9 his(nazism)

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Transcript of 9 his(nazism)

Part : 1Chapter: 3

Nazism and the Rise of Hitler

prepared by Lijin Golden

Major Aspects in this Chapter

What is Nazism? Weimar Republic The First World War (1914 to 1918) The Period in between 1st & 2nd World War The Second World War (1939 to 1945) Period of Hitler & Nazism in Germany End of Nazism & Second World war

Hitler and Nazi party in Germany

What is Nazism?

Nazism is a System and structure of ideas about world and politics.

Picture of Nazy party

Picture of nazy in germany

Major Power blocks in 2nd World War




(In the initial stage U K and France took the leadership, 1941 U S A and U S S R joined)

Germany Jappan Ittaly

World map

What circumstances led to the formation of weimar republic in germany

Germany was Powerful in the earliest of 20th centuary. They fought in 1st W.W with Austria against Allied

powers……. England, France, Russia. Had a hope they can gain a quick victory. Germany gained initial gains & captured France and

Belgium. In 1917 U S entered in Allied power block they become

much strong. Germany completely defeated in the 1st W.W in 1918 The defeat of Germany & Abdiction of Monarchy gave an

opportunity to Parliamentary parties to recast their politics. A National assembly met at Weimar & they estd a

Democratic Constitution with Federal Structure. Deputies were elected to the German Parliament- Reichstag

on the base of equal and universal votes cast by all adults including womens.

Pictures of Weimar republic

What were the major Problems faced by the Weimar at its initial

stage The communists backed by the Bolshevik used

the instability of the country a stage of revolution.

It was led by Luxemburg they tried to organise a revolution.

But the army crushed the attempt. The right wing Kapp Pustch (Army wing) tried to

back the country Prussian aristocratic domination.

It failed but all the officers fled from Berlin it created a vacuum to be filled by the workers. This was followed by strikes in all cities.

Finally army suppressed all the revolution.

How the Weimar republic acquired stability

In 1923 they introduced a new currency. Its name was Rentenmark It strengthened Germany’s monetary

system. It helped them to create a political stability

in Germany.

Politically Weimar Republic was a failure- Discuss

Politically it was a fragile. The weimar constitution had some defects,

which made unstable and vulnerable to dictatorship.

Another one was proportional representation. This made achieving a majority by any one

party a near impossible task, leading a rule of coalitions.

Article 48 which gave the president the powers to impose emergency, suspend civil rights.

They failed to manage this situations. The peoples they have lost their confidence in

the Democratic system.

International Military Tribunal Nuremberg

It was formed after the 2nd W.W. Its duty was to prosecute Nazi war

criminals. Also to prosecute the crimes against Peace

& crimes against Humanity. They sentenced only eleven leading Nazi

leaders to death & many others were imprisoned.

Military tribunal Nuremberg

Brief account of human lose happened in the 2nd World war

Six million

20 lakh

One million

70,000 thousand

Jews (Hitler believed that Jews are the main enemies of Germany)

Gypsies in Europe

Polish civilians

Germans mentaly/physically


What is the meaning of Genocidal (is a place of hell)

Nazis introduced lot of unprecedented means of killing people.

Genocidal means killing on large scale of people leading to the destruction of large section of people.

Ausch Witz is one of the example of killing centre in second W.W.

Effects of 1st World War in Germany

The 1st W.W was comes to an end on the base of the Versaille treaty.

Most of the agreement was harsh & humiliating peace Germany has lost its overseas colonies. Lost its tenth of its population 13% territory, 7.5% Iron, 26% of its coal forced to pay

France, Poland, Denmark & Lithuania. Allied powers has demiliterised Germany & prevented

them from the making of weapon. Forced to pay a huge war compensation to allied

nation amount of six billion pound. Allied powers occupied rich resources of Germany.

Weimar republic





Organisation of war veterans in the 2nd W.W.

They were supported the Weimar Republic and they were crushed the uprisings in Germany.

Effects of first world war in the World level

Affected the entire continent both Psychologically & Financially.

From a continent of Creditors Europe turned in to Debtors.

A huge economic crisis emerged all over the World.

