751 Notices Federal Register - U.S. Government … section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains...

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Transcript of 751 Notices Federal Register - U.S. Government … section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains...

This section of the FEDERAL REGISTERcontains documents other than rules orproposed rules that are applicable to thepublic. Notices of hearings and investigations,committee meetings, agency decisions andrulings, delegations of authority, filing ofpetitions and applications and agencystatements of organization and functions areexamples of documents appearing in thissection.

Notices Federal Register


Vol. 66, No. 3

Thursday, January 4, 2001


Forest Service

Availability of a Draft EnvironmentalAssessment for Amendment No. 21 tothe Hiawatha National Forest Land andResource Management Plan; AlgerCounty, Michigan

AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.ACTION: Notice of availability of a draftenvironmental assessment.

SUMMARY: On December 5, 2000,Hiawatha National Forest Supervisor,Clyde N. Thompson (ResponsibleOfficial) announced his preferredalternative for a Draft EnvironmentalAssessment that would amend the 1986Hiawatha National Forest Land andResource Management Plan (ForestPlan) in a 30-day pre-decision period.This amendment updates the standardsand guidelines for Grand IslandResearch Natural Area (GI–RNA),creates a new Management Area 8.1.2specific to GI–RNA and updates the GI–RNA Establishment Record. This noticeis provided pursuant to National ForestSystem Land and Resource ManagementPlanning regulations (36 CFR 219.35, 65FR 67579, November 9, 2000). Copies ofthe Draft Environmental Assessment areavailable upon request.DATES: On December 5, 2000, HiawathaNational Forest Supervisor, Clyde N.Thompson (Responsible Official)announced his preferred alternative fora Draft Environmental Assessment thatwould amend the 1986 HiawathaNational Forest Land and ResourceManagement Plan (Forest Plan). A legalnotice was published in the EscanabaDaily Press, Escanaba, Michigannewspaper in accordance with 36 CFR217.8(a)(2) on December 5, 2000.ADDRESSES: Send requests fordocuments to: Forest Supervisor,Hiawatha National Forest, 2727 NorthLincoln Road, Escanaba, MI 49829.

Alternatively, direct electronic mailto: pbeyer@fs.fed.us ATTN: GI–RNAAmendment.FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:Patty Beyer, Project Coordinator, at 906–228–9681. TDD 906–789–3337; or directelectronic mail to: pbeyer@fs.fed.us, oraccess the forest web page at http://www.fs.fed.us/r9/hiawatha.

Responsible Official: Clyde N.Thompson, Forest Supervisor, 2727North Lincoln Rd., Escanaba, Michigan,49829.SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Theproposed Forest Plan Amendment No.21 describes site-specific standards andguidelines that allow for existingrecreation use while reducing resourceimpacts to the GI–RNA. These standardsand guidelines offer protection of soils,watershed, botanical communities, oldgrowth, Great Lakes shoreline andheritage resources. The preferredalternative maintains the historic usepatterns of Grand Island within the GI–RNA. This is non-significantamendment.

Public involvement was an importantpart of the decision making process forthis proposal. On December 9, 1999 apublic scoping letter was sent to over700 interested parties and a notice waspublished in the local newspaper. Asecond round of public involvementoccurred with the issuance of the pre-decisional environmental assessment onDecember 1, 2000. We published a legalnotice notifying the public of theavailability of the EA for review in theEscanaba Daily Press, Escanaba,Michigan on December 5, 2000. A 30-day comment period follows release ofthe pre-decisional EA on December 5,2000 for review (until January 5, 2001).A final decision is expected in January2001.

This decision will be subject to appealpursuant to USDA Forest Serviceregulations 36 CFR 217.3. Any writtenappeal must be postmarked orsubmitted to the Regional Forester,USDA Forest Service, Eastern Region,310 West Wisconsin Ave., Suite 500,Milwaukee, WI 53203, within 45 days ofthe date the legal notice will bepublished in the Escanaba Daily Press,Escanaba, Michigan in accordance with36 CFR 217.8(a)(2). The appeal periodbegins the day following the legal noticepublication in the Escanaba Daily Press.Appeals must meet the contentrequirements of 36 CFR 217.9. The

Forest Service is an equal opportunityorganization.

Dated: December 18, 2000.Clyde N. Thompson,Forest Supervisor.[FR Doc. 01–143 Filed 1–3–01; 8:45 am]BILLING CODE 3410–11–M


Forest Service


Bureau of Indian Affairs

Bureau of Land Management

Fish and Wildlife Service

National Park Service

Urban Wildland Interface CommunitiesWithin the Vicinity of Federal LandsThat Are at High Risk From Wildfire

AGENCIES: Forest Service, USDA; Bureauof Indian Affairs, Bureau of LandManagement, Fish and Wildlife Service,and National Park Service, USDI.ACTION: Notice.

SUMMARY: This notice provides an initiallist of urban wildland interfacecommunities in the vicinity of Federallands that are at high risk from wildfire.The list, compiled from informationprovided by States and Tribes, andprepared for publication by theSecretaries of Agriculture and theInterior, responds to Congressionaldirection to identify communitieswithin the vicinity of Federal lands thatare at high risk from wildfire, andpublish a list of these communities inthe Federal Register. States and Tribesused different criteria for selectingcommunities at risk. This initial list ofcommunities is incomplete, and will beupdated as additional information fromthe States and Tribes becomes available.The information included in the list hasnot been altered by the Federal agencies.

Pursuant to direction from Congress,the lists submitted by States and Tribeshave been annotated by the Secretariesto identify communities around whichhazardous fuel reduction treatments onFederal lands are ongoing or areplanned to begin in fiscal year 2001.The Secretaries will continue to workwith States, Tribes, local governments,

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752 Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

and other interested parties to focus fuelreduction efforts on those communitiesat highest risk.

This notice also provides the FederalGovernment’s initial definition of urbanwildland interface communities at highrisk from wildfire, and preliminarycriteria for risk evaluation and riskmanagement that will be used by theSecretaries to rank and prioritizecommunities and focus implementationof fuels treatments to most effectivelyreduce risks. Interested members of thepublic may also provide additionalthoughts on the list of communities, theinitial definition of wildland-urbaninterface areas, and the preliminarycriteria for risk evaluation and riskmanagement included in this notice viathe National Interagency Fire Centerweb page at http://www.nifc.gov. As aresult of these suggestions, the Federalagencies will work with Tribes, States,local governments, and other interestedparties to refine and narrow the initiallist of communities provided in thisnotice, focusing on those that are athighest risk.ADDRESSES: Paper copies of this list andrelated materials may be obtained bywriting to: Bureau of Land Management,Office of External Affairs, NationalInteragency Fire Center, 3833 S.Development Avenue, Boise, Idaho83705–5354.FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:Steve Bott, Fire Management ProgramCenter, National Park Service, USDI,3833 S. Development Avenue, Boise,Idaho 83705–5354; (208) 387–5200 (e-mail: stephen_botti@nps.gov).Information specific to individual Statelistings should be directed to therespective State Forester as listed withthe National Association of StateForesters (NASF), 444 N. Capitol St.,NW., Suite 540, Washington, DC 20001,or electronically from the NASF WorldWide Web/Internet home page at http://www.Stateforesters.org/SFlist.html.SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION:

BackgroundDuring the 2000 fire season more than

6.8 million acres of public and privatelands burned, resulting in loss ofproperty, damage to resources, anddisruption of community services. Manyof these fires burned in urban wildlandinterface areas and exceeded the firesuppression capabilities of those areas.The magnitude of these fires is theresult of two primary factors: (1) Severedrought, accompanied by a series ofstorms that produced thousands oflightning strikes followed by windyconditions; and (2) the long-term effectsof almost a century of suppressing

wildfires that has led to an unnaturalbuildup of brush and small diametertrees in the nation’s forests andrangelands.

Loss of structures due to wildlandfires has been attributed to many factors,one of which is the proximity ofhazardous fuels to homes andcommunities. During periods of hot, dryweather, the buildup of vegetation thathas occurred on some Federal, State,and private lands in the vicinity ofcommunities poses a potentially highrisk of damage to homes and otherstructures, disruption to the localeconomy, or loss of life.

On August 8, 2000, the Presidentdirected the Secretaries of Agricultureand the Interior to prepare a reportrecommending how best to respond tothis year’s severe fires, reduce theimpacts of those fires on ruralcommunities, and ensure sufficient firemanagement resources in the future. OnSeptember 8, 2000, the Presidentaccepted their report, Managing theImpacts of Wildfires on Communitiesand the Environment, which providesan overall framework for firemanagement and forest health programs.The report calls for Federal agencies toincrease investments in projects toreduce fire risk and to work with localcommunities to reduce fire hazardsclose to homes and communities.

Other factors—including weatherconditions and patterns, and thehazardous fuels conditions in theimmediate vicinity of homes,businesses, and other structures—playimportant roles in the spread ofwildland fire. Reducing hazardous fuelnear communities may reduce, but noteliminate, wildlife risks to thesecommunities. Some risk is inherent tocommunities that exist in fire-dependent ecosystems. Privatelandowners may help reduce this riskby creating defensible space aroundtheir homes and businesses, and byusing fire-resistant materials in buildingthose structures. Without suchprecautionary measures, fuel reductionon Federal land in the vicinity may beineffective in significantly reducingcommunity risk.

The Federal land managementagencies are currently in the process offorming partnerships with the States,Tribes, and local governments to planfuels reduction treatments targeted tothe urban wildland interface in thevicinity of Federal lands. Thesepartnerships are indicative of a sharedresponsibility to reduce wildland firerisks to communities in the interface.Successful implementation of this fuelsreduction program will require

commitments from all the partnersinvolved in this effort.

Congressional Direction and Purpose ofFederal Register Notice

As directed by Title IV of the FY 2001Appropriations Act for the Departmentof the Interior and Related Agencies(Public Law 106–291), the Secretaries ofAgriculture and the Interior haveconsulted with States and Tribes aboutthe development of a list of urbanwildland interface communities withinthe vicinity of Federal lands, includingIndian trust and restricted lands, thatare at high-risk from wildfire. Thisinitial list of communities wasdeveloped by States and Tribes, eachusing criteria it determined appropriatefor selecting communities at risk. Thelist is incomplete. It will be updated asadditional information from the Statesand Tribes becomes available. Theinformation provided has not beenaltered by the Federal Agencies. Thelists submitted by States and Tribeshave been annotated by the Secretariesto identify communities around whichhazardous fuel reduction treatments onFederal lands are ongoing or areplanned to begin in fiscal year 2001.The list of communities around whichtreatments are planned may also beupdated as the agencies further assesstreatment priorities for FY 2001. Somecommunities may be removed from thelist if further assessment and discussionamong the States, Tribes and localagencies indicate it is appropriate to doso. Future updates of this list will bemade available electronically from theNational Interagency Fire Center WorldWide Web/Internet home page at http://www.nifc.gov. The list is set out at theend of this notice.

This notice also provides an initialdefinition of urban wildland interfacecommunities at high risk from wildfire,and the preliminary criteria for riskevaluation and risk management thatwill initially be used to focus hazardousfuel reduction efforts. This definitionand these criteria were developedcooperatively by the Federal agencies,Tribes, and States, and may be modifiedthrough further consultation withTribes, States, local governments, andother interested parties.

Urban Wildland Interface CommunityDefinition

The initial definition of urbanwildland interface and the descriptivecategories used in this notice aremodified from ‘‘A Report to the Councilof Western State Foresters—Fire in theWest—The Wildland/Urban InterfaceFire Problem’’ dated September 18,2000. Under this definition, ‘‘the urban

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753Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

wildland interface community existswhere humans and their developmentmeet or intermix with wildland fuel.’’There are three categories ofcommunities that meet this description.Generally, the Federal agencies willfocus on communities that are describedunder categories 1 and 2. For purposesof applying these categories and thesubsequent criteria for evaluating risk toindividual communities, a structure isunderstood to be either a residence or abusiness facility, including Federal,State, and local government facilities.Structures do not include smallimprovements such as fences andwildlife watering devices.

Category 1. Interface CommunityThe Interface Community exists where

structures directly abut wildland fuels.There is a clear line of demarcationbetween residential, business, andpublic structures and wildland fuels.Wildland fuels do not generallycontinue into the developed area. Thedevelopment density for an interfacecommunity is usually 3 or morestructures per acre, with sharedmunicipal services. Fire protection isgenerally provided by a localgovernment fire department with theresponsibility to protect the structurefrom both an interior fire and anadvancing wildland fire. An alternativedefinition of the interface communityemphasizes a population density of 250or more people per square mile.

Category 2. Intermix CommunityThe Intermix Community exists where

structures are scattered throughout awildland area. There is no clear line ofdemarcation; wildland fuels arecontinuous outside of and within thedeveloped area. The developmentdensity in the intermix ranges fromstructures very close together to onestructure per 40 acres. Fire protectiondistricts funded by various taxingauthorities normally provide life andproperty fire protection and may alsohave wildland fire protectionresponsibilities. An alternativedefinition of intermix communityemphasizes a population density ofbetween 28–250 people per square mile.

Category 3. Occluded CommunityThe Occluded Community generally

exists in a situation, often within a city,where structures abut an island ofwildland fuels (e.g., park or open space).There is a clear line of demarcationbetween structures and wildland fuels.The development density for anoccluded community is usually similarto those found in the interfacecommunity, but the occluded area is

usually less than 1,000 acres in size.Fire protection is normally provided bylocal government fire departments.

Preliminary Criteria for EvaluatingRisk to Communities

The Secretaries are required topublish in the Federal Register, by May1, 2001, a second list of urban wildlandinterface communities within thevicinity of Federal lands that are at highrisk from wildfire in which treatmentswill not have begun during 2001. TheFederal agencies will work with Tribes,States, local governments, and otherinterested parties to refine and narrowthe initial list of communities providedin this notice, focusing on those that areat highest risk, as determined throughthe application of appropriate criteria.In discussions with States, Tribes, localgovernments, and other interestedparties, the Secretaries will suggestusing the specific factors listed below,as modified through further discussionwith and input from interested parties,in evaluating risk to communities.Similar risk factors will be included ininterim guidance to the agencies’ fieldunits that will be required to implementurban wildland treatment projectsduring FY 2001.

Risk Factor 1: Fire Behavior PotentialSituation 1: In these communities,

continuous fuels are in close proximityto structures. The composition ofsurrounding fuels is conducive to crownfires or high intensity surface fires.There are steep slopes, predominantlysouth aspects, dense fuels, heavy duff,prevailing wind exposure and/or ladderfuels that reduce fire fightingeffectiveness. There is a history of largefires and/or high fire occurrence.

