9 frame analysis

Post on 28-Jan-2015

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Transcript of 9 frame analysis

9 Frame Analysis

The opening long shot of the ‘Warehouse Scene’ shows 6 modern day gangsters talking among themselves in a Warehouse. The location alone screams film noir, as most noir films are based around abandoned or rural locations such as warehouses, alleyways, docks etc. .. The mise en scene shows formal suits, shotguns/handguns and trench coats, all associated with typical 1940’s gangsters.

In this medium close up, we see ‘Big Daddy’ , the acclaimed dark superhero, brutally slash one gangster’s neck with a heavy, sharp knife. The typical mise en scene of the gangster reflects that of the 1940’s style, originated with noir film however, we see Big Daddy wearing a superhero suit, very similar to that of Batman. This could suggest a modern turn on noir, but still obtaining the dark qualities associated with typical film noir.

Here we see Big Daddy ,centrally framed, pointing a gun at the remaining gangster’s, which we can not yet see. The juxtaposition of a superhero pointing a gun projects the sub-genre of superhero noir, as superhero’s are normally associated with super powers as oppose to using a weapon used by normal citizens. However, this scene shows this superhero is just as dark as the ordinary gangster, with his shadowed face and use of destructive weapons.

This shallow focus centralizes the current action of Big Daddy scuffling with another gangster. Here, we can see the mise en scene of his the batman inspired superhero costumes, which blends in with the black suit of the gangsters. This could suggest they are the same person, Big Daddy is just a gangster in disguise. This is furthered by the struggle, how he’s physically struggling with another individual, and not using super powers, which again adds to how he is just the same, fitting in with the film noir genre of gangsters and fighting.

This close up of the shotgun projects a typical weapon associated with the noir genre. The use of this shotgun alongside modern opponents such as the modern style warehouse, the superhero theme and the mise en scene shows how film noir is advancing in a more modernism way, but still using typical element to keep the noir theme alive.

This medium close up of these men displays them as ordinary hotel assistants. However, we find out they are the lead gangster’s henchmen. This shows corruptness of organizations and impersonation of roles, something related highly with film noir. The mise en scene of a top hat and trench coats again link in with the theme of noir.

This medium long shot shows a mob of modern day gangsters with guns all aimed at Hit Girl. The mise en scene of handguns, suits and smart coats, all relate to film noir and are associated with the genre. The fact they are willing to shoot at a young girl as well also links in with the gangster type behavior, showing this to be adapted even in modern day time, advancing the typical black and white film noire genre.

This close up shows the head of the mob, the don, in shallow focus to centralize on him only. This shows his importance and dominance, which is also typical of a leader of a mob. The dark features and dark lightning on the right hand side of his face also links into the film noir genre, as this is typically used in noir films to enhance significance or mystery.

This high angle birds eye view shows the lead gangster pointing his gun down at the young girl. From this, we can see his smart suit and clean cut gun, associated highly with noir. The shallow focus highlights Hit Girl under the gun, showing the gangster won’t tolerate anyone and has no remorse. This again are all characteristics linked with a typical 1940’s film noir character but with a modern twist, showing how the noir genre has branched off into sub-divisions, like Kick Ass.