The economic crisis led the years of Depression in Europe and all over the world.

Affected the Society & Politics of Europe very harmfully.

The soldiers led a miserable life in the trenches.

They faced poison gases and shelling witnessed their rank reduced rapidly.

The Weimar republic carried the burden of war guilt and national humiliation.

Germany were forced to pay a huge war indemnity.

November criminals

The supporters of the Weimar Republic were Socialists, Catholics and Democrats became very easy target to attack the conservative nationalist circle. They were mockingly called November criminals.

German Economy after 1st W.W

Germany fought in the war largely on loans and had to pay war reparations in gold.

This depleted gold reserves at a time recourses were scarce.

In 1923 Germany refused to pay war debt and France captured one of their leading industrial area Ruhr, claming their coal.

Germany followed a passive resistance and printed lot of paper currency.

With too much printed money caused the German market fell.

Value of market collapsed. This led to the hyper inflation in Germany.

Deplete Reparation

Reduce or empty out

Make up for a wrong done.

Causes of Economic recession in USA

Over production led to the economic depression and collapse the American Stock market.

American farmers had greatly increased their production during the war period.

But after the revolt the demand for food reduced and price fell.

The capitalists tried to increase their profit and paid low wages to the workers.

Thus goods remained unsold in America. Also not much demand in Europe due to the

collapse of Economy after the 1 W.W.

America began to speculate in the stock market with borrowed money.

As a result in October 1929 New york Stock Exchange collapsed.

Value of shares dropped. Banks, factories, mining companies and

business firms went bankrupt. There led to a large scale of poverty,

unemployment and starvation.

How the Economic crisis affected the German Economy

The economic crisis affected the German economy very harmfully.

The industrial production was reduced. Workers lost their jobs and paid low

wages. Un employment emerged in all over

Germany. It affected the peasants, womans and

Childrens in Germany



Causes behind the Rise of Hitler The First W.W was comes to an end on

the base of the Versailles treaty. But most of its agreements were harsh

and humiliating peace. So the peoples in Germany was not

satisfied in this agreement. Politically and Economically Weimar

republic was a failure. Especially the crisis in the field of

Economy, Polity and Society formed the background the the rise of Hitler in to power.

Who was Adolf Hitler (or)Nazi party projected Hitler as a Messiah, Saviour and deliver people from distress Born in 1889 in Austria Spent his youth in poverty During the time of 1.W.W he joined the army Acted as messenger then became a corporal and earned

the medal for bravery. The defeat of Germany horrified him and Versailles

treaty made him furious. In 1919 he joined a small group- German Workers Party. Consequently he took over the charge of this

organisation and renamed as Nationalist German Workers Party

This party came to be known as Nazi party.

He was a powerful speaker & charismatic leader. His passion and words influenced the people. He promised to build a strong nation, undo the

injustice of the V.T and restore the dignity of the German people.

He promised employment, and secure future for the youth.

He promised to weed out all the foreign influences and resist all foreign conspiracies against Germany.

He devised a new style of politics. He tried to make a unity among the people. In 1923 he was arrested and imprisoned, in there he

wrote his autobiography- Mein Kamph, considered the Bible of the Nazi Party.

This influenced the people very much bcz their dignity and pride had been shattered, also they were in very misserable economic and political condition. So……..

Origin of Nazi Party

In 1919 Hitler Hitler joined in a small group called German Workers party

He subsequently took over the charge of the organisation and renamed in the National Socialist German Workers Party.

This party came to be known as Nazi Party.

Initial Attempt of Nazis and Hitler attain the power

1923- planned to seize control of Bavaria, march to Berlin and capture power.

It was failed and he was arrested. 1930 early- Nazis failed to mobilise the people. 1929- Great Depression, helped the Nazi party to

mobilise the people. 1928- Nazis got only 2.6% votes in the Reichstag

(German parliament) 1932- It had become the largest party got 37% votes. 1933- president Hindenburg offered the

chancellorship, the highest position in the cabinet ministers.

Enabling Act

It was passed on 3 March 1933. This Act established dictatorship in

Germany. It gave Hitler all powers to Sideline

parliament and rule. All political parties and trade unions were

banned except the Nazi parties. The state established control over the

Economy, Army, Media and Judiciary.