Situation 2: In these communities,there are moderate slopes, brokenmoderate fuels, and some ladder fuels.The composition of surrounding fuels isconducive to torching and spotting.These conditions may lead to moderatefire fighting effectiveness. There is ahistory of some large fires and/ormoderate fire occurrence.

Situation 3: In these communities,grass and/or sparse fuels surroundstructures. There is infrequent windexposure, flat terrain with little slopeand/or predominantly a north aspect.There is no large fire history and/or lowfire occurrence. Fire fighting generally ishighly effective.

Risk Factor 2: Values At RiskSituation 1: This situation most

closely represents a community in anurban interface setting. The settingcontains a high density of homes,businesses, and other facilities that

continue across the interface. There is alack of defensible space wherepersonnel can safely work to provideprotection. The community watershedfor municipal water is at high risk ofbeing burned compared to otherwatersheds within that geographicregion. There is a high potential foreconomic loss to the community andlikely loss of housing units and/orbusinesses. There are unique cultural,historical or natural heritage values atrisk.

Situation 2: This situation representsan intermix or occluded setting, withscattered areas of high-density homes,summer homes, youth camps, orcampgrounds that are less than a mileapart. This situation would cover thepresence of lands at risk that aredescribed under State designations suchas impaired watersheds, or scenicbyways. There is a risk of erosion orflooding in the community if vegetationburns.

Risk Factor 3: InfrastructureSituation 1: In these communities,

there are narrow dead end roads, steepgrades, one way in and/or out routes, noor minimal fire fighting capacity, no firehydrants, no surface water, no pressurewater systems, no emergency operationsgroup, and no evacuation plan in anarea surrounded by a fire-conducivelandscape.

Situation 2: In these communities,there are limited access routes,moderate grades, limited water supply,and limited fire fighting capability in anarea surrounded by scattered fire-conducive landscape.

Situation 3: In these communities,there are multiple entrances and exitsthat are well equipped for fire trucks,wide loop roads, fire hydrants, openwater sources (pools, creeks, lakes), anactive emergency operations group, andan evacuation plan in place in an areasurrounded by a fireproof landscape.

The Secretaries will workcollaboratively with States, Tribes, localcommunities, and other interestedparties to develop a ranking process tofocus fuel reduction activities byidentifying communities most at risk.Public input is welcome on the form aranking system should take, as is inputon measures that may be useful to assessthe impacts of fuels treatment projects.

Preliminary Criteria for ProjectSelection

After the Federal agencies consultwith States, Tribes, local leaders, andother interested parties on the risk tocommunities, the Secretaries will workcollaboratively with those entities toidentify and prioritize specific treatment

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754 Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

projects. Projects will be focused onFederal land in the urban wildlandinterface, and may be extended to non-Federal land that falls in closeproximity. All projects will be subject toreview for conformance with applicablelaws, as addressed in the report toCongress that responds to section 5(B) oftitle IV of the report accompanying theFY 2001 Interior and Related AgenciesAppropriations Act. The agenciesexpect the preliminary criteria for riskevaluation identified above, modified asappropriate in consultation withinterested parties, to be helpful inproject selection. Among other factorsthat may be considered in projectselection is the contribution the project

will make toward establishing anadequate buffer around, or defensiblespace for, a community at risk. By thiscriterion, priority would be given toprojects that are adjacent to combustiblestructures within the interfacecommunities. Another factor will be thedegree to which the community activelysupports and invests in hazardous fuelreduction activities and programs.

Support would be demonstrated by acombination of: developing partnershipswith adjacent Federal agencies, States,and Tribes; sharing costs for hazardousfuels reduction and fire preventionactivities; enhancing a fire-safeenvironment through enforcement offire-related laws, regulations and

ordinances; applying appropriatecommunity planning practices; andparticipating in the organization of andsupport for fire safety and relatedenvironmental education.

Dated: December 27, 2000.For the Department of Agriculture.Dan Glickman,Secretary of Agriculture.

Dated: December 22, 2000.For the Department of the Interior.Bruce Babbitt,Secretary of the Interior.

Urban-Wildland Interface Communitiesin the Vicinity of Federal Lands ThatAre at High Risk From Wildfire


State Response

Alaska ................................................................. Community list provided.Alabama .............................................................. Community list provided.Arkansas ............................................................. List unavailable at this time.Arizona ................................................................ Community list provided.California ............................................................. Community list provided.Colorado ............................................................. Community list provided.Connecticut ......................................................... No high-risk communities adjacent to Federal lands.District of Columbia ............................................ No response.Delaware ............................................................. No high-risk communities adjacent to Federal lands.Florida ................................................................. Community list provided.Georgia ............................................................... No response.Guam .................................................................. No response.Hawaii ................................................................. No response.Iowa .................................................................... Community list provided.Idaho ................................................................... Community list provided.Illinois .................................................................. No response.Indiana ................................................................ Community list provided.Kansas ................................................................ Community list provided.Kentucky ............................................................. List unavailable at this time.Louisiana ............................................................. No response.Massachusetts .................................................... Response provided by Tribe(s), but not the State.Maryland ............................................................. Community list provided.Maine .................................................................. Community list provided.Michigan .............................................................. Community list provided.Minnesota ........................................................... Community list provided.Missouri ............................................................... No response.Mississippi ........................................................... Community list provided.Montana .............................................................. Community list provided.North Carolina ..................................................... Response provided by Tribe(s), but not the State.North Dakota ....................................................... Community list provided.Nebraska ............................................................. Community list provided.New Hampshire .................................................. Community list provided.New Jersey ......................................................... Community list provided.New Mexico ........................................................ Community list provided.Nevada ................................................................ Community list provided.New York ............................................................ No high-risk communities adjacent to Federal lands.Ohio .................................................................... No high-risk communities were identified by the State.Oklahoma ............................................................ Community list provided.Oregon ................................................................ Community list provided.Pennsylvania ....................................................... Community list provided.Puerto Rico ......................................................... No response.Rhode Island ....................................................... No high-risk communities adjacent to Federal lands.South Carolina .................................................... Response provided by Tribe(s). State list currently unavailable.South Dakota ...................................................... Community list provided.Tennessee .......................................................... List unavailable at this time.Texas .................................................................. Community list provided.Utah .................................................................... Community list provided.Virginia ................................................................ Community list provided.Virgin Islands ...................................................... No response.Vermont .............................................................. Community list provided.Washington ......................................................... Community list provided.

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755Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices


State Response

Wisconsin ............................................................ Community list provided.West Virginia ....................................................... Community list provided.Wyoming ............................................................. Community list provided.

Urban Wildland Community List

Listed alphabetically by State andCommunity.

Note, those communities whereprojects are ongoing or proposed arefootnoted as:

1 Ongoing fuels treatment project in FiscalYear 2001.

2 Proposed fuels treatment project forFiscal Year 2001.


Alcan, AKAllakaket, AKAnchor Point, AKAnchorage, AKBig Delta, AKBig Lake, AKButte, AKClam Gulch, AKCollege, AKCooper Landing, AKDelta Junction, AKEagle River, AKFairbanks, AKFox River, AKFritz Creek, AKFt. Greely, AKFunny River, AKHappy Valley, AKHomer, AKHouston, AKKalifonsky, AKKasilof, AKKenai, AKLazy Mountain, AKLime Village, AKMcGrath, AKMeadow Lakes, AKMoose Creek, AKNikiski, AKNinilchik, AKNorth Pole, AKNorthway, AKNorthway Junction, AKNulato, AKSalamatof, AKSoldotna, AKTanacross, AKTok, AK


Addison, ALAndalusia, ALAnniston, ALAshland, ALAtmore, ALBaldon Springs, ALBlanche, ALBon Secour, AL

Borden Springs, ALBradley, ALBrent, ALBridgeport, ALCenterville, ALChandler Springs, ALCheaha Mountain, ALCherokee, ALChildresburg, ALChoccolocco, ALCoffeeville, ALCurry, ALDaleville, ALDecatur, ALDelta, ALDixie, AL 1

Double Springs, ALDuncanville, ALEdwardsville, ALEnterprise, ALEoline, ALEufaula, ALFort Mitchell, ALFort Morgan, ALFort Payne, ALFreemanville, ALGulf Shores, ALHaleyville, ALHartselle, ALHeflin, ALHeilberger, ALHollis, ALHollis Crossroads, ALHuntsville, ALJacksonville, ALLawley, ALLineville, ALMadison, ALMaplesville, ALMillerville, ALMooresville, ALMoulton, ALMunford, ALNatural Bridge, ALNauvoo, ALNewton, ALOak Hill, ALOverbrook, ALOxford, ALOzark, ALPhenix City, ALPiedmont, ALPlantersville, ALPleasant Gap, ALPoarch, ALPriceville, ALPyriton, ALRed Oak, AL 1

Rhodesville, ALScottsboro, AL

Sprott, ALStanton, ALSycamore, ALSylacauga, ALTalledega, ALThreet, ALTriana, ALTuskegee, AL 1

Waldo, ALWetumpka, ALWing, AL 1

Winterboro, AL


Alpine, AZ 1

Arivaca, AZBonita Creek, AZCamp Geronimo, AZ 1

Cherry, AZ 2

Chircahua, AZChristopher Creek, AZCibola, AZColcord, AZCrown King, AZCutter, AZDeer Springs, AZDesert View, AZ 1, 2

Eager, AZ 2

East Rim Drive, AZ 1

Ellision Creek, AZFlagstaff, AZ 1

Forest Lakes, AZ 1

Geronimo Estates, AZGlobe, AZGolden Shores, AZGordon Canyon, AZGrand Canyon Village, AZ 1

Greer, AZ 1

Groom Creek, AZHawley Lake, AZHeadquarters, AZHerber, AZ 2

Hermit’s Rest, AZHideway, AZ 1

Highway 64, AZHondah, AZ 1

Hunter Creek, AZ 1

Hunters Point, AZJeddito, AZKaibab Lodge, AZ 2

Keams Canyon, AZKingman, AZKitt Peak, AZKohl’s Ranch, AZLakeside, AZ 1

Linden, AZ 1

Little Field, AZMaricopa Colony, AZMcNary, AZ 1

Mormon Lake, AZ 1

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756 Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

Mount Lemmon, AZNew River, AZ 2

North Rim Developed, AZ 2

North Rim Historic, AZ 2

Nutrioso, AZ 2

Oak Creek, AZOak Springs, AZOracle, AZOvergaard, AZ 2

Parks, AZ 1

Payson, AZPeridot, AZPine, AZ 1

Pine Springs, AZ 2

Pinedale, AZ 1

Pinelake, AZ 2

Pinetop, AZ 1

Pinewood, AZPleasant Valley, AZPoint of Pines, AZPolacca, AZPrescott, AZ 2

Saint John, AZSan Carlos, AZSan Pedro, AZSanta Cruz, AZSasabe, AZSecond Mesa, AZShow Low, AZ 1

Strawberry, AZ 1

Summit, AZSupai, AZThird Mesa, AZTonto Village, AZ 1

Tsaile, AZ 2

Walker, AZWashington Park, AZWest Rim Drive, AZWhispering Pines, AZWhiteriver, AZ 1

Williams, AZ 1

Yaki Point, AZ 1

Yavapai Prescott, AZYuma, AZ


Acton, CAAdelanto, CAAgoura Hills, CA 1, 2

Alpine, CAAlta Sierra, CAAltadena, CAAmador City, CAAngels Camp, CAApple Valley, CAArcadia, CAArnold, CAAtascadero, CAAuberry, CAAuburn, CAAzusa, CABanning, CA 1, 2

Beale Air Force Base, CABeaumont, CABeverly Hills, CA 1, 2

Big Bear City, CA 1

Big Bear Lake, CA 1

Big Oak Flat, CABodfish, CA

Bolinas, CA 2

Bootjack, CABoulder Creek High, CABoulevard, CA 1

Bradbury, CABrea, CABurney, CACabazon, CACameron Park, CACamp Pendleton North, CACamp Rest, CACamptonville, CA 2

Canyon Lake, CACarlsbad, CACarpinteria, CACascade Oro, CACathedral City, CACedar Ridge, CACentral Valley, CAChallenge-Brownsville, CACherry Valley, CAChester, CA 1

Chico, CAChino, CAChula Vista, CA 2

Claremont, CAClearlake, CA 2

Cloverdale, CACoachella, CACobb, CAColfax, CAColumbia, CA 1

Concow, CACorona, CA 1

Coronado, CACoto de Caza, CACovelo, CA 1

Crestline, CA 1, 2

Del Monte Forest, CADel Rey Oaks, CADesert Hot Springs, CADevonshire, CADiamond Bar, CADiamond Springs, CADollar Point, CADorris, CADresserville, CADuarte, CADunsmuir, CAEast Hemet, CAEast Sonora, CAEdwards Air Force Base, CAEl Dorado Hills, CAEl Toro, CAEl Toro Marine Corps Air Station, CAEncinitas, CAEscondido, CAEtna, CAFallbrook, CAFontana, CAForest Knolls, CAForesthill, CA 1

Fort Jones, CA 2

Frazier Park, CAGeorge Air Force Base, CAGlen Avon, CAGlendale, CAGlendora, CA 1

Glenshire, CA

Grass Valley, CAGreenville, CAGroveland, CA 2

Happy Camp, CAHarbison Canyon, CAHayfork, CA 2

Hemet, CA 1

Hesperia, CAHidden Meadows, CAHidden Valley Lake, CAHighland, CAHomestead Valley, CAHoopa, CAIdyllwild, CA 1

Imperial Beach, CAIndian Wells, CAIndio, CAInverness, CA 2

Ione, CAIrvine, CAJamestown, CAJamul, CAJulian, CA 2

Kelseyville, CA 1

Kernville, CAKings Beach, CA 1

Klamath, CALa Canada Flintridge, CALa Crescenta, CALa Habra Heights, CALa Quinta, CALa Verne, CALagunitas, CALake Arrowhead, CA 1

Lake Elsinore, CALake Isabella, CALake Nacimiento, CALakeland Village, CALakeport, CALakeside, CA 2

Lakeview, CALancaster, CALewiston, CALittlerock, CALompoc, CALone Pine, CA 2

Los Angeles, CA 1, 2

Los Serranos, CALower Lake, CALoyalton, CA 1

Lucerne, CAMagalia, CAMammoth Lakes, CA 2

March Air Force Base, CAMarina, CAMartinez, CAMcCloud, CAMeiners Oaks, CAMentone, CAMill Valley, CA 2

