates.

Describe one experience when you have worked as a team. Did you enjoy working as part

of a team? What skills did you use – interpersonal skills, communication, listening to


It is quite correct for what is said by people: life in university is the milestone in one’s

lifetime. For me, to be a university student has become an exceptional memory since its very

initial time. It was a particulate date when I came across a recruiting advertisement for an even


so-called Greeting Day. It aimed at welcoming newcomers; thus all juniors were enhanced to

register for different titles in the organizational group. Even though seldom having played as a

leader before, I had given myself an opportunity. Thus, I insisted not letting such a rare chance

pass away. The video plot which I gave my first proposal had got praise and comment. It should

give the conveyance the message of the newcomers: their promise to create a bright and

innovative plus to the campus. Therefore, I must keep balance of various viewpoints altogether

with the addition of great hilarity to serious subject. In a fortnight, I investigated the university

campus for a suitable planning, and organized a voluntary team of actors. When it got closer to

the recording date, I felt a bend of eagerness and enthusiasm. Honestly, I already got some times

acting as co-director of video clips from high school. There I was taught that it was not easy for

the organization of a team of individuals even they had a long history of knowing about each

other. Then it couldn’t be imagined how hard it would be for me to divide appropriate works to

which person and characteristics of the participants whom I had never seen directly! On the date

of interviewing, a lot of newcomers had shown up, all of whom appeared to be quite friendly and

excited. A trembling got into my backbone: What if I am not successful to come up with their

hopes? Puzzled as I was, I tried to make the arrangement via close discussions with the

participants, checking if they were appropriate for the parts. I made the choice to several for

playing the central characters and the others as side characters. It turned out all of the casting and

every participant became courteous and listening carefully. The stress terrifying met at the

beginning had vanished and been replaced with enthusiasm and resolution. There was scenarios

recorded and re-recorded a lot of times before finally became satisfactory. Both the characters

and director acted as if we had been taking part in an Oscar prize, laughing out loud like for the

first time. The Greeting Day has become a big turning point in my life. Neither the enthusiastic

applauses nor the raising hands from the spectators giving me and the precious opportunity to put

up my voice which had made my day. I have become more mature, social and positive university

student up to present.

This document is provided by:

VU Thuy Dung (Ms.)



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Butterfield, J. (2010). Teamwork and Team Building: Soft Skills for a Digital Workplace.

Cengage Learning.

Farh, C. I. C. C., Seo, M. G., & Tesluk, P. E. (2012). Emotional intelligence, teamwork

effectiveness, and job performance: The moderating role of job context. Journal of Applied

Psychology, 97(4), 890-900.

Salas, E., Cooke, N. J., & Rosen, M. A. (2008). On teams, teamwork, and team performance:

Discoveries and developments. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and

Ergonomics Society, 50(3), 540-547.

West, M. A. (2012). Effective teamwork: Practical lessons from organizational research. Wiley-


West, M. A., Tjosvold, D., & Smith, K. G. (Eds.). (2008). International handbook of

organizational teamwork and cooperative working. Wiley.