Police System under theNazi Party

Special police system and security forces were created to control and order society in ways Nazis wanted.

Green Uniform- Already existed police group. In addition to this they formed

Storm Troopers- S A (it included) Gestapo- Secret State Police. S S- The protection Squads S D- Criminal Police & Security Service. The police forces acquired powers to

rule with impunity,

Plan of Hitler What was the plans of Hitler after

becoming the chancellor of Germany to consolidate the Nazi power

(or) Explain the three fold plan of Hitler

introduced for to bring all the powers under his control.

(or) The ways and circumstances- Hitler

from the position of Chancellor to president.

Plan of hitler In 1933 Jan 30 president Hindenburg offered

chancellorship, the highest position of cabinet ministers to Hitler.

Having acquired the power, he dismantled the structures of democratic rule.

In 1933 Feb 28, he suspended the civic rights like- freedom of speech, press and assembly, that had been granted by the Weimar republic.

Then he turned his attention against the communists- most of whom where hurriedly packed off the newly established concentration camp.

Enabling Act- (slide No.31) Police System- ( Slide No.32)




Reconstruction of Economy-introduced by Hitler

Hitler assigned the economic recovery to the economist Hjalmar Schavat.

They aimed at full production and full employment through a state-funded work-creation progreamme.

This product produced the famous German superhighways and the peoples car, volswagen.

Foreign Policy of Hitler

In Foreign policy Hitler acquired quick success. He pulled out of the League of Nation in 1933,

reoccupied Rhinland in 1936. He integrated Austria with Germany under the

slogan- One people, one Nation and one Leader. He went to wrest (capture) German speaking

Sudentenland from Checkoslovakia He earned unspoken support from England,

which had considered versaille verdict too harsh. These quick success at home and abroad

seemed to reverse the destiny of the country.

Course (or) Events- 2nd W.W 1939 Sep-Germany invaded Poland. This started a war with France and England. 1940 Sep- Tripartite pact was signed- Germany,

Italy and Japan It strengthend the power of Hitler and he became

an international power. Puppet regims, supportive of Nazi, were installed in

large part of Europe. End of 1940- Hitler was at the pinnacle of his power. Hitler moved to achieve long term aim of

conquering Eastern Europe. He wanted to ensure food supplies and living space

for Germans.

1941 June- attacked Soviet Union. In this historical blunder Hitler exposed German

western front to British aerial bombing and the eastern front to powerful Soviet armies.

The Soviet Red army has defeated Germany in Stalingrad.

They hounded out the retreating German soldiers until they reached the Berlin.

It helped the Soviet to establish their hegemony in East Europe.

USA did not entered the war- they feared a economic crisis once again like after the first W.W

But it could not stay out of the war for long.

Japan tried to expand their power in the East.

They occupied French Indo China, they planned to attacks on US naval base in Pacific.

Japan extended their support to Hitler and bombed the US base at Pearl Harbor.

Finally US entered in to the second W.W. In May 1945 the Second World war comes to

an end of the defeat of Germany and Hitler committed suicide.

U S dropped atom bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.

The Nazis Worldview Briefly explain the major ideologies of Nazism

(or) Peculiar features of Nazi thinking.

(or) Explain the idea of racialism put forward by


Role of Darwin and Spencer in the Nazi ideology(or)

The meaning of desirable and undesirable in the Nazi thinking. (or)

Why the Nazis considered the Jews and Gypsies are the enemies of Germany.

The Nazi ideology was synonymous with (H) world view. According to this no equality between the people only

the racial hierarchy. Blue-eyed Nordic German Aryans- at the top & Jews

located at the lowest rung. Jews were considered as anti race or arch enemies of

Aryans Other coloured people were placed in different place

according to their physical features. Hitler idea of racism borrowed from- the thinkers like

Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer. Darwin a natural scientist- father of evolution theory-

put forward the idea of evolution and natural selection. Spencer- Survival of the fittest. The Nazi argument was simple the strongest race will

survive and weak one would perish.