Mira Monte, CAMission Viejo, CAMi-Wuk Village, CAMono Vista, CAMonrovia, CAMonterey, CA 2

Montrose, CAMoonstone, CAMoreno Valley, CA

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757Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

Morongo Valley, CAMount Helix, CAMount Shasta, CA 2

Mountain Mesa, CAMurphys, CANational City, CANevada City, CA 2

Nice, CANorco, CANorth Auburn, CANorth Fork, CA 1, 2

Nuevo, CAOakhurst, CA 2

Oceanside, CAOjai, CA 2

Ontario, CAOroville, CAOroville East, CAPala, CA 1

Palermo, CAPalm Desert, CAPalm Springs, CAPalmdale, CAParadise, CA 2

Pasadena, CAPerris, CAPhoenix Lake, CAPine Cove, CAPine Valley, CAPiru, CAPlacerville, CAPlymouth, CAPoint Arena, CAPoint Dume, CAPollock Pines, CAPomona, CAPorterville, CA 1

Portola, CAPortola Hills, CAPoway, CAQuail Valley, CAQuincy-East Quincy, CA 2

Rainbow, CARamona, CARancho Mirage, CARancho Cucamonga, CARancho Santa Margarita, CARedding, CA 2

Redlands, CARialto, CARiverside, CARosamond, CARowland Heights, CARunning Springs, CASan Andreas, CASan Antonio Heights, CASan Bernadino, CASan Clemente, CASan Diego, CASan Diego Country Estates, CASan Dimas, CASan Marcos, CASand City, CASanta Barbara, CASanta Clarita, CA 1

Santa Rosa, CA 2

Santa Ysabel, CA 1

Santee, CASeaside, CA

Shingle Springs, CA 1

Sierra Madre, CASimi Valley, CASonora, CASoulsbyville, CASouth Lake, CASouth Lake Tahoe, CASouth Oroville, CASquaw Valley, CASun City, CASunnyside, CASusanville, CASutter Creek, CASycuan, CA 2

Tahoe City, CA 1

Tahoe Vista, CATamalpais, CATemecula, CAThousand Oaks, CAThousand Palms, CATollhouse, CA 1

Toulumne, CA 2

Trabuco Highlands, CATrinidad, CATruckee, CA 1

Tuolumne, CATwain Harte, CAUpland, CAVal Verde, CA 1

Valle Vista, CAValley Center, CA 1, 2

Vandenberg Air Force Base, CAVandenberg Village, CAVictorville, CAVista, CAWarner Springs, CA 2

Weed, CAWesthaven, CAWestlake Village, CAWildomar, CAWillow Creek, CA 1

Winchester, CAWinterhaven, CAWofford Heights, CAWoodcrest, CAWrightwood, CA 1

Yosemite Lakes, CAYreka, CAYucaipa, CAYucca Valley, CA


Abbeyville, COAcequia, COAdelaide, COAguilar, COAkin, COAlamo, COAlamosa, COAlder, COAlice, COAllenspark, CO 1

Allison, COAlma, COAlma Junction, COAlmont, COAlpine, COAlpine (historical), COAlta, CO

Altman, COAltona, COAmerican City, COAmericus, COAmes, COAnaconda, COAngora, COAntero Junction, COAntlers, COAntonito, COAnvil Points, COApex, COAra, COArboles, COArcher, COArriola, COArrowhead, COArrowood, COAshcroft, COAspen, COAspen Meadows, COAspen Park, COAspen Springs, COAustin, COAustin Post Office, COAvon, COAxial, COBadito, COBailey, COBakerville, COBalarat, COBaldwin, COBalltown, COBaltimore, COBark Ranch Subdivision, COBarnesville, COBasalt, COBattle Creek, COBaxterville, COBayfield, CO 2

Beacon Hill, COBear River, COBeaver Point, CO 2

Bedrock, COBelden, COBelleview, COBellford Mountain Heights, COBellvue, COBergen Park, COBerthoud Falls, COBeulah, CO 1

Beverly Hills, COBig Elk Meadows, COBighorn, CO 1

Biglow, COBirdseye, COBlack Eagle Mill, COBlack Forest, COBlack Hawk, COBlanca, COBlue Mountain, COBlue Mountain Subdivision, COBlue River, COBlue Valley, COBonanza, CO 1

Bonanza Mountain Estates, COBoncarbo, COBond, COBondad, CO

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758 Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

Bordenville, COBoswich Park, COBoulder, CO 1

Boulder Junction, COBountiful, COBowie, COBox Prairie, COBradford, COBreckenridge, CO 2

Breen, COBreeze Basin, COBridges Switch, COBrimstone Corner, COBroadmoor, COBroken Arrow Acres, COBronquist, COBrook Forest, COBrookside, COBrookvale, COBrowns Canon, COBrumley, COBuckhorn Canyon, COBuckskin Joe, COBuena Vista, COBuffalo Creek, CO 1

Buford, COBurns, COButtes, COCabazon Subdivision, COCameo, COCamp Bird, COCamp Hale, COCanon City, COCarbon Junction, COCarbondale, COCardiff, COCardinal, COCaribou, COCaribou City, COCarracas, COCarterville, COCascade, COCastle Rock, COCathedral, COCatherine, COCattle Creek, COCedar Cove, COCedar Creek, COCedar Grove, COCedar Point, COCedaredge, COCedarwood, COCenterville, COCentral City, CO 1

Chacra, COChama, COChance, COChandler, COChattanooga, COChavez Arroyo, COChimney Rock Post Office, CO 2

Chipeta, COChipita Park, COChromo, COCimarron, COClark, COCleora, COCliffdale, COClifton, CO

Climax, COCoal Creek, COCoaldale, COCoburn, COCody Park, COCokedale, COColby, COCold Spring, COCollbran, COColona, COColorado City, COColorado Springs, COColumbine, COColumbine Valley, COColumbus, COCommerce City, COComo, COConejos, COConifer, COConifer Mountain, COCopper Mountain, COCopper Spur, COCopperdale, COCordova Plaza, COCortez, COCory, COCory Post Office, COCotopaxi, COCottonwood, COCoventry, COCowdrey, COCraig, COCraig Place, COCraig South Highlands, COCrawford, COCreede, COCrescent, COCrescent Village, COCrested Butte, CO 1

Crestone, CO 1

Cripple Creek, COCrisman, COCrossons, COCrow Hill, COCrystal, COCrystola, COCuchara, COCuerna Verde Park, CODallas, CODe Beque, CODeckers, CODeermont, CODel Norte, CODelagua, CODell, CODelta, CODerby Junction, CODillon, CODinosaur, CO 2

Divide, CODolores, CO 2

Dome Rock, CODotsero, CODove Creek, CODowds Junction, CODownieville, CODrake, CODuffield, CODumont, CO

Dunckley, CODunton, CODurango, CO 2

Durango West, CODyersville, CODyke, COEagle, COEagles Nest, COEast Canon, COEast Portal, COEast Vancorum, COEastonville, COEcho, COEckert, COEdgemont, COEdith, COEdwards, COEggers, COEgnar, COEl Jebel, COEl Moro, COEl Rancho, COEl Vado, COEldora, COEldorado Springs, COEldredge, COElephant Park, COElk Creek Acres, CO 1

Elk Ridge, COElkdale, COElkhead, COElkton, COElsmere, COEmma, COEmpire, COEngleville (abandoned), COEspinosa, COEstabrook, COEstes Park, CO 1, 2

Evansville, COEverett, COEvergreen, CO 2

Fairplay, COFairview, COFalfa, COFall River Estates Subdivision, COFarista, COFenders, COFerncliff, COFerndale, COFink, COFlorence, COFloresta, COFlorida, COFlorida Mesa, COFlorissant, COFort Boettcher, COFort Carson, COFort Collins, COFort Garland, COFox Creek, CO 2

Foxton, COFranktown, COFraser, COFreeland, COFrisco, COFrost, COFruita, COFruitland Mesa, CO

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759Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

Fulford, COFunston, COGalena, COGarfield (historical), COGaskil, COGateview, COGateway, CO 1

Gem Village, COGenesee, COGeorgetown, COGerrard, COGillet (historical), COGilman, COGilpin, COGilson Gulch, COGilsonite, COGlade Park, COGlen Comfort, COGlen Cove, COGlen Echo, COGlen Eden, COGlen Eyie, COGlen Haven, COGlen Park, COGlendale, COGlendevey, COGlendevey Post Office, COGlenelk, COGlenisle, COGlenwood Springs, COGold Hill, COGold Park, COGold Run Subdivision, COGolden, COGoldfield, COGoodell Corner, COGoodnight, COGoodpasture, COGothic, COGould, CO 1

Granby, COGrand Island, COGrand Junction, COGrand Lake, CO 2

Grand Mesa, COGrandview, COGranite, COGrant, COGraymount, COGreen Mountain, COGreen Mountain Falls, COGreen Mountain Village, COGreen Valley Acres, COGreenhorn, COGreenland, COGreenwood, COGround Hog, COGuadalupe, COGuffey, COGulnare, COGunnison, COGunston, COGypsum, COHahns Pear, COHalfway House, COHamilton, COHancock, COHappy Canyon, COHarris Park, CO

Haver, COHay Camp, COHaybro, COHayden, COHeeney, COHeiberger, COHenkel, COHenson, COHermosa, COHerzman Mesa, COHesperus, COHessie, COHidden Lake, Subdivision, COHidden Valley, COHideaway Park, COHierro, COHighland Park, COHillside, COHiwan Hills, COHoliday Acres, COHollywood, COHoly Cross City, COHomewood Park, COHooks, COHooper, COHoovers Corner, COHorsetooth Heights, COHot Sulphur Springs, COHotchkiss, COHoward, COHygiene, COIdaho Springs, COIdledale, COIdylwilde, COIgnacio, COIles Grove, COIndependence, COIndependence (historical), COIndian Creek, COIndian Hills, COIndian Meadows, COIndian Springs Village, COIndian Hills, COInsmont, COIola, COIola (historical), COIris, COIron City (historical), COIronton, COIrwin, COIvywild, COJack Springs, COJacks Cabin, COJamestown, COJansen, COJasper, COJohn Held Corner, COJohnson Village, COJuanita, COJuanita Junction, COJuniper Hot Springs, COKannah, COKassler, COKearns, COKellytown, COKeyhole, COKeystone, COKiggin, COKings Canyon, CO

Kinikinik, COKittredge, COKline, COKnob Hill, COKobe, COKokomo, COKremmling, COLa Boca, COLa Foret, COLa Garita, COLa Jara, COLa Plata, COLa Posta, COLa Valley, COLa Veta, COLa Veta Pass, COLake City, COLake George, COLake Shore Park Subdivision, COLamartine, COLaporte, COLarkspur, COLawson, COLazear, COLazy Acres Subdivision, COLeadville, COLeadville Junction, COLeal, COLeavick, COLebanon, COLenado, COLeon, COLeonard, COLewis, COLeyden, COLiberty, Bell, COLime, COLincoln, COLincoln Hills, COLincoln Park, COLittle Dam, COLittle Hills, COLivermore, COLog Hill, COLoma, COLoma Linda, COLone Pine Estates, COLonetree, COLongview, COLookout Mountain, COLost Acres, COLouviers, COLoveland Heights, COLoyd, COLudlow, COLujane, COLynn, COLyons, COMad Creek, COMagnolia, CO 1

Maher, COMalachite, COMalta, COManassa, COMancos, CO 2

Manitou Springs, COMarble, COMarshall, COMarshdale, CO

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760 Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

Maryvale, COMasontown, COMasonville, COMasonville Post Office, COMayday, COMaysville, COMcCoy, COMcGregor, COMcKenzie Junction, COMcKinley, COMcAlamo Canyon, COMears Junction, COMedina Plaza, COMeeker, COMeeker Park, CO 1, 2

Meredith, COMesa Lakes, COMesa Lakes Resort, COMesa Verde Park, CO 2

Mid Vail, COMidland, COMidway, COMidway (historical), COMillwood, COMilner, COMinnehaha, COMinturn, COMiramonte, COMishawaka, COMitchell, COMoffat, COMogote, COMolina, COMonarch, COMonson, COMontbello, COMonte Vista, COMonte Vista Estates, COMontezuma, COMontrose, COMontrose South, COMonument, COMonument Park, COMoonridge, COMorely, COMorrison, COMorrison Creek, CO 1

Mount Crested Butte, COMount Harris, COMount Lincoln, COMount Vernon Club Place, COMountain Estates, COMountain Meadows (subdivision), COMountain View, COMuddy Pass, COMuleshoe, COMulford, COMystic, CONathrop, CONaturita, CONederland, CONeedleton, CONevadaville, CONew Castle, CONewett, CONighthawk, CONinetyfour, CONiwot, CONoel, CO

Noland, CONorrie, CONorth Creede, CONorth Delta, CONorth Vallecito, CONorwood, CONucla, CONugget, CONutria, COOak Creek, CO 1

Oak Grove, COOccidental, COOehlmann Park, COOhio, CO 1

Olathe, COOlava Post Office, COOlympus Heights, COOphir, COOphir Loop, COOrchard City, COOrchard Corner, COOrchard Mesa, COOrchard Park, COOrodell, COOrsa, COOsier, COOuray, COOwl Canyon, COOxford, COOxyoke, COPactolus, COPagoda, COPagosa Junction, COPagosa Springs, COPaisaje, COPalisade, COPalmer Lake, COPando, COPandora, COPaonia, COPapeton, COParachute, COParadise Hills, COParadox, COPark Center, COPark City, COPark View, COParkdale, COParkville, COParras Plaza, COParshall, COPatterson Place, COPayne, COPea Green Corner, COPeabodys, COPeaceful Valley, COPerigo, COPeyton, COPhillipsburg, COPhippsburg, CO1

Phoenix, COPicaence Rural, COPictou, COPiedra, CO 2

Pike-San Isabel Village, COPikeview, COPine, COPine Brook Hill Subdivision, COPine Crest, CO

Pine Junction, COPine Nook, COPine Valley, CoPinecliffe, COPinewood Springs, COPingree Park, COPinon, COPinon Acres, COPitkin, CO 1

Pittsburg, COPlacerville, COPlacita, COPlainview, COPlatte Springs, COPleasant Valley, COPleasant View, COPleasanton, COPoncha, Springs, COPortland, COPoudre Park, COPowderhorn, COPreston, COPrimero, COPrinceton, COProspect Heights, COPryor, COPurgatory, COQuerida, CORadium, CORand, CORange, CORangely, CORaymond, CORead, CORed Feather Lakes, CO 2

