8 Steps to Global Business Success Powered by Social Media

Post on 06-May-2015

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Businesses are built on knowledge, expertise and know how. Every business is in the "knowledge business".The businesses and personal brands that succeed may not have the best products or services but know how to package that information and share it so they cut through the noise of billions of online ads, crowded social media networks and TV advertising. Artists, authors and musicians have services that are now easily digitized and can be sold to a global audience. Don't think of 1,000 potential customers, add some more zeros. Don't think local, dream of world domination. Social media can help you display that knowledge to the world and facilitate the spread of your brand.

Transcript of 8 Steps to Global Business Success Powered by Social Media

8 Steps to Global Business Success Powered by Social Media

“Create an Online Digital Portal"

“Know your Target Audience"

“Create Contagious Content"

“Give Away Free Content till it Hurts"

“Build Tribes on Social Networks"

“Market on Multiple Social Networks"

“Sell Premium Content and Services"

“Then the “Amazon Best Seller Can Happen"