The Nazis believed that the Aryan race was the finest, it had to retain purity, become stronger and dominate the world.

Another aspect of (H) ideology was- concept of Lebensraum or living space.

He believed that new territories need for settlement. This enabled the settlers a new land to retain an intimate link with place of their origin.

The German boundaries by moving eastwards, concentrated all Germans geographically one place.

Poland became the laboratory of their experimentation.

Nazis tried to the physical elimination of undesirable in the extended empire.

They wanted only Pure and Healthy Nordic Aryans.

They alone were considered Desirable. Only the worthy and prosperous- Desirable

and others were considered Undesirable. This meant even those Germans who were

seen impure or abnormal had no right to exist.

Nazis approach- Non Jews Gypsies and Blacks in Germany considered

as racial inferiors, who threatened the biological purity of Superior Aryans race.

They were widely persecuted. Even Russian and Poles- Subhuman, and

hence undeserving of any humanity. Germany- captured Poland and parts of

Russia- and civilians were forced to work as slave labour.

Many of them died simply through hardwork and starvation.

Nazis Approach- Jews Jews faced worst sufferings from Nazis. They hatred of Jews had a precursor in the traditional

Christian hostility towards Jews. They had been stereotyped (no changing) as killers of

Christ and usurers (money lenders) Medieval times Jews were barred from owning land. They survived mainly through trade and money

lending. They lived in separately marked areas- Ghettos They were often persecuted through periodic

organized violence and expulsion from the land. Hitler hatred Jews was based on pseudoscientific

theories of race- no solution to Jewish problem It could be solved only through their total elimination.

Nazis approach- Non Jews Gypsies and Blacks in Germany considered

as racial inferiors, who threatened the biological purity of Superior Aryans race.

They were widely persecuted. Even Russian and Poles- Subhuman, and

hence undeserving of any humanity. Germany- captured Poland and parts of

Russia- and civilians were forced to work as slave labour.

Many of them died simply through hardwork and starvation.

Nazis Approach- Jews Jews faced worst sufferings from Nazis. They hatred of Jews had a precursor in the traditional

Christian hostility towards Jews. They had been stereotyped (no changing) as killers of

Christ and usurers (money lenders) Medieval times Jews were barred from owning land. They survived mainly through trade and money

lending. They lived in separately marked areas- Ghettos They were often persecuted through periodic

organized violence and expulsion from the land. Hitler hatred Jews was based on pseudoscientific

theories of race- no solution to Jewish problem It could be solved only through their total elimination.

1933-1939- Nazis terrorised, pauperised (absolute poverty) and segregated the Jews, compelling them leave the country.

1939-1945- aimed at concentrating them in certain areas and eventually killing them in gas chambers in Poland.

Nazis approach- Poles (or) Racial ideas (Utopia) of

Nazis Genocide and war became two sides of same coin. Nazis occupied Poland and divided. North western Poland was annexed to Germany. Poles were forced to leave their homes and

properties behind to be occupied by ethnic Germans brought in from occupied Europe.

Poles were then herded like cattle in the other part called the general govt, the destination of all undesirables of the empire.

Members of Polish intelligentsia were murdered in large number- for to keep the entire people intellectually and spiritually servile.

The Polish children who looked like Aryans were forcibly snatched from their mothers and examined by race experts.

If they passed the race test they were raised in German families and if not, they were deposited in orphanages were most perished.

Largest ghettos, gas chambers, general govt- served as killing field for the Jews.

Gypsy Usurers The group that were

classified as Gypsy had their own community identity. Sinti and Roma were two such communities. Many of them traced their origin in India.

Money lenders charging excessive interest; often used a term abuse.


Reduce to absolute poverty

Systematic, organised punishment of those belonging to a group or religion.

The Nuremberg Laws of citizenship- Sep-1935

(or) This Laws were against the Jews-


This Laws helped the Nazis for the Exclusion of Jews from Germany-


This Laws was the first step of Jews to the Death- Analyse

1. Only persons or German or related blood would henceforth be German citizens enjoying the protection of the German empire.

2.Marriage between Germans and Jews were forbidden.