Red Mesa, CORed Mountain, CORed Wing, CORedcliff, CORedlands, COReds Place, CORedstone, CORedvale, COReilly Canyon, CORex, CORhone, CORico, CORidge at Hiwan, CORidgewood Subdivision, CORidgway, CORifle, CORio Blanco, CORio Grande, CORist Canyon, CORiverside, CORiverview, CORobinson Place, CORock Creek Park, CORockdale, CORockvale, CORockwood, CORocky, CORoe, CORogers Mesa, CORollinsville, CORomeo, CORomley, CORosedale, CORosemont, CO

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761Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

Rosevale, CORosita, CORoswell, CORouse, CORowena, CORoxborough Park, CORugby, CORulison, CORussell Gulch, CORustic, CO1

Rye, COSaguache, COSaint Ann Highlands Subdivision, COSaint Elmo, COSaints John, COSalida, COSalina, COSample, COSams, COSan Isabel, COSan Luis, COSan Miguel, COSanford, COSanta Maria, COSapinero, COSarcillo, COSargents, CO1

Satank, COSaunders, COSawpit, COSaxton, COSedalia, COSegundo, COSeven Hills Subdivision, COSeven Lakes, COShaffers Crossing, COShamballah-Ashrama, COSharpsdale, COShavano, COShawnee, COSheephorn, COSherman, COShirley, COSikes, COSillsville, COSilt, COSilver Cliff, COSilver Heights, COSilver Plume, COSilver Springs, COSilver SpringsSubdivision, COSilver Spruce, COSilverdale, COSilverthorne, COSilverton, COSingleton, COSky Village, COSleepy Cat, COSlick Rock, COSmeltertown, COSmith Hill, COSmith Place, COSneffels, COSnow Water Springs, COSnowmass, COSnowmass Village, COSomerset, COSouth Fork, CO 1

South Platte, COSouthern Ute Indian Tribe

Youth Camp, CO 1

Spencer Heights, COSphinx Park, COSpike Buck, COSpringdale, COSpruce, COSprucedale, COSprucewood, COStage Coach, CO 1

Stanley Heights, COSubdivision, COStanley Park, COStapleton, COStarkville, COState Bridge, COSteamboat II, COSteamboat Springs, CO 1

Stollsteimer, COStone City, COStoner, COStonewall, COStonewall Gap, COStove Prairie, COStove Prairie Landing, COStratton, COStratton Meadows, COStringtown, CO 1

Sugarloaf, COSummerville, COSummit, COSunnyside, COSunset, COSunset City, COSunshine, COSurles Meadow, COSwan, COSwissvale, COSwitzerland Park, COTabernash, COTacoma, COTall Timber Subdivision, COTanglewood Acres, COTarryall, COTelluride, COTerico, COTexas Creek, COThe Pines, COThomasville, COThornburgh, COThree Bridges, COThree Forks, COTiffany, COTijeras, COTincup, CO 1

Tiny Town, COTolland, COTomah, COToponas, COTordal Estates, COTorres, COTowaoc, CO 2

Trail Junction Picnic Grounds, COTrappers Crossing, COTreasure, COTrimble, COTrinidad, COTroublesome, CO

Troutdale, COTrujillo, COTrumbull, CO 1

Trump, COTuckerville, COTungsten, COTwin Cedars, COTwin Forks, COTwin Lakes, COTwin Spruce, COUna, COUncompahgre, COUncompahgre Plateau, COUravan, COUte, COVail, COValdez, COVallecito, COValley View, COVallie, COVallorso, COValmont, COVanadium, COVance Junction, COVancorum, COVelasquez Plaza, COVernal, COVictor, COVigil, COVulcan, COWagon Wheel Gap, COWah Keeney Park, COWalden, COWallstreet, COWalsenburg, COWaltonia, COWandcrest Park, COWard, COWaterton, COWaunita Hot Springs, COWeasleskin, COWeber, COWebster, COWeller, COWellsville, COWest Creek, COWest Dolores, COWest Vail, COWest Vancorum, COWestcliffe, COWeston, COWetmore, COWheeler Junction, COWheelman, COWhispering Pine Subdivision, COWhite River City, COWhitehorn, COWhitepine, CO 1

Whitewater, COWideawake, COWidefield, COWigwam, COWilderness Lake, COWill-O–The-Wisp, COWinfield, COWingo, COWinter Park, COWitcher Ranch, COWolcott, CO

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762 Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

Wondervu, COWoodland Park, COWoody Creek, COYampa, CO 1

Yankee, COYellow Jacket, COYorkville, COZamara, COZapata, CO


Altonnia, FLAstor, FLAstor Park, FLAvon Park, FLBaxter, FLBenton, FLBig Cypress, FL 1

Big Pine Key, FLBlackhammock Island, FLBrevard County, FLBrighton, FL 1

Bristol, FLBuckhorn, FLBurbank, FLCape Canaveral, FLCarrabelle, FLCarraway, FLCocoa Beach, FLCopeland, FLCrawfordville, FLDavenport, FLDeLand, FLDeLeon Springs, FLDestin, FLEagle Lake, FLEverglades City, FLFlorida City, FLForest Corners, FLFort Kissimmee, FLFort Walton, FLGlen Saint Mary, FLGolden Gate, FLGulf Breeze, FL 1

Gulf Islands Park Headquarters, FLHalfmoon Island, FL 1

Harris Fish, FLHighland Park Fish Camp, FLHobe Sound, FLHomestead, FLHosford, FLImmokale, FL 1

Indian Lake Estate, FLJohnson, FLJupiter Island, FLKennedy Space Center, FLKudjoe Key, FLLake City, FLLanark, FLLittle Torch Key, FLLynne, FLMacclenny, FLMedart, FLMerritt Island, FLMexico Beach, FLMiccosukee Indian Village, FLMiccosukee Reserved Area, FL 1, 2

Miccosukee Trail, FL 1

Miles City, FL

Mocassin Creek, FLMount Carrie, FLNaples, FLNavarre, FLNew Port, FLNiceville, FLNo Name Key, FLOak Hill, FLOcala, FLOlustee, FL 2

Orange Springs, FLOyster Bay, FLPanacea, FLPanama City, FLPine Island, FLPittman, FLPlantation Hill, FLPonciana, FLPort Saint Johns, FLPurify Bay, FLReservation Road, FLRoyal Palm, FLRural Miami-Date County, FLSaint Marks, FLSalt Springs, FL 1

Sanderson, FLScottmoor, FLSeaside, FLSebring, FLShell Point, FLShell Road Fish Camp, FLSilver Springs, FLSopchoppy, FL 1

Spring Creek, FLSugarload Key, FLTallahassee, FLTaylor, FLTitusville, FLUmatilla, FLVilla Venyce, FL 1, 2

Wakulla, FLWakulla Beach, FLWelaka, FLWoodville, FL


Beebeetown, IACalifornia Junction, IALoveland, IAMissouri Valley, IAModale, IA


Aberdeen, IDAcequia, IDAdrian, IDAhsahka, IDAlbeni, IDAlbion, IDAlmo, IDAlpine, IDAlta, IDAmerican Falls, IDArbon, IDArbon Valley, ID 2

Arco, IDArimo, IDAshton, IDAsotin, ID

Athol, IDAtlanta, IDAtomic City, IDAvery, IDBaker, IDBancroft, IDBanida, IDBanks, IDBannock Creek, ID 2

Basalt, IDBayview, IDBearpaw, IDBellevue, IDBennington, IDBern, IDBlackfoot, IDBlanchard, IDBliss, IDBloomington, IDBluebell, IDBoise, ID 2

Bone, IDBonners Ferry, IDBovill, IDBowmont, IDBruneau, IDBuhl, IDBurke, IDBurley, ID 1

Butte City, IDCabinet, IDCalder, IDCaldwell, IDCambridge, IDCarey, ID 1

Careywood, IDCarmen, IDCascade, IDCastleford, IDCataldo, IDCavendish, IDCenterville, IDChallis, ID 1

Chatcolet, IDChester, IDChubbuck, IDClark Fork, IDClarkia, IDClayton, IDClearwater, IDClifton, IDCobalt, IDCocolalla, IDCoeur d’Alene, IDColburn, IDConda, IDConner Creek, IDCoolin, IDCora, IDCorral, IDCottonwood, IDCouncil, IDCraigmont, IDCrouch, IDCuldesac, IDCuprum, IDDalton Gardens, IDDarlington, IDDayton, ID

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763Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

De Smet, IDDeary, IDDelco, IDDietrich, ID 2

Dingle, IDDixie, ID 1

Donnelly, IDDover, IDDowney, IDDriggs, IDDrummond, IDDubois, IDEagle, IDEast Hope, IDEastport, IDEden, IDElba, IDElk Bend, IDElk City, IDElk River, ID 1

Elmire, IDEmmett, IDEnaville, IDEvergreen, IDFairfield, IDFarmington, IDFelt, IDFenn, IDFerdinand, IDFernan Lake, IDFernwood, IDFiler, IDFirth, IDFish Haven, IDForest, IDFort Hall, IDFranklin, IDFreedom, IDFruitland, IDFruitvale, IDGannett, IDGarden City, IDGarden Valley, ID 2

Gardena, IDGarfield, IDGarrison, IDGem, IDGenesee, IDGeneva, IDGeorgetown, IDGibbonsville, ID 1

Gilmore, IDGlenns Ferry, IDGolden, IDGooding, ID 2

Grace, IDGrandview, IDGrangemont, IDGrangeville, ID 1

Granite, IDGrasmere, IDGreencreek, IDGreenleaf, IDGreer, IDHagerman, IDHailey, IDHalfway, IDHamer, IDHammett, ID

Hansen, IDHarper, IDHarpster, ID 1

Harrison, IDHarvard, ID 1

Hatwai, ID 1

Hauser, IDHayden, IDHayden Lake, IDHazelton, IDHeadquarters, IDHeise, IDHelmer, ID 1

Heyburn, IDHill City, IDHolbrook, IDHollister, IDHomedale, IDHope, IDHorseshoe Bend, IDHowe, ID 1

Huetter, IDIdaho City, ID 2

Idaho Falls, IDIndian Valley, IDInkom, IDIona, IDIrwin, IDIsland Park, ID 2

Jerome, ID 2

Jordan Valley, IDJuliaetta, IDJuntura, IDKamiah, ID 1, 2

Kellogg, IDKendrick, IDKetchum, IDKeutervile, IDKilgore, IDKimberly, IDKing Hill, IDKingston, IDKleinschmidt, IDKooskia, ID 1, 2

Kootena, IDKuna, IDLaclede, IDLake Fork, IDLakeview, IDLamb Creek, IDLane, IDLapwai, ID 1

Lava Hot Springs, IDLeadore, IDLenore, IDLeon, IDLetha, IDLewiston, IDLewisville, IDLincoln, IDLookout, IDLorenzo, IDLost River, IDLowell, ID 1

Lowman, ID 2

Lucille, IDMachaund, IDMackay, ID 1

Macks Inn, ID

Malad, IDMalta, IDMarsing, IDMarysville, IDMay, IDMayfield, IDMcCall, IDMcCammon, IDMeadows, ID 2

Medimont, IDMelba, IDMeridian, IDMiddleton, IDMidvale, IDMinidoka, IDMink Creek, IDMonteview, IDMontpelier, IDMoore, IDMoreland, IDMoscow, IDMount Idaho, IDMountain City, IDMountain Home, IDMud Lake, IDMullan, IDMurphy, IDMurray, IDMurtaugh, IDMyrtle, IDNamps, IDNaples, IDNew Meadows, IDNew Plymouth, IDNewacres, IDNewdale, IDNezperce, IDNordman, ID 2

Norland, IDNorth Bannock County, IDNorth Fork, ID 1

North Lapwai, IDNotus, IDOakley, IDOla, IDOldtown, IDOnaway, IDOrofino, IDOsburn, IDOvid, IDOwyhee, IDOxford, IDPardee, IDParis, IDParker, IDParma, IDPatterson, IDPaul, IDPauline, IDPayette, IDPeck, IDPicado, IDPierce, ID 1

Pine, IDPinehurst, IDPineville, IDPingree, IDPlacerville, ID 2

Plummer, ID 2

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764 Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

Pocatello, ID 1

Pollock, IDPonderay, IDPorthill, IDPost Falls, IDPotlatch, ID 1

Prairie, IDPreston, IDPrichard, IDPriest Lake, IDPriest River, IDPrinceton, IDQuell, IDRaft River, IDRathdrum, IDReubens, IDRexburg, IDReynolds, IDRichfield, ID 2

Riddle, IDRidgeview, IDRigby, IDRiggins, ID 1

Ririe, IDRiverside, IDRoberts, IDRock Creek, IDRockford, ID 1

Rockland, IDRogerson, IDRose Lake, IDRupert, IDSagle, IDSalmon, ID 1

Samaria, IDSamuels, IDSanders, IDSandpoint, IDSanta, IDSetters, IDShelley, IDShoshone, ID 2

Shoup, IDSilverton, IDSlickpoo, IDSmelterville, IDSmiths Ferry, IDSoda Springs, IDSouth Mountain, IDSouthwick, IDSpalding, IDSpencer, ID 2

Spirit Lake, IDSpringfield, IDSt. Anthony, IDSt. Charles, IDSt. Joe, IDSt. Maries, IDStanley, IDStar, IDState Line, IDSterline, IDStites, IDStone, IDSugar City, IDSun Valley, IDSunbeam, ID 1

Swan Valley, IDSwanlake, ID

Sweet, IDSweetwater, IDTendoy, IDTensed, IDTerrenton, IDTeton, IDTetonia, IDThatcher, IDThornton, IDThree Creek, IDTime, IDTipanuk, IDTroy, IDTwin Falls, IDUcon, IDVictor, IDViola, IDVirginia, IDWaha, ID 1

Wallace, ID 2

Warm Lake, IDWarm River, IDWarren, ID 2

Wayan, IDWebb, IDWeider, IDWeippe, ID 2

Weiser, IDWellesley, IDWendell, IDWestmond, IDWeston, IDWhite Bird, IDWilder, IDWinchester, IDWoodland, IDWorley, ID 2

Yellow, Pine, ID 1, 2

Yost, ID 1


Abydel, INAlgiers, INApalona, INArlington, INArthur, INAugusta, INAyrshire, INBartlettsville, INBean Blossom, INBeatrice, INBeverly Shore, INBirdseye, INBloomington, INBoone Grove, INBranchville, INBrandon, INBraodville, INBraxtons Siding, INBrownstown, INBurdick, INBurns Harbor, INCampbelltown, INCannelton, INCascade, INCato, INChambersburg, INChesterton, INChestnut Ridge, IN

