8 Tips For Get t ing The Mo st Money F or Your Home!… · Beautifying Your Yard ... ceilings are...

Post on 12-Aug-2020

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Transcript of 8 Tips For Get t ing The Mo st Money F or Your Home!… · Beautifying Your Yard ... ceilings are...




8 Tips For Getting The Most Money For Your Home!  ─ Thank you for taking the time to read my tips on selling your house. If you have 

any questions please don’t hesitate to call/text/or email me. I am available 24 hours a day 7 days a week and would be more than happy to answer any and all of your questions! My information is right above on my business card! 

Dusten Keith Rose and Womble Realty 300 Cedar Lakes Dr. Chesapeake, Va 23322 



Beautifying Your Yard Curb appeal is the very first impression people get when they pull up to look at your home. Additionally, the back yard can prove to be just as important. People like to imagine themselves BBQing, relaxing, gardening, etc. Make sure your yard is raked and sticks are picked up and that it is well manicured.  






Depersonalize and Declutter When someone walks into your house your main goal is to make them feel like this is their next home. You want them to see how beautiful the vaulted ceilings are and what beautiful granite countertops are in the Kitchen. You don’t want them to see that Billy was wearing an AC/DC shirt in his 6th grade school photos. Clutter can make a space feel small and uninviting. So before you list your house, see if you can find things that don’t need to be there. A little bit of decluttering goes a long way!  


Oh, and pick up your laundry. 




Neutral Paint and Updating Painting your house with neutral colors in preparation for selling your house can really make a difference between getting the sale and not. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard a client make an instinctual grunt that translates to “yuck” when walking into a bedroom. The last thing you want is for a potential buyer to make that noise in your home. Some people have a hard time using their imagination when a bright pink wall is staring them in the face. This is why neutral paint is so important. While you are at the hardware store picking up that neutral colored paint, go around your house and see if any light fixtures, door knobs, faucets, etc. need updating. Little details like that are truly noticed by buyers.  



Staging! Staging! Staging!  

If you are trying to sell an empty house, staging is a must. I have seen unsellable houses fly off the market on the power of beautiful staging alone. Again, it’s hard for some people to use their imagination. Sometimes they can’t see that a king bed and a dresser will fit perfectly in the master bedroom, or that the oversized couch and the coffee table don’t impede walking through. 


I use a staging agent who does an amazing job. Her staging has sold countless amounts of houses. If you have any staging questions, I’d be happy to get them answered for you. 






What To Do With Pets? 

Let me start by saying that I love pets! I have worked in my family’s vet practice since I was able to walk. But! One of the harder things to do is show your beautiful house while stressed-out Scrappy is barking non stop in his kennel. There are also countless horror stories of cats running out of the front door during showings, causing the agent to spend valuable sales time chasing the cat around the neighborhood. If at all possible, when you know you have listings try day boarding. Many vet clinics offer very affordable daycare for pets. If it is a short notice appointment take Scrappy and Sassy for a ride around the neighborhood. Also, be sure to pick up all of your pet paraphernalia and put it away. It goes back to that whole ‘removing clutter’ thing we talked about earlier. 


Professional Photographers This is what the kitchen on page 2 looks like when you take out all of the clutter. I’m kidding, but the difference in photo quality is obvious. When you list with me I bring in a professional photographer at no cost to you! There are things that go into making a photo look appealing such as lighting, background, and angles, etc. things that an amateur photographer would miss. There are other little things a professional photographer paired with a great realtor do, such as putting the toilet seat down in photos (No one wants to see a photo of inside your toilet). I have had multiple occasions where clients don’t want to see a certain house because someone quickly used their iphone to snap some grainy dark pictures of their living room that don’t do it justice. The last thing you want a potential buyer to do is to scratch your house off their list before they even get to see it in person! 





Pricing Your Home Correctly 

When listing their home, too often people say, “I’ll price it high and come down on negotiation” STOP! While this method sounds fool proof, it could prove to be counter productive. Overpricing your home can scare away potential buyers before you even start. Imagine you have a beautiful house with 4 bedrooms, three bathrooms, a beautiful garage, and a pool. The market shows that it is valued at $275,000. Imagine also that Mr. Buyer wants to buy a 4 bedroom 3 bathroom house in your neighborhood, his kids want a pool, and he wants a nice garage to get away from the wife when she's mad at him. He has $280,000 to spend and puts that into the search. If you've priced your home high in order to negotiate down to your actual price, he will never see your home even though he was willing to pay market value. A good and experienced agent will coach you on what you should set the price of your house at based on the market. 



Hiring A Realtor 

Realtors do more than throw a sign in the front yard and wait. They find the best ways to get your house in front of the eyes of potential buyers who otherwise would never see it. They are savvy negotiators who make sure that you get the MOST for your house. They make the process of buying or selling a house as seamless as possible. There might be bumps in the road along the way, but a realtor makes sure that those bumps are minimal and barely felt. Statistically Speaking: When you hire an agent your home is on the market for fewer days and sells for more money. 













 About Me 

Thank you for taking the time to read my 8 tips on how to get the most money for your home. I hope that you have enjoyed them. Now that you are done reading let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am a HUGE family man. My daughter (Henley) and my Wife (Lair) are my entire world. I also LOVE being a Realtor. I love meeting new people and helping them find their dream home and get the most for their current home. My job as a realtor is to make your life simpler. So if you are ready to have a Realtor that will make your life simpler while sharing some laughs and smiles along the way, then give me a call. I would love to help you sell your current home and transition into your dream home! Call or Text - (757) 652-5567 Facebook Message - Facebook.com/DustenKeithRoseandWomble