8 Great Tips for a Stress-Free Beach Vacation

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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http://www.sunsetcove.com | Use these 8 great tips to make the most of a truly stress-free time in your California beach vacation rental. Plan ahead to leave a secure home and a well-organized desk behind, then settle in for some relaxing fun in a spectacular beachside resort.

Transcript of 8 Great Tips for a Stress-Free Beach Vacation

• There’s nothing like the anticipation of going away to a relaxing California beach vacation rental. You’ll want to make the most of every minute, whether you fill the days with activities, or park yourself on the same patch of sand with a cold beverage nearby.

• Take a few basic steps to guarantee those

stress-free beach days, starting well before you leave. Planning ahead includes knowing you’ve left things safe and secure back home.

• Arrange for a trusted neighbor, friend, or family

member to check on your place regularly. Make sure papers and packages don’t pile up outdoors, advertising your absence. Set a timer to turn indoor lights on and off in different rooms during normal hours of use.

• Pre-plan ways to leave work behind and really get away. After all, a working vacation is just work in a nicer setting—kind of defeats the purpose, right?

• Think about timing. Try to schedule your getaway at

the least disruptive time, and be sure your workload will be covered by someone else. If appropriate, notify clients of the dates you’ll be out, and provide a substitute contact for them.

• Trying to leave work for an extended period can be a

big source of anxiety. The trick is to limit your availability while away, without cutting yourself off entirely. Checking in occasionally will keep you connected, as long as you minimize contact.

• How hard could that be? Not very, but the beach is an unfamiliar environment for many. Even if you’re basking at a luxury resort, take a little time to explore the natural beach and ocean setting. Think of the three essential elements—sun, sand, and water—for hints on how to adapt.

• The sun is part of the attraction in a beach vacation, so be sure to limit exposure to avoid skin damage, overheating, and sunburn (even on cloudy days). Must-haves include a strong sunscreen, hat, and sunglasses (your eyes need protection, too).

• Sand is soft and beautiful—and hot! As temperatures rise throughout the day, barefoot beachgoing becomes less and less fun. Flip-flops are light and easy to tuck into your bag, and for serious beachcombers facing a rocky seaside, consider lightweight water shoes favored by scuba divers.

• Get to know your stretch of ocean. Ask your hotel staff for information and check with the lifeguard when you arrive for updates on ocean status. Know how deep the water gets, and how quickly.

• Small children should always be accompanied,

and be well-prepared with swimming lessons. Introducing them to the local lifeguard is a great learning opportunity, and just as much fun as meeting the local firefighters at home.

• If you plan to swim in the ocean, stay oriented

by swimming parallel to shore, and look for a visible landmark that tells you when you’re back to your stretch of the beach.

• Ever hear of The Beach Boys? If you answered “no,” ask your parents or grandparents…and listen to one of their oldies. Then, get ready to catch a wave. Surfboard rentals are found at popular surf beaches, and a good instructor can have you hanging ten in no time.

• Beach communities, like Laguna Beach, California, offer lots of ways to be active outdoors. Wherever you are, explore what’s local to make the most of your visit and keep every member of the family busy.

• Check for a bicycle rental or loan from your hotel, and cruise the well-maintained bike paths that run along much of southern California’s coast.

• Adjusting to a slower pace can be a challenge. We’re used to pushing ourselves to accomplish a lot every day, and keep to a lively pace. Give yourself a few days to unwind and adapt to a slower pace.

• Avoid trying to run your vacation like a busy work agenda. A few planned activities are enough to give you a reassuring schedule, but be sure to leave lots of open time to savor the feeling of “nothing to do.” There’s always the beach!

• Don’t get hung up on the small stuff. Any trip is likely to produce an unexpected delay, a mistake, or another bump in the road. Turn it into an adventure, a chance to catch up on your Facebook friends, or just listen to a favorite tune while waiting for…whatever it is.

• You may be kicked back at a luxury beach villa, just steps away from a sparkling beachfront, but it helps to have a few small comforts from home that personalize your space, whether it’s a teddy bear or a family photo.

• When you spend a day at the beach, be prepared with a water bottle plus small, portable snacks like protein bars and some fresh fruits, especially at a more remote beach spot without access to refreshments.

• How did we ever survive without moist towelettes? They are an easy way to wipe off sticky sand (notorious for creeping into sandwiches and other beach snacks), and they can provide a quick disinfectant to clean small cuts and scratches. Just remember to carry used wipes and other trash out of the beach or any natural environment.

• Hard to imagine, but you could get tired of just sun, surf, and sand every day. Relax another way by venturing into the community to see what enriches life for the locals. Laguna Beach is as famous for its artistic side as it is for gorgeous beaches and the Pacific Ocean.

• Time your visit right and you may get to see the annual Festival of Arts and Pageant of the Masters. World famous for its recreated masterworks of classical and modern art, the Pageant features breathtaking, staged, living tableaux using live models, with music and narration (tickets sell out well ahead).

• Check out the highly respected art galleries and museums, known especially for works by California “plein air” painters, who first settled in the local artist colony and launched the art events.

Sunset Cove Villas overlook the sparkling Pacific Ocean, just steps away from a sandy beach. Relax in the tranquil setting and enjoy the limitless array of natural, cultural and recreational offerings. Visit the many tourist attractions located a short drive away. Walk or bike to a limitless choice of outdoor, natural and cultural diversions. Let the Sunset Cove Villas professional staff care for all your vacation needs.

Sunset Cove Villas 891 Laguna Canyon Road Laguna Beach, CA 92651 http://www.sunsetcove.com Toll Free: 888.VILLAS1 (US) Telephone: 949.376.5396 (US) Facsimile: 949.494.8063 (US)