Clear Creek, INCobbs Corner, INCrisman, INDabney, INDerby, INDexter, INDodd, INDolan, INDongola, INDouglas, INDudleytown, INDune Acres, IN 2

Eastern Heights, INEllettsville, INEnglish, INFleener, INFour Corner, INFrancisco, INFreetown, INFrench Lick, INFritz Corner, INFurnesville, INGaryton, INGatchel, INGerald, INGraham Woods, INGray Junction, INGudgel, INHagland, INHandy, INHardingtongrove, INHarrodsburg, INHartwell, INHayden, INHeltonville, INHolton, INHoosier Acres, INHurleburt, INIronton, INIva, INKelley Point, INKings, INKirksville, INKriete Corner, INLacy, INLake Eliza, INLake of Four Seasons, INLauer, INLeavenworth, INLeopold, INLilly Dale, INLost River, INLyles, INMagnet, INMarlin Hills, INMcCool, INMentor, INMorgan Park, INMt. Pleasant, INMt. Tabor, INMuren, INNathez, INNew Farmington, INNew Unionville, INOak Hill, INOakland City, INOdgen Dunes, INOriolie, INOtwell, IN

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765Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

Paoli, INPatoka, INPikeville, INPleasant Valley, INPortage, INPorter, INPorter Crossroad, INPrinceton, INProspect, INRanger, INRocky Point, INRoland, INRome, INRusk, INSanders, INSchnellville, INSeymour, INShoals, INSmithville, INSouth Haven, INSpraytown, INSt. Croix, INStampers Creek, INStendall, INStinesville, INSunny Slopes, INSyria, INTell City, INTerry, INTobinsport, INTown of Pines, INTown of Troy, INTremont, INUnionville, INWest Baden Springs, INWestern Acres, INWillow Creek, INWillow Valley, INWindom, INWinslow, INWoodlawn Grove, INWyandotte, INYenne, INZelma, INZoar, IN


Blue Rapids, KSCarneiro, KSClinton, KSDelia, KSElkhart, KSGlade, KSGrandview Plaza, KSHartford, KSHillsdale, KSJunction City, KSKanopolis, KSKanwaka, KSKeats, KSKickapoo, KSKirwin, KSLeavenworth, KSLebo, KSMayetta, KSMelvern, KSMeriden, KSMichigan Valley, KSMilford, KS

Neosho Rapids, KSOgden, KSOlivet, KSOskaloosa, KSOttumwa, KSOzawkie, KSPerry, KSPleasanton, KSPowhattan, KSRandolph, KSReading, KSReserve, KSRiley, KSRock Creek, KSRolla, KSSpring Hill, KSStrong City, KSStull, KSTrading Post, KSValley Falls, KSVassar, KSWakefield, KSWhite Cloud, KSWoodruff, KS


Aquinnah, MAChatham, MAEastham, MALobsterville, MAOrleans, MAProvincetown, MATruro, MAWampanoag Tribe, MAWellfleet, MA 1


Aberdeen, MDAberdeen Proving Grounds, MDBel Air, MDCambridge, MDCarroll County, MDCumberland, MDFederalsburg, MDFort Detrick, MDFort Smallwood, MDFrederick City, MDFrostburg, MDFruitland, MDGaithersburg, MDKent Island, MDLake Liganore, MDLaPlata, MDLaurel, MDLusby, MDOcean Pines, MDParsonsburg, MDPort Tobacco, MDPrincess Anne, MDRt. 30 1 Corridor, MDSnow Hill, MDSolomons, MDSt. Mary’s County, MDWaldorf, MD


Albany, ME 2

Bar Harbor, ME 2

Bethel, ME

Brunswick, MECaribou, MECaswell, MEConnor, MECooks Corner, MECutler, MEEdmunds, MEFort Fairfield, MEFowler, MEGilead, MEGreenbush, MEGreenfield, MEHall Quarry, ME 1

Hull’s Cove, ME 1, 2

Indian Township, MEIsle Au Haut, ME 1, 2

Kennebunk, MEKennebunkport, MELimestone, MELovell, MEManset, MEMarion, MEMilford, MENortheast Harbor, ME 2

Old Town, MEOtter Creek, ME 2

Princeton, MESchoodic Point, MESeal Harbor, ME 2

Southwest Harbor, MEStoneham, METopsham, METremont, ME 1

Trescott, MEWaite, MEWaterford, MEWest Tremont, MEWhiting, ME


Baldwin, MI 1

Bay Millis Main, MIBay Mills North, MIDublin, MIGlennie, MI 1

Hannahville Main, MIHolton, MIHoxeyville, MIIrons, MILuzerne, MI 1

Mack Lake, MI 1

Mio, MI 1

Oscoda, MI 1

Raco, MI 2

Rapid River, MI 1

Saint Helen, MISeney, MISouth Branch, MIStonington, MITrenary, MITrout Lake, MITwin Lake, MIWellston, MIWolf Lake, MIWoodville, MI


Auroa, MNBabbit, MN

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766 Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

Ball Club, MN 1

Becker, MNBemidji, MNBena, MNBig Lake, MNBlackduck, MNBowstring, MNBoy River, MN 1

Brimson, MNBritt, MN 1

Brookston, MNBurnsville, MNCass Lake, MNChisholm, MNClear Lake, MNCloquet, MN 1

Cook, MN 1

Crane Lake, MNDeer River, MNDuluth, MNEagan, MNEast Bethel City, MNEast Lake, MNElbow Lake, MN 1

Ely, MNFederal Dam, MN 1

Grand Portage, MNGunflint Corridor, MN 1

Harris, MNHibbing, MNHovland, MNHoyt Lakes, MNIndian Pt., MNInger, MNInternational Falls, MNIsabella, MNJessie Lake, MNKabetogama, MNLinwood Township, MNLittle Rock, MNMaple Hill, MNMarcell, MNMcGregor, MNMission, MNMotley, MNNashwauk, MNNaytahwaush, MNNett Lake, MNNorth Branch, MNOnigum, MNOrr, MNPalmquist, MN 1

Pen, MNPike Sandy, MNPine Point, MNPoneman, MNPonsford, MNPrinceton, MNRanier, MNRed Lake, MNRedby, MNRemer, MN 1

Rice Lake, MNRush City, MNSawyer, MNSide Lake, MNSquaw Lake, MNStaples, MNTalmoon, MN

Taylor Falls, MNTower, MNVermillion, MNVineland, MNVirginia, MNWalker, MNWhite Earth, MN 1

Whiteface Reservoir, MNZimmerman, MN


Betheden, MS 2

Bogue Chitto, MS 2

Bogure Chitto, MS 2

Clinton, MS 2

Conehatta, MS 1

Conehatta, MS 2

Craig Springs, MS 2

Cybur, MS 2

French Camp, MS 2

Gautler, MS 2

Hanleyfield, MS 2

Industrial, MS 2

Kirkville, MS 2

Koscuisko, MS 2

Longview, MS 2

Natchez, MS 2

Natchez Trace R.S., MS 2

Nicholson, MS 2

Ocean Springs, MS 2

Oktoc, MS 2

Pecan, MS 2

Picayune, MS 2

Port Gibson, MS 2

Raymond, MS 2

Ridgeland, MS 2

Saltillo, MS 2

Singleton, MS 2

Standing Pine, MS 2

Standing Pine, MS 2

Starkville, MS 2

Tupelo, MS 2

Warren County, MS 2


Absarokee, MTAlberton, MT 2

Alzada, MTAmsterdam, MTAnaconda, MTArlee, MTAshland, MT 2

Augusta, MT 2

Avon, MTBabb, MT 2

Baker, MTBelfry, MTBelgrade, MTBelt, MTBig Arm, MTBig Sandy, MTBig Sky, MT 1

Big Timber, MTBigfork, MTBillings, MTBirney, MT 2

Birney Divide, MT 2

Bonner, MTBoulder, MT

Box Elder Crk to Smalls, MTBox Elder Village, MT 1, 2

Bozeman, MTBridger, MTBroadus, MTBrockton, MT 2

Brockway, MTBrowning, MTBusby, MTButte, MT 2

Camas Prairie, MT 1

Camerson, MTCanyon Creek, MTCardwell, MTCascade, MTCharlo, MTChester, MTChinook, MTChoteau, MTCircle, MTClancy, MTClinton, MTClyde Park, MTColstrip, MTColumbia Falls, MTColumbus, MTCondon, MTConner, MTConrad, MTCooke City, MT 1

Coram, MTCorvallis, MTCrackerville, MTCrane, MTCrow Agency, MT 1, 2

Culbertson, MTCuster, MTDarby, MTDayton, MTDe Borgia, MTDeer Lodge, MTDell, MT 1

Denton, MTDillon, MTDixon, MTDrummond, MTDuck Creek Drainage, MTDutton, MTEast Glacier, MT 2

East Helena, MTEast Shore Flathead Lake, MT 1

Edgar, MTEkalaka, MTElliston, MTEmmigrant, MTEnnis, MTEssex, MT 2

Eureka, MT 1

Evaro, MTFairfield, MTFairview, MTFallon, MTFerdig, MTFishtail, MTFlaxville, MTFlorence, MTFloweree, MTForsyth, MTFort Benton, MT

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767Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

Fort Kipp, MT 1

Fort Peck, MTFortine, MT 1

Frazer, MT 2

Frenchtown, MTFroid, MTFromberg, MTGallantin Gateway, MT 1

Gardiner, MTGarrison, MTGarryownen, MTGeraldine, MTGeyser, MTGlasgow, MTGlendive, MTGrass Range, MTGreat Falls, MTHall, MTHamilton, MTHardin, MTHarlem, MTHarlowton, MTHavre, MTHays, MT 1

Haystack Loop & Villages, MTHeart Butte, MT 2

Helena, MT 1

Highway 93 Corridor, MT 2

Hilger, MTHobson, MTHot Springs, MT 2

Hungry Horse, MTHuntley, MT 1

Huson, MT 1

Hysham, MTIngomar, MTIsmay, MTJackson, MTJefferson City, MTJocko River Corridor, MTJoliet, MTJoplin, MTJordan, MTJudith Gap, MT 1

Kalispell, MTKila, MTKiowa, MT 2

Lakeside, MT 1

Lambert, MTLame Deer, MT 2

Laurel, MTLavina, MTLewistown, MTLibby, MT 1

Lima, MTLincoln, MT 1

Little Badger, MT 2

Livingston, MTLodgegrass, MT 1, 2

Lodgepole, MT 1

Lolo, MTLoma, MTLustre, MTMalta, MTManhattan, MTMarion, MTMartin City, MTMcAllister, MTMcleod, MT

Medicine Lake, MTMelrose, MTMiles City, MTMilltown, MTMissoula, MT 1

Moore, MTMott, MTMuddy Cluster, MT 2

Mussellshell, MTNeilhart, MTNoxon, MTNye, MTOilmont, MTOlney, MTOpheim, MTOswego, MT 2

Ovando, MTPablo, MTParadise, MTPark City, MTParker Canyon, MTPhilipsburg, MTPinesdale, MTPlains, MTPlentywood, MTPlevna, MTPolaris, MTPolebridge, MT 2

Polson, MT 2

Pony, MTPoplar, MT 1

Pray, MTProctor, MTPryor, MT 1, 2

Ransay, MTRapelje, MTRavalli, MTRed Lodge, MTReed Point, MTRexford, MT 1

Richey, MTRoberts, MTRocky Boy Townsite, MTRonan, MTRoundup, MTRoy, MTRyegate, MTSaco, MTSaint Xavier, MT 1, 2

Saltese, MTSand Coulee, MTScobey, MTSeeley Lake, MT 2

Shelby, MTShepherd, MTSheridan, MTSidney, MTSimms, MTSomers, MT 1

St. Ignatius, MTSt. Mary, MT 2

St. Regis, MTStanford, MTStevensville, MTStryker, MTSula, MTSun River, MTSunburst, MTSuperior, MT

Sweetgrass, MTTerry, MTThompson Falls, MT 2

Three Forks, MTTownsend, MTTrego, MT 2

Troy, MTTwin Bridges, MTTwo Medicine, MT 2

Ulm, MTValier, MTVaughn, MTVictor, MTVigrinia City, MTWest Glacier, MT 2

West Yellowstone, MT 1

White Sulpher Springs, MTWhitefish, MTWhitehall, MTWibaux, MTWilsall, MTWinifred, MTWinnett, MTWisdom, MTWise River, MTWolf Creek, MTWolf Point, MT 2

Wyola, MT 1, 2

Yellow Bay, MT 1

Zero, MTZortman, MT

North Carolina

Adams Creek, NC 2

Goose Creek, NC 2

Rough Branch, NC 2

Saunooke Heights, NC 2

Varner Estates, NC 2

North Dakota

4-Winds, ND 2

Belcourt, ND 1

Bismarck, NDCannon Ball, ND 1

Crow Hill, ND 2

Devils Lake Reservation, NDDickinson, NDDunseith, ND 1

Fargo, NDFort Berthold Reservation, NDFort Yates, ND 1

Fourt Bears, ND 1

Fryburg, NDFt. totten, ND 2

Grassy Butte, NDJamestown, NDLake Metigoshe, NDLake Oahe shoreline, NDLake Sakakawea shoreline, NDLake Tschida shoreline, NDMandan, NDMandaree, ND 1

Marmarth, NDMedora, NDMinot, NDPorcupine, ND 1

Spirit Lake Reservation, NDSt. John, ND 1

St. Michael, ND 2

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768 Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

Standing Rock Reservation, NDStanton, NDTakio, ND 2

Turtle Mountain Reservation, NDTurtle Mountains, NDTwin Butte, ND 1

Valley City, NDWatford City, NDWhite Shield, ND 1


Agate, NEAlma, NEAndrews, NEBeatrice, NEBelmont, NEBignell, NEBlair, NEBodarc, NEBordeaux, NEBurge, NEChadron, NE 2

Cody, NEConterra, NE 1

Costin, NECrawford, NEDesoto, NEDoughboy, NEDunning, NEEldorado, NEFt. Calhoun, NEGering, NEGlen, NEGlenover, NEHaig, NEHalsey, NE 1

Harrison, NEHoag, NEHubbard Corner, NEJames, NEJoder, NEKennedy, NEKilgore, NEMacy, NE 1

Marsland, NEMcGrew, NEMelbeta, NEMintle, NEMontrose, NEMumper, NENaponee, NENashville, NENatick, NENenzel, NENiobrara, NENorden, NEOrella, NEOrleans, NEPine Ridge, NEPonca, NERackett, NERepublican City, NERiford, NESantee, NE 1

