8NE Lesson 6 PPT

Post on 17-Jan-2017

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Transcript of 8NE Lesson 6 PPT


• Write a script for show ‘The Jeremy Kyle Show’, showing the feud between the servants of the Capulets (Sampson & Gregory) and the Montagues (Abraham & Balthasar).• ONE family has to use modern insults and ONE family has

to use Shakespeare’s archaic insults• You can use verbal & gestural insults• At the end of the feud, Jeremy Kyle has to come in and

break up the feud, just like the Officer does. • DUE Thursday 25th February

Romeo & Juliet - InsultsLO: To recognise the insults Shakespeare uses

in Romeo & Juliet

Date: Thursday 11th February 2016

Starter – Insults nowadays

• In pairs, think of some insults that would be used nowadays• They can be verbal, gestures etc.

Modern-day insultsVerbal Gestures


• What happens at the start of the play?

Questions when reading1. What is happening in the scene?2. How do you imagine it would look on stage?

Shakespearean InsultsVerbal Gestures

Zeffirelli’s version of Romeo & Juliet

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xawp9co17Z4

• Start from 1.18

Comparison of Zeffirelli movie & play

1. What insults does Zeffirelli include in his movie? Why do you think this is?

2. Do you think there is more or less violence in the play or the movie? Why?


• On a post-it note, write down one of the insults that you found most memorable and why• Stick it up on the board