82862206 Narayan Murthy

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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Transcript of 82862206 Narayan Murthy

N. R. Narayan murthy

A self made man…

Birthday:August 20, 1946

Place of Birth: Mysore

Educational Qualification:

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (B.E.) from University of Mysore in 1967 Master of Technology (M.Tech.) Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur in 1969.

He sometimes called “The bill gates of Asia”

•Nagavara Ramarao Narayan murthy better known as N. R Narayan murthy

• Indian industrialist, software engineer & one of the seven founder of Infosys technologies.

• He is currently the Non- executive chairman & chief mentor of Infosys.

• He was the CEO of the company for 21 years from 1981 to 2002

• He has broadened his scope of activities to social service as well as promoting India globally

• In 1998, IIT kanpur conferred on him the Distinguished alumnus award

• In 1996-1997, he was awarded the JRD Tata corporate leadership Award

•In 2000, he was awarded the Padam Shri, a civilian award By government of India

•June 2000, Asia week magazine featured him in a list of Asia's 50 Most Powerful People

• In 2001,Narayana Murthy was named by TIME/CNN as one of the 25 most influential global executives

• In 2003- first recipient of the Indo – french forum medal & was voted the world entrepreneur of the year 2003 by Ernst & young.

•In 2005, the Economist ranked him eighth on the list of 15 most admired global leaders. •He also topped The Economic Times Corporate Dossier list of india most powerful CEOs for 2 consecutive years i.e 2004 & 2005

•In 2008, he was awarded as Padam Vibhushan, a second highest civilian award by India.

1. Belief In learning from experience

2. A growth mindset

3.The power of chance events

4. Self reflection

Life lessons of Narayan murthy that made all the difference…

• Do you believe that your future is pre-ordained, and is already set? • do you believe that your future is yet to be written and that it will depend upon the sometimes fortuitous events?• Do you believe that you will examine your successes with even greater care?

A final word: When, one day, you have made your mark on the world,remember that, in the ultimate analysis, we are all mere temporary custodians of the wealth we generate, whether it be financial, intellectual,or emotional. The best use of all your wealth is to share it with those less fortunate.

I believe that we have all at some time eaten the fruit from trees that we did not plant. In the fullness of time, when it is our turn to give, it behooves us in turn to plant gardens that we maynever eat the fruit of, which will largely benefitgenerations to come. I believe this is our sacred responsibility, one that I hope you will shoulder in time.

1. Agent of change: “Progress is a nice word; but change is its motivator.”‘Others see things as they are and wonder why; I see them as they are not and say why not?’

2. Adversity: ‘Fire is the test of gold; adversity,of strong men.’ A leader has to raise the Confidence of followers

3. values:

The leader has to create hope. value system: a protocol for behavior that enhances the confidence, commitment & enthusiasm of the people.

As Mahatma Gandhi said, ‘We must become the change we want to see in the world.’

4. Enhancing trust:

Trust and confidence can only exist where there is a premium on transparency. At Infosys, philosophy has always been:

‘When in doubt, disclose.’

5. Governance:

Good corporate governance is about maximising shareholder value on a sustainable basis while ensuring fairness to all stakeholders: customers, vendor-partners, investors, employees, government and society.

6. Fearless environment:

Transparency about the organisation’s operations should be accompanied by an open environment inside the organisation. You have to create an environment where any employee can disagree with you without fear of reprisal.

7. Managerial remuneration: Managerial remuneration should be based on three principles:

• Fairness with respect to the compensation of other employees;•Transparency with respect to shareholders and employees;• Accountability with respect to linking compensation with corporate performance.

‘How can I ask for limits on senior management compensation when I Have made millions myself?’ A fair question with a straightforward answer: two systems are at play here. One is that of the promoter, the risk taker and the capital markets; and the other is that of professional management and compensation structures.

8. PSPD model: A well run organisation embraces and practices a sound Predictability-Sustainability-Profitability-Derisking model. Indeed, the long-term success of an organisation depends on having a model that scales up profitably. Further, every organisation must have a good derisking approach that recognises, measures and mitigates risk along every dimension.

9. Integrity:

As leaders who dream of growth and progress, integrity is your most wanted attribute. Lead your teams to fight for the truth and never compromise on your values.

keep in mind two Sanskrit sentences: 1.Sathyannasti Paro Dharma (there is no dharma greater than adherence to truth);

2.Satyameva jayate (truth alone triumphs).

Let these be your motto for good corporate leadership 

• Directive leadership

• Participative leadership

• Empowering leadership

• Charismatic leadership

• Celebrity (superstar) leadership

There are nine key qualities that research shows people seek In a successful leader:

• Passion• Decisiveness• Conviction• Integrity• Adaptability• Emotional toughness• Emotional resonance• Self knowledge• Humility

• Both iconic entrepreneur,but infact both much more than that. • Both started life as hardcore software guys• Mr. Bill Gates wrote the basic compiler & Mr. Murthy, in the early 70s, also wrote the first basic compiler.• Both today have given up being CEOs & taken a step back to help with the bigger kind of picture with bigger vision• Both of them have superb right hand people• Both have huge business but even larger social goals with larger hearts.• Both really believes in spreading wealth among their employees

“It doesn’t matter how bright a person is. How smart a person is. If they don’t understand the risk emanating from what they are doing,if they are not suitably regulated and if greed overtakes them it is inevitable that one sees disasters becausein the end systems are much more powerful than individuals. “

“As long as the engines of innovation are alive, and they attract the best talent,the leadership will continue to be with them.”

“I am a believer in the adage – performance leads to recognition, recognition leads to respect and respect leads to power.“

“We need to create a system where we can rank world corporate leaders based on their respectability.Today, we have the most powerful leaders, the best managed companies, companies by market capitalisation and all of that. But we have to move towards a regime which will rank corporate leaders based on their respectability and everybody must say that I want to become the most respected leader in the world.”

“Ships are safest in the harbor but they are not meant to be there. They have to sail long and hard and face stormy seas to reach the comfort of a desirable destination”

“Our assets walk out of the door each evening. We have to make sure that they come back the next morning.”

“Love your job but never fall in love with your company”

 One of the reasons that Infosys has become so successful is that Mr. Murthy has always followed a philanthropic attitude and vision. Workers at Infosys are perhaps among the happiest people in Infosys in terms of salary, work environment and job satisfaction. Narayan murthy is A visionary who applied his leadership skills to build one of the biggest IT Companies in India. Stress on building & maintaining relationship. Innovation is the only means to sustain customer loyalty in a flattening world . Acceleration Of innovation is an imperative that organization should address through well .Defined framework.