Scottsbluff, NESimeon, NESouth Bayard, NESparks, NEStockham, NE

Story, NEThatcher, NEThedford, NEThomas, NETiny Town, NEValentine, NEVerdel, NE

New Hampshire

Amherst, NHBartlett, NHBedford, NHCampton, NHCharlestown, NHChatham, NHConway, NHCornish, NHDunbarton, NHDurham, NHFrancestown, NHGoshen, NHGrantham, NHGreenland, NHHopkinton, NHJefferson, NHLincoln, NHLyndeborough, NHMadison, NHMilford, NHNew Boston, NHNewington, NHNewmarket, NHOssipee, NHPlymouth, NHPortsmouth, NHRandolph, NH 2

Rumney, NHSalisbury, NHSandwich, NHTamworth, NHThornton, NHUnity, NHWeare, NHWebster, NHWoodstock, NH

New Jersey

Barnegat, NJBass River, NJBernards, NJBernardsville, NJBlairstown, NJBrick, NJDennis, NJDover, NJFreehold, NJGalloway, NJHampton, NJHardwick, NJHowell, NJJackson, NJJefferson, NJKnowlton, NJLakehurst, NJLittle Egg Harbor, NJLower, NJManchester, NJMarlboro, NJMiddle, NJ

Montague, NJPemberton, NJPlumstead, NJPort Republic City, NJRockaway, NJSandyston, NJStafford, NJStillwater, NJTinton Falls, NJUpper, NJVernon, NJWall, NJWantage, NJWashington, NJWoodbine, NJWoodland, NJ

New Mexico

Albuquerque, NMAlgodones, NMAngel Fire, NMApache Summit, NM 2

Applewood Estates, NM 2

Bernalillo, NM 1, 2

Black Lake, NMBosque Farms, NMBudville, NMCandy Kitchen, NMCanon, NMCapitan, NM 1

Catron County Interface, NM 1

Chama, NMCloudcroft, NM 1

Cochiti Pueblo, NM 2

Corrales, NM 1

Dixon, NMDulce, NM 2

East Mountains, NMEscabosa, NMEspanola, NM 2

Espanola Bosque, NMFort Wingate, NMGallinas Watershed, NM 1

Hernandez, NMIsleta Pueblo, NM 2

Jacona, NMJemez Pueblo, NM 1

La Cueva, NMLa Ventanta, NMLaguna, NMLaguna Vista Estates, NMLakeview Pines, NMLincoln, NM 1

Los Alamos, NM 1, 2

Los Lunas, NM 2

Manzano Mountains, NMMayhill, NMMescalero, NM 1

Middle Rio GrandeBosque, NMMora County Interface, NMMount Taylor Game Ranch, NM 2

Nambe, NMOjo Caliente, NMPaguate, NM 2

Palmer-Pena, NM 1

Pecos, NM 2

Pena Blanca, NMPenasco, NM

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769Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

Pescado, NMPicuris Pueblo, NM 1

Pine Haven, NM 1

Pine Hill, NMPojoaque, NMPonderosa, NMPuye, NMRamah, NMRed River, NM 1

Ruidoso, NM 1

Sal Ildefonso, NMSan Felipe Pueblo, NMSan Juan Pueblo, NMSan Ysidro, NMSandia Pueblo, NMSanta Ana Pueblo, NM 1, 2

Santa Clara, NMSanta Fe Watershed, NM 1

Santo Domingo Pueblo, NMShady Brook, NMSilver City Area, NM 2

Tamaya, NMTaos Canyon, NMTaos Pueblo, NM 2

Tesuque Pueblo, NMThree Rivers, NMTimberon, NM 2

Toadlena, NM 2

Upper Brazos, NMWhite Rock, NMZia Pueblo, NMZuni Pueblo, NM 1


Amargosa, NVAustin, NVBaker, NV 2

Battle Mountain, NV 2

Beatty, NVBelmont, NVBeowawe, NVBlue Diamond, NVBodie Flats, NVBoulder City, NVCaliente, NVCarlin, NVCarson City, NVCherry Creek, NVChina Springs, NVChurchill County, NVCold Springs, NVCrescent Valley, NVCurrie, NVDayton, NVDeeth, NVDenio, NVEastern Washoe Valley, NVElko, NVEly, NV 1 2

Empire, NVFallon, NVFallon Naval Air Station, NVFernley, NVGabbs, NVGalena, NVGardnerville, NVGenoa, NVGerlach, NVGolconda, NV

Gold Point, NVGoldfield, NVGoldhill, NVGood Springs, NVGrass Valley, NV 2

Hawthorne, NVHenderson, NVHolbrook Junction, NVHumboldt, NVImlay, NVIndian Springs, NVJackpot, NVJarbridge, NVJean, NVJiggs, NVKingston Canyon, NVLamoille, NVLas Vegas, NVLaughlin, NVLee, NVLee Canyon, NV 2

Leviathan, NVLining, NVLockwood, NVLovelock, NVLund, NVManhattan, NVMason Valley, NVMcDermitt, NVMcGill, NVMidas, NV 2

Mill City, NVMina, NVMinden, NVMountain City, NVMt. Charleston, NVNightingale, NVNixon, NVNorth Las Vegas, NVOreana, NVOrovada, NVOwayee, NVPahrump, NVPanaca, NVParadise Valley, NV 2

Pilot Peak, NVPioche, NVPleasant Valley, NVReno, NV 2

Rochester, NVRound Mountain, NVRuby Valley, NVRuth, NVSchurz, NVSearchlight, NVSilver City, NVSilver Peak, NVSilver Springs, NVSix Mile Canyon, NVSmith Valley, NVSouth Lake Tahoe, NVSparks, NVSprong Creek, NVStagecoach, NVSteamboat, NVTenabo, NVTonopah, NVTopaz, NVTuscarora, NV 2

Unionville, NVValmy, NVVirginia City, NVVirginia CityHighlands, NVWadsworth, NVWalker Lake, NVWells, NVWest Wendover, NVWestern Washoe Valley, NVWhiterocks, NV 2

Winnemucca, NVYerington, NVYomba, NV


Adair, OKAtoka, OKBeckham, OKBlaine, OKBryan, OKCaddo, OKCanadian, OKCarter, OKCherokee, OKChoctaw, OKCleveland, OKComanche, OKCreek, OKCuster, OKDelaware, OKGarfield, OKGarvin, OKGrady, OKGrayhorse Village, OKHaskell, OKHughes, OKJackson, OKJohnston, OKKay, OKKenwood, OKKingfisher, OKLatimer, OKLeFlore, OKLincoln, OKLogan, OKLove, OKMarshall, OKMayes, OKMcClain, OKMcCurtain, OKMcIntosh, OKMurray, OKMuskogee, OKOklahoma, OKOkmulgee, OKOsage, OKOttawa, OKPawnee, OKPayne, OKPittsburg, OKPontotoc, OKPottawatomie, OKPushmataha, OKRogers, OKSeminole, OKSequoyah, OKStephens, OKTulsa, OK

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770 Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

Wagoner, OKWashington, OKWashita, OKWoodward, OK


Applegate, OR1, 2

Ashland, OR 2

Bear Springs, ORBend, OR 1

Black Butte Ranch, OR 1

Cave Junction, ORCloverdale, ORCounty Line, OR 1, 2

I–84 Corridor, ORKah-Nee-Tah, ORLa Pine, OR 1

Merlin, OR 1

Murphy, OR 1

Ruch, OR 1

Sams Valley, ORShady Cove, ORSidwalter Flats, OR 1, 2

Simnasho, ORSisters, OR 1

Sun River, OR 1

Warm Springs, OR 1

Williams, OR


Delaware, PA 2

Dingman, PA 2

Lehman, PA 2

Middle Smithfield, PA 2

Milford, PA 2

Smithfield, PA 2

Narragansett, RI

South Carolina

Yesehena Village, SC

South Dakota

Allen, SD 1

Bear Creek, SD 1

Bear Soldier, SD 1

Belle Fourche, SDBig Bend, SDBig Coulee, SDBlack Hawk, SDBoulder Park, SDBridger, SD 2

Cascade Springs, SDCentral City, SDCherry Creek, SD 1

Cheyenne Crossing, SDCuster, SDDeadwood, SDDeerfield, SDDewey, SDDoty, SDElmore, SDEnglewood, SDErskine, SDEvergreen, SD 1

Finley Heights, SDFort Thompson, SD 1

Fox Ridge, SD 1

Galena, SDGeorgetown, SD 1

Grass Mountain, SD 2

Green Grass, SD 1

Hayward, SDHill City, SDHisega, SDHot Springs, SDIron Lightning, SD 1

Johnson Siding, SDKenel, SD 1

Keystone, SD 2

Kyle, SD 1

Lakeside, SD 1

LaPlante, SD 1

Lead, SDLittle Eagle, SD 1

Long Hollow, SDLower Brule, SD 1

Maitland, SDManderson, SD 1

Marksville, SD 1

Marty, SDMaurice, SDMinnekahta, SDNemo, SDNumber Six, SD 1

Oglala, SD 1

On The Tree, SD 2

Piedmont, SDPine Ridge, SD 1

Pluma, SDPorcupine, SD 1

Potatoe Creek, SD 1

Pringle, SDPromise, SD 1

Rapid City, SDRed Iron, SDRed Shirt, SD 1

Ridgeview, SDRochford, SDRock Creek, SD 1

Rockerville, SDRockyford, SD 1

Rosebud, SD 2

Sanator, SDSavoy, SDSharp’s Corner, SD 1

Silver City, SDSoldier Creek, SD 2

Spearfish, SCSpring Creek, SD 2

St. Francis, SD 2

Sturgis, SDSwiftbird, SD 1

Takini, SD 1

Thunder Butte, SD 1

Tilford, SDTwo Strike, SD 2

Wakpala, SD 1

Wanblee, SD 1

West Brule, SD 1

Whitehorse, SD 1

Whitewood, SDWolf Creek, SD 1

Wounded Knee, SD 1

Blackfoot, SD 1

Parade, SDRed Scaffold, SD 1


Alabama Coushatta ReservationHousing, TX

Austin, TXBell, TXCircle D, TXEdwards, TXHorizon, TXHutchison, TXLake Granbury, TXLake Whitney, TXMcKinney, TXMount Lakes, TXNavarro, TXPine Forest, TXTahitian Village, TXWestlake, TXWimberly, TXWoodway, TX


Alpine Acres, UT 1

Blanding, UTCallao, UTCanyon Meadows, UTCanyon Terrace, UTCastle Valley, UTCausey Estates, UTCedar Fort, UTCedar High Lands, UT 2

Cedar Hill, UTCedar Hills, UTCedar Mountain, UTCenter Creek, UTCenterville, UTCentral, UTChekshani, UT 1

Chournos, UTCisco, UTClear Creek, UTCloud Rim, UTColor Country, UTCopperton, UTCougar Canyon, UT 1

County Landfill, UTCove Fort, UTCovered Bridge, UTCove-Richmond Bench, UTDameron Valley, UTDaniels Summit, UTDeep Creek, UTDeer Crest, UTDeer Valley, UTDefas, UTDerffie Creek, UTDewey, UTDiamond Mountain, UT 2

Diamond Valley, UTDimple Dell, UTDixie Deer Estates, UT 2

Docs Beach, UTDoug Thorley, UTDraper, UTDry Fork, UT 2

Duck Creek, UT 1

Eagle Estates, UTEagle Mountain, UTEagle Springs, UTEast Carbon, UTEastside of Sevier

Valley, UT 2

Elk Meadow, UT

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771Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

Elk Ridge, UTEmigration Canyon, UTEnoch, UTEphraim Canyon Experiment Station,

UTEskdale, UTEureka, UT 1

Evergreen Estates, UTFairview Lakes, UTFarmington, UTFishlake Area, UTFlaming Gorge Acres, UT 1

Flaming Gorge Pines, UT 1

Forest Gardens, UTGarden City/Bridgerland, UTGarden City/Sweetwater, UTGarden City/Elk Hollow, UTGarden City/Little Switzerland, UTGarden City/Swan Creek, UTGarff Ranches, UTGarrison, UTGold Hill, UTGooseberry, UTGrafton, UTGranite, UTGrass Valley, UTGreen Hills, UTGreenville, UTGunlock, UTHamilton Fort, UTHanksville, UTHarmony Heights, UTHaycock, UTHerriman, UTHideaway Valley, UTHighland, UTHighland Estates, UTHigh-Low, UTHoliday, UTHoliday Oaks, UTHoliday Park, UT 1

Ibapah, UTIndian Creek, UTIndian Ridge, UT 1

Indianola, UTIreland Meadow, UTIron Town, UTJeremy Ranch, UTJoes Valley, UTJoes Valley (General Store), UT 2

Johnson Canyon, UTJordanelle, UTKanosh, UTKaysville, UTKelly Canyon, UTKenilworth, UTKhoosharem Reservoir, UT 2

Kolob, UTLake Front, UTLake Point, UTLaketown, UTLakeview, UTLaplatta, UTLayton, UTLeBaron, UTLeeds, UTLidias Canyon, UTLindon, UTLittle Cottonwood, UT

Little Ponderosa, UTLittle Reservoir, UTLogan Canyon, UTLong Flat, UTLong Valley Estates, UTLund, UTMable Hills, UTMammoth, UT 1

Mammoth Creek, UT 1

Manderfield, UTManning Meadows, UTManorlands, UTManti Canyon, UTMaple Hills, UTMapleton, UTMeadow Lake, UT 1

Meadow View, UTMIA Shalom, UTMilburn, UTMills Junction, UTMining area SW of Marysvale, UTMirror Lake, UTModena, UTMonroe Meadows, UTMorgan, UTMotoqua, UTMountain Green, UTMountain Meadow, UTMovie Ranch, UTMt. Tabby Springs, UTNavajo Estates, UTNeola/Whiterocks, UTNew Castle, UTNew Harmony, UTNorth Creek, UTNorth Fork, UTNorth Ogden Bench, UT 1

North Salt Lake, UTNorth Valley, UTOak City, UT 2

Oak Creek, UTOaker Hills, UTOgden Canyon, UTOlympus Cove, UTOrem, UTPack Creek, UTPalisade, UTPanguitch Lake, UT 1

Panorama Woods, UTPark City/Deer Valley, UTParoganah, UTParowan, UTPartoun, UTPin Willies, UTPine Canyon, UTPine Creek, UTPine Hollow, UTPine Meadows, UTPine Plateau, UTPine Valley, UT 1