3.Extramarital relations between Germans and Jews became a crime.

Jews were forbidden to fly the national flag.Other some legal measures Boycott of Jewish business. Expulsion from govt services. Forced selling and confiscation (take

possession as punishment) of their properties.

Steps to Death Stage 1 : Exclusion (1933-1939) Stage 2: ghettoisation (1940- 1944) Stage 3: Annihilation (1941 onwards)

Stage 1: Exclusion (1933-1939) Nuremberg Laws of citizenship Sep :1935 Other Legal measures.

Besides, Jewish properties were vandalised and looted, house attacked, Synagogues burnt and men arrested in a pogrom (organised massacre) in November 1938, remembered as the night of broken glass.

Stage :2 Ghettoisation : 1940-1944 Sep 1941, all Jews had to wear a yellow star

of David on their breasts. The identity mark was stamped on their

passport, all illegal documents and houses. They were kept in Jewish house in Germany,

and ghettos like Lodz and Warsaw in the east. These became sites of extreme misery and

poverty. Jews had to surrender all their wealth before

they entered a ghetto. Soon the ghettos were brimming with hunger,

starvation and disease due to deprivation and poor hygiene.

Stage 3 :Annihilation -1941 onwards Jews from Jewish house, concentration

camps and ghettos from different parts of Europe were brought to death factories by goods train.

In Poland and elsewhere in East, most notably Belzek, Auschwitz, Sobibor, Treblinka, Chelmno and majdanek, they were charred in gas chambers

Mass killing took place within minutes with scientific precision.

Nazism and Children

The Schooling system under Nazism in Germany(or)

Hitler thought that Nazi society could be establish only by teaching children Nazi ideology- critically examine.

(or) All schools were cleansed and purified by the

Nazis- Why?(or)

What happened in schools under Nazism? The sports activity in school under Nazi was a

spirit of violence and aggression- why?

Hitler thought that a strong Nazi society could be establish only by teaching children Nazi ideology

All schools were cleansed and purified. The teachers from Jewish community and

politically unreliable were dismissed. Children were first segregated, Germans and

Jews could not sit together or play together. The undesirable children – Jews, gypsies,

physically handicapped were thrown out of the school.

Finally 1940’s they were taken to the gas champers.

Good German children were subjected to a process of Nazi schooling, a prolonged period of ideological training.

School text books were rewritten. Racial science was introduced to justify Nazi

ideas of race. Stereotypes about Jews were popularised

even through math class. Children were taught to be loyal and

submissive, hate Jews and worship Hitler. The function of sports was to nurture a spirit

of violence and aggression among the children.

Hitler believed that boxing could make children iron hearted, strong and masculine.

All the boys – 6 to 10 went through a preliminary training of Nazi ideology, at the end they take a oath of loyalty to Hitler.

“In the presence of this blood banner which represents our Fuher I swear (promise) to devote all my energies and my strength to the saviour of our country, Adolf Hitler. I am willing and ready to give up my life for him, so help me God”

Briefly describe the Youth organisation in Germany under Nazis?

The Role of Youth in Nazis rule- Discuss

Hitler was fanatically interested in the Youth. Youth Organisations were made responsible for educating

German Youth in the spirit of Nationalism. Ten years old had to enter Jungvolk (Nazis Youth group for

children below 14 years old) At 14, had to join nazi Youth organisation Hitler Youth. Where they learnt to worship war, glorify aggression and

violence, condemn democracy, hate Jews, communists, Gypsies and all those categorised as undesirable.

After a period of rigorous ideological and physical training they joined the Labour Service. Usually at the age of 18.

Then they had to serve in the Armed Forces and enter one of the Nazi organisation.

The Youth league of Nazis formed in 1922, four years later it renamed Hitler Youth.

To unify the youth movement under Nazi control, all other youth organisation were systematically dissolved and finally banned.

Briefly describe the role of women in Nazi rule.

(or) To encourage produce more children Nazis

awarded Golden crosses to the women- Verify this statement.

(or) In my sate the mother is the important

citizen- statement made by Hitler in 1933- critically examine this statement.

(or) I have sulled the honour of the nation- it is a

punishment given to the women- analyse the circumstances.