Pine View, UTPines Ranches/Pine Mt., UTPinto, UTPintura, UTPlesant Grove, UTPleasant View, UTPole Patch, UTPonderosa Estates, UTPonderosa Villa, UT

Porterville, UTPoverty Flat, UT 2

Provo, UTPuffer Lake, UTQuitchapah, UTRabbit Gulch, UTRainbow Meadow, UTRed Hawk, UTReeders, UTReservation Ridge, UTReservoir Road, UTRiver Forest, UTRockport Estates, UTRocky Ridge, UTRush Valley, UTSalt Lake City, UTSandy, UTSantaquin, UtScare Canyon, UTSchofield, UTSchofield Reservoir, UTSheep Creek, UTSilver Creek/Tollgate, UTSilver Reef, UTSilver Valley, UTSkull Valley, UTSky Haven, UTSkyline Mountain Resort, UTSoldier Creek, UTSouth Ogden Bench, UTSouth Weber, UTSpirit Lake Lodge, UTSpring Canyon/Helper, UTSpring City Ranchero, UTSpring Glen, UTSpring Mountain, UTSpringville, UTStrawberry Valley, UTSummit, UTSummit Park/Pinebrook, UTSundance, UT 1

Sunnyside, UTSwains Creek, UTSwiss Mountain, UTSylvin Canyon, UTTaylor Flat, UT 2

Teasdale/Torrey, UTTerra, UT 2

Third Mound, UTThompson, UTThree Creek, UTTimber Trails, UTTintic, UT 1

Tommy Creek, UTTooele, UTTrappers Loop, UTTrout Creek, UTTurkey Farm, UT 1

Two Bears, UTUintah Bench, UT 1

Uintah Canyon, UTUintalands, UTUpton/Gas Plant, UTVeyo, UTVista Grande, UTWECCO, UTWest Water, UT 1

Whispering Pines, UTWhite Mesa, UT

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772 Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

Williams, UTWillow Basin, UTWinchester Hills, UTWoodland Hills, UTWoodruff, UTYellow Pine, UTZion View, UT


3 Creek Knoll, VAAdvance Mills, VAAlbin Acres, VAApline Acres, VAAlpine Farm, VAAM Club, VAAmhest Plantation, VAAnna Coves, VAAnna High View, VAAntler Trail, VAApple Mountain Lake, VAArrowhead, VAAshby Run Estates, VAAshcroft, VAAshmere, VAAspen Hill, VAAspen Hill Farm, VAAubrey Lee Subdivision, VAAuburn Hills, VABallard Woods, VABaptist Dan, VABattle Creek Forest, VABeacon Hill, VABear Castle, VABear Creek, VABear Hollow Ridge, VABeaver Creek, VABeechwood Estates, VABelarispring, VABell Farm Estates, VABien Venue, VABig Hill Estates, VABig Reed, VABig Run Estates, VA 2

Bishop Hill, VABlack Walnut, VABlackwell, VABlandemar, VABlue Berry Hill, VABlue Mountain, VABlue Ridge, VABlue Ridge Acres, VABlue Ridge Forest, VABlue Ridge Shores, VABlue Springs Farm, VABlue Water, VABonnie Brae, VABoth Waters, VABrandy Run, VABrandywood Estates, VABreaks International Park, VABreamers Brook, VABrierwood Bluff, VABriery Branch, VA 2

Brocks Gap, VABroken Back, VABrookmill, VABrookshire, VABryce Mountain, VABuck Hill, VA

Buck Mountain, VABull Run Mountain, VABull Yearling, VACalalpa, VACaldwell Lake, VACalf Mountain, VACalmes Neck, VACamp Friends, VACardinal Forest, VACarefree Acres, VACarringan Property, VACascade Mountain, VACastle Rock Mountain, VACedar Creek Estates, VACedar Grove, VACedar Hill Estates, VACelestine Acre, VACentennial Heights, VACentral Valley, VAChalet High, VAChatmoss, VACherry Ridge, VAChest Mountain Estates, VAChesterfieldSubdivision, VAChestnut Creek, VAChestnut Grove, VAChestnut Manor, VAChestnut Park, VAChimney Hill, VAChinuapin Estates, VAClairmont Manor, VAClay Banks, VAClaymont, VAClearfield Heights, VACloud Land, VACobble Mountain, VAColeman, VACollier Hill, VACollinsville Landing, VAContrary Creek, VAContrary Forest, VACooks Creek, VACornwall, VACountryside Estates, VACounty View, VACourtland, VACovington, VACrimora Mill, VACrystal Springs, VADaniel Mountain, VADawn Heights, VADeer Lick Ridge, VADeer Rapids, VADeerhead, VADelawder, VADogwood Mountain, VADogwood Valley, VADraper Mountain, VADry Run Acres, VADuck Run, VADuffield-Sunbranch, VADunlop Farm, VAEarlysville Forest, VAEcho Hills, VAEdgewood, VAElk Ridge, VAEmerald Ridge, VAEstates, VA

Fairgrove 1&2, VAFarm Colony, VAFaw/Boseley Lake, VAFingerlake Estates, VAFirst Blue Ridge, VAFisher Tract, VAFlacon Ridge, VAFlat Top Mountain, VA 2

Forest Acres, VAForest Springs, VAForest View, VAFort Mason, VAFort Pasage, VAFortune Mountain, VAFoster Falls Mill, VAFox Chase, VAFox Hollow, VAFox Run, VAFoxcroft, VAFoxwood, VAFrazier Hill, VAFruland Orchard, VAFurnace Mill, VA 2

Georgetown Lane, VAGilbert Heights, VAGladstone, VAGlass II, VAGlaydin Acres, VAGlenmore, VAGlenmore Heights, VAGoose Creek, VAGore Subdivision, VAGraham Subdivision, VAGranch Acres, VAGrants Hollow, VAGreen Hill Forest, VAGreen Hill Heights, VAGreen Hill Terrace, VAGreen Mountain, VAGreen Mountain Acres, VAGreene Land, VAGreene Valley, VAGreene Valley, VAGreenwood Farm, VAGriffinsburg, VAHaley, VAHardwick Mountain, VAHarper Valley, VAHazel River Estates, VAHenly Mountain, VAHenry Hill, VAHensley Hollow, VAHerdman Hill, VAHickory Hills, VAHickory Ridge, VAHidden Pass, VAHidden Valley, VAHideaway Hills, VAHideway Lake, VAHigh Knob, VAHigh View Manor, VAHigh View Woods, VAHighland Estates, VAHighland Lake, VAHighland Park, VAHightop Mountain, VAHighview, VAHill Top, VAHillendale, VA

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773Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

Hillwood Estates, VAHinson’s Ford, VAHolbrook, VAHolmes Run, VAHone Quarry, VAHoover, VAHoover Mountain, VAHuckelberry Mountain, VAHunters Lake, VAHunters Valley, VAHunting Hill, VAHuntington, VAIrisburg Heights, VAIvy Creek, VAJackson Woods, VAJarman Gap Estates, VAJefferson Hunting Trail, VAKawana Valley, VAKire, VAKnolls, VALa-Go-Ha, VALake Country, VALake Holiday, VALake Isaac, VALake Monticello, VALake Saint Claire, VALake Serene, VALakeridge, VALakewood, VALamma, VALaney Cemetary, VALaurel Mountain, VALaurel Ridge, VALaurel Wood, VALawson Estates, VALayside Estates, VALeBaron Estates, VALeeHigh, VALeeland Heights, VALiberty Hill, VALincoln Estates, VALittle Gun Mountain, VALittle North Mountain, VALoch Linden, VALocust Hill, VALodebar, VALog Cabin Estates, VALookout, VALookout Mountain Community, VALoren’s Camp, VALost Valley, VALoudon Valley, VALOW, VALowry Lest, VAManvel Subdivision, VAMassanulten Forest, VAMassanutten, VAMatney Flats, VAMcGuire Hills, VAMeadowfield, VAMeadowlands, VAMeadowview, VAMelory Lake, VAMerrimac South, VAMerry Meadow, VAMiddle River, VAMiddlebranch, VAMidlick, VAMilford Height, VA

Mill Creek, VAMillon Heights, VAMilton Hills, VAMocassin Gap, VAMonkey Run, VAMoonshine Mountain, VAMount Gile, VAMount Joy, VAMount Pleasant, VAMount Wea, VAMountain Falls Park, VAMountain Hollow, VAMountain Run, VAMountain Run Lake, VAMountain Terrace, VAMountain View, VAMountain View Estates, VAMountain View Park, VAMusterfield Road, VANormandy, VANorth Deans, VANorth Fork Farms, VANorth Mountain Properties, VANorth Ridge, VANorth White Oak, VAOak Manor, VAOakridge, VAOakwood Estates, VAOakwood Lake, VAOutback, VAOverlook, VAOverlook Mountain, VAPage Valley Estates, VAPaige, VAPamunkey Creek, VAParadise Haven, VAParis Heights, VAPark View Acres, VAPartridge Run, VAPatterson Road, VAPeacock Hill, VAPinecrest, VAPleasant Valley, VAPoint O’Wood, VAPond Mountain, VAPotts Mountain, VAPowell Mountain, VAPreston Gap, VAQuail Ridge, VAQuality Row, VAR. Durham, VARag Mountain, VARandle Ridge, VARappahannoc, VARawley Spring, VARebel Acres, VARed Bud, VARed Hills, VARedfields, VAReynards Crossing, VARichardville South, VARidgecrest Heights, VARiggory Ridge, VARillhurst I&II, VARitter Mountain Subdivision, VARiverbend Estates, VARiverdale, VARock Branch, VARock Mills, VA

Rolling Hills, VARoundhead Mountain, VARoute 6 Cohasselo, VARoute 637, VARoute 644, VARoute 651, VARoute 655, VARoute 676, VARoute 683, VARunning Deer, VASaddle Run, VASaddlebrook, VASaddlewood Forest, VASand Mountain Estates, VASandy Brook Reserve, VASanford Tract, VASanville Estates, VAScenic Green, VASeigen Forest, VASenger Mountain, VASeven Fountain, VASeven Springs, VASexton Hills, VAShadwell Estates, VAShady Forest, VAShadybrook, VAShawneeland, VAShenandoah Farm, VAShenandoah Farms, VAShenandoah Forest, VAShenandoah Gap, VAShenandoah Highlands, VAShenandoah Retreat, VAShenandoah Shores, VASherwood Forest, VAShipwreck Farm, VASignal Hill, VASile Heights, VASinger Tree Hill, VASki & Hunt, VASkyland Estates, VASkyline Crest, VASkyline Lakes, VA 2

Skyline Orchard, VASkyview & Brook, VASlate Hill, VASlate Mountain, VASleepy Hollow, VASouth Keswick, VASouth River Estates, VASouth Wales, VASouth White Oak, VASparkling Spring, VASpoon Creek, VASpotswood Farm, VASpradlin Properties, VASpring Valley, VAStage Coach, VAStoney Fork Ranch, VAStoney Mountain, VAStony Point, VAStony Point Hills, VAStratford, VAStroupe Mountain, VASummer Place, VASundance, VASundance Creek, VASundance Mountain, VASundance Retreat, VA

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774 Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

Sundance West, VASunny Ridge, VASunset Ridge, VASunvalley (lower), VASunvalley (upper), VA 2

Supin Lick, VASurreyfield, VASwan Ridge Estates, VASwan Woods, VASwift Run Estates, VASwift Run Haven, VATall Pines, VATannery Hills, VATara Woods, VATaylors Gap, VATaylors Mountain Farm, VAThe Homestead, VAThe Ledges, VAThompson Hollow, VAThunder Oak, VAThunderbird Farm, VAThunderbird Ridge, VAThurston, VATillman, VATimber Ridge Forest, VATimber Ridge Springs, VATimberlain, VATobacco Row, VATotier Hills, VATrails End, VATurner Run, VATwin Coves, VATwin Falls Subdivision, VATwin Run Estates, VAVallee Viedeo, VAValley Estates, VAVance Subdivision, VAVias Estates, VAVillage of Springfield, VAVillage Square, VAVirginia Farms, VAWalnut Hills, VAWalnut Hills Estates, VAWalnut Mountains, VAWalnut Run, VAWaterford Subdivision, VAWaterloo Woods, VAWatts Station, VAWavertree Hollow, VAWDS Landing, VAWeatherwood, VAWeber City, VAWeslern Ridge, VAWesley Chapel, VAWest, VAWest Brice, VAWest Calvert, VAWest Lakes, VAWestwood Acres, VAWexford, VAWhip Por Ridge, VAWhipporwill Hollow, VAWhite Oak, VAWhiteland, VAWhitestone Estates, VAWilchpole Mountain, VAWilderness Park, VAWilderness Shores, VAWildwood, VA

Wildwood Forest, VAWindrift, VAWindy Gap, VAWinnbrook, VAWinter Hill, VAWintergreen, VAWinterwood, VAWolf Lots, VAWolftrap Woods, VAWoodcreek, VAWoodcrust, VAWoodlands Subdivision, VAWoodlawn, VAWoods Lodge, VAWoodshire, VAWoody Court, VAYates, VAYearwood, VA


Bristol, VTDorset, VTDover, VTGranville, VTJamaica, VTLincoln, VTMendon, VTMount Tabor, VTRipton, VTSomerset, VTStockbridge, VTSunderland, VTWardsboro, VTWarren, VTWilmington, VTWindall, VT


9-Mile Rogers Bar, WAAcme, WAAddy, WAAllyn, WAAmboy, WAAriel, WAArlington, WAAshford, WABainbridge Island, WABaring, WABattle Ground, WABelfair, WABellingham, WABickleton, WABingen, WABoyds, WABremerton, WABrewster, WABrinnon, WABrush Prairie, WABurlington, WACamas, WACameron Lake, WACarlton, WACarnation, WACarson, WACashmere, WACastle Rock, WACathlamet, WACenterville, WAChattaroy, WA

Cheney, WAChewelah, WAClayton, WACle Elum, WAColbert, WAColville, WA 1

Cowiche, WACurlew, WACusick, WADayton, WA 1

Deer Park, WADeming, WADesautel, WAEast Wenatchee, WAEatonville, WAElbe, WAElk, WAEllensburg, WAElma, WAEntiat, WA 1

Enumclaw, WAEtueville, WA2

Evans, WAFairchild Air Force Base, WAFall City, WAFord, WAFord Cluster, WA 2

Fort Simcoe Job Corp. Ctr., WA 2

Friday Harbor, WAFruitland, WAGeorgeville, WA 2

Gifford, WAGoldendale, WAGranite Falls, WAGrapeview, WAGreenacres, WAHansville, WAHighway 21 Corridor, WAHighway 97 Corridor, WAHoodsport, WAHunters, WAIlwaco, WAInchelium Rural, WAInchelium Urban, WA 2