Nazism and Womens

Nazis considered that women were radically different from men.

The fight for equal right, part of democratic struggle everywhere was wrong and it would destroy society.

Boys- be aggressive, masculine and steel hearted. Girls- become good mothers and rear poor blooded

Aryan children. Girls- maintain purity of the race, keep distance

from Jews, look after home, teach their children Nazi values, for to bear the Aryan race and culture.

1933- Hitler said “ In my state the mother is the important citizen.

But Nazi Germany all mothers were not treated equally.

Women who bore racially undesirable children were punished and those who produced racially desirable children were awarded.

They got good facilities in hospitals and concessions in shops, theatre, railway etc..

To encourage to produce many children Honour crosses were awarded.

Bronze- 4 children, Silver- 6 children, Gold- eight and more.

Aryan women who deviated from the prescribed code of conduct were severely punished.

Those who maintained contact with Jews, Poles and Russians were paraded through the town with shaved heads, blackened faces and placards hanging around their necks announcing “ I have sulled the honour of the nation”

Many received jail and sentences and lost civic honour as well as their husbands and families for this criminal offence.

Nazis language

To find out various words used by the Nazis for the communication

(or) Nazis used different labels for the

communication- draw up a list of labels(or)

Nazis used the term disinfection areas for to address Gas champers- find out some more words

The Nazis used language and media with care, and often great effect.

The terms they used to describe their various practices are not only deceptive.

They are chilling. They never used the term kill or murder in thier

official communication. Mass Killing - Special treatment, final solution

(Jews) Euthanasia (for the disabled),

selection and disinfections.

Evacuation - deporting people to gas champers. Disinfection areas - gas champers (looked like

bathrooms equipped with fake showerheads)

Media and Nazism

Nazis had properly utilised the media for the propagation of their ideas- Justify

(or) The role of media for the propagation of

Nazis world view- describe(or)

Nazis ideas spread through- visual images, film, radio, posters, catchy slogan, leaflets- prove this statement with examples.

Media was carefully used to win support for the regime and popularise its world views.

Nazis ideas spread through- visual images, film, radio, posters, catchy slogan, leaflets.

In posters- mocked, abused and described as evils to the enemies of Germany.

Socialists and liberals were represented as weak and degenerate.

They were attacked as malicious foreign agents. Propaganda films were made to create hatred for

Jews. The most infamous film was- The Eternal Jew. Orthodox Jews were stereotyped and marked. They were shown with flowing beards wearing

kaftans, however in reality it was difficult to distinguish German Jews by their outward appearance bcz highly assimilated community.

They were referred- vermin (harmful to society animals/humans), rats and pests.

Their movt compared to those of rodents (animal that gnaws).

Nazism worked on the mind of the people, tapped their emotions and turned their hatred and anger at those marked as undesirable.

The Nazis made equal efforts to appeal to all the different sections of the population.

They sought to win their support by suggesting that Nazis alone could solve all their problems.



The Nazis were compelled the farmers to belong to Hitler- why?

(or) To write a short note on National

Socialism Put forward by Nazis(or)

The Nazis were against Capitalism and Marxism- why?

The Nazis warned the farmers of Germany that you are standing in between two great dangerous

One is the danger of American Economic System- Big Capitalism.

The other is the Marxist economic system of Bolshevism

The Big capitalism and Marxism work hand in hand ; they are born of Jewish thought and serve the master plan of world jewery.

So the Nazis propagated that only the National Socialism can rescue from this dangerous.

Briefly describe the approach of common people towards the Nazis

(or) The reaction of common people

towards Nazim(or)

In Germany had many organised resistance against Nazism- Discuss

Many people saw the World through the Nazi eyes and spoke their mind in Nazi language.

The felt hatred and anger those who looked like Jews.

They marked the house of Jews and reported suspicious neighbours.

They genuinely believed Nazism would bring prosperity and improve general well-being.

But not every German was not Nazi. Many organised active resistance to Nazism,

braving police repression and death. The large majority of Germans, however were

passive and apathetic witness. They were too scared to act, differ, to protest. Pastor Niemoeller- a resistance fighter and he write

about this silence……………………

First they came for the communistwell, I was not a communistSo I said Nothing.