Issaquah, WAKalama, WAKeller, WAKelso, WAKettle Falls, WAKingston, WAKlickitat, WALake Roosevelt Corridor, WALeavenworth, WA 1

Liberty Lake, WA 2

Lilliwaup, WALong Beach, WALong Island, WALongview, WALoomis, WALoon Lake, WALyle, WAMalaga, WAMalo, WAManson, WA 1

Marblemount, WA 1

Matlock, WAMazama, WAMead, WAMedical Lake, WA

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775Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

Methow, WAMica, WAMonroe, WAMoses Meadows, WAMossyrock, WANaches, WANaselle, WANespelem, WA 2

Newman Lake, WANewport, WANine Mile Falls, WA 1

North Ahtanum, WA 2

North Bend, WAOcean Park, WAOkanogan Chelan, WAOlalla, WAOlga, WAOlympia, WAOmak, WAOmak Rural, WAOmak Urban, WAOroville, WAOtis Orchards, WAPackwood, WAPateros, WA 1

Peshastin, WA 1

Pomeroy, WAPort Angeles, WAPort Hadlock, WAPort Orchard, WAPort Townsend, WAPoulsbo, WAQuilcene, WARandle, WARavensdale, WAReardan, WARepublic, WA 1

Reservation Road, WA 1, 2

Rice, WARidgefield, WARiverside, WARockford, WARoosevelt, WARoy, WASeabeck, WASelah, WASequim, WAShelton, WASilverdale, WASilverlake, WASkykomish, WASnoqualmie, WASpangle, WASpokane, WA 1

Springdale, WAStehekin, WA 1, 2

Stevenson, WASultan, WASuquamish, WATahuya, WAThorp, WATieton, WATonasket, WAToutle, WATumtum, WATwin Lakes, WATwisp, WA 1

Underwood, WAUnion, WA

Usk, WAValley, WAValleyford, WAVancouver, WAVeradale, WAWaitsburg, WAWashougal, WAWauconda, WAWellpinit, WA 2

Wenatchee, WA 1, 2

White Salmon, WAWinthrop, WA 1

Woodland, WAYacolt, WAYakima, WAYelm, WA


Alvin, WIArgonne, WIArmstrong Creek, WIBabcook, WIBarnes, WIBirch Hill, WIBlackwell, WIBlue Wing, WIBowler, WICamp Douglas, WICarter, WIClam Lake, WIClear Lake, WIClearwater Lake, WIConover, WICrooked Lake, WIDairyland, WIDanbury, WIDrummond, WIDry Town, WIEagle River, WIFence Lake, WIFinley, WIFort McCoy, WIFranks Field, WIGordon, WIGrand View, WIHayward, WIHiles, WIHorizon, WIIron River, WIKekoskee, WIKeshena, WI 1

Keshena, WILac du Flambeau, WILacCourte Oreilles Tribal Center, WILacdu, WILakewood, WILanglade, WILaona, WILong Lake, WIMeadow Valley, WIMiddle Village, WI 1

Minocqua, WIMission, WIMorgan, WIMountain, WINecedah, WINelma, WINeopit, WINewald, WI

Oakedale, WIPhelps, WIReserve, WIRiverside, WISand Pillow, WISouth Branch, WI 1

Sprague, WIThree Lakes, WITipper, WITownsend, WIValley Junction, WIWabeno, WIWest Branch, WIWoodruff, WI

West Virginia

Alpena, WVAlvon, WVAmboy, WVAnthony, WVArbovale, WVArden, WVAurora, WVAuto, WVBaker, WVBakerton, WVBallard, WVBartow, WVBeckwith, WVBemis, WVBismark, WVBlue Bend, WVBolair, WVBolivar, WVBowen, WVBoyer, WVBranchland, WVBrandywine, WVCabins, WVCamben on Gauley, WVCanvas, WVCass, WVCedar Grove, WVCheat Bridge, WVCherry Grove, WVCircleville, WVClarksburg, WVClear Fork, WVClearco, WVCloverlick, WVCoketon, WVCraigsville, WVCunard, WVCurtin, WVCyrus, WVDailey, WVDavis, WVDeep Water, WVDenmar, WVDorcas, WVDroop, WVDunlow, WVDunmore, WVDurbin, WVEast Bank, WVEast Lynn, WVEdray, WVEglon, WVEleanor, WV

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776 Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

Elgood, WVElkins, WVElkwater, WVElliton, WVErwin, WVEtam, WVFayetteville, WVFenwick, WVFlemington, WVFrank, WVFranklin, WVFriars, WVFrost, WVFt. Gay, WVFt. Seybert, WVGalloway, WVGassaway, WVGauley Bridge, WVGenoa, WVGilbert, WVGlady, WVGlasgow, WVGlen Ferris, WVGormania, WVGrafton, WVGreen Bank, WVHambleton, WVHandley, WVHarman, WVHarpers Ferry, WVHendricks, WVHenry Hill, WVHillsboro, WVHunterville, WVHuttonsville, WVJerryville, WVJob, WVJordan Run, WVJudy Gap, WVJustice, WVKeslers Cross Lane, WVKiahsville, WVKline, WVLandes Sutton, WVLavalette, WVLeivasy, WVLerona, WVLobelia, WVLondon, WVLost City, WVLost River, WVMace, WVMacomber, WVMammoth, WVMarlinton, WVMathias, WVMaxwelton, WVMelissa, WVMill Creek, WVMill Point, WVMingo, WVMinnehaha Springs, WVMonterville, WVMontrose, WVMoyers, WVMt. Nebo, WVNeola, WVNettie, WVNutter Fort, WV

Oak Flat, WVOnego, WVParsons Robson, WVPerry, WVPetersburg, WVPierce, WVPipestem, WVPratt, WVRadnor, WVRanger, WVRed Creek, WVRed House, WVRenick, WVRichwood, WVRiverton, WVSalt Rock, WVScherr, WVSeebert, WVSeneca Rocks, WVSheperdstown, WVSilver Lake, WVSimpson, WVSlatyfork, WVSnowshoe, WVSpring Creek, WVSt. George, WVStonewood, WVSugar Grove, WVSully, WVSummersville, WVThomas, WVThornwood, WVThurmond, WVUpper Tract, WVValley Bend, WVValley Head, WVWaiteville, WVWard, WVWardensville, WVWhite Sulpher Springs, WVWhitmer, WVWilson, WVWinfield, WVWolf Summit, WVWymer, WV


Albany, WYAlpine, WYAlta, WYAntelope Butte Ski Lodge, WYAspen HighlandsEstates, WYAtlantic City, WYBackcountry, WYBaker Canyon, WYBattle LakeSubdivision, WY 1

Beaver Creek, WY 2

Beaver Creek, Area, WYBig Block cabins, WYBig Goose Creek, WYBig Goose Creek, Work Center, WYBighorn Sum. Homes, WYBilly Creek, WYBilly Creek homes & cabins, WYBlack Buttes, WYBondurant, WYBoulder Ridge Estates, WY

Breakneck, WYBuckhorn, WYBurgess Junction Lodge, WY 1

Burgess Work Center, WY 1

Camp Grace, WYCanyon Creek Cabins #1, WYCanyon Creek Cabins #2, WYCanyon Creek County, WY 1

Canyon Junction, WYCasper Mountain, WYCedar Mountain, WYCentennial, WY 1

Clear Creek, WYColter Bay, WY 2

Community, WYCottonwood Acres, WY 1

Crandall, WYCrooked Creek, WY 1

Crystal Lake, WYCurt Gowdy, WYDayton, WYDeer Haven, WYDevils Tower, WYDevils Tower Visitor Center, WYDome Lake, WYDull Knife Reservoir, WYEast of Hunter Hwy 16, WYEast Upton, WYElk Ridge Estates, WYEsterbrook, WY 1

Ethete, WYFerguson Canyon, WYFontenelle, WYFort Washakie, WYFox Park, WY 1

Freedom, WYFrench Creek, WYGlendo State Park, WYGranite Springs, WYGrave Springs, WYGreen Creek Subdivision, WYGreybull River, WYGuernsey State Park, WYHarriman, WYHazelton, WYHazelton Area (East), WYHoback Ranches, WYHomestead Park Subdivision, WY 1

Hulett, WYHyatt Ranch Area, WYIndian Hills, WYJackson, WY 2

Jackson Lake Lodge, WYJY Ranch, WY 2

Keyhole, WYKeystone, WYKortes Dam Camp, WYLimestone Mountain Area, WYLittle Big Horn Cabins, WYLoop Road, WYMammoth, WYMeadowlark, WYMeadowlark Lake Complex, WYMiddle Fork Powder River, WYMoose Haven Subdivision, WYMountain Home, WYNew Haven, WYNewcastle, WYNorth Blacktail, WY

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777Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 3 / Thursday, January 4, 2001 / Notices

North Fork Shoshone River, WYOld Faithful, WYOsage, WY 1

Overlook Retreats, WYPainter Estates, WYParadise Guest Ranch, WYPark County, WYPine Bluffs, WYPine Creek Area on South Pass, WYPine Grove Estates, WYPomeroy Subdivision, WYPorcupine Ranger Station & Cabins WYPorcupine Shell Work Center, WY 1

Porcupine Subdivision, WYRattlesnake, WYRemount, WYResorts, WYRice Subdivision, WY 1

Rinkerlank Forest Subdivision, WYRound Hill Ranch, WYRyan Park, WY 1

Sage Valley, WYSage Valley Subdivision, WYSand Creek, WYSeminoe Reservoir Area, WYShadow Mountain, WY 1, 2

Shell Ranger Station & Cabins, WY 1

Signal Mountain, WY 1, 2

Sinks Canyon, WYSoda Butte, WYSouth Fork Shoshone River, WYSouth Pass City, WYStar Valley, WYStory, WYSundance, WYSunlight, WYSweetwater, WYTensleep-Special Use Area, WYTongue River, WYTyrell Work Center & Cabins, WY 2

Union Pass Area, WYUpper Wood River, WYUpton, WY 1

Urban Thermopolis, WYWapiti Subdivision, WY 1

Warm Springs, WYWarm Springs Mountain, WYWaywest Subdivision, WYWest Thumb, WYWhite Rock Estates, WYWigwam, WYWind River, WYWold Subdivision, WYWood River, WY 1

Woodedge, WY

[FR Doc. 01–52 Filed 1–3–01; 8:45 am]BILLING CODE 3410–11–M; 4310–70–M


Natural Resources ConservationService

Notice of Proposed Change to SectionIV of the Field Office Technical Guide(FOTG) of the Natural ResourcesConservation Service in Kentucky

AGENCY: Natural ResourcesConservation Service (NRCS) in

Kentucky, U.S. Department ofAgriculture.ACTION: Notice of availability ofproposed changes in Section IV of theFOTG of the NRCS in Kentucky forreview and comment.

SUMMARY: It is the intention of the NRCSin Kentucky to issue a revisedconservation practice standard for:Nutrient Management (Code 590).DATES: Comments will be received on orbefore February 5, 2001.FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:Inquire in writing to David G. Sawyer,State Conservationist, Natural ResourcesConservation Service (NRCS), 771Corporate Drive, Suite 110, Lexington,KY 40503–5479. Copies of the practicestandards are made available uponwritten request. Persons with Internetcapability may access the KentuckyNRCS homepage to obtain a copy of therevised 590 standard. The Internetaddress is http://www.ky.nrcs.usda.govand click on Standards andSpecifications.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section343 of the Federal AgricultureImprovement and Reform Act of 1996states that revisions made afterenactment of the law to NRCS StateTechnical Guides used to carry outhighly erodible land and wetlandprovisions of the law shall be madeavailable for public review andcomment. For the next 30 days theNRCS in Kentucky will receivecomments relative to the proposedchanges. Following that period adetermination will be made by theNRCS in Kentucky regarding depositionof those comments and a finaldetermination of change will be made.

Dated: December 20, 2000.David G. Sawyer,State Conservationist, Natural ResourcesConservation Service, Lexington, KY.[FR Doc. 01–138 Filed 1–3–01; 8:45 am]BILLING CODE 3410–16–M


Hearing on Allegations of VotingIrregularities in the PresidentialElection on November 7, 2000

AGENCY: Commission on Civil Rights.ACTION: Amended notice of hearings.

SUMMARY: Notice is hereby givenpursuant to the provisions of the CivilRights Commission Amendments Act of1994, Section 3, Public Law 103–419,108 Stat. 4338, as amended, and 45 CFR702.3., that public hearings before theU.S. Commission on Civil Rights will

commence on Thursday, January 11,2001, beginning at 9 a.m., in themorning in Tallahassee, FL, and onsubsequent days in Miami, FL,Jacksonville, FL, and Tampa, FL. TheJanuary 11 and 12, 2001, hearing willtake place at the Holiday Inn SelectHotel, 316 West Tennessee Street,Tallahassee, Florida 32301. The purposeof these hearings is to collectinformation within the jurisdiction ofthe Commission, under Public Law 98–183, Section 5(a)(1) and Section 5(a)(5),related particularly to allegations thateligible persons in Florida were deniedthe right to vote or to have their votesproperly counted in the election of thePresidential electors on November 7,2000.

The original notice for the hearingswas announced in the Federal Registeron Wednesday, December 13, 2000, FRDoc. 00–31904, Vol. 65, No. 2401, p.77850.

The Commission is authorized to holdhearings and to issue subpoenas for theproduction of documents and theattendance of witnesses pursuant to 45CFR 701.2. The Commission is anindependent bipartisan, fact findingagency authorized to study, collect, anddisseminate information, and toappraise the laws and policies of theFederal Government, and to study andcollect information with respect todiscrimination or denials of equalprotection of equal protection of thelaws under the Constitution because ofrace, color, religion, sex, age, disability,or national origin, or in theadministration of justice. TheCommission has broad authority toinvestigate allegations of votingirregularities even when alleged abusesdo not involve discrimination.

Hearing impaired persons who willattend the hearings and require theservices of a sign language interpreter,should contact Pamela Dunston,Administrative Services andClearinghouse Division at (202) 376–8105 (TDD (202) 376–8116), at least five(5) working days before the scheduleddate of the hearings.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: LesJin, Office of the Staff Director (202)376–7700.

Dated December 28, 2000.

Edward A. Hailes, Jr.,Acting General Counsel.[FR Doc. 01–142 Filed 1–3–01; 8:45 am]


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