Then they came for the socialistwell, I was not a socialist.So I said nothing

Then they came for the trade UnionistBut I was not a trade unionist

And then they came for the JewsBut I was not a Jew- so I did little

Then when they came for meThere was no one left who could stand

up for me

To write a short note on Charlotte Beradt and her book- Third Reich of Dream(or)

The Jewish people feared their dreams- Examin

She secretly recorded people’s dream in her diary and later published a book called Third Reich of Dream.

In this book she describing the Jews themselves believed Nazi stereotypes about them.

They dreamt of their hooked noses, black hair and eyes, Jewish looks and body movts.

The images publicised in the Nazi press haunted the Jews They troubled them even in their dreams. The Jews many deaths even before they reached the gas


Holocaust The information about Nazi practices had

trickled out of Germany during the last years of the war.

Germany defeated the world war and realised the horrors of what had happened.

The Germans preoccupied with their own plight. The Jews wanted the world to remember the

atrocities and sufferings they had endured the during Nazi killing operations- called Holocaust.

The spirit to bear witness and to preserve the document can be seen in many ghettos and camp inhabitants who wrote diaries, kept note books and created archives

On the other hand when the war seemed to lost, Nazi leadership distributed petrol to its functionaries to destroy all incriminating evidences available in offices.

The history and memory of the Holocaust live on in our memoirs(short life history of a person), fictions, documentaries, poetry, memorials and museums in many parts of world today.

(plz seen the pictures page No. 72)



Lijin Golden

Major Aspects

First World War (1914 to 1918) Period in between First and Second World

War(1919 to 1939)

Second World War (1939 to 1945) Nazism (1922 to 1939) and (1939 to

1945) Hitler (1922 to 1933) and (1933 to

1939) and (1939 to 1945)

I What is Nazism First World War

PeriodCourse of the war Allies and Central PowersResults of I W.W - World level and

GermanyEconomic - World level and Germany

2 Weimar Republic

Circumstances of the birth of Weimar Republic

Supporters of Weimar Republic How they achieved stability –

Rentenmark Problems faced by the Weimar Republic Politically it was a failure

Woodrow Wilson and his 14 points Formation of League of Nation Versailles Treaty

major agreements and aspects

3 Economic Crisis in USA

CausesEffectsGreat DepressionEffects in GermanyInflation in Germany

Meaning – Allies, Genocidal, November Criminals, Reparation, Deplete and Wall street Exchange

4 Adolf Hitler

Early LifeFormation of Nazi PartyInitial attempts made by the NazisPromises made by HitlerElections attended by the Nazi partyCalibers of Adolf HitlerMein KamphHitler achieved the throne of chancellorship and


5 Hitler and his Dictatorship

Destruction of DemocracyCommunists and their conditionBanned the civic rights and mediaEnabling ActPolice System under Nazis

Recovery methods of HitlerEconomic plan and EconomistEconomic plan- S F W C P and ResultsForeign Policy- Austria, Sudentenland and


Second World WarAllied and Axis power blocksCourse of the WarTime LineResult of the WarDeath of HitlerFormation of UNO

Meaning- Nordic German Aryans, Concentration camp, Propaganda


Superior and InferiorHuman and SubhumanDesirable and undesirablePure and ImpureRole of Darwin and SpencerTheory of RacialismTheory of Geography- lebensrumNo alternative – Physical eliminationCondition- Jews, Gypsies, Russians,

Black and Poles

Nuremsberg Law of Citizenship- 1935 Stages of Death


Meaning- Usurers, pauperised, Concentration camp, Gypsies, Gas Champers

Nazis ApproachJews- GhettosUndesirablesPoles- Government general

Nazis ApproachChildren- Schools, Text book, Separation, race test, sports activityOath after preliminary trainingYouths- Organisations, Hitler YouthWomen- Girl students, Honor of

Cross and Punishments

Nazis ApproachLanguageMedia

Approach of Common people towards Nazism

Resistance Movements National Socialism


The third Reich of Dream Holocaust